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Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

Technical Paper

Empirical approaches to estimate the nonlinear dynamic responses

of earth-core rockfill dams subjected to earthquake ground motions
Arman Ghaemi ⇑, Jean-Marie Konrad
Department of Civil and Water Engineering, Laval University, Québec, Canada

Received 4 April 2021; received in revised form 28 December 2021; accepted 17 January 2022
Available online 23 February 2022


This study investigates three aspects of the dynamic response of earth-core rockfill dams (ECRDs) under earthquake loadings, includ-
ing induced shear strain, increased fundamental period, and shear modulus reduction. A database of the recorded ground motions of
ECRD cases in Japan is analyzed to carry out this study. The required response parameters as mentioned above are extracted by ana-
lyzing the acceleration time histories recorded at the dams’ crests and foundations. Subsequently, statistical analyses are performed to
achieve the objectives of this study. A graph is developed describing the change in the dam’s fundamental period with the induced shear
strain, and it is observed that the increase of the dam’s period is dependent on the increase in the shear strain levels. A relationship is
established to estimate the anticipated levels of shear strain from the intensity measure (IM) of the earthquake signals. In the proposed
predictive relationship, a new IM is used that can adequately characterize the severity of an earthquake. Finally, a curve and a range are
suggested for the average shear modulus degradation of the ECRD’s core materials. The presented empirical graphs and relationships in
this study are valuable tools to obtain an appropriate perception of dams’ nonlinear behaviour under strong earthquake excitations.
Ó 2021 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (

Keywords: Earth-core rockfill dams; Dynamic properties; Vibration; Natural period; Shear strain; Shear modulus; Intensity measure; Empirical; Eart-
hquake; Seismic

1. Introduction dam experiences a high response due to the amplified vibra-

tion when its natural period is close to the predominant
The dynamic response of a rockfill dam to an earth- period of a ground motion. This phenomenon is called res-
quake is influenced by various factors, including the earth- onance, and it has a decisive role in an earthquake’s dam-
quake’s severity, the dam’s dynamic characteristics, the age potential (Albano et al., 2015; Chakraborty et al., 2019;
dynamic properties of the materials, geometry, and water Dakoulas and Gazetas, 1985; Gazetas, 1987; Ghaemi,
reservoir level (Gazetas and Dakoulas, 1992; Pelecanos 2021; Ghaemi and Konrad, 2020; Kramer, 1996; Sarma
et al., 2016; Pelecanos et al., 2020; Russo et al., 2017; and Ambraseys, 1967; Uddin and Gazetas, 1995; Yaseri
Saberi et al., 2019b, 2019a, 2013; Sarma and Ambraseys, and Konrad, 2020).
1967; Sica and Russo, 2021; Yaseri and Konrad, 2020). Ghaemi and Konrad (2020) highlighted the significance
The natural vibration period is one of the characteristics of a dam’s first mode period on quantification of the sever-
that can highly affect a dam’s dynamic response. It is ity of an earthquake by using intensity measures (IM).
related to all the above-mentioned influential factors. The Accordingly, they proposed a new IM that accounts for
the resonance phenomenon in order to estimate the relative
crest settlement of concrete-faced rockfill dams (CFRDs).
⇑ Corresponding author.
They determined that the initial mode period is dominant
E-mail address: (A. Ghaemi).
0038-0806/Ó 2021 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

for a CFRD’s response, and that the maximum response Mejia and Seed, 1983), and in-situ field tests (e.g., forced
occurs at a nearly resonance condition. However, the seis- vibration/ambient vibration tests) (Abdel-Ghaffar and
mic performance of an earth core rockfill dam (ECRD) is Scott, 1981; Jafari and Davoodi, 2006). These methods
different from that of a CFRD, since their constituent are used to calculate the fundamental period at low strain
material compositions and zoning are dissimilar. CFRDs levels, where the shear modulus has its maximum value.
have an impervious concrete layer on the upstream face, In general, the increased period of a dam due to stiffness
resulting in a dry body dam (Saberi et al., 2018, 2019c; degradation (TN ) can be determined by two independent
Sherard and Cooke, 1987). In contrast, the body of an approaches: (a) performing a series of numerical simula-
ECRD is not completely dry, and some sections within tions, which requires using a constitutive model to capture
the body experience fully saturated conditions. Moreover, the nonlinear soil behaviour; and (b) using ground motion
ECRDs have a low-permeable core surrounded by rockfill signals recorded at the dam’s body, which may not be
materials. The core material is commonly clayey soil, which available for all dams.
is softer than the stiff rockfill body. Thus, the contrast in Recently, Chakraborty et al. (2019) proposed a numeri-
the stiffness between the core and the outer cohesionless cal method known as ‘sum of sines’ to calculate the strain-
rockfill layers impacts the dynamic response of an ECRD dependent natural frequency of earthen dams. In this tech-
and results in variations of the dam’s fundamental period nique, sinusoidal loads with varying frequency ranges and
under earthquake excitation (Park and Kishida, 2019; amplitudes are applied to the dam. Subsequently, the
Xenaki and Athanasopoulos, 2008). dam’s response is calculated by using the equivalent linear
The shear modulus (G) is an essential dynamic material approach incorporating a shear modulus reduction curve.
property representing the rigidity of a dam’s materials. This method has a high computational cost, as it requires
Depending on the severity of ground motions, G varies generating a numerical model of a dam and then applying
with regard to the induced levels of shear strain (c), and a series of cyclic sinusoidal loads. Therefore, the advance-
G decreases as c increases (Gazetas and Dakoulas, 1992; ment of empirical approaches to conveniently estimate
Park and Kishida, 2019; Vucetic and Dobry, 1991a). Sub- the induced shear strain and increased vibration period
sequently, the shear wave velocity (Vs ) of the dam’s mate- due to stiffness degradation is still challenging.
rials decreases, since it is directly associated with the This study mainly addresses the nonlinear seismic
reduction in G. Consequently, the dam’s fundamental per- responses of ECRDs, including the maximum shear strain
iod (TD ), which is inversely correlated to Vs , will then be at the dam’s body (cmax ), the increase in period or decrease
increased. Hence, the increase in TD is dependent on the in the frequency of the dam (TTDN ), and the shear modulus
increase in c, and higher strain levels show longer funda- reduction (G=Gmax ). A database consisting of the ground
mental periods (Chakraborty et al., 2019; Ohmachi and motions recorded at the body of 16 ECRDs located in
Tahara, 2011; Papadimitriou et al., 2014; Soda et al., Japan is analyzed. The data used for this study are col-
2012). Moreover, the pore water pressure could possibly lected from a strong motion database provided by the
build under cyclic loadings, since water exists in an Japan Commission on Large Dams (JCOLD, 2014). A
ECRD’s body (Gazetas and Dakoulas, 1992). The genera- methodology comprising various approaches is provided
tion of excess pore water pressure causes softening of the in order to obtain the required information from the earth-
core materials, which amplifies the nonlinearity effects quake signals at the dam’s crest and foundation. The shear
and ultimately increases the dam’s period (Gazetas and strain, shear wave velocities, fundamental period, increased
Dakoulas, 1992; Ohmachi and Tahara, 2011; Park and period, and shear modulus of each case are calculated using
Kishida, 2019; Pelecanos et al., 2016; Pelecanos et al., the proposed methodology, and based on the information
2020). Ohmachi and Taharz (2011) analyzed the recorded extracted from the earthquake records, the following objec-
ground motion at a clay core rockfill dam (i.e., the Ara- tives are achieved:
tozawa dam) during the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake
in 2008, and found that the dam’s period became longer, 1. Establishing a relationship between the TTDN ratio and the
about three times greater than the first mode period,
because of the considerable stiffness degradation of the
core’s material. Therefore, evaluating the mentioned 2. Developing a predictive relationship to estimate the
strain-dependent responses of an ECRD is vital for its amount of cmax from the ground motion IM. In the
dynamic performance analysis. developed relationship, a new IM is utilised that can
Different methods have been developed to determine the appropriately describe the severity of an earthquake to
natural vibration characteristics of a dam. Based on their damage in ECRDs.
3. Suggesting a curve and a range representative of average
computational complexity, these methods can be catego-
shear modulus reduction of the core materials of
rized as empirical methods (Sasaki et al., 2018), the simpli-
ECRDs (i.e., G=Gmax  cmax Þ
fied shear beam method (Ambraseys, 1960; Gazetas and
Dakoulas, 1992), modal numerical analysis using finite ele-
ment and finite difference methods (Chopra, 1967; Chugh, The current work is based on actual case histories,
2007; Ghaemi and Konrad, 2020; Makdisi et al., 1982; which makes it distinctive among other studies based on
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

numerical simulation results. The empirical relationships presents an overview of the analyses conducted and the
developed herein are useful tools for estimating dams’ non- approaches applied in the current study. It starts with col-
linear dynamic responses under strong earthquake lecting the accelerograms (i.e., acceleration time histories)
loadings. of rockfill dams from the extensive JCOLD database
(JCOLD, 2014). The accelerograms are corrected for base-
2. Methodology lines and filtered where applicable. Subsequently, the neces-
sary response parameters, including the dams’ maximum
Fig. 1 depicts the flowchart of the methodology pro- induced-shear strain, periods, shear wave velocities, and
posed to achieve the objectives of this study. This flowchart shear moduli, are calculated for each case.

Fig. 1. Flowchart of step-by-step procedures of the analyses conducted in this study.

A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

Fig. 2. Aratozawa dam cross-section (Touileb et al., 2018).

A well-documented dam is used to validate the crests and foundations (Fig. 3). The displacement–time his-
approaches employed in extracting the mentioned essential tory is the result of the filtered accelerograms’ double inte-
parameters. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the Aratozawa dam gration. The maximum displacement difference (dmax Þ
with a height of 74.4 m, is selected as a case study. The relative to dam height (HÞ is the cmax (Eq. (1) and Eq.
information for this dam from the literature provides an (2)). Historically, this concept has been identified as appar-
excellent opportunity to validate the proposed methodol- ent shear strain. Fig. 4-a depicts the calculated displace-
ogy. The calculation procedures are initially applied to ment time histories of the selected case study (Aratozawa
the accelerograms recorded during the Iwate-Miyagi Nair- dam). The calculated value of dmax is 0.14 m, which repre-
iku earthquake (i.e., case number 5 in Table 1). Subse- sents a 0.19% strain. Fig. 4-b presents the calculated time-
quently, the results are compared with those calculated varying shear strain. The cmax occurs almost 5 s after the
by other researchers (Ohmachi and Tahara, 2011; Soda beginning of the earthquake, and then gradually decreases
et al., 2012). The following sections discuss each step of over time. The obtained value of cmax perfectly matches
the methodology as well as the validation process. that indicated by previous studies (Ohmachi and Tahara,
2011; Soda et al., 2012).
2.1. Case history database of ECRDs dmax
c max ð%Þ ¼  100 ð1Þ
A database of 16 different ECRDs located in Japan that
contains their recorded earthquake motions and available dmax ¼ MaxðDisplacementð2Þ  Displacementð1ÞÞ ð2Þ
geometry information is presented in Table 1. The charac-
teristics in the collected database are as follows: 2.3. Calculation of increased vibration periods of the dams
(TN )
 The selected dams have a wide range of heights, from
27.5 m to 158 m. The TN is determined using a method known as the
 The earthquake signals were recorded at downhole sen- Ratio of Fourier Amplitude Spectrum (RFAS) (Hwang
sors installed at the dams’ crests and foundations. The et al., 2007). In this method, the Fourier Amplitude Spec-
sampling time intervals for the acceleration recordings trum (FAS) of the acceleration time series is initially calcu-
were similar for each pair of downhole sensors. lated by applying the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
 There are 98 horizontal (stream direction) acceleration function. Subsequently, the transfer function (TF) or spec-
time series components from 49 earthquake events. tral ratio is calculated by dividing the FAS obtained at the
 The earthquakes’ magnitudes range widely, from 3.3 to dam’s crest by that obtained at the foundation.
9. The type of magnitude is M J , and defined by Japan The TN is determined at the longest period correspond-
Meteorological Agency (Ito et al., 2004). ing to the highest amplitude in the TF spectrum. However,
 The epicentral distances range widely from 4 to 460 km. due to unexpected spikes in the TF spectrum, it is rather
challenging to find the TN with high accuracy. Hence, the
method proposed by Konno and Ohmachi (1998) is used
2.2. Calculation of maximum earthquake-induced shear to smooth the TF spectrum. The above procedures are
strains (cmax ) applied to the case dam, and the results are presented in
Fig. 5. This figure displays both smoothed and non-
The cmax of the studied dams are calculated from the dif- smoothed spectral ratios versus the periods in logarithmic
ference between the displacement time histories of the scales. As observed, the last two peaks occurred at the peri-
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

Table 1
Database of the ECRDs’ case histories.
Dam’s information Earthquake information
Name of dam Height (m) Crest length (m) No. Date Time Magnitude Epicentral Time step of acceleration
(M J ) distance data (s) (Crest &
(km) Foundation)
Aratozawa 74.4 413.7 1 1996-08-11 0.3:12 AM 6.1 25 0.01
2 1996-08-11 0.8:10 AM 5.8 20 0.01
3 1996-08-11 3:01:34 PM 4.9 19 0.01
4 2003-05-26 6:24:33 PM 7.1 69 0.01
5 2008-06-14 8:43:45 AM 7.2 16 0.01
6 2011-03-11 2:46:18 PM 9 195 0.01
7 2011-04-07 11:32:43 PM 7.2 120 0.01
Kassa 90 487 8 2011-03-12 3:59:16 AM 6.7 19 0.01
9 2007-07-16 10:13:23 AM 6.8 78 0.01
10 2004-10-23 5:56:00 PM 6.8 49 0.01
Kisenyama 91 255 11 1984-05-05 2:12:51 AM 4.7 16 0.01
12 1990-01-11 8:10:52 PM 5 25 0.005
13 1995-01-17 5:46:52 AM 7.3 82 0.005
14 2011-04-12 8:08:16 AM 6.4 460 0.005
Kuttari 27.5 220.1 15 1994-10-04 10:22:57 PM 8.2 389 0.01
16 2003-09-26 4:50:07 AM 8 181 0.01
17 2012-08-25 11:16:17 PM 6.1 93 0.01
Kuzumaru 51.7 220 18 2003-05-26 6:24:33 PM 7.1 96 0.01
19 2008-07-24 12:26:20 AM 6.8 14 0.01
20 2011-03-11 2:46:18 PM 9 222 0.01
Naramata 158 520 21 2004-10-23 5:56:00 PM 6.8 49 0.01
22 2004-10-23 6:34:06 PM 6.5 49 0.01
Oogaki 84.5 262 23 1987-02-06 10:16:15 PM 6.7 108 0.01
24 1987-04-07 9:40:43 AM 6.6 90 0.01
25 1987-04-23 5:13:23 AM 6.5 80 0.01
Oouchi 102 340 26 1994-12-18 8:07:34 PM 5.5 6 0.01
27 1994-12-18 9:51:57 PM 4.9 7 0.01
28 2011-03-11 2:46:18 PM 9 277 0.01
Sannnoukai 61.5 241.6 29 2003-05-26 6:24:33 PM 7.1 98 0.01
30 2011-03-11 2:46:18 PM 9 223 0.01
Shichikashuku 90 565 31 2005-08-16 11:46:26 AM 7.2 156 0.01
32 2011-03-11 2:46:18 PM 9 207 0.01
33 2011-04-07 11:32:43 PM 7.2 126 0.01
Tarumizu 43 256.5 34 1993-11-27 3:11:24 PM 5.8 61 0.01
35 2008-06-14 8:43:45 AM 7.2 177 0.01
36 2011-04-07 11:32:43 PM 7.2 94 0.01
Terauchi 83 420 37 2005-03-20 10:53:40 AM 7 61 0.01
38 2005-04-20 6:11:27 AM 5.8 49 0.01
39 2011-02-05 10:16:27 PM 3.3 4 0.01
Urushizawa 80 310 40 2008-06-14 8:43:45 AM 7.2 55 0.01
41 2011-03-11 2:46:18 PM 9 201 0.01
42 2011-04-07 11:32:43 PM 7.2 119 0.01
Zarigawa 45.5 270 43 1993-01-15 8:06:07 PM 7.5 236 0.01
44 1994-12-28 9:19:21 PM 7.6 330 0.01
45 2003-09-26 4:50:07 AM 8 247 0.01
Tadami 30 582.5 46 2004-10-23 5:56:00 PM 6.8 39 0.005
47 2004-10-23 6:11:57 PM 6 43 0.005
48 2004-10-27 10:40:50 AM 6.1 24 0.005
Takami 120 435 49 2003-09-26 4:50:07 AM 8 155 0.01

ods 0.65 s and 1.2 s. These values prove that the case dam cmax ¼ 0:19%) occurred at around 5 s after applying the
exhibits highly nonlinear behaviour under the imposed seis- ground motion. At this time, the ground motion has its
mic wave. highest intensity. Afterwards, the TN decreased to 0.65 s
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, which illustrate the time domain and as the intensity of motion began to decay. This is where
frequency domain, respectively, offer an interpretation of the second peak occurred, at around 8 s in the strain–time
the case dam’s seismic performance. The dam period history plot (Fig. 5). It can be noted that the dam’s nonlin-
increased up to 1.2 s when the maximum strain (i.e., ear behaviour changes as the intensity of motion changes
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

Fig. 3. Schematic calculation method for earthquake-induced shear strain (replotted from (Soda et al., 2012)).

(a) Foundation (b) Strain time-history

0.2 max Crest 0.2 Strain envelope
Displacement (m)

0.1 0.1

Strain (%)
0 0

-0.1 -0.1

-0.2 -0.2

-0.3 -0.3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 4. The obtained results for the selected case study (Aratozawa dam): a) displacement time histories; b) shear strain.

Fig. 5. Transfer function of the FAS of the Aratozawa dam’s foundation and crest during the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake.

over time. For better illustration, the Stockwell transform period of the time-histories recorded at the case dam. As
(Stockwell et al., 1996; Sundar, 2019) was adopted to calcu- observed, the propagated wave from foundation to crest
late the variations in the dam’s response in the time and fre- resonated significantly in the time period between 4 and
quency domains. Fig. 6 provides meaningful information 9 s, during which the dominant periods change from 1.2
about the amplitude distribution over time for any given to 0.65 s which is associated with the changes in the earth-
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

pair of accelerograms, one recorded at the dams’ founda-

tions and one recorded at the crests. To accomplish this
task, two methods, known as the Cross Correlation (CC)
method (Elgamal et al., 1995) and the Regression Line
Slope (RLS) method (Matthews et al., 1996; Rosyidi and
Yusoff, 2018; Zarrabi, 2006), are applied. Using these
methods, the apparent wave velocity is obtained. Accord-
ing to the locations of the earthquake recording stations
at the studied dams (see Fig. 3), it is assumed that the wave
propagation direction is perpendicular to the connection
line between the stations at the crest and foundation. Thus,
the actual vs is considered to be equal to the apparent wave
velocity (see (Elgamal et al., 1995)).
As previously mentioned, Vs decreases with changes in
the strain levels. Thus, the initial or maximum shear wave
velocity (Vsi ) and the degraded shear wave velocity due to
the materials’ nonlinearity effects (Vsn ) are defined for
low and high strain levels, respectively. It is important to
note that the CC method is used to calculate both Vsi
and Vsn , while the RLS method is applied to obtain the Vsn .

2.4.1. Cross-correlation method

From a signal-processing perspective, the CC of two
waveforms is a measure of their similarity in their
responses to time lags. This method calculates the shear
wave velocity from the time delay (DT), which is the travel
time for a wave propagated at the foundation to reach the
crest. DT is defined as the time lag where the two signals
have a maximum correlation. The CC method has been
successfully used to obtain the wave velocities for geotech-
nical structures (Elgamal et al., 1995; Kishida et al., 2018).
All of the calculation processes are conducted in
MATLAB. The CC method formula, considering two
acceleration time series of x (t) and y (t), is given in the fol-
Fig. 6. Stockwell transform of the acceleration time histories recorded at lowing equation:
the Aratozawa dam’s foundation and crest during the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi
Nairiku earthquake.
CCxy ðmÞ ¼ n¼0
xnþm yn ; m  0 ð3Þ

where CCxy ðmÞ is the cross-correlation,  denotes the

quake’s intensity and different levels of induced-shear complex conjugation, 1 < n < 1, and m ¼ 1; 2;    ;
strain. 2N  1. Note that the normalization of CCxy ðmÞ was also
accomplished. Further explanation of mathematical for-
2.4. Calculation of the shear wave velocity mulations can be found in MATLAB documentation
(Buck et al., 1997; Stoica and Moses, 2005). Considering
The shear wave velocity (Vs Þ is essential for the seismic the height of the dam (H) as the distance between the
analysis of geotechnical structures. Vs can be estimated two seismometers, the shear wave velocity is then expressed
using various methods, including experimental tests either as:
in the field or in the laboratory (e.g., (Campanella et al., H
1986; Karray et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2014; Robertson vs ¼ ð4Þ
et al., 1995; Stokoe and Woods, 1972)), surface wave prop-
agation techniques (e.g., (Foti, 2000; Heisey et al., 1982; To obtain the Vsi and Vsn , two windows with different
Karray et al., 2010; Parolai, 2009; Rosyidi and Yusoff, durations were considered in the acceleration time series.
2018; Tokeshi et al., 2013)), or analysis of the ground The time windows’ selection is based on the calculated
motions recorded at the studied structures (Ohmachi and transient strain time history for each of the studied dams.
Tahara, 2011). In this study, estimation of the Vs parame- Vsi and Vsn are obtained from the portion of a signal where
ter for the analyzed dams was carried out with data from a their corresponding shear strain levels are the minimum
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

0.5 10
Acceleration (m/s 2 )

Magnified time window-1 Magnified time window-2

0 0


-0.5 -10
1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Time (s) Time (s)

(1) (2) Foundation
Acceleration (m/s )


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(1) (2) Crest
Acceleration (m/s 2 )


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s)

1 5
Acceleration (m/s 2 )

Magnified time window-1 Magnified time window-2

0 0
1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 7. Selected time windows for the Aratozawa dam’s signals during the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake.

and maximum, respectively. The CC method is applied to

each window in order to calculate their respective wave
Fig. 7 shows the windows selected for the recorded
acceleration time series for the selected case study. The
sizes of the selected windows range from 1.5  3.2 s and
from 4  9 s, at which the cmax are about 0.0001% and
0.19%, respectively (see Fig. 7 and Fig. 4-b).
Fig. 8 illustrates the plots of the CCs versus the time lag
for both of the time windows. As indicated in Fig. 8-a, the
peak cross-correlation occurs when the time lag is 0.15 s.
Since the distance between the two sensors is 74.4 m, the
Vsi is quantified as being equal to 496 m/s. For the second
window (Fig. 8-b), the DT between the two seismographs is
0.33 s. Increases in DT value leads to a lower velocity, Vsn = Fig. 8. Cross-correlations and time lags of the selected time windows for
225 m/s. There is a good agreement between the estimation the case study: a) time window-1 (elastic-linear mode); b) time window-2
of the wave velocities in this study and those reported by (nonlinear mode).

A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

previous works (Ohmachi and Tahara, 2011; Soda et al.,

In order to obtain a rational value for Vsi , the calcula-
tion procedures mentioned above are applied to one or
more earthquake events available for each analyzed dam.
The average value is considered for use as the Vsi .

2.4.2. Regression line slope method

The RLS method uses the variation of the phase shift
between two signals by frequency in order to obtain the
wave velocity. In this method, the entire duration of the
signals is applied. In the first step, the Cross-Power Spec-
trum Density (CPSD) between each pair of earthquake
records is calculated. The CPSD is an array of complex
quantities that shows the distribution of power versus fre-
quency. It is defined as shown in Eq. (5), considering the Fig. 9. Phase lags versus frequencies for the Aratozawa dam during the
2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake.
waveforms of x and y. Further mathematical expressions
and the calculation process can be found in (Oppenheim
et al., 2001; Rabiner and Gold, 1975; Welch, 1967).
Using Eq. (9), the two-dimensional planar period of the
CPSDxy ðxÞ ¼ CCxy ðmÞejxm ð5Þ dam, TD1, is first calculated:

The phase angle of the CPSD refers to the phase differ- TD1 ¼ 2:61 ¼ 2:61 ð9Þ
ence angle (D£xy ðradianÞÞ between the two signals. The Vs Vsi
D£xy (radian) is then calculated from the CPSxy from Eq.
In Eq. (9), the Vsi , which was calculated in Section 2.4, is
used as the average shear wave velocity of the dam’s mate-
ImðCPSxy Þ rials. The three-dimensional fundamental period with con-
D£xy ¼ tan1 ð6Þ
ReðCPSxy Þ sideration of the canyon shape is then determined using
Fig. 10. In this figure, each graph represents the variation
where ImðCPSxy Þ and ReðCPSxy Þ respectively denote the of the dam’s period (TD1 TD
) versus the aspect ratio (L/H)
imaginary and real parts of the cross-power spectrum. for a specific canyon shape. The parameter L is the crest
Next, the calculated phase shift is unwrapped and plotted length. The wider the canyon, the longer the TD . For the
against the frequency (f (Hz)). The D£xy can be expressed cases with no information regarding canyon shape, the
as: curve that represents the average between the wide trape-
D£xy ¼ 2pfH=Vs ð7Þ zoidal and the narrow canyon is utilized (Ghaemi and
Konrad, 2020).
Lastly, using the slope of the linear regression line (S) The TD is determined from the existing empirical formu-
and the distance between the two seismographs (H), the lation suggested in (Sasaki et al., 2018) (Eq. (10)). From
wave velocity (Vsn ) can be defined as: comparison of the TD calculated from the two methods,
  the most reasonable values are selected.

Vsn ¼   ð8Þ
S  0:542
TD ¼  H  0:148 ð10Þ
In Fig. 9, the unwrapped D£xy values were plotted
against frequency for the studied case dam. A linear regres- As observed in Table 2, there is a slight discrepancy in
sion analysis was performed to find the slope (S) of the the TD values obtained from the two methods. It is noted
linear regression line. Substituting the calculated S (i.e., that TD can also be determined from the seismic records
S = -2.07) in Eq. (8), the Vsn is obtained as equal to of small earthquakes by using the RFAS method. Among
225.7 (m/s). The Vsn resulting from the RLS method is all of the cases, the periods of only two cases (i.e., Ara-
close to that calculated by the CC method. tozawa and Treauchiu) are calculated from the RFAS
method. As an example, the obtained TD for the Ara-
2.5. Calculation of the dam’s fundamental period (TD ) tozawa dam under earthquake number 3 (see Table 1) from
the RFAS method is 0.32 s. The Vsi for this dam is deter-
The TD for each studied dam is estimated by using the mined to be equal to 496 s (see Section 2.4). Using Eq.
approach proposed in (Gazetas and Dakoulas, 1992). This (9) and Fig. 10, the TD is then calculated as equal to
approach is principally based on the shear-beam theory. 0.35 s. It is seen that the TD resulting from both the RFAS
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

Fig. 10. Graphical estimation of canyon shape effects on the fundamental period of dams (Gazetas, 1987; Ghaemi and Konrad, 2020).

Table 2
Calculated values of TD for the studied cases.
No. Name of dam TD (s)
Shear beam-based method Empirical method RFAS method Selected
Eq. (9) and Fig. 10 (Gazetas and Dakoulas, 1992) Eq. (10) (Sasaki et al., 2018)
1 Aratozawa 0.35 0.40 0.32 0.32
2 Kassa 0.47 0.48 0.47
3 Kisenyama 0.38 0.51 0.38
4 Kuttari 0.12 0.15 0.15
5 Kuzumaru 0.26 0.28 0.26
6 Naramata 0.71 0.85 0.71
7 Oogaki 0.42 0.46 0.42
8 Oouchi 0.48 0.55 0.48
9 Sannnoukai 0.29 0.33 0.29
10 Shichikashuku 0.37 0.49 0.37
11 Tarumizu 0.21 0.23 0.21
12 Terauchi 0.40 0.45 0.39 0.39
13 Urushizawa 0.38 0.43 0.38
14 Zarigawa 0.20 0.24 0.24
15 Tadami 0.22 0.16 0.22
16 Takami 0.45 0.65 0.45

and shear beam-based formulations are in good agreement. the larger the cmax gets, the smaller the TTDN becomes. The
This is evidence showing that considering Vsi in Eq. (9) pro- declining trend observed in this graph represents the
vides a good estimation of a dam’s fundamental period. increase of TN or decrease in the dam’s natural frequency,
since the period is a reciprocal of the frequency.
TD Nonlinear regression analysis is performed to fit a curve
3. Relationship between cmax and TN to the whole dataset. The derived mathematical relation-
ship Eq. (11) is based on the Ramberg-Osgood regression
Fig. 11-a illustrates the ratio of the fundamental period
model (Ramberg and Osgood, 1943):
to the increased period versus the maximum induced strain
level for all analyzed cases. This graph displays the clus-  
TN TD cmax r1
tered data points by the name of each studied dam. The 
 1 ¼ a  ð11Þ
data distribution has a nonlinear downward tendency; TD T N cr 
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

the period. The decreasing rate of the curve becomes more

significant as cmax increases. This behaviour is attributed to
the material’s nonlinear behaviour under cyclic loadings.
Stronger earthquakes result in a more significant strain that
leads to a more considerable stiffness degradation. Subse-
quently, the dam’s period-increase rate is intensified, which
in turn amplifies the decrease of TTDN . The above interpreta-
tion is consistent with that observed by previous scholars
(Boulanger et al., 1995; Chakraborty et al., 2019; Mejia
and Seed, 1983).

4. Relationship between ground motion intensity measure

(IM) and cmax

In this section, a relationship is established to estimate

the earthquake-induced shear strain of ECRDs from a
ground motion IM. It is important to use an IM that is
capable of capturing the severity of a seismic wave to
induce shear strain on dams. Peak amplitudes of earth-
quake time histories, including PGA, peak ground velocity
(PGV) and peak ground displacement (PGD), are com-
monly used IMs; however, these IMs reflect only a single
cycle’s amplitudes and do not consider the influence of
the earthquake period on the dam’s dynamic response
(Ghaemi and Konrad, 2020; Sarma and Ambraseys, 1967).
Nowadays, spectral-based IMs are frequently used as
efficient alternative IMs for peak amplitude parameters.
These types of IMs are calculated from the response spec-
trum of an earthquake record. The response spectrum plots
the peak response of a series of SDOFs (single degree of
freedom systems) under seismic excitation against their
natural periods. The response is calculated for a given
damping ratio and can be demonstrated in the forms of
acceleration, velocity, and displacement (Chopra, 1967;
Kramer, 1996). From the spectrum plots, the response of
any structure (e.g., dams) can be approximately evaluated
based on its natural vibration period. The spectral-
Fig. 11. Relationship between TD/TN and cmax : a) scatterplot; b) best- pseudo acceleration value at the structure’s fundamental
fitted line and defined bounds. period (PSa ðTD Þ) is a widely used IM. Although PSa ðTD Þ
considers the vibration period characteristics of both dams
and earthquakes, it is not ideal for ECRDs, as their periods
In this equation, the regression coefficients a, r, and cr increase due to the degradation of their rigidity. This issue
are calculated as equal to 1.746, 2.0174, and 0.05, respec- can significantly impact the dam’s response, since the spec-
tively. The reference strain, cr , is considered as the strain tral shapes of the ground motions are not the same.
level when TTDN = 0.5. The standard deviation (SD) for the In order to overcome the mentioned limitations of
log-transformed data is 0.22. PSa ðTD Þ, many researchers have suggested considering
Fig. 11-b depicts the prediction curve of the proposed the acceleration values at multiple natural periods for var-
relationship along with its confidence interval (plus and ious types of structures, particularly buildings (e.g., (Biasio,
minus one SD). As observed, the fitted curve and defined 2014; Eads et al., 2015; Kadas et al., 2011; Mehanny and
interval are well matched to most of the data points. In a Cordova, 2004; Zhou et al., 2012)) and concrete gravity
semi-logarithmic space, the shape of the proposed curve dams (e.g., (Hariri-Ardebili and Saouma, 2016)). In this
is analogous to the shear modulus degradation curve, since study, an IM called Mean Spectral Pseudo Acceleration
both are dependent on the induced strain level, and starts M. PSa ðTÞ is suggested for ECRDs. The suggested IM rep-
to decrease when the TTDN ratio has its maximum value at a resents the average of acceleration values at all natural
small strain, where there is no nonlinearity effect to increase periods, as indicated in Eq. (12).

A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

1X n
M:PSa ðTÞ ¼ PSa ðT; n ¼ 5%Þ ð12Þ
n i¼1

In this equation, i and n are the defined period intervals

for the response spectra, equal to 0 to 4 s, respectively. In
this range, the response spectrum is discretized at 0.1-
period steps. M:PSa ðTÞ covers the effects of all amplitudes
in both the high and low acceleration regions of a response
spectrum, and hence it is a more efficient IM for ECRDs
than single-period spectral-based IMs such as PSa ðTD Þ.
Fig. 12 shows the scatterplot of the M:PSa ðTÞ versus
cmax calculated for the analyzed case histories. The pattern
of the distributed data follows an incremental trend in log-
arithmic space. A regression analysis is carried out to fit a
power-style equation to the data set (Eq. (13)).
cmax ¼ a :ðM:PSa ðTÞÞb ð13Þ
This equation is expressed in a linear form by taking the
natural logarithm of both sides, as given in Eq. (14):
 0 0 Fig. 13. Comparison of the estimated cmax from the newly developed
Lnðcmax Þ ¼ Ln a þ b :LnðM:PSa ðTÞÞ ð14Þ relationships and the actual cmax for all the analyzed case histories.
0 0
In Eqs. (13) and (14), the coefficients a and b are equal
to 0.0428 and 1.032, respectively. The standard deviation pared data. As observed, there is a good agreement
of the proposed relationship (Eq. (14)) is 0.59. between the estimated and observed values, and most of
Fig. 12 shows the log-transformed data and the predic- the data points are close to the identity line. The calculated
tion lines of the proposed formulation. It is observed that values of R2 and RMSE are 0.82 and 0.012, respectively.
the prediction lines are well-fitted to the data points. An The presented results confirm the efficiency and the correct-
ascending trend is evident, indicating that the shear strain ness of the proposed relationship.
increases as the proposed IM increases. Therefore,
M:PSa ðTÞ is well-correlated to cmax and appropriately 5. Shear modulus reduction curve (G=Gmax -cmax )
expresses the intensity level of the input ground motions.
In order to verify the predictive ability of the proposed The extracted dynamic properties for the studied case
relationship, the estimated and actual values of cmax for histories provided the opportunity to develop a set of mod-
each case are plotted in Fig. 13. Two statistical metrics, ulus curves for an ECRD’s core materials. The required
including the coefficient of determination (R2 ) and the root parameters are cmax , maximum shear modulus (Gmax Þ,
mean square error (RMSE), are calculated using the com- and decreased shear modulus (G) for a given cmax . Except

Fig. 12. Scatterplot of M:PSa ðTÞ versus cmax along with the prediction lines of Eq. (14) in natural logarithmic scales.
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

for the cmax values that were already computed in Sec- where a and r are regression coefficients and cr is the ref-
tion 2.2, G and Gmax were calculated as follows: erence strain. cr defines the maximum curvature of the fit-
ted curve. It is considered as the strain level corresponding
G ¼ qVsn 2 ð15Þ
to GGmax ¼ 0:5. A detailed explanation of the computational
Gmax ¼ qVsi 2
ð16Þ procedures for the model’s regression coefficients can be
In Eqs. (15) and (16), q is the unit density of the dam found in (Ueng and Chen, 1992).
material; however, q will be omitted when the modulus
reduction ratio (GGmax ) is calculated, and subsequently, the 5.1.1. Modulus curve for two existing ECRDs
changes in GGmax are associated with the changes in the calcu- Among all the dams in the compiled database, the Ara-
lated Vs , which is based on the travelling time of the waves tozawa and Kisenyama dams are the only ones with suffi-
between two recording stations and their distance apart. As cient data to fit a curve. The fitting procedure is first
indicated in Section 2.4, the recording station at the dam’s applied to the data for the Aratozawa dam. Fig. 14 pre-
foundation is located underneath the core at the dam’s cen- sents the fitted curve for the Aratozawa dam (i.e., solid
terline, and is vertically connected to the recording station red line) as well as the previously developed curves by
at the dam’s crest. It is assumed that the wave at the foun- (Ohmachi and Tahara, 2011; Soda et al., 2012). The new
dation propagates upward along the core zones to reach curve for the Aratozawa dam is well fitted with all of the
the crest, and as such, the decrease in the calculated wave data points, and passes through them. This curve is almost
velocity is mostly influenced by the core materials. There- identical to the existing curves in the literature. There is a
fore, the modulus reduction curves in this section are sug- negligible difference among the compared curves, which
gested for the cores of dams, given the wave propagation can be interpreted as being due to: (a) differences in the
direction and comparison with the available curve for the applied regression models; and (b) differences in the num-
core material that will be discussed in the following bers of data used in each study.
sections. Similarly, a modulus curve is developed for the Kise-
nyama dam, as indicated in Fig. 14-b. The proposed curve
5.1. Curve fitting is well-matched to the data available for this dam. The sta-
tistical parameters of the fitted curves for both dams are
The Ramberg and Osgood (1943) regression model is presented in Table 3.
applied for fitting a curve to the distributed data. This
model has been frequently used for geotechnical problems (a) Average modulus reduction curve for all data
(e.g., (Papadimitriou et al., 2014; Park and Kishida, 2019;
Soda et al., 2012; Ueng and Chen, 1992)). The basic formu- Fig. 15-a presents the scatterplot of the G=Gmax ratio
lation is given in Eq. (17) (Ueng and Chen, 1992): versus the cmax for the whole dataset. In this figure, the
  solid red curve is the best-fitted curve resulted from the
Gmax  Gc r1
 1 ¼ a  ð17Þ regression analysis using Eq. (17). The regression parame-
G Gmax cr  ters are indicated in Table 3. The suggested curve repre-

Fig. 14. Fitted shear modulus curves for the existing dams with sufficient data: a) Aratozawa dam; b) Kisenyama dam.
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

Table 3
Statistical parameters for the fitted shear modulus curves using the Ramberg-Osgood regression model.
Names of considered dams Fitted curves’ regression coefficients
a r cr SD (for log-transformed data)
Aratozawa 1.55 3.005 0.0177 0.10
Kisenyama 59.98 3.620 0.0177 0.91
All studied dams (Average curve) 2.08 2.503 0.0145 0.39

sents the average degradation of the G=Gmax for the cores sity, plasticity index, void ratio, and mean effective stress
of the analyzed dams. The reduction tendency of G=Gmax is are some essential factors that can influence the G=Gmax
slow at low strain levels (cmax 103 %) and becomes signif- (Vucetic and Dobry, 1991b; Zhang et al., 2005); thus, a
icant at larger cmax , where the materials’ nonlinearity effects range is determined considering the  one standard devia-
become of importance. The data distribution reveals some tion of the fitted curves (see Figure 15). The suggested
degree of scattering related to the difference in the analyzed range is well-defined and covers most of the data points,
dams’ unknown core materials’ properties. Soil types, den- despite small outliers.

5.2. Comparison of the proposed curves with the literature

This section compares the curves proposed herein with

those available in the literature for ECRDs. The considered
curves, for comparison, are: (a) an available curve for
ECRD core materials obtained from laboratory tests
(Park and Kishida, 2019); (b) a curve for the Changheba
dam based on empirical models developed by Cao et al.,
(2010); (c) proposed curves for the Aratozawa and Kise-
nyama dams from the recorded ground motions; and (d)
proposed average curve in the current study. In Fig. 16,
these curves are plotted along with the data points and
the defined bounds (gray shaded area). It should be noted
that Changheba dam is an ECRD located in China, and its
curve is used in this section just for comparison purposes.
The comparison results are summarized as follows:

 The curves of the Changheba and Aratozawa dams are

close to the suggested average curve.
 The proposed curve for the Kisenyama dam lies below
the average curve near the lower bound.
 Except for the laboratory curve, the rest of the curves
effectively fall within the defined range.
 The laboratory curve falls above the defined range.

The difference between the laboratory curve and the

others begins when cmax
3  103 % and becomes more
significant as cmax increases. The observed difference is
related to the difference in the laboratory test conditions
and the actual cores of the dams during earthquakes. The
laboratory curve resulted from resonant column tests on
various specimens of the core materials of ECRDs under
drained conditions (Park and Kishida, 2019), while in real-
ity, water exists in an ECRD so that most parts of the core
area are in a fully saturated condition. Thus, excess pore
water pressure could possibly be generated during strong
shakes. As previously noted, the generation of excess pore
Fig. 15. Average modulus curve (G=Gmax -cmax ) fitted to all the studied water pressure affects the materials’ nonlinearity, which can
ECRDs’ materials: a) scatterplots clustered with the names of analyzed intensify the stiffness degradation process (Boutonnier and
dams; and b) area of the defined bounds for the proposed average curve. Mahmutovic, 2018; Fry et al., 2018; Vucetic and Dobry,
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

overestimated by the laboratory curve, while being reason-

ably predicted by the proposed average curve. Therefore, it
can be noted that the excess pore water pressure can affect
the overall nonlinear behaviour of the core, which has been
indirectly considered in the average curve proposed herein.
Comparison illustrates that the G=Gmax curves differ for
each dam, and this highlights the importance of the poten-
tial influence of the dam-dependent characteristics on their
stiffness degradation behaviour; however, the proposed
range based on the in-situ G=Gmax data reasonably covers
most of the curves used in the comparisons. The graphs
given in this section can be used for comparison purposes
to create a new modulus reduction curve. They can be
improved by having more data and information for the
influential factors. Further research is suggested in order
to verify the applicability of the proposed average curve
in the dynamic analysis of an ECRD.

6. An example application of the proposed relationships

Fig. 16. Comparison of curves in the literature and the curves developed
in the current study for shear modulus reduction of the core materials of
This section presents an example case study to illustrate
ECRDs. the procedures for application of the proposed relation-
ships. The selected case is the Surikamigawa dam, with a
105 m height and 718.2 m crest length (Fig. 17). The March
1991a). For better illustration, the Aratozawa dam’s per- 2011 earthquake shook this dam with a large magnitude of
formance under the 7.2 magnitude Miyagi earthquake 9. The dam was well-instrumented at the time of the earth-
(case 5 in Table 1) is evaluated. As reported in previous quake. The accelerograms were recorded at the stations
works (Fry et al., 2018; Ohmachi and Tahara, 2011), this located at the dam’s foundation and crest.
dam experienced a high strain level that led to significant First, the methodology proposed in Section 2 is
stiffness degradation and high pore water pressure. As applied to the recorded earthquake signals in order to
shown in Fig. 16, the G=Gmax for the Aratozawa dam is compute the required parameters. The procedures and

Fig. 17. Surikamigawa dam cross-section, topographic, plan and downstream view, reproduced from Yamaguchi et al., (2012) and
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

Fig. 18. Calculation of the required parameters by applying the methodology proposed in Section 2 to the accelerograms recorded at the Surikamigawa
dam during the March 2011 earthquake in Japan.

extracted information are presented in detail in Fig. 18 calculation procedure is visualized in Fig. 19. As observed,
and Table 4. the actual and estimated values of cmax , TD =TN , and
Subsequently, the seismic response of the case dam in G=Gmax are compatible. These observations prove the
terms of cmax , TD =TN , and G=Gmax are estimated by apply- capabilities of the developed relationships to reasonably
ing the approaches proposed herein. The step-by-step predict the earthquake response of ECRDs.

Table 4
Calculated parameters from accelerograms at Surikamigawa dam during March 2011 earthquake.
Response parameters Actual values extracted from recorded acceleration time histories
Vsi (m/s) 525
Vsn (m/s) 308
TN (s) 0.8
TD (s) (using Eq. (9) and Fig. 10) 0.47
TN 0.59
G=Gmax 0.33
cmax (%) 0.041

A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

1- Calculation of max
Using either Figure-12 or Eq.13

Actual max = 0.041%
-2 Mean+SD
Estimated max = e = 0.0417%
) [%]

-4 Mean-SD

Ln (



-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Ln (M.PSa (T)) [m/s ]

Having max
= 0.0417%
2- Determination of T D/TN (Figure -11) 3- Determination of G/Gmax (Figure -15)

1 1
0.9 0.9 Mean
0.8 Mean-SD 0.8 Mean+SD
0.7 Actual 0.7

0.6 0.6
G/G max

0.5 0.5
Estimated Actual
0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 Estimated

0.1 0.1

0 0
10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1
(%) max

Fig. 19. Calculation process of the proposed empirical relationships to estimate the response of the Surikamigawa dam during the magnitude 9 Japan
earthquake in 2011.

7. Conclusion and earthquake-induced shear strain (cmax ). As well, a

study on the shear modulus degradation with regard to
This study analyzes the earthquake signals recorded at cmax is carried out. A methodology is proposed that
sixteen earth-core rockfill dams (ECRDs) during forty- includes various approaches to extracting the required
nine earthquake events. The ground motions are obtained information from acceleration time histories. In this
from an extensive database provided by the JCOLD. The methodology, the cmax is calculated from the differences
main goals of this work are to develop empirical relation- between the displacement time histories calculated at the
ships to estimate the nonlinear responses of ECRDs in crests and foundations of the studied dams. The TN is
terms of the increased vibration period of a dam (TN ) determined using the RFAS (Ratio of Fourier Amplitude
A. Ghaemi, J.-M. Konrad Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101106

Spectrum) method. The initial wave velocity (Vsi Þ at a low Acknowledgments

strain level (specific time window of a signal) is calculated
using the CC (Cross-Correlation) method. The decreased The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial sup-
shear wave velocity Vsn , as the result of materials’ nonlin- port provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
earity effects, is computed using both the CC and RLS Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and their industrial
(Regression Line Slope) methods. Afterwards, the maxi- partners, Hydro-Québec, Klohn Crippen Berger, SNC-
mum shear modulus (Gmax ) and degraded shear modulus Lavalin, Golder Associates, Contec, Hatch, WSP, and
(G) are determined by using the calculated Vsi and Vsn , Qualitas. The authors also express their appreciation to
respectively. The analyses and the conclusions are summa- the Japan Commission on Large Dams (JCOLD) for pro-
rized as follows: viding an outstanding database of earthquakes recorded at
the bodies of dams.
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