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A stereotype occurs when we commonly associate something with an action, person, job...
These relationships usually have nothing in common, but they are deeply rooted in our
society. And they can change our thinking.
To understand it better, I want to say two stereotypes, such as:
When a woman is associated with a color or with housework. Or when man is associated
with courage and strength, these have nothing to do with it, but are rooted stereotypes in

We have chosen this topic because currently stereotypes can cause great harm in society,
especially to the people most affected by stereotypes, such as women, foreigners or
homosexuals. That day by day they suffer insults that they do not deserve to suffer.
In addition, I believe that the youngest should know these facts, so that they are not
affected by stereotypes. And so they don't make the same mistakes we do.
Finally, I believe that stereotypes have generated a lot of damage and many deaths
throughout history, and these events must stop in order to live in a world without
3 Data and explanation of the topic

A gender stereotype is a generalised view or preconceived idea about the attributes or characteristics, or the
roles that women and men possess or should possess or play.a gender stereotype is harmful when it limits
women's and men's ability to develop their personal capacities, pursue their professional careers and make
decisions about their lives.

Whether overtly hostile (such as "women are irrational") or seemingly benign ("women are nurturing"),
harmful stereotypes perpetuate inequalities. For example, the traditional view of women as caregivers means
that childcare responsibilities often fall exclusively on women.

In addition, compounded and intersecting gender stereotypes have a disproportionate negative impact on
certain groups of women, such as women from minority or indigenous groups, women with disabilities,
women from lower caste or lower economic status groups, migrant women, etc.

Gender stereotyping refers to the practice of attributing to an individual, woman or man, specific attributes,
characteristics or roles solely on the basis of their membership in a social group of women or men. Gender
stereotypes are unlawful when they result in one or more violations of human rights and fundamental

4 Conclusion

In conclusion, stereotypes are not good for society, they harm others
with labels. For example, a girl is associated with dolls and a boy with a
toy car.
We must fignst stereotypes, especially gender stereotypes because they
affect most people.
And to combat them we must educate children so that from an early age
they are not like that, letting them know that toys and games have no
gender because a girl can like football or a boy can like playing with
If you suffer any kind of discrimination due to stereotypes, you don't
have to care what other people think, because we are all equal and we
should respect each other.
Thanks for watching

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