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TAGEDENS E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 45 (2021) 151351

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Seminars in Perinatology

Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia management: Clinical

assessment of bilirubin production
Lizhong Dua,b,*, Xiaolu Maa,b, Xiaoxia Shena,b, Yinying Baoc, Lihua Chena,b, and
Vinod K. Bhutanid
Department of Neonatology, the Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China
National Clinical Research Center for Child Health, China
Women’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA


The predominant cause of elevated total/plasma bilirubin (TB) levels is from an increase in
bilirubin production primarily because of ongoing hemolysis. If undiagnosed or untreated,
the risk for developing extreme neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and possibly bilirubin-
induced neurological dysfunction (BIND) is increased. Since carbon monoxide (CO) and bili-
rubin are produced in equimolar amounts during the heme catabolic process, measure-
ments of end-tidal CO levels, corrected for ambient CO (ETCOc) can be used as a direct
indicator of ongoing hemolysis. A newly developed point-of-care ETCOc device has been
shown to be a useful for identifying hemolysis-associated hyperbilirubinemia in newborns.
This review summarizes the biology of bilirubin production, the clinical utility of a novel
device to identify neonates undergoing hemolysis, and a brief introduction on the use of
ETCOc measurements in a cohort of neonates in China.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

and possibly bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND).4

Introduction Hyperbilirubinemia depends upon the balance between an
infant’s ability to produce and eliminate bilirubin. Either
Identification of hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn can be excessive bilirubin production and/or impaired hepatic conju-
done noninvasively by visual inspection, using a transcutane- gation contributes to the severity of the hyperbilirubinemia,
ous bilirubin (TcB) device or by cell phone-based screening and thus the risk for developing BIND or even kernicterus. Dur-
applications. All have limited reliability in predicting the ing early postnatal life, an infant’s hepatic conjugation for bili-
degree of hyperbilirubinemia.1 3 The measurement of total rubin is very limited, mainly due to a low expression of the
serum/plasma bilirubin (TB) level is the “gold standard” for bilirubin-conjugating enzyme, uridine diphosphoglucurono-
identifying an infant at risk for developing extreme neonatal syltransferase (UGT1A1), in the newborn liver (about 1% of
hyperbilirubinemia (EHB, TB levels > 25 mg/dL [428 mmol/L]) adult levels).5 Because all infants have a reduced capacity to

This work was supported by Zhejiang Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Therapy of Neonatal Diseases, Key Laboratory of Reproductive
Genetics, Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University, and by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.
81471480, 81630037).
*Corresponding author at: The Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, #3333 Binsheng Road, Hangzhou, China.
E-mail address: dulizhong@zju.edu.cn (L. Du).

0146-0005/Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 45 (2021) 151351

conjugate bilirubin, increased bilirubin production rates, e.g., lungs, it is continually excreted in breath in exchange for oxy-
as in cases of hemolysis, primarily drives TB levels. In fact, evi- gen. Thus, the CO concentration in the end-tidal breath
dence have shown that hemolysis isa major causes of bilirubin (ETCO) or blood (as COHb), when corrected for ambient CO
encephalopathy or kernicterus. In the US Kernicterus Registry, (ETCOc or COHbc, respectively)can be used as indices of bili-
hemolysis was present in 41.8% of cases.6 In a large Chinese rubin production rates.13,14
kernicterus case series, 44% were from infants with ABO, Rh Because the circulating blood volume of the newborn is
incompatibilities or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase small and the minute ventilation is relatively high, a short
(G6PD) deficiency.7 However, in many infants who had TB lev- equilibration time is only required for changes in the endoge-
els at or above the phototherapy threshold, no identifiable nous CO production rate to be accurately reflected in COHbc
causes of hemolysis could befound.8 This is partly due to mul- and ETCOc levels.15,16 Even in a normal term neonate, biliru-
tiple causes of increased bilirubin production or in most bin production is increased 2- to 3-fold compared with an
instances, these infants were not evaluated sufficiently for adult on a per-body weight basis,17 mainly because of a neo-
possible hemolysis. nate’s shortened red blood cell (RBC) lifespan.18,19 Premature
The hour-specific TB levels plotted on a nomogram can be infants have an even shorter RBC lifespan, and thus have rel-
used to screen for infants who may develop hyperbilirubine- atively increased bilirubin production rates compared with
mia by stratification into different risk zones based on age in healthy term neonates. Many other factors can affect biliru-
hours.9 The rate of rise of TB can also be used to track bin production in the neonate, exacerbating hyperbilirubine-
increased bilirubin production rates.6 In this review, we focus mia and increasing the risk for developing BIND.
on the role and risks of increased bilirubin production. The heme catabolic pathway can be regulated by many fac-
tors. The promoter region of the inducible form of HO gene
(HO-1) is complex, and there are many different mechanisms
by which expression can be increased.20 There are two iso-
Regulation of bilirubin production
zymes of the microsomal HO. HO-1 is the isozyme that can be
induced up to 100-fold by a wide variety of stimuli, such as
Process of bilirubin production is shown in Fig. 1. Bilirubin is
heme, stress, heavy metals, UV radiation, cytokines, and endo-
derived from the heme degradation process, which is cata-
toxins.21,22 Elevated heme catabolism observed in neonates
lyzed by heme oxygenase (HO). The first step of heme catabo-
may be associated with an increased transcription of HO.23
lism is rate-limiting. It breaks the IX- methane bridge in
Dinucleotide (GT)n repeat lengths in the HO-1 promoter region
heme and releases equimolar amounts of carbon monoxide
can modulate transcription with shorter alleles (24 GT
(CO), ferrous iron (Fe2+), and biliverdin.10 In the second step,
repeats) associated with high gene expression rates and should
which occurs in the cytosol, biliverdin reductase rapidly
result in increased heme catabolism. However, clinical studies
reduces biliverdin to bilirubin. Based on this unique stoichi-
have shown inconsistent results. In the steady state, the length
ometry, CO production can be used as a surrogate measure
of (GT)n repeats does not appear to modulate heme catabolism
for bilirubin production. However, there are other endoge-
or TB values in either G6PD-normal or -deficient neonates.23 25
nous sources of CO in the body, such as lipid peroxidation
One Taiwanese study showed that short HO-1 promoter (GT)n
and photo-oxidation which may vary in their proportional
repeats was a risk factor for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (rela-
contribution to total CO production.11,12 These sources nor-
tive risk [RR] = 2.185).26 Another Japanese study showed that
mally only contribute only a small amount of CO. Once CO is
infants with short alleles [< 22 (GT)n repeats] appear to be at a
formed, it diffuses into circulation and becomes tightly bound
higher risk for developing hyperbilirubinemia.27
to hemoglobin as carboxyhemoglobin (COHb). Once in the
Biliverdin reductase A (BLVRA; OMIM* 10975) efficiently
reduces biliverdin to bilirubin. Both biliverdin and bilirubin
are potent antioxidants and may exert cellular protective
effects against injurious stimuli in vivo and in vitro.28,29 Only
one common non-synonymous BLVRA gene variant (rs
699512: A>G) has been reported and was found not to be asso-
ciated with Asian adult or neonatal TB levels.30,31

Hemolysis and increased bilirubin production

The common conditions associated with neonatal hemolysis

are shown in Table 1. Rh isoimmune hemolytic disease is the
most significant condition of increased bilirubin production.
Kernicterus with Rh disease ranged from 38, 28, 28, and 25
per 100,000 livebirths for Eastern Europe/Central Asian, sub-
Saharan African, South Asian, and Latin American regions,
respectively.32 With the widespread use of anti-D immuno-
globulin prophylaxis, Rh hemolysis is currently seen only in
occasionally in industrialized countries.33 Unfortunately, this
Fig. 1 – Schematic of bilirubin production. proven solution remains underused, especially in low- and
TAGEDENS E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 45 (2021) 151351 3

Table 1 – Major conditions known to increase hemolysis and bilirubin production in the newborn.

Iso-Immune Rh isoimmunization ABO immunization

Conditions Some rare immune
conditions, anti-M,
Kell incompatibility
Non-Immune Red blood cell (RBC) Glucose-6-phosphate Pyruvate kinase Other rare RBC enzyme
Conditions enzyme deficiencies dehydrogenase deficiency deficiencies
RBC membrane Hereditary Elliptocytosis Ovalocytosis Pyknocytosis Stomatocytosis
abnormalities spherocytosis
Hemoglobinopathies Sickle cell disease Thalassemias Other rare
General Conditions Upshaw-Schulman Syn- Hemangiomatosis Sepsis Extravasated blood(e.g.,
drome (ADAMTS13 cephalohematoma,
deficiency) ecchymosis, adrenal
hemorrhage, and sub-
dural hemorrhage)

middle income countries (LMICs). Although the Rh-negative and G6PD deficiency may be associated with acute hemolysis
prevalence is substantially lower in some LMICs, it is esti- in newborns following exposure to oxidative stress. It is an
mated that in India, Pakistan, and Nigeria where the majority important cause of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and
of RhD-negative women do not receive post-partum anti-D kernicterus.45,46
prophylaxis, thousands of women will develop anti-D anti- The presentations of hyperbilirubinemia in G6PD-deficient
bodies, and about half the infants born to these women will neonates are characterized by an acute hemolytic event, pre-
develop Rh hemolytic diseaseannually.34 cipitated by an environmental trigger, such as infection or
The most frequent cause of hemolytic disease of the new- naphthalene, with a resultant rapid exponential rise in TB to
born is ABO heterospecificity. This is a relatively mild form of potentially hazardous levels that may not always be pre-
hemolysis and can be managed by phototherapy in most ventable.43 46 The role of traditional herb medicine in the
cases. However, in cases with inappropriate early discharge triggering of G6PD hemolysis and hyperbilirubinemia is still
without risk factor assessment for EHB, kernicterus may controversial.47
occur. In the US Kernicterus Registry, 31 (25%) were from ABO The prevalence of G6PD deficiency has spread widely from
incompatibility.6 In a Chinese case series of 348 neonatal ker- its population origins and geographic distributions. The high-
nicterus, 104(29.9%) were from ABO hemolysis.7 The direct est G6PD deficiency prevalence rates in the US are in African-
antiglobulin test (DAT) is an important tool for identification American males (12.2%) and lowest in Caucasian(0% in
of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) caused by eryth- female, 0.3 in male).48 In Asian countries like China, some
rocyte immunization. Increasing DAT strength plays a modu- regions have introduced universal G6PD screening programs.
lating role in the pathophysiology of the hemolysis and From the data of 2017, the G6PD screening rates by province
hyperbilirubinemia. DAT++ readings were associated with a were between 37% and 99%, with the incidence of G6PD in
higher incidence of hyperbilirubinemia and higher COHbc each province ranging from 0.008% to 3.39%.49 There are
values than their DAT+- or DAT+ counterparts.35 However, a many genetic variations that can affect G6PD phenotypes.50
negative DAT may not be suggestive of HDN. When clinical From newborn screening data and further analyses by quan-
suspicion is high, an eluate test should be performed when titatively enzymatic assays and G6PD mutation analyses, the
the DAT is negative.36 Despite the increased hemolysis docu- overall incidence of G6PD deficiency was 7.3% in Guangxi
mented in DAT+ ABO-heterospecific newborns, not all province.51Another mode of hyperbilirubinemia in G6PD-defi-
affected neonates will develop severe hyper- cient neonates is associated with low-grade hemolysis and
bilirubinemia.37 39 As stated earlier, TB levels are determined genetic polymorphisms of the UGT1A1 gene that reduce
by the balance between bilirubin production and elimination. UGT1A1 expression and thereby limiting hepatic bilirubin
The UGT1A1 polymorphism or mutation also contributes to conjugation.52 Collectively, variations in theG6PD gene, the
the final TB levels in ABO-heterospecific newborns.40,41 On triggering factors, and hepatic UGT1A1 polymorphisms all
the other hand, an ABO heterospecificity even if the DAT is contribute to the observed increase in bilirubin production
positive does not necessarily indicate the presence of ABO and alterations in elimination, to result in hyperbilirubinemia
hemolytic disease.42 Other criteria such as indirect hyperbilir- in newborns.
ubinemia, microspherocytosis as observed on a peripheral General conditions that cause increased RBC breakdown
blood smear, and increased reticulocyte count are necessary (and consequently increase heme levels) also can increase
to support the diagnosis, especially during the first 24 h of bilirubin production rates. The most common cause is extrav-
life. On this situation, a direct test for ongoing hemolysis or asated blood such as in cephalhematomas and bruises.53
bilirubin production, such as ETCOc or COHbc (see below) will There are also other conditions that increase RBC breakdown
be extremely valuable.43,44 and decrease RBC lifespan such as hemangiomatosis and
G6PD deficiency is another common cause of hemolytic dis- Upshaw-Schulman syndrome (USS). USS, a synonym for con-
ease. Its incidence varies greatly among different geographic genital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), is a rare
distribution. G6PD is critical to the redox metabolism of RBCs hereditary deficiency in the activity of von Willebrand factor
4 S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 45 (2021) 151351

(VWF)-cleaving protease orADAMTS13. The characteristics of among controls. No short-term adverse events from SnMP
neonatal onset of USS are severe jaundice, which may require treatment were noted other than few cases of photoreactivity
exchange blood transfusion, and repeat episodes of thrombo- due to inadvertent exposure to white light phototherapy.69
cytopenia. USS is also reported to complicated severe pulmo- SnMP (or stannsoporfin) use for treating neonatal hyperbilir-
nary hypertension of the newborn.54 TTP is diagnosed by the ubinemia was tested in the US and the FDA advised that more
deficiency of ADAMTS13 activity (< 10% of normal) due to evidence was needed to support its effectiveness [https://
mutations in the ADAMTS13 gene or autoantibodies against www.mdmag.com/medical-news/fda-advisory-committee-
ADAMTS13. There is also reported case with kernicterus in not-in-support-of-stannsoporfin-for-neonatal-jaundice].
other Asian literature.55

HO inhibitors and bilirubin production Noninvasive assessment of bilirubin production

For neonates with increased TB levels that meet the photo- Since CO and bilirubin are produced in equimolar amounts in
therapy threshold, phototherapy has been the mainstay of the heme catabolic process, measurements of ETCOc o
treatment. New phototherapy devices incorporate narrow rCOHbc can be used as a quantitative means for assessing
band light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which are low heat produc- ongoing hemolysis.15,70 COHbc levels can be determined by
ing, highly efficient, and inexpensive.56,57 And timely inter- gas chromatography (GC) or by spectrophotometry.70,71 Meas-
mittent instead of continuous phototherapy used prudently urements of COHb using specialized spectrophotometers (co-
can deliver less intensive irradiance levels to very low birth- oximetry) are accepted as the standard diagnostic procedure
weight infants and is a strategy that may decrease any possi- in diagnosis of inhalation injury and CO intoxications.72 It
ble side effects of phototherapy.58 However, the use of has also been used to identify infants undergoing hemoly-
phototherapy for neonates is not totally harmless. A study sis.73,74 A study by Mahoney et al compared spectrophoto-
conducted in extremely low birthweight infants to assess metric results with those obtained with the reference GC
aggressive versus conservative phototherapy.59 The results method. They found that the direction of the bias relative to
showed that the rate neurodevelopmental impairment alone GC was dependent on COHbc concentration. In general, the
was significantly reduced with aggressive phototherapy. co-oximeters underestimated COHbc when levels > 2.5%, but
However, among the subgroup infants weighing 501 to 750 g overestimated at  2.5%. Because of the inaccuracy of co-oxi-
at birth, an increased in mortality was found. Other side meters at low COHbc concentration ( 2.5%), these labora-
effects including erythematous, melanocytic nevi, interfer- tory-based instruments may not be suitable for some
ence with the circadian rhythm, DNA damage, increased sei- neonatal applications.75
zure episode in childhood, and others.60 64 A point-of-care ETCOc device, CO-StatÒ (Natus Medical, Inc.
As such, the rationale for inhibiting bilirubin production San Carlos, CA),was developed about 20 years ago. In 2004,
may be an attractive alternative strategy to phototherapy.65 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guideline pro-
The infants who could potentially benefit from such an posed that ETCOc levels could be used to confirm the pres-
approach are those who have very high TB levels and do not ence or absence of hemolysis.4
adequately respond to phototherapy, require exchange trans- Recently, a newly-developed ETCOc device, CoSenseÒ (Cap-
fusions, or whose family refuse the administration of blood nia, Redwood City, CA), is currently marketed in the US and
products, such as those among the Jehovah’s Witness com- has been recently cleared for marketing in China.42,76,77 This
munity.66 A study registry of compassionate use of an HO is an improved point-of-care analyzer in that it is battery-
inhibitor, tin mesoporphyrin (SnMP), was listed in Clinical- powered and easily portable, no need for on-site calibration,
Trials.gov(NCT00076960) in 2004, but failed to meet validation avoids error due to CO sensor drift, which may have occurred
by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). with the CO-StatÒ , and reportedly requires less technical sup-
HO is the key rate-limiting enzyme in the catabolism of port. We evaluated the ability of the CoSenseTM device to
heme to bilirubin, and therefore its inhibition can lead to a identify hemolysis in 51 neonates with severe hyperbilirubi-
direct reduction of bilirubin. Metalloporphyrins are potent nemia, whose TB levels met the AAP guideline for initiating
competitive inhibitors of HO.67,68 Earlier clinical studies and phototherapy, and having a positive DAT. We found that
trials in Europe and Argentina have documented the efficacy ETCOc can identify severe hyperbilirubinemia in neonates
of using SnMP for severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. with or without isoimmune hemolysis (Table 2).
Recently, a masked, SnMP (4.5 mg/kg), placebo-controlled,
multicenter trial of single intramuscular injection to 213 new- Table 2 – ETCOc and other work-up strategy for hemoly-
sis in neonatal with severe hyperbilirubinemia.
borns  35 wks’ gestational age, median postnatal age 30 h,
whose predischarge screening TcB was  75th percentile was DAT+ (n = 27) DAT (n = 24) P-Value
conducted. Infants were randomized to receiving treatment Hematocrit (%) 47.8 § 8.7 56.5 § 9.5 0.43
with SnMP or ‘sham’. The authors found that the duration of Reticulocyte % 5.7 § 4.1 2.7 § 1.4 0.01
phototherapy was halved. Within 12 h of SnMP administra- TB (mmol/L) 321 § 94 320 § 79 0.55
tion, the natural TB trajectory was reversed. At age 3 5 days, ETCOc (ppm) 2.9 § 2.2 1.7 § 1.0 0.03
TB in the SnMP-treated group was 6-fold lower than the
sham-treated group (P < 0.001). At age 7 10 days, mean TB TB, total serum/plasms bilirubin; DAT, direct anti-globulin test.
declined 18% (P < 0.001) compared with a 7.1% increase
TAGEDENS E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 45 (2021) 151351 5

Fig. 2 – Normal trend of early postnatal ETCOc levels in Chinese neonates (n = 750 tests;dash lines show percentiles).

In the normal early postnatal life, RBC breakdown and bili-

rubin production is significantly increased. Therefore, the
Declaration of Competing Interest
rate of rise in ETCOc may be more appropriate indicator of
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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