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The Snow Girls is a novel which was published by Javier Castillo in March 2020.

He is an
thrillers writer, and this book in one of them. This history happened in New York for
thanksgiving parade in 1998, but the history will finish in 2008.

Kiera Templeton is the main character; she is three years old when the history starts.
She was in the parade with her parents, and in that moment she disappeared. Her
parents were looking for around all city but nothing. Five years later, the kiera´s
birthday, her parents received a video where they could see their soon. So, they
continued to investigate. Futhermore Miren, who was a journalist, helped. She didn´t
know her, but she wanted do justice because she had been raped and the police didn´t
do anything. Finally, they found to Kiera. And she had been raped by a woman who
couldn´t have children.

One of the most interesting things of this book is the passage of time. In all history the
author does a lot of feedback, and it brings more intrigue. I don´t have anything
criticism I think it is perfect.

I recommend this history for all people, even though if you don´t like read, as is my
case. It is very easy to read and fast as a result it isn´t boring. Moreover it talks about
interesting topics in our life that we don´t know enough.

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