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MAPIT 2016
Brought to you by MAPIT: Est. 1974.

I see that one the worlds leading exorcists died recently: none other than Fr. Gabriele
Amorth, the one time chief exorcist for the Vatican. In fact at one point Fr Amorth stated
that, ‘The devil resides in the Vatican and you can see the consequences’. It should be
noted that Fr. Amorth, who was notoriously conservative in his views, was dead set
against, (amongst a great many other things) yoga, because it promotes eastern belief
systems. He also had a particular loathing of the Harry Potter series of books which, he
claimed, would lead children to wizardry and black magick. Easy to laugh I suppose, but
it cannot be denied that there does seem to be a year-on-year rise in cases of possession
and the services of exorcists are still in demand.
Click on advert below

Brian Allan
Brian Allan: UK Editor.


Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Mike Oram, John Pickering, Richard R. Richie,
Jenny Ashford, Tracie Austin, John Ventre,,
Patrick McNamara, Michael Feeley, Philip Mantle, Allan Cooperstein, Ph.D.,
Mike Wall,, Bryan Nelson, Ammar Awad, Shivali Best, Allan Hall,, Lauren Ballinger, Tom Ross, Don Collins & Construction & Design: Founder: Steve Mera

UK Editor Contact:
International Distribution: Brian Allan
United Kingdom, United States of America,
Australia, Canada, Russia, Greece, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Japan and Argentina. Spanish Editor Contact:
Dario Fernandez

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Wythenshawe, Manchester,
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everything in their power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any mate-
The PM Team
rial featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us as Sotiris at STRANGEFILES.ME, Danial Verdon at
soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only articles wrote by MAPIT investigators and UREI, Randy at UFOSTORE.COM, Dario Fernan-
group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the dez at e-nigmas / portal de lo paranormal.
Rockstand Distributors - India, Lavinia Pallott -
articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Distributor: Italy, Tim at UFOTV, Vision Ovni
MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine. Argentina, Main Distribution Steve Mera & Brian
Allan, Reporter Jackie Heighway, Reporter /
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Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons Austin, Columnist Steve Fielding, Distributor
Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives ‘Free License’. Robert Snow, & Australian Correspondent &
Reporter Dan Monroe. Special thanks to Don Gilchrist for assisting with news items.


Patrick McNamara
Page 03: The Phenomenon of Photoplasm: By Patrick McNamara.
In the early 1990’s I started his first physical circle in north London. The circle was held in darkness as with
most physical circles in the past. Within this circle the energy produced was the “normal ectoplasm” used
in all physical circles to produce materialisation phenomena. And like the ectoplasm used in the past physi-
cal circles it was extremely sensitive to light, which meant it could not be filmed in bright light. Although
you can use Infra red light in dark rooms. Patrick McNamara explains... 03
Michael Feeley
Page 09: My Multidimensional Odyssey: By Michael Feeley.
Blue lights flashing, I reach vehicle speed limits while hurtling through the streets of Birmingham, yet an-
other emergency call, yet another life to protect. Unbeknown to a career police officer it was my last day
of normality, my last day of a third dimensional amnesia as I walked out of the police station for the last
time in 2009. I’d served for 17 years and had seen humanity at its best and worst, but I had always known
that there was more to existence than what I had, up until that point, seen. Michael Feely explains... 09
Philip Mantle
Page 13: An Airman’s Encounter: By Philip Mantle.
We are constantly being told that the UFO enigma began in 1947, with the Kenneth Arnold sighting in
Washington state and the Roswell Incident a few months later, but any student of Ufology will know that
the subject has been with us for much, much longer. The following story dates not from antiquity, but from
1943, yet it demonstrates how unsuspecting folk have been encountering UFO-related phenomena since
long before the term ‘flying saucer’ was dreamed up. Philip Mantle reveals a most interesting interview...
John Ventre
Page 27: The trouble with government agencies: By John Ventre.
If you read “UFOs over Pennsylvania”, I documented the trouble we had in acquiring radar data from the
Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) in 2008 even though we visited the Philly airport tower and saw the data
on the screen. The FAA four times sent me a letter stating that they had no information. The tower, at the
same time, mailed me a CD containing the information on the radar screens, but the CD was corrupt and
copied over with other data. All very strange. John Ventre explains... 27
Allan Cooperstein Ph.D.
Page 31: Hypnotic Age Regression - A neglected area of human potential: By Allan Cooperstein Ph.D.
Mallory was a dark, morose, attractive twenty-five year old. Although I was to be her psychotherapist, she
examined me with suspicion. This was understandable. For years, she had been trapped in a loveless,
physically and sexually abusive marriage. During treatment, She was able to relive her wedding and the
actual moment she realized it was wrong and wanted to cancel it. But there was much more to her hyp-
notic session that revealed some interesting information. Allan Cooperstein, Ph.D. explains... 31
Richard R. Ritchie
Page 37: Jigsaw Pieces: By Richard R. Ritchie.
Prior to the early 60s, you’d never hear the phrase; 'Conspiracy Theory', as it was first introduced in 1963
by the CIA as a required means by which to discredit any dispute or questioning of official actions, state-
ments, policies or views etc. This term was devised to be immediately and constantly repeated by author-
ity to imply and implant in the public mind that, any who challenged official statements were dangerously
unbalanced lunatics, whose rabid ramblings must be instantly dismissed. Richard R Richie explains... 37
Various Authors
Page 45: UFO and Paranormal News from around the world: By Varied Authors.
Each month Phenomena Magazine picks some of the most interesting news items that have appeared
throughout the world, such as UFO sightings, crop circles, ghostly encounters, science and NASA news,
conspiracies, supernatural occurrences, mysteries, strange creatures and cryptozoology, fortean events
and the profound. If you have an interesting news item, then please feel free to send it over to Phenomena
Magazine and we would be pleased to include it.
Don Copllins
Page 49: Phoenix Brewing Company: By Don Collins of Fringe Paranormal.
Some believe that the soul survives death. Like the Phoenix of myth, a brewing company in Mansfield, Ohio
has risen from the ashes. While a building may not have a soul, this one might house the essence of the
departed. Perhaps there is more than one type of spirit being served here. Don Collins is a paranormalist
and aspiring author living in Toledo, Ohio. By day he delivers mail to the living and by night he leads his
team, Fringe Paranormal, on the quest to discover if dead men really do tell tales. While not official team
members, his cats can be found “assisting” him in analyzing audio evidence. He may be contacted via
51 And much more!


The Phenomenon of Photoplasm: By Patrick McNamara.

Introduction physical medium to sit outside of “the

cabinet”. (The cabinet in a physical circle
In the early 1990’s Patrick McNamara is normally a section or divided area of the
started his first physical circle in north Lon- séance or circle room, usually a corner of
don. The circle was held in darkness as with the room; that has a curtain draped across
most physical circles in the past. Within this it into which the physical medium is
circle the energy produced was the “normal seated, gagged and bound to a chair, and
ectoplasm” used in all physical circles to where physical materialisations formed.
produce materialisation phenomena. And
like the ectoplasm used in the past physical The cabinet could also be a freestanding
circles it was extremely sensitive to light, compartment within a room where the
which meant it could not be filmed in bright physical medium is seated.) The spirit
light. Although you can use Infra red light in guides working in Patrick McNamara’s
dark rooms, used with infra red cameras, is physical circle started to experiment with
known to destroy ectoplasm. Thus any ma- Patrick over many years, and subse-
terialised forms or objects that are created quently with other mediums. Their stated
from ectoplasm within the circle could not aim was to develop and produce the pho-
be recorded in visual form. toplasm during physical mediumship cir-
cles. It has taken many years and many
Without any hard empirical visual evidence physical circles to develop the photoplas-
captured by a camera it left the usual suspi- mic energy and it is still a work in pro-
cion promoted by sceptics of all psychic gress. Many physical circles are now using
phenomena, that communication with the this new energy while working with spiri-
afterlife is all just a big fraud, which in turn tual guides.
discourages potential empirical observers
from believing that anything of real note The Photoplasmic Energy
could occur within any psychic circles held
in darkness. It is widely known by those who under-
stand spiritual truths, that every physical
The only evidence provided from these body and physical object has an equiva-
physical circles relied on the testimony of lent etheric double (sometimes termed
individual witnesses within the circle, and “spiritual double”). The etheric body, or
since they had no “eye-witness” because exact double of everything on earth, is
the materialised results were normally pro- primarily used in a physical circle and it
duced in complete darkness, or a very low this body that is acted upon first when we
red light, they could never be relied upon use photoplasm. Within a physical circle it
for those who were not present. Patrick the etheric part which is utilised first, not
McNamara understood that the only way the physical, and the vibration is first
you could prove the existence of the after slowed down to allow the etheric part to
life to a wide audience “was to capture absorb the photoplasm.
materialisations on camera in lighted condi-
tions.” This became his goal and he asked This process is slowly turning the etheric that the can they move the physical. Once
spirit to help him achieve this. In the late part into a malleable substance which can the guides can move the etheric, it is then
1990’s around 1999, Patrick had some com- be used to eventually move the physical that they can move the physical. There is
munications with spirit guides who said material object, and can also be used to also trilogy to all spirit bodies, the etheric
they would help him achieve his goal using create an etheric body which can be vi- or spirit body, the astral body, and the
a new energy, which spirit said it was to be brated by the spirits and guides to create physical body. When a person dies, the
called “Photoplasm.” a body that can be seen, or a voice box for silver chord detaches itself from the physi-
speech and other instruments that spirits cal body to the astral. The astral then
Definition can utilise in the circle room. As the vibra- speeds up and goes into the spiritual or
tion of the individuals in circle speeds up, etheric body.
Photoplasm: Photoplasm energy allows an they can then use the photoplasm to
etheric being, or spirit, to materialise in red, charge the actual aura of the etheric part The general idea with this in a circle, is that
or blue and even white light, without caus- of each object. From this point it is then people speed up their auras to such a de-
ing undue physical harm to the physical vibrated until it moves. Before a physical gree that they become more aware of the
medium. The photoplasmic energy is col- object in a circle can move, or before etheric doubles and also the spirit etheric
lected from individual members within a physical atoms can be reconstructed to doubles that are in the room. The vibra-
circle and not just the physical medium, in make a form of photoplasm that you can tions that are needed can be produced by
comparison to ectoplasm where the energy see with the naked eye, the spirit guides the quickening of the individuals vibration
is formed almost entirely through the physi- have to move the etheric part. within a circle to a point where they be-
cal medium and still attached. With photo- come more attuned to the etheric. As that
plasm it is detached from the physical me- The etheric part, also known as the spiri- happens, the spirit guardians and guides
dium. The photoplasm energy also allows a tual double, has to be accelerated first so can the use the speeded up energy coming

The Phenomenon of Photoplasm: By Patrick McNamara.

from within the individuals in the circle to more mediums with different abilities that
magnetise and to move the particles of the can be harnessed.
etheric. Once the etheric starts moving,
they can then mould the photoplasm and The general idea of the new photoplasm is
slow the vibration down in a certain way so to take the individual acceleration and
that the guides can produce movement of development of each individual and per-
the physical as well as the etheric. fect it into one whole so that you are not
dependent on one medium. But in fact,
The photoplasmic energy is gathered and you are drawing on the abilities of the
mixed with the etheric energy also gath- entire circle or group. What spirit guides
ered from the individual sitters, to create a are doing in these groups is that they are
mould of viscous substance. What used to not relying on one medium, they are rely-
be known as ectoplasm was created in very ing on drawing and getting people to-
much the same way but it was created di- gether with different abilities so that they
rectly “through” the individual vibration of can utilise their progression, and their
the medium. Ectoplasm resulted in some development. Instead of the focus being
circles only having one or two mediums in one medium, the physical medium, the
the group that could take the intensity of circle works more as a group. In working
quickening, or the intensity of vibration to as a group, the photoplasmic energy can
create the energy necessary to mix with the be utilised much more efficiently than the It is by your attunement, by the quicken-
etheric energy producing the ectoplasm. old ectoplasm could be, because they are ing of you’re your spirit bodies vibration,
drawing the energy through many chan- that you become more attuned to the
In the case of photoplasm, the difference nels and taking the quickened vibration etheric world and can start to see the
now being that the energy for the photo- from many channels instead of one indi- etheric doubles of physical objects, and in
plasm is gathered from all the individuals, vidual who they would have trained for a some cases spirits, and the movement of
but you still need to have the quickened long time. This is why eventually there will objects in the room. With the photo-
vibration of a physical medium present to be an expansion of physical mediumship plasm, as more and more people add to
be able to resonate the atmosphere to a in the future and it will be much more the energy and it quickens, the photo-
certain degree. The one idea being that common for physical mediums to get plasm quickens and the spirits mould it in
instead of the energy being channelled better results. a certain way with other chemicals so that
through one individual like it was done with it becomes non-etheric, but viscous and
ectoplasm, it is channelled though many If you work as a team, if you have har- solid to the material world. At different
individuals and gathered in a certain way. mony, it helps the syncopation or the stages, as it becomes stronger some peo-
But, the guides still have to channel it actual collection of the energy into one ple will see it, others will not see it. But
though the physical medium because this unit. The more you work together, the eventually the photoplasm is moulded in a
factor is still necessary. The photoplasm is more you think of one mind, the more you specific way so that it becomes solid
channelled though the physical medium, work in love and strength to the guides, enough for it to be filmed. This is also why
and unlike with old ectoplasm, it is then the easier it becomes for them to create sometimes you will see spirit activity on
detached from the medium. Although it is all the individuals like all the petals of the film, but not in the room. The light sensi-
etheric or living energy coming form every flower come together to form the perfect tivity of the camera can pickup the photo-
individual in the group, instead of being rose. Once all the individuals are joined plasmic moulding or photoplasmic coating
channelled through one etheric body, one together it forms the whole body. This is around the etheric part, but the human
frail body, it is channelled and used outside done by each individual adding to the eye will not because it is not capable of it.
of the individuals who are sitting in circle. circle, the more they give the brighter the
light emanating from the circle and the Note
You still have to be careful nonetheless higher the energy produces the better the
because any exposure (of light) in the results. The above process and description out-
wrong way can withdraw that energy very, lined describes a work in progress be-
very quickly. Whilst it would not be as disas- Subtle Vibrations tween two changing worlds. As this is a
trous as it would be with ectoplasm it new form of energy it may not be adapt-
would still be quite painful for the main It is often the case that some people in a able to every physical medium. As quoted
medium who is sitting there. And it would circle say that they can see spirit, or some by David Thompsons guide “William”
be quite exhausting for the other people, say I can see transfiguration, while others when he was asked about “photoplasm”
who are supplying the energy to the me- say they cannot see anything. The reality by Victor Zammit on the 28th January
dium who is acting as the conduit for the here is that it depends on the individuals 2007, some old techniques work best and
energy, due to his or her higher vibration. development, because the faster your “newfangled ways that they try and
The more one sits in circle the more at- vibration the more attuned you are, the introduce do not always have sustainabil-
tuned you become, the quicker the vibra- more you then see of the etheric bodies ity of communication, as was seen during
tion can become, and accordingly the more which are being utilised and used with the The Scole Experiments.”
attuned the spirit chemists and people who photoplasm. Therefore, you may have a
work in spirit can become to the individu- group of six or seven people, three or four
als. They will know the subtleties of each may see a transfiguration or hand moving
individual and how they can work the en- in circle, while others are not.
ergy within the context of any given circle.
This is why it takes times with the individu- What they are seeing is the etheric part
als to produce physical phenomenon. In- moving because it has absorbed the pho-
deed, within a group each person brings a toplasm. It is the individual’s development
different vibration to the circle and this can that makes it possible for them to see the
result in better harmony and communica- early stages of the spirit formations, very
tion. For instance, there could be one or much like any other mediumistic ability.

My Multidimensional Odyssey: By Michael Feeley.

Blue lights flashing, I reach vehicle speed limits while hurtling

through the streets of Birmingham, yet another emergency call, yet
another life to protect. Unbeknown to a career police officer it was
my last day of normality, my last day of a third dimensional amnesia
as I walked out of the police station for the last time in 2009. I had
served for 17 years and I had seen humanity at its best and at its
very worst, but I had always known that there was more to exis-
tence than what I had, up until that point, seen.

My Multidimensional Odyssey: By Michael Feeley.

It was in February of that year that my life The event completely turned my life caused an energetic
was about to change forever and the ‘para’ around in a complete 360 degree circle explosion that lit up
was to become my normal as my life pur- and now a multi-dimensional reality had the room as they
pose was born out of abstract thought and entered my awareness, my wife and I entered, the energy
into physical reality. I, with my wife, was to were twin-souls it was proclaimed, two morphed into sev-
relive the murder of a 14 year old Victorian aspects of the same energy awakened. eral shapes before
teenager at around 3am on the anniversary From that point on I was about to embark leaving. Gut feelings
of her passing, as she showed me in ani- on multiple events of the paranormal and to go to certain
mated detail her last moments on the Earth spiritual kind, witnessing first hand a mul- places like a scene
plane as a physical being. She was suffo- titude of unorthodox craft in our skies from the movie close
cated by her step-father who was also a both day and night, cigars floating in mid- encounters of the
spirit attachment around me, a child stolen air and dimensional gateways opening up third kind were not
from linear time and placed into lateral in the sky and at ground level before my uncommon to me as I traveled to those
time beyond the 3D consciousness, unfin- very eyes as craft emerged and flew off locations to witness non- physical beings
ished business that prevented her from into the sky as the gateway closed behind approaching myself my wife and friends
making that natural journey between di- them. from all directions, just as I had been
mensions, as I woke up screaming with an shown in my mind’s eye the previous day. I
inhuman terror, beyond condolence. One evening whilst at work as a police have even stood just a few feet away from
officer I was involved in what appeared to a being not of this world but walking
I had suffered partial possession, polter- me to be an actual landing by other- amongst us, seemingly Pleiadian in origin.
geist activity and a burden on my relation- worldly visitors as people reported figures
ship as her assailant tried to intervene from and shadows in their street and electricity I am just an ordinary person seeing, feeling
the spirit world as I researched the teen- sub-stations were exploding at a rate of and experiencing first-hand events of this
ager’s death, just as she had requested. one every few minutes, events which the magnitude each day. Do I have a purpose
Both had been attached to my wife all her electricity board themselves could not and do I have a choice? The experiences
life and when we met I also entered into explain. This was accompanied by an eerie continue even to this day; but these days
the timeless scene. It took about 6 months sensation of we are not in control as I saw guided research is the way and much eso-
for me to have the courage to switch off the what appeared to be shooting stars travel teric knowledge of the world and the uni-
lights at night fearing another visitation, yet across the sky in juxtaposition at warp verse and its design has come my way and
another frightening event that had traveled speeds, which were not actually shooting not by chance, from the origins of religion
159 years forwards in time to my time. stars, other events had also occurred to the mathematical make-up of the uni-
Although now her story had been told and complimenting the whole incident which verse and creation itself. It is propelling me
the business had now been concluded, she added to my belief. quickly down the ‘Rabbit Hole’ and it will
had passed to the so called ‘other side’, but take me just as far as I want to go. Just an
scars can take time to heal and I didn’t Electromagnetic forces (Angels) would ordinary person living and acting out a not-
know if mine ever would, I was a wreck and visit each day and night and make their so-ordinary scene in this journey we call
every sound, every part of my day was a presence known and show themselves to physical life, as I observe the reel of my
physical manifestation of the deepest para- me as orbs and masses of energy around movie spinning and flickering by. With a
noia. me and at my home and beyond as they shovel in my hands I dig deep.

Dear All,

In an effort to keep Phenomena Magazine at the forefront of

the subject we all love, Steve and I have decided to combine
our distribution lists with another online magazine that just
has to be one of the very, very best of its kind in the world to-
day. I am talking about none other than the famous and near
iconic ‘Conspiracy Journal’.

Very shortly you can expect to receive a copy of this excellent

and free magazine in your inbox. You will also find that, de-
spite its title, it’s well written and researched articles cover
subjects with which you are already familiar and are very simi-
lar in their subject matter to those in Phenomena Magazine.

We are sure you will find it a fascinating and informative read.

Incidentally, by way of exchange, our distribution lists are now
with Conspiracy Journal (CJ) and the magazine will now be sent
to those on the CJ list.

Brian Allan: PM UK Editor.

It is fair to say, in this day and age, that the disconnect between mainstream
media “reality” and what is really going on is getting to the point where many
people in society are not being told the full story—about almost everything and
anything. In geopolitics, we see media organisations such as Al Jazeera willing to
totally fabricate events and broadcast them via BBC, CNN, ABC and other licen-
sees. In what is needlessly called “alternative health”, we see the might of trans-
national drug companies steering government health policies as well as affecting
personal sovereignty in the form of forced vaccinations, freedom of choice in the
treatment of serious disease, and the right to be able to purchase health prod-
ucts of our choosing.

In explorations of “fringe sciences”, including subjects such as the Expanding

Earth theory or the Electric Universe theory, we see the unexplained anomalies
regarding energy, gravity, electricity and biology, being ignored, suppressed or
ridiculed. I believe that it is in the open-minded exploration of such anomalies,
that we actually further our scientific understanding of our universe. In discus-
sion of consciousness and the paranormal, we again see mainstream media re-
porting distorted versions of events, misreporting factual data, not reporting it
at all, and again, outright ridicule (snigger factor).
The fact of the matter is that people want to know more about who we are as OFFICIAL T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES GRAB
spiritual beings, about the role of consciousness in determining how we experi- YOURS NOW. CONTACT EQUIRIES-
ence life, and the role our inherent beliefs have on how we live and treat other
people. I believe that the vast majority of people on this planet want to live in
peace and harmony with each other, and I also believe that there are forces at NOW JUST £10.00
work, including the military-intelligence-industrial complex, that desire and GRAB YOURS NOW! SELLING OUT FAST
profit from manufactured conflict. We live in an era where a growing number
of people are stepping up to blow the whistle on illegal and suppressed informa-
tion. Information they believe is in everyone’s interests to be made public. Un-
fortunately, despite the assurances of protection to whistleblowers from world
leaders, we actually see the opposite—the suppression and persecution of such

And finally, we live on a planet where

the way in which we live is dramatically
affecting the entire ecosystem. Meas- GRAB
urable levels of chemicals are found in YOURS
the air over the entire planet—in the NOW!
groundwater of every continent, and in
the oceans everywhere. Why is it
noble to focus on CO2 and energy sav-
ing, while ignoring the death, disease
and destruction of our habitat and life
forms, including our own? I have cre-
ated the Alternative News Project
(ANP), not as a vehicle to fight the
current mainstream manufactured
reality, but instead to provide a vehicle
for like-minded, independent thinkers,
to help create something new. Some-
thing better. Instead of endless
searches on the Internet, we will bring
you the news, every day, right across
the spectrum of hundreds of non-
mainstream news Topics. We have
called it a Project, as it is not just about
information—it is about the building of
a global community through the distri-
bution of information. The ANP is the
first time that independent thinkers of
the world (i.e. you) have a centralised
location not only to see more of what
is going on in your world than ever
before, but where you also have the
opportunity to send alternative news
and information from anywhere across
the globe. You are the real key to our
project, because by receiving informa-
tion you can inform others and by con-
tributing your knowledge to us, we can
broaden our scope of services around
the globe. As such, the ANP is designed
to be a community-based interactive
news and information project by the
people for the people.
Welcome aboard the ANP, and thanks for being part of the adventure. Duncan
Roads and the ANP team.

An Airman’s Encounter: By Philip Mantle.

We are constantly being told that the UFO enigma began in 1947, with the
Kenneth Arnold sighting in Washington state and the Roswell Incident a
few months later, but any student of Ufology will know that the subject has
been with us for much, much longer. The following story dates not from an-
tiquity, but from 1943, yet it demonstrates how unsuspecting folk have been
encountering UFO-related phenomena since long before the term ‘flying
saucer’ was dreamed up.

An Airman’s Encounter: By Philip Mantle.

John Warren was an armourer serving in looked like a normal figure, but had a ‘When I got back to camp, we were in Nis-
the RAF during World War II. At the time of round face, if you understand what I sen huts, and there were only about 4 or 5
his encounter, he was stationed in Norfolk mean (see witnesses drawing). Now the of the lads. The rest were on leave and one
at RAF Ludham, a radar facility close to the smile, it was as though it was there per- or two were on duty, night duty. I come in
large airfield at RAF Coltishall. What follows manent and it was not a smirk but a… it through the door and I was still shaking - I
is from the archives of our features editor, was like permanent in a way to me. There was that frightened. I locked the door be-
Philip Mantle. Philip interviewed Mr War- was something on the chest, and this was cause I'm the last in and my bed was about
ren back in 1987 and he recounts a fascinat- like a greenish, which threw off a greenish 5 or 6 down on the right hand side of the
ing sighting during a late-night walk through effect onto the face if you understand? ‘ billet. There was a long window and it was
the East Anglian countryside. The text is open, but I locked the door and I got into
taken from Philip’s transcript of the taped ‘Now, there were all fields there and all bed and I thought, ‘That's it, I’m just gonna
recording and has been edited purely for fields here, you see. Now there weren't get into bed.’ I was still bloody trembling,
clarity. Mr Warren’s drawings of what he big trees or anything like that. There were when, all of a sudden, this bloody figure's
saw can be found at the end of the inter- what farmers have for keeping cattle in or coming through the window! I thought,
view, as well as a letter sent to Mr Warren something like that, you know, low things ‘Jesus! That thing's after me, whatever it is
from BUFORA. about this height, and [I saw] what I down there!’ but when he got in, this per-
thought was a bell tent. I thought it was a son was shaking. Now they either called
Transcript of an interview with Mr John bell tent just beyond where this figure him Jennings or Jenkins, I couldn't say
Warren conducted at 10am on August 4th was standing. It would probably be a bit what, I’ve forgotten. It’s forty odd years
1987 at his home. Mr Warren will hereaf- further than the top of our garden, from since, and I said to him, ‘
ter be referred to as JW. The investigator is here to the top of our garden, at the back
Philip Mantle, (PM) there, probably about another 10 or 20 “What’s up Taffy?” (I know he was a Welsh
yards away, but there was something fella)
PM) Right. there and I thought it was a bell tent. You
know these things in a fairground where “I don't know,” he said. “I don't know, I
JW) You can just read that letter (copy they have a stall, we used to roll pennies don't know, I’m going to bed.”
enclosed) and… down them, then at night time they used
to put…?’ He was a cook, this fella, and the following
PM) If you would just like to go through morning he was on the early shift, I think
basically what you said to me over the tele- PM) I know what you mean. he was on at 6 o'clock. I went for my
phone in your own words. Just go through breakfast, after I'd finished, I said,
what you can remember. JW) ‘It was like a bloody bell tent to
me - what I call a bell tent. Now the blood “What was up with you last night Taffy?”
JW) Yes. I've made a little plan out (copy drained out of my head, I was really terri-
enclosed) of the camp and what was there. fied. I was bloody frightened, frightened “I don't know,” he says. He’d been sleeping
Well, it was early May, 1943. I just couldn't to bloody death, but I didn't want to run. I out with a woman, you see, in a place
tell you the date; do you understand what I didn't want to quicken my steps, like sort called Stalham. There's Stalham here, then
mean? of going hell for leather. I didn't see any- Catfield and then Ludham, our camp. I
thing at all in this person’s hand. I didn't don't know what time it was then, but he
Now, I'd been to a place called North Wal- see a uniform, I wouldn't say there was a must have stopped with her so long and
sham in Norfolk. I don't know how far that uniform, but there was something then decided, ‘Well, I’ve got to get back
is from Catfield, but you could get a train strapped on the chest with a light that camp I'm on duty at 6 and I'll have to be
there, or you could, I think, we went on a sort of glowed into the face, to light the there before quarter to six.’
coach, actually, or somebody gave us a lift face up. Then in the background, I saw
on a wagon or something. Now, I missed this article [the ‘bell tent’ – SJ] and I could “I don't know what it was,” he said. “I saw
the coach back and decided I'd sleep. In- just see two figures. These two figures something down.”
stead of walking it, I'd sleep underneath wore like a greyish [outfit], not as white as
this signal box, which was like a little work an envelope, but more or less like a stony “Whereabouts?” I asked.
place underneath, but how long I was laid grey colour, that’s all I saw. I didn't see
down, I wouldn't like to say. I woke up. I any lights in there at all. It was as though “Just round as you come out of Catfield
was cold. Even though it was May, I was they were doing something, if you under- village,” he said. “I don't know what it was.
cold, you know. I thought, ‘Aw, sod it, I stand what I mean. ‘ It frightened me to bloody death. I ran...”
might as well walk.’
Witness drawing of
‘I should say about a mile and half or poss-
The ‘Bell Tent’
ibly a mile from the camp, as I come down
Shaped object.
this, you know, country lane. They were
only narrow lanes, no causeways. You
walked on a bit of a grass verge. Just in the
distance, I could see this kind of a figure.
This light had attracted me. There was a
light, but this, this person, I couldn't, I
couldn't get. Naturally, I couldn't run back. I
wouldn't run away, if you understand what
I mean. I was running away from my bloody
camp really. There was no way where you
could skirt round, so I just carried on walk-
ing. Now, when I got more or less opposite,
just to the right a bit, out of the corner of
my eye, there was a figure! It was normal, it

An Airman’s Encounter: By Philip Mantle.

I didn't tell him that I'd seen the same thing, up from, say, Potter Heigham or going to JW) ‘Yes. I was an armourer’.
because I hadn't booked out. I didn't know anywhere up this way, to the pub at the
whether he'd booked out. I knew he would- top or anywhere, a dance, little village, we PM) You were???
n't be booked out, because he'd have been had to pass so you had to book out you
put on a charge if he had. see. Occasionally, there would be an SP, a JW) An armourer.
corporal. A Bradford fella was the corporal
‘UFO's never entered my mind. Well, no- and one was from Leeds. Apart from PM) Armourer. How old were you at the
body ever thought about them in them weekends, one of them would be on duty time, Mr Warren?
days did they? What it was I don't know, Monday to Friday, and then Saturday and
but I thought after I've read that many Sunday there would be one of your mates JW) Let’s see, that was 43, so I was
bloody spy books, I wondered if it was Jer- on, so you didn't bother booking out be- about 22, I think.
ries plonking something in the ground. cause you would be back late probably.
These two figures seemed to be doing There was a water tower here. Just at the PM) 22.
something, you know, in the ground. If [the back of the guard room there was the
figure] was an air ministry fella, he should sergeants’ mess for all the sergeants.’ JW) About 22.
have challenged me at that time. It was
probably half past two in the morning, or ‘The officers’ mess was a bit further up PM) And how long did you spend in the
two o’clock, you know. It was just a round the pathway and then there were the armed forces?
face. It never spoke, you know, never said officers' quarters. There were a lot of
good morning, goodnight or kiss my arse or trees just here by officers' quarters. They JW) Five and a half years.
anything you know, it was just… were in Nissen huts by the way, but they
were not, say, ten in a bloody hut. Their PM) Can I ask you one thing...
…now I've drawn a little plan of near quarters were there, sergeants' quarters
enough what I could. This is the country were here, and the mess was here. Now, JW) Yes.
road here (plan enclosed) and this is Lud- coming down into Catfield, just about
ham village. At the top of the village, there here, probably about half a mile, these PM) Why did you [not] think to report
was no way out. There probably will be was a row of terraced house, just here. this to anyone like your Commanding Offi-
now, but in those days, there was just a Just one row that was all. The first house cer or someone of that sort?
post office on the corner. There was a pub belonged to the boiler firer on the camp.
here, and I think it was the King’s Head, I’m He saw to the boilers, sergeants' mess, JW) ‘Well, I hadn't booked out you see,
not right sure, but there was a pub here. officers' mess and the airmen’s mess.’ for one thing, so automatically you were
That could have been the King’s Head. on a [charge]. Now, I didn't know what to
There were two pubs in this village. This ‘Now then, when you got into Catfield, report. What could I have reported? Do
road went on, turned left and when you got there was a railway line which ran through you understand what I mean? If I’d… now
into more or less Ludham village, where the Catfield village. It stopped in Catfield, then who was the CO at the time? If you can
post office is here, a little village post office, it went on to Great Yarmouth, did that just let me, let me think. Now the first CO
you could turn left and that took you to train. When you got into Catfield, it’s on the camp was a fella called Squadron
Potter Heigham (not sure on this spelling more or less a dead end, then you’ve Leader Angel. He was a First World War
PM – corrected - SJ) in Norfolk.’ come from the camp, here. Just here pilot. He had been something like that and
there was a little village pub, I can't think he was knocking on. When I say he was old
‘It also took you to Great Yarmouth. You of the name, and then there were a few he was well into his 50s then, so he wasn't
went through one or two little villages. We little cottages dotted about here and a active, not actively flying.’
used to bike there. It was a straight road, all few on here, and then as you got into
bloody fields and all that, and then this road Catfield, then it was a sort of a dead end ‘I think he got posted about 1942 and then
here turned right at top of the road here, there. You had to go round a bend like we got a drunken Squadron Leader. He
this took you to Norwich and to a little vil- that. When you got round the bend, there was a drunkard, but he wasn't a pilot, he
lage off the main road called Horning (not were little cottages here and here and one was admin. He was always drunk. I remem-
sure of this spelling PM – corrected - SJ), or two here. All fields here, by the way. ber I was once on guard duty. It was, I
where a lot of rich people lived. There were think, about a fortnight before this incident
beautiful little bungalows up there. Now Then the road went on like that to a place happened and it was a Saturday night. The
this road here, then, was Ludham. All these called Stalham, and there was a pub here. phone rang and I was the only one on that
were fields here. The airfield was here, What was it called? An old lady kept it night, so I went and answered it in the
there were runways and that was all. It with her daughter. The Windmill, I think guard room and it was this bugger, but I
wasn't grass, it was runways. There was a that's what they called it, the Windmill. I can't think of his name. I had to get onto
little guard room here, but it was always came from Stalham, walking on the road MT section to get a bloody transport driver
one of the lads that was on duty, booking here, and I got into the village at Catfield. out to bring him back from somewhere. I
people in and out. This is where we were. I'm coming round the bend at Catfield can't think where it was. He was drunk, so I
We were down this way. This is going to village and the pub's here somewhere. All told this bloke in the MT section. He said’
Catfield, a little village called Catfield, here, these were fields there were all fields
and these were the Nissen huts - I was in here, with little bloody bushes etc., and “Oh, who is it?”
this one here. I think there were 8 all to- just when I got round the bend, I was
gether. Then there was a pathway up here probably about 20 yards, that's when I “Well it's CO that's phoned up,” I said.
to the works lights, up to the airfield. There saw this bloody thing about here. I “He’s drunk again, a drunken little get he
were some WRAFS that were wireless ops thought, ‘Bloody hell! What’s that?’ and was. Anyway, I remember them bringing
and all that.’ that's what I saw’. him back and this was about 3 or 4 o'clock
in the morning. I remember the driver
‘Their quarters were here. If we were going PM) ‘Could you tell me a little bit more coming up, so I lifted the barrier up for him
to Ludham, we would have to pass this little about the base, I mean its activities during to get up with the car. I opened the door of
guard room. There was a gate here and we the war and what you did at the base, I the car and challenged them - you know,
would have to book out. If we were coming presume it was RAF you were in? “Halt! Who goes there?” all this bloody

An Airman’s Encounter: By Philip Mantle.

tripe, and it was the CO. He half fell out of JW) No, I didn't, no? tent. I mean if somebody would have
the bloody staff car, you know, he half fell asked me then what it was, I’d have said a
out! I had to shove him back because the PM) YOU didn't take any notice. bell tent. Now if I went up there tonight
driver was a corporal and he said: “Get him and saw something in that field, I'd say
back in, Yorkie!” JW) No. Do you mean on the face? that's a bloody flying saucer, obviously,
because I know they exist. Well, I don't
[The CO] was drunk and I got him back in. PM) Yes. know they exist, I only think they do exist,
Anyway, I think he took him to the officers' but I mean I didn't believe in anything. If I
mess and got a couple of the bloody bat- JW) Oh, no. There was no hair on the hadn't have seen this bloody thing, if there
men to throw him in bed, but I can't think face. Otherwise it would have shown up had been a rumour before the war that
of his name. against the light, do you understand what there were things like that, I would have
I mean? It was just a cheerful, healthy said, “By hell, I've seen a flying saucer!” I
PM) Did you reach any rank during your complexion, put it that way. saw it in 1943, but that word was never
time in the forces? used.’
PM) Did he have any hair on his head?
JW) Well I couldn't get promoted. High- PM) This chap called Taffy, did he give
est I got was LAC, you see I was a split JW) Well I couldn't say. any more explanations for what he had
trade. seen when you asked him about it, did he
PM) Didn't notice? tell you at all?
PM) What's an LAC?
JW) I didn't notice, I didn't notice, I JW) ‘No, he said I didn't go down [to
JW) ‘Leading Aircraft Man. But that was didn't notice that at all. the village] and it’s true. I never went
a split trade. If I had taken a course for gen- down to that village for about another
eral armourer, that’s guns and bombs, I PM) Did the figure acknowledge you at fortnight, to Catfield. I was frightened.
could have got a promotion, you see, all? Even if I were coming back at half past 10
probably a corporal. It takes time, but with at night and it was summer, I was bloody
me being a split trade, what they call a split JW) No, it was just as though it was, it terrified. As a matter of fact, between Cat-
trade, that’s as far as I could go. This rule was this bloody permanent smile, you field and Stalham, when it was our day off,
was brought out in 1943 to encourage you know. Never, never moved. we used to go swimming in a little river
to go on a general course’. near Stalham. We used to go have a dip,
PM) Did he look at you? but I didn't even go bloody swimming. I
PM) ‘Could we just go back to you meet- thought, ‘Bugger it, I’m not’. If I went for a
ing this figure on the road? Did you notice JW) ‘Well, as I was passing, I just drink, I went into the NAAFI or up to Lud-
anything else about him? I mean, you said caught it out of the corner of my eye. I ham village, but…’
his facial expression was very prominent, was bloody terrified. I was terrified and it
what about the rest of his face?’ was just as though it was a ‘hello, nice to PM) Did Taffy explain to you what he
see you’. Do you understand what I had seen?
JW) ‘Well all I know was that it was a mean? No challenge, no mugging or any-
round face, do you understand what I thing like that, you know. After the war, I JW) ‘No, I don't think. Taffy was posted
mean? I don't mean as round as an orange. got reading these bloody spy books. I about a fortnight, or maybe three weeks
I've seen an advert on where there is an thought, ‘Well, if it were Jerry, why didn't later. I think went to, he was posted over-
orange which smiles. The lips go, and that's he kill me? If he killed me, they'd find out seas and I think he finished up in India. I
just what it looked like to me. When I see that it was a bloody foreign bullet…’ said to him, oh, about a fortnight after,
any come on the telly I think, ‘By hell, it “Have you been down to Stalham lately,
reminds me of that bloody Catfield incident, ‘ A Jerry bullet’. I [wondered] how the hell Taffy?”
you know.’ has Jerry got here. The coast is about, as
the crow flies, 12 or l4 miles away, so they “No, no,” he said. “No, I'm not going down
PM) What about the other facial fea- would have to come by U-boat off the there.” I mean he was in the same condi-
tures, did you take any notice of those? east coast, off the Dutch coast and then tion as when he came in through the win-
onto the coast of Norfolk. I thought, well dow. He was in a worse bloody condition
JW) ‘No, it was probably just a normal they have a long walk unless they have than me really.’
height, like if you were standing on a bank got these mobile bikes, but what the hell
and you looked to be taller, because the is that thing in the field? They couldn't get PM) SO he didn't tell you what he had
bankings were raised up. I had to look up, that thing in the field on a bloody bike, on seen?
to see across. It wasn't a little bloody body, a push bike. Then I thought, well was it
where I had to look down; I just cocked my was it some of our lot? But normally if JW) ‘No. He said he didn’t know what
eye to right. It was this glow you see that there was a crash anywhere, armourers he saw. “I saw something down there. It
frightened me. I didn't know what the hell it were called out in case there were any was all lit up,” he said. ‘That’s all, you
was. I was terrified. There was definitely guns or bombs on board, but nobody was know, but I didn't tell him that I'd seen the
something strapped on the chest, here, but called out. There were no crashes re- same thing. I told him that I thought he
there was a glow coming from it, a sort of ported at all.’ was joking, but he denied it. I asked him
box affair and it gave a greenish effect on whereabouts he had seen it and he said,
this person’s bloody face, but then in the PM) This bell tent-shaped thing, were “In Catfield. I run.”
background what I thought was a bell tent. you able to make out the colour of it? I
It was something round and after, I know it was dark, but… ‘I thought, ‘Well I saw it and I didn't bloody
thought, ‘It was a bell tent, was that.’ run!’, but I was bloody frightened to death,
JW) ‘Well no, all I saw, it was like a which I was, honestly, that's the truth. I've
PM) Did you notice anything, did they stone grey colour, and height of it proba- never been as frightened in my life.
have any hair or things like that, did you bly might have been as high as this floor
notice? to the ceiling, but it was just like a bell I've been in some scrapes, air raids and

An Airman’s Encounter: By Philip Mantle.

stuff like that, but I've never been as terri- the planes were going and we'd say that the following morning, because there was
fied as I was when I saw it. I couldn't retreat they were going on a sweep over the nothing. You see it was like being up top of
and go back a bit, I had to walk, but I North Sea or Holland or somewhere. Roy bloody Howley (old ruins in Batley), you
thought, ‘What the hell is that up there?’ Gallant was his name. He still lives in, I understand what I mean?’
don't know whether it's Heckmondwike or
‘I could see the glow and I was probably Cleckheaton or Batley. He used to be in a PM) Now you reported this originally to
200 yards away. I could see it from the road group, in this town just after the war, a Mr Whitaker of the British UFO Research
side, the side of the ditch. I thought, ‘I will that's how I came to meet him. He was at Association. You’ve got a letter here from
have to carry on walking. I can't run back a club one night called The Ramblers. He him in 1973. How did you come to report
and I've just walked about 8 bloody miles. I used to go in a group called The Ramblers. this to Mr Whitaker, how did you…?
can't be running across fields going through There were 4 of them, country and west-
hedges!’ You know, I carried on and more ern type of style. He said, JW) ‘I didn't report it to him, I reported
or less when I got level to it, I just, glanced it to, er, it was in one of the papers, and it
out of the corner of my bloody eye onto the “I know you.” “I think I know you,” I re- was Cambridge University. I wrote to this
right, which was where it was. There were plied. He said, “You were in the air force address at Cambridge University and I said
bushes there and that's when I saw a figure weren’t you?” I said yes. He was about, 22 that I'd seen something which I have never
with this thing strapped on the chest. It or 23 then and I’d be about 30 at the time. been able to fathom out what the hell it
threw a light, but no light down below, no He said that I used to be at Ludham and I was. I put in the letter what I told you,
reflection of anything on the floor, just into said, “Yes, I was.” “Don't you remember what I've just more or less told you. Well
the face. I thought, ‘Well, that bugger must me?” “Ooh,” I said, “I do. You and another then I got a letter back from them, saying
not be able to see, without this bloody kid used to come through the bloody to get in touch with…’
light.’ It was a greenish effect was this light wire.”
and it was sort of transparent. It just went PM) Mr Whitaker.
onto the face, the light. It was a round face There were all fields and you would see
and the lips were that way.’ the kids. They weren't trespassing in the JW) Well, I think that's from, er, Cam-
field, they were only about, probably, 100 bridge University isn't it?
PM) How close did you come to this yards away from the barbed wire, but this
figure? kid called Roy Gallant and his mate used PM) No this is from Mr Whitaker (copy
to ask if they could come through the of letter enclosed PM).
JW) ‘Well I was on the left hand side, wire. You see, though, these 300 on the
walking up and this was on the right hand camp, we weren't all in one block, if you JW) ‘Oh is it? Oh well, they got in touch
side. The country road will only be as wide understand what I mean, we were part 5 with Mr, with, with this fella (Mr
as from the kitchen there to here. That’s all or 6 huts that were here and then there Whitaker). Here look, I never saw this. I
there was, country roads, it was just a little was sergeants' mess going from here to moved, you see. I was living up Staincliffe
country road. Ludham was at the top there the bottom of the road here. The officers' then and I went working away, so I never
and then Catfield at the bottom, which was mess was more or less in the same area, got in touch. I was living up Staincliffe es-
like walking from Batley to Dewsbury, but but about two or three hundred yards tate then, but then we moved up Healy, so
there was nothing, only fields, with our away their billets were the same, the ser- I never got in touch with him and then I
little camp in the bloody middle of them. geants' billets were the same. We were went working away. I was working away
But, er, as a matter of fact I never saw a billeted here and some of the other me- for a few years, you see, coming home
thing on the bloody road at all.’ chanics were billeted three quarters of a every fortnight for the weekend. It was just
mile over that way. The WRAFs (Women’s in an envelope in the drawer and that was
PM) Was that unusual? Royal Air Force), there were a few WRAFs it. I just, er, I never bothered after that, do
that were wireless ops, but there weren’t you understand what I mean?’
JW) ‘Well, no, I mean, you see we were a many of them. There were only a few
satellite airfield, which was an off shoot of a cooks, officers' mess, sergeants' mess and PM) Since the war finished, over the
place called Coltishall, which was the big there might have been 4 women in the years have you ever taken an interest in
airfield. There were 3 or 4 squadrons there, officers' mess,4 in the sergeants' mess, the subject at all (UFOs),have you read
so there was about 3000 men, but ours was half a dozen in the airmen’s mess, proba- anything about UFOs, or anything like
just a little airfield. We had one squadron bly half a dozen wireless ops, one or two that?
of, er, 14 pilots, no navigators, because worked in the orderly room, typists.
they were Spitfires, the armoury section, Maybe 30 or 40 WRAF’s, that was about JW) ‘I tell you what I did see. I got de-
station armoury, with 3 or 4 armourers on it, but there was no more than 300, I mobbed in March 1946, and I think this
the squadron, half a dozen flight mechanics, should say, at full strength of the staff.’ would be about 1947. I think it was the
half a dozen riggers, half a dozen electri- year after I got de-mobbed. I’m nearly sure
cians. Then you had the admin staff, the PM) And you never saw anyone else on it was. I know I was on my holidays, and I
orderly room and all that, but I mean, most the road apart from these figures? used to have my holidays about Septem-
that would be on there was about 300, and ber. We had only a week’s holiday then, by
they were spread out you see. We were on JW) No. the way. I was in Batley town centre and
one part, nearer that row of houses at Cat- looked to the Town Hall clock. I remember
field, and then there were lads that were PM) Would you say that was unusual looking to see what time it was, and it was
with the squadron more or less over to the or not unusual? between half past 10 and 11 o’clock.
right of us, but over the top. There was a
lad from, er, I think he lived in Ludham. ‘ JW) Well, I, yes. As I looked up towards the clock, I saw
something, but I couldn't describe it. It
‘He was a school kid at the time and he PM) Would you have expected to see was there one second and then it was out
used to come onto the airfield. We had wire something on your journey that morning? of view. There was a fella called Billy
round, but they used to cut the wire and Fletchen (not sure of this name PM), but
they could get through. They used to ask, if JW) ‘No, I don't think you would. I he's dead now. It’s a pity really, because
I were up on the airfield, if they could mean, once it got after 11 o’clock, it was he’d have given you the same explanation
watch them take off. They would ask where bloody dead until probably 7 or 8 o'clock as me, because he said, “Did you see that
An Airman’s Encounter: By Philip Mantle.

John I said, “Aye, what was it?” He said he Witnesses drawing of Strange ‘Man’.
didn’t know. It was just to the right a bit of
the clock but high up, higher up than the
clock. It was, I’ll tell you what it was like - it
was like an ice cream cornet. It was just like
an ice cream cornet, but it was only there
for two or three seconds. It was just hang-
ing there. That’s all I've ever seen. I've
never seen anything else.

PM) You've never read anything on the

subject or anything like that?

JW) ‘No. I never read anything about

this until probably in the fifties. I’ve read
some of Jenny Randles books, you know,
about that thing down in Suffolk, that crash.
Then I saw a programme on the telly not
long back. I’ve convinced the wife, the wife
believes in them, but I said to her that I
didn’t know what it was that I saw. I said it
was 1943 when I saw this bloody thing on
the floor and this bloody figure. I explained
today what it was like. I’ve told you what it
was like. I said I was frightened to bloody
death and I've been in bloody air raids!
We’ve been bombed and machine gunned,
obviously with Jerries that were coming
over to bomb Norwich, and, er, when I was
station at Hull at one time, just outside of
Hull, I was caught in a raid. I was only about
18 or 19 then, but I was more frightened
when I saw this, this thing, than I was, you
know, although it didn't harm me. It wasn't
aggressive, it just stood there. Never spoke
and I never spoke, I was too frightened. I
don't think I could have opened my mouth that's all. The lips didn't move, I didn't see I wondered if it was Jerry that was planting
to tell you the truth, so…’ any hands move, because I didn't look for something in the bloody ground. I sup-
any hands. All I was bothered about was posed they could probably come from the
TAPE TURNED OVER AT THIS POINT getting bloody past. In the background coast, which is here, from the Dutch coast
there, probably twenty or thirty yards to East Anglia, probably brought by sub.
JW) ‘You know, they reckon that one or past, the field is divided, but not divided Then they would have to paddle a bloody
two have crashed, UFOs. Now whether I with fencing, with kind of little bushes. boat! They would have to get up the side
believe that there is something some- That figure was sort of standing here, but of the bloody cliffs. If they had these
where? I don't think we are the only bloody then beyond, probably about 30 or 40 bloody bikes that they could fold up, but
persons in the Universe at all.’ yards away from where this field was they'd have a bloody tent and all, but the
divided, there was definitely a round thing coastline would be 14 miles away, so I
PM) Do you think it would be possible there. It was sort of a stony grey, but I don't know what the hell it was.’
for you to do a little sketch of this bloke’s couldn't see any lights, but then, just
face? Well just make an attempt anyway. about here, just to the left of it here, PM) Was it shaped anything like that?
You don't have to be any great artist. there were definitely two figures. ‘
JW) I, well you see that's a bell tent
JW) ‘Well, this is where he was here. I ‘They looked to be wearing what looked isn't it? That’s a bell tent. As I said, it was
was coming up this side. All here was fields, like a baker’s or a painter’s bloody uni- like a stall in the fairgrounds, where you
there was nothing, just all bloody fields, and form. It was a greyish white, but I don't used to roll the pennies down and it was
this person’s face was definitely a round mean snow white, more like a greyish round and then they used to put a cover…
face and the mouth was that shape (see white, like a boiler suit. I could see no
drawing PM). It would be, I’m only what, faces, but there were definitely two fig- PM) Over the top.
five foot seven, now whether he was stood ures and they were just to the left of this
on a banking or what I don't know, but he thing here, just about here (see drawing JW) Over the top, (indistinct), well I
was definitely taller than me because I had PM). What they were doing, I don't know, called it a bell tent you see.
to look up. On the chest there was defi- I couldn't tell you. Now then, about a
nitely something that was sort of square, month after that, when it was light until PM) Now these other two figures defi-
but whether it was strapped on the chest or about 11 o'clock at night, there were two nitely had some kind of garments on.
a fixture. I don’t know. It had a glow that or three of us that went down to the pub
came to the face and it was a greenish one night and as we were going down, I JW) I thought they were in, I thought
glow. I’m not saying the face was green, but sort of slowed the pace down and I had an they were in what I called painters’ bloody
with this greenish glow, it illuminated the idea of just where, just to 50 yards, where overalls, because they’re what only bloody
face and it was as though that was perma- it was, but there was nothing, I couldn't painters and bloody bakers wear. I thought
nent. I just observed it for a few seconds, see anything. after, if they were bloody Jerry agents,

An Airman’s Encounter: By Philip Mantle.

what the bloody hell were them two fellas JW) No, it was about here. PM) In front or just to the side.
doing in a white suit in the bloody field?
They’d have been in camouflage gear PM) SO it would have been a bit JW) ‘No, just to the side, to the left
wouldn't they? And then this fella wouldn't longer? here, that’s where they were. The field got
have been at the roadside, with a bloody divided then, but they weren't up by these
glow going into his bloody face, he'd have JW) ‘Yes, yes. Probably to about here. I little bushes, they were just as though they
been out of the bloody way! He’d have didn't see a point at the chin or any pro- were just in the field. What they were do-
been at the other side of the bloody fence. truding cheek bones. It was just a round ing, I've no idea, but I could just see them. I
He never spoke, never moved, just there. face, that's all. It was definitely on the only saw two.’
chest and just sending the bloody green-
PM) And you didn't notice anything ish bloody glow into the face.’ PM) How high up in comparison with
about his clothing, this figure at the side of this did you think they would have been?
the road? PM) ‘You felt alright after this incident,
apart from being frightened, you were JW) ‘I'd say about as high as, erm, lets
JW) ‘No. No. You see, it was this bloody just frightened nothing else, otherwise see… I should say about as high as this
glow what I saw and this is what frightened you felt okay?’ house.’
me. It was just a figure with something
strapped on the chest, a light, a glow, you JW) ‘I was bloody frightened to death PM) But if you could have stood one of
know, coming up onto the face, you know through the bloody night and especially these figures at the side of this, where do
like a sea diver, you know, the old sea di- when this Jennings or Jenkins came you think his head would have been?
vers? I’m going back 40-50 years. The old through the window. I thought it was after
sea divers used to wear a kind of a glass me, I thought, ‘Hell, its here, whatever it JW) ‘Oh, it would have come probably
where you could see all of their face. I don't is, coming through the window’. Then halfway.’
know what they wear today, but that's how when he got into his bed (he was about
I could see the face, that’s how I could see three beds lower down than me), he was PM) Probably round about there?
it was round, but as I say, the lips, the smile, bloody trembling. I said: “Oh, is it Taffy?”
it was just like a permanent bloody smile, He said yes and I asked him what the mat- JW) ‘Yes. Probably half way, something
and it was just…’ ter was. He said that he didn’t know and like that.’
he was shaking. He asked who locked the
PM) Do you think he might have had door. I said that I did, I locked it and he PM) Did you notice anything else about
something around his face? said: “Didn't you know I wasn't in?” I said I these figures? You said they had on some
didn't know and that was the truth. It was kind of overalls.
JW) ‘Yes, that’s what I mean. I couldn't bloody dark in the billet and I was glad to
say what it was, but to me it was like a sea get in. He was a cook, you see, and the JW) ‘I never saw their faces, I never saw
diver’s bloody helmet, but the old fash- following morning, after my breakfast, I any lights. All I saw was what they were in,
ioned type. I couldn't see anything on top, I asked him again what was up with him. as I say, like a whitish grey boiler suit. I
could just see the glow. The glow bloody “Ooh,” he said. “I don't know.” “Where don't know what it was. You see, they'd be
frightened me, because it was a greenish were you?” “Ooh,” he said. “I was down past top of the garden away (approx 100
glow, as though it never bloody blinked or in Stalham.” I said, “Well you were fright- yards PM) if you understand what I mean?’
never went out. It was just bloody there. I ened to death when you came in.” “Yes,”
didn't turn round once I got past. I dare not he replied. “I saw something.” “What did PM) That's what, 20 yards (later esti-
turn round. I was frightened to death, I'll you see?” “Ooh, I don't know, I don't mated to be over 100 yards PM)?
tell you, I was frightened.’ know.”
JW) ‘Well, it would be above that.’
PM) Right. PM) So that's a rough description of
the bell tent-shaped thing you saw. Let’s PM) 30 yards away?
JW) You see there were no houses then. just presume it is.
JW) They'd be 30 yards away, at least
PM) Did it look something like that? JW) ‘Yes. Near enough anyway. You 30 yards. I forget how long this bloody
know, on the ground.’ garden is, it’s a big bugger, I know that, but
JW) That's it, aye. There was something er…
strapped onto the chest, but I couldn't see PM) You've got the ground level here.
below here, if you understand what I PM) ‘What's puzzled me a little bit is,
mean? JW) ‘Yes.’ these figures were 30 yards away, yet you
could make out their overalls and things
PM) The dark. PM) Now, these figures were stood just like that.’
to the left of it.
JW) It was dark, but definitely a round JW) ‘Oh, you could see, I could see, but
face. There was a box attached and it was JW) ‘To the left, they were.’ you see this was May and I've a good sight
throwing like a fluorescent light into his for distance, I mean, I’m 66 now, but when
face. PM) How high in comparison were they I was 20 or 22, my bloody eyesight was
to it? Were they level with the top or near enough perfect.’
PM) Now is that box correct or was it down here or…?
bigger than that, or was it smaller or…? PM) If you'll just let me finish. You could
JW) ‘Oh no, they were, they were…’ make out these figures in the field possibly
JW) No, it was, well… 30 yards away, maybe more than 30 yards,
PM) You just show me. but yet this chap stood at the side of the
PM) Was it just on its chest or did it road, you couldn't describe his clothing
come down here…? JW) ‘Yes, well, they were probably etc.
about 20 yards from this bloody bell tent,
you know?’
An Airman’s Encounter: By Philip Mantle.

JW) ‘I was more fright- Plan of the camp drawn by Mr. Warren.
ened, I was frightened, you
see. It was the glow that
bloody frightened me. I
could see this glow, proba-
bly 100 yards before I got
to it. When I got round this
bloody bend from Catfield,
you know, you’re walking
with your bloody head
down and then all of a sud-
den, you look straight for-
ward and think, ‘Oh, I'm on
the last leg now, a nice
straight road into camp,’
and then, you think, ‘What
the hell's that?’ and you
can see a glow from 50
yards. I thought, ‘Jesus,
what is it?’ ‘
‘I thought, ‘Well, I can’t go
back!’ but there is some-
thing there. I’m a mile from
where I'm billeted, easily a
mile, so I just carried on. As
soon as I got more or less
opposite it, I just bloody
glanced and not a word
was spoken. I just glanced
out of the corner of my
eye, like that, and this fig-
ure was just standing there.

PM) It never moved?

JW) ‘Never moved.

Never moved. There was a
glow coming from the
chest and the face was
round. It was like a glass
thing, like the old sea
diver’s helmet, but I could
see the face as plain as
bloody day, with the
bloody smile, with the lips
going up like that.

Now, just when I got past it then, as I say, probably about 10 or 15 yards past, something caught my eye. That’s when I looked again. I
didn't look back. I looked there and what I thought was a bell tent and these two figures, I could just make two figures out, that was all.’

PM) And they were moving?

JW) ‘They were moving. They were just moving, you know, not running, but just sort of as though they were doing something in the
bloody ground. What, I don't know, as though one of them was doing or looking or about to do something on the ground. I don't know,
they were definitely as though, you know, as though they'd done something in the ground or they were looking at the ground or they
were going to do something in the ground. Then when I got past that was it. I never bloody ran, but I quickened up when I got about an-
other 100 yards. When I got then to where this row of houses was, I thought, ‘Oh thank God for that. If this bugger comes after me, any
of these buggers, I can run to where Bill, who was the boiler firer, I can run to his bloody house. ‘

PM) And you never looked back?

JW) ‘I never looked back. Never looked back. I was too frightened to look back. Too frightened. I've never been as frightened in my
bloody life, never. I wasn't frightened of what was in the field, because, as I say, to me it was a bloody bell tent, but it was this figure that
had the bloody glow and never bloody spoke that frightened me. If he'd have said “Good morning,” or “Good night,”

or “Are you alright?” I'd have said, “Oh, yes.” I'd have stopped and looked then, but it never spoke, never challenged me. It never said,
“What the hell are you doing out at this time?” That’s just what I can tell you, old lad.’

PM) Thank you very much anyway, Mr Warren. If you do remember anything else, or anything comes to mind, you know, just give me
a ring, let me know.
An Airman’s Encounter: By Philip Mantle.

Letter to Mr. Warren from BUFORA - Feb 1973.

JW) ‘Yes, I will, old lad. As I say, the only other thing I saw was like a cornet, shaped like a bloody cornet. What it was, I’ve no idea. I'll
tell you what time it would be as well. It was five and twenty past eleven, by the library clock. It was September time and it was a lovely
bloody sky. I don't know, we seemed to get a right good September for a few years, lovely bloody morning. A fella for always joking was
this Billy Fletchen. He was right dry witted, and he was older than me, you know, about seven or eight year older than me. He’d been in the
army, but we were just looking up at the time. Both of us looked and then this thing suddenly disappeared. He just turned to me, he said:
“Did tar see that, John?” ‘I said I did. We didn’t know what it was, but it was shaped like a bloody cone, like an ice cream cone, but then
suddenly as though it, it went with the thin end, that way, and then, all you saw was the thick part at the top and then it just went out of
sight. We heard nothing and that's all we saw, probably 2 or 3 seconds, that's all.


Interview finished at approximately 11.15

Philip Mantle can be contacted at:

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Trouble with Government Agencies: By John Ventre.

Here in Pennsylvania, the Mutual UFO Net-

work (MUFON) has been experiencing some
discrimination by our government agencies
and we may need to file with Affirmative
Action for protection. MUFON is designated
as a federal 501c3 non-profit organisation,
but locally can’t get any love. We’ve been
turned down twice by the Westmoreland
Tourism Grant Agency who routinely hands
out over four hundred thousand dollars
yearly to groups that bring in tourists over-
night, but not for our UFO conference.
We’ve also been turned down by the
friendly Pa IRS for tax exclusion on meals at
our events. Here is their unflattering re-
sponse to us:

“Pa MUFON fails to relieve the government

of some of its burden. The Petitioners pur-
pose to investigate, study and document
the extraterrestrial phenomena is not a
core function of government. Its direct
beneficiaries are its members and those
interested in the subject. Such persons are
not subjects of charity. Petitioner is not cooperation from the
entitled to tax exempt status”. Allentown airport to ID
the pilot for interview.
If you read “UFOs over Pennsylvania”, I Pa MUFON has re-
documented the trouble we had in acquir- ceived zero Freedom of
ing radar data from the Federal Aviation Information (FOIA)
Authority (FAA) in 2008 even though we cooperation from the
visited the Philly airport tower and saw the FAA since they
data on the screen. The FAA four times sent “accidentally” gave us
me a letter stating that they had no infor- good radar on case
mation. The tower, at the same time, 47000. Then when we
mailed me a CD containing the information let the FAA know we
on the radar screens, but the CD was cor- were getting their ATC
rupt and copied over with other data. I antenna data from the
recently found out that earlier that year military 84RADES
(2008) in the Stephensville UFO case, the Group, they closed
FAA threatened to fire the radar operator down this very respon-
who responded to MUFON with radar data. sive military radar
More recently in Pennsylvania, we paid $90
for radar data and the file they sent was As FOIA turns fifty this
impossible to read in a format that could year, they routinely
not be used. This was done deliberately. redact or deny half of
The column with paint screens was also the requests and the
deleted. The investigator also sent a certi- oldest request is now
fied letter to the FAA, which they acknowl- twenty three years in
edged receiving yet never signed for at the the waiting. FOIA re-
USPS. I filed a complaint with the FAA to quests are slow, incur
refund our $90 or provide readable date. I high fees and use anti-
am still waiting a reply. quated technology.
President Johnson who
This is no surprise, because last year we signed the act in 1966
received radar ‘paints’ (screen images) on said, “No one should be
case #47000 that showed a Cessna-like able to pull curtains of
plane nearly colliding with a squadron of secrecy around decisions which can be Reference: Case for UFOs by John Ventre
UFOs and having to make a hard left turn to revealed to the public without injury to
avoid them. Of course there was zero public interest”...



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Travis Walton is an American logger who

was abducted by a UFO on November 5,
1975, while working with a logging crew
in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
in Arizona. Travis could not be found, but
reappeared after a five-day search. The
Walton case received mainstream pub-
licity and remains one of the best-known
instances of alleged alien abduction. His
story of those events was presented in
the book "Fire in the Sky" which was
turned in to a major movie and released
in 1993... We now offer those who at-
tend our first Outer Limits Magazine con-
ference a chance to own a piece of UFO

Outer Limits Magazine are proud to offer

the first 50 people who purchase their
conference tickets a chance to win and
own a signed still directly from the
movie. This was hand signed in person
by Travis Walton, Dana Walton and Mike
Rogers when they lectured in London as
part of the promotion for FIRE IN THE
SKY and has been validated by Philip
chance to own this piece of history sim-
ply order and pay for your Outer Limits
Magazine Conference tickets now. The
winning person shall receive the still at
our conference, directly from Philip
Mantle, who will be presenting his final
public lecture at the conference, on Sat-
urday 9 September 2017. This offer is
Strictly limited to the first 50 people who
order tickets for the conference.

(Please note the amount of tickets you

purchase are not included in the draw,
but is limited to the first 50 PEOPLE that
order and pay for their tickets). Tickets
are £10 each make a postal order or
cheque payable to Chris Evers.

To stand a chance, order now from Chris

Evers, 24 Chesnut Avenue, Hull, East
Yorkshire, UK HU5 2RH. Please include a
large stamped addressed envelope for
conference tickets and info return...
Hypnotic Age Regression: A Neglected Area of Human Potential: By Allan Cooperstein, Ph.D.

Mallory was a dark, morose, attractive twenty-five year old. Although I was to be her
psychotherapist, she examined me with suspicion. This was understandable. For years, she had
been trapped in a loveless, physically and sexually abusive marriage. During treatment, I used
hypnosis to help her recall memories that lead directly to the marriage. Over our two years of
psychotherapy, many of the issues were resolved and she’d gained inner strength, left her
husband, became more assertive, and lived a more contented, less fearful life. Mallory was an
excellent hypnotic subject, reaching the seventh level of the Stanford Scale of Hypnotic
Susceptibility (Age Regression). She was able to relive her wedding and the actual moment she
realized it was wrong and wanted to cancel it. Pressured by her parents, she passively
surrendered. With the resurfaced memory, she now knew she had the chance to assert herself
and choose her own course of living. A simple “no” could have saved her years of pain,
grief, and shame...

Hypnotic Age Regression: A Neglected Area of Human Potential: By Allan Cooperstein, Ph.D.

At that time, I was also exploring hypnosis

and parapsychology. I was fascinated with
Milan Ryzl’s--a Czech Ph.D. in Natural Sci-
ences--use of hypnosis to enhance the ESP
ability of his subject, Pavel Stepanek. I
asked Mallory if she would like to partici-
pate. Due to her hypnotizability, I was de-
lighted when she agreed. Although my goal
was to measurable enhance ESP, I was un-
expectedly led into possible reincarnation,
an area I considered unconvincing.

This is Mallory’s story, how my intended

goal was altered to an exploration of past
lives and the shocking turn-of-events that
led to my contact with a “future personal-
ity.” This abbreviation of my work with
Mallory is not the story of a multiple per-
sonality (or DID), but that of a sane, sound mere curiosity. I was responsible for her needed to see herself, to describe her
(Catholic) woman--a registered nurse–who well-being. It was more: a form of inner clothing in more detail. “Look around the
never had the least interest in past lives– guidance or instinct that led me to believe cave,” I said. “Is there anything shiny?
until she ran headlong into them. it was the best path. During the late hours Something that could reflect your image?”
of that winter’s night, Mallory died at the She looked about, then said, “A pool of
A Roman Death by Gladius hands of a two-thousand year old man. water.” “Good,” I replied. “Look at yourself
and tell me what you see.” She tilted her
Our early sessions focused only on deepen- head forward again, then said with faint
ing Mallory’s hypnotic state. She was tested Death, Limbo, and the Ice Cave surprise, “Oh. I’m a man.” Asked to give
at each level to evaluate her depth and more detail, she said her skin was dark and
progressed nicely. I gave her no direct sug- Afterwards, in a soothing voice I urged her that s/he had long, coarse unkempt hair.
gestions other than the suggested protocol. towards ordinary consciousness. When
Then, I noticed rapid eye movements under her eyes opened, she sat up unshaken for Telepathy, the Ice Cave and the
her closed lids. Was this REM sleep or hyp- a debriefing and to examine her clinically. Amputation
nosis? I took a risk and quietly asked her to Apparently, I was more fearful than she
describe anything she was seeing. Her brow was. She described the experience with I had never encountered anything like this
knit when I asked, as if she were question- extraordinary detail, too quickly and spon- before. Was this a fantasy or, possibly, a
ing the images. taneously than someone conjuring up a reincarnational being? What practical use
tale just to please the researcher. What would this be and how could I ever verify
Softly, hesitantly, she said she was with a happened was real–at least to Mallory. it? I didn’t know that in a few minutes
rough-looking and threatening man. I asked Later, after I asked her to draw the figure, Mallory would unwittingly offer a form of
what he was wearing; she said he wore a I identified the sword as a Gladius, an proof. I decided to end the session and
kind of uniform: an armor cuirass under- ancient Roman short sword. Was this took every precaution to bring Mallory out
neath which was a tunic with a short sword indeed an ancient Roman? of hypnosis safely. Afterwards, we spoke
hanging at his waist. He spoke to her an- for a while. She remembered every aspect
grily, although she didn’t understand his I asked if she recalled anything after her of the experience and was as puzzled
meaning. “death.” She described what sounded like about it as I. She put on her coat. As we
a limbo state, that she had left the scene talked near the door, I noticed that she
The unexpected happened. Mallory’s body of the slaughter, and felt peaceful and no rubbed her right arm occasionally. After a
jerked and her lips drew back in a grimace. I pain. Unlike many sensationalistic reports few minutes, it was obvious.
asked what happened; she said he’d (e.g., Bridey Murphy), the woman she
stabbed her with the sword. “I’m dying,” became under hypnosis was no one spe- She added more details, continuing to
she said quietly, unemotionally. I was now cial, not a significant historical or Biblical massage the arm through her coat sleeve.
faced with her report of a severe injury. I figure. I asked if she wished to continue My suspicions were aroused. I asked if her
comforted her and suggested that she allow and she agreed. arm bothered her. As she was a nurse, I
herself to feel the pain, but as if it were thought she might have strained it that
dulled. She showed some easing. Then an- At our next session, she slipped into a day. However, that wasn’t the case. My
other shock: She said she was dying. deep hypnotic state more rapidly and intuition urged me to stay a while longer. I
easier. Her eye movements became more asked her to remove her coat and recline
Whether a real reincarnational memory or active, as if she were actively processing again. She agreed. Because we had ex-
fantasy, this was a threat to both of us. I’d the visual image. I asked where she was. plored three time periods that day, I was
never dealt with a hypnotic subject who not “In a cave,” she answered. “An ice cave.” I unsure when her arm began to bother her.
only believed she was dying, but felt the reviewed non-leading questions I could She slipped into a deep hypnotic state
pain and saw the flowing blood. While I ask her without knowing where, when, or again. I gave her an open suggestion: to go
watched her writhe, my pulse quickened who she was. I suggested she look down to “wherever” she was when the arm felt
and my heart raced. This was far from what to examine if she wore any garments. If different.
I expected–and so soon after beginning our there were, she was to describe them.
research. Under her lids, her eyes looked down. She became quiet. Exhausted, I waited
“Fur. I’m wearing some kind of fur.” silently. I’d worked with patients all day; it
Something within me suggested that, rather was now near midnight. I leaned my head
than deny the experience or bring her out Filled with uncertainty, I searched my back and closed my eyes awaiting her re-
of hypnosis, I allow her to “die.” It was not thoughts for the next questions. She sponse. After a few minutes, I felt a sharp

Hypnotic Age Regression: A Neglected Area of Human Potential: By Allan Cooperstein, Ph.D.

chill, real enough to cause me to open my

eyes. I examined the drapes on the window
over her, but felt no draft. Then, I asked,
“Where are you?” I was bewildered. How
was it that, in my fatigue and in a closed
office, I could feel that sudden chill, as if a
cold breeze wafted over me?

“I’m in the ice cave,” she answered. “Look

down at your arm and tell me what you
see,” I said. Under her lids, her eyes looked
down and towards her right arm. Then she
answered in the same untroubled tone:
“Oh. I don’t have one.” Surprised, I asked
what had happened to the arm. “A bear,”
she replied. “A white bear.”

A dark-skinned man wearing furs; an ice

cave; a change in gender. All these things
led me to suspect that, if there was any
truth to this, he was possibly out of the
past, perhaps prehistoric. However, my
frame of reference may have been wrong.
Instead, if this was a true reincarnational
memory, it suggested a possible Inuit living when his body image had adjusted to the communication. Mallory was right-handed
closer to the present. Still, there was no missing arm. Clinically, there might be and left dominant. Hypothetically, this
way to verify the experience. more authenticity to reincarnation than gives the appearance of having shifted
I’d suspected. Rishah Shaelum: “Whoops! dominance to the right hemisphere. Her
My immediate problem was clinical, not I’m in the Future” motor skills (writing) remained left domi-
research! Somehow, she carried the injury– nant.
fantasy or reincarnation–into the present. After many hours of exploring other possi-
What could I do? My education and experi- ble past lives, Mallory and I had to tend to Later, I would look up the name. She had
ence offered no answer to this problem. I other aspects of our lives. She could now no time to process it, so I was very inter-
reasoned that if her body image had easily and quickly slip into a deep hypnotic ested in seeing if it bore any resemblance
changed while she was the man, I might state, so I decided to “push the envelope.” to past or present names. In Strong’s Con-
alter it back to the original. I rubbed her Again, using non-directive suggestions, I cordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon,
arm, suggesting that it was like pliable taffy, guided her even further deeper into her I found the name Rishah (the original word
capable of stretching to reach her finger- past. There were periods of silent waiting in Hebrew was ,(‫ ִראשֹׁת‬a feminine noun
tips. After a few minutes, I asked if there as she adapted to her increasingly altered phonetically spelled ree-shaw and derived
was improvement. She said that there was. state of consciousness. Then, one evening, from rosh, or head. It denoted a beginning
When Mallory was brought out of hypnosis to my surprise, she said, “Whoops! I’ve or early time.
again. The sensation was gone, vanished, gone too far around the circle. I’m in the
and she was left with no aftereffects only future!” Circle? What kind of circle? What Mallory, I should add, was Italian and a
the memory of strange feelings in her arm. could this have to do with the future? Roman Catholic. It was puzzling how she
There hadn’t been the slightest suggestion came up with an atypical Hebrew name. I
What transpired in this curious event? Ap- or mention of the future. asked Rishah why there were long pauses
parently, something quite astonishing. Ac- between questions and replies. Referring
cording to the Journal of Trauma (2008), After making that statement, Mallory to Mallory, she said, “Communication will
“phantom pain and phantom sensations are ceased to speak. She was still deeply en- be easier when she is more comfortable
often long-term consequences of amputa- tranced, but she didn’t—or couldn’t--reply and stops blocking.”
tion. Amputees experience phantom sensa- to my questions. I asked if she could write
tions and phantom pain within 1 month her replies. She nodded. After my becom- For the sake of brevity, I can only summa-
after amputation, a second peak occurs 12 ing used to exploring her alleged past rize some of the information provided by
months after amputation.” Phantom limbs lives, I was utterly unprepared for this the Rishah personality. A more complete
typically decrease and disappear over time. change. My heart pounded with excite- description of information may be pro-
ment and anxiety. We had ventured into vided later. Rishah claimed to be living in
Mallory’s experience was clinically signifi- unexplored territory. Then it occurred to the 24th century in UniPaes, or the United
cant because she did not report the missing me: What was her name? In other time Peoples Estate. She described a “body
arm during or after her “visit” to that time periods, there was no name mentioned. displacement” with Mallory because she
period, even after coming out of hypnosis. Now, she might identify a (possible) future was seven inches taller (Scientific Ameri-
Oddly, the “ice man” had already adapted self. I placed a paper pad on her chest and can asserts that we are getting taller as a
to the missing arm—or the change in his put a pencil in her hand. “Would you write species).
body image. This adaptation to the loss of your name,” I asked. With no hesitation,
an arm carried over into Mallory’s experi- she gripped the pencil I slid into her hand She lived in what we know as South Amer-
ence somewhere beyond her normal con- and, without looking, wrote Rishah ica, or “J1235A,” stating, “There are no
scious state. Shaelum. names as you know it. Sentimentality for
names ceased with increased numbers of
This suggests that, if this was an authentic Parenthetically, I should add here that, people traveling to different areas of the
reincarnational memory, we tapped into it according to neuropsychology the left world.” She spoke of Mallory’s struggle to
at least one year after the man’s injury, hemisphere enables verbal understand her answers. “She’s part of my

Hypnotic Age Regression: A Neglected Area of Human Potential: By Allan Cooperstein, Ph.D.

awareness [or does she mean conscious- increase ESP, was redirected by the sub- spiritual healers, individuals capable of
ness?]. It is foreign for her to comprehend ject towards expressing possible reincar- biopsychokinesis. Among the features that
this knowledge. I am explaining something national experiences. The rerouting was a I found was the capacity to suspend time
to her but she cannot understand it yet. complete surprise and led to the accumu- and enter into a timelessness as they
There are no words for it. I will give her the lation of interesting materials. What can united with the healee. One healer (who
image.” we draw from Mallory’s experiences since had been validated by a prominent para-
we cannot prove them empirically? psychologist/biologist) had the capacity to
touch an ancient Egyptian mummy and
Near-death literature lends some support diagnose the cause of death with some
to Mallory’s description of her death (and accuracy.
limbo) by short sword, possibly during the
ancient Roman occupation. Secondly, and Apparently, he was capable of moving
possibly most important, was her visit to beyond – or transcending – sensory data
the ice cave without any mention of the and accessing information that existed on
loss of a limb to which the man had al- a plane that the ordinary person cannot or
ready become adapted. How did Mallory will not reach. I hope this writing has in-
spontaneously arrive at the name Rishah spired you to raise questions having to do
which was later proven to have its roots in with the nature of reality, time, life, and
ancient Hebrew? Finally, what was the death, as well as recognizing the sense
strange phenomenon that she described limitations within which we all live.
as going “too far around the circle” and
led her into a possible future existence?
This image or symbol, according to Rishah, What could she have possibly meant
means that people in her time “reached a when she referred to “the circle.”
high level of development and are able to
comprehend many facets of the world. Addressing the final question, I turned to
People become near their (see symbol) are the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
usually most beautiful.” Rishah never inter- There are many mathematically possible
preted the symbol. Examining it psychologi- topologies for time. Time might be linear
cally, the three lines seem to represent the or might be circular. Linear time might
dimensions of the sensory world with a have a beginning or have no beginning; it
‘lemniscate’ (or time symbol superimposed. might have an ending or no ending. There
It suggests that the limiting dimensions of could be two disconnected time streams,
physical reality have been transcended. in two parallel worlds, and perhaps one
When I showed this to a radio host dealing would be linear and the other circular.
with the paranormal, he referred to it as a ( )
“time door.” As Rishah described it, the
world in which she lives is in serious danger.
The atmosphere is contaminated below the
stratosphere and sunlight is poor. The disin-
tegration of the Earth’s crust has resulted in
pollutants entering the atmosphere.

There are no seasons to speak of. The

weather is gradually changing due to the
atmospheric contamination. The tempera-
ture is generally warm with occasional
“heat storms” due to accumulated debris in As a clinical psychologist and para-
the atmosphere. She warns that a large- psychological investigator, my first alle-
scale war, “the final war,” has taken place giance is to the well-being of the subject.
and “there is a great need for survival Although I had set an experimental goal,
measures. All work towards this end.” As there was apparently an inner pressure
one of her final comments, she states, that caused Mallory to become filled with
“Humanity does not thrive on intelligence; meaningful images. My goal was to set
it is a means to progress not a measure of aside my agenda and honor hers. This led ‘There are things known and there are
human value.” An interesting statement, me down a pathway to a para- things unknown, and in between are the
the phrasing and vocabulary are not typical psychological area I had earlier found doors of perception’.
of Mallory. In addition, as a matter of inter- unconvincing. By allowing the subject to Aldous Huxley
est, many years later Mallory lived in South lead the way, we may have explored a
America. At the time of my experimenta- human potential or a latent human ability NOTE: Allan Cooperstein is a clinical psy-
tion with Mallory (in the 1970s), I did not to access multiple time periods existing in chologist/parapsychologist and has pub-
know that Dr. Bruce Goldberg had investi- a cyclical rather than linear way. lished his debut fiction novel, The SHIVA
gated hypnotic progressions--Past Lives, Syndrome using the pseudonym Alan
Future Lives (1997)--or that Brian Epstein, This exploration and the many that fol- Joshua through Champagne Book Group. It
Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the lowed over the years offer the opportu- has received considerable praise for his
Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami au- nity to probe human consciousness more integration of multiple genres in a science
thored a book on the subject in 2004. deeply, especially where it intersects with fiction/paranormal thriller. The novel was
theories of quantum mechanics, specifi- reviewed in the April edition of Phenomena
Questions, Questions, Questions cally String and M theories. In fact, in the Magazine. There will be a special sale of
This is been a brief presentation on the use 1990s I conducted an investigation into The SHIVA Syndrome on Amazon US from
of hypnosis which, although the aim was to the psychology of so-called “psychic” or 9/29-10/15.
Paranormal Horror: Jenny Ashford & Steve Mera.

Contact Jenny Ashford via Facebook if you have any queries

DVD Reviews
Phenomena Magazine regularly receive DVDs from producers and distributors and we provide a review of the movie / documen-
tary by promoting and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your DVD reviewed and advertised, sim-
ply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your DVD direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.
Title: Knight Rider: The Complete Collection.
Main Cast: David Hasselhoff, Edward Mulhare, Patricia
McPherson, Peter Parros
Distributor: Fabulous Films
Price: £149.99 ( or £141.56 on Amazon)

All the way from the 1980’s and presented in all its shiny Blu-Ray glory, we finally have the full four DVDs of the
iconic Knight Rider TV series. What makes this release almost nostalgic is that we find the hero, David Hasselhoff,
(a.k.a ‘The Hoff’), before he become a parody of himself.

The release involves four sets of DVDs, one set for each series, that tell the ongoing tale of a detective, Michael Knight, who is thought to
be dead, but is given a new name and identity along with a hi-tec, futuristic vehicle which is fitted with an array of gadgets and a personal-
ity plus a line of camp, cheesy humour of its own. Overall this release can be viewed as a sort of microcosm of the 80s, mixing sci-fi in the
form of the computerised car, with action, crime-busting and a dollop of romance thrown in! This release is not cheap, far from it, but if
you have fond memories of 80’s TV shows then this is most definitely a box-set bonanza for you.

Title: The Man From Planet X

Director: Edgar G. Ulmer
Main Cast: Robert Clarke, Margaret Field, William Schallert,
Raymond Bond
Distributor: Fabulous Films
Price: £14.99

To be honest your decrepit reviewer actually remembers (but did not see) this ultra-low budget, seminal alien
invasion film from 1951. The film, which was shot in an incredible six days, is one of the very first to cash in on
the ET/UFO craze that broke at around the same time. The plot concerns an alien scout from a rogue planet (the
titular Planet X) that arrives in the solar system.

The alien lands on a Scottish Island with unknown intentions. An unscrupulous scientist tries to learn the composition of the metal com-
prising the spacecraft in which the ET arrived, but to no avail, so he tries to kill the alien, leaving it for dead. However the being is not dead
and some of the locals start to disappear and are taken under the mental control of the alien. Fearing the worst the police are contacted
who, in turn, inform the military. They then learn that the spaceship is to act as a beacon for an invasion, so they decide to destroy the
ship. The ending? Well, you will have to see that for yourself. Overall, this is a fascinating and informative insight into the beginning of an
entire genre of filmmaking and is well worth a look.

Conscious Consideration V Conspiracy Theory - Jigsaw Pieces: By Richard R. Ritchie.

Those who have been following this series

of articles will immediately recognise that
the usual second part of the introduction
title has been dropped, the reason being;
by this time there has been more than
enough empiric evidence provided in previ-
ous editions to prove there is no
'Conspiracy Theory' relating to any of the
events exposed in this or prior issues. There
is only empiric proof of a determined effort
to thwart, obfuscate, belittle and ridicule
any unbiased, investigative research into
the subjects already examined in this maga-
zine, as well as the vast and varied amount
of, as yet, unexamined events, also tainted
by and through the use of this invented
derisory label or term.

Prior to the early sixties, you would never

hear the phrase; 'Conspiracy Theory', as it
indeed fools? There is a lot more behind and markedly so - to all aspects of religion,
was first introduced in 1963 by the CIA as a
and within, both the above mentioned phenomena, spirituality, Ufology, and the
required means by which to discredit any
dispatch and the motivating factors, which many other areas or fields of investigation
dispute or questioning of official actions,
led to the introduction of this purposely where an open, honest, discerning and
statements, policies or views etc. This term
planned, devious denunciation of any true objective approach is paramount. Say not
was devised to be immediately and con-
investigative research, dissent or honest you have found the truth but rather, a
stantly repeated by authority to imply and
criticism, through usage of the derogatory possible pointer towards truth.
implant in the public mind that, any who
term:- "Conspiracy Theorist" The evidence
challenged official statements were danger- It is here that we find those so often over-
is obvious and empiric. Scrutiny of any
ously unbalanced lunatics, whose rabid looked jigsaw pieces that are, unfortu-
kind, from any source, of oligarchic opera-
ramblings must be instantly dismissed. It nately, left unrecognised by most seekers
tions will be, through the use of a compli-
was also implied that those who gave heed when in eager excitement of discovering
ant and controlled media and its blanket
to those deluded dissenters, were also suf- evidence fitting together perfectly, validat-
coverage, condemned, lampooned and
fering from some desperately disabling ing a previously unproven proposition,
vilified as vigorously as possible and this is
mental malfunction. point of view or theory. They are under-
the truth behind the highly successful
introduction into mankind's mind and standably delighted with their accomplish-
Fear of feeling (or being thought of) as fool-
everyday vocabulary of that toxic term ment and now; feeling vindicated in their
ish, was found to be the most effective tool
"Conspiracy Theory". stance, set out to detail to others their
to silence, mock, deter and dissuade any
journey to justification. This is helpful, in as
investigation, private, public or otherwise,
That there is disinformation, fanciful ideas much as it provides others with a factually
into covert governmental operations, even
and ideologies, personal agendas, fiction proven position, free from dispute or deri-
when the perpetrated act or event was so
posited as fact, ‘la la land loonies’ and all sion, but... without comprehending that
transparently contrary to the official narra-
the rest, is not in dispute, but these are these few pieces are but a tiny part of a
tive. This was already in place and espe-
not what is at issue here. Trying to ascer- gigantic puzzle, and that one needs to also
cially pertinent in the murder of J.F.K., and
tain what is factual, theorising about pos- perceive the vast amount of further inter-
so; by 1967 a dispatch marked "psych",
sibilities, advancing ideas, separating truth locking pieces this initial connection has
short for "psychological operations", and
from lies, following the evidence and fac- now rendered available, though still unat-
"C.S." for the CIA’s "Clandestine Services"
ing the facts, no matter how disconcerting tainable, unless these pieces are also rec-
unit, had been issued throughout the ser-
or personally uncomfortable they may be, ognised as part of, a previously enormous
vice. This was brought to light in 1976
for yourself, your circumstances or beliefs unseen picture.
through a freedom of information request
should not dissuade a questioning mind
and the actual dispatch (which can be ac- Should a person discover a painting por-
from its purpose or pursuit of truth. Never
cessed on line), outlines the most effective traying a collage of colours, they may well
allow fear of any kind, or in any form, to
means to attack and expose to ridicule, any believe that is all there is to it, but, should
prevent the continuance of expanding
criticism or critic as propaganda or con- they be told to stare at it for some time
your mind, insight, knowledge, spirit and
spiratorial nonsense, thereby deflecting and and in so doing; suddenly detect two leap-
discouraging any other, or any further, in- ing dolphins appearing from within the
vestigation. How easily the gullibility of the There is a giant chasm between believing apparent abstract colours, they realise and
human ego is exposed. Afraid of being something and knowing something. Belief, recognise a deliberate design has been
thought a fool, almost all sheepishly follow in nearly all conditions, gets confused with expertly concealed within the initial image
other flocks of fearful fools who are equally hope; knowledge is the ability to provide and was always, right in plain sight. At first
oblivious that their robotic actions are pro- unequivocal proof of why you believe unseen but afterwards it is always easily
viding exactly the proof they fear; - they are something to be true. This applies also to; detected in these optical illusions. It is also
Conscious Consideration V Conspiracy Theory - Jigsaw Pieces: By Richard R. Ritchie.

helpful, if someone who knows what the

concealed image portrays, informs you just
what it is you should be looking for. Now
take this illusion to another level, what if
there is more than one design concealed
within the pattern? To look beyond the
dolphins you would have first needed to
know there was more to look for, and then
only by becoming aware of the dolphins in
the first instance, would any other remain-
ing secrets finally reveal themselves. Once
it is discovered that there is more than at
first appeared obvious, only then will the
true depth and extent of the subliminal
scenarios be sought for and finally unveiled.

Unfortunately, the mental myopic condition

experienced by most people when con-
fronted with what is truly occurring glob-
ally, as opposed to the distorted and diver-
sionary picture painted by official sources,
is an inability to observe or even be aware
of; that which lies behind the designed
deceit. Without hard scrutiny, what is hid-
den will never emerge. As in the abstract
image, only when seemingly disjointed
pieces are re-examined with an informed
insight will their interlinking connections be
seen to form, a clear, cohesive and coher-
ent picture.

In previous articles, seemingly totally un-

connected events have been highlighted
and exposed as true conspiracies at the
very highest of levels. Just last week main-
stream ITV televised a programme in which
it was claimed Saudi Arabian officials were concealed evidence, there is a complete articles have exposed a constant conspir-
involved in the 9/11attacks, but it also re- dishonesty exhibited by this alleged investi- acy by governmental, educational, scien-
vealed that the CIA not only knew of, but gative report. tific and official bodies to discredit any but
could have prevented these attacks. Fur- their own opinions and viewpoints, whilst
thermore, at least three American presi- This week President Barrack Obama's veto actively discouraging and discrediting any
dents were also accused of having knowl- on the bill allowing the families of the 9/11 research, investigation and physical evi-
edge of this information and now, after victims to sue the Saudi Government, has dence, disproving or inconsistent with,
fifteen years of media denying any possibil- been overturned by Congress. Fifteen years what is considered to be the already estab-
ity of any collusion on or from American of complete denial from all sides and offi- lished facts and scientific stance
agencies a sudden change of direction. This cial sources, now begin to unravel as these
is proof from the very people who have facts emerge. Does anyone who seen this Why would good practice not demand
always consistently denounced any criti- programme even realise the implications of investigation into any and all of those
cism or variation from any source, of the what has being exposed here? As always anomalies, in all of their diverse fields?
official narrative, that there was indeed a there is no coverage, outrage or discussion Interest by specialists and experts in their
conspiracy, as well as high level collusion of this disclosure from any media source chosen disciplines and particular subjects,
and concealment within government and including the governmentally funded BBC, whose work, experiments, studies, excava-
official circles. whose supposedly honest investigative tions and examinations, expose evidence
9/11 documentaries are now shown to be contradictory to conventional theory,
As well as confirming that they have always corrupt codswallop, which should, by law, should not be instantly dismissed, derided
known it to be deceitful nonsense, it ex- bring about an immediate retraction of its nor ridiculed but objectively listened too
poses their compliant duplicity, while al- charter as it is required to always report in and evaluated for their veracity and worth.
ways indignantly and furiously discrediting a unbiased, fair and honest manner. Mind They should not fear career ruin, destruc-
any alternative view or questioning. No you it does not state when it has to start tion of reputation, loss of friends and col-
examination of the host of anomalies and doing this, after all; it is the most trusted leagues, loss of livelihood, and even loss of
impossibilities occurring throughout the broadcaster in the world - and this must be life itself.
duration of the 9/11 attacks was entered true because - it's the honest and trusted
into. It was however implied as highly suspi- BBC who informs us of this fact? Here is an indication of a giant hidden pic-
cious, that as soon as flights resumed over ture, this consistent agenda of derision,
American airspace the Saudi royals and So now we have verification from the very dismissal and denial within all official es-
their families flew out on the first flight sources of denial that there is untruths in tablishments of all and every contrary evi-
but... there was no mention of the Bin what is reported and taught as fact, but the dence exposing an alternative to the mate-
Laden family, who also were flown out im- real jigsaw is not only located in the politi- rialistic, temporal, unimaginative, biased
mediately the skies were again opened. cal arena but in all aspects of human experi- belief system and the truly hysterical hy-
Even now, whilst grudgingly admitting to ences. Previous examples in this series of pocrisy posited as history, both human,

Conscious Consideration V Conspiracy Theory - Jigsaw Pieces: By Richard R. Ritchie.

planetary, and otherwise, still taught in all

sciences and universities as unquestionably
correct, such as Darwin's ( and the clue is in
the title folks), Theory of evolution.

As quantum physics continues to expose

just how little is known about this three
dimensional physicality posing as material
reality, through the innovative work of lib-
erated scientist who seek beyond the ac-
cepted using scientific methodology in nu-
merous experiments prove there is a con-
scious connectivity in and uniting every- As evidenced by earlier articles, much of scientific fields of archaeology, anthropol-
thing in time and space which is cognizant what these leading figures disclosed, even ogy, palaeontology, genealogy, and on and
on a level far beyond human comprehen- if morally destitute, could be understood on. Once again it should be noted; these
sion. This can be seen to exist and be to have been driven by psychotic egocen- are not fantasist nutters, these are fully
proven to exist but does not mean it is un- tric avarice. These include:- the pharma- trained and establishment educated and
derstood. ceutical industry cons, cancer cures, arms programmed experts who have uncovered
manufacture, Global wars, E.M.F. and its evidence disproving or disagreeing with
Awareness that something exists does not consequential cancerous calamity, 9/11 the currently accepted history being
necessarily imply, even in science, that our and 7/7 as well as the multiple other false pushed as unequivocally proven facts. Also
limited human comprehension, nor pro- flags past and present, chemtrails, nano- again it should automatically raise the next
grammed thought process, can understand technology, Monsanto, climate change, question; ' how many others know or
or explain it. Is this not also the truth when MK ultra programming, financial fraud, would come forward if they were free to
scientific procedures are applied to the trans-humanism, genetic experimentation do so'?
multitude of evidence which encompasses and a multitude of further cover ups and
all that falls under the very loose headings crimes against humanity. Yet the unseen There is also dishonesty and complete
of paranormal phenomena? Scientific and picture and therefore the unasked ques- avoidance of the many dangerous condi-
material methods cannot be used to meas- tion is; why would a mob of mercenary tions occurring at this moment on this
ure the veracity of any subject which lies manipulators wish to deny, demean, planet which is verification of a controlled
beyond restricted parameters. Even the cover up, obfuscate, and refuse to con- and corrupt media and its continued eva-
most ardent traditionalists can only display front all and any areas which have no sion of certain aspects deemed too contro-
the very worst examples of cognitive dissi- bearing on any particular person, country, versial to cover, such as:- Fukushima's
dence as they continue to dismiss and deny political policy, financial interest or such? three missing radioactive cores which dis-
the advancement of knowledge, scientific
and otherwise.

It can be understood, as so often has been

the case in times past as well as in the pre-
sent, that a country and its governing body
does not wish to expose to public view or
knowledge, the many insidious and inhu-
mane acts they participated in, when those
in privileged positions of power, throughout
all the ages and in the present, sought al-
ways and all ways, to increase their power,
wealth and perceived prestige. Aware of
the potential dangers posed by public
knowledge, they did not and do not want
information of the horrendously disgusting
and despicable aspects of their crimes and
characters coming to light, and took appro-
priate steps to ensure they never did or

Given this desire to appear as normal, car- It would of course, in a very small context, appeared into the Earth and the millions of
ing, thoughtful, reasonable, and compas- affect certain individuals, connected with contaminated sea water used in an at-
sionate leaders, ruler, etc., in all their vari- certain scientific assumptions, whose tempt to cool them which, were flushed
ous authoritarian guises, or should that be - reputations and/or financial status would into the sea after contamination, Steven
disguises? Why would those powerful con- be lessened when they were found to be Hawking's justified warning of the insanity
trolling individuals, who oversee all areas of in error, but we have seen just how ruth- of the CERN Large Hadron Collider’s at-
human and planetary knowledge, educa- lessly authorities deal with individuals, so tempts to open dimensional portals. Do
tion, health and history, through their ap- no, this does not constitute a reasonable please think for a moment here... this is
pointed minions, not also attempt to ap- factor for the continued state of rejection, being conducted and financed with billions
pear to behave in a 'normal' manner, by lack of any real in depth objective interest, of dollars from and by the very establish-
expressing the natural human curiosity and research or investigation into any and all ment and authorities who ridicule and
desire for further knowledge, as is always subjects pertaining to the fields of para- mock any mention of other realms, dimen-
expressed by people, when confronted with normality, ontology, spirituality, meta- sions or realities??? There are also the lies
exciting discoveries of articles, remains, physics of any kind, Ufology, dimensional- and lack of any true research into what is
anomalies, phenomena, mysteries, the ity, or any other phenomena. Along with a causing changing atmospheric conditions,
inexplicable and the unexplained? consistent rejection of all anomalies in the Bee and other pollinating insects demise,
Conscious Consideration V Conspiracy Theory - Jigsaw Pieces: By Richard R. Ritchie.

disrupted bird and sea creatures migration

patterns and their link to EMF, HAARP and
its deadly danger for our protective strato-
sphere, and so much more.

We return constantly to the same conclu-

sion, there is a controlling power denying
any access to what is truly occurring, what
its purpose is, and from where, what and
whom our true origins are. There are of
course numerous theories surrounding this
dilemma for the Earth and its inhabitants
and it is my purpose in future to cease writ-
ing as I have throughout all previous articles
in a third party manner, dealing only in
empirically proven factual materialistic
evidence and leaving aside personal knowl-
edge, experiences, information, theories
etc., as the only manner in which to explore
that which lies beyond the material, Those
fields defying explanation cannot be meas-
ured using corporeal methods, as their
vibrational frequencies are beyond the
capabilities of temporal instruments to
identify or distinguish.

One of the greatest obstacles in discover-

ing, experiencing, sensing and understand-
ing what lies in metaphysical dimensions, is
the difficulty and often the refusal or inabil-
ity of humans to leave behind the limiting
physical restraints and programmed para-
digm of their reality, ego and life, put them
to one side or even better, behind. Names
have no other meaning in this respect than
as an aid to giving a vague comprehension
of what it is, that is being discussed or de-
scribed. Being right is impossible as we are
involved in the unknown, it is truth that is
to be unfolded and there is no room for
bigoted beliefs or personal preferences.

It is often claimed by many that they know

what is coming after death, what a ghost or
poltergeist is, what a demon can or can't
do, that aliens are harmless, that love
(human) is the answer, etc., etc., even to
the point of hubristically claiming to know
or understand Divine or a Gods will or con-
sciousness and this is the state and stance
leading only to stagnation, no further in-
sight can be perceived or revealed to one
whose arrogance deludes them into believ-
ing they have discovered the answer, in- free thought and action indicates that there
stead of a piece of the answer. All seek, are also limitations to what they can
none actually know all there is. achieve or influence. It is time to leave be-
hind the childishly creepy musical mystery
There are forces here on this Earth and world of the 'Twilight Zone', and really
there are entities using these forces for wake up to the terrifying reality of the true
their own purposes. There are many names demonic destruction being perpetrated on
which have become entangled and misused this planet and dimension.
to describe these creatures and entities, the
varying vibrational realms, regions and Humans, if we can call them that, whose
dimensional habitations. That they affect, families have been placed in powerful posi-
enter, abide and influence this dimension is tions in early history, are assisting these
without dispute, but it is their purpose in entities through fear, greed, material re-
doing so that urgently needs to be revealed. wards and worthless promises of eternal
That there is more than one species, alien, life but... what is unhuman and has a sa-
demon, archon, reptilian, insectoid or phan- tanic design and desire of its own is driving
tom etc., is also without doubt but the sim- its puppet people to achieve total enslave-
ple fact that there are still those capable of ment and eventually total destruction...
For the most part, information on UFOs has
originated in the West, specifically the USA,
the UK and Europe and this new release
from Flying Disc Press, owned by veteran
Ufologist Philip Mantle, sets this rather
skewed matter to rights. This new book
concentrates on sightings of aerial anoma-
lies from Eastern Europe and Romania in
particular. However, what really makes this
book stand out from the rest is the fact that
the author, Dan D. Farcas PhD, does not shy
away truly fascinating encounters that do
not fall within the narrow, nuts-and-bolts
paradigm of many Ufologists. Instead the
author, in the manner of such luminaries as
Jacques Vallee, John Keel and Graham Han-
cock, also considers the volume of material
that falls into categories that defy all con-
vention. The book keeps the nuts-and-bolts
sightings and the close encounters of vari-
ous kinds, (beginning with unlikely objects
depicted in old paintings seen in some Ro-
manian monasteries), in one section, then
towards the end moves seamlessly on to
the type of sightings that almost defy de-
scription. This is where Ufology and the
paranormal appear to overlap and we dis-
cover beings that could be compared to
angels and fairies plus, intriguingly, almost
direct parallels with the Marian visions
seen at Fatima in Portugal and Lourdes in
France. Are these encounters with the ET’s,
the supernatural, or with multidimensional
entities using technologies we have only
dreamed of? Wisely, the author leaves the
reader to decide. Overall, this is absolutely
one of the best books of its type I have ever
read and it is a valuable source of vital
reading and reference material for anyone
with an open and enquiring mind.

Title: UFOs Over Romania Author: Dan D. Farcas PhD Publisher: Flying Disc Press
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November 4, 5 - Taurids Meteor Shower. The Taurids is a long-running minor meteor shower producing
only about 5-10 meteors per hour. It is unusual in that it consists of two separate streams. The first is pro-
duced by dust grains left behind by Asteroid 2004 TG10. The second stream is produced by debris left be-
hind by Comet 2P Encke. The shower runs annually from September 7 to December 10. It peaks this year
on the the night of November 4. The first quarter moon will set just after midnight leaving dark skies for
viewing. Best viewing will be just after midnight from a dark location far away from city lights. Meteors
will radiate from the constellation Taurus, but can appear anywhere in the sky.

November 14 - Full Moon, Supermoon. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the
Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 13:52 UTC. This full moon was
known by early Native American tribes as the Full Beaver Moon because this was the time of year to set
the beaver traps before the swamps and rivers froze. It has also been known as the Frosty Moon and the
Hunter's Moon. This is also the second of three supermoons for 2016. The Moon will be at its closest ap-
proach to the Earth and may look slightly larger and brighter than usual.

November 16, 17 - Leonids Meteor Shower. The Leonids is an average shower, producing up to 15 meteors
per hour at its peak. This shower is unique in that it has a cyclonic peak about every 33 years where hun-
dreds of meteors per hour can be seen. That last of these occurred in 2001. The Leonids is produced by
dust grains left behind by comet Tempel-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1865. The shower runs annually
from November 6-30. It peaks this year on the night of the 16th and morning of the 17th. The waning gib-
bous moon will block many of the fainter meteors this year, but if you are patient you should be
able to catch quite a few good ones. Best viewing
will be from a dark location after midnight. Mete-
ors will radiate from the constellation Leo, but
can appear anywhere in the sky.

November 29 - New Moon. The Moon will

located on the same side of the Earth as the
Sun and will not be visible in the night sky.
This phase occurs at 12:18 UTC. This is the
best time of the month to observe faint
objects such as galaxies and star clusters
because there is no moonlight to interfere.

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Mysterious Star Pulses May Be Alien Signals, Soul searching criminals aimed to free spirits
Study Claims trapped in Alaskan research facility

A YouTube video claims to show an image taken on Apollo 11 in 1969. The image shows a
missile-shaped object with a bright trail behind it. Conspiracy theorists claim the video could
show Nasa bombing alien installations on the lunar surface
The men were arrested before they could embark on their supernatural quest, however.
Officials say they were found in possession of an arsenal of weapons that “looked like
something out of a movie; one where a small army was headed to war." Speaking to
Alaska Dispatch News, Coffee County detective Michael Vickers said Michael Mancil, 30,
and James Dryden Jr., 22, told police “that God told them to go and blow this machine
up that kept souls, so souls could be released.” The men were planning to travel to the
aurora research facility known as HAARP in Gakona, Alaska, which is owned by the
University of Alaska Fairbanks. The ionospheric research program was once owned by
the US Air Force and has a history of setting off conspiracy theorists with tales of
weather and mind control. According to Vickers, the men’s plan was to “find a scientist,
to steal his car and ID badge to gain access.” The men’s arsenal for their mission from
God consisted of five rifles, four handguns, radios, flak jackets, and just a small quantity
of marijuana, according to police. A local gun shop alerted authorities to the men after
A study published in October 2016 reported the detection of odd light pulses coming from 234 their shopping spree raised suspicion. The HAARP site is well-known amongst conspiracy
of 2.5 million stars observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's 2.5-meter telescope in New Mex- theorists, who claim it is being used to manipulate weather and was even responsible
ico (pictured here). These pulses are consistent with signals that intelligent aliens might pro- for downing TWA Flight 800, which crashed into the Atlantic in 1996 killing all 230 on-
duce, the study authors claimed. board. The research facility’s stated goals are somewhat less interesting, albeit more
peaceful. It reportedly researches the ionosphere – the inner edge of the magnetic
Credit: SDSS/Fermilab Visual Media Services/NASA shield surrounding Earth that protects it from cosmic radiation. It’s owners even went so
far as to host an open house this year in an attempt to debunk the mystery surrounding
the facility. “There’s lots and lots of conspiracy theories and… it’s important to remem-
By Mike Wall - ber that, actually, this is a scientific research facility,” Marmian Grimes, a spokeswoman
for the facility, said.

Strange pulses of cosmic light might be signals from hundreds of different alien civilizations — or
just the latest false alarm in the tortuous search for ET. This month, astrophysicists Ermanno Exorcisms & religious abuse of children missed by
Borra and Eric Trottier, both from Laval University in Quebec, announced that they had spotted
mysterious light signals coming from 234 different stars in our Milky Way galaxy. These pulses untrained UK police
match the profile of signals that Borra, in a 2012 paper, predicted intelligent aliens might use to
get our attention, the authors wrote. "We find that the detected signals have exactly the shape
of an ETI [extraterrestrial intelligence] signal predicted in the previous publication and are there-
fore in agreement with this hypothesis," the duo wrote in the paper, which was published online
Oct. 14 in the journal Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [13 Ways to Hunt
Intelligent Aliens]

"The fact that they are only found in a very small fraction of stars within a narrow spectral range
centered near the spectral type of the sun is also in agreement with the ETI hypothesis," the
researchers added in the study. (Borra and Trottier looked at the spectra of 2.5 million stars
studied by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which uses a telescope in New Mexico.) But don't get too
excited: Borra and Trottier said that additional observations are needed to confirm this hypothe-
sis, and outside astronomers are even more emphatic on this point. Indeed, a healthy dose of
skepticism is warranted, said Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI (Search for Extrater-
restrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California. For example, it seems unlikely that
234 separate alien societies would be sending out such similar signals more or less simultane-
ously, Shostak said. "It would be like expecting us to send the same signals as the Abyssinians —
it doesn't make a whole lot of sense," he told "If I were a betting guy, I'd bet this is
an artifact of the way they processed their data."

Shostak also said that he knew of six different reviewers who had recommended against publish-
ing the paper, at least without significant revision. However, he did stress that Publications of the Ammar Awad / Reuters
Astronomical Society of the Pacific is a reputable journal. The astronomers behind Breakthrough
Listen, a $100 million project that's scanning the heavens for SETI signals over the next 10 years,
also urged skepticism. "The international SETI community has established a 0-to-10 scale for Hundreds of children facing religious abuse and ‘exorcisms’ because their families are
quantifying detections of phenomena that may indicate the existence of advanced life beyond convinced they are witches or have been ‘possessed’ are being let down by British police
the Earth called the 'Rio Scale,'" team members of Breakthrough Listen, whose science program forces, a charity claims. Africans Unite Against Child Abuse (Afruca) says up to 400 young
is headquartered at the Berkeley SETI Research Center (BSRC) at the University of California, people are at risk of this kind of treatment every year. London Metropolitan Police fig-
Berkeley, said in a statement. "The BSRC team assesses the Borra-Trottier result to currently be a ures indicate that there were 60 cases of child abuse linked to religious intervention in
0 or 1 (None/Insignificant) on this scale." the capital last year alone. Afruca says such children are often scapegoated when bad
things happen to the family or relatives, or if they are “different” in some way, like by
having a disability or being left-handed. Punishments usually involve burning, strangling,
But skepticism is not the same thing as dismissal. Shostak thinks the stars singled out by Borra beating, starving, and cutting the supposedly ‘possessed’ children. “There is this notion
and Trottier are worthy of follow-up investigation, as does Breakthrough Listen. Indeed, the that some particular children have these spirits within them that make them do evil things
latter organization plans to study several of these stars using the 7.9-foot (2.4 meters) Auto- and bring bad luck into the family,” Afruca project co-ordinator Oladapo Awosokanre
mated Planet Finder optical telescope at Lick Observatory in California, team members said in the said. “The faith leaders have ‘the powers to be able to see’ and the abilities to deliver
same statement. these spirits out of children – for a fee.” Afruca says police and social services are not
properly trained to spot this kind of abuse. It also points out that the authorities have
insufficient resources to deal with the problem and many more cases in Britain are going
The long history of SETI false alarms — including a detection that generated buzz this past Au- unreported. “Inevitably there will be further deaths of children relating to these safe-
gust, but was soon traced to a Russian satellite — shouldn't deter scientists from checking out guarding concerns because these deep-rooted belief systems result in tragic incidents,”
intriguing candidates, Shostak stressed. "You can't get too cynical," he said. "You don't want to said Scotland Yard Detective Inspector Allen Davis. Afruca is calling for political action on
throw the baby out with the bathwater." faith-based abuse and wants it to be made illegal to deem a child to be possessed by evil
spirits or accuse one of being a witch.


New quantum camera capable of Woman ‘spontaneously combusted’

snapping photos of 'ghosts' while sitting on a park bench

By Bryan Nelson – Mother Nature Network By Allan Hall: Mail Online

By utilizing a process that Einstein famously called "spooky," scientists have successfully A woman is fighting for her life in a German hospital after appearing to spontaneously com-
caught "ghosts" on film for the first time using quantum cameras. The "ghosts" captured on bust while sitting on a park bench. Flames sprouted from her as a horrified passerby rushed to
camera weren't the kind you might first think; scientists didn't discover the wandering lost her and used his jacket to beat out the fire. But she was severely burned over most of her
souls of our ancestors. Rather, they were able to capture images of objects from photons that body. The incident occurred in Flensburg, in the north of Germany, on Monday evening. The
never actually encountered the objects pictured. The technology has been dubbed "ghost victim is in her 40's and comes from Mauritius. After being rushed to the local hospital she
imaging," reports National Geographic. Normal cameras work by capturing light that bounces was later flown by air ambulance to a specialist burns unit in Lubeck where she remains in a
back from an object. That's how optics are supposed to work. So how can it be possible to critical condition. 'The victim has lived in Flensburg for a long time and has family here,' said
capture an image of an object from light if the light never bounced off the object? The answer the local prosecutor Ulrike Stahlmann-Liebelt who is probing the bizarre blaze. Eye witnesses
in short: quantum entanglement. Entanglement is the weird instantaneous link that has been told local media that the woman didn't make a sound as the flames engulfed her. Spontane-
shown to exist between certain particles even if they are separated by vast distances. How ous human combustion (SHC) is the term used when a human body goes up in flames without
exactly the phenomenon works remains a mystery, but the fact that it works has been proven. an apparent external source of ignition. Forensic investigations have attempted to analyze
Quantum cameras capture ghost images by making use of two separate laser beams that have reported instances of SHC and have resulted in theories regarding potential causes. These
their photons entangled. Only one beam encounters the object pictured, but the image can include victim behaviour and habits, alcohol consumption and proximity to potential sources
nevertheless be generated when either beam strikes the camera. "What they've done is a very of ignition, as well as the behaviour of fires that consume melted fats. In the Flensburg case
clever trick. In some ways it is magical," explained quantum optics expert Paul Lett of the prosecutor Stahlmann-Liebelt said investigators had not yet ruled out whether the woman
National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland. "There is not new had actually set alight to herself in a suicide attempt.
physics here, though, but a neat demonstration of physics."
Spontaneous human combustion has been implied as a cause if death in a number of docu-
For the experiment, researchers passed a beam of light through etched stencils and into mented cases where police have found corpses burned almost to ashes - but without an
cutouts of tiny cats and a trident that were about 0.12 inches tall. A second beam of light, at a apparent external source of ignition. An estimated 200 cases have been found throughout
different wavelength from the first beam but nevertheless entangled with it, traveled on a history and victims are often elderly, sick, or under the influence of alcohol, which could
separate line and never hit the objects. Amazingly, the second beam of light revealed pictures explain why they have not been able to escape the flames. Puzzled scientists have come up
of the objects when a camera was focused on it, even though this beam never encountered with the ‘wick theory’ to explain such events. The theory is that the human body can become
the objects. The results of the study were published in the journal Nature. (A similar, more an ‘inside out’ candle. The person’s clothes are the wick, while their body fat is the wax or
preliminary experiment back in 2009 demonstrated the same trick in slightly less sophisticated flammable substance, that keeps the blaze going. Limbs may be left intact because of the
fashion.) Because the two beams were at different wavelengths, it could eventually lead to temperature gradient, with the bottom half of the body being cooler than the top. The com-
improved medical imaging or silicon chip lithography in hard-to-see situations. For instance, bustion would not be ‘spontaneous’ however, because it would need an external source to
doctors might use this method for generating images in visible light even though the images start it off, such as a cigarette. Some have suggested that static electricity could cause the
were actually captured using a different kind of light, such as infrared. "This is a long-standing, necessary spark.
really neat experimental idea," said Lett. "Now we have to see whether or not it will lead to
something practical, or will remain just a clever demonstration of quantum mechanics."
New theory suggests we may be living WITHIN
Is there a PYRAMID in the Antarctic? an Extraterrestrial entity
A recent video has emerges that has sparked debate

According to an extraordinary theory proposed by Caleb Scharf, astrophysicist and director

of astrobiology at Columbia University, New York (USA), if we have not yet found alien life it
is because the universe, in fact, is an alien. Perhaps the universe is the “brain” of a hyper-
By Shivali Best: Mail Online extended alien race; he indicates in an article for the scientific journal Nautilus. In this sense,
the American astrophysicist proposes the staggering idea that an alien species may have
become so advanced that it would be indistinguishable from physics. Writing for Nautilus,
A strange theory claiming that there is a mysterious pyramid in the Antarctic has emerged. Caleb Scharf indicates: “…Presumably, life doesn’t have to be made of atoms and molecules
Conspiracy theorists have posted a video on YouTube, in which they claim that US Secretary of but could be assembled from any set of building blocks with the requisite complexity. If so, a
State, John Kerry, visited Antarctica last week to visit an 'alien base' within the pyramid. The civilization could then transcribe itself and its entire physical realm into new forms. Indeed,
video suggests that the images have been taken from Google Earth, but it is unclear whether perhaps our universe is one of the new forms into which some other civilization transcribed
they have been edited. The video was posted by Third Phase of the Moon, a YouTube channel its world…” In the article, Scharf stresses that only five percent of the universe is composed
that regularly posts conspiracy theories on aliens. of the material we know and understand while a 27 percent is considered “unseen” and
mysterious. The scientist also opines that dark matter “could contain a real complexity,” and
perhaps it is where “all technologically advanced life ends or where most of life has always
It shows a pyramid-like structure in the snow, with a Google Earth-type label and pin. The been.”Scharf elaborates his theory saying: “…What better way to escape the nasty vagaries
label reads 'Antartica Pyramid' – a misspelling of Antarctica, which suggests that image might of supernova and gamma-ray bursts than to adopt a form that is immune to electromag-
have been doctored. Responses to the video have varied, with some users backing-up the netic radiation? Upload your world to the huge amount of real estate on the dark side and
claims, such as James Jason, who commented: 'Excellent report Third Phase, I also believe be done with it…”If such an advanced civilization does in fact exist, and if it managed to
things are about to get very dramatic, and that is for everyone on our planet.' learn how to encode living systems, “all you need to do is build a data transfer system from
normal matter to dark matter: a 3D dark matter printer,” he elaborates in the article posted
on Nautilus.“…Or to take this a step further, perhaps the behaviour of normal cosmic matter
But others have dismissed it, such as Gordon Anderson, who said: 'I have spent a LOT of time that we attribute to dark matter is brought on by something else altogether: a living state
on snow covered mountains- skiing down, and this looks natural to me - not man made any- that manipulates luminous matter for its own purposes,” added Scharf. “In other words, life
way!' might not just be in the equations. It might be the equations,” concluded Scharf.


Parallel worlds exist and interact with our world, What is the mysterious 'moon poo' found on the
say physicists moors above Oldham, UK?

By Bryan Nelson – Mother Nature Network By Lauren Ballinger: Manchester Evening New

Quantum mechanics, though firmly tested, is so weird and anti-intuitive that famed physicist A mysterious substance known as ‘moon poo’ has appeared on moorland above Manchester.
Richard Feynman once remarked, "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum The strange, milky white goo was found by dog walker Andrew Holden when he was out on
mechanics." Attempts to explain some of the bizarre consequences of quantum theory have led the moors near junction 22 of the M62 last week. Andrew, who lives in Shaw, Oldham , has
to some mind-bending ideas, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and the many-worlds spent hours trying to find out what the bizarre material is - but has hit a dead end. He said: “It
interpretation. Now there's a new theory on the block, called the "many interacting worlds" looks like frogspawn but it definitely isn’t. It doesn’t look normal and I didn’t notice a smell.
hypothesis (MIW), and the idea is just as profound as it sounds. The theory suggests not only “There are no plants that could secrete something like that. “As I moved further on I found
that parallel worlds exist, but that they interact with our world on the quantum level and are some more but this wasn’t as jelly like - this was more crystallised, like salt. “I tried to keep my
thus detectable. Though still speculative, the theory may help to finally explain some of the dogs, Marley and Willow, away from it but they didn’t seem bothered by it. “I took pictures
bizarre consequences inherent in quantum mechanics, reports The theory is a spinoff of and video and put them on Instagram, but nobody knew anything about it. “I spent all after-
the many-worlds interpretation in quantum mechanics — an idea that posits that all possible noon looking on the internet to find out what it was because it was driving me mad, but
alternative histories and futures are real, each representing an actual, though parallel, world. nobody seems to know what it is. The goo has been spotted all over the world and its origin
One problem with the many-worlds interpretation, however, has been that it is fundamentally has never been definitely explained. Reports of the substance date back as far as the 14th
untestable, since observations can only be made in our world. Happenings in these proposed century when physician John of Gaddesden detailed ‘stella terrae’ in his medical writings -
"parallel" worlds can thus only be imagined. describing it as “a certain mucilaginous substance lying upon the earth,” and suggesting it
could be used to treat abscesses. A 14th century Latin medical glossary describes ‘uligo’, “a
certain fatty substance emitted from the earth, that is commonly called ‘a star which has
MIW, however, says otherwise. It suggests that parallel worlds can interact on the quantum fallen’”.
level, and in fact that they do. "The idea of parallel universes in quantum mechanics has been
around since 1957," explained Howard Wiseman, a physicist at Griffith University in Brisbane,
Australia, and one of the physicists to come up with MIW. "In the well-known ‘Many-Worlds And in 1440 an English-Latin dictionary has an entry for ‘sterre slyme’, a falling or shooting
Interpretation’, each universe branches into a bunch of new universes every time a quantum star. The gunk is also known as star jelly, astromyxin, astral jelly, star rot, star shot or moon
measurement is made. All possibilities are therefore realised – in some universes the dinosaur- poo. In Mexico it is called caca de luna (moon excrement), while a National Geographic video
killing asteroid missed Earth. In others, Australia was colonised by the Portuguese." "But critics dubbed it ‘mystery goo rain’. A 6ft domed disc of quivering jelly was discovered in Pennsyl-
question the reality of these other universes, since they do not influence our universe at all," he vania in 1950 - reports of which inspired the 1958 film The Blob. In 1996 a meteor shower was
added. "On this score, our "Many Interacting Worlds" approach is completely different, as its reported in Kempton, Australia - and the following day, a white translucent slime was report-
name implies." Wiseman and colleagues have proposed that there exists "a universal force of edly discovered on the lawns and pavements of the town. Reports such as this lead some
repulsion between ‘nearby’ (i.e. similar) worlds, which tends to make them more dissimilar." people to believe it is deposited on the earth during meteor showers, but others say it is the
Quantum effects can be explained by factoring in this force, they propose. Whether or not the remains of frogs, toads, or worms. Andrew said: “I have seen two different kinds - one is more
math holds true will be the ultimate test for this theory. Does it or does it not properly predict crystallised. “Next time I see it I’m going to collect some in a plastic tub and freeze it so I can
quantum effects mathematically? But the theory is certain to provide plenty of fodder for the get it tested. People were saying it comes from space but I don’t know - I can’t make my mind
imagination. For instance, when asked about whether their theory might entail the possibility up. “I believe in aliens but whether this comes from outer space... I don’t know.”
that humans could someday interact with other worlds, Wiseman said: "It's not part of our
theory. But the idea of [human] interactions with other universes is no longer pure fantasy."
What might your life look like if you made different choices? Maybe one day you'll be able to
look into one of these alternative worlds and find out. Melanesian DNA hints at
mystery hominid
Ice cream for breakfast 'makes you smarter'
Scientist claims / Image Credit: Randii Oliver / Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 distillated
Hints of an unknown species of human have been found in the DNA of the modern day Mela-
A Japanese scientist has revealed that eating the frozen dessert for breakfast boosts mental nesian people.
When we delve in to our DNA it is possible to find evidence of our ancestors - genetic informa-
It may sound like a counter-intuitive alternative to healthy cereals, toast or porridge oats, but tion that has been passed down from a time when other species of human walked the Earth.
according to Professor Yoshihiko Koga of Tokyo's Kyorin University, ice cream first thing in the Europeans, for instance, have distinct traces of Neanderthal DNA, while people from Asia
morning is very effective at improving alertness and concentration. The bizarre claim is based possess DNA from the Denisovans - another human species that died out many thousands of
on a series of clinical trials conducted in Japan in which one group of participants feasted on years ago.
ice cream immediately after waking up and another group didn't eat any. Both groups were
then asked to complete a series of exercises on a computer. Scientists were left perplexed however when they found that the people native to Melanesia,
a region in the Western Pacific, actually had an abnormally low percentage of Denisovan DNA.
The results showed a significant improvement in the mental performance of those who had This suggests that they could also have DNA from a third, unknown hominid species. The
eaten the ice cream compared to that of those who had not feasted on the dessert. A second discovery was detailed recently at a meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics by
test which involved drinking cold water first thing in the morning also showed a marked im- researchers affiliated with the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas and the University of
provement in mental functioning, but not as much as with those who had eaten the ice cream. Utah.
"A possible explanation is the simple presence of consuming breakfast vs. not consuming
breakfast," said nutritional psychologist Katie Barfoot from Reading University. Their work involved creating a model that was able to show the transfer of genes between
various populations in Melanesia and thus highlight the potential 'missing link' in the hominid
"Our brain needs glucose to function, and a high glucose meal will aid mental capacity consid- tree. With the physical remains of our early ancestors being so difficult to find, it could be that
erably compared to a fasted brain. This, however, does not condone eating dessert for break- the missing Melanesian DNA may be from a hominid species we simply haven't discovered
fast." yet.

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The Tracie Austin Show
Phoenix Brewing Company: By Don Collins of Fringe Paranormal.

Don Collins is a paranormalist and

aspiring author living in Toledo, Ohio.
By day he delivers mail to the living
and by night he leads his team,
Fringe Paranormal, on the quest to
discover if dead men really do tell
tales. While not official team mem-
bers, his cats can be found “assisting”
him in analyzing audio evidence.
He may be contacted via

Some believe that the soul survives death. Like the Phoenix of myth,
a brewing company in Mansfield, Ohio has risen from the ashes.
While a building may not have a soul, this one might house the
essence of the departed. Perhaps there is more than one
type of spirit being served here.
Phoenix Brewing Company: By Don Collins of Fringe Paranormal.


The history of the Phoenix Brewing com-

pany is quite fascinating. According to
Greek mythology, a phoenix is a bird that
dies in a combustion of flames giving birth
to a new phoenix that rises from the ashes.
The Phoenix Brewing Company in Mans-
field, Ohio has literally risen from death.
But before we explore its reincarnation we
have to go back in time. In 1861, Charles
Schroer Sr., a German immigrant, estab-
lished the Schroer home furnishing store
near the corner of Fourth and Diamond
Street. The year 1895 saw his son Charles
Jr. join the business. Renamed Charles
Schroer & Son, the store enjoyed enormous
success for 58 years.

The arrival of Corell Erdenberger, Charles'

nephew, in 1916 would mark a turning
point in the firm's history. Up until that
time, the family lived in an eight room flat
on the third floor of the building. Corell, a
college graduate, was convinced that both
the merchant and the customer would
benefit if the furniture in the store were
presented in a homelike atmosphere. He
had seen the new concept of model home
displays in larger communities but was
disappointed in their artificial character. He
knew he could successfully integrate this
concept within the Schroer store. What
better place to present furniture in a home-
like environment than on the third floor
which had actually served as living quarters
with its attractive decorations, well-chosen
fixtures, permanent partitions, and natural
lighting? Corell's idea proved to be a boon
for the already successful company. Sight-
seers from miles around came to see the
“home within a store”. Sales trucks trav-
eled as far away as 165 miles.

The combination of quality and innovation

served the furniture seller well. As the
company flourished the businessmen
added to their property, purchasing addi-
tional frontage. At some point it was only
natural for Charles and son to move into
casket making and in 1914 a fire proof mod-
ern mortuary was built on what is now 131
N Diamond Street. Yes, the family had
added “mortician” to their job title. The
mortuary was considered one of the finest
and best equipped in the state. Sadly, on
February 9, 1921 Charles Sr., aged 83 years,
passed away proving not even morticians
were immune to the cold embrace of
death. The official cause of death was apo-
plexy (most likely a stroke) which led to
internal bleeding and hemorrhaging from
the nose.

At this point the name of the company was

changed to the Charles Schroer Company.
Death would pay another call on the family
eleven years later on February 26, 1932. In
the first floor chapel of the mortuary at
4:45 pm Charles Schroer Jr. put a 32 caliber

Phoenix Brewing Company: By Don Collins of Fringe Paranormal.

revolver to his right temple, pulled the

trigger, and punched his ticket for the fu-
neral train to the great beyond. The sixty
year old husband and father went out with
a violent and bloody bang. Shortly after-
wards the mortuary ceased operations.
The Schroer furniture store in the building
next door continued successfully until No-
vember of 1963 when it declared it was
going out of business and sold its stock. At
the time of its liquidation the company was
the oldest business in the city of Mansfield.
This was the end of an era. The building
that housed the furniture store would
stand empty for many years. The old mor-
tuary, which closed in the 1930s, would
remain vacant for over 50 years. Then, like
the phoenix of myth, a new business rose
from the ashes.

In 2014, brew masters Duncan

MacFarlane, Scott Cardwell, and Steve
Zigmund banded together and formed the
Phoenix Brewing Company. The grand
opening took place in July and a great-
great-grandson of Charles Schroer cut the
ribbon during the ceremony. Before all of
this, however, the partners undertook the
project of extensively remodeling the 1700
square foot structure to represent their
vision. Their labor transformed the dilapi-
dated building into a showplace for local
brews while maintaining its mortuary
theme. This theme is subtle but it's there if
you look for it. The interior consists of
exposed brick walls, pub tables from an
old bowling alley, and a rustic wooden bar
salvaged from a former Mansfield bar. If
you are into old hardware you will love the
windows in the bar.

The hand operated mortuary elevator once Claims One of the co-owners, Steve, recalls a night
used to transport caskets between floors is when he sensed that something was wrong
now locked into place in the second floor The current owners of the property are with one of the beer coolers. Upon check-
bar area and serves as a supply closet. The well versed in its history and are quite ing, sure enough, the cooler was not run-
third floor serves as a storage room; the open about its past and unexplained oc- ning. Failure to notice this could have
old elevator entrance closed off. The currences . Duncan, brew master and co- resulted in a batch of ruined beer. Was a
room's grand woodwork can still be seen in owner noticed things shortly after taking concerned ethereal resident trying to help
spots although most of it is gone. This over the property during renovation. The the brew master?
floor features a large wall-size decorative third floor attic area was particularly un-
glass window sporting the official Phoenix settling. The feeling of being watched or The Investigation
Brewery trademark emblem which is a what felt like a breath on the back of his
real attention getter from both inside and neck were the predominant experiences. As we arrived at the brewery the first thing
outside. The first floor basement now Duncan's wife Carmone recalls one night as that got our attention was the big Phoenix
hosts the brewery. Several large brewing she was walking down some steps inside peering down on Diamond Street. It
vats line the walls as well as a large walk in the brewery. She sensed she was about to seemed to beckon us inside to share its
cooler. This was the spot where the de- lose her balance and possibly fall when she secrets. The Fringe team did not need
ceased made their first stop on their way felt what she describes as someone putting much convincing as we were looking for-
to the great beyond. The former embalm- their hand on her arm to steady her. One ward to what the night's investigation
ing room is through a doorway that leads evening a female customer felt as though might unearth. Upon entering the building
into what is now another storage room. she got tapped to move her chair in so we were struck by the style of the interior.
After the body was prepared it was a short someone could get by, but upon turning The bar was warm and inviting, adjectives
trip over to the elevator. The rails are still around found that no one was there. The that one does not usually associate with an
there in what is now a dry storage area a owners wonder if perhaps the activity in old mortuary. After exchanging pleasant-
few feet away. While the majority of visi- the brewery is centered on females. While ries with Duncan and Steve we toured the
tors to the Phoenix come for the brews they do not necessarily categorize the brewery. Along the way we met “Charlie”
(check out the coffin shaped beer sampling following as a paranormal experience it the resident skeleton who hangs out on
paddles) some come in hopes of experi- does deserve mention based on the activ- the staircase. Based on its history and the
encing another form of spirit. ity alleged to occur in the brewery. stories we heard we strategically placed

Phoenix Brewing Company: By Don Collins of Fringe Paranormal.

our equipment around the building; REM

pods in the stairwells between each floor
and digital voice recorders in both the bar
and former third floor viewing area. As per
our usual practice we also utilized roaming
voice recorders. We used EMF meters to
take baseline readings throughout. Should
the EMF levels deviate from the baseline
this would alert the team to the potential
for possible paranormal activity. EVP ses-
sions (speaking to entities that may be pre-
sent and perhaps hearing a response upon
playback of the recorder) were the main
order of the evening. The team attempted
contact with Charles Sr. and Charles Jr.
along with anyone else that may have Coffin Beer Sampler
wished to communicate. At one point dur-
ing the night Director Kelly thought she a
voice exclaim “Eww” or “Ooh”. Unfortu-
nately, due to errant background noise our
recorders did not pick up this audio. The
remainder of the evening was calm and
without much activity of note. As is usually
the case, you can never predict what will
happen during an investigation. This night
would illustrate that concept in spades. As
the team was talking with our hosts and
packing away equipment our Vortex Dome,
sitting in the middle of the table among us,

The Vortex Dome is a device that is trig-

gered by static or Triboelectric Fields. Its
internal antenna can pickup static fields
that are not visible to the human eye as far
as three feet away. Director Don noticed
the device light up to its maximum level
one time as if to say “Hey, thanks for com-
ing!” Fringe has decided that there should
be an addition to Murphy's Law which
states “paranormal activity always occurs
when equipment is shut down”. While our
experiences were minimal during our stay,
we believe that this local hot spot has more
stories to tell its visitors than it shared dur-
ing our short time there. As we drove away
down Diamond Street I looked up at the
large front loft window and remembered
the story of the phoenix. The phoenix
never truly dies, but rises from the ashes
reborn. Perhaps the ghosts of the Schroer
Mortuary and Furniture Company have
risen and roam this establishment as the
Phoenix Brewing Company creates its own
bit of history.
The brewery is located in the former Schroer Mortuary
and Funeral Home at 131 North Diamond
Street. Charles Schroer already had a very successful
furniture business in Mansfield, Ohio when he opened
the Schroer Mortuary and Funeral Home in 1914. It
was common then for the furniture or cabinet makers
to also build the caskets for a community. The mortu- Vortex Dome
ary and funeral home were a natural progression of his
business and were in operation until 1932 with the
death of Charles Schroer Jr. The Schroer building had a
hand operated elevator to reach all three levels and Fringe Paranormal Investigations was formed in the spring of 2009 by a band of researchers with a common
was the first fireproof building in Mansfield. Today, the investigate claims of unexplained activity using scientific methods. We maintain a skeptical yet open
former embalming and prep area in the lower level mindset. While our focus is on haunted locations and ghosts, we also maintain an interest in cryptozoology,
now houses the PBC brew equipment and cold storage. UFOs and other alleged paranormal phenomena. The Fringe team strives to develop new theories and test cur-
The first floor used originally as as the chapel is now a rent hypotheses in the field. We believe that all theories and work methods are open to scrutiny. Using logic and
beautifully renovated taproom. The casket elevator technology we set out to find plausible explanations for claims. Anything we can not explain is labeled as possi-
has been converted into storage and HVAC equipment. ble evidence of paranormal activity. Fringe operates out of Toledo, Ohio and has traveled as far as Louisville, Ky in search of the unexplained.

Paranormal Horror: Jenny Ashford

Contact Jenny Ashford via Facebook if you have any queries

Book Reviews
Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors and we provide a review of the material by promoting
and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenom-
ena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.
Title: King Yoga: Realise Your Inner Potential
Author: George King with Richard Lawrence
Publisher: Aetherius Press
ISBN: 978-1-941482-02-5
Price: £9.99

This is the third edition of a book originally written by the founder of the Aetherius Society, the mystic and spiritual
teacher, Dr George King. The book, which is eminently readable, was written in the latter stages of Dr King’s life
with assistance from his devotee and later the leader of the society, Richard Lawrence.

Rather than concentrating solely on the sometimes difficult physical postures with which yoga is frequently associated, the book focuses
on the mental exercises essential to the progression of the would be practitioner from neophyte to master. That progress comes in seven
clearly explained steps (or initiations), ranging from universal knowledge to the ultimate goal of attaining enlightenment.

For this reviewer, the two that were the most exciting, and probably achievable on their own, were manifesting mind power and psychic

Title: Ghost Stories of an Antiquary

Author: Leah Moore and John Reppion
Publisher: Self Made Hero
ISBN: 978-1-910593-18-9
Price: £9.99

Wow, Self Made Hero does it again with this splendid, new, graphic novel of adaptations of the works of M.R
James, the original of the same title first appeared in print in 1904. This version consists of four of his spooky tales
with titles such as ‘Canon Alberic’s Scrap Book’, a story of demonic images that are not confined to the pages of an
ancient manuscript and ‘Lost Hearts’ which is about an orphan who is sent to stay with his alchemist cousin. Then
there is ‘The Mezzotint’, a unsettling tale of a picture that seems to change with every viewing, but for this re-
viewer the show stopper is the really creepy and atmospheric,

‘The Ash Tree’, which involves a haunted house and witchcraft. Each of the tales is beautifully illustrated by different artists and to their
credit the standard of the artwork must rank with the best currently available.

One of the illustrators, Alisdair Wood, who created the art for ‘The Ash Tree’ (my own favourite tale), also worked on the graphics for
iconic video games like ‘Grand Theft Auto’ and ‘Max Payne’, and it really shows too. Anyone with an interest in spooky tales told in graphic
form could do much worse than this, but only if you are not easily terrified.

Title: The Seer

Author: Lars Muhl
Publisher: Watkins
ISBN: 978-1-78028-982-3
Price: £8.99

This new book from Watkins Publishing, the first part of a Gnostic trilogy called ‘The ‘O’ Manuscript’, features the
tale of Lars Mhul, a Danish seer, author, mystic and musician. According to the account, the author had been bed-
ridden with an obscure and undiagnosed complaint, until he was put in contact with a seer. The seer, initially via a
telephone, was able to heal him and set him on a road of enlightenment and self discovery. The story, due to the
way in which it is written, blurs the line between fact and fiction, but due to the positive and encouraging message,
even if it is fiction it does not really matter.

The account takes Muhl to the iconic village of Montsegeur in the French Pyrenees with its powerful Gnostic connections and the fall of the
Cathars, where he finally meets his mentor and guru, the seer.

This causes the reader to make comparisons with similar works of Carlos Castaneda and his spiritual encounters with the shaman don Juan.
The style of writing is easy to read and the ideas are both simple yet profound and if this is only the first book in the series it makes one
wonder what wisdom the other two books will contain.


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