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ENCLOSURE 5 PART I STUDIES IN BIOENERGETIC CORRELATIONS Bioenergetic Regulatory Measurement Instruments and Devices Fred M.K. Lam, Jr., MD., Julia J. Tsuei, M.D., Zixian Zhao, MD.,.MS. Center for East-West Medicine University of Hawaii at Manoa Abstract: Various instruments, designed to measure ‘the body's bioenergy by the Electro-Acupunctare ‘According to Voll (EAV) diagnostic methods are ‘compared £0 that data from subsequent studies using these instruments can be evaluated with the ‘same baseline. In addition, other instruments were checked for reliability. For THE PAST 33 years the Dermatron,!2 ‘manufactured by the Pitterling Co. of West Germany, has been the primary instrument for measuring EAV | Accord. ing to Vol). Recently, the use of EAV has become more widespread, and other similar instruments have come into use. This article evaluates the alternative instruments by using the Dermatron as the standard. Uniform mea- surement instruments are especially important because research on bioenergetic testing re- ‘quires a measurement standard by which com- parative studies can be evaluated. ‘The Measurement instrument ‘According to Dr. Reinhold Voll,'2> the ‘major developer of the EAV diagnostic tech- nigue, the basic cireuit in the Dermatron and all other similar instruments is a simple ohm- Reywords: Acupuncture, Bioenengetic Messure- ‘ments, clectroxcupuncture, EAV, Voll, Dermatron, Vegatest, Interro, Mora, Acupath, Chin Value Meter. Please address and reprintrequests to: Julia J. Tsuel, M-D., 46-418 Hulupals Place, Honoluly, Hawaii 96744, ‘American Joumal of Acupuncture, Vol. 16, No. 4, October-December 1968 ameter 4 This ohm-meter was designed todeliv- cf approximately 10-12 microamperes direct electric current at 1-1.25 volts. The scale of the meter was calibrated at 0-100. When the ‘measurement of the skin at the acupuncture point was 50, the resistance at the point measured 100K-ohms. The minimum value of zero represented infinite resistance (no elec- trical activity), and the maximum value of 100 indicated zero resistance at this voltage and amperage. Because the meter was in the Oto 12 micro- ampere range, the metering circuit in most instruments had a transistorized amplifier to allow use of a less sensitive and less expensive ‘meter. In the main metering circuit of these instruments, a sensitive volt meter or a micro- ‘ampere meteris placed in series witha battery. ° oo wosczt ooo aap n> ° 606 wr ost 007-0 aes 1> ° so we oro ooo 3 wma ° sm vm 00°49 ooz-o < awnso ° root ¥ 09°01 or g pas > ° o'008 ¥" 09'ot o0r-o iS = (éoreseg A) THT 3 _ - ose msec 01-0 Simaundastangeyd 264 ht Cv's"0) aaedwog ¢ ast ° yr ot-o a é a5 1> ° S66 ores murat oto i m5 1> z fH6 Oy roca ‘01-0 3 21> ° ooo : ast ro om move c0t-0 2 25> ro rer oto i 21> ° sis oo-0 3 a5 15> ° cor orsor oor-o aay Baek UT set-aywon prog eoserad sym aoe 218 ara Tes es Sone seyny protected sdeeeessye aim Iog Ste sere sere leper orese-pM eee“ oor wesung Lamnaey aan demmunent Jo ont ‘wowamsrau wounsisy Jo Keung ‘ “een 348 £ hwy b-100 Hota Therapy (W, Ger) et 1 Hed teenth 23 3823, 7. Computer capability: The Dermatron, Chin-Value meter, and the Computronix all have computer recording capabilities when computerized programs are attached. This ‘was not evaluated in this study. ‘The measurements of all these instruments are shown in Table 1. ‘Conelusion All of the instruments tested are similar in basic design and can measure EAV. However, the study results show that certain differences in the instruments must be taken into account when the parameters of operation are defined. ‘The most difficult design parameter is elimi- ‘ating the false indicator drop. Consequently, ‘when testing forthe peak reading and indicator drop, this over-swing of the meter pointer ‘caused an inappropriately larger indicator drop resulting in an error of readings. ‘The instruments that used meter movements of different current ratings and battery voltages of a different ratio of volU/amp. in turn changed the ealibration scale to fix the center scale ata different point on the meter. Several instru- ‘ments used different battery voltages that meters of different current ratings and jes, and they gave a center scale re- fistance of a diferent impedance from the 100 K-ohms required for a normal reading. ‘Several instruments which are used primarily for medicine testing, gave readings that were {far from the standard. When these instruments are used as an EAV instrument, they require a different end point for the “normal value." For ‘example, the Vegatest instrument could use 660, instead of $0, as the end point for anormal reading, and then the reading would be com- parable. The two Dermatrons, Chin Value meter, ‘Computronix, VGH 82 Skylark, Lammeters, and the RM10 Mora meter could all be used ‘comparably. The Intero computer instruments, ‘Vegatest meter, and Photonic meter could be used with some modifications, but additional study will be required to determine “normal” value and other operational parameters, ‘American Journal of Acupuncture, Vol. 16, No. 4, October-December 1968 Acknewledgements ‘This reeareh was panially supponed by gant fom ‘the Clapp Foundation, "The conbation of Ming-pi Mi, PRD. is deeply appreciated. 2. Leonhardt, H: Fundamenal of Elere-opone- ine According to Voll-An Inroduction Textbook Medsnisen Lnrarache Verupgeselischeh mo Uszen July 1973; pp. 2223. 4. Tiler, W.A: What do eleerodermal apni eu- puncture insramens realy meatare Amer J dew [enc Vol 15, No. 1, Mach 1987, pp. 15:23. 4, Schimmel, Wet al (iraulaud by Juan Keo- enh Shor Marat ofthe Vegas! Metod. Vira Srestaber GmbH and Co..Am- Hobentes 1 Schinach, Wert Germany. 2. 6. Royal, F Arp 1000: Combining acopunctre ‘Seppe wih bom ‘Soe Ue. pomeopasc Weatment molecular Med, reprint... pp. 47-44, 7. H: Bioenergetics in nempancr ane ‘po-ecupuncture scoorh mer J. Aw ‘puncture, VAL 6, No. nt

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