TasWater, Blackmans Bay Sewage Treatment Plant - Appendix C - Sewage Treatment Plant Contingency Management Manual PDF

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Sewage treatment plant

Contingency Management Manual

The Contingency Management Manual (CMM):
• Aims to address Condition OP3 of the site Environment Protection Notice (EPN)
• Providequick reference of how to respond in case of unplanned events, not covered by
normal operations, that have the potential to impact beyond the normal sewage treatment
plant (STP) operating boundaries.
Note: for unplanned events associated with STP operations, refer to the Operations and
Maintenance Manual.

Issue date: 20 October 2015 Document no: IEM-MAN13 Page 1 of 4

Uncontrolled when printed Version no: 0.1
Incident and Emergency Management Plan (IEMP)
Whole of organisation emergency management process
covering prevention, preparation, response and recovery (PPRR)

Issue date: 20 October 2015

IEMP sub-plans STP Contingency Management Operations and
Manuals (CMM) Maintenance
How to use the document

PPRR plans for core

operational activities How to respond to an incident which has Manuals (O&Ms)
the potential to impact beyond operational How to operate the STP
boundaries and/or cause environmental harm
(EPA requirements)

Whole of Site response procedures Operational

organisation How to respond to a STP CMM incident response

Document no: IEM-MAN13

Uncontrolled when printed
specific response procedures
procedures How to respond
to a site specific Whole of
Scenario based organisation
response procedures operational
incident procedures

Site information sheet Site specific

work Generic work
Site contacts, triggers for incident
response and generator details instructions instructions

Version no: 0.1

Page 2 of 4
Types of incidents and response cards

Unplanned events have the potential to affect

STP operations and cause incidents beyond the
site operational boundaries. Incidents addressed
by the CMM site response procedures include:
• IEM-PRO03 – Excessive wet weather
e.g. maintenance hole overflow (for Mechanical STPs)

• IEM-PRO04 – Excessive wet weather

(for Lagoons STPs)

• IEM-PRO05 – Flood e.g. nearby river

flooding (for all STPs)

• IEM-PRO06 – Spill to water e.g. lagoon spill into

estuary (for all STPs)

• IEM-PRO07 – Spill to land e.g. lagoon spill onto

adjacent oval (for all STPs)

• IEM-PRO08 – Power failure e.g. storm

causes 24 hour outage (for Mechanical STPs)

• IEM-PRO09 – Power failure (for Lagoon STPs)

• IEM-PRO10 – Fire e.g. bushfire causes power outage

(for all STPs)

• IEM-PRO11 – Odour e.g. neighbour

complains of odour (for all STPs)

• IEM-PRO12 – Noise e.g. complaints about excessive

noise (for all STPs)

• IEM-PRO13 – Loss of disinfection

e.g. disinfection failure (for relevant STPs)

• IEM-PRO14 – Blue green algae (BGA)

e.g. cyanobacteria >5,000 cells/mL
Note: only for lagoon systems.

One of the above listed response procedures

and/or IEMP response procedure may be referred
to during an incident. These cards should be
kept on site.

Operational failures: refer to the Operation and

Maintenance Manual contingency management
Issue date: 20 October 2015 Document no: IEM-MAN13 Page 3 of 4
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First responder/operator Coordinator (Level 5)

1. Respond to prevent or control the incident. 4. Assess: review the situation to confirm the
Refer to site card and appropriate site incident level or potential level (Alert or Level
response cards 1, 2 or 3)

2. Assess the situation to determine the incident 5. Notify: the managers (Level 4 and Level 3) as
level or potential level per CMM site response cards

• Pre-incident Alert level: information

has 6. Command and control: set objectives and
been received indicating an incident is develop strategies and use them to instruct
imminent or may occur in the near future operators and first responders to prevent
further impact and control the incident
• Incident Level 1:
where local work teams
operate under normal supervision with 7. Manage and recover: to reduce impact when
some additional managerial and localised possible
support. The response team can effectively
cope with minor effect on TasWater, its 8. Improve: undertake post-incident
customers and the community investigation, report and recommend
improvement actions.
• Incident Level 2: can
be controlled at the site
level by an onsite commander, but may need
additional resourcing; and/or
multiple incidents that impact TasWater;
and/or emergency services are required;
and/or regulatory authorities give directions;
and/or the actual or potential impact on
TasWater, its customers, the community and
the environment is more widespread

• Incident Level 3: requires

external agency
to be the response management agency
and will require activation of the Strategic
Recovery Team to manage the broad range
of corporate and strategic issues that may
emerge from the event and is not addressed
directly by the CMM.

3. Notify the coordinator.

Issue date: 20 October 2015 Document no: IEM-MAN13 Page 4 of 4

Uncontrolled when printed Version no: 0.1
Excessive Wet Weather (Bypass)
Mechanical STP Response Procedure

ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Hazard has been identified from issues/observations opportunities for
Definition improvement/ non-optimal performance. Incorporate into regular
reporting – WATCHING BRIEF

Refer to Site Information Sheet for maximum inflow OR if flow alarm for
STP bypass sounds OR overflow.

Notify Notify Coordinator L5 Notify L4 Manager

Respond See over the page

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5) and L4 Manager

Impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public Health, The

Assess Refer to Site Information Sheet for maximum inflow.

Notify L4 Manager

L4 Manager to:
Notify the Coordinator L5
Notify Advise L3 Manager
Notify EPA 1800 005 171
Notify EHO, refer to Site Info
Respond See over the page

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5) and L4 Manager

Definition Significant impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public
Health, The Environment and/or has the potential to activate Incident
Level 3 – Emergency and offsite coordination
Assess High levels of bypass likely to result in uncontrolled discharge.
Discharges of volumes / strengths significantly greater than license
conditions. Refer to Site Info Sheet for discharge volumes.
Notify Notify L4 Manager ASAP

L4 Manager to:
Notify Coordinator L5 Notify EPA 1800 005 171
ASAP Notify EHO, refer to Site Info
Advise L3 Manager and
Incident Controller and
Communications Group.
Respond See over page

Trim Record No. 15/203269 Document No: IEM-PRO03 Page 1 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Excessive Wet Weather - Mechanical STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)
Check inlet screens and clear if
Check for overflow at upstream
maintenance holes and clear if
Visually monitor bypass at inlet tank. If
Log incident in
Respond bypass is going to overflow escalate
incident to Moderate.
Investigate issue and adjust operation
if necessary.
Refer to Site Info Sheet for O&M SOP.
Review plant performance and
operational parameters.

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Check inlet screens and clear if
necessary. Conduct
Check for overflow at upstream emergency
maintenance holes and clear if sampling as per
necessary. license or EPA /
Visually monitor bypass at inlet tank to DHHS / EHO
determine when sampling, due to instruction, if
overflow, is required. bypass is
Respond Assess other possible influences discharging to river.
(nearest pump stations, inlet, weather, Refer to Part 4
operational issues). IEMP.
Refer to Site Info Sheet for O&M SOP. Refer to IEMP
Review plant performance and Steps 2 to 6 as
operational parameters. appropriate.
Assess possible public health or Log incident in
environmental threat. IRIS.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Conduct emergency
Assess other possible influences sampling as per
(inlet, weather, operation) to license or EPA /
determine if overflow can be stopped. DHHS / EHO
Check for overflow at upstream instruction.
maintenance holes and clear if safe. Refer to Sewer
Review plant performance and Overflow Spill
operational parameters. Response
Monitor tank levels. If increasing refer Procedure (IEMP
to O&M. Part 3).
Assess possible public health or Refer to IEMP Part 4
environmental threat. and Steps 2 to 6 as
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3. appropriate.
Log incident in IRIS.

Trim Record No. 15/203269 Document No: IEM-PRO03 Page 2 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Excessive Wet Weather - Mechanical STP Response Procedure
Flood (Note: if threat from nearby river)
STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Hazard has been identified from issues/observations opportunities for

Definition improvement/ non-optimal performance. Incorporate into regular
reporting – WATCHING BRIEF
Small localised flood not exceeding boundary of building or land and not
contaminated with sewage.

Notify Notify Coordinator L5 Notify L4 Manager

Respond See over the page

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public Health, The

Localised flooding contaminated with sewage but contained within the

boundary of the plant.

Notify L4 Manager

L4 Manager to:
Notify the Coordinator L5
Notify Advise L3 Manager
Contact SES 132 500.
Notify EHO, re. nearby rec water
users and neighbours, refer to
Site Info Sheet.
Respond See over the page

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Definition Significant impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public
Health, The Environment and/or has the potential to activate Incident
Level 3 – Emergency and offsite coordination
Causing major flooding of plant; floodwater contamination; and spill of
contaminated floodwater from property.
Notify Notify L4 Manager ASAP

L4 Manager to:
Notify Coordinator L5 Advise L3 Manager
ASAP Contact SES 132 500.
Notify EHO, re. nearby rec water
users and neighbours, refer to
Site Information Sheet.
Respond See over page

Trim Record No. 15/203283 Document No: IEM-PRO05 Page 1 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Flood STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Channel water away from

STP and divert as much flow
Respond as possible.
Log incident in IRIS.
Identify obstacles to
drainage and remove if

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Channel water away from

STP if possible. Organise sampling through
Identify obstacles to laboratory as required by
Respond drainage and remove if license, EPA or EHO.
possible. Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 and
Monitor situation and Parts 2 to 4 as appropriate.
infrastructure integrity. Log incident in IRIS.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Prepare plant for potential

partial or full shut down.
Refer to Flood Response
Procedure (IEMP Part 3).
Refer to Stakeholder and
Monitor situation. Communications Support
Respond Evacuate as necessary. Plan (IEMP Part 4).
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3. Organise sampling through
laboratory as required by
license, EPA or EHO.
Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 and
Parts 2 to 4 as appropriate.
Log incident in IRIS.

Trim Record No. 15/203283 Document No: IEM-PRO05 Page 2 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Flood STP Response Procedure
Spill to Water
STP Response Procedure

ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Hazard has been identified from issues/observations opportunities for

Definition improvement/ non-optimal performance. Incorporate into regular
reporting – WATCHING BRIEF
Spills estimated at less than 1,000 Litres of untreated or partially treated
sewage. Deemed NOT to cause environmental nuisance.

Notify Notify Coordinator L5 Notify L4 Manager

Respond See over the page

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public Health, The

Spills estimated at greater than 1,000 Litres of untreated or partially

treated sewage OR spills deemed to cause environmental nuisance.

Notify L4 Manager
L4 Manager to:
Notify the Coordinator L5 Advise L3 Manager
ASAP Notify EPA 1800 005 171
Notify EHO, re recreational
water users, refer to Site
Information Sheet.
Respond See over the page

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Definition Significant impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public
Health, The Environment and/or has the potential to activate Incident
Level 3 – Emergency and offsite coordination
Assess Spills greater than 10,000 Litres untreated or partially treated sewage
OR spills deemed to cause environmental harm.
Notify Notify L4 Manager ASAP

L4 Manager to:
Notify EPA 1800 005 171
Notify Coordinator L5 Notify EHO, re recreational
ASAP water users, refer to Site
Information Sheet.
Advise L3 Manager and Incident
Controller and Communications
Respond See over page

Trim Record No. 15/203285 Document No: IEM-PRO06 Page 1 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Spill to Water STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Note spill location / volume /

strength / time of overflow.
If blockage is causing
overflow, remove blockage
if safe to do so.
Respond Capture and return spill Log incident in IRIS.
using spill kit or pump trucks
as appropriate. Refer to Site
Info Sheet.
Clean-up spill site where

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Note spill location / volume /
strength / time of overflow.
Post warning signage, if
required. Organise sampling through
If blockage is causing laboratory as required by
overflow, remove blockage license, EPA or EHO. Refer to
Respond if safe to do so. Site Info Sheet. (Project code in
Capture and return spill STARS).
using spill kit or pump trucks Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 and
as appropriate. Refer to Site Parts 2 to 4 as appropriate.
Info Sheet. Log incident in IRIS.
Clean-up spill site where
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Stop the source if possible

Organise sampling through
using bypass or stop valves
laboratory as required by
or isolating pumps.
license, EPA or EHO.
Note spill location / volume /
Organise repairs if necessary.
strength / time of overflow.
Refer to Sewer Overflow Spill
Post warning signage if
Response Procedure (IEMP
Respond required.
Part 3).
Capture and return spill
Refer to Stakeholder and
using spill kit or pump trucks
Communications Support
as appropriate. Refer to Site
Plan (IEMP Part 4).
Info Sheet.
Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 and
Clean-up spill site where
Parts 2 to 4 as appropriate.
Log incident in IRIS.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

Trim Record No. 15/203285 Document No: IEM-PRO06 Page 2 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Spill to Water STP Response Procedure
Spill to Land
STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)
Hazard has been identified from issues/observations opportunities for
Definition improvement/ non-optimal performance. Incorporate into regular
reporting – WATCHING BRIEF
Spills estimated at less than 1,000 Litres of untreated or partially treated
Assess sewage and contained on STP land and deemed NOT to cause
environmental nuisance, e.g. blocked inlet screen.
Notify Notify Coordinator L5 Notify L4 Manager
Respond See over the page

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public Health, The
Spills estimated at greater than 1,000 Litres of untreated or partially
Assess treated sewage OR spills less than 1,000 Litres discharging to
neighbouring land and deemed to cause environmental nuisance.
Notify L4 Manager
L4 Manager to:
Advise L3 Manager.
Notify the Coordinator Notify EPA 1800 005 171
Notify EHO, refer to Site Info Sheet
Contact DHHS 1800 671 738
Contact impacted landowners, refer
to Site Info Sheet.
Respond See over the page

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Significant impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public
Definition Health, The Environment and/or has the potential to activate Incident
Level 3 – Emergency and offsite coordination
Spills greater than 1,000 Litres of untreated or partially treated sewage
Assess and discharging to either STP or neighbouring land and deemed to
cause environmental nuisance or serious environmental harm.
Notify L4 Manager ASAP
L4 Manager to:
Advise L3 Manager and Incident
Notify Coordinator L5 Controller & Communications.
Notify Notify EPA 1800 005 171
Notify EHO, refer to Site Info Sheet
Contact DHHS 1800 671 738
Contact impacted landowners, refer
to Site Info Sheet.
Respond See over page

Trim Record No. 15/203286 Document No: IEM-PRO07 Page 1 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Spill to Land STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Note spill location / volume /

strength / time of overflow.
Capture and return spill
using spill kit or pump trucks
Respond as appropriate. Refer to Site
Log incident in IRIS.
Info Sheet.
Barricade area off with
appropriate signage.
Clean-up spill site where

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Note spill location / volume /

strength / time of overflow.
Capture and return spill
using spill kit or pump trucks
Organise sampling through
as appropriate. Refer to Site
laboratory if required by EHO.
Info Sheet.
Respond Refer to Site Info Sheet.
Barricade area off with
Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 and
appropriate signage.
Parts 2 to 4 as appropriate.
Clean-up spill site where
Log incident in IRIS.
Monitor until disinfection
procedure completed.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Identify and utilise bypass

stop valves, isolating pumps
or other interventions.
Organise sampling through
Note spill location / volume /
laboratory if required by EHO.
strength / time of overflow.
Refer to Site Info Sheet.
Capture and return spill
Organise repair or
using spill kit or pump trucks
Respond as appropriate. Refer to Site
Refer to Sewer Overflow Spill
Info Sheet.
Response Procedure (IEMP
Barricade area off with
Part 3) as appropriate.
appropriate signage.
Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 and
Clean-up spill site where
Parts 2 to 4 as appropriate.
Log incident in IRIS.
Monitor until disinfection
procedure completed.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

Trim Record No. 15/203286 Document No: IEM-PRO07 Page 2 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2016 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Spill to Land STP Response Procedure
Power Failure
Lagoon STP Response Procedure

ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Hazard has been identified from issues/observations opportunities for
Definition improvement/ non-optimal performance. Incorporate into regular
reporting – WATCHING BRIEF

Assess Less than 4 hours

Notify Notify Coordinator L5 Notify L4 Manager

Respond See over the page

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public Health, The

Assess Greater than 4 hours

Notify L4 Manager
Notify the Coordinator
L5 ASAP L4 Manager to:
Advise L3 Manager

Respond See over the page

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Definition Significant impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public
Health, The Environment and/or has the potential to activate Incident
Level 3 – Emergency and offsite coordination

Assess Extended hours – Greater than 24 hours.

Notify Notify L4 Manager ASAP

L4 Manager to:
Advise L3 Manager and Incident
Notify Coordinator L5 Controller and Communications
Notify EPA by email.
Contact DHHS 1800 671 738 and
EHO (refer to Site Info Sheet) if
samples have toxins ≥ alert levels.
Respond See over page

Trim Record No. 15/203290 Document No: IEM-PRO09 Page 1 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Power Failure - Lagoon STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)
Contact Tas Networks on 13 2004
for predicted length of power
Call TasWater Electrical team (BH)
or on-call electrician (AH) to get a
Respond suitable mobile generator on site
Log in IRIS
OR run plant in lagoon-only mode.
Refer to Site Info Sheet.
Check for overflow at upstream
maintenance hole(s).
Assess possible public health and
environmental threats.

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Call TasWater Electrical team or Ring TasNetworks 13

on-call electrician for suitable 2004 every hour for
mobile generator (refer to Site Info updates.
Sheet) OR run plant in lagoon-only Organise effluent
mode. sampling and analysis
Check for overflow at upstream through laboratory, if
Respond maintenance hole(s). required.
Review plant performance and Ring Coats Hire to hire
operational parameters. Refer to of diesel generator if
O&M manual. necessary.
Assess possible public health and Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to
environmental threats. 6 as appropriate.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3. Refer to IEMP Part 4.

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Ring Coats Hire to hire
Call TasWater Electrical team or
of diesel generator if
on-call electrician for suitable
mobile generator (refer to Site Info
Prepare plant for
Sheet) OR run in lagoon-only mode.
potential partial or full
Call pump trucks to transport to
shut down.
other available plant if power outage
Ring TasNetworks 13
is lengthy.
Respond 2004 every hour for
Check for overflow at upstream
maintenance hole(s).
Organise effluent
Review plant performance and
sampling and analysis
operational parameters. Refer to
through laboratory, if
O&M manual.
Assess possible public health and
Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to
environmental threats.
6 as appropriate.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.
Refer to IEMP Part 4.

Trim Record No. 15/203290 Document No: IEM-PRO09 Page 2 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/20165 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Power Failure - Lagoon STP Response Procedure
STP Response Procedure

ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)




MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public Health, The

Where fire is small contained and extinguished by staff on site OR fire

on surrounding land that may be potential threat to the STP.

Notify L4 Manager
Notify the Coordinator L5
ASAP L4 Manager to:
Call Tas Fire Service 000 if
Advise L3 Manager.
Report to Insurance Officer as

Respond See over the page

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Definition Significant impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public
Health, The Environment and/or has the potential to activate Incident
Level 3 – Emergency and offsite coordination
Assess Where fire is uncontained and not extinguished by staff on site OR fire
on surrounding land and a threat to the STP.
Notify L4 Manager ASAP

L4 Manager to:
Notify Coordinator L5 Advise L3 Manager and Incident
ASAP Controller and Communications
Call Tas Fire Service 000. Group
Notify EPA: 1800 005 171 if
plant shut down occurs.
Report to Insurance Officer as
Respond See over page

Trim Record No. 15/203291 Document No: IEM-PRO10 Page 1 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Fire STP Response Procedure
MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Activate Infrastructure Fire

Response Procedure (IEMP
Part 3) if appropriate
Activate fire evacuation and Activate Bushfire Response
response plan. Consider Procedure (IEMP Part 3) if
Respond evacuation. appropriate.
Monitor and observe. Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 as
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3. appropriate.
Report to Insurance Officer as
Report in IRIS.

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Activate Infrastructure Fire

Response Procedure (IEMP
Part 3) if appropriate.
Activate Bushfire Response
Procedure (IEMP Part 3) if
Activate fire evacuation and Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 as
Respond response plan. appropriate.
Monitor and observe. Report to Insurance Officer as
Report in IRIS including: list of
affected services; arrangements
for repairs/replacements; and
advise if plant will be out of
service for more than 24 hours.

Trim Record No. 15/203291 Document No: IEM-PRO10 Page 2 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Fire STP Response Procedure
STP Response Procedure

ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Hazard has been identified from issues/observations opportunities for

Definition improvement/ non-optimal performance. Incorporate into regular
reporting – WATCHING BRIEF

Assess Localised odour within plant boundaries.

Notify Notify Coordinator L5 Notify L4 Manager

Respond See over the page

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public Health, The

Localised impact beyond boundary of the land OR odour complaints

from one or more sources for one event.

Notify L4 Manager who will

L4 Manager to:

Notify the Coordinator L5 Advise L3 Manager

Notify Contact complainant to ensure
problem is rectified.
Notify EPA 1800 005 171
Refer to Site Info Sheet and
IEMP Part 4.
Respond See over the page

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Significant impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public
Definition Health, The Environment and/or has the potential to activate Incident
Level 3 – Emergency and offsite coordination
Assess Large scale or long term (greater than 1 day) odour issues.
Notify L4 Manager ASAP

L4 Manager to:
Notify Coordinator L5
Notify Advise L3 Manager and Incident
Controller and Communications
Notify EPA 1800 005 171

Respond See over page

Trim Record No. 15/203293 Document No: IEM-PRO11 Page 1 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2105 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Odour STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Identify source.
Check process and adjust
where necessary, if possible.
Respond Refer to Site Info Sheet for
Log incident in IRIS.
relevant O&M SOPs.
Rectify and communicate to
Log in daily log sheet.

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Identify source.
Check process, refer to
O&M Manual and adjust
Contact complainant to ensure
where necessary, if possible.
problem is rectified.
Respond Refer to Site Info Sheet for
Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 as
relevant O&M SOPs.
Rectify and communicate to
Log incident in IRIS.
Log in daily log sheet.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Identify source.
Check process and adjust
Refer to Stakeholder and
where necessary, if possible.
Communications Support
Refer to Site Info Sheet for
Respond Plan (IEMP Part 4).
relevant O&M SOPs.
Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 and
Rectify and communicate to
Parts 2 to 4 as appropriate.
Log incident in IRIS.
Log in daily log sheet.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

Trim Record No. 15/203293 Document No: IEM-PRO11 Page 2 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Odour SPT Response Procedure
STP Response Procedure

ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Hazard has been identified from issues/observations opportunities for

Definition improvement/ non-optimal performance. Incorporate into regular
reporting – WATCHING BRIEF
Loud noise within the boundary of the STP, i.e. Noise less than:
Assess  50dB between 8am and 6pm (daytime)
 45dB between 6pm and 10 pm (evening)
 40dB between 10pm and 8am (night time)
Notify Notify Coordinator L5 Notify L4 Manager

Respond See over the page

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public Health, The
Noise greater than specified limits (see above).
One or more complaints received over an extended period (2 days).

Notify L4 Manager
L4 Manager to:
Notify the Coordinator L5
Notify Advise L3 Manager
Communicate with
Notify EPA: 1800 005 171
Respond See over the page

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Definition Significant impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public
Health, The Environment and/or has the potential to activate Incident
Level 3 – Emergency and offsite coordination
Assess High level noise or ongoing continuous noise incident.
Multiple complaints received over an extended period (2 days).
Notify Notify L4 Manager ASAP
L4 Manager to:
Advise L3 Manager and
Notify Coordinator L5 Incident Controller and
Communications Group
Communicate with
Notify EPA: 1800 005 171
Respond See over page
Trim Record No. 15/203294 Document No: IEM-PRO12 Page 1 of 2
Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Noise STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Identify source.
Check process and adjust
Respond where necessary, if
Log incident in IRIS.
Rectify and communicate
to Coordinator.

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Identify source.
Check process and adjust Organise noise testing if not
where necessary, if able to fix issue immediately.
Respond possible. Log incident in IRIS.
Rectify and communicate Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 as
to Coordinator. appropriate.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Major investigation into

Check process, refer to Refer to Stakeholder and
O&M manual and adjust Communications Support
where necessary, if Plan (IEMP Part 4).
Respond possible. Organise noise testing ASAP.
Specify source sound Refer to IEMP Steps 2 to 6 and
damping mitigation, if Parts 2 to 4 as appropriate.
practical. Log incident in IRIS.
Rectify where possible.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

Trim Record No. 15/203294 Document No: IEM-PRO12 Page 2 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Noise STP Response Procedure
Loss of Disinfection
STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Hazard has been identified from issues/observations opportunities for

Definition improvement/ non-optimal performance. Incorporate into regular
reporting – WATCHING BRIEF
Thermotolerant coliforms (TC) greater than permit levels of 200
cfu/100ml but less than 1000 cfu/100 ml in freshwater environment.
Notify Notify Coordinator L5 Notify L4 Manager

Respond See over the page

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public Health, The

Thermotolerant coliforms (TC) greater than 1,000 cfu/100ml but less

than 10,000 cfu/100mL.

Notify L4 Manager
L4 Manager to:

Notify the Coordinator L5 Advise L3 Manager

Notify Notify EPA 1800 005 171
Notify EHO refer to Site Info
Notify Manager Wastewater
and Environment: 6345 6371
Respond See over the page

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Definition Significant impact on any of the following: Licence Performance, Public
Health, The Environment and/or has the potential to activate Incident
Level 3 – Emergency and offsite coordination
Assess Thermotolerant coliforms (TC) greater than 10,000 cfu/100ml.
Notify Notify L4 Manager ASAP

L4 Manager to:
Advise L3 Manager and
Notify Coordinator L5 Incident Controller and
Communications Group
Notify EPA: 1800 005 171
Notify Manager Wastewater
and Environment: 6345 6371
Respond See over page

Trim Record No. 15/203326 Document No: IEM-PRO13 Page 1 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Loss of Disinfection STP Response Procedure
ALERT – IRIS EVENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)
Check TC limit on Site Info Sheet.
Check disinfection and record
potential reason for non-compliance in
daily flow log if effluent is discharging
to the environment.
Note volumes / strengths / time of
Respond discharge. Log incident in IRIS.
Log any changes to plant operations
on the daily flow sheet.
Check processes.
Perform on site tests where available.
Identify and treat source contributing
to the loss of disinfection ASAP.

MINOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Check TC limit on Site Info Sheet.
Check disinfection and record
potential reason for non-compliance in
daily flow log if effluent is discharging
Monitor until
to environment.
Note volumes / strengths / time of
Refer to Loss of
Log any changes to plant operations
Respond on the daily flow sheet.
Procedure (IEMP
Check processes, and identify and Part 3) as
treat source contributing to the loss of appropriate.
disinfection ASAP. Refer to Site Info
Refer to IEMP Steps
Sheet for O&M references.
2 to 6 as appropriate.
Check filters and dosing system for
Log incident in IRIS.
blockages. Check and clean UV
reactor if necessary. Check lamps.
Adjust set points and test.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3.

MAJOR INCIDENT First Responder (Operator) Coordinator (L5)

Check TC limit on Site Info Sheet. Monitor until compliant
Discharge effluent to the Refer to Loss of
environment until retest confirms Disinfection
issue resolved. May bypass tertiary Response Procedure
treatment for repair. (IEMP Part 3) as
Note volumes / strengths / time of appropriate. Refer to
Respond discharge. IEMP Stakeholder and
Check processes, and identify and Communications
treat source contributing to the loss Support Plan (Part 4)
of disinfection ASAP. as appropriate.
Log any changes to plant Refer to IEMP Steps 2
operations on the daily flow sheet. to 6 as appropriate.
Refer to IEMP Steps 1 to 3. Log incident in IRIS.

Trim Record No. 15/203326 Document No: IEM-PRO13 Page 2 of 2

Issue Date: 16/10/2015 Uncontrolled when printed Version No: 0.1
Loss of Disinfection STP Response Procedure

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