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spectacled bear

• Scientific name: its scientific name is
Tremarctos ornatus, although in some parts of the
mountains it is known as ukuku
• Family: the spectacled bear belongs to the
Ursidae family, which is represented by eight
species of bears, and is subdivided into
Ailuripodidae, Tremarctinae and Ursinae, the
spectacled bear is in the Tremarctinae family
(short-nosed bears). ), is the only one of this
family in South America.
• Appearance: The spectacled bear gets its name
from the white spots around its eyes. It is a
mammal that can weigh up to 180 kilos and
measure 2.2 meters tall.
• Food: The spectacled bear has a very varied diet
which includes fruits, vegetables and meat.
• Habitat: The spectacled bear lives in the
countries of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru,
Bolivia. This bear looks for the cloud forests and
we stop.
• Reproduction: The spectacled bear reaches
sexual maturity at 4 years of age, its gestation
period is 6 to 8 months, after which the female
can give birth to up to 2 cubs.
• Importance: The spectacled bear is very
important since it fulfills the role of pollinating
agent, the pollen sticks to its fur and helps the
regeneration of the forests, in addition to its
weight breaking the branches of the trees allowing
the entry of sunlight to the lower areas.
• Why it is in extinction: The main causes are the
loss of their habitat due to human activities such
as agriculture, livestock, mining, also due to
illegal hunting and capture of their offspring to be
sold illegally.
• curiosities

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