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Use of English


Unit 8: Education
Unit 8: Education

1. Present perfect simple

2.vocabulary: words
associated with the topic of
b. We can use the present perfect with the
1. Present perfect simple adverbs already, yet and just to talk about
actions or events which took place at an
indefinite time in the past.
To talk about actions or states which began in
the past and are still relevant in the present. For example:

a. We can use the present perfect with for and  I have just finished my homework. (very
since to talk about actions or states which recent action)
began in the past and are true up until in the
present.  I have already learned how to speak Italian.
(indefinite action in the past)
For example:
 I haven’t studied for the exam yet. (action
 I have studied English for 10 years. (I still that is not finished, but the person expects
study English.) to do it)

 My friend has taken English lessons since c. We can use the present perfect to talk about
2010. (His friend is still taking English recent actions or events. (news)
For example:

 The president has just announced a

lockdown in the country.

subject + auxiliary (have / has) + verb (*pp) + c

I’ve done all my homework.

They’ve studied math.
She’s been at school for eight hours.


Subject + have/has+ not + verb (*pp) + c

I haven’t met the new teacher yet.

He hasn’t come to class since last week.


(wh) + have/has + subject + verb (*pp) + c?

How many books have you read?
I’ve read 4 books.

Have you printed your homework yet?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t

*pp: past participle form of the verb

1a. Present perfect simple:  How long? – We usually start a question
for / since with How long to know the duration of an
When we use the present perfect with for and Examples:
since we express that the action that started in • How long have you studied at UPC?
the past continues in the present. • I’ve studied here for 2 years.

 for : with a period of time • How long have you played tennis?
• I’ve played tennis since I was 8.
for (two) days / weeks / months / years
for ages

• I’ve studied at UPC for 2 years.  Remember how to make contractions:

• They’ve taken math lessons for a month.
• I have I’ve
 since: specific point in the past • You have You’ve
• She has She’s
since April, Monday, yesterday, two o’clock, last • He has He’s
week, I was a child, I was born, etc • It has It’s
• We have We’ve
• I’ve spoken Spanish since I was born. • They have They’ve
• We’ve learned English since we were in
1b. Present perfect simple: just /  yet: usually used in negative sentences
already / yet and in questions to express that an action
is not finished but it will be finished some
time in the future.
We use present perfect simple with just,
already and yet to talk about recent actions or • I haven’t done my activities on ED yet.
news. • She hasn’t read the teacher’s email yet.

 just : a short time ago • Have you posted your video task yet?
• Has he submitted the second step of the
• I’ve just seen the competition on TV. writing yet?
• She’s just won the tennis championship.
*position is usually at the end of the question
*position is usually between the subject and the or sentence.

 already: before now- not specific when

• I’ve already done all my homework.

• he’s already finished pre-school.

*position is usually between the subject and the

1c. Present perfect simple: ever

If we want to know if something has

happened, but not when, we often put the
adverb “ever” before the verb in the


• Have you ever won a prize at school?

Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.

• Has your friend ever copied your


Yes, she has.

No, she hasn’t.
I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb and the adverb in parenthesis in present perfect.

1. you in a marathon at school? (ever / participate)

2. I _ _ _ two books about online education. (already / read)
3. My sister _ _ two videos about English grammar. (just /watch)
4. Some competitors _ __ for the last competition . (yet / not / practice)
5. your friend _ _ on an exam at school? (ever / cheat)
6. your parents _ _ you? (ever / punish)
7. My classmates _ _ _ a video in the forum section. (already / post)
8. you the teacher’s messages ? (yet / read)
9. My teacher _ _ _ a good comment about me. (just / write)
10. The president _ __ a new law. (just / propose)
11. Teachers _ _ _ _ summer vacations. (already / have)
Check your answers.

1. Have you ever participated in a marathon at school? (ever / participate)

2. I’ve already read two books about online education. (already / read)
3. My sister has just watched two videos about English grammar. (just / see)
4. Some competitors haven’t practiced for the last competition yet. (yet / not / practice)
5. Has your friend ever cheated on an exam at school? (ever / cheat)
6. Have your parents ever punished you? (ever / punish)
7. My classmates have already posted a video in the forum section. (already / post)
8. Have you read the teacher’s messages yet? (yet / read)
9. My teacher has just written a good comment about me. (just / write)
10. The president has just proposed a new law. (just / propose)
11. Teachers have already had summer vacations. (already / have)
II.Complete the conversation using the verbs in parenthesis. Use the present perfect.

A: Hi! Sam! 1. you (practice) for the championship we will have next week?
B: Hey!Tom!Yes! I 2. _ _ (practice) a lot.What about you?

A: Me too! I 3. _ _ _(practice) for two hours. I’m very tired.

B: I know! This week 4.___________ (be) very hard. Everybody is thinking about the championship.
Everybody wants to win!

A:That’s true. 5. you _ (ever / win) a championship before?

B: Well. I won a school championship when I was 10 but I 6. ______________( not /win) anything
since then. What about you?
A: I 7. _ (be) a soccer champion in my town for three consecutive times.
B:Wow! How long 8. _ __ (play) soccer?

A: Since I was three. I 9. _ __ (play) tennis practically all my life.

B:Well.That’s good! you have many chances to win now. But I’ll be hard to beat.
A: I’m sure of that!You 10. _ (beat) me two times. Ha-ha

B: And you too!We will see what happens next week.

Check your answers.
A: Hi! Sam! 1.Have you practiced (practice) for the championship we will have next week?
B: Hey,Tom!Yes! I 2. ‘ve already practiced (already / practice) a lot.What about you?

A: Me too! I 3.’ve practiced (practice) for two hours. I’m very tired.
B: I know! This week 4.has been (be) very hard. Everybody is thinking about the championship.
Everybody wants to win!

A:That’s true. 5. Have you ever won (ever / win) a championship before?
B: Well. I won a school championship when I was 10 but I 6. haven’t won ( not /win) anything
since then. What about you?
A: I 7. ‘ve been (be) a soccer champion in my town for three consecutive times.
B:Wow! How long 8. have you played (play) soccer?

A: Since I was three. I 9. ‘ve played (play) tennis practically all my life.
B:Well.That’s good!You have many chances to win now. But I’ll be hard to beat.
A: I’m sure of that!You 10. ‘ve beaten (beat) me two times. Ha-ha

B: And you too!We will see what happens next week.

1. assignment
2. degree
3. diploma
4. elementary school
5. entrance exam
6. formal education
7. grade
8. graduate
9. homework
10. kindergarten
11. preschool
12. qualification
I. Complete the short conversation with appropriate words from the list.

1. A: My son has just finished university.

B: Oh! So he’s a _.You are a proud mom! 1. assignment
2. degree
2. A: Students who are five to eleven years old go to _ __ .
B:That’s true. In the past, children who were four could do it ,too. 3. diploma
4. elementary school
3. A: How old is your daughter?
B: She’s 16. She’s in 5th now. 5. entrance exam
6.formal education 7.
4. A:What did you study?
B: I have a _ in psychology. 8. grade
9. homework
5. A: Did you take an _ _ _ to enter that school?
B:Yes, I did. I got 18. It was a good score! 10. kindergarten
11. preschool
6. A:What’s the difference between _ and _ ?
B: Both are related to children who go to school when they are 3 or 4 years old. 12. qualification
7. A: Can we go out this weekend?
B: I can’t. I have an _ _ to do. It’s very difficult.

8. A: Do you think young students should do _ _? 1. assignment

B: Only if it is a little and not very difficult. 2. degree
9. A: Do you have a _ in teaching Spanish? 3. diploma
B:Yes, I have a DELE.
4. elementary school
10. A: Did you ever get a _ __ when you were at school? 5. entrance exam
B: I did. When I was in 6th grade, I got one for the best student in my class.
6. formal education
11. A: _ is essential if we want to have a better country 7. grade
B: I agree. It’s really important.
8. graduate
9. homework
10. kindergarten
11. preschool
12. qualification
Check your answers.

1. graduate
2. elementary school
3. grade
4. degree
5. entrance exam
6. kindergarten – preschool
7. assignment
8. homework
9. qualification
10. diploma
11. formal education
Sources &
● English Discoveries Student platform
● Exercises: Guisella Villavicencio


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