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21 Days By Priya Ranjan Panigrahi

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INT. ROOM - NIGHT Young guy, RATAN (22), ruffian look, dark complexion and growing black stubble sits before a computer. We see the side view of his face. The monitor plays a video but goes IDLE. He rests back the chair, relaxed, eyes closed. RATAN (V.O.) What if you are an animal inside a cage? People see you, they throw food at you which you dont need, they throw garbage, they make funny expressions, they laugh at you, they stare at your private parts, they violate rules, they take photos, they trespass. They do everything to bother you. Are you happy? A MAZE WHEEL beside the monitor. A mouse trapped inside scurries for escape. Ratan drops a breadcrumb through the mesh, the mouse eats it. RATAN (V.O.) May be you are happy, because your basic needs are taken care of and your ass becomes easy. Or may be you are a bitch who likes attention. But But, it costs your freedom. FUCK FREEDOM. You are free in there...are you? Ratan gives a shake to the maze. The mouse terrified, climbs on the wall, looks to escape. RATAN (V.O.) You are observed constantly, they see your acts, your stupidity, suffering, loneliness, weakness and and they enjoy all of it, deriving sadistic pleasure out of it. Your weakness is exposed, you stand naked before them. Ratan begins to turn the maze wheel. The mouse tries to escape by running round and round. A roaring laugh from Ratan. RATAN (V.O.) And one day.... TITLE CREDITS

2. INT. AUDITORIUM - NIGHT A farewell party, consists of outgoing batch from KK School of Arts. The auditorium is dimly lit with loud music. The DJ plays the song "Summer of 69". Students dance on the floor, high on booze. NIKHIL (25), young and smart dressed in denim jeans and Ferrari jacket dances among the crowd with a peg in hand. He comes outside the auditorium holding the peg. He stands outside, lights a cigarette, smokes and stands alone for sometime. He goes inside again to look for his best buddy. ANUBHAV (25), dressed in a formal dress, round spectacles, geeky appearance. A big DSLR camera hanging on his shoulders. His face follows the swinging ass of a babe. Suddenly, he gets busy taking pictures of friends, enjoying couples, DJ and the party. Nikhil locates him. NIKHIL Mr. photographer. Come here, Come with me for a moment. Anubhav looks tired and exhausted. Nikhil cleans whiskey on Anubhavs shirt with his handkerchief, he arranges his spectacles. NIKHIL What are you doing, huh? The Bitch swinging her ass and you stuck like a bitch ponytail. Huh. Both high on alcohol, Anubhav nods his head and refuses to go but Nikhil manages to drag him outside. EXT. AUDITORIUM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Nikhil and Anubhav walking outside the hall, lie on the lawn. Both drunk, the conversation borders on absurdity. ANUBHAV Hey hey, if I dont take pictures, what the hell am I going to do with this box and that film making certificate? Huh? (CONTINUED)



NIKHIL Shove into your ass. Had I started as a spot boy, I would have reached higher than I have to begin. I am still looking for the fucker who convinced me into all this. ANUBHAV Look at my friends, Engg, MBA degrees with their office in marine drive. Some weeks down the line, I have to approach one such asshole and beg him to finance my movie. NIKHIL Nobody aint doing a favor to you, its a great fucking way to convert their black ass into pure and dazzling white. Everything legal, profit from movie is white money, legitimate. Nobody can question that. The IT pricks, cant even touch you. Now, the white ass feel important, blessed, above the ordinary. Doesnt matter if the asshole dont know a shit about movie. I tell ya, be it black or white, round or twist, up or flat, an asshole just stinks. Fuck this whole system and fuck me for being a part of this. Suddenly, Anubhav sits on the lawn. ANUBHAV No No, you cant blame the system. God is intelligent and devised this whole with something in his mind. Now, you gotta respect that. You gotta understand his noble intentions. NIKHIL Come on, dont bullshit me about GODs intentions. ANUBHAV No No, lets get this clear. Why a horse lacks horn, when a harmless deer do have a big pair of those horns pointing upward like a motherfucking dick, both are four (MORE) (CONTINUED)



ANUBHAV (contd) legged creatures, right? I mean its fucking difficult for them to lift that thing in their daily life and they dont fight with others. NIKHIL I think, horn is the only thing they cant outrun a tiger, else they are fast, fucking faster than a tiger. (Silence) Hey hey, what does that mean? Am I a fucking horse and you a deer? ANUBHAV I aint telling that. A deer can move wherever he likes but where are we moving? We are worse, donkeys. NIKHIL Nah, Dogs. WoW....Wow... And nothing gonna happen until we do something. And for that something, we need something called a great idea. ANUBHAV Ahh... GREAT idea is sweat and shit of some motherfucking genius, not like us. And there aint left anything GREAT in this world for us to discover. Chill your ass, lie on the grass and enjoy the bass. He lies on the lawn again. NIKHIL No No my point is, at least it appears great on the paper to fool the rich friends full of shit money. ANUBHAV You can fool a rich ass? NIKHIL Thats on me, I have a specialty on that with a motherfucking distinction. Only need something GREAT to decorate my paper. (CONTINUED)



Anubhav stares at brightly lit sky. ANUBHAV Ah.... I believe, a more practical approach is to make short movies on poverty, slum, environment or any other hot shit issues using the college resources for fucking free, send entries to festivals, generate buzz, hype etc. Thats the way. Nikhil sits over. NIKHIL Fuck that, its too long, I cant walk. Besides there are too many people on there doing movies on global warming, polythene, plastic, poverty, slum, garbage, shit, dog poo and all that. People need entertainment as weekend fun, not your fucking enlightenment on their dinner table. Nikhils phone buzzes. He gets up. NIKHIL Have to go. ANUBHAV I need a few more pegs. Its getting dry in there. Nikhil rises from the lawn. Anubhav throws up his hand, Nikhil lifts him. NIKHIL Have you considered about Gods intention why a bull have a pair of big and sharp horns? Both depart.

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