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Mr. Henry Smith
Blake & Co
10 Garden St., London, SE1 0AA,, +20-3344-6655
Dated: 12 of September 2022

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to inform you that in two weeks I am arriving in London on a business trip. I have
never been to London, so I want to ask you to help me. I am sure you are a very concerned
person, but I would be very grateful and happy if you could meet me.
My train arrives at King's Cross station, platform 9, train number is 3227A, wagon number is 15.
Arrival time: 12:30 p.m.
Date of arrival: 28 of September 2022

Respectfully yours,
Jane Black
36 Richmond St., Manchester, M60 2LA,, +20-6574-9876


Рекомендаційний лист
Привіт, мене звати Джон Віггінс, і я старшокласник в середній школі Коні в м.Аугуст. Я
також відвідую технічний центр «Capital Area Technical Center» в Аугусті за програмою
комп’ютерних технологій. За останні кілька років я значно розвинув свої навички в роботі
з комп’ютером і з нетерпінням чекаю на продовження розвитку моєї освіти та кар’єри в
галузі комп’ютерних технологій.
У технічному центрі «Capital Area Technical Center» я закінчив курс ремонту ПК та
операційних систем і склав іспит на відмінно. Крім того, зараз я зарахований на курс
«Мережа ПК». Маю гарні комунікативні та комп’ютерні навички, включаючи практичне
знання Windows 98 і Microsoft Word, Excel і Access. Я добре організована,
високомотивована людина, яка насолоджується викликами в робочому середовищі. Я є
активним учасником в моїй місцевій церкві, а також в інших місцевих організацій.
Я був активним членом молодіжного класу вивчення Біблії та молодіжної групи
Об’єднаної методистської церкви в Аугусті протягом шести років. Крім того, я брав
участь у двох молодіжних місійних поїздках для роботи в будинках малозабезпечених
жителів. Місійні поїздки вимагають десятимісячного зобов’язання щодо збору коштів, а
також фактичних десяти днів роботи. Я також є молодшим пожежним у нашому місті,
членом бойскаутів і волонтером для різноманітних шкільних і громадських заходів.Після
закінчення середньої школи я планую отримати ступінь спеціаліста з комп’ютерних
технологій і підвищити свої навички, працюючи в комп’ютерному бізнесі.

My name is Vlad Kyrychenko, I am 16 years old and my parent’s only child. I have got a very
good relationship with my parents. I can tell them everything at any time. I think my mother is
insightfully, tolerant and would do anything that I feel fine. My father is kind of opposite to my
mother: He is calm, stable and docile. He works hard, from 8am to 8pm, so we don’t have so
much time to spend together, but in his leisure time we often play tennis together.
I live in Odesa in a nice flat with a beautiful garden which is one of my mother’s hobbies. I am
very happy here, because here’s all that I need: We have got a Black Sea here in Odesa, a huge
mall, where I go shopping or go to the cinema, and also my school is situated near my house,
where I’ve been going to school for 9 years now.
I love doing sports: I play football, we practice 3 times a week and I play tennis, we practice
once a week and this year we won the championship. In my free time I go to our sports field or
to our tennis court whenever the weather is fine. I have been playing tennis for almost 6 years
now and I would like to continue this during my year abroad. I often play basketball with my
friends and it would be a great pleasure for me if I could play for your high school team, because
in Odesa there is no basketball team and I’ve always wanted to play in a basketball team. I also
like cycling. I have done a couple of bicycle tours with my parents. For example last year we
cycled from Odesa to Mykolaiv. So you see, sport is very important to me. Another hobby of
mine is music: I have been playing the guitar for 3 years. I have got an acoustic guitar, but now,
as I have just founded a band, I am about to buy myself an electric guitar. I often play together
with a friend who is also guitarist and that is how we got the idea to found a band. He plays the
lead guitar, another friend plays the drums and I sing and play the rhythm guitar. We make
alternative music. We have already written a few songs. I will bring my guitar with me, so I
could play a song of my band for you.
Friends would describe me as outgoing, spontaneous, humorous, companionable and open for
everything and everyone. I think one of my strengths is my sociability. I always, especially if I
had an argue with someone, want to make it right for everyone. I just want me and my
environment to be happy all the time. I am sure we will find solutions together for upcoming
problems. All the same I need some time alone, so that I can relax by playing the guitar, listening
to music or something like that. I can’t stand importunate people that want to be around me all
the time. I like being with friends, but I also need time for other things.
Well, I hope you could get an impression of me and my life.
Blake & Co
10 Garden St., London, SE1 0AA,, +20-3344-6655
Dated: 5 of December 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter on behalf of my company that we are willing to purchase men’s shoes,
holding product number PA22 from your company Blake and Co. Our company found out about
your production from a commercial that is shown in the shopping center of our city. We would
like to purchase 500 pairs of men’s shoes by your production. I would also like to know if you
are working with the supply of the CIF form, if you work, tell me please what will be the cost of
the batch on the terms of this delivery. In addition we want to inform you that if the quality and
price of your products satisfy us, we plan to make larger orders for your products in the future
I request you to kindly update us with the quotation and discounts on the below-mentioned
number if any and all the necessary details about the purchase. Hoping to receive a quick and
positive response from your side. Looking forward to having a healthy business with your

Sincerely yours,
Mary Grace
Sales Director
Men’s World Company
55 Nezalezhnosti St., Odesa, 65125,, +380-98-283-57-65

Blake & Co
10 Garden St., London, SE1 0AA,, +20-3344-6655
Dated: 6 of December 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,

Referring to the latest agreements, our company "Men's World" wants to order 500 pairs of
shoes of your production. We also want to note that we have reached an agreement with your
management regarding the delivery, we inform you that the delivery will take place on the terms
of CIF Odesa.
Our order is:
250 pairs of black shoes
250 pairs of grаy shoes
We remind you that according to the previous agreement, the price per product unit is 50 euros,
payment will be made by opening a letter of credit. We hope to receive the order as soon as
possible, without delays and product defects. We wish to have a fruitful and long relationship
with your organisation.

Yours truly,
Mary Grace
Sales Director
Men’s World Company
55 Nezalezhnosti St., Odesa, 65125,, +380-98-283-57-65

Mary Grace
Sales Director
Men’s World Company
55 Nezalezhnosti St., Odesa, 65125,, +380-98-283-57-65
Dated: 7 of December 2022

Dear Mrs.Grace,
We have received your order, but we have to inform you that unfortunately we had some
problems with the size and color of the shoes. You ordered 250 pairs of gray men's shoes, but we
only have 200 pairs of this color in stock.
We would like to offer you to order 200 pairs of gray shoes and 50 pairs of brown shoes of the
same size.
As an apology, we offer you a 10% discount on your next order. Please notify me of your
decision as soon as possible to the address below.

Mike Warner
Blake & Co
Sales Manager
10 Garden St., London, SE1 0AA,, +20-3344-6655

Blake & Co
10 Garden St., London, SE1 0AA,, +20-3344-6655
Dated: 5 of December 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inform you that due to deteriorating weather conditions and difficulties in
delivery, our company withdraws the order that was made, namely:
250 pairs of black shoes
250 pairs of grey shoes
We hope for a quick solution to these problems and further cooperation in the future.

Respectfully yours,
Mary Grace
Sales Director
Men’s World Company
55 Nezalezhnosti St., Odesa, 65125,, +380-98-283-57-65

Blake & Co
10 Garden St., London, SE1 0AA
Dated: 26 of December 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,

We would like to inform you that the batch of shoes that our company ordered 3 weeks ago has
not yet arrived in Odesa, due to the delay of the goods, our company found itself in a difficult
Please provide an answer and explain why the product was delayed, and also please inform our
company when our order will be delivered. Please contact us on the below-mentioned number if
any and all the necessary details about the order.
We are waiting for further information from you on how to solve this problem.

Yours truly,
Mary Grace
Sales Director
Men’s World Company
55 Nezalezhnosti St., Odesa, 65125,, +380-98-283-57-65

Blake & Co
10 Garden St., London, SE1 0AA
Dated: 26 of December 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,

We inform you that the goods ordered by our company on December 6, namely 500 pairs of
men's shoes, were delivered with a delay and also have certain defects.
We received 3 pairs of men's shoes in a different color, 5 pairs have damaged heels and also 7
pairs of shoes were deformed during delivery.
Please let us know when and by which mode of transport we can send the damaged shoes back to
your factory, and also, please send us the required pairs of shoes urgently.
Please notify us at the addresses below when we can obtain a replacement for this defective item.

Thankig you,
Mary Grace
Sales Director
Men’s World Company
55 Nezalezhnosti St., Odesa, 65125,, +380-98-283-57-65

Dmytro Grynchenko
General Director
«To be in Touch» Company
156B Volynska St., Lviv, 79007,, +380679966537
Dated: 14 of March 2022

Dear Mr. or Mrs.,

We are a new company that sells gadgets « To be in Touch». We offer various services ranging
from mobile phone to internet provision at competitive rates. Make phone calls across different
networks for the lowest rate in all of Ukraine with no connection fee. You do not have to worry
about poor connections when you are with «To be in Touch». Our state of the art equipment
guarantees you a clear connection whether you are talking on your mobile phone or browsing on
you computer.
We give a discount of 15% for the first large order (100 units of equipment). Also, If you sign
up for our services within the next three months, we will offer you free phone calls from 6pm to
12pm and internet services at half price for two weeks after signing up.
Below you can get acquainted with our price list and choose gadgets that you like.

Price List 1
Iphone 13 (128Gb) Black, Gold, Green 50 850$
IPhone 13 Black 100 920$
IPhone 12 mini Blue 30 800$
(256 Gb)
IPhone 11 (64Gb) White, Purple 45 450$
Samsung S21 Gold, Black 33 500$
(256 Gb)
Samsung S22 Ultra White, Grey 50 730$
Samsung Galaxy Gray, Black 78 490$

Price List 2
SuperNet Start 10+5Gb Internet, 200 minutes 20$/month
to other networks of Ukraine
«Year without fees» Pay in advance and use your 30$/12 month
tariff for 12 months
«Internet for 2nd device» Use your primary SIM card 9$/month.
internet on an additional SIM
in a tablet, modem, laptop,
Roaming is available -Profitable roaming in Poland 12$/month
and other countries for the
-The package minutes for
-GB package for using
mobile internet

We hope for cooperation

Yours faithfully,
Denys Melnyk
Sales Manager
To be in Touch Company

Dear Maryna,
I would like to congratulate you on your promotion. You are a good worker who perfectly
understands the assigned tasks, competently finds ways to solve them, and you turn in your work
on time. You achieved this promotion by your diligence and tenacity!
We wish you to remain the same executive employee and, of course, even greater success awaits
you in the future!
I hope we will meet soon and celebrate your success at work. Look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

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