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personify v 의인화하다, a. represent or embody (a quality, concept, etc.) in a
전형적으로 보여주다 physical form.
b. represent (a quality or concept) by a figure in
human form.
passionate adj 열정적인, showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong
promoter n 기획자, 옹호자 a. a supporter of a cause or aim
b. an additive that increases the activity of a catalyst
nonprofits n 비영리단체 a nonprofit organization
diverse adj 다양한 showing a great deal of variety; very different.
cause n 명분 a principle, aim, or movement that, because of a
deep commitment, one is prepared to defend or
phenomenon n 현상, 놀라운 일(사람) a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen,
especially one whose cause or explanation is in
perceive v 인지하다 become aware or conscious of (something); come to
realize or understand.
heroism n 영웅심 great bravery
literal adj 글자 그대로 a. taking words in their usual or most basic sense
직역의 without metaphor or allegory.
b. of, in, or expressed by a letter or the letters of the
devote v 헌신하다 give all or a large part of one's time or resources to
(a person, activity, or cause).
precisely ad 명확하게 exactly
ordinariness n 보통 the quality of not being different or special or
unexpected in any way
extraordinary adj 보통이 아닌, 비범한 very unusual or remarkable.
charity n 자선단체 an organization set up to provide help and raise
money for those in need.
empower v 권한을 주다 give (someone) the authority or power to do
entrepreneur n 기업가 a person who organizes and operates a business,
taking on greater than normal financial risks to do
developing country n 개발도상국 a poor agricultural country that is seeking to become
more advanced economically and socially.
advocate n 옹호자 a person who publicly supports or recommends a
particular cause or policy.
fierce adj 사나운, 무서운, 맹렬한 having or displaying an intense or ferocious
democratic adj 민주주의의 relating to or supporting democracy or its principles.
setting n 환경, 배경 the place or type of surroundings where something
is positioned or where an event takes place.
funding n 자금 the money provided, especially by an organization or
government, for a particular purpose.
exponential adj 지수의, 급격한, 기하급수적인 of an increase) becoming more and more rapid.
humility n 겸손 a modest or low view of one's importance;
authenticity n 진성성 the quality of being authentic.
poverty n 빈곤 the state of being extremely poor.
doorstep n 현관 앞(계단) a step leading up to the outer door of a house.
self-sustaining adj 자급자족하는, 자립하려는 able to continue in a healthy state without outside
contribution n 기여 the part played by a person or thing in bringing
about a result or helping something to advance.
movement n 운동 a group of people working together to advance their
shared political, social, or artistic ideas.
donate v 기부하다 give (money or goods) for a good cause, for example
to a charity.
generosity n 관대함 the quality of being kind and generous.
sum up phrasal 요약하다 give a summary of something.

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