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Sermon Preparation

7 you need to know as a preacher

◦ Know yourself and accept who you are. A good preacher is the one who
daily knows Christ and loves people. Preaching is putting the hand of your people
into the hands of God, you must hold both hands.
◦ Know your Lord. The devil knows verses but you can’t convert yourself.
Preaching is an art, you can preach without knowing God. We do not preach about
something but about a person. Colossians 1vs28. Don’t preach the cross but Christ
crucified on the cross.
◦ Know your Bible. Preach the word 2 tim 4:2. Hebrews 4:12. The Bible
1st. Insimbi edla ezinye. It is a sin to be neglectful of the study of the word of
◦ Know your tools.
◦ Know your sermon types.

Sermon Structure
Take off.
Get people’s attention
If you can’t strike a point in 3 mins just quit.
Reveal your theme.
You prepare it in the end.
Topic is narrower than the theme

If you stop reading, you are dead.
At least have 3 main points
Let it only be known by you which stage are you at.

◦ The court is in session right now, abc

◦ The heavenly court room
◦ Jesus is our Advocate
◦ Why judgement is good news

You should know your punch line, lapho okulumela khona.

Prepare for it
Conclude so that the listeners know what action to take.
Give a summary of the sermon without repeating what you have already said.
Call for action
What should we do.
The knock demands action.
Don’t be manipulative, ungabethuseli, don’t rape.
Don’t use illustration to confuse people. Use relevant ones.

Prepare and pray for it
Lift up Jesus
Be passionate
Plead with the people
Show empathy not sympathy (don’t be holy than thou)
Reassure them of their decision

Jesus is knocking doo you accept Him,raise your hand, stand up and come up front.

Be clear on your call and be specific. There should be a specific commitment.

Don’t be general
Accept the Sabbath, Baptism and all the truths that we preach

Check Elder’s Digest

◦ Prepare yourself . Is your mind Chriwstocentric

◦ Is your motive good?

Body language
Critic of sermons

Elders let’s be clear on time allocation for the preacher on the Sabbath

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