TKAMB Vocabulary List #1

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To which system do the ovaries and testes belong ?

reproductive system
Hormones are produced by ovaries? Progesterone estrogen
Hormones are released by the pituitary gland ? LH FSH
Stimulates sperm production Testosterone
Cause lining of uterus to grow?
Stimulate the release of the ovule? LH
The lining of the uterus from 14-28 days/ Progesterone
Egg to mature in the ovary FSH

Pituitary gland releases Fsh

In the ovary a fallicle grows and matures t
Ovary produces estrogen to stimulate repair & grows of endometrium
Small surge In FSH and Sudden Surge in LH to release egg.
LH triggers the formation of the corpus luteum (yellow body)
Corpus luteum produces progesterone thickens the endometrium
No successful implantation it degenerates less progesterone
Decrease in progesterone concentration cause endometrium to be shed
Estrogen stops the release of any more FSH

Menstrual Cycle aFsh BLh c estrogen d Progesterone

A Uretrus D myometrium G Fimbriae

B vagina E endometrium H fallopine
C cervix F Ovary
Lining that is shed once a month, every month Endometrium
Female gamete ½ the genetic ovum
Transports ovule to fertalazatiojn Fallopine
Site of implantation Uretrus
Female hormones ovary

A seminal Vessel D epididmy G cowpers gland

B prostate gland E Penis H vas deference
C testies F

Testes make the sperm

Epididymis stores the sperm
Vas deferens Transports the sperm
A stop the seminal vesicle to pick up nourishment for energy
Another stop at the prostate for milky fluid that improves movement
Cowpers gland cleans the urine from urethra

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