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The Christmas Chronicles

1. What did Teddy get for Christmas 2008?

He got a bike.

2. What did family build in Christmas 2017?

The family built a snowman.

3. What did Kate and Teddy’s mum want for Christmas?

She wanted her children to get along.

4. Where does their mother work?

She works in hospital.

5. What did Kate see on camcorder video?

She saw Santa’s arm.

6. How did Kate persuade Teddy to make a video with her to catch Santa?

She said that she will give a camcorder video with his brother stealing a car.

7. What did they see floating above the street?

They saw Santa’s sligh.

8. Where do they both hide?

They hide in a larder.

9. What happens to Kate?

She gets into the Santa’s sligh and fells out of it.
10.What did Santa say was fake news?

That they go HO HO HO.

11.What did Wendy offer to help him out?

She offered her tips.

12. What did Santa want to trade Mickey Mantle card for?

Santa wanted to trade for a Porche car.

13.What does Teddy steal from the Valet stand?

He steals the car’s key.

14. What does Santa ask Kate to do?

He asks to find the deers.

15. How did Kate make a Comet fly?

She touched and merged Comet’s jingle bells.

16. What did Dave want for Christmas?

He wanted to get back his ex wife Lisa.

17. What happened when Kate pressed the „Play all“ botton?

All children started to express their wishes.

18. Whose letter does Kate start reading?

She starts reading her brother’s letter.

19. Who saves Teddy from the bad guys?

The elfs save Teddy from the bad guys.

20. Who calls Dave on Iris cell phone?

Lisa calls Dave on Iris phone.

21. What job was given to Teddy as a Santa’s helper?

Sligh driver’s job.

22. What language does Kate start speaking?

Kate starts speaking elfs’ language.

23. What did Kate get from Santa Claus?

She got a Christmas sweatshirt and a skateboard.

24. What did Teddy say to his dad?

He said: „I’m proud of you.“

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