English Semester Exam 2nd Bachillerato

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Name: Score:

Subject: Time: 60 minutes

Date: Grade:

Instructions: This test has two parts.

Read each part carefully.
You must have 2 pens and an eraser or liquid paper.
You cannot share your writing utensils with others during the entire time. If you do, your
exam will be removed, and you will get a zero.
Do not speak to others or make gestures even if it is not English content related.
Do not communicate in any way until everyone is finished.
If you communicate verbally or nonverbally your exam will be removed, and you will get a
You have 60 minutes to finish the test. If you don’t know an answer, move on to the next
question. Do the questions you think are easy first!

Part 1:
Indicator Skill Questions Weight

1.I can communicate Productive skills: 1 20%

clearly and effectively in a (Total 2 points)
Write a text for a specific purpose on
range of contexts and for 0.5 for each
topics of interest.
a variety of purposes. writing skill
(Rubric attached)

2.I can understand, Receptive Skills Text A: 1,2,3 (0.1 20%

analyze and reflect upon a a.Understand a range of written texts points each)
range of written, and on topics of interest. Text B: 1. (0.1
visual texts b. Understand descriptions of events, points each)
feelings and wishes; 2 (0.10 points
c. Use context to deduce the meaning each)
of sentences and unknown words and Total 2 points



1. A friend of yours is going to study in an English-speaking country and

is worried that he/she may not enjoy the experience because he/she is

not that good at English. Write a text in which you communicate to your friend your

opinion on the issue and give reasons for it.

a. Essay b. Blog c. Email

2. As part of your CAS activities, you would like to help orphaned

children become good athletes. Write a text in which you communicate

your ideas to your school principal and give reasons for them.

a. Letter b. Blog c. Email


Text A:What to expect from uni life

Starting university is the first step in But with tens of thousands of students
taking control of your own learning. on campus, looking after each and
Unlike high school, you will be every individual can be tough. So, we
responsible for deciding the best way place a big emphasis on providing
to balance your time and complete resources and services that help you
your assignments. This is an exciting do your bit and take responsibility for
prospect, but can also be a time of your own safety and wellbeing.
transition. The information below will
help you to recognise and understand Develop a network
some of the adjustments you may University campuses are big places
need to make. and can seem impersonal. It’s easy to
Prepare to be independent feel disconnected when you start
university, especially before you get to
The majority of your learning is done know anyone.
outside the classroom, and you’re
expected to locate information by Developing a network of friends and
yourself. Although you may have to acquaintances on campus is not a
spend less time in classes, you’re luxury, it’s a necessity. It’s a common
expected to do much more self- misconception that making friends at
directed study. university will be easy. In fact,
establishing social networks can be
What you can expect from your challenging at first and you will need
lecturers/tutors to be proactive.

You might find that university teachers Take an active approach to your
are more critical of your work. You studies. University study is all about
may also get feedback on your work independence and taking ownership of
more slowly and infrequently than you your learning.
Independent learning means:
University lecturers don’t tell you
everything you need to know. In • taking responsibility for your own
lectures, especially, their role is to learning
provide the basic framework of • managing your time and your life
information/knowledge that you need
in order to discover things for yourself • participating actively in your courses
via independent study. and assignments

Stay safe on campus • knowing when to ask for assistance

and seeking it out
As students, we know you are integral
to the university and we want you to Adapted from UNSW Sydney, 2016
have a great time while you’re here
while ensuring you are safe and well.
Text B: ‘Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise’:a Life Well Lived

“Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise” covers so much ground that it’s usually easy to forgive the
filmmakers for not digging deeper. This is a documentary interested in breadth rather than depth, and
on those terms it succeeds.
Recounting Ms. Angelou’s life (1928–2014) may seem redundant to those who’ve read her
autobiographies, notably “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”. But the photographs and film footage
here add another dimension to her stories, as do interviews with her son, artists who
worked with her, and Bill and Hillary Clinton.
“I was terribly hurt in this town, and vastly loved,” Ms. Angelou recalls as we see Stamps, Ark., where
she was sent as a child. We trace her youth, so often cruel, through that place and St. Louis, and later
watch as she uses art to discover herself. Footage of her singing and acting will be most eye-opening
for those who regard Ms. Angelou as only a writer; recollections by her and other performers of the
landmark play “The Blacks” are among the film’s best moments, as is a remembrance by Robert
Loomis, Ms. Angelou’s editor, who had to persuade her to write a book.
Though her friendships with Malcolm X and James Baldwin are detailed, other relationships, including
those with former husbands, feel glossed over. And late scenes that revel in her fame have a
promotional quality; the heart of this film lies in drawing inspiration from her early accomplishments,
not in hearing from so many celebrities.
Nevertheless, the directors, Bob Hercules and Rita Coburn Whack, are always enthusiastic about
their subject, and who can blame them. It’s hard not to be inspired by a life this well lived.
Adapted from NY Times, 2016

TEXT A: What to expect from uni lif

1. From statements A to L, select the five that are true according to text A. Write the
appropriate letters in the lines provided. (0.1 each)

A. Students are responsible for their learning at university. (example) A

B. There is hardly a need to make any adjustment when one goes to university.
C. Professors will not give as much information to students as teachers at school did.

D. The direction of one’s study is determined by university professionals. ..

E. The feedback given by school teachers is quicker and more regular than that given by professors.
F. Your learning at university is dependent on the information you are given in class.

G. Students are expected to check safety resources and centres. ..

H. It is essential to make friends at university.
I. You are advised to wait until others approach you with friend requests.

J. Independence at university means that you primarily need to manage your time.

K. Independence at university means that you actively take charge of your learning.

L. Independence at university means that you need to actively avoid assistance.

2. Choose the correct phrases from the text to complete the following sentences. Base your
answers on the information as it appears in the text. (0.1 each)

Example: You will be in charge of ...

... deciding the best way to balance your time and complete your assignments.

2. Being in charge of your own learning is ...


3. You will do much learning ...


4. Doing more self-directed study means you ...


5. Unlike school teachers, professors will be ...


6. Professors will provide a framework of knowledge ...


3. Find the option in the right-hand column that could meaningfully replace one of the words
on the left. (0.10 each)

Example: independent (line 15)------- H

7. integral (line 7) —------

8. tough (line 20) —-------

9. impersonal (line 24) —-------- D lonely

10. disconnected (line 25)---------- E neutral

F objective

OPTIONS: G resilient

H self-regulated

A difficult I severed

B important J unfriendly

C intact

TEXT B:‘Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise’:a Life Well Lived

1.Answer the following questions. on the sheet of paper given (0.10 each)

1. Why is it easy not to blame the filmmakers for not delving into more detail about Angelou’s life?

2. What terms does the film achieve?

3. Which word between lines 1 and 12 is closest in meaning to unnecessary?

4. What elements in the film add to Angelou’s autobiographies?

5. How is Angelou’s childhood described in the text?

2. Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D. Write the letter in the box provided.(0.10)
1. The text is a …
A. news report
B. review of a news report
C. blog entry
D. newspaper article

Part 2 : Answer the following questions about the project you made in Parcial 1 (Personal letter) or
Parcial 2 (Oral presentation) on the sheet of paper given Make sure you have answered all the
questions using complete sentences and following the rubric. Weight 60%

1.¿What have I Indicate three things 1. Score:

learned? that you have learned 2. /1.5
in this project: 3.

2. ¿How did I learn Indicate two parts of 1. Score:

this? the project that helped /2
you learn, and explain 2.

3.¿How have I used Indicate at least one 1. Score:

this? way in which what you /1
learned is important.

4. ¿When can I use Indicate at least one 1. Score:

this in real life? situation in real life /1.5
where you can apply
what you
learned.Support your
answer with


I answered all the parts of each question

I used complete sentences to answer

Made by: teacher Revised by: area leader Approved by: Principal
Ma Fernanda Jaramillo


Criteria Excellent (0.5 points) Very Good (0.4 points) Good (0.25 point) Needs improvement

Purpose and All ideas were expressed Most ideas were Ideas were somewhat The text seemed to
ideas in a clear and organized expressed in a pretty organized, but were be a collection of
way. It was easy to clear manner, but the not very clear. It took unrelated
understand the purpose of organization could more than one reading sentences. It was
the text. have been better. The to figure out what the very difficult to figure
purpose is not purpose was. out what the text
completely clear. was about.

Format Complies with all the Complies with most of Complies with several Complies with few of
requirements for the the requirements for of the requirements for the requirements for
chosen text. the chosen text. the chosen text. Has a the chosen text.
basic structure, some Does not have any
Has all the elements of Has all almost all the elements. element of the
structure needed. elements of structure structure.

Sentences Sentences and Most sentences are Some sentences are Many sentence
and paragraphs are complete, complete and well- complete and well- fragments or run-on
Paragraphs well-constructed and of constructed. constructed. sentences and
varied structure. Paragraphing is Paragraphing needs paragraphing needs
generally done well. some work. lots of work.

Grammar Writer makes few or no Writer makes some Writer makes quite a Writer makes very
&spelling errors in grammar or errors in grammar lot of errors in frequent errors in
spelling. and/or spelling but the grammar and/or grammar and/or
errors do not impede spelling spelling.

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