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Day 3

Digital marketing

• Pre-work
Make a list of the digital marketing channels you
would like to use and bring:
a) an example of content you like and
b) a social post you’d like to make

• Session 1 10:00 - 11:30

Digital marketing 101

• Session 2 12:55 - 13:30

Create engaging content

• Lunch / Networking 13:10: - 13:45

• Partner event 13:30 - 15:00

Executing your digital marketing strategy

• Primer 
Harness the power of Google Analytics

Take a moment to think about any questions you have before

today's training session. Write these down in the box below:


Day 3 is all about digital marketing - understanding the different

channels, what channels will work for your business, and top tools
to help you realise your digital marketing goals. We will offer advice
on creating engaging content and show you how to measure the
success of your strategy to constantly improve and evolve your
business by collecting insights and leveraging customer feedback.
Take a look at the following pre-work and start thinking about what
it is you want to communicate with your marketing strategy.

What do I want?
Digital marketing is the study and development of marketing
strategies using digital and online channels including:

• Internet websites

• Third party web channels

• Social media

• E-commerce platforms

• Online management software and tools

Digital marketing refers to all activities relating to brand promotion and

product/service marketing, using one or more of these channels.

What is a digital marketing strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is a plan - driven by objectives -
to adopt a series of actions to grow a business’ online presence.

A functional digital marketing strategy should work in

harmony with a company's wider business strategy.


Preparing for day 3

1. List your preferred digital marketing channels
Make a list of the digital marketing channels you're
aware of, if you’d like to use them, and why.
2. Bring an example of a good post
Bring an example of content you like from another business
Example: Aerobotics landing page, customer testimonials and case
study content

Bring an example of a social

media post you’d like to create,
including any text and images.
Example: South African Airlines
inspirational holiday‑related
Twitter post and Spitfire
Inbound’s LinkedIn content on
company culture

* The examples have been sourced outside the

Google network and is intended to aid participant
understanding of key concepts only

Day 3

Understanding the different marketing channels
By 2025, 50% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa will be
subscribed to mobile services. As data and devices become more
accessible, you can position your business to make the most of the
region’s growth, and reach customers locally and abroad.

Digital marketing uses the internet to reach potential customers

in a number of ways. Below are the most established and
effective channels your company can use:

A set of web pages connected to each other through links, reachable through
a domain - a unique url (e.g. A website can perform multiple
functions and provide various services based on the customer's needs. A company
website can generally publish or advertise any information related to the business
and also introduce or sell products and services offered by the company.

Search engine marketing (SEM)

This is a paid marketing strategy to increase visibility and drive sales. By
paying for advertisements to appear in search engines, companies can target
new users when they type keywords into Google. This strategy can see your
website find its way to the top of the results page, but it will be marked ‘ad.’

Search engine optimisation (SEO)

This is an earned marketing strategy that relies on organic tactics to
drive your website up the results page. This approach is free, but involves
persistent effort - and you may need to employ the help of an SEO expert.

Social media marketing

The average person spends 145 minutes a day on social media. This marketing
strategy gives companies an opportunity to communicate their mission
and tone, attracting attention and reaching new people on platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Along with the opportunity to
place paid ads and use analytics, social media allows you to share content
using a range of media, to keep your audience engaged. Posting is free, so
you can continuously build brand loyalty and exposure. Compelling content
encourages users to click-through, driving traffic to your website.

Day 3 | Digitalmarketing101 59
Display marketing
This is a kind of online advertising that appears in different formats
- usually with images, videos or animations, as well as text links
- on websites and social channels across the internet.

Email marketing
This more traditional form of marketing involves collecting and
using email addresses to communicate with users. As we mentioned
before, advancements in analytics mean companies can now
personalise email campaigns based on customer behaviour.

Content marketing
This kind of marketing is about adding value for the customer; establishing your
business as a reliable source of information - not just a selling machine. By creating
and sharing a range of content such as blog posts, videos, guides and infographics,
businesses can attract attention, build trust, and drive traffic to their site.


Day 3 | Digitalmarketing101 60
Choosing the right channel for your business
To help you identify the best channels for your digital marketing
strategy, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of each:

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

The pros The cons

• Expands your reach: • It takes time:
Using SEM will depend on your An effective SEM strategy
budget, but you only pay for the requires meticulous planning
ads that get clicked. Ultimately, and keeping up with
this strategy can show your updates and changes
business to more people
• Costly:
• Establishes you brand: For smaller businesses, SEM isn’t
SEM can help you grow because always cost effective. Carefully
more people will see you, which weigh up the investment against
drives clicks and pushes you realistic expectations to avoid
further up the results page depleting your resources

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

The pros The cons

• It's free: • Slow burn:

Unless you decide to employ The results can take time to
an expert to optimise your show, and because search
content, SEO is free and if engine algorithms are subject to
done well - long-lasting change, they can be inconsistent

• Brand integrity: • Variable:

Consumers can find adverts Variables in customer behaviour
'annoying' and not to be trusted, and algorithms can make
or have ad-blockers installed. progress difficult, so there’s no
assurance your efforts will pay off

Day 3 | Digitalmarketing101 61
Social media marketing

The pros The cons

• Audience numbers: • Negative publicity:
More than half the world's If you go viral for the wrong
population use social media reasons, you could have your
so using it as part of your work cut out to repair the
strategy means you can damage. Be sure to give careful
leverage significant reach consideration to what you post
and how you interact with users
• Building relationships:
By interacting with customers in • Can be costly: Paid social media
a more informal way, you build advertising can be costly and cost
human relationships. Customers per lead can vary significantly
can use these platforms to ask from country to country, so
questions and give feedback, and make sure to design your
companies can respond, share, promotions and visuals carefully
and enhance their reputation to get the best possible result

Display marketing

The pros The cons

• Eye-catching: • Low click-through rate:
The visual nature of these ads Display ads tend to have
catch the eye of the user and a lower click-through rate
can leave an impression (CTR) than search ads

• Wide reach: • Ad blockers:

Much like with SEM, this kind People may find these kind of
of advertising allows you to ads eye-catching in the wrong
reach a wider audience way, become irritated by them
and install ad-blockers that will
make your efforts redundant

Day 3 | Digitalmarketing101 62
Email marketing

The pros The cons

• Low cost: • Spam:

Without advertising fees and Inundating users with commercial
having to pay for media space emails can be annoying, so
and printing, email marketing make sure you are selective
can be much cheaper than to avoid users unsubscribing
other forms of advertising or blocking emails as junk

• Targeted and Flexible: • Layout:

Using audience insights you Unless your campaign is
can target specific groups optimised across devices, you
and tailor your campaigns to risk losing customer interest if
give a personalised feel they - for example - open your
email on their smartphone and
find the content is scrambled.

Content marketing

The pros The cons

• Impactful: • Not a quick fix:
Creating meaningful content Strong content takes time and
can be extremely powerful, investment to build and establish
especially on social media where
• Requires budgeting:
sharing is intrinsically linked
It costs money to employ the right
to an emotional response
people to create your desired
• Trusted information: content and realise your vision
Consistently sharing strong
and informative content can
help you build your reputation
as trusted source which means
you’ll be better positioned to
influence your market and
sell to your target audience

Day 3 | Digitalmarketing101 63
Top tools for realising your
digital marketing goals
Google Business Profile is a free tool that allows you to manage
your Business Profile and take charge of the way your business
appears on Google Search and Maps. You can use your Business
Profile to connect with customers, post updates, list your
products and services, accept online orders, and more.

Google Ads puts your business goals at the centre of your digital
marketing efforts, connecting with users of Google Search, YouTube,
Google Maps, and more. The aim is to help businesses of all sizes choose
the right solutions for their needs, and deliver smart campaigns.

Google Display Network helps you find the right audience for your
display ads, so you can show your business to the right people at the
right time. Responsive display ads automatically adjust their appearance
and size to appear across websites, apps, YouTube and Gmail. Users
benefit from responsive ads because they blend into the font and
design of the site they are displayed on, giving a ‘native’ feel.


Day 3 | Digitalmarketing101 64
Choose one of the channels listed in this section and write down how marketing on
that platform might advantage and disadvantage your particular business:

Day 3 | Digitalmarketing101 65
Day 3

The different types of content
As we discussed earlier, quality content is powerful. It can enhance your
reputation, consolidate your message, attract new users and foster
lasting customer relationships. Let’s look at the different types of content
you can create, and how to leverage them for maximum impact.

Written content
How are you adding value for the user? This is a great place to start with written
content. Useful information or engaging reading material can encourage clicks.
Try using a story-led approach with case studies and blogs, offer top tips
from the industry, or partner with other companies to give recommendations
- further establishing yourself as a leader that champions growth. Building
relationships with other businesses can help you grow your network too.

In order to provide relevant content that is optimised for SEO,

do your keyword homework and think about how you might
link your business with popular topics and trends.

Visual content
Images and infographics can be a great way to draw the eye of the consumer.
When you are posting content, the image is the first thing users will see, so
consider that when matching it with written content. The visual content you post
helps to build and communicate your brand’s personality - so try to be clear about
the message you are sending and make your content as cohesive as possible.

Video content
87% of marketers say video content has increased traffic to their website,
and now user-generated content has hit the mainstream, it's easier than
ever to create. You might create instructional videos, taster sessions or
testimonials to camera. Live video options on social media also present the
opportunity to hold mini events with partner brands to draw customers in.

Day 3 | Createengagingcontent 67
Top content creation tools
YouTube Shorts allows you to create short-form video content from your
mobile device. You can string videos together and even record to music
from their growing library of songs. As this form of video content continues
to popularise, YouTube shorts could be a valuable tool to keep connecting
to customers on a platform that hosts 2 billion viewers per month.

Google Business Marketing Kit is a simple platform that allows you

to leverage your Google Business Profile to generate posters that
show off your rating and reviews. This is an easy way to promote
your business, supported by Google’s trusted reputation.

Canva is a free graphic design platform with paid in-app upgrades. It’s a useful
tool for creating social media graphics, posters, logos and business cards; as
well as presentations and video content. With thousands of templates to choose
from, it's an easy way to get started creating professional looking content.

Choose and design a message that you want to get
out there and create a YouTube short now.


Day 3 | Createengagingcontent 68
Day 3
Executing your
digital marketing

Launching your campaign
Before launching your campaign, make sure you are
clear on your objectives and timeline.

Remember to:
• Align your business goals and objectives with intended action

• Ensure you have budgeted and have the resources to act

• Identify your target audience

• Decide which channels you will use

• Plan your activity and/or content


Social media management platforms like Hootsuite and Buffer can help
you organise and streamline your strategy and get the most out of your
campaign. With these tools you can ensure that your social media campaigns
are always running, even if you’re not personally posting every day.

Evaluating and monitoring progress is invaluable to any marketing
efforts. If you can see where things are going right, and where things
are falling short, you can adapt your strategy and focus your efforts. Use
the SMART formula to set your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

S Specific - Target a specific area for improvement

M Measureable - Identify an indicator of progress

A Attainable - Specify how it will be reached and who’s involved

R Realistic -State what results can realistically be achieved

T Timebound - Specify an expected time frame for results to show

Day 3 | Createengagingcontent 70
Tools to collect and analyse insights
Google Ads reports offer a valuable insight into your users
‘ABC’ cycle: acquisition, behaviour and conversion.

This tool will give you information on these three key areas:

• Acquisition: How did the user arrive on your site? Whether they clicked
through from social media or used a search engine, this will help you
see where traffic is coming from, and if you have Google Ads, you
will also be able to see which keywords are performing best

• Behaviour: How are users behaving on your site? You’ll be able to see if your
intended pathways are working, and track user flow from entry to exit. These
insights will help you tweak your strategy and optimise your website.

• Conversion: Is the user reaching your intended goal (ie: buying your product or
signing up to your newsletter), or do they tend to disengage at a common specific
point? Google Analytics shows you, for example, how long a user is staying on each
page and when they move on - all valuable information to inform your strategy.

Armed with this detailed information, you’ll be able to see which efforts are reaping
the greatest rewards, and where you’ll need to adapt your strategy. You can use
the Google Analytics demo tool to learn how to get the best out of the platform.

Facebook Insights is an analytics dashboard for your business’ Facebook

page. It helps you visualise the data coming in from your page so you can
see how users are behaving, what content they are interacting with, and how
that comparEs to the competition. The platform also includes information on
the users themselves - demographic, location, relationship status etc.

Twitter Analytics gives you data insights for every tweet you send, so
you’ll know exactly how many views, likes and retweets you have. And the
video activity dashboard shows you retention, view rate, and completion
rate for all of your videos on Twitter. When it comes to paid ads, you’ll get
dashboard reports and conversion tracking - what users do after they engage
with your tweets - to help you learn more about the customer journey.

Day 3 | Createengagingcontent 71
Leveraging reviews and feedback
Great reviews are of course a valuable marketing tool, but don’t disregard
how negative reviews and constructive feedback can transform into
positive growth. Responding to feedback - good and bad - is always a
good idea. It shows customers you care and are engaged with their needs.
Encouraging feedback might mean you have to face uncomfortable truths
you’d rather ignore, but real world feedback can inform your future plans,
and help you evolve into a business that really works for its customers.

If you are looking to collect feedback from your customers,

Google Forms can help you create polished forms and surveys,
for free. You can customise the design and images to reflect your
brand, and then see charts with response data in real time.

Leveraging feedback is all about building relationships and developing a

trusted reputation, so think carefully about how you respond to users -
everything you say and do informs public opinion about your company.

Setting up a Google Business Profile is a great way to ensure your business is on

a cohesive platform, with Reviews, Maps and company information all in one place.

Top tip
Even though your customers may have had a great experience with
you, they may not always remember to write feedback. So make sure
to ask your customers to leave a review on your Google profile as
this tends to be something potential customers will want to read.

Day 3 | Createengagingcontent 72
Day 3 | Summary and next steps

In this section we took a deep dive into the tools and platforms you can use to
build a successful digital marketing strategy for your business. We explored
the different channels available to raise brand awareness, how to create
engaging content, and offered top tips on launching a successful campaign.

Next steps
To continue your journey into the world of
Google Analytics, check out this Primer lesson.

Also remember to complete the prework for Day 4.

Get started Partner with AdBot to

with Google Ads manage your Google Ads

Scan this QR code with Scan this QR code with

your camera or a QR your camera or a QR
reader to get started reader to get started

Day 3 | Summary and next steps


Reflection for the day

What has been your key takeaway today?

What has gone well?

What 2-3 actions will you take or do differently after today?


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