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Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications xxx (2015) 1e6

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MTA1 regulation of ERb pathway in salivary gland carcinoma cells

Kazufumi Ohshiro*, Rakesh Kumar
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University, 2300 Eye Street, Washington,
DC 20037, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t s

Article history: Although Metastatic-tumor antigen 1 (MTA1) is differentially expressed in metastatic cancer and cor-
Received 23 June 2015 egulates the status and activity of nuclear receptors, its role upon estrogen receptor b (ERb) e a potent
Accepted 8 July 2015 tumor suppressor, remains poorly understood. Here we investigated whether MTA1 regulates the
Available online xxx
expression and functions of ERb, an ER isoform predominantly expressed in salivary gland cancer cells.
We found that the depletion of the endogenous MTA1 in the HSG and HSY salivary duct carcinoma cell
lines enhances the expression of ERb while MTA1 overexpression augmented the expression of ERb in
salivary duct carcinoma cells. Furthermore, MTA1 knockdown inhibited the proliferations and invasion of
Estrogen receptor b
Growth regulation
HSG and HSY cells. The noted ERb downregulation by MTA1 overexpression involves the process of
Salivary gland cancer proteasomal degradation, as a proteasome inhibitor could block it. In addition, both MTA1 knockdown
Cell migration and ERb overexpression attenuated the cell migration and inhibited the ERK1/2 signaling in the both cell
lines. These findings imply that MTA1 dysregulation in a subset of salivary gland cancer might promote
aggressive phenotypes by compromising the tumor suppressor activity of ERb, and hence, MTA1-ERb axis
might serve a new therapeutic target for the salivary gland cancer.
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction degradation and hence, MTA1 is needed for optimal repair of the
double-strand DNA break following ionizing radiation [4].
Metastatic-tumor antigen 1 (MTA1), an integral coregulatoy A subtype of estrogen receptor, the ERb is a nuclear receptor
component of the nucleosome remodeling and histone deacetylase activated by the sex hormone estrogens. The ERb is composed of
(NuRD), is differentially expressed in metastatic cancer cells and eight exons and its gene products have five isoforms (ERb1-ERb5)
regulates diverse cellular processes during tumorigenesis [1e3]. resulting from alternative splicing of the C-terminal region [11].
Fundamental to coregulatory activity of MTA1 is its ability to ERb forms a homodimer with another molecule of ERb and a het-
regulate the expression of target gene products at the levels of erodimer with ERa in the cells [12]. Upon activation, ERb trans-
transcription and/or post-transcription [4e10]. Initially, MTA1 was locates to the nucleus, binds to estrogen response DNA elements in
identified as a corepressor of the estrogen response element (ERE)- the target genes to modulate the transcription of the target genes as
driven transcription through its direct binding to histone deacety- a part of its genomic action [13]. In addition, activated ERb also
lase (HDAC) and estrogen receptor-alpha (ERa) [8]. The MTA1- stimulates non-genomic signaling pathways such as mitogen-
NuRD complex also utilizes the ERE motifs in the BRCA1 pro- activated protein kinase (MAPK/ERK) and participates in the
moter to repress the transcription of BRCA1, contributing to cellular functions in a manner that is independent of its DNA-
abnormal centrosome number and chromosomal instability [9]. In binding activity [14].
addition, MTA1-HDAC complex also binds to the Gai2 regulatory ERb is expressed in a wide range of tumors including breast,
element to represses its transcription, leading to activation of the ovarian and prostate [15e18] and thought to be also a predominant
Ras signaling pathway [10]. In addition, the stability of MTA1 is estrogen receptor subtype in human oral epithelium and salivary
regulated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase COP1-mediated proteasomal glands [19]. Although ERb is considered to act as a potent tumor
suppressor, the precise role of ERb remains contradictory in nature
[15e18]. One of our previous studies found a correlation between
the levels of coactivator proline-rich, glutamic acid-rich, and
leucine-rich protein-1 (PELP1) and ERb in the salivary duct carci-
* Corresponding author.
nomas (SDC) [20]. We found a strong ERb levels in 52 out of the 70
E-mail address: (K. Ohshiro).
0006-291X/© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar, MTA1 regulation of ERb pathway in salivary gland carcinoma cells, Biochemical and
Biophysical Research Communications (2015),
2 K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications xxx (2015) 1e6

SDC tumor specimens analyzed [20]. The exclusive expression of and then counted the cells that successfully migrated through the
ERb in most of the SDC specimens suggested a potential role of this filter. The same protocol was followed for measuring the invasion
ER isotype in the progression and the development of SDCs. Sub- potential with principal differences being the use of Matrigel-
sequently, ERb was found to be also involved in the rapid estrogen coated Boyden chamber (BD Biosciences).
signaling and in the regulation of cytoskeletal remodeling and
migration of salivary gland adenocarcinoma cells [14]. Further- 2.4. Immunofluorescent labeling and confocal microscopy
more, the absence of ERb in SDC specimens correlate well with an
increased local and regional cancer recurrence, suggesting that the The cellular localization of proteins was determined by indirect
down-regulation of the ERb expression may be closely associated immunofluorescence. HSG or HSY cells were grown on sterilized
with an unfavorable clinical outcomes in patients with SDCs [21]. glass coverslips or 8 well chamber slides, fixed in 4% para-
Recent studies from the salivary gland cancers such as pleomorphic formaldehyde, permeabilized in 0.1% Triton X-100, and blocked in
adenomas and adenoid cystic carcinoma suggest that ERb may 10% normal goat serum-PBS. The cells were incubated with primary
contribute in the progression and development of salivary gland antibodies for 1 h, washed with PBS three times, and then incubated
carcinomas [22,23]. with goat anti-mouse or goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody con-
In the context of coregulators, MTA1 expression negatively jugated with Alexa 488 (green) or Alexa 555 (red) from Molecular
correlates with the ERb expression in ovarian cancer tissues [24]. Probes. For actin cytoskeletal staining, phalloidin conjugated with
Although MTA1 overexpression in head and neck cell cancers, to Alexa 488 was used (Molecular Probes). The DNA dye DAPI (Mo-
which SDC broadly belong, correlates well with the cell migration lecular Probes) was used as nuclear stain (blue). Microscopic ana-
and invasion [25e28], there is no study on the role of MTA1 and its lyses were done using an Olympus FV1000 laser scanning confocal
putative target in the salivary gland tumors. In the current study, microscope in accordance with established methods, using
we investigated whether MTA1 signaling regulates the expression sequential laser excitation to minimize fluorescence emission bleed-
and functions of ERb in salivary gland cancer cells. We also dis- through. Each image was obtained at the same magnification.
cussed the implication of MTA1 regulation of ERb tumor suppressor
as a potential new therapeutic target for the salivary gland
carcinomas. 2.5. siRNA and plasmid transfection

2. Materials and methods MTA1 specific and control nonspecific small interfering RNAs
(siRNAs) were purchased from GE Dharmacon. siRNAs were
2.1. Cell cultures and reagents transfected into the cells using pooled siRNA duplexes and mainly
Lipofectamine RNAiMAX (Life Technologies) with Opti-MEM (Life
Salivary duct carcinoma cell lines HSG and HSY cells were Technologies) according to the manufacturer's protocol in 60 mm
maintained in DMEM/F12 (1:1) supplemented with 10% fetal dishes or 6 well plates. Plasmid vectors were transiently transfected
bovine serum (FBS) and 1  antibiotics/antimycotics, and into the cells using FuGENE 6 or Lipofectamine LTX (Life Technol-
A253 cells were maintained with RPMI 1640 supplemented with ogies) with Opti-MEM in accordance with the manufacturer's in-
10% FBS and 1  antibiotics/antimycotics. MG132 was purchased structions in 60 mm dishes or 6 well plates.
from Calbiochem. We used the following antibodies: ERb (Ab-3,
Calbiochem); MTA1 (Bethyl Laboratories); Myc (Neomarkers); GFP 3. Results
(Clontech); Vinculin (Sigma-Aldrich); phospho-p42/p44 ERK (Cell
Signaling); ERK1, ERK2, paxillin (Santa Cruz Biotechnology). GFP- 3.1. MTA1 regulates ERb protein in the salivary gland cancer cells
ERb expression vector was kindly provided by Dr. Ratna Vadlumdi
(University of Texas Health Science Center). We previously validated the expression of ERb as a substantial
nuclear receptor in the salivary ductal carcinoma cell lines HSG and
2.2. Cell extracts and immunoblotting HSY [19]. To examine whether MTA1 affects the expression of ERb in
the salivary gland cancer cells, we explored the effect of MTA1
Cells were washed once with PBS and then lysed in radio- silencing by specific siRNA on the levels of ERb. Western blotting
immunoprecipitation assay buffer [50 mmol/L TriseHCl (pH 7.5), analysis showed that MTA1 knockdown leads to a distinctive in-
150 mmol/L NaCl, 0.5% NP40, 0.1% SDS, 0.1% sodium deoxycholate, crease in the levels of ERb in the HSG, HSY and A253 cells (Fig. 1A).
1  protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche Life Science), and phospha- Similarly, confocal microscopic analysis corroborated with the
tase inhibitors (SigmaeAldrich)] for 10 min on ice. The lysates were finding that MTA1 depletion augments the staining intensity of ERb
spun in a centrifuge at 4  C for 10 min. The cell lysates containing an in the HSG and HSY cells (Fig. 1B). To independently validate the
equal amount of protein (50 mg) were then resolved on an SDS- noted relationship between the MTA1 and ERb, we next determined
polyacrylamide gel (8%), transferred to a polyvinylidene difluoride whether MTA1 overexpression could inversely influence ERb’s
membrane, probed with the appropriate antibodies, and developed expression. The overexpression of Myc-MTA1 attenuated the
using the enhanced chemiluminescence method. expression of ERb in all three salivary gland cancer cell lines (Fig. 1C).
To investigate the potential mechanism by which MTA1 affects
2.3. Cell proliferation, migration and invasion assays ERb expression, ERb mRNA expression was detected by real-time
RT-PCR after MTA1 knockdown. The levels of ERb mRNA hardly
For cell proliferation assays, three equal numbers of cells changed or decreased a little (Fig. 1D). Next, we examined the effect
(2  104) per sample were plated on 6-well plates, and then the of a proteasome inhibitor MG132 in the observed MTA1 regulation
numbers of the proliferated cells were measured by counting them of ERb protein. The MTA1 overexpression decreased the ERb protein
with a Coulter counter (Beckman Coulter). For the migration assay, expression levels, while the treatment with MG132 restored
cells were loaded onto the upper well of an uncoated Boyden blocked the decrease of ERb expression upon MTA1 overexpression
chamber (BD Biosciences) at a concentration of 1  105 cells per in the HSG and HSY cells (Fig. 1E), suggesting that MTA1 regulates
well in triplicate. The lower side of the separating filter was filled the level of ERb protein through a proteasomal-degradation
with culture medium. We stained, swabbed inside the upper well pathway. These observations suggest that MTA1 regulates the

Please cite this article in press as: K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar, MTA1 regulation of ERb pathway in salivary gland carcinoma cells, Biochemical and
Biophysical Research Communications (2015),
K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications xxx (2015) 1e6 3


MTA1 Control

+ - + - + - Control
- + - + - + MTA1

MTA1 Control


Actin Vinculin
Vector MTA1 Vector MTA1 Vector MTA1
D 1.6 E
mRNA expression

1.2 ERβ
1 Myc-
0.8 MTA1
0.6 Vinculin
Vector MTA1Vector MTA1 Vector MTA1Vector MTA1
Control MG132 Control MG132

Fig. 1. MTA1 knockdown increase ERb protein expression and MTA1 overexpression decreases ERb protein expression in salivary gland carcinoma cells. A) After transfection of
control or MTA1 siRNAs into HAG, HSY and A253 cells, cell lysates were subjected to western blot analysis with MTA1, ERb and Vinculin antibodies. B) Effect of MTA1 knockdown to
ERb expression was determined by confocal microscopy. DIC: differential interference contrast. C) HSG, HSY and A253 cells were transfected with Myc or Myc-MTA1 plasmids and
cell lysates were subjected to western blotting with Myc, ERb and Vinculin antibodies. D) MTA1 knockdown did not change ERb mRNA expression. After transfection of control or
MTA1 siRNAs into HSG and HSY cells, ERb mRNAs were detected by real-time RT-PCR. E) Downregulation of ERb was blocked by proteasome inhibitor MG132. After transfection of
Myc or Myc-MTA1 plasmids, HSG and HSY cells were untreated or treated with MG132 (10 mM) for 3 h and cell lysates were subjected to western blotting.

expression of ERb at a post-translational level and thus, consistent the cell migration assays using the Boyden chambers. MTA1
with the notion of no effect of MTA1 on the levels of ERb mRNA. knockdown markedly prevented the ability of the salivary cancer
cells to migrate through the chamber (Fig. 4A). In addition, over-
3.2. MTA1 influences cancerous phenotypes in the salivary gland expression of ERb also effectively blocked the cell motility of the
cancer cells via ERb salivary gland cancer cells (Fig. 4A). Furthermore, the invasiveness
of the HSG and HSY cells was also sufficiently compromised by
The preceding results suggested a role of MTA1 in the noted MTA1 knockdown (Fig. 4B).
regulation of ERb in the salivary ductal carcinoma cell lines. Next One of the signaling pathways known to regulate cell motility
we examined the biological consequences of MTA1 regulation of and invasion is the activation of p-ERK1/2 [29]. Next we investi-
ERb expression in the HSG and HSY cells. MTA1 knockdown gated whether the ERK phosphorylation is inactivated by MTA1
remarkably inhibited the proliferation of the salivary gland cancer silencing as well as by ERb overexpression. We found that indeed,
cells (Fig. 2A). However, there was no effect of ERb overexpression MTA1 knockdown-mediated increased expression of ERb leads to
on the growth rate of the HSG and HSY cells (Fig. 2B). inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation in the HSG and HSY cells,
Because cell invasiveness is profoundly reflected in the cyto- while the net expression levels of total ERK1/2 remains unchanged
skeleton remodeling and motility, we next determined the impact (Fig. 4C). Similarly, direct overexpression of ERb (as was the case
of MTA1 knockdown on the cytoskeletal reorganization in the HSG with MTA1 knockdown) also inhibited the activation of ERK1/2
and HSY cells. The confocal microscope observation illustrated a phosphorylation in the both cell lines (Fig. 4D). To determine
notable disappearance of F-actin fibers in the cytoplasm and its whether the motility promoted by MTA1 overexpression is indeed
inhibited by the inactivation of p-ERK1/2, the migration assay was
accumulation in the cell peripheral of the HSG (Fig. 3A) and HSY
(Fig. 3B) cells upon MTA1 knockdown. Furthermore, the focal performed with MEK inhibitor U0126. MTA1 overexpression-
adhesion assemblies visualized by paxillin staining were also increased motility of HSG was effectively inhibited by U0126
increased in the cytoplasm of the HSG and HSY cells (Fig. 3C). In (Fig. 4E). Taken together, these findings suggest that the MTA1 may
contrast to the cells with MTA1-knockdown, the cytoskeleton of the regulate the cell biological functions of salivary ductal carcinoma
control cells remained well spread (Fig. 3A,B,C). These results cell lines, in part, due to its regulation of ERb expression.
suggested that salivary gland cancer cells undergo remodeling of its
cytoskeleton in favor of low motility, in part, due to the depletion of 4. Discussion
the endogenous MTA1.
In order to determine whether the motility of the HSG and HSY In the current study, we found that MTA1 upregulation may
cells is indeed influenced by MTA1 silencing, we next performed potentially contribute to ERb downregulation in salivary gland

Please cite this article in press as: K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar, MTA1 regulation of ERb pathway in salivary gland carcinoma cells, Biochemical and
Biophysical Research Communications (2015),
4 K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications xxx (2015) 1e6

100 60000
MTA1 Ctl siRNA MTA1 Ctl siRNA
80 50000

Cell Number (x103)

Cell Number (x103) Vinculin
60000 Ctl MTA1 siRNA Ctl MTA1 siRNA
20000 MTA1 siRNA 10
10000 MTA1 siRNA

00 00
Day 3 Day 5 Day 7 Day 3 Day 5 Day 7
70000 45000
60000 40000
80 GFP-ERβ

Cell Number (x103)

Cell Number (x103)

40000 60
30000 Vector 20000
20 15000
GFP-ERβ 5000
00 00
Day 3 Day 5 Day 7 Day 3 Day 5 Day 7

Fig. 2. MTA knockdown inhibits salivary grand adenocarcinoma cell proliferations. A) After transfection of control or MTA1 siRNAs into HAG and HSY cells, cell proliferations were
investigated by cell counting over 7 days. Inlet panels of western blotting data indicate efficient MTA1 knockdown in HSG and HSY cells. B) After transfection of control or GFP-ERb
plasmids into HAG and HSY cells, cell proliferations were investigated by cell counting over 7 days.

HSG F-actin MTA1 DAPI Merge DIC HSG Paxillin MTA1 DAPI Merge DIC
MTA1 Control

MTA1 Control


MTA1 Control
MTA1 Control


Fig. 3. MTA1 knockdown changes cytoskeletal dynamics and focal contact assembly of salivary gland adenocarcinoma. A, B) Effect of MTA1 knockdown to cytoskeletal remodeling
of HSG and HSY cells was determined through observation of stained F-actin by confocal microscopy. HSG and HSY cells after MTA1 silencing were fixed, double-stained with Alexa-
568 or -488 conjugated phalloidin and MTA1 antibody, and then stained with Alexa-488 or -555 conjugated secondary antibody and DAPI. C) Effect of MTA1 knockdown to focal
contact assembly of HSG and HSY cells was determined by confocal microscopy. HSG and HSY cells after MTA1 silencing were fixed, double-stained with paxillin and MTA1 an-
tibodies, and then stained with Alexa-488 and -555 conjugated secondary antibodies and DAPI. DIC: differential interference contrast.

carcinoma cells. This is in-line with a widely recognized role of co- appears to be mediated via a proteasomal degradation pathway as a
repressive activity of MTA1 on a wide range of target molecules proteasome inhibitor MG132 could effectively block it (Fig. 1E). In
including ERa, BRCA1, Gai2 and E-cadherin in breast cancer cells this context, ERa is known to be degraded by a 26S proteasome
[6,8e10]. Recently, the MTA1 expression has been shown to nega- pathway in estrogen-dependent manner [30,31]. The ubiquitin-
tively correlate with the expression of ERb in ovarian cancer tissues proteasome pathway is required for the regulation of the hor-
and MTA1 repression of the ERb pathway facilitates anchorage- monal response of ERa through the receptor degradation in breast
independent growth of ovarian cancer cells [24]. In ovarian can- cancer cells. As for ERb, a recent study found that the phosphory-
cer, the reduction in the levels of ERb by MTA1 was associated with lation within activation function 1 domain (AF1) of ERb regulates
a decreased ERb mRNA level [24]. However, the underlying mech- the recruitment of the ubiquitin ligase E6-associated protein (E6AP)
anism of the ERb downregulation by MTA1 in the present study to ERb and its turnover in the absence of hormone [32].

Please cite this article in press as: K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar, MTA1 regulation of ERb pathway in salivary gland carcinoma cells, Biochemical and
Biophysical Research Communications (2015),
K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications xxx (2015) 1e6 5


Migration (cell #/site)

300 500 150 400 140 60

Invasion (cell #/site)

250 400 300 100
200 100 40
300 80
150 200
200 60
100 50 40 20
100 100
50 20
0 0 0 0 0 0
Vinculin Vinculin Vinculin


Migration (Cell #/site)

ERβ 160
p-ERK1/2 Cont U0126

p-ERK1/2 120
ERK1/2 Vinculin

Myc Control

Myc U0126

Myc-MTA1 Control

Myc-MTA1 U0126

Myc Myc-MTA1

Fig. 4. MTA knockdown inhibits cell migration and invasion of salivary gland adenocarcinoma. A) HSG and HSY cells were transfected with control or MTA1 siRNAs (left) and
transfected with control or GFP-ERb plasmids (right) and their cell migrations were investigated. Upper panels indicate representative pictures of migrated cells. Cells migrated
through membrane filter were stained, taken pictures under inverted microscope and counted. B) After transfection of control or MTA1 siRNAs into HAG and HSY cells, cell invasions
were investigated. Cells invaded through Matrigel-coated membrane filter were stained, taken pictures under inverted microscope and counted. Upper panels indicate repre-
sentative pictures of invaded cells. HSG and HSY cells were silenced with MTA1 siRNA C) and overexpressed with GFP-ERb plasmid D). AeD, Cell lysates were subjected to western
blot analysis using p-ERK1/2 and ERK1/2 antibodies. E) HSG cells were transfected with transfected with Myc or Myc-MTA1 plasmids and treated with U0126 (30 mM) and the cell
migration was investigated.

Interestingly, subsequent studies demonstrated that ERb degrada- There are a limited number of studies on the expression and role
tion is stimulated by the activation of ErbB2/ErbB3 receptors by of ERb in oral cancers. An earlier study from our laboratory found a
growth factor heregulin-b1 in breast cancer cells [33]. However, our high level of the ERb expression (74%) in SDCs, suggesting a po-
earlier study using breast cancer model systems discovered that the tential role of this isotype in the progression and development of
activation of ErbB2/HER2 with heregulin-b1 suppresses ERE-driven SDCs [20]. Results from another laboratory suggest that ERb is
transcription through stimulation of MTA1 expression in breast expressed in the ductal epithelium of normal salivary gland tissue
cancer cells [8]. In addition, MTA1 also destabilize E3 ubiquitin and in 73% of SDCs studied and that the patients with ER- and
ligase COP1 that in-turn, controls the stability of MTA1 itself [4]. androgen receptor (AR)-negative phenotypes have a lower survival
Taken together, our present findings demonstrate a role of MTA1 in than the patients with the tumors expressing ERb and both ERb and
the ubiquitin-proteasome mediated stabilization of ERb status in AR [21]. In these studies, the negative expression status of ERb was
salivary gland cancer cells. The expression level of ERb was higher identified to correlate well with various clinicopathological vari-
in MTA1-transfected than vector-transfected cells in the presence ables for a high risk for local and regional recurrence in patients
of MG132. However, the reason of the higher expression of ERb with SDCs [21]. In this context, our present data shows ERb upre-
remains unclear. gulation upon experimental silencing of MTA1 influences physio-
Since the discovery of ERb, the expression and function of ERb logical functions including, the proliferation, the motilities, and the
are studied in wide types of cancer tissues and cell lines including invasiveness of salivary gland carcinoma cells. Accordingly, these
in breast cancer [17]. The ERb protein expression in breast cancer observations helped us to further validate a tumor suppressor role
generally diminishes during breast cancer tumorigenesis [17]. of ERb in physiological functions in SDCs.
However, the conflicting data exists for the status of the full-length MTA1 also regulates epithelialemesenchymal transition (EMT)
form of ERb1 and the spliced isoform ERb2 in the context of clini- though its repression of E-cadherin in cancer cells [6,31,34]. In this
copathological parameters and clinical outcomes [17]. These context, ERb expression positively correlates with E-cadherin level
different conclusions may be, in part, could be attributed to and that ERb represses EMT through destabilizing EGFR in breast
different protocols, different antibodies used and different scoring cancer [35]. Furthermore, ERb also represses mesenchymal char-
systems. acteristic in aggressive prostate cancer as revealed by the

Please cite this article in press as: K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar, MTA1 regulation of ERb pathway in salivary gland carcinoma cells, Biochemical and
Biophysical Research Communications (2015),
6 K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications xxx (2015) 1e6

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Please cite this article in press as: K. Ohshiro, R. Kumar, MTA1 regulation of ERb pathway in salivary gland carcinoma cells, Biochemical and
Biophysical Research Communications (2015),

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