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Truth of Life

Truth can be experienced but cannot be expressed, the Truth of life, that is, not the truth of
events and incidents around us.

The Truth of life does not change with time. What was experienced in the yore is very well
experienced in the present.

We are all endowed with the Truth but hardly anyone of us realizes it. We are so occupied
with experiencing the events and incidents that our experiencing the Truth subsides, and
does not come to the fore, to our immediate realization.

Some who may be experiencing the Truth may make the mistake of expressing it in speech
and writing. This is unfortunate because people misunderstand it.

People indeed have misunderstood what has been said of the Truth. Not only that, they have
propagated it also. In the name of Truth, untruth has passed from generation to generation.

An example is the explanation given to the mantra “Om Bhadram Karnebhi Shrnuyama
Devah …”, from the Mandukya Upanishad. This mantra expresses the Truth very clearly, but
its explanation given, without first experiencing the Truth first-hand, is misleading.

The mantra in Sanskrit is as follows:

ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः शण
ृ ुयाम दे वाः ।

भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः ।

स्थिरै रङ्गैस्तुष्टुवाग्‍ँसस्तनभि
ू ः ।

व्यशेम दे वहितं यदायूः ।

The unrealized people say it is a prayer to God. God was invented to save them from fears
and worries. Prayers were invented to please God to seek favors. The meaning given to this
mantra, therefore, is:

“O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious, may we see with our eyes

what is auspicious, and may we live a life that is beneficial to the gods.” 

They have substituted the dictionary meaning of the Sanskrit words in the mantra without
realizing the spirit of the mantra.

The actual meaning of the mantra, as may be given by a first-hand experiencer of Truth, is:
Let us listen to the cosmic sound, Om, humming in the head, near our ears.

Let us be witnesses to the cosmic sound.

When we are absorbed in the cosmic sound, awareness of the body subsides.

Let us be with the cosmic sound, the Truth of life, all our life.

The Truth of life is experienced as cosmic sound, Om. With greater sensitivity and higher
consciousness, the cosmic sound is experienced 24x7, lifelong. Experiencing cosmic sound
is a blissful experience. It brings peace into our lives.




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