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K.ESS.1 Weather changes are long-term and short-term.

(Kindergarten, science)

1. Learning Objective:
a. When given prompts concerning seasonal characteristics, TSW demonstrate their
understanding of long-term weather changes by identifying the correct season.
b. Throughout the school year, the students have engaged in conversations about the
daily weather. This usually occurs during the morning meeting time and is very
brief. During the month of March, their reading curriculum explores the four
seasons and their characteristics. This lesson will be a continuation of the unit and
will help further the students’ understanding of long-term weather changes.
2. Description of the Assessment:
a. This is a digital assessment that the students can access using their iPads. They
will open the camera app and scan the QR code to begin using the cards. This is a
resource that they are familiar with, so accessing the assessment should not be
challenging. Once they access the cards, they will be assessed on the topics of
season weather descriptions and order, seasonally appropriate activities and
clothing, what trees look like during every season, and sorting various pictures by
season. This assessment is self-paced and self-correcting.
3. Rationale:
a. This assessment is used to identify the students’ knowledge of the four seasons.
The questions are designed to challenge the students while measuring what they
learned from the lesson. They will be given the opportunity to match the
appropriate season to descriptions of weather, and clothing.
4. Description of the Scoring Guide:
a. This scoring guide can be used to show the students and their families how they
scored on the formative assessment. The three main areas that are being assessed
are naming four seasons, seasonally appropriate weather, and seasonally
appropriate clothing. The scoring guide uses stars to evaluate how well a student
has mastered each area. For example: If a student can name three seasons, they
will receive three stars. The teacher will count the total number of stars the
student earned and score them out of 12. They will also identify the average
amount of stars that the student earned out of 4. The teacher can take note of the
seasons they were able to name in the boxes with the stars.
5. Differentiation:
a. The Boom Cards assessment can be differentiated to read questions aloud to
certain students and/or only include certain questions. Advanced students could
be assigned additional challenge questions to further their thought processes.
Advanced students could also be given less prompting/options than struggling
learners. The differentiated version of this scoring guide would be used alongside
the differentiated version of the Boom Cards assessment. Struggling learners are
given more choices during their assessment, so the areas on their scoring guide
will include the word “match” instead of “name”.

Boom Cards Assessment (Teachers Pay Teachers)

Scoring Guide

Name: _________________
I know the ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I can name ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐

the weather
of each

I can name ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐

clothing that
is worn
during each

My score is ___/12 stars

Average number of stars:__________/ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Differentiated Scoring Guide
Name: _________________
I know the ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I can match ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐

each season
to the

I can match ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐

each season

My score is ___/12 stars

Average number of stars: __________/ ⭐⭐⭐⭐

K.OA.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings,
sounds such as claps, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
(Kindergarten, math)
1. Learning Objective:
a. When given six gold coins and a subtraction prompt, TSW demonstrate their
understanding of subtraction by successfully identifying the starting number, the
number being taken away, and the number of coins remaining.
b. Earlier this school year, the students were introduced to the concept of addition.
They have been practicing those skills using manipulatives and worksheets during
centers. The students have also practiced the concept of finding ‘one less’ than a
number, transitioning into subtraction.
2. Description of the Assessment:
a. This assessment is an activity that requires the students to use their subtraction
skills. They will be given six yellow circles, or “gold coins”. As a class, TSW
glue two circles in the leprechaun’s hands and the remaining four in the pot of
gold. The students will then complete the bottom half of the sheet. They will state
how many coins they started with, how many the leprechaun took, and how many
they have left. TSW then write a subtraction number sentence to represent the
3. Rationale:
a. This assessment measures the student’s understanding of subtraction. They will
be asked to identify the starting number of gold coins, the number being taken
away by the leprechaun, and the number of coins remaining in the pot of gold.
4. Description of the Scoring Guide:
a. This is an anecdotal checklist that will be used by the teacher when checking the
students’ papers after the conclusion of the lesson. TTW look to see if the student
glued the coins correctly, wrote the correct numbers in each blank, and wrote the
number sentence correctly. If they correctly completed the entire task, they will
receive a checkmark. This data will be used to inform the next subtraction lesson.
5. Differentiation:
a. This assessment has three different versions. The first copy will be given to the
advanced students. It does not have any guidance on how to glue the coins as well
as nothing in the blanks. The second copy will be given to the proficient students.
It has a guide for how to glue the circles but nothing on the blanks. The third
version will be given to struggling learners. It has guidance on how to glue the
circles as well as dotted numbers in the blanks. The differentiated scoring guide
will be used for students who receive the third version of the assessment.
Anecdotal Checklist

Student Name Glued coins Wrote correct Wrote number

correctly numbers in sentence
blanks correctly




Student Name (Differentiated) Glued coins Traced number Traced number

correctly in each blank sentence





RF.K.2 Recognize and produce rhyming words. (Kindergarten, ELA)

1. Learning Objective:
a. After the treasure hunt clue has been read, TSW demonstrate their understanding
of rhymes by correctly identifying and highlighting a pair of rhyming words.
b. Throughout the school year, the students have been working with rhyming words
during their phonics lessons. Each day, they are given a word and are asked to
produce other words that rhyme. They have also been asked to identify two
rhyming words from a set of three. This lesson will be an extension of those skills
by identifying a pair of rhyming words from one or two short sentences.
2. Description of the Assessment:
a. As the students progress through the St. Patrick’s Day scavenger hunt, they will
be asked to identify the rhyming words found in each clue. They will also have to
highlight the words on the Treasure Hunt Rhyming Words sheet.
3. Rationale:
a. This assessment measures how well the students are able to identify rhyming
words. As they find them on the clue, they will also search for the pair on their
rhyming words recording sheet and highlight them.
4. Description of the Scoring Guide:
a. This scoring guide measures both the ELA and social studies objectives for this
lesson. The ELA section says, “I can identify and highlight all 10 rhyming
words.” The teacher will take note of the student’s performance throughout the
lesson as well as collect their recording sheet after the conclusion of the lesson
and give them a score. If they were able to identify 1-2 pairs, they will receive 1
shamrock. If they could identify 3-4 pairs, they will receive 2 shamrocks. Finally,
if the student was able to identify and highlight all 5 pairs, they will receive 3
shamrocks. After the whole scoring guide is completed, the student will receive a
score out of 6 shamrocks.
5. Differentiation:
a. This assessment will be completed as the students move through the treasure hunt.
Struggling learners will receive additional support from the classroom aide. The
students who receive that one-on-one support will be scored using the
differentiated scoring guide. The statement on this guide says, “I can identify and
highlight all 10 rhyming words with assistance.” This shows that the students are
not yet able to master this skill independently, they still need assistance from the
classroom aide.
Scoring Guide


I can identify and highlight 1-2 pairs 3-4 pairs 5 pairs

all 10 rhyming words.

I can find locations on a Limited-no Participated, Participated, all

map. participation, some correct correct answers
continuous answers, unable with support
incorrect to reflect and
answers correct answers
with support

Total: ____/6

Differentiated Scoring Guide


I can identify and highlight 1-2 pairs 3-4 pairs 5 pairs

all 10 rhyming words with
I can find locations on a Limited-no Participated, Participated, all
map with assistance. participation, some correct correct answers
continuous answers, unable with support
incorrect to reflect and
answers correct answers
with support

Total: ____/6

Geography (6) Models and maps represent real places. (Kindergarten, Social Studies)
1. Learning Objective:
a. After locating the clue, TSW demonstrate their understanding of maps by placing
a sticker on the correct location on the map.
b. Throughout the school year, the students have been exposed to maps at various
times. A map of the world is displayed in their classroom. They explored it when
learning about different countries during their Amplify reading/social studies
2. Description of the Assessment:
a. As the students progress through the St. Patrick’s Day treasure hunt, they will be
asked to identify the locations in which they found the clues. When they find a
clue, the students will place a shamrock sticker on a specific location on the map.
3. Rationale:
a. This assessment measures the student’s understanding of maps. They will be
asked to identify specific locations around the first floor of the school. The map is
simple and includes pictures and labels that will help guide them to the correct
4. Description of the Scoring Guide:
a. This scoring guide measures both the ELA and social studies objectives for this
lesson. The social studies section says, “I can find locations on a map.” The
teacher will take note of the student’s performance throughout the lesson as they
place the stickers on specific locations on the map. If the students have limited to
no participation and continuous incorrect answers, they will receive 1 shamrock.
If the students participated and added some correct answers but were unable to
reflect and correct answers with support, they will receive 2 shamrocks. Finally, if
the students participated and gave all correct answers, they will receive 3
shamrocks. After the whole scoring guide is completed, the student will receive a
score out of 6 shamrocks.
5. Differentiation:
a. This assessment will be completed as the students move through the treasure hunt.
Struggling learners will receive additional support from the classroom aide. The
students who receive that one-on-one support will be scored using the
differentiated scoring guide. The statement on this guide says, “I can find
locations on a map with assistance.” This shows that the students are not yet able
to master this skill independently, they still need assistance from the classroom

Map of the 1st floor of the school:

Scoring Guide


I can identify and highlight 1-2 pairs 3-4 pairs 5 pairs

all 10 rhyming words.

I can find locations on a Limited-no Participated, Participated, all

map. participation, some correct correct answers
continuous answers, unable with support
incorrect to reflect and
answers correct answers
with support

Total: ____/6

Differentiated Scoring Guide


I can identify and highlight 1-2 pairs 3-4 pairs 5 pairs

all 10 rhyming words with
I can find locations on a Limited-no Participated, Participated, all
map with assistance. participation, some correct correct answers
continuous answers, unable with support
incorrect to reflect and
answers correct answers
with support

Total: ____/6

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