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Stress during the exam


Students experience burnout as a result of the stress of their academic

work or university examinations. Future physical and mental
impairments might result from this. What could educational institutions
do to relieve their students' weight and remove any doubts they may
have regarding their physical well-being?

Putting together an emotional backup is one strategy for keeping them

going. By doing this, teachers convey to their pupils that they are free
to express their worries, doubts, and potential outcomes. For instance,
learning about their role models' poor test experiences will lessen the
pupils' propensity for composure, serenity, and restraint.

Another approach that sounds quite plausible is for learners to organise

their schedule in a way to equally maintain work-life balance.
Participating in leisure activities not only enables us to relax after a
challenging period of studying, but also provides a means of recharging
our batteries in preparation for the work at hand. As a result, it is the
most convenient and cost-free method.

Therefore, even if the final strategy may appear doable, if used, it will
certainly be successful in the long term. I really believe that developing
a creative means of self-care can help students manage their academic
and personal life while helping them deal with stress.

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