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“Isip at katawan ay ingatan; Handog ay Zumbang Pangkalahatan”

By: Alexander John Siguenza

The residents of Dela Costa Homes V are inactive physically since the pandemic started. All
available places were closed due to restrictions in health protocol. Because of this, residents are
at risk of having diseases (such as heart diseases, stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc.). It can also
result in disabilities, obesity, high cholestorel, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and
mental illness (such as depression and anxiety).

This project is set to conducted at Community Center of Dela Costa Homes V phase 1. It is
intended for residents of Dela Costa Community especially the Youth (ages 13-18), Young Adult
(ages 19-29), and Middle Adulthood (ages 30-59).

Zumba workout amplifies a person’s positive energy. It can also provide a different kind of
atmosphere to new people. However, it allow us to burn off calories just by dancing to lively
tune musics. Nonetheless, the main goals of this project is to:

 Allow residents to become physically active.

 Allow residents to enjoy and explore dancing.
 Provides residents new social interaction to make new friends.
 Strengthen the bonds of the community.
 Reduce the risks of having mental illness.
 Prevent the youth from vices.

This project “Zumba workout” plans to start at 9:00 am and will end 11:00 am every Monday,
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This schedule intends to give all the residents the
opportunity to choose which schedule is suitable for their time

The HOA officers will contact atleast 5 zumba instructors and each of them will be assigned to
designated days. The Zumba workout is not mandatory for all residents but all are highly
encouraged to participate in the said project. In this way, residents will spend their leisure time
to something that will benefit them. In line with this, the participants, staff, and instructors are
expected to follow the health protocols provided by the DOH such as wearing face mask (when
talking) and social distancing. They are also expected to wear shoes.

A facilitator will be assigned to monitor each day’s participants for the first 3 weeks. The Dela
Costa Homes V have a population of 2,000 and atleast 20-50 participants are expected each
day. After the monitoring, the day with the lowest attendees will be remove. Also, whenever
the data shows that participants are slowly fading, new sets and form of dance workout will be
advertised to promote and encourage residents to participate again.

The budget of this project came from the tax payers and monthly dues of the residents. This
project includes the following expenses of the community:

 Instructor Fees – 300 per session

 Props – 1000
 Water Supply - 75 per session
 Zumba tshirts – 10,000
 Sound speakers – 15000

This project will last until December next year (2022) but if this project gathers a lot of
interested participants then the project will expand and will accept newcomers from outside
the community. This project will rely on the gathered data from the monitoring and evaluation
every month.

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