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Translation exam Omar Bach-Toubdji

The ability that the painter possessed in the genre of still life is manifested in extraordinary
fashion within this painting. The artist included the image of a maid which led to the name
given to the painting. He often tended towards the inclusion of famous figures in his larger oil
paintings as these were occasionally created by Rubens due to the fact that both artists
frequently collaborated together. These figures are generally situated in one of the corners of
the artistic composition, leaving the remaining space to be filled with the representation of
natural elements such as fish or fruit. Other artistic genre’s in which the artist stood out from
the rest was in portraits and nude art.

The famous saint and carpenter, St Joseph, is accompanied by baby Jesus whom offers the
saint a basket with carpentry tools. The worshipping of St Joseph was particularly manifested
by the Council of Trent as the devotion towards the saint grew saliently within the Spanish
peninsula as he became the protagonist of several paintings. The technique implemented in
the painting that consists of utilising contrasts between light and shadow that only illuminate
the most important details of the composition illustrate the influence of the Italian painter
Caravaggio. This painting was rescued from the fire of Alcazar that took place in Madrid in

Pitt Rivers entró en la Royal Military Academy en Sandhurst y le comisionaron para formar
parte de los Guardias Granaderos en 1845. Luchó en guerra durante poco tiempo en la guerra de
Crimea, y prestó sus servicios en Malta, Inglaterra, Canadá e Irlanda. Eventualmente, se jubiló en
1882 a los 55 años con un rango honorario de teniente general. En 1882, heredó la urbanización y
el nombre Rivers de su tío abuelo de forma Inesperada. La finca era de tamaño considerable y Pitt
Rivers también recibió ingresos anuales elevados. En 1882 Pitt Rivers fue nombrado como el primer
inspector de Ancient Monuments.

El interés de Pitt Rivers por coleccionar objetos arqueológicos y etnográficos nació de sus primeros
intereses en el desarrollo de armas de fuego. Más tarde, comenzó a coleccionar una variedad más
amplia de armas ofensivas y defensivas y después otros objetos que no estaban relacionados con el

Le invitamos a pasear por un mundo Evenki. Escucharás historias que se han desarrollado por la
cosmología Evenki y las tradiciones del Chamanismo. Los Evenki son un grupo cultural diverso que
viven in partes del norte y centro de Asia. Principalmente, arrean y cazan animales aunque en la
estepa, los Evenki empezaron a montar a caballo, mientras que en el Ártico, la pesca se convirtió en
actividad más importante.

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