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Home Assignment for Session II

Roll No.: MS22A059

Name: Prasoon Kumar

For the following management decision problems, identify the underlying marketing research
problems and their components. Assume that after discussion with Decision makers, industry
experts and conducting secondary data analysis, no particularly relevant information has been

– “Should our retail chain offer online shopping?”

– “What advertising media should we use to reach our market?”

– “How do we get more people to attend our outdoor festival/event?”

– “Should we buy a new cube van to deal with our increased demand?”

– “How can we increase customer retention?”

– “Should the amount of in-store promotion for an existing product line be



---"Should our retail chain offer online shopping?"

MRP:- What is the market demand for online shopping?

C1. What is the consumer behavior when shopping online?

C2. What is the preferred channel for shopping?

C3. What is the adoption rate of online shopping?

C4. What is the market size and growth potential for online shopping?

---"What advertising media should we use to reach our market?"

MRP:- What is the most effective advertising media to reach our market?

C1. What are the consumer behaviors and attitudes towards different media?

C2. What are the demographic characteristics of our target audience?

C3. What is the cost and reach of different media?

C4. What is the response rate of different media?

---"How do we get more people to attend our outdoor festival/event?"

MRP:- What motivates people to attend our outdoor festival/event?

C1. What are consumer behaviors and attitudes towards attending events?

C2. What are the attributes of our festival/event that attract people?

C3. What are the market segments interested in attending our festival/event?

C4. How can we effectively promote our festival/event?

---"Should we buy a new cube van to deal with our increased demand?"

MRP:- What is the best logistics and distribution strategy to deal with increased demand?


C1. What is the cost of delivery?

C2. How efficiently are we utilizing our current capacity?

C3. What is the cost of transportation and storage?

C4. How can we manage inventory effectively?

---"How can we increase customer retention?"

MRP:- How can we increase customer loyalty and retention?

C1. How satisfied are our customers with our products and services?

C2. What are the expectations of our customers?

C3. How can we manage customer relationships effectively?

C4. What is our value proposition for customers?

---"Should the amount of in-store promotion for an existing product line be increased?"

MRP:- How effective is in-store promotion for an existing product line and should we increase

C1. What are consumer behaviors and attitudes towards in-store promotions?

C2. What is the impact of in-store promotions on sales?

C3. What is our market share for the product line?

C4. What is the competitive landscape?

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