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Basic Character Customize

Hunter Type (Male/Female)

Weapon : Dagger and Crossbow (Male version)

Twin Dagger and Throw knife (Female Version)

Basic Skill : Malcravath (Rainy Arrow) for Crossbow.

Tectanal (Quick kill) for Dagger/Twin Dagger.

Leader Skill : Army +130 SPD, Archer and Crossbow +155 ATK

Warrior Type (Male/Female)

Weapon : Great Sword (Male Version)

Elegant Blade (Female Version)

Basic Skill : Aerindurion (Hammering)

Leader Skill : Army +160 ATK, Infantry get +140 DEF

Mage Type (Female Only)

Weapon : Elegant Staff and Sword

Basic Skill : Maracana (Water element healing) for staff.

Velnuptar (Non Elemental attack) for sword.

Leader Skill : 10% Army’s Regen (every 10 sec) and Enchanter +100 MAG

Wizard Type (Male Only)

Weapon : Elegant Staff

Basic Skill : Daracana (Fire element attack) for staff.

Velnuptar (Non Elemental attack) from bare hand.

Leader Skill : Army’s +100 MDF and Enchanter +55 MAG

Special Characters

This characters’ type will added to your customizing after you’ve complete all requirements
from the game (see the requirement guide)

Verunod (Male/Female)

Hunter and Warrior ascending (requirements are on the list).

Weapon : Falgor (Two handed sword)

Sec. WP : Crossbow (Female)/Bow (Male)

Basic Skill : Vermathea

Leader Skill : +300 skill for all army type and full DP every turn

(Note) Their skill in combat is very fast and deadly. Verunods are way better than Warriors
or Hunters. Unlike Warrior, they have highest defensive ability against elemental magic
attack. Secondary weapon (Sec. WP) is only active when that skill is set by the player.

Vanida (Female only)

Mage ascending (requirements are on the list).

Weapon : Elegant staff and sword (almost same as mage but with different art)

Basic Skill : Clerantoria (sword)

Levithorn (magic)

Leader Skill : All mage type gets +300 MAG/MAGDEF and full DP every turn.

(Note) Vanida is the powerful type for mage and wizard, except this was for female only.
Their magic attack is super deadly and they were also perfect in swordplay combat. Vanida is
the best type of magic user so far.

Arvendarian (Female only)

Special character ascending (requirements are on the list).

Weapon : Terania

Basic Skill : Vianrana (Eternal Wall)

Leader Skill : 100% protection for all soldiers until this character’s defeated.

(Note) Arvendarian is the only characters that grow very slow yet very helpful in time. This
character needed a lot of time in building their maximum capacity and they were also very
weak in battle (some of their skill can be very deadly when build with patient). In a joint
party or in a guild, this character must be protected at all cost by their fellow teammate.
Unlike the other characters, Arvendarian is the only character in the game that got many
beautiful costumes that can be picking up in the game. Also, they’re the only character in
game that has 2 guardians to protect them in story, quest, or daily mission (those guardians
can be upgrade to maximum power). Lastly, Arvendarian is permitted to summon Arven into
the field battle but only once a month, so use it wisely (see Arven summoning guide).

Volcuptor (Male only)

Weapon : Advance Great Sword

Basic Skill : Zanverm (Catastrophic)

Leader Skill : Always berserker and all army get 50% reflect damage.

(Note) Corruptor is the high and powerful melee character in game and most difficult to put
down when they’re on high level already, so watch out if you’re going to faced players who
are already in this type of character. Most likely Arvendarian is the only hope to make your
party survived Corruptor’s special skills at the time. Their domination on battlefield is
unquestionable. Player with this character most likely will dominated all of one on one
combat mode. But they’re also cannot be given reputation point for that, due to fair
condition. So, Corruptor is literary forbid for one on one combat mode (although they’re
always can enter one).

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