Unit 4 Module 17 Assessment Review Guide

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Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________ Period _____

Unit 4 Module 17 Review Guide

If you want to do well on the assessment, read the Unit 4 Module 17 Lesson 1, 2, and 3 in your Integrated Science textbook.

Directions: Make sure you use your notes or the textbook to complete this review guide.
1. Write the number of Valence Electrons (electrons in the outer energy level) on the line for each group
Alkali Metals __1________
Alkaline Earth Metals __2________
Boron Group ___3_______
Carbon Group ___4_______
Nitrogen Group ______5____
Oxygen Group ____6______
Halogens ___7________
Noble Gases (Not Helium) ___8_______
2. Which groups are part of the Transition Metals? _______groups 4-11_______________
3. List the properties of Metals. __ high melting points. good conductors of electricity. good conductors of
heat. high density. malleable. ductile.
4. What are the group numbers for the following groups?
Alkali Metals _1a_________
Alkaline Earth Metals _2a_________
Boron Group _____3a_____
Carbon Group _____4a_____
Nitrogen Group 5a__________
Oxygen Group ____6a______
Halogens ___7a________
Noble Gases (Not Helium) _8a_________
5. List the properties of Nonmetals. Non-metals are brittle Non-metals are bad conductors of heat and
electricity Non-metals are dull and cannot be polished Non-metals may be solids, liquids or gases at
room temperature. Non-metals are neither tough nor strong.

6. What is the definition of Metalloids a chemical element that exhibits some metal and some nonmetal
7. List some characteristics of Elements larger than Uranium (synthetic). elements higher up on the
periodic table, higher than uranium—are unstable. They are
8. Define Ductile. the ability of a material to have its shape changed (as by being drawn out into wire or
thread) without losing strength or breaking.
9. Define Malleable capable of being extended or shaped by beating with a hammer or by the
pressure of rollers

10. Which group contains the most reactive elements? alkali metals and the halogens,
11. Which group contains the least reactive elements? Group 18
12. Atomic Radii (increases or decreases) when you move from left to right in a period.
13. Atomic Radii (increases or decreases) when you move from the top to the bottom of a group.
14. Ionization Energy (increases or decreases) when you move from left to right in a period.
15. Ionization Energy (increases or decreases) when you move from the top to the bottom of a group.
16. Metallic Qualities (increase or decrease) as you move from left to right in a period.
17. Define Groups. , a column in the periodic table of the chemical elements.
18. Define Periods a horizontal row of a periodic table

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