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Brexit Pros and Cons

This article discusses the pros and cons of the UK's exit from the European Union,
known as Brexit.

"Vote to Leave" was the official slogan of the Brexit campaign in the UK. And it
worked 100% thanks to social media, promises to save the country money, and the
problem of migrants. The referendum was held on June 23, 2016. The question
was "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union?",
51.9% of Britons answered "no", 48.1% - "yes".

Brexit has affected many industries domestically, economic development, new

difficulties with trade routes, and employment.

Was it the right decision for the UK to break ties with the European Union? This
paper will help you find out the advantages and disadvantages of this crucial

Thus, in this article, we can see that there are more advantages than
disadvantages of Brexit: by leaving the EU, Britain becomes a more independent
country, it can gain more freedom in its decisions, establish trade relations with
non-european countries such as Japan and Canada, and demand for products will
increase, which will lead to more workplaces.

But of course, some politicians also see a downside to this decision. Citizens of EU
member-states have the opportunity to travel easily from country to country, to
work and study, and after Brexit, residents of the United Kingdom will no longer
have this ability, which is a big disadvantage.

Will Britain keep its power after Brexit? Many analysts are concerned about
this question, some of whom believe that the UK is a geographical member of the
EU and that Brexit will not lead to any global changes, while others are convinced
that this decision will be devastating for Britain, and even its membership in
NATO is under the risk.
However, Britain will no longer be able to act within the framework of joint
initiatives of the EU countries, and, obviously, in this sense, it will lose its
traditional influence on European politics.

Therefore, the UK's withdrawal from the EU will in any case be detrimental not
only to the country itself, which will be forced to adapt to new conditions outside
the Community, but also to all EU members, and especially those that have close
relations with the United Kingdom.

We will be able to find out whether it was the right choice in a couple of years, but
now we can observe how Britain is becoming independent from the European
Union. For more information, I recommend you to read this article, the link is

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