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Names: Erika Rodriguez, Clarisse Caparas, Mari Isabel Jareta

Section: Bl. Peter Gubbio

Activity 2: Application of the Cell Theory in Modern Studies.

Instruction: To help us in understanding the postulates of the cell theory, let us apply these things
in our modern way of living. Below are scenarios where the cell theory is observed. Identify which
postulate/s of the cell theory applies to each of the phrases below and explain your chosen

A. Cells are the basic unit of life.
B. All living organism are made up of cells.
C. Cells comes from pre-existing cells.

1. Mammals undergo different stages before it could generate a new

life. By mating, two cells combine to form a zygote and eventually
form babies.

A. Cells are the basic unit of life

We can say that this certain scenario supports postulate A, because

this scenario tells us that cells are crucially necessary in generating
new life or simply producing an offspring. Without cells, we
wouldn’t be able to have a life since we are offsprings made by the
fusion of our parents’ cells and form a zygote which would
eventually become a human fetus. Thus, cells are necessary in
undergoing the process of reproduction because without it, it would
be impossible to generate life.
2. Jason’s skin was wounded by a blade in an accident that
happened during their experiment. Curious as he is, he examined
his blood under the microscope, then seeing a lot of red blood
cells under 400X magnification.

B. All living organisms are made up of cells

As we all know, human

beings have a huge
amount of blood in their
body. Our blood consists
of blood cells which have
many functions, one of
those functions is carrying
oxygen from the lungs
and delivering it
throughout our body. It is
a very important cell that
is required for us humans
to live a stable life. This just proves that cells provide structure and
function to all living organisms, may it be humans, or microorganisms.
Thus, we can say that all living organisms are made up of cells that
provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those
nutrients into energy, and many more that can contribute to the function
of a living organism.

3. Selwyn is a Marathon Enthusiast. Marathoners like him do carbo

loading the night before a marathon. This is done so that
carbohydrates will be converted into energy that is essential for
them. This is done through the Mitochondria which every cell can
do. These cells are mostly found on the muscle cells that
individually generate energy for running.

A.Cells are the basic unit of life.

This scenario discusses the process of preparing for a sport that involves a
self-sufficient unit that can carry out all metabolic activities, which is why
he needed to consume foods that can easily give him the energy he needed.
As we have seen, postulate A is applicable to Selwyn's situation because it
discusses how he needed to process all of the nutrients in his body to
provide the majority of the energy required to fuel the cell's biological
activities. This is highly important in today's society since it discusses our
bodies and how a cell is capable of independent existence of all of the
required processes for life.
4. Let's look at these in a bit more detail. Living things can be very
simple, such as an amoeba, shown below, which is made up of
just one cell.

C. Cells come from pre-existing cells

Amoeba is classified as an eukaryotic microorganism. It exemplifies
postulate C of the cell theory, “cells come from preexisting cells”; The
reason for this is that amoeba reproduce through a process called binary
fission in which a parent amoeba divides into two daughter cells. This
shows that the microorganism exists because of a “parent cell” that is
being referred to in the postulate as the“preexisting cell”.

5. Human cancer cells with nuclei (specifically the DNA) stained

blue. The central and rightmost cell are in interphase, so the
entire nuclei are labeled. The cell on the left is going through
mitosis and its DNA has condensed.
C. Cells come from pre-existing cells

Since human cancer cells are infectious diseases that can worsen a
person's health, we already have the idea that it spreads slowly and
slowly to the human body. Cancer begins with changes in one cell
or a small group of cells, and mutations can occur by chance when a
cell divides. Some mutations result in the cell no longer
understanding its own instructions. It has the potential to become
out of control. Before a normal cell can transform into a cancer cell,
it must undergo approximately six different mutations. Cancer cells
can inherit flaws in specific genes that make them more likely to
develop cancer.

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