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Executive Summary GEPLAS is an earthquake-proof plastic

tile. the size of the tape is 30 in length, 22 in

width, the distance of batten 22 and volume
Indonesia has a population of 327 15/m2
million people which is directly proportional to for the composition of GEPLAS it
the production of garbage every day. It is includes 50% straw, 40% clay, and 10% sand.
estimated that by 2025 waste production in if added with sand, GEPLAS is easy to
Indonesia will reach 130,000 tons per day. The crack? therefore the sand component used is
threat is not without reason. Because the only 10% and the system of sand is sprinkled
activities of the community in general demand on a nearly finished pane.
to always be in contact with packaged foods.
Sri Bebassari, Chairperson of the +
Indonesia Solid Waste Association (INSWA)
+ =
said some time ago, "Based on Indonesia's
domestic solid waste statistics, the amount of
plastic waste reaching 5.4 million tons per year
is only 14 percent of total waste production in The Technology
Indonesia". While based on data from the
Jakarta Regional Environmental Management The process of making GEPLAS is by
Agency (BPLHD), specifically in Jakarta the pile heating the plastic straw until it melts and then
of garbage has reached more than 6,000 tons mixing the clay into the straw and stirring until
per day and around 13 percent of that amount evenly distributed. Then,print on the GEPLAS,
is in the form of plastic waste. All the rubbish, when almost half dry sprinkle the sand
57 percent is found on the beach in the form of
unevenly over the sprawl. The function of this
plastic waste. As many as 46 thousand plastic
waste floats on every square mile of the ocean sand is to dampen the sound and reduce the
even the depth of plastic waste in the Pacific temperature which is also to reduce the effects
Ocean has reached almost 100 meters. of solar radiation.
This large population causes the
opening of land for housing. in the Industrial Operation
Age 4.0, the demand for house tiles is very
much. this demand is proportional to the high The GEPLAS will be produced in
selling price. especially the Java tile which Indonesia. Since this product market is
reaches $ 3.22 / piece universal, the company chooses Indonesia as
In the industrial era 4, the purchase the place of production to minimize the
price of tiles that were considered expensive production cost. The development of GEPLAS
caused the people to switch to asbestos roof
will be handled by expertise in Cendol Dawet
tiles. the impact is that the house will feel very
hot during the day and very cold at night. not company. They will work on the product
only that, asbestos fibers that are inhaled and development.
enter the lungs can cause asbestosis (the
appearance of scar tissue in the lungs), lung The Market
cancer and mesothelioma (malignant cancer
Our market will consist of citizens of
that attacks the membranes of the
mesothelium) and the severity is the risk of this Indonesia and will expand to another country in
disease will increased as much as the number short time. From low to class, they will be able
of asbestos fibers inhaled. Besides the risk of to use our product
lung cancer due to inhalation of asbestos fibers
is greater than cigarette smoke. from the above Promotion and Marketing Strategies
problems, Cendol Dawet has the innovation to
create Geplas. Geplas is an earthquake- Our target consumers are citizens of
resistant, environmentally friendly plastic tile. Indonesia. This company will also advertise our
We hope that Geplas can be a product on Social Media. We will also do a
solution to the problem of straw waste that campaign for increasing interest with
collaborates with population issues. socialization and making advertisements to the
Product and Design Description
Competitive advantage
Special differences of our product from the company would have a loss of $10,700.00.
the others are this is very useful to reduce the the next year, company gets a profit of
waste of plastic straw. Characteristic of GEPLAS $20,307.00. the third year, the company will
are earthquake resistant, lightweight, ECO- successfully get a profit $64,000.00. the
friendly,and muffle sound and temperature. return of investment to the owner and
GEPLAS are not just saving our environment investor would be done in the sixth year after
from the polluition but we are also saving our the company establishment.Even though the
forests. company will manage to get provit in the
second year,the company will circulate the
Simply use the GEPLAS, we only money for production,maintenance and
replace the roof tile and asbestos . Besides further development.
that, plastic straw can used to drink, it’s can
take shelter. Conclusion

Financial Data GEPLAS is the answer to reduce the

waste of plastic straw. Automatically can be a
The company source of finance will solution in the industrial era 4.0.
come from the owner’s equity, investor’s
money, venture capital fund and sales of the OUTFLOW
watches. In the first year of the establishment,

Component Price of Total Total

of GEPLAS component Things Price
Plastic 1 Kg
1 $ 0,056 $
2. Clay $ 0,077 1 Kg $
3. Sand $ 0,035 1 Kg $
Burning 1 Kg
4. $ 0,042
Total $ 0,21
Selling Price $ 0,25
Profit $ 0,04

So, the price makes GEPLAS more cheaper than

price roof tile.

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