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Name : Kevin Lewis

Teacher: Miss. George

Class : 5Z


Subject : Physical Education

Candidate Number:

My name is Kevin Lewis, I was born in Jamaica on November 25 2004 I am 18

years old. I came to Antigua to live with my father when I was 14 years old , I
live in Jennings village and I attend the Jennings secondary school. I like to
listen music ,play football . I enjoy using my time to study and play football.
One of my Favorite subject is physical education because it allows me to learn
more about sports and I can benefit from it by ,staying fit and know more
about my body and its functions.
Football is a sport that can also be called soccer ,it started around 3,000 years
ago in England in the 19th century football is the world most popular ball game
in number of participants and spectators ,simple in its rules and essential
equipment’s the sport can almost be played anywhere from football playing
fields, pitches to streets ,school playgrounds and much more .
Football governs the body of FIFA ,which estimated that at the turn of the 21 st
century there were approximately 250 million football players and over 1.3
billion people was interested in football , the development of modern football
was closely to process the industrialization and urbanization in Victorian
My task I was given to carry out for my SBA was to be the team manager for
my team and I plan to carry out my duty well by ,
Instill the frameworks of good practices both physical and mental health
towards the players encouraging them that they can be very good at what the
do once the work hard and communicate with each other.

Leonardo smith – Team manager \ Director manager

Deshawn Dodd’s -Assistant director manager
Tishnoe Maximin - Coach of the Blue house he must train the players  and
have them prepared for the game
Paul Polanco – Team manager of Green house, must assist coach and 
prepare the team for the game
Brendia Johason – Equipment Manager /first aid 
Kevin Lewis -Team manager of blue house
Meleka parker – first aid
Karen King- Secretary

The role I selected is being the team manager of my team, my task are to
ensure that I :
 Select the team of players for matches and their formation.
 Planning the strategy, and instructing the players on the pitch.
 Motivating players before and during a match.
 Training them for their games and make sure they are well prepared and

 Arrange and attend training sessions.

 Ensure availability of all equipment and facilities for training session and
 Address all concerns that may affect team members and the coaches’
participation performance at training and game / event.
 Motivates players and coaches.
 Represents the team at meetings.

I execute my role by, making sure my team and players were prepared
mentally and physically to play the game I recorded scores and I keep track on
how my team is playing, I gave my coach and my team motivational advises so
they did not feel nervous or pressured and I watch my team played and I gave
them my full support and assist them with anything they needed. On
November 17 2022, this was the day there was a competition between the
different houses in the school, red, yellow ,green and blue house .
The game was played at the golden grove playing field and each game lasted
20 ,minutes ,so 10 minutes was half time ,the first game was red house
reference as red bulls against blue house reference as blue jays and the
second match was yellow house reference as gladiators and green house
reference as Godzilla at the end to the matches the winning teams played
against the winning team at the end of the matches
Personal Reflection
Being the team manager had a impact on me since being the team
manager for my team it allowed me to know my players more and it
also push me to complete my tasks and communicate with my
players, I felt great because when I spoke the them the obeyed and
listen to what I told them an they carried out my instructions, during
my task I learned that team work is a good thing and it will frustrate
a person if they cant get along with their team
 Before playing a football match I advise players to warm up and stay
active until the game starts.
 I advise players to communicate often with their team mates.
 I advise player to be properly attired with all their gears
 I also recommend that players are hydrated before the games,
The one thing that went wrong with the SBA practical was that we
were not able to play all our game so the last games were not able
to be played and we had to rush the game because 2 other teams
came on the field from other schools and we had to change the
plans we had.

 Figure 1.1 shows a short video the seen

 Figure 1.2 shows a pic of the team playing

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