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EXCERSICE: Complete the following paragraph

with too, also, or as well.

What a busy day I had today! Immediately after breakfast I left the house to
do errands around town. My husband, who________ had the morning free,
came ____. First, we had to go to the bank. I decided to open a new bank
account and my husband did, _____. After that, we went to the Town Hall.
We had to apply for residence in Monza and we _______ had to fill out a
form for paying taxes on trash removal. We ______ went to the Courthouse
of Neza. Actually, there are two, so we went to the first one and the second
one _______. And oh, I almost forgot, we went to the police station
_______! You can imagine that by lunchtime, after all that walking, I was
very hungry and ate a big plate of spaghetti, a plate of salad, and a glass of
fresh orange juice _______.

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