Workshop Plan

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• How can changing your emotion/tone change the way a piece

sounds/is performed?
• A group who are somewhat familiar with drama and have had a
few workshops at this point but not too advanced
1. Icebreaker: Everyone goes around in the circle and introduces
themselves. Repeat this again but have them say an emotion first.
E.G.: Happy, Sydney! Then the rest of the group copies. It’s alright
to repeat and if you can’t think of anything just ask for help. (3-4
2. In the manner of: Divide the group into Team A and Team B. Make
the groups guess the other team's emotion or attitude by
performing tasks. (5 minutes)
3. Scenarios: Split up the class into smaller groups. Give them a
scenario with different emotions or tones and see what comes
out of it. Put an ending on it! Scenario 1 – Somebody left a pile of
dishes in the sink of your shared flat. / You guys hate each other.
This is the straw that broke the camel's back. Full on rage. / You
guys are all really sad. This is the final straw. This is like, the worst
day of your lives. / There’s a really awkward mood. All of you think
that you’re the one who left the dishes out, so you feel really
uncomfortable. / You guys have no idea how the dishes got there,
because you’ve all been on holiday. Quite frankly, you’re all
terrified. Things have been weird in the house for a while now, and
now you’re all convinced the place is haunted or someone has
broken in or something. Fear. (10 minutes) Scenario 2 – High
school reunion. / You guys are all being very sarcastic and passive
aggressive. You don’t want to outright argue with anybody
tonight, but there’s too much underlying tension for you not to
take jabs at each other. / You guys are having the time of your
lives. It’s always amazing when you get a chance to meet up, and
it’s so much fun. Wild, hangover type scenario. / You guys want to
be polite, but you have no idea who each other is. You’re too
embarrassed to admit that you have either forgotten everyone or
walked into the wrong reunion, so you’re trying to go along with
things. / You guys are reminiscing, and you come to the realisation
that you have been sat at a table with the worst set of people.
Every single one of you used to date each other at different points
in high school. You’re pretty annoyed and frustrated and maybe
some unresolved issues come to light. / (10 minutes)
4. Texts: Mix up the groups. Give them printed out text and once
again use different emotions or tones to differentiate. Add in
reactions and things, feel free to play. If groups are uneven,
merge characters together. Night out text – 1 group are all very
good friends. Trying to rally around their friend who is being
bullied. They sometimes miss the mark, but they do mean well.
That’s high school for you! / All trying to outdo each other. Mean
girls vibes. You guys don’t like each other all that much. / Dinner
guests text – 1 group is Get Out vibes. Something’s clearly not
right here. The more they talk to you, the more terrifying things
become. / Family who are making a fuss over you. You’re a little
shy and it’s been a while so things are a bit awkward and some
people are overcompensating for that. You really all do mean well
though, and genuinely want the night to go well. (15 minutes)
5. A lil reflection time? Even off camera.

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