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Le mtu eT Unit 1 A Picnic by the River lane © New Words a fee Fill in the blanks. 1. Please do not : . Keep the park clean. 2. It’s 1:00 p.m. now; let’s have __ . Bi lamer ; [want to order two burgers and a milkshake. 4. Is that bottle __ or full? iS Plenee stake eae meee hee cid shirt away! 6. Shall we have a AED in the park on Sunday? © Understanding the Context 6% Gira«i) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What were the friends doing before the picnic? (a) Picking up litter (b) Taking a walk (c) Eating lunch (d) Talking to friends 2. What is NOT true about the picnic spot? (a) There is a river nearby. (b) There is grass there. (c} There are no trees nearby. (d) There is some litter around. @ Focus on Details 6 (raat) Listen and write the missing words. 1, Let’s stop and have our next to the river. 2. Walking always makes me 3. Someone forgot to throw these ___ paper bags away. 4, People should clean up before they leave, and not leave lying around. 8 unit 5 _—&_{—E—E———_ © summary 69 cian Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. te The woman notices that there is litter everywhere. 2 ‘The man is hungry and wants to have lunch. 3 The friends decide to pick up all the litter after their picnic. 4 The man says that people should not litter. 5 pas The friends find a nice place for their picnic. (STOSEEEESS ; | @ Dictation 6% Grad Listen and complete the dialog. Wis) This seater ___ spot. Let’s and | Se ee nee ee river. | M: idea, Walking me eaeenen BSeneIOESED | (| NNCU EN EEPEOEBER for —* | W: We here =e grass. Oh ! | Someone forgot these unit? 9 bags .There_____ everywhere! M: Why people around? I's thing. ____. It spoils people's Wi they Or maybe don’t________.Look,_____— some cans bottles too. M: People — —_____ up eave eo ee ele [cgye Pa eee (Fine W: That's Well, our ters all can it out M: OK! And a with friends pick ________ more. 10 unit © New Words Fill in the blanks. 1. Children should be taught to keep the clean. 2. Do you have an pair of slippers? 3. People should paper to stop too many trees from being cut down. 4. How much would you need to buy a car? 5. Please my book when you have finished reading it. 6. The is starting a new health program for schoolchildren. © Understanding the Context 6% 2) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What is NOT mentioned as something the government wants to recycle? (a) Plastic (b) Metal (c) Paper (d) Glass 2. How much does one have to pay to get a paper coffee cup? {a) An extra 50 cents (b) An extra dollar {c) An extra 20 cents (d) An extra five cents @ Focus on Details 6} “x2 Listen and write the missing words. 1. Have you heard about the new laws to \ help people > 2. And you can get your back when you return the cup. 3. Well, maybe the is right, after all. 4. It helps to keep the clean. unit2 11 © True or False 6% Graz) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). 1 There are new laws to help people recycle. 23 Glass and metal should be thrown away. 3. A paper cup costs extra money. 4, People should not return paper cups. 3. Recycling keeps the environment clean. @ Dictation 6% Ciaaz) Listen and complete the dialog. M: Hi, Jane! Have laws 4 me — the ees metal, and instead 12 unit2 ——z£::_ —=— PSSSS SSS SESE SS HHS W: But wants an S0.cents you______cup coffee? That's as of Mz 50 cents? It’s five cents a W: Ithought____ 50 cents! M: _, it’s five cents. Don’t_____. And get back you unit2 13 Unit 3. Growing Roses OBYh ng Ci problen: = Spree © New Words Chaat 5 fenitiee oe 5 produce Fill in the blanks. 1. Some flowers grow on a 2. This tree will only ______ flowers in spring. 3. It takes about three weeks to____ from a bad cold. 4. helps plants to grow well. 5. Water is a as 6. If you have a , talk about it with a friend. © Understanding the Context 6% as) Listen and answer the questions. 1, What is wrong with the man’s rose bush? (a) Its leaves are always green. (b) The roses have turned brown. (c) Its leaves have white spots on them. (d) It is not producing any roses. 2. What is NOT true about the fertilizer? (a) It is a liquid. (b) It will make the rose leaves green. (c) It takes four weeks to work. (d) Ie costs about ten dollars. @ Focus on Details 6} (trac3) Listen and write the missing words. 1. Thave a with my rose bush. 2. Well, I think your rose bush needs some 3. This fertilizer is very good. 4. How long will it take for my rose bush to 2 14 unit © Summary 6d Gas) Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. i ‘The woman asks the man if the leaves look healthy. 2. The man is worried about his rose bush. 3._____ The man wants to know how long it will take for his rose bush to recover. 4, ____ He buys some fertilizer and thanks the woman for her help. 5 _ The woman thinks the rose bush needs fertilizer. SESS SS SU? ry @Q Dictation 6% Gas) Se eee Listen and complete the dialog. M: Excuse 5 ma’am. | __ a with — rose . It used Sues es acct a rink eee See Bue os oe doesn’t _ _ any at all. i 1 tes. That een .Do Wet eaves = plant healthy? M: Not really, The used ___ be units 15 SSS GS GGG GEE SOG SST | Now, of stun W: Well, I your. needs M: OK. What of do TT should ? W: This igs good. It make rose green .Then should roses soon. The costs dollars. M: How it for my bush recover? W: About I think. M: Great.TIl___—it. Thank much your W: You're welcome! 16 units L Bird Watching a © beautiful © New Words chee Fill in the blanks. 1. That movie was really ; I nearly fell asleep watching it. 2. She looks very in that dress. By This of the library is where the children’s books are kept. 4. Many people like going to the _ to relax after work. 5. That bird has beautiful yellow 6. Are you going to go out afternoon? © Understanding the Context 6% Ciaaz) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What can the boy do to see birds clearly from far away? (a) Wake up early (b) Wear glasses () Use a camera (d) Use binoculars 2. What is NOT mentioned about birds? (a) Some birds fly south for the winter. (b) Some birds make special nests for eggs. (c) Some birds sing beautiful songs. (d) Some birds have colorful feathers. @ Focus on Details 6% Crake) Listen and write the missing words. 1. Do you know a good for birds? 2. Would you like to come with me 2 3. I think bird watching is _ 4. Some birds have colorful Units 17 © True or False 6% tracks) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True] or F (False). _____ The park is a good place to see birds. Binoculars can be used to see birds that are far away. 1 2. 3. ____ The boy wants to buy a book about bird watching. 4. The girl likes to go bird watching. 5. ______ The boy thinks birds are very interesting. posge SSUSssy | @ Dictation 6% Gao) aoe enn | Listen and complete the dialog. | B: I____to_ bird watching _ | know _ - for | G: There os quiet near ___ ___. There many there. | B: Willl to______ different types ____ | in = ? | Gy I ___ so. If binoculars, 18 units SUSE SUSSUSESUSEUS see even : Great! I —<——== different types of : It seems watching. : Yes, I to come watching is true! Birds interesting. Some colorful Some sing songs. Some special nests watching Units 19 Unit 5 Trees in the Forest O forest © hundred @ New Words a eS © damage Fill in the blanks. 1. There are usually many trees in a 2. A century is made up of one years. 3. There are kinds of flowers for sale. 4, Be careful not to that beautiful old table. SA eon to the museum left his umbrella behind. 6. This museum does not charge an entrance i © Understanding the Context $9 Cracks Listen and answer the questions. 1, What fact about trees is NOT mentioned in the passage? (a) Several kinds grow in forests. (b) People use them to make things. (c) Many are now in parks and reserves. (d) People cut down too many of them. 2. What can visitors do after entering a national park? (a) Pay the entrance fee (b) Buy a tree to take home (c) Walk among the trees (d) Take care to damage the trees @ Focus on Details 69 (tex) Listen and write the missing words. 1, There are many trees in these 2. Some of these trees are more than two feet tall! 3. kinds of trees grow in these forests. 4. must pay the fee to enter the parks. 20 units © summary 6 cans) Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. Different kinds of trees grow in the forests. ___ These trees grow in different areas. There are many forests in North America, _ Visitors must pay entrance fees to enter these parks. 1 2 3. 4. ____ Many trees are now in forest reserves or national parks. Q Dictation 6% Ciaas) Listen and complete the passage. There _ many _______ North America. There ‘2 trees these . Some ____ these _ more than — ane feet ! Some __ over five : old! kinds of __ im these __. Fir, cedar, — __pine ____ three. These __ units 21 | SSSSSE EEE SSS SUSE in different . Some in Some on mountains. People in place used to make out Many these ____are special These called reserves _______ national fone ae entrance 22 units Science and Technology Unit 6 An Easy Way to Shop Sontine © New Words 5 choose Fill in the blanks. 1. Please go to our___________to find out more about any special offers. 2. More and more people like to shop : 3. Many children find it___—=———_to nse a computer. 4. Press the red to start the machine. 5. Which would you like to buy? 6. Please the color you like best. © Understanding the Context 6% Ciraaé) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What did the girl buy? (a) A pocket computer (b) A mobile phone (c) An MP3 player (d) A calculator 2. What is NOT something you should do when buying an item online? (a) Pay for the item when it arrives. (b) Choose an item and click the “check out” button. (c) Use a credit card to pay for it. (d) Go to the website to look at the items. @ Focus on Details 6 (teas) Listen and write the missing words. 1. [ bought it online at an electronics 2. Is it hard to buy things _? 3. There are so many items to from on the website! 4. Do you pay for the when it comes? units 23 © True or False 6 Circe) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True] or F (False). 1. The MP3 player was on sale in an electronics mall. 2. The boy has bought things online many times. ca 4 5. ‘You should go to the website to choose the item you want. _____ Tr usually takes three days for an item to be sent to you. You must pay cash for any items bought online. Q Dictation 6% tracks) Listen and complete the dialog. G: B: Hey, Steve. Look ______ MP3 player! Wow! Ir Where ? electronics computer. Is > OV & ££" POSS SSS SUSE SSEESSEES : Its All is to and the you want at. There______ so | to from the ! | After what to 5 click ____ “check out” Units 25 26 unit? Unit 7_ Cell Phone Messages © message 0 mid © New Words ee 0 move © check Fill in the blanks. 1. Did you __a phone call from your sister last night? 2. Please to make sure you have all your things before getting off the airplane. 3. Isent them a saying that I could not come to their party. 4.Tusemy to make calls when I am away from home. 5. A cell phone is a very thing to have. 6. There is strawberry jam in the of this doughnut. © Understanding the Context 6% a7) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What does the woman want to do with her cell phone? (a) Check her messages (b) Make a phone call (c) Send a voice message (d) Send a text message 2. What is NOT true about sending a short text message? (a) It saves money. (b) Ie is fast. (c) Iisa useful way to contact people. (d) It costs more than a phone call. @ Focus on Details 6 Gaa7) Listen and write the missing words. 1. [need to ____ my messages. 2. [just use my to talk to other people. 3. Now you can also use a cell phone to send and ___ short text messages. 4, All my friends usually send me text now. = —" © summary 69 cir) Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1,____ The man and woman are in the middle of the freeway. 2 ‘The man says he only uses his cell phone to make phone calls. 3._____ The woman explains how to send a text message with a cell phone. 4, __ The woman wants to use her cell phone to check messages. 5 . ___ The man thanks the woman and says he will try it. SESS SS SS See @ Dictation 6% CiraK7) Listen and complete the dialog. W: I to _ _my M: How you cs do 2 We se jf) ee en of ___ freeway! W: I'm to use . Haven't done ? M: No.J_ my ees to other people. unit? 27 28 unit7 type a short . It’s cheaper and + Right. All © New Words Fill in the blanks. 1. We breathe outa____alled carbon dioxide. 2. The baby loves to play with soap in the bathtub. 3. Put only one __ of food coloring into the dough. 4. Lalways use a kettle to water for tea. 5. After a while, the smoke will 6. Don’t let the bird _____ from its cage. © Understanding the Context 6% Cia«s) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What does NOT happen when water is heated? (a) The liquid disappears into the air. (b) It moves around faster and faster. (c) The liquid starts turning into gas. (d) A lot of bubbles form. 2. Which gas is produced when water boils? (a) Oxygen (b) Water vapor (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Air bubbles @ Focus on Details #9 ax) Listen and write the missing words. — 1, When it starts to , the | liquid turns into a gas. \ 2. As the water gets hotter and hotter, it starts | turning into very quickly. | 3.Alotof_________ format the same | time. \ 4. After a while, every________of the | water will be gone. units 29 © True or False 6% Ciraccs) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False]. Water is a liquid. _____ When water starts to boil, the gas turns into a liquid. ‘The gas is heavier than the water around it. In boiling water, all the bubbles try to escape at the same time. feeb rhe gas disappears into the air. Pe sSsssuguss gy @ Dictation 6% Circa) ieee Listen and complete the passage. Where ___ the Serene come men x you water? Water a. When. is it around faster ____. When _ to , the E turns a eae This 2 is water vapor. This _ lighter the | £ it. It 30 Units SSSSUVESELESSESELS rises top. Then into ‘As gets hotter oe i turning rey LA | tor form the | all ty to at The push out the | and jump". This what call « | water.” | More ater into os ee ee the . After a | Units 31 Unit 9 The Blue Sk © New Words Fill in the blanks. 1. Children learn _____ in school. 2. You can see your face in mirrors because they ____light. 3.1 don’t how the thief entered the house. 4. Trees need both water and to grow. 5. Do you know the ______ to this question? 6. Towels water very well. © Understanding the Context 69 Cia) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What is NOT true about light? (a) It comes in the form of waves. _(b) It comes from the blue sky. (c) It comes in many colors. (d) Ie comes from the sun. 2. What happens after air molecules absorb blue light? (a) The blue light scatters in many directions. (b) The blue light reflects other colors. (c) Our eyes see the blue light from above. (d) The blue light waves get smaller. @ Focus on Details 6% Gaxa) Listen and write the missing words. 1. P'm good at 2. Blue ‘waves are smaller than air molecules. 3. They off the things that they hit. 4, NowI____ why the sky is bluet 32. units p(1.Qqcqvygx_"— _=—S—t~* © summary 6) aan Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. ——__ The light comes in many colors. 1 2. ___ Light waves come from the sun and pass through the ain. 3. ____ Your eyes sce the blue light when you look at the sky, 4. __ Blue light waves get absorbed by air molecules, 5._____ The blue light then scatters in different directions. SECELG SOOCY @ Dictation 6% Cras) Listen and complete the dialog. Oe a just ———. But__didn'tknow GT ee gp eee ot oe AL ee B: OK.Why sky G+ Vilexplain__-___ simple bight _ the ___ the _in Bi Theis many right: Unit? 33 LSE SSG SGV SG SG SVP ers G: Right. Blue ate than molecules. They get by_________ molecules. B: OK. What? G: Then blue scatter directions. Your see from you, after the molecules. B: So__ is makes ue! pW hat ee seat Secret oe CO) oes ees other eeetetnmeeree ers G: They off that it, Your shirt our______see red from it, B: Now why is ! 34 unito Unit 10 A New Camera O digital © camera © New Words Ope, Orin © compact die Fill in the blanks. 7 Te A eee is usually called a CD for short. 2. You can take pictures with a . 3. People — computer files when they don’t need them anymore. 4. Please out a copy of this report on white paper. 5. This isa beautiful of a bird. 6A camera is a useful thing to take on a holiday. © Understanding the Context 6% Listen and answer the questions. Cirack10) 1. Why did the man buy a digital camera? (a) He collects cameras. (b) He wanted to give his friend a gift. (c) His old one was broken. (d) He wanted to put his photos on his computer. 2. What is NOT true about digital photos? (a) You can take them without a digital camera. (b) You can store them on a CD. (c) You can print them out. (d) You can store them on a computer. @ Focus on Details 6 (rackia) Listen and write the missing words. 1. I just bought a camera! 2. can also pictures that are not very good. 3. Like to all my photos. 4, [save all the pictures I like on unit 10 35 © True or False 69 (acid) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). 1 ‘The woman already has a digital camera. 2 __ Digital pictures can be deleted. 3. __ You can only print digital pictures in a shop. 4 ‘You might run out of space if you store digital pictures in a computer. 5. A CD can store up to two hundred photos. STV GETV SG SS | Q Dictation 6% Gracci0) Listen and complete the dialog. | M: I__ bought a —— ee ! W: What with (| ceca 2 | M: Nothing. I this Se aT is M: I also ____ ue that are very .Idon’t____to_ __ them. | 36 unit 10 EE” —E— SEE SSSEEEG SLUGS S W: 1 to _all photos. That's 1 __ the sire s M.S Ob, Sta R See canner Ra Nese photos, too. Many will SES OREE for Seen Ae W: Really? Og printer esi Sins AEs ____ home. W: That seems How _—____store these ? M: You the ae EE ton) ___ computer. PO en OU TS ig - Tike on __ ae You _ —store_______than seven photos eee CD} W: Great! Maybe get a ae Se eee too. | Unit 10 37 rar sts Art and Culture Unit 1! Gold 5 gold im 5 metal @ New Words = bay cee Fill in the blanks. 1. Iron, aluminum, and copper are different kinds of __ 2. She received a necklace for her birthday. 3. Children often 4, Diamonds are very __ their toys more than their clothes. 5. People go to parks to enjoy the __ of flowers and trees. 6. Most women like to wear _ © Understanding the Context #9 © Listen and answer the questions. rack 11) 1. What makes gold valuable? (a) It is a soft metal. (b) Ie is a part of many cultures. (c) It is beautiful and rare. (d) It is easy to shape. 2. Why do people sometimes mix gold with other metals? (a) To make it easier to shape (b) To make it harder (c) To make it more valuable (d) To make the color different @ Focus on Details 6 Listen and write the missing words. | | 1. People made coins and \ \ with gold. \ 2. Why do we gold so \ much? 3. Even after hundreds of years, gold is still a precious now. 4. It is still valued for its ___ 380 unit 11 © summary QQ aaa Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1. _____ Gold is stored in banks in the form of bars. 2. ___ People sometimes mix gold with other metals to make beautiful jewelry. 3; — Even after hundreds of years, gold is still a precious metal today. 4 - —_. Gold has been a part of many cultures for hundreds of years. 5._____ Gold is bright yellow in color. Q Dictation 6) Ga) Listen and complete the passage. (Gold fae ieeeaie oe gee —__of_____ cultures ae Peete isa soft _ _. Tis _t0 shape_____sheets,_____wires,___—_sings. People emi ther = . This the - . Then Unit 11 39 SOSS SEE SUG SY EES SY 40 unit 11 can made into Why we so much? It a . No other is bright We because itis A thing to find. Even of years, is precious now. It is for its Tt still Today, store in form bars. Its is $600 per ounce. now ever Unit 12 The Summer Music Festival spend music © New Words A tckee overnight icker 0 festival Fill in the blanks. 1 is the warmest season of the year 2. Most people enjoy listening to ee . Diwali is an important ___that takes place every year in India. 4 5. How much money did you n you get me a to the concert? _____ on your holiday? 6. Istayed up ___to study for my test. © Understanding the Context 6% daa Listen and answer the questions. 1. What will the woman do to get tickets to the music festival? (a) Listen to 20 different bands (b) Ask the man to buy them for him (c) Wait until next summer (d) Line up overnight 2. Why does the woman want to go to the summer music festival? (a) Her friends will be playing in a band there. (b) The tickets are very cheap. (c) She thinks it will be a great music festival. (d) She has a free ticket. @ Focus on Details #9 “acki2) Listen and write the missing words. 1. I'll go if Ican get 2.1 might line up —__ _, too. 3. I think it is going to be a great music __ that I won't want to miss. 4. I don’t think I want to that much on a ticket. unit 12 41 © True or False 6% Listen and mark the sentences as T (True] or F (False). The music festival will be held next summer. Different bands will be playing in the music festival. The woman decides to line up overnight to buy tickets. The woman thinks that the tickets cost $100 each. peep p The man wants to buy a ticket, too. SOS S SOS TO OY @ Dictation 6% Gaia) ae | Listen and complete the dialog. W: Have heard the | next? Tread it | going about 20 different __in it. | M: Idid talking | it. Are planning 2 W: Pl ifr __get 42 unit 12 going to | to get 1 might | gl ae geen M: I don’t Twant line up long! ews) welll Posen da Se | to bea — a iworts Se M: Do how much | are ____ cost? (wirm but each | oa $75. M: That's of i I want to luck, 44 unit 13 Unit 13. The School Pla yesterday early © New Words = a © first e © teacher Fill in the blanks. 1, I finished reading that book ; 2. Make sure you arrive __ for class tomorrow. 3. My mother works as a science yas sin 4. Can you where I will be going on holiday this summer? 5. The young man and his wife are going to have their baby. 6. Would you like to watch a at the theater next week? © Understanding the Context #> Listen and answer the questions. 1. When is the school play? (a) Friday afternoon (b) Friday night (c) Saturday afternoon (d) Saturday night 2. What play is the drama club going to put on? (a) The Phantom of the Opera (b) The Sound of Music (c) Mary Poppins (d) Cats @ Focus on Details 6% (aaa) Listen and write the missing words. 1. Yes, I heard about it in English class 2. Ms, Martin, our English , told us all about it. 3. Can you what it is? 4, Let’s go __ so we get good seats! CO —&£_—E—_____ © summary & cease Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1 The boy says that the drama club will be putting on their first play of the year The girl has watched the story on TV and likes it. _____ The girl wants to go early to get good seats. The girl does not know about the play. ___ The boy asks the girl if she will be going to the school play. ee @ Dictation 6% Craxid) Listen and complete the dialog. B: Are _ ee __to the = on Saturday a G: The 2 didn’t there to be Saturday night. B: Yes, about in English class T think will really 4 G: Who about ? unit13 45 CSE E SES GS SG SUSY IB B: Ms. Martin, English told all it. This drama club’s of G: What____the about? It's nothing B: Can what __ is? G: Oh, on, me B: It’s The Sound of Music. G: PI The Sound of Music _____TV It’s good! Are sure? B: Of Pm that’s Ms. Martin . Would to the with —__ Saturday G: That__ be ets soe Unit 14 Ballet Class © ballet a 5 dance © New Words E petetice 0 ameet f oe © graceful Fill in the blanks. —_ 1, Most young people like to to fast music. 2. Sophie is a __ dancer. 3.Twantto how to play chess. 4. There are many cars on this___ _ during rush hour. 5. You must the piano every day if you want to play well. 6. Some traditional dances are very © Understanding the Context 6% caaia Listen and answer the questions. 1. What is NOT true about Cindy? (a) She is going to her first ballet class. (b) Her dance school is called Easy Steps Dance Academy, (c) Her mother and father want her to learn ballet. (d) She is not sure that she will like ballet. 2. What will Cindy need to do in order to be good at ballet? (a) Teach the steps and enjoy dancing _(b) Attend Mrs. White’s ballet class (c) Take ballet lessons every day (d) Learn the steps and practice a lot @ Focus on Details 6% Graaiz) Listen and write the missing words. 1, How long have you been studying 2 2. Now I teach ballet in a school. 3. Down the __ at Easy Steps Dance Academy. 4. Ballet is fun to learn, and it’s avery dance. unit 14 47 © True or False 6% rai) Listen and mark the sentences as T [True] or F (False). Cindy is excited about her first ballet clas Mrs, White is Cindy’s mother. Mrs. White used to take ballet lessons when she was Cindy’s age. ______ Mrs. White thinks that Cindy will enjoy ballet classes. ba ale ora we Mrs. White thinks that ballet is a very graceful dance. Q Dictation 6 raat Listen and complete the dialog. W: Hi Cindy, are > G: Good » Mrs. White, I’m to class. W: _? I didn’t you studying .How you been 2 | G: Today___ my Saat , and I don’t 48 unit 16 0 ——— SHSSSSSSSSLELSEESS My mom dad to . Pm not 1 to | —________ how to |W: Tused too, when __ your age. I teach ine school. G: OhI ______ that! Where you Le your eesemecoment |W: Down the at Easy Steps Dance Academy. is to and it’s very | - You'll to the steps | alot but you'll 50 unit 15 Unit 15 Monet’s Garden ; 5 artist 5 shay suey © New Words Geos daylight ip change Fill in the blanks. 1. Maria’s mother is an : 2. What is the of the cake: round or square? 3. Jill likes to. grow roses in her . 4. The traffic light will soon _____ from red to green. 5. There is a small of people standing outside the museum. 6. This big window allows to enter this room. © Understanding the Context 6% (0 Listen and answer the questions. 1, Why did Monet paint outdoors? (a) He was ill and needed to sit in the sun, (b) He loved his garden. (c) He wanted to show how daylight made things look. (d) He could not paint indoors. 2. What is NOT true about Monet? (a) He was a great artist. (b) He lived in a busy city. (c) He was an Impressionist. (d) He liked to paint flowers and trees. @ Focus on Details 6% (axis) Listen and write the missing words. 1, Claude Monet was a great _ au 2. This way of painting shows how light can. | ____ shapes and colors. . He wanted to show how made things look. 4. His was in a village. © Summary 69 axis) Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1 He loved to paint in his own garden. 2 _ Claude Monet was the first of the Impressionists. 3. ‘Today, many visitors come to see Monet's garden. 4 In their paintings, the Impressionists tried to show how light changes the way things look. SESS CESSVCY @ Dictation 6% axis) Listen and complete the passage. Monet did a lot of his work outdoors. Claude Monet __ great -He____ the = ofa ___of called Impressionists. This thought how them . They to ____ in their work. Th of painting can and units 51 SEES ESTEE SUES GSS UG Monet alot___ work . He wanted how made look. Many paintings are of He to flowers . He to in his own His was in village. He for many Today, come to this . They from the world. Most are lovers or They to see that Monet Leisure and Entertainment Unit 16 A Haunted House haunted 5 furnitur © New Words ee aes ing beach Fill in the blanks. 1. [dressed up as a _ for Halloween. 2. Do you ____ her story about seeing a ghost? 3. L was only when I said that I saw a ghost! 4. People say that this old house has been for years. 5. We are going to the — tomorrow. 6. They bought new for their new house. © Understanding the Context 6 (raat) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What did the girl want to do at first? (a) Meet her friend (b) Visit a haunted house (c) Walk in a forest (d) Go to the beach 2, What is NOT true about the house? (a) It is in a forest. (b) Ie is empty. (c) thas old furniture. (d) It is haunted. @ Focus on Details 6 Listen and write the missing words. 1, Well, I'm visiting a____ house this afternoon. 2. I's really dark, with lots of old = and pictures on the walls. 3. [thought you didn’t ____ in ghosts! 4. Lwas only units 53 © True or False 6% (Taxis) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). 1 It is a warm, sunny day. 2 The boy plans to visit a haunted house in the afternoon. 3. The girl says she doesn’t believe in ghosts, but she seems scared. 4. The boy tells the girl that he is joking. 5. The friends decide not to visit the old house in the end. | d j pods SSUUEES | @ Dictation 6% craxts) Listen and complete the dialog. | G: Oh , it’s ! T wanted to the = today. | B: Well, Pm a__ house this : | You can __me _____you like. G: A ? What it 2 | B: Its really __, with _ of as and on the walls. It's a 54 unit Oe y SSSUSESSESSESELSS because it’s of ! G: You're ptight? Idon’t in ! Where the B: The isinthe G: OhtAreyou sure to go? B: Whats PT youdidn't in IG 3 Well dont seeseece 8 eee tee Bin, but . B: That’s OK, I don’t _____in either! I was The isn’t really it’s avery, house, G: Whew, P?’m to that! Sure, Pil wg Screen TV © New Words Fill in the blanks. 1. This computer has a 24-inch 2, We always watch television in our 3. He cannot _ to buy a car this y an, 4.Thave __ been to Australia. 5.1 reading storybooks. 6. The _ of this photo is better than that one. © Understanding the Context 6 rai) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What is NOT true about the TV the man wants to buy? (a) It is a big screen TV. (b) I is only sold online. (c} It costs a lot of money. (d) The picture quality is great. 2. What will the man have to do before he can get the T (a) Save some money for a few months (b) Get his friend to lend him some money (c) Clear a space in his living room (d) Wait for the TV to go on sale @ Focus on Details #% “=xi7) Listen and write the missing words. 1. Pm thinking about buying a big TV. 2. Do you think the __ of the picture is good? 3. Then, Ican watching TV on the big screen with you! 4, It will be a few months before Ican____——_to buy it. 56 unit 17 ee Io ©U ©3+=«\ © Summary 69 cai Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1. ‘The man wants to buy a big screen TV. 2 It will be a few months before the man can buy the TV. 3. A big screen TV costs a lot of money. 4, ‘The woman wants to enjoy the big screen TV, too. 5 ‘The man enjoys watching TV on a big screen. @ Dictation 6% Listen and complete the dialog. M: I'm = about __ a " Tv. W: Wow! I've those store. They cost___ of Can to onc? M: They cost a of . Burl watching TV. I i's much unit 17 57 SESE SEE SG SLUG GSU S to TV shows a big W: Ive TV ona Do think of the is > ‘M: Yes, the is When you__ soccer games, dike you right on field! W: When —__the TV, ____T__ over to your ?Then,J__-_— watching TV on with yout M: Ihave = some tothe TV . It will afew Tcan tot! 58 unit 17 Unit 18 He’s Famous! = famous handsome @ New Words Cm Cbaircut © sleepy Fill in the blanks. 1.1 feel __ this morning because I stayed up late last night. 2, Would you like to watch a___on Saturday? 3. Most of Jerry’s friends think that he is very 4, Picasso was a ne ___ artist. 5. Neil goes to the barber to get a every month. 6. That man was a famous in the 1960's. © Understanding the Context #9 (raise Listen and answer the questions. 1. What does the gir! think about Tim Cross? (a) He never looks sleepy. (b) He is very handsome. (c) He acts in many types of movies. (d) He is not a good actor. 2. What did the boy do to look more like Tim Cross? (a) He wore a new T-shirt. (b) He combed his hair in a new way. (c) He got a new haircut. (d) He bought a torn pair of jeans. @ Focus on Details #9 “ax Listen and write the missing words. 1. Are you going to the new Tim Cross _ tonight? 2. He may be ______, but I don’t think he’s a very good actor. 3. He always looks so caee 4. Well, that explains why I don’t like your new ! unt 18 59 © True or False 6 (rackis) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). The boy thinks that the new Tim Cross movie looks interesting. __ Tim Cross is a famous actor. As 2. 3. ____ The girl thinks that Tim Cross is a very good actor. 4, ___ Tim Cross acts in movies. 5. All the girl’s friends think that Tim Cross is a handsome man. | | FeSesSsEsusguy @ Dictation 6% Cracis) fe Listen and complete the dialog. | B: Are to the _ Tim Cross tonight? G: Idon't Litt kind of B i eee ee interesting. Besides, Tim Cross ___a a | G: He be » but I don’t _ he’s very = pie pec stasse oes acts in__ 60 unit 18 ———=£z_—=— SOS SHSSSSSUSS SSUES sort . He does different. B: Well,at_____——_you_____ihe’s__ looking, right? G: No, He looks so B: But think he’s Maybe that’s is so | Gz None of think he is __ looking all. [used him ag, but Tthink he’s tall | Br Hey!I got to try to more him! | G: Well, ___ explains _I don’t ___your new unit18 61 Unit 19 A Housewarming Pa © party ae decorate © New Words Othe i, OMtlicions = Shopping 1 refreshments Fill in the blanks. 1. Mary has moved into a new house. 2. This chocolate cake looks 3. Are you going to Sue’s birthday _ tomorrow afternoon? 4. Did you your bedroom yourself? 5. Are you hungry or thirsty? There are some on that table over there. at malls. 6. A lot of people enjoy _ © Understanding the Context 6% Gaai®) Listen and answer the questions. 1, What is NOT true about Sue? (a) She is having a party at her house. (b) She has a lovely new house. (c} She will go to Europe this summer. (d) She bought some furniture in Europe. 2. What will Sue do this summer? (a) She will decorate her house. (b) She will go on a trip to China. (c) She will visit Europe again. (d) She will have a party at her house. @ Focus on Details 6 “raai) Listen and write the missing words. 1. Thanks for coming to my housewarming 2.Did you house all by yourself? 3. You should go while you are there. your 4. By the way, please help yourself to the © 62 units © Summary 69 Gai) Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1. ____ Sue says she traveled around Europe last year. 2.____ Sue invites Steve to have some refreshments. 3.______ Sue says she wants to go on another trip this summer. 4, ___ Steve is attending Sue’s housewarming party. s Sue says she decorated her new house all by herself. FSSSUUS? SOUCY , @Q Dictation 6 Gai) Listen and complete the dialog. W: Hi, Steve! Thanks to housewarming , Sue! ______ for inviting to see your home. It’s ! Ww: you. ’'m __ you it. M: Did you : __ your all____ yourself? W: Yes, __.I traveled Europe _______ year. unit19 63 SSS Soe se cece en Me eee for ty there. M: Doyou____—_to ona___tripthis_— > W: Yes, planning to China. M: That's !How_______will_ be Ww: be fora M: You find things China for new You should while are W: Of It will be to there. By the way, help to the M: Thanks. The looks ! 64 Unit 19 “sound = O listen © New Words eee 2S eke © instrument Fill in the blanks. 1. What kind of does a drum make? 2. She plays the very well. 3. A guitar is a musical ; 4, The famous____ sang beautiful songs at the concert last night. 5, Please Four natnevand address on’atpicce of paper 6.Tusually to the radio in the afternoon. © Understanding the Context 6% (irac20 Listen and answer the questions. 1. Which of the following does the speaker NOT talk about? (a) People who write music (b) People who play music (c) Places where people play music (d) Things that are used to play music 2, What does the speaker say about a choir? (a) The people in a choir sing. (b) Choirs do not need to read music notes. (c) A choir usually sings with an orchestra. (d) Composers do not write music for choirs. @ Focus on Details > =x20) Listen and write the missing words. 1. Do you like to to music? 2. People all over the world like 3. Music can be played on 4, Some of these are the , the violin, and the drum. Unt 20 65 © True or False 69 (irack20) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). _____ People who write music are called composers. Composers always play their own music. ‘There are six types of musical instruments. People can make music as a group. d FSSsssssgssgy Q Dictation 6 iax2) Listen and complete the passage. 1. 2. 3. _____ People who can read music can understand musical notes. 4. 5 Do like to to ? Music is up of __. People over the world : People it for years. People who are________ composers. Most of a composer not or his own __. He it all in the form notes. Those who __ how to 66 Unit 20 SESESVSVSESUVEEHEES can these . This is can the or it, Lots of like to play » Music be on There are types of musical Some of are the the violin, drum. People make asa A isa of people who . An orchestra is a of who musical Unit 20 67 a School and Family Unit 21 Where Is Your Homework? © New Words Fill in the blanks. 1, Did your teacher give you any _ today? 2. Please __ what I have written on the blackboard. 3. [had to write an for the English exam. 4, [have written down the address in my little 5. There are 60 ___inan hour, 6. What does the “delicious” mean? © Understanding the Context 6% (maz) Listen and answer the questions. 1. How long should the essay be? (a) 100 words (b) 150 words (c) 200 words (d) 250 words 2. What does the boy want to do? (a) Tell Mrs. Jones that he did not do his homework (b) Copy his friend’s work before class (c) Do his homework quickly before class (d) Hand his homework in tomorrow @ Focus on Details 6& (racxzt) Listen and write the missing words. 1. Did you finish your for English class? 2. Lalways write what I have to do in my 3. Did she really tell us to write an ; 4, We've only got ten before class starts. 68 Unit 21 © Summary 69 caxz Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1, ____ The girl tells the boy that they were told to write an essay. 2 The boy tries to think of a way to solve his problem. 3. ___ The girl shows the boy her essay. 4. The girl asks the boy if he has finished his homework. s. ' The boy thinks that there is no homework for English class. @ Dictation 6% Gaz Listen and complete the dialog. G: Did finish ________________ for English 2 z __? There wasn’t G: We finish a then a 200-word ont. B: Idon’t___Ms. Jones ___us any Talways what I ________ do in my unit21 69 SFE ST OD IV SY SS ISEVS .Did____really______us to write an essay? G: Look, here’s____. See? B: Oh! What Igoing___do? We've_________got 10 before starts. G: don’t . Maybe Ms. Jones det hand in B: Hey, me your rll a few Ms. Jones know, G: No, I'm .That’s___ the todo. B: Oh, on! I thought were Gil your - That’s Pm not you work! 70 unit 21 22 After School Act © busy a © swimming © New Words ca 5 team 5 enough Fill in the blanks. 1. Twill be very ______ this afternoon. 2. Lusually go every Wednesday. 3. There was a thunderstorm the night. 4, Have you made any plans for this? 5. Do you have money to buy the book? 6. John is on the school chess SSE this year © Understanding the Context 6% (acz2) Listen and answer the questions. 1, What does the girl want to do this year? (a) Play hockey (b) Play tennis (c) Play basketball (d) Play soccer 2. When will the boy do his homework? (a) Every day after school (b) During the weekend (c) Only on Sunday (d) Every morning @ Focus on Details 69 (rackz2) Listen and write the missing words. 1. Pm also going to take up 2. You will be very =a 3. Iwill play soccer with my school team —__________ the week. 4. Well, I hope you find time for both schoolwork and sports. Unit 22 71 Ove or False 6% (racxz2) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). 1. _______ The boy is on his school’s soccer team. 2. The boy also wants to play hockey. 3. The boy plans to go swimming during the weekend. 4. The boy will do some schoolwork during the week. 5. The boy will do his homework during lunch. @ Dictation 6) Caz) Listen and complete the dialog. B: Will you any to hockey. But Pm if have time. B: Pm the soccer .T'm also to take up G: You're to be soccer 72 unit 22 CO —_— SoS SE SSSSVUEsSEssSS » too? B: Yeah. G: That a lot. You __be very | ! Do you ___ you have any | > | Bil soccer with school | the week. I go the G: When you todo > And will study? B: Ido after day. I study » My won't let me until T all my G: Well, I you find for schoolwork and « Good luck! 76 unit 23 Unit 23 Arts and Crafts Class necklace O transparent Bae © New Words Fp ceane Fill in the blanks. Sea 1. She looks very in that dress. 2. The woman is wearing a gold 3. The child’s necklace is made out of blue _ - 4, Glass is + you can see right through it. 5. I gave my sister a pair of for her birthday. 6. The baby’s spoon is made of = © Understanding the Context 6% (az) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What does the girl do after she chooses the beads? (a) Decides what jewelry to make (b) Strings the beads on plastic wire (c) Paints the beads in different colors (d) Puts the beads on a table 2. What did the girl make for her mother during arts and crafts class? (a) A necklace (b) A bracelet (c) A pair of earrings (d) A Tshirt @ Focus on Details 6 az) Listen and write the missing words. - Oh, those earrings are very 2. The ___ come in different colors and shapes. we . Tom made a bead necklace for his sister, and I made some a . Next week, I’m going to make a - OO ——=£—S © summary 6 aaa Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. ___ The girl says that she is learning how to make jewelry from beads. — The mother sees that the girl is wearing a pair of bead earrings. 1. 2. 3. ______ The girl has just come back from arts and crafts class. 4. ____. The girl gives her mother a pair of bead earrings. ee ___ The girl tells her mother how the bead jewelry is made. ORURORCRORURON ORC oe Q@ Dictation 6% Gaaz) Listen and complete the dialog. G: Hi, Mom, ’'m_____ arts and crafts _ Look at _ rm eee a , you're __a blue T-shirt _ = G3 Surrey but esis sates eer ayy Jerse W: Oh, those are very _ Is fase what you're to this in Unit 23 75 a a arts and crafts G: Yes,we're_______—tomake from this . The come different and . we decide sort of we to Then, we thee we and string on wire. W: That_________ like _____of_ G: Yeah! Tom a for his sand I some what, Mom? I a pair of for too! W: Oh, are very ! Thank you 76 unit 23 Unit 24 Grandfather’s Birthday ae © fami @ New Words Gee: acore ~ forgor Fill in the blanks. 1. Wrap the ______in pretty paper and tie a ribbon around it. 2. Maria's is in September. 3.1 had spaghetti for last night. 4, She lives with her in the city, 5. She to switch the lights off in the living room before she went to bed. 6. Which team got the highest in that game? © Understanding the Context #9 (raxz) Listen and answer the questions. 1, Where will Billy have dinner tonight? (a) At his parents’ house (b) At his uncle’s house (c) At his aunt's house (d) At his cousin’s house 2. What gift does Billy’s mother suggest that Billy give to his grandfather? (a) A phone call (b) Something from the store (c) Acard and a picture (d) His test score @ Focus on Details 6} Graxz) Listen and write the missing words. 1. I got the highest in my class! 2. What’s for 3. Ie’s your grandfather's today, remember? 4. [haven't seen the whole in a long time. © True or False 6} Graxm) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). Billy got the highest score in his class for a science test. Billy forgot that it was his grandfather's birthday. Billy's father is too busy to attend the party. Billy has no cousins, Billy's mother has got a birthday gift for his grandfather. @ Dictation 6% “az Listen and complete the dialog. B: Hi, Mom! what? We our English back got highest W: Oh, Billy, ’m for that B: Thanks, Mom. I’m. What’s for W: We're to aunt's place for 78 unit 24 SESS EES UE SE EUS ES It’s your today, remember? B: Ohno,t_____t Thaven’t go a pee eerie Ae RO for Grandpa! W: Don’t I bought - for from of us. Anyway, English 1 Se ee Be a we por ye eae et The whole will be the . All your aunts, uncles, cousins ae B: Thaven’t the Renn eee ina long We Well,you'll____ them Nowy, eRe an and ready. oe eR ORWhen attests we ? : When Unit 25 The Lesson 5 lesson rR © New Words aioe! Gouee a couneer easily Fill in the blanks. 1. [have a piano every week. 2. Your father is than you are. 3. Your baby brother is than you are. 4. People should work _______instead of fighting. 5. This is not a big problem. Ican fix it = 6. You are too heavy for that swing. Ifyou sit on it, it might ees © Understanding the Context 6 (irack25) Listen and answer the questions. 1, Who are the people in this story? (a) A father and two sons (b) A father, a mother, and a son (c) A mother and two daughters (d) A mother, a son, and a daughter 2. What are the sticks used as? (a) Tools to teach a lesson (b) Walking sticks (c) Magical gifts (d) Wood to put in the fire @ Focus on Details 6% craci2s) Listen and write the mi: ing words. 1. One day, the man decided to teach his sons a . 2. He told the boy to them. 3. The _ son also could not break the sticks. 4. Ifyou work, no one can break you. 80 unit 25 TT © summary &Q Gaz) Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. a He asked each son to break two sticks at the same time. 2, ___ A father had two sons who were always fighting. 3. _____ The sons could not break two sticks together, but they could break one easily. 4. The father decided to teach them a lesson. Ss. After that, the two sons always tried to get along with each other. eee @ Dictation Listen and complete the passage. There ___once who with sons, The ________were______ fighting with _ other. One » the decided to __ two large sticks. to them. The tried not the Unit 25 81 SOS SGSSE SUG SUS SSG The also could the At the gave only to son. He said, “. them.” Each his The said, “You like Ifyouwork noone you, Bur you with each all the one someone will ____of you.” After that ,the stopped They started to Gar) Care mu eld Unit 26 A Problem at the Office © accident 1 office 5 virus © New Words tae 0 careful a © repair Fill in the blanks. 1. There was acar__________on the street a few minutes ago. 2. [have put all the information into a___. 3. Please make sure that the file in your computer does not contain a 4, What time do you usually arrive at the ? 5. [need to ___ my camera. It isn’t working. 6. Be when you cross the street. © Understanding the Context 6% Listen and answer the questions. 1. Why couldn’t the man use his computer all day? (a) There was a virus in the computer. (b) The man was looking for some lost files. (c) The computer was broken. (d) There was no electricity in the office. 2. What does the man think is the real problem? (a) The computer cannot be repaired. r (b) He may have lost some work. | (c) He has to buy a new computer. \ (d) He has mi sed an important meeting. | @ Focus on Details 6% “ack Listen and write the missing words. 1. Thad a big problem at the today! 2. You must be when you open files in your email. 3. It was an ! 4, He worked all day to___ my computer. © True or False 6 (irack2s) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). iB The man had a problem at the office. 2. He forgot to save an important file. 3 He accidentally opened a file that had a virus. 4, _____ A computer repairman came to the office to repair the computer. S The woman tells the man to make back-up files. @ Dictation 6% Listen and complete the dialog. M: [hada at the ! W: What 2 M: I not computer all ! W: Was it ofa 2 M: Yes. 1_ a that had W: Oh You be when you 84 unit 26 BC ———————I=o&~— SHSSSSSUSSESSUUESS | your ____ computer crash. M: It an VI didn’t the had Til be next W: What you do > M: I ____ computer repairman to the . He all to computer. But real is that I have some of W: Don't . Your is probably aa your computer. I can get back, Next make have back-up Just in it again! Unit 26 85 86 unit27 Unit 27 My Future Job job © subject @ New Words B eatbematics Ct join © examination © favorite Fill in the blanks. 1. Bill is very good at__. He likes numbers. 2. “Exam” is the short form of the word“ 3. What is your favorite ___im school? 4, What is your ____ kind of fruit? 5. My brother is looking fora ___________in the city, 6. Please __ us for lunch tomorrow afternoon. © Understanding the Context 6% (irax27) Listen and answer the questions. 1. What does Mark want to be when he grows up? (a) A doctor (b) An artist (c) A teacher (d) A policeman 2. What subject does the girl want to teach? (a) English (b) Science (c) Mathematics (d) Are @ Focus on Details #9 (rak27) Listen and write the missing words. 1, Teaching is an important 2, What do you want to teach? 3. Now, mathematics is my subject. 4, I got an A on the examination last week. 0 —————— SCO © Summary 69 “iz Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1, _____ The girl asks Mark what he wants to be when he grows up. 2 Mark likes mathematics because Ms. Kim makes learning fun. 3. Mark says that he got an A on his math exam last week. 4,____ The girl says that teachers work hard for not much money. 5 Mark says that he wants to teach mathematics. Q Dictation 6% az Listen and complete the dialog. G: Whar_____ want to you ——— Mark? B: 1 to be Bil I would to children | Gs Well, you _ 5 work hard, and are paid much B: Idon't___about Teaching Unitz7 87 SESE EET E ESSE EOE S importane : What do you to ? il to like Ms. Kim. She fun. I didn’t that would math sont 1 her - Now, is my : Ifyou to ath, you'll to work ____and__it well. : No !T got Aon the last week. With ke Ms. Kim, is Unit 28 Shopping O sale Ane © sunglasses © New Words ae © normal ‘erything © clothes Fill in the blanks. 1, This store has a ____ twice every year. 2. People wear _ ___ to protect their eyes from bright sunlight. 3. This camera was on sale; it was 70% off the ___ price! 41s ready for the party? 5. Summer are usually thin and made of cotton. 6. Mrs. Smith sold her house for a good © Understanding the Context 6% az) Listen and answer the questions. 1, What is NOT on sale? (a) Summer clothes (b) Hats (c} Sunglasses (d) Shoes 2, Why is there no price tag on the sunglasses the man likes? (a) The sunglasses belong to the woman. (b) The sunglasses are on sale. (c) The woman forgot to put a price tag on them. (d) The price tag dropped off. @ Focus on Details (raz) Listen and write the missing words. 1, We are having a summer 2. Everything is 50% off the normal eee: | 3. All the summer are on sale, too. | 4, L would like to get a pair of - | just like these. Unit 28 89 © True or False 6% (racxz Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). 1. Everything is 50% off during the summer sale. 2 Summer clothes are not on sale. 3. The man lost his sunglasses at the beach. 4, The sunglasses he likes cost $15. s ‘The woman sells a pair of sunglasses to the man. Q Dictation Listen and complete the dialog. W: We having a ____. Everything 50% off ____ normal M: Really? W: Yes. is on including . hats, bags. Alll the are on » t00. M: Ido some Host ————a—~SS—t—* SSESSCSSSLEGC SESS when T to the this summer. Oh, these are really nice. What isthe _________ of these? There —______no tag them. sinthere’s on those because___are mine! M: Really2T__- to get of just like . Where you them? W: Actually,[_____________for$15__ Super Glasses. M: There ___a Super Glasses in mall, there? W: Yes, but me the we have Mz No, ee think! | lle meter eRe Oe Super Glasses! Unit 29 A Part-time Job © New Words Fill in the blanks. 1. You can find a lot of information online if you use the 2. Make a of the things you need to buy before you go shopping. 3. Have you read the __ __ this morning? 4. Jim put an in the newspaper to help him sell his car. 5. Lwas not __ in watching any of the shows on TV last night, so I just went to bed. 6. Would you like me to help you __ for your missing file? © Understanding the Context 6G Listen and answer the questions. 1, What is NOT something the woman suggests to help the boy find a job? (a) Do an Internet search (b) Look in the newspaper for job advertisements (c) Put an advertisement on the Internet (d) Look at websites with job postings 2. What does the woman have that might save the boy some time? (a) A list of interesting jobs (b) Some newspaper advertisements (c) A part-time job in his office (d) A list of useful websites @ Focus on Details #9 (tacx29) Listen and write the missing words. 1. There are lots of job advertisements in the 2. Many companies put job _ on the Internet. 3. You could also _ for the type of job you are interested in, 4. Pll start my search right now. 92 unit 29 © summary 0 aaa) Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1, ______ The woman says that many companies put job advertisements on the Internet. 2 The boy wants to find a part-time job. 3) The boy asks the woman what he should search for on the Internet. 4, ____ The boy says he is not interested in any of the jobs advertised in the newspaper. 5. The boy will start his Internet search right away. @ Dictation 6% Listen and complete the dialog. B: 1 to a part-time have any about where I for 2 W: Have you in the lots of ema es eet eee Renee in the Bis Yes, (But ‘were no was SEESUSESESESEUEGSS 94 Unit 29 W: Did you on the ? Many companies put on B: , [haven't Tdon't what I for. W: There are that have postings that look at. You also for the of you in. B: OK. for me what I do. Pll my right now. W: Thave of some You could at those . That might you be very . Thanks! Unit 30 Teamwork © New Words Fill in the blanks. 1.Wecan_____—_a lot if we work hard every day. 2. Your _ are your father and your mother. 3. Every member of a family should share the household 4.Is your brother a _ , or does he have a job? s. is very important when you play team sports. 6. Ihave no clean clothes because I forgot to do my © Understanding the Context © (co) Listen and answer the questions. 1, What happens when people work together as a team? (a) They cannot achieve a lot. (b) Things get done easily. (c) They rarely share the work. (d) Things take a longer time to be done. 2. What household chore is NOT mentioned in the passage? (a) Washing the dishes (b) Cleaning the windows (c) Sweeping the floor (d) Cooking, @ Focus on Details #9 (acs0) Listen and write the missing words. 1. When people work together as a team, they can alot. 2. We practice in my family. 3. So, when it comes to household we all work together to get them done. 4, My mother does the unit 30 95 © True or False 6% (iracki0) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). - The girl’s father works as a teacher. 2 The girl’s brother is a student at college. 3. The girl’s family practices teamwork. 4, ___ The girl’s mother does the cooking every day. s. The git!’s brother takes out the trash. Q@ Dictation 6% cas) Listen and complete the passage. When work tsa , they a lot. You can get done when the work. Wein my . Both my have . My isa My isa . Both of them long all My isa a 96 unit 30 Sie oe dee ee 6 in__ . We have very ——___— lives So, tee eereeae es It Comes q _ household , we all = to | get —____—— done. Each of us different __. My — take to_ . My takes the trash. My does the My washes the “sweep _____— floor. We the and. 7 gets done fast. should working, a ____ works! Sports and Health Unit 31. The Marathon © marathon © runners Bay © New Words oditar = 2 = Fill in the blanks. ea 1A is a long race. 2 is half of one hundred. 3. Isit ___to learn mathematics? 4, You are to have such a nice family. 5. How many runners took part in the — 2 6. Ten took part in the race. © Understanding the Context 69 (aaa?) Listen and answer the questions. 1, Where was the marathon held? (a) Miami (b) Boston (c) New York (d) Washington 2. What is NOT true? (a) The man watched the marathon on TV. (b) It is difficult to run a marathon. (c) The man has never run in a marathon. (d) The man’s friend ran in the marathon. @ Focus on Details 6 (raat) Listen and write the missing words. 1. My friend is a ___, sol went there to watch her run. 2.Youareso_ 3. I watched the entire from start to finish. 4. [tried to run a __ once. 98 unit 31 CS © summary Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. ED 1 The man says his friend is a runner. 2 ‘The man says his friend finished the marathon in the top 50. 3. ‘The man says he went to Boston to watch the marathon. 4. The man says he once tried to run a marathon but it was really difficult. 5. The man says he watched the entire race. Q Dictation 6% (axa) Listen and complete the dialog. W: Did pnt the Boston Hj M: Yes, sto Boston ___ _ it. W: You _ Boston for the : M: That’s_ My isa S80 T went _ to watch her . We traveled Boston. W: You are ! Which of the a how the can finish the !Itsso and tT could do like that. M: I tried to a once. It was I just can’t like my W: Yes, a is not an to do. By the how did (do in shee Pee toy ee es) M: She quite___! She was____ the fastest , but she in the 100 unit 31 Unit 32 Racquetball | Spore © New Words racket ules Fill in the blanks. ign __ is a popular sport. 2. Do you know the ____ for playing chess? 3.Tusea___to play badminton. 4. Which ___do you like better: tennis or racquetball? 5. She is a famous tennis —_ : 6.1 put the bookmark ___ the pages of the book to mark my place. © Understanding the Context 6% Giacaz) Listen and answer the questions. 1, When did racquetball first start to be played? (a) About 20 years ago (b) About 30 years ago (c) About 40 years ago (d) About 50 years ago 2. What is NOT true about racquetball? (a) People of all ages can play it. (b) It was not a popular game at first. (c) Iris a racket game. (d) It is now played all over the world. @ Focus on Details 6 x2) Listen and write the mi: ing words. 1, Racquetball is a popular____ pee 2. A short __ is used to play this game. 3. They built these courts for me of this new sport. 4. Most of them are__ the ages of 12 and 34. unt32 101 102 © True or False 6% (tracks2) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). ce Racquetball was first played in Australia, Tennis and squash are racket games. Racquetball rules are a mix of rules from both tennis and badminton. Most racquetball players are between the ages of 12 and 34. a 3 4. 5. Racquetball is now a famous sport. @ Dictation 6% (az) Listen and complete the passage. Racquetball popular Te was in US. This just a more SO years__. That makes it anew Other Tike tenis squash have fora time. Racquetball from Unit 32 CC -——=x TISSTISS TESST STU GL | handball squash. A is used to this This popular at when it came . More and wanted to it, Clubs to build courts. They buile for of this People of ages this game. But most are young . Most of are the of 12 and 34. Racquetball now a wTeis all world. 5 medal © eremion “baseball i, . © New Words cee A a Fill in the blanks. 1, My friend’s wedding was held in her home. 2. P'm so ! I didn’t get enough sleep last night. 3. Are you on the school _ ____ team? 4. The gold = always goes to the winner. 5. Many enjoy going shopping. 6. This ring is made out of © Understanding the Context 6% Gaass) Listen and answer the questions. 1. Which statement is NOT true? (a) The men’s basketball team won a gold medal. (b) The women’s tennis team won a silver medal. (c) The men’s gymnastics team did not win a medal. (d) The women’s gymnastics team won a gold medal. 2. What part of the Olympics did the boy watch? (a) The gymnastics (b) The opening ceremony (c) The tennis (d) The closing ceremony @ Focus on Details 6 ca) Listen and write the missing words. 1. You look 2. We also won the silver for women’s tennis. 3. I haven’t had much time to watch, but I saw the opening 4. Tlike to watch 104 unit 33 © Summary 69 caass Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1, ____ The girl tells the boy which teams won medals. 2.____ The girl says she stayed up late last night. 3. ____ The boys says he watched the opening ceremony. 4. ____ The boy invites the girl to watch his baseball team play a game. 5. ____ The boy talks about the sports he has been doing. ToT OS SS =o @ Dictation 6% caus) Listen and complete the dialog. B: Hi, Alice. What a you eo Se ee You look Gil up last to the Olympics. We won a ___ for men’s basketball. ae for an SEG: B: That's 1 What gymnastics? Unt33 105 SOS SS ELSES FE GVy 106 unit 33 G: The didn’t do well. But the won the B: Thaven’t much to but the opening G: What you been this B: I've playing and taking G: Ilike watch Tecan and your some time. When you usually > B: We have a this . Why you and us in the 2 G: Sure! Just me what the game . See later. B: Bye! Unit 34 Inline Skating _ _ 5 skate C kilome = muscles © New Words OkKlometer GS sore © scared = AL strong Fill in the blanks. 1. Can you teach me how to ? 2. Look at the that man has! He must be a bodybuilder. 3. My throat feels very 3 I think I am catching a cold. 4, My house is about one from the nearest gas station. 5. Are you__________ enough to lift that stone? 6. She was so______.__ when she heard the loud noise, that she hid under the table. © Understanding the Context 6% (raz) Listen and answer the questions. 1, What is NOT a reason that the boy found inline skating difficult? (a) Tt was the first time he had gone inline skating. (b) He was scared that he would fall down. (c) His muscles got tired easily. (d) He did not have a good pair of skates. 2. How long has the girl been skating? (a) One year (b) Two years (c) Three years (d) Four years @ Focus on Details 6% (1%) Listen and write the missing words. 1. After a short time, my were really tired. 2. We usually skate about 20 _ each time. 3. Your muscles must be really 4. You could that far, too. © True or False 6% iaxx) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). 1 The boy’s legs are sore. The boy went inline skating during the weekend. The girl went swimming during the weekend. The boy skated about 20 kilometers. The boy and girl will go skating together next weekend. @ Dictation 6% (races) Listen and complete the dialog. B: Oh! My areso_ G: ? What you do the ? B: 1 inline skating my at park. G: Did_____have____? B: Yes,I . But it also my eee 0. .——" PE See ssssuessysssgsgsgs so it really Iwas that Iwould After my were really G: Next willbe. You just more B: What_——_you? What you do the |G: Actually,I______ went inline go with my - We usually about 20. each B: Wow! How you so far? Your must be G: Pvebeen for three now, You could that too. You just to up your - Let’s go Unit 34 109 110 unit 35 Unit 35 The Olympics S champion — 6 event Be © New Words ty Si compere S martial arts wintee Fill in the blanks. 1. Venus Williams is a __ tennis player. 2. Karate, judo, and taekwondo are all different forms of 3. What do you come from? I'm from Germany. 4. How many sportsmen will in tomorrow’s event? 5. Snow usually falls in 6. What sports is your brother taking part in? © Understanding the Context 6% racks) Listen and answer the questions. 1. In which country did the Olympic Games start? (a) Italy (b) Greece (c) France (4) Spain 2. What is NOT true about the Olympics? (a) The games are held once every four years. (b) Martial arts are not included in the games. (c) There are summer and winter games. (d) Both men and women take part in the games. @ Focus on Details 6 (rack35) Listen and write the missing words. 1. People come from all over the world to compete in the games. 2. There were only a few sports 3. Only world take part in the Olympics. 4. Those who must work \ hard for years. 1 © summary 69 Gack Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. 1. Itis very hard to win a medal in the Olympics. 2. The Olympics are a famous world sports event. 3. More and more types of sports are in the games each time. 4. ‘The games are held every four years. 5. At first, women were not allowed to compete in the Olympics. Q Dictation 6% raxss) Listen and complete the passage. The Olympic Games world . These are held in four There are nea eT 1 RD People from all the world in the __. These games long in Greece. In _ only took ___in them. There _ only a few CSE S SESE GS ESE EGE Now, take in the Olympic Games, » There are like basketball. There: are like judo. More more types of are in the each time held. Tris. to ina at these Only world take in Olympics. Those who must hard for ‘Their bodies be fit. They be the in these Travel and Transport Unit 36 A Bicycle Trip a bicycle © travel © New Words ie Fill in the blanks. 1. Learned how to ride a ____ when I was ten years old. 2. Whar _ will you need to repair the roof? 3. Please return the book to the same soa you borrowed it from. 4. This isa of France. It will help you get to where you want to go. 5. Do you like to to other countries? 6. The front ___on your bicycle needs some air: It looks flat. © Understanding the Context 69 (aa) Listen and answer the questions. 1, Why will the man ride his bicycle a lot before the trip? (a) To make sure the bicycle works (b) To make sure he knows how to ride it (c) To get himself fit and strong, (d) To keep the tires in good condition 2. What equipment does the man NOT mention for his trip? (a) Road maps (b) A tent (c) His bicycle (d) Strong bags @ Focus on Details 6% © Listen and write the missing words. ck 36) 1. Why do you want to go ona trip? 2. It is an environmentally friendly way to 3. Lalso need to get some 4, Are you traveling with another ? Unit36 113 © True or False 6 (ack38) Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False). 1. 2, 3, 4, S. | [5 SVSVSsUssy | | Q Dictation 6% ras) | | Listen and complete the dialog. | M: I'm Europe. | M: Itis | W: What alec TD?) The man is going on a bicycle trip. Using a bicycle is an environmentally friendly way to travel. ‘The man will ride his bicycle a lot before the The man will be traveling around Australia. The man will be traveling alone. to go want to environmentally you to do 114 unit 36

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