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4° Bimestre – E.C.O.D.I.

NAME: _____________________________________________________ GRADE: ____

LOCATION: Ferreñafe
YEAR: “Año del Fortalecimiento de la Soberanía Nacional”
➢ El tiempo que usted dispone para realizar este examen es de 30 min.
➢ El examen es estrictamente personal.
➢ Cada alternativa tiene una sola respuesta. Caso contrario queda anulado.
1. Choose (X) the correct option
with: PRESENT SIMPLE (4 pts) 2. Circle the correct answer: (4 pts)

A: ___ your uncles speak English? a) Jhonatan live / lives

B: No, ______. b) Your friends is / are

a) Do / they don’t c) You and me washes / wash

b) Does / he does
c) Do / you don’t d) My teacher teach / teaches
d) Is / she doesn’t

3. Put in the correct order. (6 pts)

a) farmer / is / Your friend / a => _______________________________________

b) firefighters / and Paulo / are / Laura / not => ____________________________

c) great / Am / a / I / student? => _______________________________________

4. Write 3 sentences with WORKPLACES (office, library, theater…): (6pts)

Example: My sister works in the hospital.

a) My uncle ____________________________________
b) My cousin ____________________________________
c) My parents ____________________________________

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