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Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare

The two important families of Verona were Capulet and Montague. The
misunderstandings between the two families were so great and lasted for so long,
that it was not possible for a servant of the Capulet house to meet a servant of
the Montague house, without a quarrel arising from it. In the first act, the old
Lord Capulet organized a lavish dinner to which he invited many beautiful ladies
and many nobles. At this party, everyone was welcomed except for the Montague
However, Romeo, the son of the old Lord Montague goes to the party in
disguise to see Rosalinda, the woman he loved. Arriving at dinner, Romeo notices
a gorgeous woman whom he falls in love with on the spot. That same evening,
Juliet also falls in love with Romeo, although the two do not know their identities,
and later find out which families they belong to. In the second act, Romeo,
ignoring the danger, goes up to Juliet's room, where the two they plan to get
married secretly. The lovers were married the next day by Friar Laurence, one of
Romeo's friends.
In act three, following a conflict, Romeo kills Tybalt from the Capulet family,
as a result of which he was expelled from Verona by Prince Escalus. during this
time, Juliet's father decides that the time has come for her to marry Paris, even
deciding the date of the wedding. Juliet does not agree with her father's decision
and decides to commit suicide. In the fourth act, Friar Laurance offers Juliet a
potion to simulate her death. The girl decides to take the potion the night before
the wedding, so that she can be kidnapped by Romeo. That night, upon arriving in
Paris, the Capulet family discovers that Juliet has died, the wedding preparations
turning into funeral preparations. In the fifth act, Romeo heads to Verona to see
his beloved for the last time, he unaware of Juliet's plan.
After killing Paris, Romeo also takes the poison, kisses Juliet for the last time,
and then dies. Juliet wakes up after the effect of the potion wears off, but when
she sees that Romeo is dead, she kills herself too.

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