Evolution Plus 3 - Grammar - Plus - 3 - Unit - 8

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Unit 8 Grammar Plus 3

1. Uzupełnij dialogi używając struktury be going to i czasowników w nawiasach.

1. – What (you / do) in the afternoon?

–I (go) home and me and my sister
(walk) the dog.

2. – When (they / clean) their room?

– They (not / do) it at all.

3. – What (she / do) after she finishes school?

– She (take) a year off to travel and then she
(start) university.

4. – How (you / spend) the weekend?

– We (not / go) anywhere.
We (stay) at home and rest.

5. – Where (you / go) for your summer holiday?

–I (not / go) on holiday in the summer.
I (go) to Austria in the autumn.

2. Uzupełnij drugie zdanie w taki sposób, by miało takie same znaczenie jak zdanie pierwsze.

1. These are my earrings and those are her earrings.

These earrings are and those earrings are .

2. Are these their sunglasses?

Are these sunglasses ?

3. This wristband belongs to him.

This wristband is .

4. These are your rings.

These rings are .

5. These towels belong to us.

These towels are .

© Macmillan Polska 2014 www.macmillan.pl PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 8 Grammar Plus 3
Answer key

1. Uzupełnij dialogi używając struktury be going to i czasowników w nawiasach.

1. – What are you going to do (you / do) in the afternoon?

– I am going to go (go) home and me and my sister are going to walk (walk) the dog.

2. – When are they going to clean (they / clean) their room?

– They aren‛t going to do (not / do) it at all.

3. – What is she going to do (she / do) after she finishes school?

– She is going to take (take) a year off to travel and then she is going to start (start)

4. – How are you going to spend (you / spend) the weekend?

– We aren‛t going to go (not / go) anywhere. We are going to stay (stay) at home and rest.

5. – Where are you going to go (you / go) for your summer holiday?
– I am not going to go (not / go) on holiday in the summer. I am going to go (go) to Austria in
the autumn.

2. Uzupełnij drugie zdanie w taki sposób, by miało takie same znaczenie jak zdanie pierwsze.

1. These are my earrings and those are her earrings.

These earrings are mine and those earrings are hers.

2. Are these their sunglasses?

Are these sunglasses theirs?

3. This wristband belongs to him.

This wristband is his.

4. These are your rings.

These rings are yours .

5. These towels belong to us.

These towels are ours.

© Macmillan Polska 2014 www.macmillan.pl PHOTOCOPIABLE

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