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Identifying leaders is both complex and confusing. Leadership is a concept that plays a

vital role in management and promotion of a school by influencing educators both directly and

indirectly. Determining the factors that influence student leaders’ success in academic

performance is an important research question for student leaders that serve and become voice of

their countrymen, provides affirmation that they have achieved a noteworthy educational goal

that has significant implications for their futures. Student Leaders is also important for the

institutions of higher education they attend, for it provides confirmation of the relevance of their

mission and effective of their educational programs and support services and of course being

student leaders in the university is the best experience. They are important in a developing

society which is heavily dependent upon well-educated citizenry.

The college student serves as the officer’s; they promote leadership among students.

Furthermore, it serves as structure where students boast their ability to work as part of team and

to exercise their skills. According to (Marks et al., 2011) the ability of team members to work

together can improve the overall functioning of the organization. Successful teaming is related to

relationships between leaders and their followers. Leadership flows from many sources,

sometimes springing from the joy of accomplishment, other times from a modest desire to serve

others. It is empirical to have these student organizations for the preparation of their future career

outside the school. Student leaders are held accountable for the development and outcome of the

student organizations, the success of their organizations depends upon them. Through leadership
it enables them to perform higher and commit responsibility on their actions. They can help their

co-students to explore their own abilities and inquire other to do the same.

According to the Lyceum of the Philippines University of Laguna (2015), a student leader

refers to an individual who acts as a leader to their fellow students and shows sense of

responsibility towards academics. When people hear the word "student leaders" the first thing

that comes out in mind are popular yet boastful leader while for some are nerdy type of student

in academics. But in fact, student leaders are known as a “good balancer” because they can

balance their responsibilities as a student, a child, and a leader as well. Even though school is a

place wherein "to learn" is the goal, student leaders still accept such responsibility in serving

their schoolmates. As a student leader, they take in charge when it comes to duties.

The case of distant leaders is even more serious, because all of them are full time workers

who gamble with time in order to study and at the same time perform their duties as a committed

student leader, while some students shy away from leadership position, others do everything

within their power to assume position of leadership irrespective of their capabilities and

completely levels. The challenges that confront students especially with constrains puts many

potential leaders, who are not able to perform very well academically, are quick to accuse school

authorities of victimization. On the other hand, same student leaders are always seen performing

their leadership duties and yet end up with very good grades. One therefore wonders if the

performance of leadership duties impacts distant students’ academic performance.

In relationship between the academic performance and student leaders, their grades have

increased which results to an increase also to their rankings and there is also the possibility to be

a top notched. According to (Anderson & Lu, 2017) the student leaders’ fear is being replaced if
they will not try when it comes to studying. Also, they don’t want to disappoint their teachers

because of the given role as a leader, they also hope that they will get an achievement in their

future leadership.

The ability to predict one's academic performance is a great asset for both the students and

the institution administrators. For the students, they can adjust workload, career direction, etc. if

they are aware of their capability. For the administrators and instructors, early warnings would

facilitate intervention thus enabling a more successful academic environment.

Student Leaders are expected to compliment the efforts of faculty in the effective running of

their institutions, they also serve as the mouthpiece of students in the promotion of cordial

relationship between students and faculty. Research has provided sufficient information about

the key characteristics of student leaders. However, there's a growing need to continued

improvement and reflective practice on the continuous development of leadership skill and their

academic performance. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to determine the extent to which

distant student leaders perceive their duties and whether this has significant correlation with their

academic performance.

The main purpose of this study was to determine the Predictors of Student Leader’s Academic

Performance in Central Bicol State University of Agriculture Pasacao Campus.

Specifically, the study was designed to seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of the students’ academic performance in terms of:

a. Strategic thinking skills

b. Cognitive Capabilities

2. What is the level of student leadership skills performance along with:

a. Interpersonal skills

b. People management skills

c. Innovation skills

3. Is there a significant relationship between student leaders’ academic performance and

student leaders’ leadership skills?

4. What recommendation can be made to enhance and improve the academic performance

of the students’ leaders?


This study aims to:

1. determine level of the students’ academic performance in terms of strategic

thinking skills and cognitive capabilities

2. Determine the level of student leader’s performance in terms of interpersonal skills,

people management skills, and innovation skills.

3. Identify significant relationship between student leaders’ academic performance

and student leaders’ leadership skills.

4. Identify the recommendation that can be made to enhance and improve the

academic performance of the students’ leaders.

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