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May 2018 - Issue 109

Cults and

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May 2018 | Issue 109
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The ‘Rites’ and Wrongs
of Exorcism, Aliens and
Nigel Watson takes a look at the way in which
the ancient rite of exorcism still affects us and
includes an insightful interview with the author
of The Rite, Matt Baglio

Knights Templar
Treasure and the
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Now ava
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sia, Spa
in, Ind
ia, Aus
, Canada
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Italy, the
U.S. &
out the

Hello everyone, a bit of an update for you all, my new book; ‘The Phenomena
Project’ ran into some minor production difficulties, but fortunately a way round
this has been found. It has now been re-titled, ‘Project Phenomena: Evaluating Construction & Design:
The Paranormal’ and has been re-edited with a few chapters being rewritten and/ Founder: Steve Mera
or replaced using original material from two sources. One of these is the Scientific
Establishment for Parapsychology (S.E.P.), which is Steve Mera’s organisation devoted
UK Editor Contact:
to evaluating paranormal phenomena from a scientific paradigm and the other is
Brian Allan
Manchester’s Association of Paranormal Investigation & Training, (M.A.P.I.T), with
which Steve is also involved and as you will see, this group investigates many things
and not just ‘aerial phenomena’. There is no doubt that in many respects that the Spanish Editor Contact:
material contained in this book is genuinely ground-breaking and can and will change Dario Fernandez
the way in which the paranormal is viewed by the general public and who knows,
maybe even the debunkers too. The book is due out in a few months and we will
keep you updated on this. On a more serious note, Phenomena Magazine notes Magazine Production:
the sad passing of Art Bell, who was one of the pioneers of paranormal radio; his Hart Media Group
groundbreaking ‘Coast to Coast’ radio show was syndicated in the USA and listened
to worldwide via the ‘web. Rest well Art, you were truly one of the best. PHENOMENA MAGAZINE HEAD OFFICE
17, Redburn Road, Baguley,
Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 1AH,
Brian Allan UK. Tel: 07866 685835
Brian Allan: UK Editor.
The PM Team
ME, Danial Verdon at UREI, Randy at Atlantis
Robert Torres, Dan Green, Roberto Pinotti, Sean Casteel, Paul Dale Roberts, John Rising Magazine, Dario Fernandez at MDA /
Ventre, Mike Oram, James Rogers, Kathleen Joyce, Damien Gayle, Nick Whigham, My Astronaut Gods. Rockstand Distributors
- India, Lavinia Pallott - Distributor: Italy, Tim
Jeff Foust, Luke Bartlett and Anna Slater. at UFOTV, Vision Ovni Argentina, Head Office
Distribution Steve Mera & Brian Allan, Reporter
Jackie Heighway, Reporter / Photographer
DISCLAIMER Rodney Howarth, Reporter / Photographer Ian
Due to MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not be accepted. All submitted articles to Phenomena Magazine must be Gunner, Columnist Tracie Austin, Columnist Steve
‘Original Work’. MAPIT are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting Fielding, Distributor Robert Snow, & Australian
them. MAPIT do everything in their power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any material featured in Correspondent & Reporter Dan Monroe.
Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only articles Special thanks to Don Gilchrist for assisting with
wrote by MAPIT investigators and group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the articles news items.
are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine.


May 2018 - Issue 109

May 2018 | Issue 109

Cults and

Now available in Russia, Spain, India, Australia, Greece, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, Italy, the U.S. & throughout the United Kingdom PUBLISHED BY

Time-Entanglement and the page Cults and Secret Societies page

Supernatural 6 John Ventre tells of the rather 34

In this article, new contributor worrying and dangerous practices
Robert Torres shows how the bizarre of that are part and parcel of how
set of circunstatces created by quantum destructive cults and secret societies
entanglement may be responsible for function.
various supernatural phenomena.

Lincoln Cathedral -
New Reality Show 41
Freemasonry’s Greatest 12 In this fascinating piece, Paul Dale
Secret? Roberts (a.k.a. the Demon Warrior)
Dan Green shows that Lincoln cathedral tells of the mysterious disappearance of
may reflect many examples of occult and individuals who seem to literally vanish
Masonic influences from the face of the earth.
page page
The Strange Qualities of 18 Paranormal News 51
Ley Lines
Book Reviews
Renowned dowser David Cowan shares
some of the strange properties and 58
anomalies inherent in ley lines.

Project Magnet “Exposed” page

Magazine regular Sean Casteel 27

gives us the low-down on the
controversial and top secret ‘Project
Magnet’, which was instigated in the
early 1950’s and involved the Canadian
government in the search for evidence
regarding UFOs and related phenomena

The astounding
theories about
alien contact with
the Earth from
earliest times.
Erich von Däniken

Impossible Truths
by Erich von Däniken,
RRP: £14.99.
Available online and in
all good bookshops.

and the Supernatural
By Robert Torres

“When you gaze

into the abyss, the
abyss gazes also
into you,”

I read this in the context of quantum

entanglement: that as the observers we
become part of a quantum system - one
with the observed. More like-minded
scientists are coming to the realization
that we are the cause of many of our
own phenomena.
Did you ever feel like you’ve been here
before or maybe you know what’s about they are directly connected to your
supernatural? It would be natural right?
to happen, or maybe even something consciousness.
And I’d like to believe it’s real and that
does happen and it seems like it was
we’re remembering real events out How you think, your memory, space,
meant to be? These things happened
time – “from the future.” What? Yes! time and much like many have proposed
to me many times over and they were
Through what I’ll call neural or “neuronal before as theory like “Entangled Mind”
so weird that I was compelled to look
entanglement.” author Dean Radin, who believes that
for answers. Déjà vu, Precognition,
ESP, Synchronicity are just a few of a So my idea is pretty simple and yes entanglement can explain ESP. He
number of often memorable events after much research, others have suggests as I do, the connectedness
that standout and we might categorize thought of almost the same thing too – of everything in the universe and like
them as “supernatural” because there “almost.” Although it is science based, Bohm that everything is one with
is apparently no logical or natural much of the mechanisms involved like no separation. Also much like John
explanation for them. But what if science the science itself are still mysterious. Wheeler’s extreme one electron theory
had the answer all along? And I mean And it has to do with entanglement but I suggest just as many hypothesize
if it happens all the time to so many of but not just of subatomic particles - that the entanglement is also through
us then how could we still be calling it “neurons.” And even though it works time as well as described by physicists
the same way, because they are neurons at the University of Queensland “time-
like entanglement.” Only I believe this
characteristic includes the ability to not
only exchange information from past to
future - but also back to the past. Like
my own article called “Is Communication
from the Future Already Here?”
The late and brilliant theoretical physicist
John Archibald Wheeler believed it
is and he has some very interesting
conceptual writing on reverse causation
or “retrocausality” in his updated
double slit experiment aka “delayed
choice.” When I began to think much of
this through, originally entanglement
hypothetically bypasses the space-time
dimension completely as if it wasn’t

You will begin to
see when you come
to the realization
that all of most of
these fringe topics
are not accepted.

there. This means instant superluminal observed reality. Tesla also said: “The here and this occurred or 15 years ago
communication (faster than light) at any day science begins to study non-physical it doesn’t matter because it has already
distance. But according to some of our phenomena, it will make more progress passed and you can’t go back to change
other physicists it also breaks the time in one decade than in all the previous it he believed. Everything that happened
barrier by being able to communicate centuries of existence.” Nikola Tesla. already occurred and our memories will
into the future. With Wheeler believing always remain the same as part of our
How important then is quantum
the future can affect the past. timelines – entangled forever.
entanglement? To science it could
So if we account for these characteristics mean everything or the hypothesis of
together we have our own entangled supernatural abilities (psi / chi) it could
neurons communicating with each other
faster than the speed of light at any
mean everything as well. If we are talking
about entangled neurons then within the
Available On Amazon
distance through time. And if you think field of the often apparent paranormal or
that I’m stretching then it’s like George supernatural forces it may actually just
Orwell said: “There are some ideas so be a natural part of reality. Among those
absurd that only an intellectual could who believe, it’s just part of our normal
believe them!” Of course many believe consciousness - it is the way it is. Others
we can’t be entangled on such a large however think it’s a leap. Glitches in our
scale (above sub-atomic). Even so for individual timelines are also a consistent
others like me, we only need to observe. part of the natural order happening
And every single one of these so called more with some than with others. Why?
new age theorists are doing the same. And the fact that with synchronicity they
Let’s not forget that the supernatural come along with purposeful meaning?
can’t be explained by science and That still only the universal mind knows
everyone agrees on that. But many of the answer to.
us believe in things like Synchronicity,
If you believe Einstein, he makes it
precognition and ESP because it’s an
simple! Believing in determinism or that
observed human reality.
everything in the universe, including
You will begin to see when you come to every human act is pre-determined and
the realization that all of most of these there is no free choice. Even with his
fringe topics are not accepted. Tesla science of time as a dimension, it only
said: “Today’s scientists have substituted becomes more solidly fixed. Spacetime
mathematics for experiments, and or Minkowski’s “block time” gives us This article was written using
they wander off through equation fixed points of our individual life lines. If excerpts and concepts from the
after equation, and eventually build we could travel time then we can always book by the author Robert Torres.
a structure which has no relation to come to these fixed points which are “Synchronicity and the Secret of the
reality.” Tesla was hands on – believing arbitrary but will always be unchanged. ONE” and available at Amazon
much of theoretical physics lacked, Yesterday at 3:00 pm you were exactly

Free Book!
Brian Allan’s The Dark Messiah: Magick, Gnosis and Religion is back in
print and White Crow Books is offering a limited number of free PDFs
copies to reviewers.
Did religion legitimise magick or magick legitimise religion? Logic
would suggest the latter, because shamanic and animistic traditions
have long predated organised religion.
In this book the author considers the observations made by Sir James
Fraser in The Golden Bough, when he wrote: Magic is the bastard
sister of science; it is therefore a truism, almost a tautology, to say that
magic is necessarily false and barren, for were it ever to become true
and fruitful it would no longer be magic but science.
In demonstrating just how accurate that statement is Allan considers
sorcerer priests, biblical magick, wicca, the inquisition, the Big Bang
and even quantum physics and concludes that religion and magick are,
and indeed have to be, one and the same.
He also asks if there any difference between the magickal displays
attributed to saints and other conventionally ‘holy people’ and those
manifested by people such as faith healers, psychics and mediums?
Most controversial of all he poses the question, was Jesus really the
Son of God or a Master Magician? All of this and much, much more is
considered here. This book could permanently change how you see
the world.

If you wish to participate, please email and include The Dark Messiah review in the subject line.

Freemasonry’s Greatest
By Dan Green


. . .why is there
a need to draw
attention to
Lincoln Cathedral,
home of the imp?

ince 2005 I have been offering

S all manner of seeming evidence

coming from different angles,
all of it alluding to a potentially ‘great
secret’ contained within the grounds
of Lincoln Cathedral, England. I have
been fortunate that over those thirteen
years, what I have shared has been
found appealing by a high percentage
of those receiving it, consequently
drawing interested private visitors to
the cathedral, usually from the UK and
America. Numerous times I have felt
that there is simply nothing more I can
offer and stare contentedly in the face of group of nuns. Seriously! World Mysteries Blogs, ‘Shakespeare
retirement. However, in February of this and The Magdalene – His Code to Her
year (2018) the kaleidoscope happened Being the mighty metropolis of London,
why is there a need to draw attention to Abode’, and ‘Tennyson’s secret and
to turn again when one of those Shakespeare’s curse – Freemasonry
interested parties pointed something out Lincoln Cathedral, home of the imp? The
only other London association with the decoded’ I explained about a code in
to me that was much too intriguing to Shakespeare’s church. I’ll add a little
ignore. city is Lincoln’s Inn, which is one of the
four Inns of Court, to which barristers more to that in a moment, but for now
The door knocker on the Main Temple (lawyers) of England and Wales belong let us return to Lincoln Cathedral.
of The Supreme Council 33rd Degree and where they are ‘called to the Bar’ The most prominent 14th century
Freemasons located at Duke Street, when adjudged ready to begin their legend of the Lincoln imp usually goes
London, is no stranger to me, for on it is profession. In addition and ironically like this; The Devil himself sends down
the infamous Lincoln Imp sitting high up when we might be on a treasure trail, two imps to earth to cause trouble.
between two arches on the North side London is also home to the ‘The Treasury After twisting the spire of Chesterfield’s
of the Angel Choir of the Cathedral. The Office’. Parish church (Note the Grail connection
Temple is located inside the building given that supporters of the theory that
in their basement. Why should English The origins of Lincoln’s Inn are not
fully known and whilst believed to be the grail is located at Rosslyn Chapel
Freemasonry be using this icon when place it under the finely twisting spiral
they have those of their own design? named after Henry de Lacy 3rd Earl of
Lincoln, it appears just as likely that it of the ‘Apprentice Pillar’, which is in the
Why have they chosen an emblem building) they arrive in Lincoln Cathedral,
exclusive to the city of Lincoln? Upon was named after Thomas de Lincoln,
a senior practitioner-at-law with no smashing up tables and chairs and
enquiring, the best excuse I was offered, tripping up the Bishop before moving
apart from that ‘it may be impossible to connection to the city. It was at Lincoln’s
Inn that Sir Francis Bacon, often thought on to destroy St Hugh’s Angel Choir.
answer’, is that it may have been there Presently they are halted by an Angel
since 1911, or even brought from their to be the real ‘Shakespeare’, set up his
secret society ‘The Order of the Knights who appears and turns one to stone –
previous building, or even owned by the he’s the one sitting high up the spandrel
previous occupants, who had been a of The Helmet’. In my 2014 and 2015
– whilst the other made a hasty exit.

Given that much in Freemasonry is smashing tables. Perhaps they were

metaphorical, I wondered if perhaps turning them over as in the colloquialism
this tale had been written by either ‘turning the tables’ meaning to reverse
a Freemason or somebody wanting one’s position relative to someone else,
to infer, by hidden metaphors, a to turn a disadvantage to an advantage,
Freemasonic involvement with the as this is often an accusation pointed at
Cathedral, who themselves, regarding Freemasonry?
the Imp, have no qualms in stating that ‘Under the table’ refers to ‘secretly’ or
it was carved by a Mason although, they ‘covertly’. Freemasonry again? A ‘Chair’
prefer to say, simply out of boredom or can mean the Seat or Office of one in
for mischief. But what if it has a greater authority, to place in a seat of authority
significance, such as an immoveable i.e. Bishop. ‘Cathedral’ origins from
marker for a great secret hidden nearby? the Greek word ‘Kathedra’ meaning ‘a
Let us return again to the legend of the seat’. To ‘trip someone up’ is to detect
imps and my own brand of ‘speculative’ or expose someone in a mistake or
Masonry. The newly arrived imps were inconsistency. When the imps were
smashing up tables and chairs and ‘tripping up the Bishop’, could this
tripped up the Bishop. Used as a verb, possibly mean there was something
‘The Table’ is a meeting place or forum awaiting exposure? Perhaps a great
for formal discussions held to settle Masonic secret?
issues or disputes. A Freemason’s Lodge? There are 28 carved Angels in the Angel
A ‘table’ is a slab or board, and a ‘Board’ Choir and this just happens to be the
is a Council table, a council or authorised exact number of the tomb (out of the 56
body. Freemasons? The imps were recorded there) opposite the south-east

corner of the Cathedral at St Margaret’s

burial grounds, where the culmination
of my research suggests here, deeper
underneath, is hidden a ‘Great Secret’, so
perhaps no coincidence that our imp sits
like a sore thumb high up in the Angel
Returning to the sole purpose of a door
knocker - to knock on a door - there is a
stained glass depiction on the St George
window at Shakespeare’s church, Holy
Trinity, Stratford-upon-Avon, of St George
himself, Patron Saint of England, looking
rather like a Knight Templar and knocking
at a door. If this is meant to represent
the door knocker at The Freemasonic
Main Temple, then perhaps the knocker
in the glass shown prominently below
the scroll that the fellow is reading, is
meant to draw attention to the Temple
knocker and hence to Lincoln. The sheath
of the sword strapped to his waist points
down to a Freemasonic chequer board
floor, upon which is resting a star. A short
distance away from Lincoln Cathedral,
at Greetwell Gate, stands another Inn
dating back to 1781. Facing the east of

the Cathedral it is called ‘Morning Star’.

Once frequented by Freemasons, it now
has an Inn sign that shows St George on
his steed.
Maybe there ARE deliberate signs of
Masonic influence about! If so, could
there be any nearer the home of a
possible concealed ‘Great Secret’ over at
St Margaret’s?
It would be good if we could find
a Keystone, which in symbolic
Freemasonry announces an entry into
either a chamber or a vault containing
manuscript material; or the Masonic
symbol that is an Arch; or a Masonic
Divider or Compass that represents the
spiritual, intellectual and moral portion
of the double nature of Humanity and
which, when visible, signifies an area
important to Freemasons. Well, be it
coincidental or otherwise, I can show
you them all!
Let us start on our ascent up to St
Margaret’s at the foot of what is known
as Greestone Stairs, the steep ascent
of which may be also be symbolic, that
of ‘Jacob’s Ladder’. Originally named
‘Grecian Stairs’, a corruption of Greesing
Stairs, Greesing (Steps) still survives in
the architectural word ‘Grees’ and more
importantly in the compound word ‘de-
grees’, for the word ‘degree’ means one
of a series of steps in a process relating to the entry to St Margaret’s and her grounds towards tomb number 28,
all the way to the top of the 33 degrees assembly of tombs. and now with the ‘approval’ of the
of the Freemasonic ladder. triangle and the Compass facing over
I have written much about the mystery
From Temple Gardens and on to the associated with the ‘marker’ tomb, at it from an unmarked grave Are these
bottom of Greestone Stairs which lead number 28, but now I will draw attention clues suggesting a deliberate Masonic
from Lindum Hill up into the precinct of to a nearby adjacent unnamed and involvement guarding a great secret?
the Cathedral, we pass a number of old unmarked tomb with three steps upon it, Some, entitled to their opinion, will say
fashioned lamp posts with the lantern which in total are four carved triangles, I have presented nothing other than
in the shape of the Masonic Keystone, one in each cardinal direction, the a flight of fancy, others will say it is a
whether this is by chance, design or triangle is important in Masonic ritual clear hint. But this is how it is with all
even an unconscious representation is due to a connection with their sacred allegations involving Freemasonry. Who
unknown. number three. Even more interesting and knows? The truth might even be right
Nearing the top of the steps we pass welcoming, carved upon this crumbling under our nose…
through a Masonic-looking Stone Arch, tomb, is an unmistakable Masonic
that appears to be made of two pieces Compass.
of stone. From our ascent of the (De)Greestone
At the top of the Stairs, at Greestone Stairs, passing through an Arch and
Place, there is the final Keystone shaped with attendant ‘Keystone’ shaped
lantern attached to the wall adjacent lamps onward into St Margaret’s burial

Qualities of
Ley Lines
By David R. Cowan

Farm recumbent stone, with some 60 minutes. The wavelength is measured

cup marks on its surface. Using my angle between the crest of two waves, and
rod I quickly found a spiral of energy the amplitude from the central line
from this boulder, which, after some to the crest of a wave (to understand
10 metres, unwound and travelled to a this, imagine tying a rope to a pole and
low mound in the distance. Intriguingly, shaking it sideways). I followed this cup
the plan view of this energy field was in mark ley up into the hills until I came
the shape of a dumb-bell, very similar to the huge cavern of the Druids Cave.
to a prominent double cup mark on the Initially I was puzzled when the ever
surface of the stone (Figure 4, insert). weaving wave seemed to be attracted
Why did the spiral have a radius of 10 into it
metres, I asked myself? It was many I should have realized that this particular
years later that I discovered that it was form of energy wave tuned into resonant
the Highland Boundary Fault underneath cavities, like houses, empty oil drums,
which powered this stone - it was 20 horse troughs, quarries, cars and
he only way to make any sense of metres wide at this point!

T the mysterious ley lines is to “tune

in” and follow them from the
source, a stone circle, perhaps, to their
Delighted, I
tractors, etc. Much later, near Loch Tay
I was dumbfounded when the wave
pointedly altered course to tune into a
sheep’s skull. Then I realized that the
destination, maybe a burial ground, using skull itself was resonating energy around
one of the most ancient of arts - divining believed that I it in the shape of a much magnified
rods. This gives a very real knowledge had discovered telluric image. When the cup-mark
of the extraordinary ley engineering
system our ancestors built and used for
the secret of energy wave chanced to encounter
the outside edge of this wave it was
their own arcane purposes. This article this particular automatically warped 90 degrees into
is nothing less than the recovery of the megalith, but it the centre and on its way.
ancient and powerful knowledge of the wasn’t to be.
standing stones.
The divining rod can be a piece of fence BURIAL GROUNDS
wire, or even a coat hanger with one end Over many blistering summers and
Later I was following a satellite circuit
bent over at an angle of 90 degrees to freezing winters I followed the layers
near St. Fillans, into the hills (Figure
form a handle. Using this device, one can of energy this stone emitted. Outside
4, insert, arrowed). It was blowing a
easily find the energy from a standing this circuit was another, a much larger
blizzard, bitterly cold, with the snow
stone or circle and follow the sinusoidal one, looking like the skeleton of a dumb
scudding horizontally across the hills and
wave energy across country, stumbling bell, which travelled 12 miles up to the
as I followed this cup mark ley up the
upon its peculiar qualities, quite cavernous mouth of the Druids Cave
length of the “Serpent” and approached
unknown to science, on the way. (Shelter Stone on the O.S. Maps) (Figure
a narrow ravine the wave deviated from
5) and on to a stone circle to the north of
Most people are aware of ley lines as its course and tuned into the carcass of
Loch Tay. The stone circle then warped
straight lines of ancient sites across the a deer which had fallen into it. A little
this energy in two circuits around Ben
landscape, but at the start of my 30 puzzled I walked on a few hundred
Lawers to the north of Loch Tay. Outside
years of research I discovered another metres and stood on top of what I
this was yet another circuit of energy,
type, a roughly circular energy “ley” thought was a snow covered boulder,
this time looking even more like the
emitted from an ancient cup-marked which gave way soggily under my feet - a
dumb-bell petroglyph, and it was this
stone. There are many of these strange dead sheep this time!. A short distance
which yielded many of the secrets of the
cup-marks or petroglyphs in Scotland, away I tuned into a dead pigeon, then
cut by our distant ancestors into standing in the next nine freezing miles to Loch
stones and free standing boulders, to the Tay there were the skeletons of a large
bewilderment of many an archaeologist. CAVITY SEEKING ENERGY seagull and numerous dead birds and
Five miles north-east of Crieff, Perthshire, The energy from the Connachan Farm animals. When I knelt down to have
lies the beautiful Sma’ (small) Glen, and stone I was following had a wavelength a drink at a tumultuous stream I was
at the entrance is the Foulford Inn. Just of 7 metres, amplitude 1 metre, and horrified to find the body of a small bird
a few metres away is the Connachan had a cycle time of approximately 2 in the water under my cupped hands,

exactly at the outer working edge of this touched one, and now “programmed”, our ancestors used the natural energies
ley! started looking for others, giving this ley from geological faults to power not only
The following week I carried on, rather a form of memory. the Connachan cup-marked stone, but
bewildered, until I came to an ancient This of course explained why it was used them in the placing of their ancient
burial ground, in the hills above Loch also attracted to the dead bodies of burial-grounds (See my article “Spirit
Tay, a cemetery which I had not known animals and humans, as our ancestors Lines in the August issue). Not only that,
about, was not marked on the map, had carefully placed their burial grounds but on its way to Loch Tay the ley tunes
and which was situated at a most on the outer “working edge” of this into a massive fissure on the Sidh (Faery
incongruous place and altitude. A cup-mark ley, where the coils of telluric Hill) of Ardtalnaig.. This strange feature
few hundred metres further along my energy spiralling from the Connachan cannot be natural, however. It is placed
divining rod tuned into the sheep’s skull Farm stone were very close together. on the summit of this hill to draw the
which I have already mentioned. It took Some time later, when I was showing an cup-mark energy from the Druids Cave,
me some time to come to terms with interested group of people how to pick is in perfect alignment with the path of
the obvious - this cup-mark ley tuned up this energy in a graveyard, one person the cup-mark ley, and is pointing to the
into the dead, whether animal, raptor, or came to me to tell me that many of the burial ground at Ardtalnaig and down to
human. coils seemed to be focused into a recent the dead centre of Loch Tay, where the
burial. When I checked I found that he cup mark ley is attracted to. The rock
A few weeks later I traced the ley to in this fissure is very friable and could
the shore of Loch Tay where it entered, was absolutely right - the ley was seeking
the newest and most attractive cavity comparatively easily be quarried by our
dead centre, one of the peculiarities of ancestors, bearing in mind the massive
this cup-mark energy. When I followed once again.
projects they have undertaken world
it down to the loch side, through some wide.
thick bushes, there was another dead
sheep lying on the shore, directly in front As I have WAKING THE DEAD
of my divining rod. A similar occurrence
happened years later when my divining indicated, one of Walking along beautiful Glen Lyon, to the
rod turned off the programmed route, the major qualities north of this circuit one day, following
leading me over a small hill. In front of of this type of the sinusoidal energy wave, I was taken
me in the distance I could see something aback when, instead of the wavelength
out of the ordinary, bright red on the
energy is that it being an easy 7 metres, it quickly
frosty ground. It was a fox, frozen solid, is attracted to contracted to about 1 metre. Backwards
crouched in front of a large sandy bank bodies of water. and forwards I weaved, making little
full of rabbit burrows. forward progress. Again, puzzled, I tried
to find out why. Was there a crossing ley
But why did it have this strange quality? here? I retraced my steps, only to find
Years later I was following one of As you can see on the map it travels
to the centre of Loch Tay, up to the that this anomaly had disappeared, the
the circuits which I now knew from ley was back to its 7 metre wavelength.
experience were attracted to the centre stone circle at Lawers, then is pulled up
1800 feet to two lochs, Loch na Lairige More puzzled than ever I tried to find out
of bodies of water, like lochs, lochans what had caused this. It took some time,
(small lochs) and even to puddles of and Loch Craig-na-Mhadaidh on the
shoulders of Ben Lawers (3,980 ft.). Since but eventually I realized that at that
water. Approaching Loch na Lairige on point I had been thinking of a friend who
the western shoulder of Ben Lawers the this cup-mark energy tends to contour
hills, our ancestors used these lochs (and had died a few years previously.
wave suddenly turned at right angles
and travelled some fifty metres off its perhaps built some of them) to pull the We had roamed the Highlands since
course. Puzzled, I retraced my steps to ley up and over the hills. childhood and were very close. When
find out what had caused this anomaly, I focused my mind on him, to my
and found a number of loose boulders BURIAL GROUNDS PLACED OVER amazement the wave suddenly returned
with iron spikes inserted in them, part of GEOLOGICAL FAULTS to its 1 metre wavelength (increased
an old stone wall which originally had an energy). Clearing my mind as I walked,
It was many years after I had finished
iron railing on top and had collapsed. The the wave gradually returned to its
my research into this particular form
spikes had rotted away to the surface of normal length. Thinking of concepts
of energy that I found another factor
the boulders, leaving what in effect were like God, the ancient Fingalian warriors,
in the placing of burial-grounds - many
a number of boulders with iron cores. etc., also decreased the wavelength,
of them (probably all) had also been
The cup-marked wave had by chance but when I thought of my father who
placed above geological faults. It seems

Staffa, the castles of Stirling, Edinburgh

and Dumbarton were powerful centres
of Earth Energy. Easily fortified, Kings
and Queens could sit on their thrones
with crowns of precious jewels and
bejewelled sceptres on such power
points in some safety and rule with the
help of the planet’s natural energy.
To add to their power they were
crowned on the misnamed Stone of
Destiny, a black, meteoric rock with
magnetic qualities. The Stone of Destiny
is more correctly called the Stone of
Scone (Sconce, Gaelic, a protective
shadow) and was at one time Jacob’s
Pillow at Bethel, perhaps taken to Scythia
by Scota, daughter of the Pharoah when
she married the Greek Prince Gaylethus,
had died some 20 years previously, I reached the coast, expecting to find a eventually settling in Scotland. The stone
the anomaly took over two minutes to stone circle, the start of this ley. which was retrieved from Westminster in
occur. Oddly, thinking of anyone still 1950 bears absolutely no resemblance to
alive showed no increase of energy the original.
whatsoever. It was with some trepidation This knowledge (geomancy) is still being
that I remembered that I was following Standing on the used to-day, unbeknown to the general
an unknown type of energy connecting sea shore, quite population:
most of the burial grounds in the exasperated, with
country. The new Scottish parliament is on
my divining rod exactly the same longitude as the Welsh
pointing out to sea parliament at Cardiff.
One beautiful summers day, again
it seemed that the Cardiff (chosen as recently as 1955) is on
ley originated on the same latitude as London.
walking across the hills to Glen Lyon,
“the Crooked Glen of the Stones”, my the mystic island This is a 5:12:13 triangle, similar to
divining rod led me to a massive stone the basic layout of Stonehenge (See
monolith which was obviously placed
of Mull. “Powerpoints” by Robin Heath);
there as part of the energy circuit.
Curiously, sensing its importance, I Projecting the ley on my map, I took the SUMMARY
walked round the side of this huge slab, ferry across to the island on a week’s To summarise the qualities of cup-mark
to find that it was “The Praying Hand holiday to continue the quest. Easily energy leys, with some additions, then:-
of Mary.” (Figure 11 here). Enchanted, picking up the ley on the east shore of
I looked between the two slivers of They contour hills, unlike the straight
Mull, at another Campbell burial ground,
rock (Figure 12 here) to Fortingall burial energy leys which march over them,
over a period of a week I tramped across
ground in the distance. From the other oblivious to the terrain.
the entire island, to find myself, much
side I could see the top of a nearby dismayed, on the west coast of the They can be pulled up and over hills by
hill. (Figure 13 here). This was the first island, my divining rod still pointing out the attraction of lochs and the smaller
straight ley intersecting the cup-marked to sea. “Where on Earth does this ley lochans. And in this case, unusually, a
ley I was to find. originate”? I asked myself. ravine.
Determined to find the source of Returning to my little tent I projected When a cup-mark ley has to cross a river
this straight ley I tuned in, and in the the ley further west on my map to find it does so by tuning into the widest and
following months marched across the source - the volcanic island of Staffa deepest pool in the vicinity. These pools
Scotland to the west, to Glencoe, the (Figure 14 here). That was the first were occasionally used for healing, but
glen of weeping, then on through indication I had that volcanic plugs, like sometimes they were avoided as they
Campbell burial grounds and castles until were supposed to be inhabited by water

spirits, like the frightening water kelpie, a border. They tend to take the easiest ‘Now, do your speedy utmost, Meg,
supernatural shape-shifting water horse path, like roads, sheep tracks, forest And beat them to the key-stone of the
from Celtic folklore that is believed to fire breaks, providing they are near the bridge;
haunt the rivers and lochs of Scotland programmed route.
and Ireland. If any traveller sat on the There, you may toss your tail at them,
They can be “captured” by electricity
back of such a creature it would dive into pylons, sometime running for some A running stream they dare not cross!’
a pool and drown him. distance before being ejected back to (from Tam o’Shanter by Robert Burns)
They have a form of memory, or resonant their programmed route. It is not the
attraction - if a cup mark ley happens to magnetic or electric field which attracts Straight leys just touch the outer edge of
touch an object, like the stump of a tree them. I discovered that they are also the cup-mark leys, forming a “magnetic
in a felled forest or boulders scattered attracted to windmill derricks as well. bottle” helping them to keep their shape.
randomly in a field, then it will start to Each leg of a suspension tower emits Ancient shielings, or homesteads, were
seek similar objects in its path, increasing a narrow loop of energy, perhaps the placed with the major cup-mark ley
or decreasing its wavelength to suit. This height of the tower. This acts as a “net” running down their lengths. One day,
must also pertain to people, especially to capture any cup-mark ley in its vicinity. following the energy from a small cup-
when asleep. It is difficult to say what marked stone into the hills, I discovered
happens to individuals in this case, as a that its nine cup-marks were projected
person under such circumstances is also as energy across the country to form
telluricaly connected to several hundred Bridges over protective “bubbles” around nine
burial grounds and their residing spirits. rivers also emit ancient homesteads. Using another
They are attracted to cavities, like caves, narrow loops of angle rod, painted black, which tunes my
mind into finding only black or unhealthy
ravines, quarries, houses, concrete pipes, energy from their energy, I quickly discovered that all of
empty oil drums, skulls, cars, etc.,
foundations at the unhealthy waves coming towards the
They have an aversion to iron (unless each end. shieling were diverted around it.
in the form of a cavity or an iron insert
in a boulder, which is puzzling) - if a ley As already noted these same shielings
is programmed to travel across a field, had the major cup-mark ley energy
These also act as a net to capture a running through them lengthwise, and
surrounded by an iron fence it will enter cup-mark ley, whose working edge
by a wooden gate or an open metal one, their burial grounds as well, linking the
focuses into the centre of the bridge, at living with the dead. It must surely have
and exit at the furthest corner post, as the keystone. The coils are quite close
if leaving the unpleasant obstacle to the been a working type of feng shui, where
together up to the keystone, then there our ancestors believed that the dead
last moment. is a null point without any energy over could influence the living in health and
Burial-grounds were always placed on the other half of the bridge. fertility especially, if controlled properly.
the outer “working” edge of cup-mark Witches gathered hair or nail clippings of
leys, and probably on top of crossing a person they wished to harm and made THE STRANGE BELIEFS OF OUR
geological faults. an effigy of wax, placing it under the ANCESTORS
The dumb-bell shaped ley in Figure 6 keystone of a bridge.
Now that we have a better
has several circuits inside it, and others Curiously, Robert Burns, in his poem understanding of the ley system, we can
outside. Finding these was like peeling “Tam o’ Shanter” tells how Tam, riding have a a look at some of our ancestors’
the skin off an onion. One of these outer his horse Maggie, sees some witches, bewildering beliefs. For example:-
shells was programmed to encounter a warlocks, and the Devil himself, in
six-stone circle at Killin, to the west of Placing grave goods with the dead for
Alloway Kirk, ablaze with light, and is
Loch Tay, where a new cup mark ley of their use in the next world. These can
taken by a particularly comely female
three circuits was warped to Balquhidder take the form of food, wine, jewellery,
witch, Nannie, whose skirt (cutty-sark)
burial-ground where Rob Roy MacGregor hunting equipment, flint knives or
is far too small for her. He cannot help
and his sons are buried. daggers, etc.
shouting out in passion “Weel done,
Figure 4 Shows a plan view of some Cutty-sark!” In an instant all was dark. Some cultures used mummification to
sixty cup marks on the Connachan Farm Now he is being pursued by this devilish keep the body in as good a condition
stone. These can be extrapolated north horde, with many an unearthly scream. as possible. Building cists and burial
as energy circuits over most of Western He seems to know about the qualities of chambers as resonant cavities to attract
Scotland and down south past the cup-mark energy: a cup mark ley into them; Covering

the facade of burial chambers, such as under the hearth or door threshold. Over type of loamy soil. Several years after
Newgrange in Ireland with quartzite the 3,000 miles I have been following the the burial, they might even disinter the
boulders to clean up any malevolent cup-mark energy I have only occasionally bones to clean them and rebury them in
energies. encountered a house on these circuits. an even more propitious place.
Scattering white quartzite pebbles What is interesting, however, is that So we have had here in the United
around stone circles and graves serves the working edge of the ley is attracted Kingdom, and especially those parts
the same purpose. Aligning passage to the centre of the house, finding the with a highly fractured geology, a
graves so that the sun/moon shines in at weakest point of entry, the door, and brilliantly conceived and very powerful,
certain times of the year to enhance the exiting via the hearth and chimney. highly evolved system of feng-shui,
telluric energies; Castles and large country houses are with ancestral worship and access to
different, as the outer working part of their spirits and their benevolence. The
Horned cairns: these are burial the ley just touches one corner, with the
chambers with a “forecourt” at the system is still functioning, but at a very
other coils attracted into the rooms; low level.
entrance. Thought to have been used for
ceremonial purposes, which they may I have found that many “paranormal”
very well have been, nevertheless I have events - apparitions, poltergeist
found that the forecourt looks like the The enigmatic behaviour, two glimpses into the future
cross section of a television dish, and round towers which I myself have experienced, have
cleverly gather many incoming waves of occurred at specific points in the ley
a cup mark ley to focus into the central
of Ireland were system, where a geological fault crosses
burial chamber; designed as beneath an energy ley, whether straight
Drumming, singing, dancing, would resonant chambers or cup-marked.
also be beneficial. Praying for the to attract and It is wise to look at the ground beneath
departed, especially, would decrease the dissipate the our feet when we investigate or are
wavelength (increased energy) of a cup troubled with the paranormal or even
mark ley as I have previously outlined;
unhealthy spirit ill-health.
Some skeletons have been found minus
lines from the Our ancestors were very aware of the
their skulls. Possibly to discourage a graveyards they power of the spirit world and took
malevolent spirit to wander or perhaps were responsible steps to protect themselves and use
they took the skulls above ground to the for. the spirits of their ancestors to their
outside working edge of the cup-mark advantage. In this modern world some
ley to commune with the spirit. Spirit have tended to laugh at the “ignorance”
paths (straight ley lines) in Ireland had to of our forefathers. The immense amount
be avoided. If a house was built on such CHINESE FENG SHUI of work they did in engineering the ley
an energy line used by faeries (spirits) ill- system can only mean that the spirit
The Chinese had a similar system, albeit
health and bad luck would surely result; world is a reality. Their manipulation of
a very subtle and natural one, where
Dressing stones (percussing or the natural currents of the planet, their
they found the most propitious place
hammering) when building tombs, ability to move boulders the size of the
for a family burial, where the healthy
standing stones and circles, cists, Serpent, the Praying Hand of Mary and
ch’i (similar to cup-mark ley energy)
churches, cathedrals, walls of burial the Druid’s Cave, and their ability to
was pooled and most powerful. They
grounds, etc., charges them with an build lochs and cut huge ravines leaves
believed in ancestor worship, and that
“aura” of energy which can negate me mystified and in awe.
the souls of their dead are linked to
unhealthy energies; their tombs and have the power to have
A “black” ley line entering a church can a beneficial effect on the health and
fertility of their descendants and shower
About The Author
be partially changed to healthy by using
windows with stained glass. Freemasons all the blessings upon them which the
David’s book, “Ley Lines and Earth
still perambulate three times around the spirit world can bestow.
Energies” is co-authored by scientist
open grave of a brother (Gaelic, deasal, To extend their benevolent influence, a Chris Arnold and published by David
clockwise or sun-wise), to negate the bereaved family would take the utmost Hatcher Childress in the U.S.A.
malevolent spirit energy we all have; care to preserve the coffin and bones for
Some old houses had a spirit guardian, as long as possible, making sure that the His website is
usually a dog, which was ritually buried site was well drained and had the correct


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Project Magnet “Exposed”

Crashed Saucers and the Secret Life of Canada’a
Wilbert B. Smith
By Sean Casteel

hough it is a little known

T fact, the truth is that certain

individuals with ties to the
Canadian government have secretly
been promoting the idea that UFOs are
operating in Earth’s atmosphere and
are piloted not by “monsters,” but by a
group or groups of individuals who are as
human as we are but are technologically
more advanced than the human race.
Former Canadian Defense Minister
Paul Hellyer (1963-1967) shocked the
media several years ago by stating that
he was convinced that off-world visitors
have been zipping across the heavens
for thousands of years, and that it’s not
impossible that aliens have infiltrated
our society and are walking the streets
undetected because they resemble us
almost identically. But as much attention
as Mr. Hellyer’s remarks might have
gotten in the press, many decades
before, another Canadian had made
similar bold remarks concerning Ultra-
Terrestrials coming here either from forces seeking our salvation? Is it too Timothy Green Beckley has recently
other planets or from a parallel universe. late to redeem our race from destruction assembled a book that pays tribute to
So let us begin by journeying back and damnation? Are the flying saucers Smith and the 1950s, the era in which
in time to when UFOlogy was young sent to Earth by God Almighty? Are they Smith pursued the truth of the UFO
and the groundwork was being laid His cosmic sign that eventually love will mystery. The new book is called “Project
for the greatest cosmic adventure the conquer all? “Project Magnet” offers Magnet,” with the subtitle – “The
world has ever experienced. “Project hope in our potential rescue along Objects in the Sky Are Not Stars!”
Magnet” tells the story of a Canadian with hard scientific data on the UFO Beckley writes in his introduction:
radio engineer’s transformation from phenomenon. “Almost forgotten these days, Smith
scientific, nuts-and-bolts UFO researcher Even as an ardent student of UFOlogy, was a highly-educated engineer who
to ardent follower of the Space Brothers’ you may not know the name of Wilbert coaxed the Canadian government
philosophy. We are currently engaged Smith. He is an unsung hero in the field, into establishing Project Magnet, a
in a crucial metaphysical battle against but remains indisputably important in threadbare project to study and treat
the forces seeking to destroy mankind. the more than 50 years since his death reports of UFOs seriously so as to
Can we align ourselves with the good in 1962. Global Communications CEO determine who – or what – might be

behind this mysterious phenomenon WHAT WAS THE GOVERNMENT

that was seemingly taking over the skies HIDING?
of North America after the end of the
Second World War.”
In 1950, prior to the establishment
THE SEARCH FOR GEO-MAGNETISM of Project Magnet, Smith was
OPENS THE DOOR attending what he called “a rather
Project Magnet began operations in slow-moving broadcasting confer-
1950 with the purpose of studying, ence in Washington D.C.”
among other occurrences, magnetic
phenomena. Wilbert Smith, a senior He had some time on his hands so
radio engineer from the Canadian he circulated around, asking a few
Department of Transport, was put in questions about flying saucers. “Which
charge of the project. The goals of stirred up a hornet’s nest. I found
Project Magnet were fueled by the that the U.S. government had a highly
concepts of geo-magnetism, and the classified project set up to study them,
belief that it might be possible to use and so I reasoned that with so much smoke
manipulate the Earth’s magnetic field as maybe I should look for the fire.”
a propulsion method for vehicles. Smith clearer statement of how to take an Smith subsequently made “discreet
came to believe that this technology honest and open-minded look at the enquiries” through the Canadian
already existed in the mysterious UFOs UFO phenomenon. Smith’s urging Embassy staff in Washington, who were
that had been sighted so frequently his peers to accept the strange and able to obtain for him the following
in Canada, the U.S. and the rest of the mysterious “discrepancies” as the information:
world. He felt that the “correlation starting point for serious research has
between our basic theory and the 1. The matter is the most highly
echoed down through UFOlogy in the
available information on saucers checks classified subject in the U.S.
decades since but has sadly remained
too closely to be mere coincidence.” government, rating even higher
mostly unheeded. Smith went on to
than the A-bomb.
Nevertheless, Smith’s approach to the explain that the data he and his team
study of UFOs was a pragmatic one. had to work with consisted largely of 2. Flying saucers exist.
“It is perfectly natural in the human sightings reports as observed throughout 3. Their modus operandi is unknown
thinking mechanism,” Smith wrote, Canada. This included many reports but concentrated effort is being
“to try and fit observations into an from the field representatives of the made by a small group headed by
established pattern. It is only when Department of Transport, whose job it is Dr. Vannevar Bush, who some
observations stubbornly refuse to be to watch the sky and who are trained to maintain was the initial guiding
so fitted that we become disturbed. do precisely those kinds of observations. force behind a secret government
When this happens, we may, and usually Useful data was also obtained cabal known as Majestic 12,
do, take one of three courses. First, we from instruments, such as those at created to monitor a number of
may deny completely the validity of the ionospheric observatories. UFO crashes, including the one in
observations; or second, we may pass But Smith cautioned against expecting Roswell, NM (circa July, 1947)
the whole subject off as something too much from the field stations because in which several alien bodies were
of no consequence; or third, we may of the very sporadic nature of the recovered from the wreckage.
accept the discrepancies as real and go sightings. And laboratory studies were It was Bush and company’s
to work on them. In the matter of saucer useless without some kind of specimen purpose to foil the flow of
sightings, all three of these reactions with which to experiment, and it was information on the UFOs to the
have been strikingly apparent. The first not likely that such a specimen would be American public and to literally
two approaches are obviously negative obtained any time soon. So, according censor the truth about the arrival
and from which a definite conclusion to Smith, we are then forced to rely on of ETs on our planet.
can never be reached. It is the third “deductive reasoning,” at least until it is
approach – acceptance of the data and possible to work out procedures more 4. The entire matter is considered
subsequent research – that is dealt with in line with conventional experimental by the United States authorities to
in this report.” methods. be of tremendous significance.
To this day, there has never been a

their findings about these flying discs

and urged that Canadian researchers
begin their own official study, which
was quickly established under the “code
name” Project Magnet.

The story of what

Project Magnet
uncovered is a
major part of
this just released
tome edited by
publisher Tim

The book also includes updated

revelations by contemporary researcher
Grant Cameron ( as
well as a bonus history of humanoid and
creature sightings and close encounters
throughout Canada by the late amateur
astronomer John Musgrave, who
worked while on a grant from Ottawa’s
government. Perhaps the most exciting
part of this book is the disclosure that
Smith said his investigations were a wave propagation.” Wilbur Smith was a UFO contactee
matter of simple curiosity and that himself and was in touch with others
One of the foremost revelations in
he began as an extreme skeptic, fully on a regular basis who claimed to have
“Project Magnet” is Wilbert Smith’s
expecting the phenomenon to be received communications from off-earth
report that he was told by U.S. officials
manmade or created by natural causes. dwellers.
on his various visits to Washington that
He gave his credentials as an impartial
they had retrieved at least one UFO that
and qualified researcher, saying, “I am MOVING BEYOND SIMPLE PHYSICAL
had crashed in the Southwest at Roswell
48-years-old, hold a Master’s Degree REALITY
and were examining the remains of the
in Electrical Engineering, occupy a
corpses of several alien bodies found It is important, in the light of where his
responsible position in the Canadian
within the wreckage (unconfirmed). studies would eventually take Smith, to
government, hold half a dozen patents,
am author of several technical papers, The revelation to Smith that a craft establish his credibility as a pragmatic
and in general enjoy a background in from outer space may have crashed in scientist approaching the UFO subject in
technical work and science indicating at the desert is said to have stunned him the utmost of “real world” terms. Smith
least an average competence to study at first, but later he came to take such explains, “If we are to rely on sightings
and report on phenomena of a scientific bombshell events in stride. data alone, we are bound to get a rather
nature. I have tried so far as possible to one-sided idea of these creatures. For
As stated above, American scientists
use conventional and standard methods example, we see saucers traveling at
had gone so far as to declare that the
and equipment to investigate all possible terrific speeds and then suddenly stop or
existence of flying saucers should be
angles before drawing any conclusions. change direction. Under our concepts of
kept more highly classified than the
In other words, I have followed the same physics, no creature of flesh, blood and
development of the atomic bomb.
general procedures which I would have bone could withstand the terrific forces
Because of these revelations, Smith went
followed if I had undertaken to study which would be associated with such
back home to appeal to his superiors
some more prosaic subject, such as radio actions. Therefore we are led to assume
not to let the Americans pull ahead in

that the saucerians must be some are told of the solutions if we have the a few years became something like a
manner of robot or a creature the like of understanding and fortitude to apply religious fervor. In a portion of Smith’s
which we have never encountered.” them. “We are told of the inadequacies writing collected in “Project Magnet,”
He also points out that, in spite of their of our science,” he continued, “and we entitled “The Battle for Man’s Mind,”
unknowably high level of technological have been given the basic grounding he feels called upon to warn his readers
achievement, the UFO occupants have for a new science which is at once about a grave danger we are all facing,
never simply landed and announced that simpler and yet more embracing than either consciously or unconsciously. Two
they were taking over the earth. This is the mathematical monstrosity which we great forces are striving to gain control
perhaps because they regard us as in have conjured up. We have been told of man’s mind, a struggle that has been
the same general category as the other of a way of life which is utopian beyond going on from time immemorial.
flora and fauna native to this planet and our dreams and the means of attaining “But never in the world’s history,” he
believe our civilization is so primitive as it. Can it be that such a consistent, wrote, “has the conflict been more
to be indistinguishable from that of the magnificent philosophy is the figment intense than it is in this present era of
lower animals and insects. of the imaginations of a number of confusion and unrest. In the old days,
misguided morons? I do not think so.” mankind was often made to suffer
But such speculations don’t necessarily
lead us to the truth, according to Smith. If such is the case and all of this is physically, unspeakable things in the
known, the reasonable person asks, then name of power. But today, with man’s
why has it not been publicized? Why mind more developed and better
aren’t we studying the sciences gifted to educated, he is now facing the prospect
Fortunately the us by the aliens instead of atom bombs? of a refinement of even greater mental
UFO occupants The answer, Smith tells us, is that it and spiritual cruelty – unless he is
HAS been publicized. Books have been prepared to protect himself with right
HAVE made contact written and thousands of copies sold. thinking. ”Smith describes one of the
with certain There are many periodicals available two great forces as positive, leading us
earthlings deemed containing this knowledge, which may to thoughts of harmony and the concept
be had for a nominal sum. Reports have of the love of God and the brotherhood
to be capable been prepared by serious investigators of man. The other force is negative,
of receiving the and presented “through the proper encompassing the antichrist philosophy
information and channels.” and serving a mad lust for power. The
passing it along to battle takes place on both the physical
others. THE FLYING SAUCERS AND THEIR and metaphysical fronts with the object
ABILITY TO CHANGE “REALITY” being the spiritual salvation of mankind
or our utter destruction.
“But it is truly said,” Smith
Along with the many sightings reports acknowledged, “that one can lead a
horse to water but one cannot make GOOD, EVIL, AND OUR STAGE OF
Smith began collecting and analyzing
him drink. There are probably as many EVOLUTION
claims of contact with the aliens and to
assemble what he felt were the mores private reasons for not facing up to the Man’s brain, Smith teaches, operates
and ethics of the people from the flying facts as there are people who refuse to on the metaphysical plane like a two-
saucers. do so. However, it is consoling to realize way radio, transmitting and receiving
that, through the humble and often messages along the airwaves of the
“It adds up to a complete and elegant
criticized comic strip and science fiction universe. [This is a very apt metaphor,
philosophy,” Smith wrote. “These people
stories, the younger generation is being when one considers that Smith
tell us of a magnificent cosmic plan, of
conditioned to accept the reality of was a government expert on radio
which we are a part, which transcends
people from elsewhere, and when given broadcasting.] Man’s brain is open to
the lifetime of a single person or a nation
the opportunity to do so avidly assimilate both good and bad input, which he
or a civilization – or even a planet or
all they can get on flying saucers and the either accepts or rejects according to his
solar system. We are not merely told
people who fly them.” stage of evolution.
that there is something beyond our
immediate experience; we are told what One is struck by the overwhelming Messages received through esoteric
it is, why it is, and our relation thereto. transformative power the study of UFOs sources, purporting to come from the
Many of our most vexing problems are and their occupants often has on people. Space Brothers, who take an active
solved with a few words; at least we Smith’s interest in flying saucers began interest in our spiritual welfare, warn
as a mild case of curiosity and over us that an even greater conflict is being

fought on the metaphysical plane. The a chronicle of humanoid and critter

lower or negative forces that damned encounters North of the American SUGGESTED READING (ALL BOOKS
themselves by wrong thinking are side of the border. I was upset to learn AVAILABLE FROM AMAZON.COM)
projecting strong thoughts earthward in Musgrave went into spirit a number of PROJECT MAGNET - THE LIGHTS IN
an attempt to bring about our spiritual years ago. His work is one of the best THE SKY ARE NOT STARS
downfall. On the other hand, the Space catalogs of UFO encounters of the third
Brothers are concentrating equally hard kind ever published, and it certainly
on sending out positive thoughts of should be shared with contemporary
goodwill and brotherly love. researchers of UFO lore, as it makes the
subject of Project Magnet as complete as UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASES
“Thus we are being bombarded from the
metaphysical plane by two conflicting it could possibly be.” AMERICA’S TREATY WITH ALIEN LIFE
schools of thought,” Smith wrote. “And So maybe you should choose, of your FORMS
free will being the criterion of spiritual own free will, to buy a copy of “Project OUR YOUTUBE.COM CHANNEL - MR
advancement, it is left to us which we Magnet”? It couldn’t hurt, really, to read UFOS SECRET FILES
choose to accept. However, from a how Wilbert Smith’s scientific study
purely logical point of view, if we want of flying saucers grew into a spiritual Over 200 Videos On UFOs, Cryptids,
to save ourselves a lot of sorrow both in devotion to his fellow man and to the Paranormal
this life and lives to come, we should arm God who teaches us to love one another.

ourselves mentally against the onslaught
of negative thoughts.” It is no time for

confused or apathetic thinking, which
can lead to the exact forms of negativity
Smith is warning us against.
MAGNET’ WALLACE: You say the Canadian official
So “Project Magnet” is more than project, what do you mean by the
mere nostalgia. It demonstrates a near official...?
prescience on the part of Wilbert Smith, KEYHOE: There was an official project
who clearly saw into the nature of our called “Project Magnet,” and they set up
troubled times and the constant struggle an observatory at Shirley Bay to try to
our minds are required to muster against track these things. And...
evil thought forms and ideas. Publisher
and editor Timothy Green Beckley talks WALLACE: What happened to the official
about other aspects of the book in his project? You say there was a project.
introduction. “I have added relevant KEYHOE: Yes. They ran for about a
material from numerous contributors, year and they had one sighting on
as well as from both new and archival the gravimeter, which indicated that
sources” something... a very large object had flow
Beckley writes. “Grant Cameron (the over there, but they finally decided that
only provider of reliable “Disclosure” they were spending a little bit much
updates as far as I am concerned) is a money on that, I suppose.
vast depository of knowledge on Smith, WALLACE: For certain, they wouldn’t
being a Canuck himself, and has been have thought that they were spending
exceedingly helpful in my compilation. too much money on it, if they believed
And since Smith is certainly the most that that kind of phenomena existed.
important figure in Canadian UFO
KEYHOE: A lot of people on the project
history, no work on Project Magnet,
are still working up there on their own
as far as I am concerned, would be
time and certain government officials
complete without a little known
have still kept the lid on the reports in
manuscript I personally published
Canada, just as they do down here.
in 1979 by John Musgrave, which is

Cults and Secret

By John Ventre

n 2016, I was contacted by a woman dated to 1300AD (a patched area of the founding of the Grand Lodge of England.

I in Europe who wanted to be on our

YouTube lecture show but couldn’t
reveal her identity. She discussed secret
garment was tested), the Free Masons
said it was the shroud of Templar Grand
Master Jacques de Molay who was
The Masons have ritualized meetings,
signs and handshakes. They operate
the Shriners Hospitals and Roman
societies and services. That prompted tortured and wrapped in a shroud in Catholics that join the Free Masons
my interest to do some research. The 1307. are excommunicated from the church,
term cult is derived from the occult or or at best are regarded to be in a state
hidden knowledge. Secret Societies are of grave sin and may not receive Holy
just secret to non-members. Communion.
The Rosicrucian’s
There are many interesting colorful The Illuminati, founded in 1776, oppose
groups out there. The Templars date date back to religious influence over politics. They
back to 1100AD. They were the warrior 1600 AD and were believe in the power of the people and
knights of the Crusade and protected the alchemists. not God. They are said to control world
arc and chalice of Christ. They influenced affairs by planting agents in governments
the Masons and disbanded in 1307 when around the world.
Pope Clement V and King Philip IV of Some say the Free Masons date back The 1832 Skull and Bones is Yale’s oldest
France conspired against them because to the building of King Solomon’s student society and were originally
they had become more powerful than Temple and the killing of master builder called the Brotherhood of Death. They
the Pope or King. They were accused Hiram Abiff. Masons are mentioned use Masonic type rituals and were the
of devil worship and their property was in a 1425 poem and in a 1598 memo original founders of the CIA.
seized and they were tortured. When the from Edinburgh, Scotland, but most
Shroud of Turin was mistakenly carbon recognize 1717 as the official date of the The 1872 Bohemian Grove Society in
San Francisco boasts hundreds of the

the Netherlands where Europeans and

Americans plan world strategy. The
content of the meetings are not made
public so members can speak freely.
Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church
was also founded in 1954. At 16, Jesus
asked Moon to continue his work. Moon
managed to escape North Korea. After 7
years in his church, Moon would choose
your partner for you. He eventually
moved to NYC. Numerous lawsuits by
parents and tax evasion in 1982 never
closed his church and he died in 2010.
leading men from Presidents to CEO’s. through mystic Maria Orsic and the When you listen to President John
They meet every July to plot strategy and search for the Vril society of Antarctica. F. Kennedy’s 1961 speech on secret
perform satanic rituals. Orsic convinced Hitler that the novel, The societies, you have to wonder what the
The False Face society dates back Coming Race, was a true story. young President had discovered. His
to the Iroquois Indians who claim a Scientology was founded in 1952 by speech sends chills through my spine
hunchback spirit can cure you but then sci-fi author L. Ron Hubbard who was an every time I listen to it. Kennedy said,
you become a member. They wear ritual early student of Aleister Crowley along “We decided long ago that the dangers
wooden twisted face masks. In 1962, with Jack Parsons and Ray Bradbury of concealment of pertinent facts far out
Batman comic #152 featured the False and versed in Satanism. Parsons had an way the dangers cited to justify it. There
Face Society gangsters. Today there are encounter with Satan at age 13. Parsons is a grave danger that an announcement
cosplay groups that dress up like the and L Ron Hubbard danced naked with for increased security will be ceased
Batman characters. members and practiced sex magick. upon for censorship and concealment.
Parsons conjured up a female elemental No one should censor the news, stifle
Madame Blavatsky founded the dissenters or withhold from the press
Theosophical Society in 1875which to conceive the anti-Christ. He founded
JPL and died in an explosion in his and public the facts they deserve to
was the forerunner of the New Age know. There is a conspiracy which relies
movement. In 1891 on her death bed, basement during a ritual. Scientology is
based on Dianetics, a form of psychology on covert means. Preparations are
she said that the Ascended Masters were concealed not published. Mistakes are
actually demonic entities. with pay for levels of advancement
and is based on the extraterrestrial buried not headlined. Its dissenters are
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Thetan race and leader Xenu. There silenced, not praised. No expenditure is
used Rosicrucian rituals and mysticism, are many complaints of isolation by questioned, no secret is revealed.” Those
alchemy and ancient Egypt. Their members. Numerous lawsuits forced are powerful words which we can view in
members included Aleister Crowley and the IRS to recognize it as a church. Many a different light 57 years later.
Yeats. Crowley went on to form the 1904 countries do not recognize Scientology The 1966 church of Satan was founded
Order of the Temple which still has over as a religion. The Collins Elite was also by Anton Lavey. He wrote the Satanic
3000 members today. They practiced formed in 1952 and is a CIA branch that Bible. He said that demons are
satanic rituals and evoked Egyptian investigates the paranormal and UFOs. projections of one’s own mind and
Gods. They are famous for the saying, Convinced by Jack Parsons that UFOs personality. The FBI investigated the
“Do what though wilt” or there are no were demonic, it led to Project Often Church of Satan and concluded they
rules if it makes you happy and were the to acquire demonic power, then MK were not involved in crimes or ritual
forerunner of liberal beliefs. ULTRA to control/alter people. The Jason sacrifices although 9,000 Americans
The Opus Dei celibate order was founded Society is the NSA version of the Collins permanently disappear each year.
in 1928 in Spain. It is a French myth that Elite. It is an Illuminati quest for the Over 100k Americans identify as
they battle the 1956 Priory of Sion group golden fleece of knowledge and truth. Satanists. I find it interesting that the
in trying to keep the truth about Mary Some say there is a battle between the Pennywise character of the movie It
and Jesus’ daughter Sarah a secret. NSA & Navy (secretive) vs the CIA & Air is a shapeshifting demon who steals
Force (public). children.
The Black Sun was a Nazi Thule Society
symbol and meant the opposite of 1954 gave us the invitation only The 1967 San Francisco Manson cult
light. Nazism actually got its occult start meetings at the Bilderberg Hotel in is one of the few Non-religious cults.

Manson believed blacks would win a

Helter Skelter race war. Manson would
then lead them. Manson framed blacks
for nine murders to try to incite a race
war. His group killed the Folger coffee
heir and pregnant actress Sharon Tate.
Manson died Nov 2017 in prison.
The 1970 Brethren are vagrant garbage
eaters who shun all contact and
technology, medicine and bathing. They
work odd jobs to survive.
The 1974 Raelians are a French ET cult
that claims to have cloned a baby in 2002
and live in an open sex environment. six members and four ATF agents and Goothard Tunnel in June of 2016.
resulted in a 51 day standoff ending The 1994 Denver Airport is full of occult
An article in the New West magazine in a 700 men, tank and tear gas raid
convinced Jim Jones to move his 1977 symbolism and artwork depicting a
that burned the facility down killing 82 deadly virus and children dying and
Peoples Temple from the Utah- SF-LA members including 23 children. The FBI,
areas to Guyana. When Congressman eventually turning all weapons over to
intent on ending the resistance, lied to an Illuminati German boy who destroys
Leo Ryan visited he was shot and killed. Janet Reno. Koresch died for his religious
The cult committed mass suicide (900) by them. There is a Free Mason time
beliefs at age 33, same as Jesus. The capsule to be opened in 2094. In the
drinking poison rather than be arrested. 1995 OKC revenge bombing by Timothy 1997 Close Encounters of the Third
There are 5000 Snake Handler members McVeigh was said to be an act of revenge Kind movie, coordinates are given
today. Snakes represent demons and although he was not a member he was which match up to the Denver Airport
believe God will save them from bites. present at the siege. location. Occult symbolism is found all
Many have died. The Heavens Gate UFO cult was formed around us in the perverted media and
The Night Riders are Black para-military in 1974 and had 39 members who entertainment industry today.
helicopters behind the cattle mutilations committed mass suicide rather than Then again, we have the Boston Church
and abductions that are blamed on be taken or killed by a UFO trailing the of Euthanasia who wants to restore
aliens or in cooperation with aliens. 1997 Hale-Bopp comet. The group had earths balance. They are mostly white
taken out a $1M insurance policy out on Liberals who forbid pregnancy, promotes
In 1984, the Aum Shinrikyo Japanese each member against alien abduction,
Doomsday cult carried out the Tokyo abortion, suicide, cannibalism of the
pregnancy or death. Suicide is not dead and gay life styles. Their slogan is,
sarin gas attack in the subway killing covered.
twelve and maiming 1000. The 1984 “Save the Planet by Killing Yourself”.
Order of the Solar Temple in Switzerland, The Manhattan Congregation of the These are all personality traits like being
believe in Templar Knight Principles and Light has 200 well to do Aryan members liberal or conservative. Our soul is on a
the second coming of Christ. In 1994 who are doomsday preppers who marry journey and the things you do will follow
they killed a three month old child they old men with young women and have you through eternity. Some things, like a
identified as the Antichrist. They execute children born into the cult. They are a flat tire, won’t take you where you need
murderers and then commit suicide. U.S. 501c3 non-profit. Can anyone say to be. My advice is to not follow the
Eyes Wide Shut? crowd looking for acceptance. Leaders
The 1986 Japanese Happy Science group
has 12M members, is a US 501c3 and CERN is the world’s largest particle lab in are like eagles, they don’t flock!
believes in a nine dimensional heaven. Geneva Switzerland. Some say they have
They call for war with China and N Korea opened a portal to dimension-time travel
and to rebuild Japan. to change the past and plan to plant false More at
writings or an alternative bible? Shiva
David Koresch, the 1993 Branch Davidian the Goddess of Destructions statue sits
leader, slept with member’s wives and at the entrance to the facility. It was built
minors with parental consent to fulfill on Roman site to Appollyon, the Gate
biblical prophecy, amassed automatic Keeper to hell. Nearby, Geneva officials
weapons and refused to vacate their paid $9M to perform an occult ceremony
compound. A botched ATF raid killed to Baphomet marking the opening of the

It is fair to say, in this day
and age, that the disconnect
between mainstream media
“reality” and what is really
going on is getting to the
point where many people
in society are not being
told the full story—about
almost everything and
anything. In geopolitics, we
see media organisations
such as Al Jazeera willing to
totally fabricate events and
broadcast them via BBC, CNN,
ABC and other licensees.
In what is needlessly called
“alternative health”, we see
the might of transnational
drug companies steering
government health policies
as well as affecting personal
sovereignty in the form of
forced vaccinations, freedom
of choice in the treatment of
serious disease, and the right
to be able to purchase health
products of our choosing.
In explorations of “fringe
sciences”, including subjects
such as the Expanding
Earth theory or the Electric
Universe theory, we see
the unexplained anomalies
regarding energy, gravity,
electricity and biology, being
ignored, suppressed or
ridiculed. I believe that it is in
the open-minded exploration
of such anomalies, that
we actually further our
scientific understanding of
our universe. In discussion
of consciousness and
the paranormal, we again see mainstream media reporting distorted versions of events,
misreporting factual data, not reporting it at all, and again, outright ridicule (snigger factor).
The fact of the matter is that people want to know more about who we are as spiritual beings,
about the role of consciousness in determining how we experience life, and the role our
inherent beliefs have on how we live and treat other people. I believe that the vast majority
of people on this planet want to live in peace and harmony with each other, and I also believe
that there are forces at work, including the military-intelligence-industrial complex, that desire
and profit from manufactured conflict. We live in an era where a growing number of people
are stepping up to blow the whistle on illegal and suppressed information.
Information they believe is in everyone’s interests to be made public. Unfortunately, despite
the assurances of protection to whistleblowers from world leaders, we actually see the
opposite—the suppression and persecution of such people.
And finally, we live on a planet where the way in which we live is dramatically affecting the
entire ecosystem. Measurable levels of chemicals are found in the air over the entire planet—
in the groundwater of every continent, and in the oceans everywhere. Why is it noble to
focus on CO2 and energy saving, while ignoring the death, disease and destruction of our
habitat and life forms, including our own? I have created the Alternative News Project (ANP),
not as a vehicle to fight the current mainstream manufactured reality, but instead to provide
a vehicle for like-minded, independent thinkers, to help create something new. Something
better. Instead of endless searches on the Internet, we will bring you the news, every day, right
across the spectrum of hundreds of nonmainstream news Topics. We have called it a Project,
as it is not just about information—it is about the building of a global community through
the distribution of information. The ANP is the first time that independent thinkers of the
world (i.e. you) have a centralised location not only to see more of what is going on in your
world than ever before, but where you also have the opportunity to send alternative news
and information from anywhere across the globe. You are the real key to our project, because
by receiving information you can inform others and by contributing your knowledge to us,
we can broaden our scope of services around the globe. As such, the ANP is designed to be a
community-based interactive news and information project by the people for the people.
Welcome aboard the ANP, and thanks for being part of the adventure.
Duncan Roads and the ANP team.

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New Reality Show
by Paul Dale Roberts,

e have so many reality shows on drama! Someone get possessed! Turn dimensional being and that is why we

W ghost busting - ghost hunting,

whatever you want to call it. I
am a paranormal investigator myself. I
your head quickly to the left, like you
heard something”.
can't catch one. We need to discontinue
these Bigfoot reality TV shows, because
they suck up valuable air time.
am the co-owner of Halo Paranormal A genuine phenomenon that we have
Investigations. is vanishing people in our State Parks.
If paranormal
Many of these reality shows are a Thousands of people have vanished and
crock of BS. Paranormal investigating reality shows were there is hardly any talk about those who
for ghosts can be boring as all hell actually real, the go missing. Where do they go? We need
and sometimes we get absolutely no audience would to get a reality show that will actually
evidence. It's a sit-and-wait game with do some good and investigate these
sometimes zero results. As I watch
be dozing off into disappearances. The high strangeness
some of these reality shows and see never-never land. of these vanishings is that a small child
some of these over dramatic sleuths get who disappears in one place could be
possessed or they see things that no one found dead miles away barefooted. How
else sees, it’s all for dramatic effects, I Ghosts are not circus clowns and do not did that child get there, when there are
know it's BS, it's BS pushed upon these perform on demand. And what is with valleys, hills, shrubbery, thickets, thorns
paranormal investigators to make good these Bigfoot shows? How many times in terrain that is so incredibly rugged?
TV, to bring up the ratings. I can hear the do I have to see these guys go out into How did this child disappear in one area
TV producer now, “Come on guys....bring the woods and come back without any and wind up 20 miles away - dead and
it up a notch or two. We need some evidence? I believe Bigfoot is real, but barefooted. I ask again, how did this
I also believe that Bigfoot is an inter-

child go through rugged terrain to be team leader of these hikers. Investigators revenue that they make from tourists
found in a location that is miles away determined that the skiers had torn their visiting their parks, so they keep things
from where the child was last seen? tents from the inside out in order to hushed up in regard to the vanishings.
How is that possible? How can a child escape from an apparent threat. When it comes to making money, people
be found in one location after that very who are taking this money will have tight
same location where the child was lips.
found, was checked over fifty times by I think it’s about time for Hollywood to
park rangers, the military and civilians? They fled the
step up to the plate and take on a real
How did that child disappear and then campsite, some challenge, create a reality show that will
again reappear? of them barefoot, actually do some good. Get out there
In one case a child is missing with two under heavy and interview people and witnesses.
dogs and one of the dogs turns up, but Find out where these vanishing people
where is the child and the other dog?
snowfall. are going. Investigate the areas on
In many cases people disappear with where they are vanishing. Find out the
their dogs and they also disappear at truth! This is a reality show that I will
Although the bodies showed no signs
locations with odd names like Devil's actually watch! A reality show that
of struggle, two victims had fractured
Gulch, Devil's Punch Bowl, etc. Did early has professionals in tracking and law
skulls and broken ribs, absent contusion.
settlers know something about these enforcement. How about it Hollywood:
Soviet authorities determined that an
places and that is why they got their any takers?
"unknown compelling force" had caused
odd name? Who is taking these people? Another area where this occurs is near
the deaths. Theories abound that the
Are marijuana fields being harvested The Appalachian Trail, where almost
hikers either faced an avalanche or a
in our National Parks and these people every year someone inexplicably goes
hostile encounter with extraterrestrial
are vanishing because of various drug missing and there has been an ongoing
life. The reason why UFOs become the
cartels? Are there roaming serial killers search for a female who vanished nearly
centrepiece of this story is that orange
in our National Parks and are they taking two years ago. Also in the Philippines
globes were seen near and around the
these people out? there is Mount Maculot, where
hikers. A recent photo has turned up
that shows a strange humanoid in the people often disappear and are either
The Dyatlov Pass Incident woods. The photo was taken by one of never found, or found dead.” What to
Or are these people vanishing because the Dyatlov Pass hikers. make of it all, well frankly there is no
of high strangeness? Is Bigfoot snatching obvious reason other than bad luck,
Before you shrug this idea off, just
up these people and taking them into misjudgement and misadventure, on the
remember there have been many UFO
underground caverns as prisoners? other hand, well, the possibilities are
sightings at our National Parks and
Are aliens abducting hikers, sightseers, endless.
Reserves. UFOs have been seen at
campers and outdoor adventurers? Glacier National Park in Montana, El More on the Vanishings: https://www.
Could the Dyatlov Pass Incident be Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico,
happening in our National Parks? What Great Sand Dunes National Park in
is the Dyatlov Pass Incident? The Dyatlov
Colorado and even Yellowstone. UFOs secret-vanishings-americas-national-
Pass incident was an event that resulted are constantly seen in our National Parks,
in the deaths of nine-out-of-ten hikers parks/
so perhaps, just perhaps UFOs may be
in the northern Ural Mountains on behind these mysterious disappearances.
February 2, 1959. Igor Dyatlov was the The National Park Service loves the

Helpful Research Information: May Celestial Events (Information Courtesy of Sea Sky)
May 6, 7 - Eta Aquarids. The Eta Aquarids all night long. This is the best time to view May 29 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
is an above average shower, capable of and photograph Jupiter and its moons. A located on the opposite side of the Earth
producing up to 60 meteors per hour at medium-sized telescope should be able to as the Sun and its face will be will be fully
its peak. Most of the activity is seen in the show you some of the details in Jupiter’s illuminated. This phase occurs at 14:19 UTC.
Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern cloud bands. A good pair of binoculars This full moon was known by early Native
Hemisphere, the rate can reach about 30 should allow you to see Jupiter’s four largest American tribes as the Full Flower Moon
meteors per hour. It is produced by dust moons, appearing as bright dots on either because this was the time of year when
particles left behind by comet Halley, which side of the planet. spring flowers appeared in abundance. This
has known and observed since ancient moon has also been known as the Full Corn
May 15 - New Moon. The Moon will located
times. The shower runs annually from April Planting Moon and the Milk Moon.
on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and
19 to May 28. It peaks this year on the night
will not be visible in the night sky. This phase
of May 6 and the morning of the May 7. The
occurs at 11:48 UTC. This is the best time of
waning gibbous moon will block most of the
the month to observe faint objects such as
fainter meteors this year, but you should be
galaxies and star clusters because there is no
able to catch quite A few good ones if you
moonlight to interfere.
are patient. Best viewing will be from a dark
location after midnight. Meteors will radiate
from the constellation Aquarius, but can
appear anywhere in the sky.
May 9 - Jupiter at Opposition. The giant
planet will be at its closest approach to
Earth and its face will be fully illuminated
by the Sun. It will be brighter than any
other time of the year and will be visible

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Paronormal News

UFO mysteries unraveled: How the

‘real-life X-Files’ emerged from a
top secret UK project
By James Rogers

A former official at the U.K.’s Ministry of Defence has shed new light

Kim Wilde claims UFO

on the circumstances surrounding a secret government UFO study that
was conducted during the 1990s.
In 1996, the MoD commissioned a defense contractor to produce a
sighting inspired her to
return to music
comprehensive report on U.K. UFO sightings. The report was compiled
at a time of huge public interest in UFOs fueled by the wildly popular
“X-Files” TV series and 1997’s 50th anniversary of the purported UFO
incident in Roswell, New Mexico. By Kathleen Joyce
Careful to avoid using the term UFO, the report described sightings as
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). “Kids in America” singer Kim Wilde said an encounter
with a UFO in 2009 was one of the reasons she
decided to return to music and make a comeback.
Code-named Project Condign, the report analyzed a database of
Wilde told the BBC after leaving the music business
sightings between 1987 and 1997 and was delivered to officials in
she got married and raised her children. However,
2000. The study, entitled ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in the
two events pushed her to come back and give music a
UK Air Defence Region,’ found that that sightings could be explained
second chance.
by a variety of known phenomena, both man-made and natural.
The incidence of relatively rare natural phenomena was also noted. Wilde claims she had an encounter with a UFO in
“No evidence exists to associate the phenomena with any particular 2009. She said she was sitting in the garden at her
nation,” it said. home with a glass of wine when she saw something.
Project Condign has been compared to Project Blue Book, a U.S. Air “Then I looked up in the sky and saw this huge bright
Force effort to investigate UFOs that closed in 1969. light behind a cloud. Brighter than the moon, but
similar to the light from the moon,” she said.
FOR ET “I said to my husband and my friend, ‘that’s really
odd,’ so we walked down the grass and looked to see
Initial discussions about the study started in 1993, according to Pope,
if there was any source. All of a sudden it moved,
who was no longer involved in the Ministry’s UFO investigations by the
very quickly, from about 11:00 to 1:00. Then it just
time work on the report itself started.
did that, back and forth, for several minutes,” Wilde
Pope, who left the MoD in 2006, has been quoted extensively in the recalled.
media as a result of his links to what remains a highly controversial
“Whenever it moved, something shifted in the air -
topic. His involvement in MoD UFO investigations lasted from 1991 to
but it was silent. Absolutely silent.”
1994, according to his website.
She said her career started to flatline in the 1990s
The report only entered the public domain in 2006 following a Freedom
when she became older and felt she could not keep
of Information request from academic Dr. David Clarke. The identity of
the report’s author has not been revealed.

No time for aliens: how the MoD

had been in use since the 1950s, he
notes: “I filled one in myself after a sortie

tried to prove no one’s out there

when flying in the RAF at the time.” The
author adds that he wishes to keep a low
profile for fear that the media “would
undoubtedly link [this work] with my
by Damien Gayle other known activities on SDI [strategic
defence initiative, better known as the
Report collating a decade of UFO behind the research, which began Star Wars project], BM [ballistic missile]
sightings in 1990s was intended to in 1997 and collated the previous defence etc.”
protect ministry from more X-Files decade’s worth of UFO sightings –
inspired requests known in the technical jargon of DIS as What becomes clear from the files is a
unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) fear among officials of further inciting
It was 1997, the 50th anniversary of UFO-mania. “We need to be very careful
the suspected flying saucer crash at – in a database. The identities of all the
officers involved in the conversation, about expanding ‘UFO’ business and
Roswell in New Mexico, and the heyday thereby sending the public a misleading
of the paranormal mystery series The which lasted several years, are redacted.
Many other excerpts are blacked out, message about the extent of the MoD’s
X-Files. The English-speaking world interest,” says one memo.
was gripped by UFO-mania. But what with exemptions cited including risks
seemed a delightful mystery to some was to national security and international Another says: “Keep the classification
becoming a headache for the spooks at relations. low – I suggest restricted – in order not
Britain’s Defence Intelligence Staff. “The increasing media attention given to to put it in the public domain but at the
this subject in recent months has almost same time prevent the criticism that
Analysts at the DI55 office, the MoD is hiding something under the cloak
department lumbered with the UFO doubled the work of the desk officers
involved to the detriment of other tasks of secrecy.”
brief, were being peppered with requests
from ufologists – and even parliamentary more directly relevant to the work of The report was completed in 2000 and
questions – for information on flying the branch,” one memo says, adding duly discounted the possibility of alien
saucers, taking up time they felt would that it was now time to “reappraise the spaceships over the UK, giving DI55 the
be better spent on terrestrial defence situation” and clarify DIS’s role in the grounds it needed to no longer accept
matters. So top brass decided to issue. reports of sightings. But what DIS did
undertake a definitive study of the unit’s Officials complain about the cost in time next could only fuel the imagination of
collection of reported UFO sightings to and money of investigating sightings and conspiracy theorists. It destroyed the
establish, once and for all, whether there responding to questions. “The problem files on which the report was based, and
was anything in them. is unlikely to subside, especially as the even the database in which they had
US brings into service over the next collated for analysis.
Previously unseen documents reveal
that, far from being an objective study decade high flying capabilities such as David Clarke, a research fellow and
into the possibility of extraterrestrial Global Star, Dark Star, the X-33 and, lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam
visitors, the report was intended from should it come to fruition, the manned University and a specialist in modern
the start to absolve the Ministry of spaceplane,” writes one senior officer. folklore, obtained the files from the MoD
Defence of responsibility for investigating “Other nations will follow, especially with after a freedom of information battle.
sightings. Messages between officials at UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles], which “They always say that the public gets
DIS and the contractor carrying out the may permit risk-taking in unauthorised the wrong idea about UFOs, but they’ve
research show that it focused from the penetrations of airspace.” actually encouraged that themselves
outset only “on the possible threat to Other correspondents remained open- by destroying the files. They’ve actually
the UK [from hostile foreign powers] and minded, with one arguing that in the encouraged conspiracy theorists through
technology acquisition” and not “X-Files absence of analysis “we can not discount their own paranoia,” he said.
activities such as alien abductions”. A the possibility that UAPs are real” or The MoD does not officially respond to
separate memo says: “It shouldn’t be that they could be natural phenomena queries relating to UFOs. It closed its
driven by a UFO thesis.” but with “possible military applications”. UFO desk in 2009 after it was decided
The study replaced one mystery with “It could be argued that UAPs pose a it served no defence purpose and that
another after its author determined potential threat to the defence of the it took staff away from more valuable
that the UFO sightings were a result of realm since we have no idea what they defence-related activities.
in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, DI55 are,” the writer continues.
announced afterwards that it would no It emerges that the analyst
longer accept UFO reports. commissioned to write the report had a
The documents show the deliberations personal interest in the subject. Pointing
out that the same UFO questionnaire

Stephen Hawking’s search for

aliens gets a boost
By Nick Whigham |

evidence that our planet, among the

hundreds of billions in our galaxy, is not
the only where intelligent life has arisen.”

According to the
team of scientists
behind the $133
million Breakthrough
Listen project, “it
is by far the most
The late professor Stephen Hawking was eavesdrop on our galactic neighbors on intensive and
certain there was intelligent life lurking an unprecedented scale. sensitive search
in the universe. ever undertaken for
According to CNET, the project has been
“The idea that we are alone in the using the Parkes telescope in NSW for artificial radio and
universe seems to me completely the past year-and-a-half but had been
implausible and arrogant,” he once said. limited to targeting just a small sample
optical signals”.
“Considering the number of planets and of stars within a relatively short distance
stars that we know exist, it’s extremely from Earth. However, the new receiver
unlikely that we are the only form of It will encompass a “complete survey of
allows scientists to peer deep into
evolved life.” the 1 million nearest stars, the plane and
the galactic plane, which is where the
center of our galaxy, and the 100 nearest
So before he passed away on March 14 majority of the Milky Way’s mass lies.
this year, he threw his support behind The Breakthrough Initiative has signed
a project backed by Russian billionaire Once the data is collected it will be
up for 1,500 hours of observation time
Yuri Milner and Facebook CEO Mark archived, open-sourced, analyzed and
with the Parkes telescope in 2018
Zuckerberg to find that elusive alien researchers will be able to comb through
and the recent tech upgrade will see
civilization. it to look for anomalies and clues that
scientists able to process about 130
may point to signs of intelligent life.
Known as the Breakthrough Listen gigabits per second of observational data
initiative, the project has begun a new from deep space. However, Prof. Hawking wasn’t that
push to survey millions of stars in the optimistic about the fate of humanity
All in all, that could equate to roughly
Milky Way for signals picked up by should an alien species find us and
five million HD movies worth of data.
extraterrestrial technology — and a decide to visit.
“With these new capabilities ... we are
recent upgrade to a famous Australian “If aliens ever visit us, I think the
scanning our galaxy in unprecedented
telescope is boosting the chances of outcome would be much as when
detail,” project scientist Danny Price from
finding them. Christopher Columbus first landed in
UC Berkeley said in a statement.
A hardware upgrade which saw the America, which didn’t turn out very well
“By trawling through these huge for the Native Americans,” he said.
CSIRO telescope known as “The Dish”
datasets for signatures of technological
equipped with a new high-powered All the more reason to find them first.
civilizations, we hope to uncover
receiver last year means researchers can

NASA agrees to fly helicopter

demo on Mars 2020
by Jeff Foust — May 11, 2018

NASA announced May 11 that it will fly a small helicopter

as a technology demonstration on its next Mars rover,
despite concerns from some on the project that it could be a
In a statement issued late May 11, the space agency said it will
include the Mars Helicopter on the Mars 2020 rover mission,
where it will perform a series of test flights over the course of
a month.
“The idea of a helicopter flying the skies of another planet Mars Helicopter will also have to be able to fly autonomously,
is thrilling,” NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in the given the long communications lag with the Earth. “We have
statement. “The Mars Helicopter holds much promise for our an autonomous capability that will be able to receive and
future science, discovery, and exploration missions to Mars.” interpret commands from the ground, and then fly the mission
on its own,” Aung said.
Both Bridenstine and Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas), chairman
of the appropriations subcommittee that funds NASA, NASA sees Mars Helicopter as demonstrating the ability of such
highlighted the fact that, if successful, Mars Helicopter will be vehicles to serve as scouts for future rover missions. That could
the first heavier-than-air vehicle to fly on another world. “This be useful, for example, for later missions to help spot samples
exciting and visionary achievement will inspire young people cached by Mars 2020 in order to collect them for return to
all over the United States to become scientists and engineers, Earth.
paving the way for even greater discoveries in the future,” “The ability to see clearly what lies beyond the next hill is
Culberson said. crucial for future explorers,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA
Mars Helicopter weighs about 1.8 kilograms and has a cubical associate administrator for science, in the statement. Such
fuselage similar in size to a softball. It will be attached to the views are provided now by orbiting spacecraft. “With the
belly pan of the Mars 2020 rover and placed on the surface added dimension of a bird’s-eye view from a ‘marscopter,’ we
upon finding a suitable site after the rover’s February 2021 can only imagine what future missions will achieve.”
landing. The rover will then drive a safe distance from the The potential addition of Mars Helicopter, though, has not
helicopter before flight tests begin. necessarily been warmly accepted by the main Mars 2020
Up to five flights are planned over the 30-day test campaign, mission. At a meeting of the National Academies’ Space Studies
starting with a flight where the helicopter will ascent to an Board May 3, Ken Farley, project scientist for Mars 2020, said
altitude of three meters and hover for 30 seconds. Later flights he and others on the mission had concerns about flying that
will last up to 90 seconds and travel as far as a few hundred technology demonstration.
meters. The helicopter will recharge its lithium-ion batteries “I am not an advocate for the helicopter, and I don’t believe the
between flights with solar cells. Mars 2020 project has been an advocate for the helicopter,” he
The helicopter faces a number of technical challenges, said at the meeting. The major issue, he said, was that adding
including being able to generate lift in atmospheric densities Mars Helicopter could disrupt science operations of the main
equivalent to an altitude of 30 kilometers on Earth, more than rover during that 30-day test period even as the mission was
double the altitude record for a conventional helicopter. working to find efficiencies elsewhere to maximize its overall
“To make it fly at that low atmospheric density, we had to
scrutinize everything, make it as light as possible while being He added, though, that Mars 2020 has worked to
as strong and as powerful as it can possibly be,” said Mimi accommodate the helicopter, and was not concerned about
Aung, Mars Helicopter project manager at the Jet Propulsion any technical risk to the mission from it. “Everybody agrees it
Laboratory, in the statement. The helicopters blades will rotate will not put the mission at risk,” he said. “All the decisions that
at up to 3,000 revolutions per minute, 10 times the rate of a are being made have to honor that.”
terrestrial helicopter.

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“Once I realised what the picture was, I

realised after that he might have been
giving me a bit of a clue.

“Tony had always made out that he
was an amateur photographer and was
stumbling along but on the back of this,
I did not see it for years, on the back of
this picture is a little sticker that he has
Meet the paranormal specialist who had professionally printed.

debunked the region’s biggest mystery

“It has got a picture of a camera on it
and it says ‘Tony O – photography black
and white, sepia and colour – copies of
photos’ and his phone number.
By Luke Bartlett
“The way that the Wem photograph had
been done, it is a copy, it is a sandwich
Andrew Homer, from Sedgley, has more Debunked copy, and he has got this sticker on the
than a tale or two about the ghostly back of this thing saying he is doing
goings on of the Black Country and It is something Andrew is proud to have
been a part of, and the clues, he says, copies of photographs, so he had got the
beyond. skills to do it.
were on his wall all along.
The 62-year-old – who is the resident “He had never admitted to faking it right
chemist at the Black Country Living “The picture was not debunked until long
after Tony had died in 2005.” he said. up until the end.”
Museum – was part of the team that
helped solve the mystery of the Wem “It was actually a colleague of mine that Investigating and writing about the
Town Hall ghost – a case which gained did it and it could only be debunked paranormal was something that started
huge national attention during the using computer software that is available for Andrew back in 1984 following
1990s. now that you would not have been able an incident he experienced at Dudley
to do at the time – for many, many years College.
Photographer Tony O’Rahilly was said to
have stood across from the Shropshire we did not know. The author was working there as a
building as it burnt down in 1995 and “It was faked, he did fake it, but I actually teacher in special education needs and
captured the now infamous picture – liked the guy, I met him a couple of computing when he saw a figure in a
showing a little girl standing amongst the times. dark suit holding a briefcase early one
blaze. morning.He watched the man in the dark
“When Wem Town Hall burnt down suit walk into a room which had two
It was believed for a long time that Mr it was a major blow for Wem, it is double doors with only one way in and
O’Rahilly had captured the ghost of a girl only a tiny place anyway, and I think one way out.
who was pictured on Wem High Street that he thought by trying to generate
on a postcard from 1922. some publicity for Wem it would just At the time the college had been subject
help Wem out – I think that was his to a coffee thief – and Andrew thought
But together with ASSAP, a paranormal he had caught the perpetrator red
education and research charity, and motivation.
handed. He waited to give the man the
Parasearch, a paranormal investigation “He appeared not to want money for the chance to get the kettle on, and after a
unit Andrew joined in the 1980s, he negative, and there was only ever one few moments, burst into the room. The
worked with Steve Potter who found the negative of this thing and he gave me it.” room was empty.
photo to be a copy in 2007.
He continued: “Tony also gave me It is something that has inspired him to
O’Rahilly had, according to Parasearch, a photograph, he had framed it and carry on with his work to this very day.
tampered with the image to make the everything, it is a nice picture of Wem After spending years investigating with
girl appear as though she was in the Town Hall burning down. local paranormal units, Andrew has
burning building. turned his hand to pen and paper. His
“There is no girl standing in the doorway,
it is a photograph without the girl and latest book – Black Country Ghosts and
he signed it and he put the date and Hauntings – is a gazetteer of the region’s
everything. paranormal and is available on Amazon.

Mysterious hairy sea creature

dubbed a ‘globster’ washes up
on beach as terrified locals beg
“please pray for us”
By Anna Slater

A mysterious sea creature which looked the deepest parts of the ocean start
like a “dead monster” washed up on a appearing, something bad will happen.”
beach - sparking fears of an impending Mother-of-two Imelda Mariz said
disaster. she had taken her children to see the
The enormous hairy blob surfaced creature which they thought was a
last night at around 7pm and was “monster”.
immediately thought to be a ‘globster.’ She said: “I couldn’t believe what it was,
Marine workers arrived to take samples I’ve never seen anything like it. In God’s
of the unidentified creature which they name, I was shocked. The children were
say smells “awful” and like “something scared it was a dead monster. Nobody
from another planet.” knows what it is yet.”
Fishery Law Enforcement Officer Vox
Villagers in the Oriental Mindoro Neighbouring residents gathered round Krusada said: “Today we just gathered a
province in the Philippines flocked to see the ‘globster’ laying in shallow sea water samples of it for further analysis.
the 20ft long dead carcass, posing for on the beach in the town of San Antonio
“For now we can say its a whale, but the
selfies with it. for a closer look at the animal.
exact species is still unknown. The tissue
But others fear it is the sign of a natural It is around 4ft wide at one end and samples are now sent to our lab for DNA
disaster, such as an earthquake. about 2ft wide at the other with a analysis.
Resident Tam Maling said: “An greyish white colour. A similar ‘globster’
“The local government of Gloria will now
earthquake is heading for Oriental creature appeared in Dinagat Islands,
bury the carcass. And damn it smells
Mindoro. The big globster is a sign of Philippines, last February which officials
awful. it smells like something from
something bad coming. Please pray for said was an Orca whale or a manatee.
another planet.
us.” Government workers from the Bureau of
“I really experienced the full power of
Vincent Dela Pena Badillo added: “Many Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in the
its smell because im the one who took
were alarmed including me when Mimapora Region will now dispose of
the tissue samples. I almost puked. I felt
we learned the news about it. It has the creature, which they believe could be
better after taking a bath but the stench
been told that when creatures from a dead whale, later today.
still lingers in my nose.”


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produced by Joanna Soh, The
Moore Show - Alternative Late
Night Talk Show covering all
things strange...


Formed originally from an amalgamation of

regional UFO societies and individuals, our subject
encompasses history, archives, investigations and
research and is well known across the U.K. and also
BUFORA works with other organisations which
share a similar ethos and approach to investigations
Birmingham UFO Group
and research. We seek the facts through a scientific An amazing website covering
and factually evaluative approach and investigated UFO reports, contact cases,
our fully trained team of investigators are required report forms, events and lectures,
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sightings, whether it is lights in the sky, vehicle Check them out at:
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Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors and
we provide a review of the material by promoting and advertising them within

our magazine. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised,
simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to
Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

Strange Experiences
This new release from Flying Disk Press is truly charming and in some cases
genuinely poignant. Gathered in this volume are, for the most part, the
remarkable supernatural experiences of the late Dr. R.C.C. Clay, who was a
medical practitioner in rural Wiltshire, which is in the south east of England. The
accounts of Dr Clay, which date from around the 1920’s until the early 1960’s,
are told in a refreshingly open-minded and straightforward manner, ‘The Ghost
of Avebury Churchyard’, ‘Ghosts of Fovant, Wiltshire’ and the ‘Bronze Age
Horseman’ are examples of this and are truly thought provoking.
What Dr Clay describes fall into several categories including hauntings,
apparitions and apparent examples of ESP or perhaps synchronicity, where
individuals, including the doctor, did things for no obvious reason only to find
out later that they were extremely relevant. There are also examples of other
encounters that seem to fall through the cracks in the façade of reality into the
world of ‘high strangeness’ events.
The accounts were assembled by Dr. Clay’s grandson, Robert Snow, the one-time
general secretary of The Ghost Club, and they form around 90% of the content.
Author: Robert Snow The rest is supplied by Mr Snow and tell of his own remarkable experiences.
Publisher: Flying Disk Press This is especially true when the author recounts his visit to a real paranormal
ISBN: 978-1980379218
hotspot, the imposing and creepy Woodchester Mansion: what occurred there
Price: £5.95 (Amazon)
was genuinely alarming and witnessed by multiple individuals. This is a valuable
addition to the literature of the strange and bizarre and I have no hesitation in
recommending it to anyone with an interest in the paranormal.

In The Light Of The Self

It is encouraging to be assured (as this book does) that the three main religions
nowadays are more or less new - and frequently hubristic - arrivals on the block
and many of their precepts were laid out previously by other systems of belief. It
is a very similar process with the journey to discover the supreme attainment of
tranquilly and peace by finding and understanding the true nature of self. This
book sets out one method of achieving this truly desirable and nirvanic state by
telling the true story of Shankara, an eight year old boy who set out some 1200
years ago to seek enlightenment. The book sets out his journey from noviciate
to master and in the process sets out the steps he followed in doing this. The
fact that he became one of Hinduisms most revered figures, a saint in fact,
shows that he must have got something right, because his legacy still endures
to this day. The book sets out the way he did this and the truths he uncovered,
truths that are even more relevant in these dire and straitened times. The book
sets out a series of questions and answers to guide the seeker on their path
to understanding and ultimate enlightenment. Perhaps not for the absolute
Author: Alistair Shearer beginner, but this is a worthy publication that will give solace and comfort to
Publisher: White Crow Books many and White Crow Books are to be congratulated for helping show the way.
ISBN: 978-1-78677-021-9
Price: £16.99 (Amazon)

Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors and
we provide a review of the material by promoting and advertising them within

our magazine. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised,
simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to
Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

One Hundred Cases for Survival After Death

This book makes its case for the afterlife based on events drawn from the
extensive files of the Society For Psychical Research (SPR). Just about every
variation on how this happens is set out in the eleven chapters and include
(but are not limited to) dreams, apparitions, automatic writing, direct voice
phenomena and actual materialisations of spirit entities. Some of the cases are
quite well known, especially those investigated by the now deceased (and some
might say notorious) psychic investigator, Harry Price. The Price cases describe
the now demolished and allegedly abundantly haunted Borley Rectory, plus
the extremely enigmatic events surrounding the materialisation of the child,
‘Rosalie’, which is a case that that really does need very careful examination.
Aside from these examples, the reader can open the book anywhere and
guarantee that some pearl of information will emerge; the frequently used
example of the Raynham Hall staircase apparition is a case in point. Particularly
useful is that each chapter, one for each method of contact used, starts with a
few words of explanation detailing how these techniques work, although it is
arguable that each method is equally valid and only serves as a point of focus
for the medium. In other words they are all just keys that open the same door.
Although the cases in the book are all set in the early 20th century this does not
Author: A.T. Baird matter, because the evidence is as valid now as it was then. The only difference
Publisher: White Crow Books is that now we have better equipment, and possibly protocols, to validate
ISBN: 978-1-78677-041-7 the reality of a genuine phenomenon. This is a must read for any serious
Price: £9.99 investigator of the paranormal.

I Have Seen it Tomorrow

Any book that is endorsed by Mary Rodwell has to be taken seriously and this
work, written pseudonymously by Slovakian born Julia Sellers, is a genuine
attempt to have the phenomenon of out of body experience (OOBE) taken
seriously. The book shows what can (and frequently does) happen when
consciousness is voyaging in what is effectively ‘the aether’, or maybe at a pinch
‘hyperspace’. The chapter headings (there are seven quite lengthy chapters)
are revealing, ‘The Future You Do Not Remember’, ‘People Are Not Dead Until
They Have Been Reborn’, and my own favourite, ‘Audible Light And Luminous
Sound’, pretty much say it all. The last mentioned chapter, with its obvious nod
to synesthesia, is especially insightful.
In fact the book uses several useful and inventive metaphors to describe astral
travel, how to achieve it and what can, and frequently is, encountered there. As
it happens this reviewer has occasionally experienced OOBE in the form of lucid
dreams, so it is easier for me to relate to what is discussed here. The book itself
is engagingly written and draws the reader in to share the fascinating honesty
and insights of the author. OK, there are a couple of points that might cause
some issues, e.g. are the soul and consciousness the same thing? The author
implies that they are, but are they? Fortunately the book covers enough ground
Author: Iris Krst to allow the reader to draw their own conclusions from the evidence presented.
Publisher: Self Published There is no doubt that this fascinating book will provide a rich source of material
for both the sceptic and the believer, but more importantly, it might encourage
ISBN: 978-1-78677-039-4
those who have an enquiring nature to explore the possibility of an experience
Price: £11.61 that well goes beyond time and space. Highly and undeservedly recommended.

Book Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors and
we provide a review of the material by promoting and advertising them within

our magazine. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised,
simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to
Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

One of the most puzzling, frustrating, and possibly terrifying manifestations of
the paranormal are alleged poltergeist infestations and in this welcome reissue
of ‘Poltergeists’, White Crow do an excellent and timely job or reintroducing
this iconic and well researched book to a new audience. Showing just how
long these outbreaks have been around, the book starts with the 17th
century Mompesson case, not because it was the first example of poltergeist
phenomena, far from it, because this has been around for as long as there have
been humans on the planet, but because it was remarkably well-documented.
Using this as this as their starting point, the authors, who include 500 examples
of the phenomenon, continue right up to modern times and also show that it
can manifests in various ways, because apart from the usual rapping, knocking
and items being thrown around, it can also somehow manage to produce
copious amount of water from, well, where exactly, and more to the point why?
An example is mentioned in the book, but this type of occurrence has occurred
several times.
This reviewer was particularly taken with one of the reports concerning the
‘Sauchie poltergeist’, mainly because I live in the vicinity and reinvestigated this
Author: Alan Gauld & A.D. Cornell
very case, which dates from 1960, a number of years ago, and at the time it was
Publisher: White Crow Books
widely reported in both print and broadcast media. I was also able to interview
ISBN: 978-1-78677-039-4
a number of the original witnesses, including one of the doctors (mentioned
Price: £16.99
in the book) who treated Virginia Campbell, the affected child and apparent
epicentre of what occurred: they too were convinced that what occurred was
not due to faking by the child. As part of their research the authors, Gauld and
Cornell, also conducted a number of experiments to try and recreate some
of the phenomena, but were eventually forced to conclude that some, if not
all of the events were genuinely paranormal in nature, but produced by what
exactly? This they can only speculate on, because, frankly, up to now no one
knows for sure. This is an excellent and truly fascinating book dealing with an
astonishing set of anomalous phenomena and is an invaluable asset for the
serious researcher.

My Book Should you want your book to feature in Phenomena Magazine, reviewed etc,
please send to:

Phenomena Magazine
17 Redburn Road, Baguley, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 1AH, UK

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