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MARCH 2021 – ISSUE 143



of Rectory Cottage

Now available in Russia, Spain, India, Australia, Greece, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, Italy, the U.S. & throughout the United Kingdom Published
Issue 143

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ISSUE 143 March 2021

Hello everyone,

he subject of demonic possession has always been a very tricky
subject to deal with, although it has provided a vast trove of terrifying
material for film plots and the like. One school of though is certain
that possession exists entirely in the mind of the affected person so
the problem is down to a psychological aberration of some kind. However
there is another and equally valid viewpoint that insists that something unholy at
has indeed taken over a human body making it perform in all sorts of unlikely

If you ever take a look at demonic possession you will find that its heyday
was in the Middle and Dark Ages, especially in Europe. There was good
reason for that, the Church was interchangeable with the state and the MAPIT
population was mainly superstitious, fearful and ignorant. One case at Luon
in France demonstrates this exactly. A young girl, Nicole Obery, was deemed
possessed by a number of demons and the Catholic Church, which eventually, S4 Digital Press
and after much theatricality, duly expelled them. Each demon declared that
it was a Huguenot (French Protestant) and promptly set off for Geneva in
Switzerland, (at the time Geneva was a centre of the Protestant schism). The COVER IMAGE
Church could then show it had dominion over the forces of Satan (one of the Shutterstock
demons declared it was none other than Beelzebub) and anyway they were all
Protestants. A propaganda exercise that would have made the CIA proud. EDITOR IN CHIEF (UK):
Brian Allan
The only groups that still drive out demons (or exorcise them, it’s effectively
the same thing) on a more-or-less regular basis are the Pentecostal
congregations and a number of other evangelical groups. Whether whatever SPANISH EDITOR CONTACT:
is being ‘driven out’ is demonic in nature is open to question, but it likely some Dario Fernandez
sort of rough-and-ready therapy is taking place. It also seems to be strangely dario.alberto.fernandez
addictive, because some individuals are exorcised on a weekly basis and still
the demons come tumbling out, but then again just about every human failing
seems to fall under the demonic banner. Anger, jealousy, fatigue, laziness,
tiredness, drunkenness, all this is assumed to be temptation by demons. PHENOMENA MAGAZINE
Maybe it is, but it all seems more like religious hysteria to me and normal HEAD OFFICE
human weaknesses get the blame. See you all next month. 17, Redburn Road, Baguley,
Wythenshawe, Manchester,
M23 1AH, United Kingdom.
Brian Allan
UK Editor The PM Team
Editors & Distributors Sotiris at
at UREI, Randy at Atlantis Rising
Magazine, Dario Fernandez at MDA
/ My Astronaut Gods. Rockstand
Distributor - India: Lavinia Pallotta,
Distributor - Italy: Tim at UFOTV,
Distributor - Russia: Vision Ovni
CONTRIBUTORS Head Office Distribution Steve
Jason Wood, Timothy Green Beckley, Dan Green, Mera & Brian Allan; Reporter
Nigel Wright, Brian Haughton, Mike Oram Jackie Heighway; Columnist Tracie
Austin; Columnist Steve Fielding
DISCLAIMER and Australian Correspondent &
Due to MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not be accepted. All submitted articles to Phenomena Reporter Dan Monroe.
Magazine must be ‘Original Work’. MAPIT are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not Special thanks to Don Gilchrist for
belong to the individuals submitting them. MAPIT do everything in their power to credit individuals work and images. assisting with news items.
If you are aware of any material featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us
as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only articles wrote by MAPIT investigators and group logos found
throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors alone and
do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine.

2 Issue 143


6 FOOT ON THE MOON!................ 6
Some disturbing revelations from Mr
UFO, a.k.a Tim Green Beckley, concerning
warnings about our efforts to get into space.


HENDAYE AND SARE..................12
Investigator Dan Green takes a close look
at the carvings and decorations used in
religious practises, particularly the notorious
‘Double Cross of Hendaye and Sare’, on the
French/Spanish border.

TIME TRAVELLER...........................18
In this article, Jason Wood considers the
possibility of time travel and the tale of
Andrew Basiago, who claims to have done
just that.

RECTORY COTTAGE...................24
Nigel Wright shares some of his boyhood
experiences when he encountered a ghost
in his grandparent’s abundantly haunted

THE SPHINX............................................30
In this fascinating item, Brian Haughton
takes yet another look at the enduring
mystery surrounding the of construction the

18 BOOK REVIEWS.................................34
THIS MONTH: The King In Yellow;
Poltergeist: The Night Side of Physics; The

Shadows Out Of Time; The Dream-Quest of
The Unknown Kadath.

DVD REVIEWS......................................36
THIS MONTH: The Land of The Dead; The
Buddy Holly Story; 8 Mile; Van Helsing


“ Incredible documentary featuring

some of the most interesting and
strange UFO cases on record with
“Thoroughly enjoyable
documentary, James Fox has
created yet another masterpiece.
some amazing archive footage we A collection of material that’s simply
had never seen before! undeniable.


“ A thought provoking documentary, edited to perfection

with fascinating archive interviews and footage that’s
rarely been seen. James Fox has again produced an
extraordinary movie. A must see!

“ Amazing video, loved every

minute. Got to be the best
educational video ever made
on the subject of UFOs.
Well done to James Fox!


issue 143


Some disturbing revelations from Mr UFO, a.k.a Tim Green
Beckley, concerning warnings about our efforts to get into space.
(Excerpted from Psychic And UFO Revelations For The Twenty-First Century)
©Dotted Yeti/

! issue 143

ver really wonder why we instructed by my “planetary guides” the sensationalist factor, hoping the
have not been back to the to tell the media that if we attempted event would get more than a blurb in
moon? Why we haven’t set to return to the moon there would the back of the paper. My approach
up a base or even a colony by be serious repercussions on earth resulted in wide coverage. I had said
now? Maybe my warning had been — in the form of earthquakes, power a mouthful and I would have to live
taken to heart — for after all it had failures and other headline making with it.
been a stern one. “Alien beings, using disasters. I should point out that the
the moon as a flying saucer base, space people didn’t necessary say that MICHAEL X’S THE COSMIC GURU
are warning us to watch our step in they were going to cause these events Though I have never considered
space. If we try to colonize the moon, (except for Ted Owens who said the myself a staunch supporter of the
these outer space intelligence, will SI’s could be very vindictive). Instead it New Age wing of the UFO community,
stop us!” was a sort of what you sow you reap I had established a co existing
sort of thing. Tim’s predictions of a friendship with numerous channelers
The New York Daily News and the lunar “no fly zone,” based on channeled and contactees as I do believe they
Sunday Gazette Mail of Charleston, information made headlines. have the right to be heard. And from
West Virginia carried my message time to time what they have to say is
throughout the country, since the After I explained that my source for right on the money!
Daily News had a circulation of about these warnings was a group of UFO
3 million at the time, the WV paper a contactees, who had been in regular Above all else, there was one
lot less of course.Even the prestigious touch with some pretty powerful particular individual from the “cosmic
New York Daily News thought the extraterrestrial friends, they pretty no fly zone” whom I thought was
topic was hot enough to award it much accurately quoted me as having one cut above the rest when it
ample media space. said: “Whatever they are, these beings came to expressing the theme of
are more highly advanced. They are the Space Brothers arrival here on
It was June of 1969, and I was in primarily concerned that we might earth, and what they would like to
Charleston to speak at a large “flying use the moon for military purposes. see accomplished by our society
saucer show,” organized by J. Ralph They’re warning us not to do that.” Fat before we joined with our galactic
Jarrett acting as that years sponsor of chance I would have to say, even at breathern. He was very articulate, and
the Congress of Scientific UFOlogists this late date!? my gut feeling was that his messages
a group of which I was on the national were more than gossamer “New
board of director, along with stalwarts To bolster my point, I revealed that Age cotton candy,” He influenced me
James Moseley, Cleveland’s Rick many of our space missions had been pretty much to the point where I felt
Hilberg and Al Manning, a Korean War closely monitored by “strange lights,” I could be a conduit for some of the
vet who had had an up close, personal which followed our astronauts out in space people’s messages, without
encounter with a Foo Fighter. space in order to show us that they getting involved on a personal level
“meant business.” I also told how as if I were claiming to receive such
I pointed out at a press conference, they might go so far as to “quarantine predictions on my own. I felt I had to
held before the event in the Daniel the earth until we have cleaned up separate my “serious” UFO research
Boone Hotel, that I had been our act.” I confess I was going for efforts from the more “extreme”

Many of our space

missions had been
closely monitored by
‘strange lights’.
issue 143

elements that were hiding in the They were not as poetic or flowery as
shadows, but were looking to guide some of what I call “New Age fluff”
the rest of us toward the light. that was being passed about to the
hard core believers via mimeographed
One of the most influential individuals leaflets. The material he was coming
in the UFO contact movement of the forth with was a combination of
Nineteen Fifties and Sixties was a ancient wisdom bestowed upon him
gentleman named Michael Barton and channeled information which he
(right) whose moniker was an easy, was receiving while in an altered state.
breezy, Michael X, a nom de plum.
He chose it so that he could hang Truth is, his books were presented

©Joe Fex/X Research

out under cover and not be so easily as inspirational courses, suitable for
identified. He was not interested in study groups (which there were a
a cult following, but had some very lot of in the Fifties and into the mid
important information to give out Seventies. This was especially true
which he said had been given to him on the west coast, where some were
by his Space Brother friends from even organized by celebrities who
“Venus.” Every year, Michael X. would would order books from me over the
mount the speaker’s platform at the Van Tassel, so most of them hawked phone. I have one here in front of me
Giant Rock UFO Convention, held their self-published books and stapled now. “Secrets of Higher Contacts,”
just outside the town of Landers, tracks. The material that Michael which was one of his best…and dig
California, in the Mojave Desert. X disseminated, however, was a the list of enlightening chapters,
He would address the throng of cut above the rest. Such titles as presented with pzazz:
up to ten thousand who would sit Venusian Health Science, Venusian
in the hot sun all day to hear the Secret Science, Release Your Cosmic Saucer Mystery Unveiled.
latest message transmitted to the Power, Amazing Visions of the End Brothers of the Higher Arc.
earthly representatives of the Ashtar Times and Rainbow City and the Inner Contacting Your Secret X.
Command and the followers of other Earth People, were highly sought Will You Be A Contactee?
“star fleets” captains. after, as the teachings they contained Your Most Important Role.
were of a higher caliber than most of The Space Brothers Need You Now!
Specifically, Michael said his contacts the material that was being spread
were from the planet Venus. None of around in the name of the space In fact, as far as it is known, Michael
the Giant Rock presenters received a aliens. The transmissions Michael X published the first book in the U.S.
speaker’s fee from promoter George received were direct and “non filtered.” on the Nazi UFO connection. It was

Above: Giant Rock UFO Convention was the Contact In The Desert of its day.

8 issue 143

titled, We Want You — Is Hitler Alive?

Later on he published, The German
Saucer Story, Both were to bring him
a great deal of trouble as we shall see.
The little booklet We Want You — Is
Hitler Alive? — seems to have gotten
Michael X into a whirl wind of trouble.

Suddenly, Michael X disappeared

from the scene. He did not want to
talk about UFOs or the space people
any longer. Something had frightened
him dreadfully. According to the late
Frank Stranges, a personal friend of
both Michael X and myself, it had
something to do with Barton’s belief
that at least some UFOs were being
manufactured right here on earth by
members of an elite Fourth Reich well because of their catchy titles, and Most important of all, and this is
who had manufactured disc shaped they were inexpensive, at $10 or less. the fist time I am confessing to this,
devices. The plans for these devices Michael would drop ship the orders I penned Danger On The Moon, a
had come from a negative race of to my customers. We didn’t have a 32 page discourse which I feel is
Nordic-like extraterrestrials who lengthy conversation but we were still very relevant to this day due
sympathized with Hitler and his Aryan doing business together. to the timeliness of its contents,
supremacy views. even though it came out in the
When Michael folded his tent, he late Sixties. In short, this booklet
Michael X had claimed telepathic had cartons of unsold books. I explained how even though we had
contact with his space “friends.” One took maybe 50 of each of the “best landed on the moon, because of our
day they told him to go to a particular sellers,” figuring I would sell them warlike activities and general chaos,
spot in the desert to meet with them over a period of time. And Gray the space people would prevent us
face to face. He did not feel this was Barker’s Saucerian Press took the from returning to the lunar surface.
an unusual suggestion as he had rest. Somewhere along the line I They would take whatever measures
followed their commands to meet had asked him if it was ok for me to necessary to see that we did not
several time before without incident. reprint the various tomes if need be establish our own bases or colonies
This time the results were not to his and he had no objections However, there, which had long been on our
liking. He had parked his vehicle and he in effect warned me to stay away space agencies agenda.
had gotten out to see if there was from the book on Nazi UFOs which
a ship approaching, when suddenly had been so troubling. Gray Barker Readers couldn’t wait to read Danger
he saw something glittering in the was doing so well with the Michael on the Moon’s next breathtaking
sunlight. He looked off to his side, and X material that he wanted to publish page. n
there partially hidden behind a sand more titles by the author, but any offer
dune was a would be assassin, a man he made to Michael was refused. He SUGGESTED READING
with a rifle whose metallic barrel was wanted no more dealings with the
reflecting the sun’s rays giving their space brothers, be they legit friends PSYCHIC AND UFO REVELATIONS
hiding spot away. from “Venus.” or potential Nazi “space FOR THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY
Author, researcher and guru, Michael Aryans” whose intentions were “not of is now available at Amazon.
X fled the scene as quickly as possible the light.”
realizing that he had been “set upon” THE STUNNING COLOR PHOTOS
by entities he had no desire to deal Acting under the Michael X banner, OF UFO CONTACTEE PAUL VILLA
with. His wisdom was no match for Beckley now admits he was -- TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE?
a firearm with a scope. From what responsible for this book on Tesla.
we later heard, Michael canceled all So I took up the helm. I wrote 3 DEAD ALIENS, REVERSE
of his forthcoming speaking dates books under the Michael X plume. TECHNOLOGY AND THE
and went into seclusion not knowing They were, Nikola Tesla — Man or WHISTLEBLOWERS OF “AREA 51”
how to deal with this very unnerving Spaceman. Before inking this little -AND BEYOND!
situation which had never confronted booklet there had only been two other
him before. Even as a teenager I volumes on Tesla, and nothing about THE STRANGE DEJA VU ASPECT
was in the business of selling UFO his UFO — outer space — connection. OF UFOS
books to finance my research. Long Now there over 700 Tesla titles being
distance phone calls to witnesses sold on Amazon. Then there was THE MAD, MAD WORLD OF THE
were expensive in those days (maybe Gone Forever in the Blink of An Eye, CONTROLLERS – THE GREAT
$10 for a 3 minute conversation from which dealt with the disappearance COSMIC CONSPIRACY
east coast to west). And one had to of one of Michael’s close friend,
Subscribe to our YouTube channel,
buy gas and rent hotel rooms while on Dr Halsey whom might have been Mr. UFOs Secret Files with 400+ interviews.
the road. Michael X books always sold scooped up by aliens.

issue 143

10 issue 143

issue 143
©C. Lindahl

12 issue 143

Investigator Dan Green takes a close look at the carvings and
decorations used in religious practises, particularly the notorious
‘Double Cross of Hendaye and Sare’, on the French/Spanish border.

ow, if I were a sculptor Mystery contained within a Gothic trying to erase anticipated bias and
and had crafted my own Cathedral, that of Lincoln England, so, looking out for an explanation to
work replete with many at least I can quote him as a reliable match my own thoughts of a comet
curious symbology and source. intervention, I thought why not see if I
metaphors relevant to my very own can make my own jigsaw pieces fit.
experiences, bias, and knowledge, Fulcanelli, the first to investigate,
and perhaps known only to me, and decided that the 3 metre or so tall In 2015 Italian actress Laura Lamberti
decades later, when I would be no Cross of Hendaye having finally added to the drama, acting on
longer contactable or alive, it was arrived at the graveyard at the church some eventual assistance from two
left to other people to ‘decode’ or of St Vincent, was telling of two originally reticent Basque locals at
understand what I had left them, the global catastrophes, one that would Hendaye, to discover a ‘twin’ cross
chances are they could only tackle announce itself skyward. Having (pic opposite) in the church yard of St
the issue with guesswork. Could found that much of my own research Martin, Sare, (pronounced ‘Sarah in
any one person actually work out strongly hints at the possibility of Basque’) only 10 miles away, although
precisely what had been in my mind, a cometary impact or endangering it is less of a clone by the fact that
in particularly if what I had done was close passing facing mankind, it was it appears unfinished, some of its
just personal reflection or even for natural that I took my own look and sides blank. if we reverse ‘Sare’ we
my own amusement? The odds are take, and like so many others before reveal the phonetic ‘erase’. Could this
that nobody would be successful, but me, on any hidden meaning contained erasure have even more worrying
because the brain perceives things within this structure. This time the implication than just blank sides?
in a different fashion from person search would be a different approach Mysterious goings on indeed. How
to person, lobe to lobe, some might from others in that I had already had it taken so long for someone to
come up with some pretty convincing decided what I am going to look for. discover this secondary effort when
alternatives. Knowing that the expectation is one it was so near? The Hendaye Cross, it
of catastrophe doesn’t help if one is has been inferred by some, points to
And so, this brings me to the subject

Italian actress Laura

of the infamous Cross of Hendaye,
found right on the border between
France and Spain, reasonably reliably

Lamberti discovered a
dated as 1698 and first tackled by the
mysterious figure of Fulcanelli author
of ‘The Mystery of the Cathedrals’.

‘twin’ cross in the church

Its even unknown if he was indeed a
singular person or whether ‘Fulcanelli’
may have been the work of more than
one person or even a group, so the

yard of St Martin, Sare.

plot thickens even before it has gotten
started! I’m indebted, however, to this
authorship for having found my own

issue 143

Vincent’ were to metamorphose

into the Priory of Sion, that shadowy
organisation mostly associated
with Rennes-le-Chateau, whom
most consider entirely fictional.One
more connection with this saint and
Rennes-le-chateau is that another
devil like figure holding up a water
stoup can be found at the St Vincent
Collegiate church in Montreal, a short
distance from the chateau. Given
that the biblical figure of Jesus refers
to himself as ‘I am the true Vine..’ in
John 15:1, I considered it a worthwhile
thought that we phonetically re-
interpret St Vincent as ‘Vine Sent’
relating to Christ’s anticipated return.

Hendaye’s Cross has at it its head the

INRI inscription from his crucifixion.
Alchemical understanding of INRI
claims it to read ‘Igne Natura
Renovatar Integra’ - ‘By fire nature
is renewed whole’ – a reference,
some believe, to a returning Christ
destroying and renewing the world
by fire. Already I am thinking comet.
Contrastingly perhaps, the cross at
Sare, pronounced Sarah in Basque
recall, reminded me of the phrase
‘Ce Sera Sera’ - in Spanish, ‘It will be’.
Above: The Cross at Hendaye What will? An inevitable catastrophe?

A broken Latin inscription on the

a clock face at a church in Cornwall Cross, with a curious misplaced ‘S’ at
England, which announces ‘Watch the end of OCRUXAVES reads;
and pray, time hastes away’ with a
similar inscription, I understand, to be OCRUXAVES Top: The inscription INRI is said to read ‘Igne
found at St Martin’s. PESUNICA Natura Renovatar Integra - By fire nature is
renewed whole’.
Okay then, not to be left out, here goes Some previous researchers point Above: The broken Latin inscription on the
my own inspection based on my usual out that this curious ‘S’ reminds one Hendaye cross.
modus operandi of utilising a depth of a twisting snake and that ‘Spes,’
psychology approach which takes the hope, in reverse is ‘seps’, or snake. cyclic renewal of life and death. Its
unconscious mind into account and What I reminded myself of, was ancient global meaning is ‘The end
its relationship to the conscious. the Aegypto-Greek Ouroboros, the is the beginning’, reproducing itself,
Firstly, there is the place name of ancient symbol of a snake eating mating,impregnating,and destroying
where we find this cross, in the its own tail (interesting, as comets itself. The word means ‘life conflict’.
churchyard of St Vincent. It is have a tail) or ‘coming back on When death comes the end meets the
postulated that the ‘Children of St itself,’ interpreted symbolically as beginning, reminding one of Jesus as
both Alpha and the Omega.

In some cultures the

In some cultures the snake was
a fertility symbol symbolising the
umbilical cord to join humans

snake was a fertility

to Mother Earth. Ancient Crete
worshipped them as guardians of
the Mother Goddess’ mysteries of
birth and regeneration. Snakes can

symbol symbolising the be poisonous but they can also be

used for medicinal purpose – and so,
life and death. The Cosmic Serpent,

umbilical chord.
the 1982 Clube and Napier book,
writes of a giant comet that terrorised
mankind millennia ago and they cite it

14 issue 143

in their theories concerning cometary indicates that what is happening is

catastrophes. the result of a course of events.

Utilising this thought about the Next, The curious half-moon with an
Ouroboros ‘coming back on itself’ I eye. Here, I suggest an ‘Eye see’ which
tried it out on the anomalous ‘S’ of the I will then morph into ‘Icy’ (a comet is
SPESUNICA by taking the last letter, an icy body), and if I daringly corrupt
an ‘A’,and placing it before it to show the moon as a satellite into ‘set light’,
ASPESUNICA, revealing ‘ASP’ – the on fire as a comet, we have a fair
poisonous snake of Egypt. Note, that description of one. I also directed ‘set
the core of a comet contains the alight’ at Alexa, and she accepted and
poison cyanide.Cometary impact is responded to it as ‘satellite.’ Thirdly,
not all bad news in a cosmic sense. we see what almost all commentators
want to call ‘The angry sun’. At first I
There is a growing scientific opinion wondered, if so, is it angry because it
that such an event may well have cannot swallow up the comet to avert
seeded life on earth, and if necessary disaster, as sun’s do? To differ, I tried
after any extinction it could happen seeing an ‘Aching’ sun – A sun ache =
again, havingcaused amino acids to phonetic‘snake.’
turn into peptides, the first building
blocks of life. I wondered if the Above: Is it a star, or a compass? Finally, saying what I see, there is
SPESUNICA from ‘Ave Crux, Spes the carving of a pictorial set of four
Unica, the Latin pious motto meaning ‘A’s as in the arms of a cross. Again,
‘Hail to the cross, our only hope,’ may A comet can comprise of the colour the crossing of a comet? These
have actually meant our only hope ochre, Vesper relates to the evening 4 A’s brought into play both the
was for a comet to cross safely in when they are best seen and SUNICA phonetic ‘For Razes’ – Razes being
the sky at a safe distance away from is a phonetic for ‘Snake’. Slightly the name of the county of which the
earth so not to cause upheaval. unsure of some of my phonetics, later Rennes-le-Chateau was part
I tried them out by consulting the founded,and ‘Four A’ = Foray, which,
There are two crosses at the head of natural voice recognitionservice when used as a noun means ‘A
the Hendaye cross – could these be a of Alexa with SUNICA and the short, sudden attack’. From a comet?
reference to how a comet crosses the appropriate response was to direct Wouldn’t it indeed be short and
earth’s orbit and the earth crosses the me to ‘snake’ as she did ‘Vesper’ for sudden?
comets? ‘Vespe’ If it’s good enough for AI its
good enough for me! Author Cort Lindahl who has
Using my preferred depth psychology, done amazing work on all thing
I decided to look into the carved Looking at the carving of The Star, navigational has pointed out that the
pictorials on the crosswith a I resisted the temptation to view it both Cross of Hendaye and the chapel
difference mind set. This time, I knew as a compass, I instead settled for next to the ‘twin’ cross point to the
what I would be looking for and would compass being a covert reference Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela
be trying to make the jigsaw pieces to ‘Come Pass’ in respect of an (Should his be read as‘Compass
fit a comet. Looking at ‘Ocruxaves arriving comet. The phrase ‘Come to Stellar’?), historically a place of
Spesunica’ with the modus operandi Pass’ means ‘To happen’, and often pilgrimage on the Way of St James
of ‘Say what you see’,the punning
play on words system employed by
numerous ‘secret’ societies,’ I read;
‘Ochre rocks, a vesper, snake.’

Above: The early alchemical Ouroboros Above left: ‘I see’ = ICY; Above right: The ‘Aching’ sun = a snake?

issue 143

Above: The Four ‘A’s. Above: Model symbol of The Way & Ochre rock comet.

route in Galicia, Spain, and housing cross reminds me of the French form It is safe to say that one day a comet
his shrine.The Cross of St James, is of the Patriarchal Cross, the Cross WILL inevitably again impact and
a charge in the form of a cross, the of Lorraine, the heraldic two barred consequently reseed earth as it has
lower limb pointed as if to be driven cross – which is coincidently the done in the past. Whether in ten years,
into the ground. Or a person, if we shape of Lincoln cathedral as viewed five hundred, five thousand, I cannot
care to see it as a dagger and I have from the air – which brings us back say. The late author and investigator
shown in earlier Blogs how comets to our asp discovery as it has an David Wood’s research into the
have historically been described in occult association with poison and message of Rennes-le-Chateau
their flight as flaming swords and can was used as an icon by chemists predicted 2085. Graham Hancock in
also be viewed as a dagger. Depth (originally alchemists) on their bottles his ‘Magicians of the Gods’ potentially
psychology appears to be at work yet of poisonous substances. It was even anytime between 2020 and 2040.
again. used in memory of poison gas used Either or neither might be right but
in the Lorraine area during world war both can’t be.
The scallop shell, or clam, is a symbol one. Remember how the core of a
of the Camino and St James. The comet contains the poison cyanide. I originally thought any likely
Camino de Santiago is a network of
pilgrims’ ways or pilgrimages leading
to the shrine of James. The word
‘pilgrim’ comes from ‘peregrine’ and
travelling about, and ‘peregrination’
means a complete and systematic
course or round. This is also
describing the course of a returning
comet. The model symbol of the Way,
not only of my rock coloured ochre,
might also be matched as a pictorial
for a streaking comet in the heavens.
Might not ‘clam’ be too close to home
ironically for ‘calamity’?

So, we have the two ‘Hendaye’

crosses, one in the village of Hendaye,
the other a fifteen minute drive away
at Sare. Is this an intimation of a
double cross? That hope for a safe
double crossing of the comet in
earth’s orbit and vice versa? A double Above: Ouroboros at Tutankhamun shrine.

issue 143

Above: Swift-Tuttle and it’s tail.

culpritwould be the enormous icy, Tutankhamun. We are now assured before the 26 and we arrive at 2126
periodic comet Swift-Tuttle, twice that this comet won’t impact. Let’s the year of the return of Swift-Tuttle.
the size of the object thought to hope the calculations are accurate
have demised the dinosaurs and or, worse still, nobody is lying to us I appreciate that some will view
responsible for our annual Perseids for that would surely be the ultimate what I have presented here as far-
meteor shower, due to pass close ‘double cross’ of betrayal. fetched, but then isn’t a comet also
to the earth or moon next in August far-fetched? I still find it surprising
2126. There were once fears that Now I don’t do time calculations as that nobody seems to have pointed
this comet was definitely on a crash I am aware of Time as an illusionary out that the word ‘Hendaye’ can’t help
course with earth. I based my choice concept but I couldn’t help noticing pronouncing ‘End day’. The whole
on the inscription placed near the one last thing with the Ouroboros. genre of doomsday style predictions
door of Tutankhamun’s tomb ‘Death There are 26 letters in the alphabet. can even be entertaining in their
shall come on swift wings to him If we return to the OCRUXAVES inventiveness; however, it would be
who disturbs the peace of the King’. PESUNICA inscription and count the helpful if there was some sort of
King Tut, Tuttle, a reference to Swift; number of letters there are 17 but if clincher for me to reinforce all that I
it’s all a bit ominous. The first known we employ our ‘swallowing its tail’ and have imaginatively suggested. And
representation of the Ouroboros, continue around from the end to again maybe there is. NASA’s Earth Science
incidentally, is on one of the shrines include the OCRU that halts at the X, Disaster Programme has a title. Its
enclosing the sarcophagus of we have the number 21. Place this name - ASP. n

issue 143


In this article, Jason Wood considers the possibility of time travel
and the tale of Andrew Basiago, who claims to have done just that.

he subject of time travel is They were looking for a feature called he reached the light he found that he
problematic, but is thought to the ‘Petit Trianon’, a beautiful, small had travelled into the future, to the
be achievable by transferring château located in the grounds, when year 2042. It was here that he met
consciousness using non- they became lost and started to feel his future self now aged seventy two,
physical means, such as those what they later described as ‘strange’ they were both amazed, but were
used in the CIA sponsored Stargate and ‘uneasy’. They asked directions able to establish each others identity
Project. Or it might be achieved from two men who were wearing by comparing tattoos and also their
for physical objects and people by long green coats and tri-corn hats. family history; things like where they
the use of advanced technology of The men directed them to a bridge, had hidden possessions in childhood.
some kind. Many claims have been where Anne Moberly saw a woman
made about the phenomenon and wearing 18th-century clothing sitting Then there are the technology-based
there have been several people and on a stool, sketching. Once back in cases of time travel, such as the
organisations claiming to have been England they did some research and alleged time traveller, or perhaps ‘time
part of experiments in physical and to their surprise found that the woman viewer’ would be a more accurate
non-physical time travel, in some they has seen sketching was identical description, Father Pellegrino Ernetti
cases building devices to permit to a portrait of Marie Antoinette, they who was a Benedictine monk and
individuals and objects to physically also discovered that she had been an authority on Gregorian chants
travel through the dimension of time. sketching the Petit Trianon when she and other forms of ancient music.
learned that a mob was marching on He claimed to have co-invented the
There have even been individuals who Versailles. “chronovisor,” a device that resembled
claimed that they actually travelled
in time and these claims rely on Another time traveller who did not
the possibility that there naturally use any obvious form of technology
occurring weaknesses exist in space/ was a 36 year-old Swedish man called
time; portals that, depending on Håkan Nordkvist who, in 2006, found
many factors, permit transit to the pools of water on his kitchen floor. He
past and of course the future. These assumed that there was a plumbing
portals are not just one-way options leak from the kitchen sink so he got
and allow beings from the future or his tools and crawled under the sink,
the past access to our own version of but for some reason he could not see
reality. Perhaps the best known of the or reach the pipe work. Instead, to
non-technical time travellers were the his astonishment what he saw was a
academics Anne Moberly and Eleanor tunnel of some kind.
Jourdain who, in August, 1901 while
visiting France, spent some time at He began crawling down this tunnel
the Palace of Versailles. and saw a light and kept going, when

18 issue 143

a television set, but had the ability to

‘tune in’ to events from the past.

He said that he developing this device

while worked with the physicist Enrico
Fermi and rocket scientist Werner
von Braun. Ernetti allegedly used
the chronovisor to observe the Last
Supper and also Christ’s crucifixion.
A decision was eventually taken to
completely destroy the device in
case it created serious problems in
the present by supplying an accurate
version of history, and this could be
extremely dangerous because of the
many mistakes that have been made,
some of them deliberately.

Another claimant for technology

based time travel was John Titor, a
supposed future soldier, however,
despite an impressive knowledge of
science, Titor was never actually seen
and all his information came from
posts on the internet However, one
of very few people who have come
out, face-to-face, and claimed to have
time travelled is Andrew Basagio. He
claims to have been part of a project
operated by the US Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency, a highly
secretive weapons development
organisation also known by the
acronym, ‘DARPA’.

All of this contradicts observations

made by the late Stephen Hawking,
when he said that saying time travel
to the past is impossible, because the
universe would not allow paradoxes
that entail the destruction of
something that exists in the future.
Perhaps, but then again if what
Basagio is true, perhaps not. Despite Top: The alleged ‘chronovisor’ built by Father Pellegrino Ernetti (opposite). Above: An alleged
this, Basagio, a Seattle attorney, image from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (left) with comaprable artwork (right).
claimed that as a child he became
what he called a ‘chrononaut’ as part
of Project Pegasus, which was the the initial experiments suffered severe According to Basagio there have
name of an alleged CIA/DARPA time- psychological issues after repeated been US military bases on Mars since
travel project that lasted from 1968 exposure to the fields created by the 1976 and they are still there under
until 1972. This particular programme device. In order to avoid the time constant development. The project
was based on the concept of the paradoxes that could arise from their was allegedly based on a technique
holographic nature of space/time visits to the past, Basagio said that called ‘quantum access’ originally
and involved training groups of they were sent back on alternate developed as a result of much earlier
gifted youngsters to become the first time lines, rather like the proposed by work conducted by Nikola Tesla and
generation of time explorers. There the ‘many worlds theory’ developed this exotic technology may have been
were said to around 140 youngsters by the American physicist, Hugh in use as early as 1967.
involved in the project. Everett. This controversial theory also There has been speculation that the
proposes alternate universes as well. experiments conducted by Tesla
The reason that youngsters were were contained in the vast number
considered ideal for this project was He claimed that this project had of documents seized by the US
because they were seen as naive three purposes; one was to protect Alien Property Control after Tesla’s
and their minds were less fixed in the planet Earth from perceived threats death, this government department
views, but probably more importantly from space, to establish a base, and were looking for evidence of various
it was found that older participants in with it territory, on the planet Mars. devices, such as the much rumoured

issue 143

Above: Andrew Basiago Above: Former President Obama who Basiago claims was also a fellow time traveller.

death ray and a teleportation device. with George H.W. Bush and his son who, at the time, was nineteen years
Tesla’s papers refer to something George W. Bush, who were informed old and called Barry Soetero.
called ‘radiant energy,’ which is alleged that they would both be presidents of
to be a universal force (perhaps the USA. Basagio has also claimed These claims led to the White House
similar to chi and other natural that he had prior knowledge that having to issue an official denial
energies) which bends space-time Bill Clinton and Barack Obama that this ever took place, but might
and permits “real time” teleportation. would also become presidents. this be part of a wider and ongoing
This foreknowledge also extends to misinformation campaign? He said
This would obviously have been of the election Donald Trump who, he that as part of the mars training
great interest to the US Government said, would have a fairly tumultuous class they travelled by means of
and it is known that Tesla had worked presidency. Basaigo stood as a ‘jump room’ located at College of the
on all sorts of bizarre technologies. candidate in the 2016 US presidential Siskiyous, which is a genuine public
According to Basagio, since the device election, the one that found Trump in community college with campuses
was practical and could be used with the White House, Basagio was what located in Weed and Yreka in Siskiyou
relative safety, many projects were is called ‘write in’ candidate and never County, Northern California.
being undertaken in the future so that stood any chance of being elected.
there could be no possibility of spying The ‘jumps’ took place through what
by hostile forces who could gain an ‘Write-in candidates’ are peculiar he called a ‘field of radiant energy’,
advantage. to the US political system and are which became a tunnel that allow
would-be candidates whose name them through and when they arrived
He also stated that the technology does not appear on the ballot, but for at their destination it immediately
was also being used for political whom voters may vote nonetheless closed behind them. This sounds very
purposes where individuals who rose by writing the person’s name on similar to an old TV show called The
to prominence were made aware of the ballot paper. Perhaps one of the Time Tunnel which used a similar
what their futures held and how they strangest claims made by Basiago sounding kind of technology. Does
should prepare for this. He said that was that one of his fellow time- this mean that information about this
in the 1970s in Albuquerque, New travellers was none other than the kind of technology was being drip
Mexico he was present at a meeting then future president Barack Obama, fed to the general public to get them
acclimatised? More worrying was his

According to Basiago
claim that the US government knew
about the atrocity of 9/11 as early
as 1971, but refused to act on the

there have been U.S.

information. Is there any legitimacy to
back up his remarkable claims? The
answer is perhaps, because physicists
working at the Large Hadron Collider

military bases on Mars (LHC) located at CERN on the Swiss/

France border have identified a
potentially dangerous new particle

since 1976.
called The Higgs Singlet that may
have the ability to send messages
between the future and the past.

20 issue 143

In 2010, a man who

In fact there are some prominent
physicists who have publically stated
that the setbacks and problems
that occurred at CERN were due to
deliberate interference from the future
to prevent ill-advised meddling with
natural processes. If has also been claimed to have travelled
from the far future was
asserted that in 2009, during a test of
the LHC, that the immense burst of
power it created produced a time warp

arrested at CERN.
that resulted in an Iberworld Airbus
A330-300 that was ready to begin
its descent into Santa Cruz, Bolivia
suddenly appearing in the skies above
Santa Cruz, in Tenerife, over 5,500
miles from its intended destination. institution, but disappeared overnight What does this tell us about the time
from his locked ward and has not travel claims of Andrew Basagio?
It may be coincidental, but the collider been seen or heard from since. Was Are they fact or pure fiction? What
was shut down for an extended he deliberately silenced, or did his this does show is that the paradoxes,
maintenance work immediately after associates in the future judge that oddities and consequences created
this occurred. The authorities at CERN he had done his best and simply by time travel are stranger than
have never publically mentioned this transported him back to his own we can possibly imagine. Perhaps
incident. Then, in 2010, a man who time Strange as it may seen, the once we fully understand the range
claimed to have travelled from the alleged time traveller did not seem and scope of what goes on behind
far future was arrested at CERN. intent on damaging or interfering the closed doors of lavishly funded
He claimed he was there in order to with the experiment but, instead, to government facilities and the range of
persuade those in charge stop the facilitate and ensure that it continued exotic technologies being worked on,
LHC from destroying the world. He satisfactorily and future events then perhaps we will find that what
asserted that the countries we know occurred as they should, or occurred Basagio and others have claimed
at present do not exist where he was in the way they did in this particular is true and if it is, should we all be
from. He was confined to a psychiatric travellers world. concerned? Sadly, only time will tell. n

issue 143

by Brian Allan

In this remarkable book, the author and editor of

Phenomena Magazine, Brian Allan, introduces the
idea that Heresy (the word is taken from the Greek
language and only means ‘one who chooses’),
not only decided the frequently bloody fate of free
thinkers in the Dark Ages, but still affects us in
many surprising ways to this very day. Drawing on
hard-to-find sources, the author shows that at one
time the charge of heresy was used as a brutal
and particularly heavy-handed form of control by
various religious groups.

The author discusses heretics like Aleister

Crowley, Anton Szandor leVey, Kenneth Grant,
Charles Manson and others and demonstrates
that heresy was part and parcel of how magic
and Satanism began and even the origins of
the human race. Discover how the intelligence
services, through people like the enigmatic Col
John Alexander, have successfully weaponised
former heretical beliefs such as magic, remote
viewing and mind control to kill; heresy indeed!
Even today among scientists, particularly in
quantum physics, the charge of heresy is a
real threat and can bring promising careers to
an abrupt halt, again, even although it is often
correct, because it dares to challenge the status-

This reasonably priced book can and will change

how you see the world and it is available from
any good bookseller, from ‘O’ Books or through




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Twitter: @shadowsmagazine


issue 143

of Rectory Cottage

Nigel Wright shares some of his boyhood experiences when he

encountered a ghost in his grandparent’s abundantly haunted house.

24 issue 143

ur perception of this world in However, all this innocent excitement
which we live is often shaped was about to be changed, by the
by the childhood homes weird, and sometimes really scary
in which we take our first, things, that were about to happen,
tentative steps towards adulthood. right in my very own home. Events
If, like me, you just happened to move that were to shape the rest of my
into a very haunted cottage at the age adult life. Little did I realise that these
of 10 years, then this move would, paranormal occurrences would alter
I suggest, lead one into a life-long my ambitions and that they would
obsession with ghosts and all things inspire me to seek out the real truth
paranormal! Thus it was with yours behind such happenings. My bedroom
truly… was placed in the front of the cottage,
and my window overlooked the main
That year, so long ago now, was an road, that led to the church. Outside
exciting one for me! After a long my bedroom window large trees
period of living in small caravans, grew, and at night, if the wind was
due to my father’s job of being a strong, the branches of these trees
site warden, my mother landed a would scratch menacingly against
job as a housekeeper to the rector the window panes, as I lay in bed,
of Powderham, on the edge of the and imagined hordes of fearsome,
Powderham Castle Estate, in Devon. horrendous monsters, trying to get in
A three bedroom cottage came with the window to get me!
the job, and so it was that I found
myself moving into this very old, and, The experiences of paranormal
as we were to discover, very haunted activity in the cottage began one
cottage. Rectory cottage dated from dark, winters evening. As I lay in bed
at least the English civil war. It stood I could hear the loud, regular ticking
in its own two acres of gardens, of a grandfather-type clock. The odd
standing, as it did, beside the main thing about this was that we had no
road that led to the small church at such clock in the cottage! For nights
Powderham. For me, coming from I heard this sound. I told my father
my old life it was truly paradise! All about it, he was dismissive to begin
that surrounded the cottage was with “childhood imagination” was
countryside. Next door, to one side, his verdict on the matter. But, as I
was the pheasant hatchery for the continued to report the same noise to
estate, on the other the rectory itself. my parents night after night, he began
Opposite lay open fields, it really was a to take the situation seriously. Fearing
countryside haven, or so we thought! an infestation of death-watch beetle,
in the roof beams, ticking being a
For me, as young lad used to living typical sign of such an infestation, he
beside the sea and in small towns, climbed up into the loft to investigate
to find myself living in such a rural the beams. They were brand new!
location was truly a liberating time! The reason for this was that the
Hours were spent exploring the large, cottage had suffered a very serious
dark woods that lay all around our fire, a few years before, in which the
new home. My child’s imagination entire top floor had burnt away, along
was opened up, and I found myself with the roof. In this fire local rumour
living out the adventures of my stated that an old lady had died. My
childhood hero’s such as Robin Hood father even placed a reel-to-reel tape
as I ran in the woods, this was the recorder in my room one night and he
time of my young life! indeed captured the sound on tape!

I could hear the loud,

One of my childhood games was that
of being an archaeologist. I would dig
countless deep holes in my parent’s

regular ticking of a
gardens, hoping to find anything that
smacked of history! During these digs
I was thrilled to find small items of
some interest; they included civil war

grandfather clock. musket balls, and various shards of

broken Victorian pottery. The most
interesting find was that of a small,

We had no such clock!

round coin, the origin of which was
a total mystery. It had a hole in the
middle and the picture of an old

issue 143

sailing ship on one side. Eventually,

beaten as to the origin of such a coin,
my parents sent it to Exeter museum.
The experts there discovered that
it was a 15th century trading piece!
What a find!

Auditory phenomena were the first

sign of a haunting occurring. Then,
on a bright sunny summer morning,
quite early, my father awoke to find
the fully-dressed figure of a civil war
cavalier standing at the foot of their
bed smiling at him! After my father
shouted at the figure, enquiring none
too politely what this man was doing
in my parent’s room, the figure merely
faded away! I suppose looking back
now; this particular type of figure
really does make sense, given the
history of the area.

Powderham was the location of many This bedroom was really weird! It had We waited until one night when both
battles during that period. Indeed, if a certain atmosphere, our family’s my parents had to go out, so that
one visit’s the church that is located dogs, a Labrador called Bruce, and a my father, who was a professional
at the bottom of the main drive, you Manchester terrier-cross called Judy, photographer, could work at a dinner
will find blocks of wood inserted into would not enter this room, not even and dance. My sister, who had far
the door that overlooks the park that when dragged on a lead towards it! more knowledge of such things than
surrounds Powderham Castle, the I, set up the small bedside table in
home of the Courtney family, the Earls They seemed to have no problem with her room. She and I taped up the
of Devon. These blocks were inserted any other room in the house. Then, door gaps and the window frames to
to mend holes that were made in the one morning, my sister called out exclude draughts. She then lit a large
door, so that parliamentary soldiers loudly to my parents. Mum rushed candle on the table and we touched
who had taken refuge in the church, to see what was the matter, she had hands as we sat on each side, then
could fire their muskets into the a job entering the bedroom because she called out to any spirits that may
park at the royalist troops as they the heavy wardrobes had somehow have been in the room. After calling
advanced. managed to turn themselves out twice nothing had happened! I
completely around during the night, started to giggle, as any youngster
Now we had full-body manifestation and now semi-blocked the doorway! would I suppose. Then the room went
as well to contend with, things There was no way my sister could very cold and the flame shot up about
continued apace. My sister, who have moved them herself, they were two foot in the air and went out! My
was five years older than me, had far too heavy for that, and no-one else screams could have been heard miles
a fascination for Egyptology; her had been in the room that night. So away! I ran downstairs and stayed
bedroom had pictures of pyramids now we also had poltergeist activity as shivering by the front room fire until
and mummies, etc, all over her walls. well! Full house! my parents returned. Needless to say
Her room was furnished with heavy, my sister got into real trouble for that
old oak wardrobes that my parents Determined to find out what the escapade!
had bought at auction. Indeed, these cause of this sudden movement of
wardrobes were so heavy that two the wardrobes was caused by, my Now, one would imagine that for
men had to lift them into the room. sister and I decided to hold a séance. whatever was haunting this cottage,
such a combination of activity would
be suffice. No! Yet more was to

The heavy wardrobes

happen. In the kitchen one morning
during breakfast, salt and pepper pots
floated down onto the table in front

had managed to turn

of the whole family from a high shelf,
right in front of our eyes! Then, as I
took a bath one evening, a Victorian-
dressed lady, dressed entirely in black,

themselves completely proceeded to float out of the wall to

my right and go through me and into
the wall to my left! All I can remember,

around during the night.

apart from the awful sense of total
embarrassment at a lady seeing
me in the nude, is the horrible sense

26 issue 143

of shivering as the apparition went stood in a wood at the top of a hill. such events? Yes I am! Will I ever
through my body. As this mist went past us we saw that stop? No, never! Because whenever I
it contained the outline of a lady on hear of any new happening that falls
All this paranormal activity would, a horse, only thing was….she had no into the realm of the paranormal then
you would assume, really put the fear head. It continued down the road and I feel an almost irresistible urge to go
of God up a small boy, such as I. But, disappeared into the church gates and investigate it. I sometimes feel
to be really truthful, it only added to then vanished. as if I am cursed to live in haunted
my, by now, growing fascination with houses, because, years later, I lived
all things weird and strange. After These odd events carried on in a haunted ex-council house with
getting over our fright regarding the happening all the time we lived my wife and children. For a full time
séance, my sister and I decided to at Rectory Cottage. Did it put me paranormal journalist it was like being
try and witness the alleged ghost off living in such a place? Not at a child let loose in a candy shop! It
of a previous Lady Courtney, which all! In fact it made me all the more was a fascinating place, but that is
was supposed to ride on a horse determined to devote my spare another story!
down the main road to the church time to exploring all aspects of the
at the bottom of the driveway every paranormal. As things have panned And what happened to Rectory
night. Our opportunity to carry out out in my life since, I have finally Cottage? Well, the story ends this way:
our investigations came a few weeks achieved my life-long ambition to after a couple of years at the cottage,
later. Again my parents had to go out devote all my energies to this quest. my grandparents died and my father
and my sister was trusted to baby sit I sincerely believe, looking back now, inherited their bungalow. And so we
(surprising really given the fuss that that these childhood experiences of moved away. Eventually the cottage
had happened last time!) weird events, have had a really good was demolished and now there stands
effect on me. It taught me, at a very a brand new large house where this
We waited until midnight (the young age, to have a totally open beautiful, yet fearfully haunted cottage
supposed time of the haunting), we mind. once stood. The one remaining
then went outside to the double gates question stays in my mind. If it is true
that fronted our driveway. As we stood I have experienced a wide variety of that if one disturbs a haunted house
there, getting colder by the minute, paranormal events since, from UFO’s then the haunting increases, then
we observed a white mist floating (my specialist subject) to ghosts and what, if any, events of a paranormal
down from the top of the drive in the poltergeists. Black cats and attacks kind occur in that new house today? It
direction of the old castle folly that by phantoms. Am I ever scared by would be very interesting to find out. n

Issue 143


Head to
and download all 142 issues for free!

FEBRUARY 2021 - 142 JANUARY 2021 - 141 DECEMBER 2020 - 140 NOVEMBER 2020 - 139

OCTOBER 2020 - 138 SEPTEMBER 2020 - 137 AUGUST 2020 - 136 JULY 2020 - 135

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28 Issue 143

Helpful Research Information: April Celestial Events (Info Courtesy of Sea Sky)
April 12 after midnight. Meteors will radiate from appearance of the moss pink, or wild
New Moon the constellation Lyra, but can appear ground phlox, which is one of the first
The Moon will located on the same side anywhere in the sky. spring flowers. This moon has also been
of the Earth as the Sun and will not be known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the
visible in the night sky. This phase occurs April 27 Growing Moon, and the Egg Moon. Many
at 02:32 UTC. This is the best time of the Full Moon, Supermoon coastal tribes called it the Fish Moon
month to observe faint objects such as The Moon will be located on the opposite because this was the time that the shad
galaxies and star clusters because there is side of the Earth as the Sun and its face swam upstream to spawn. This is also the
no moonlight to interfere. will be will be fully illuminated. This phase first of three supermoons for 2021. The
occurs at 03:33 UTC. This full moon was Moon will be near its closest approach to
April 22, 23 known by early Native American tribes the Earth and may look slightly larger and
Lyrids Meteor Shower as the Pink Moon because it marked the brighter than usual.
The Lyrids is an average shower, usually
producing about 20 meteors per hour at
its peak. It is produced by dust particles
left behind by comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher,
which was discovered in 1861. The
shower runs annually from April 16-25. It
peaks this year on the night of the night of
the 22nd and morning of the 23rd. These
meteors can sometimes produce bright
dust trails that last for several seconds.
The nearly full moon will
be a problem this year. Its
glare will block out all but
the brightest meteors.
But if you are patient
you may still be able
to catch a few good
ones. Best viewing will
be from a dark location


issue 143

unra ery of the
the myst
In this fascinating item, Brian Haughton takes yet another look at
the enduring mystery surrounding the of construction the Sphinx

uried for most of its life in the rulers worshipped it as an aspect of head are part of the royal headcloth.
desert sand, an air of mystery the sun god, calling it Hor-Em-Akhet Although the head of the Sphinx has
has always surrounded (“Horus of the Horizon”). The Sphinx been badly affected by thousands of
the Great Sphinx, causing sits in part of the necropolis of ancient years of erosion, traces of the original
speculation about its age and Memphis, the seat of power for the paint can still be seen near one ear. It
purpose, method of construction, pharaohs, a short distance from three is thought that originally the Sphinx’s
concealed chambers, role in large pyramids – the Great Pyramid face was painted dark red. A small
prophesy, and relationship to the of Khufu (Cheops), Khafre (Chephren) temple between its paws contained
equally mysterious pyramids. Much and Menkaura (Mycerinus). dozens of inscribed stelae placed by
of this theorizing is to the despair of the Pharaohs in honour of the Sun
Egyptologists and archaeologists, The monument is the largest surviving god.
who, reasonably it seems to me; only sculpture from the ancient world,
give credence to theories that are measuring 73.5m in length and in The Sphinx has suffered greatly from
backed up by tangible evidence. parts 20m in height. Part of the the ravages of time, man and modern
uraeus (sacred cobra which protected pollution. In fact, what has saved it
Facing the rising sun, the Great Sphinx from evil forces), the nose and the from complete destruction is the fact
is located on the Giza plateau, about ritual beard are missing; the beard is that it has been submerged beneath
10km west of Cairo, on the west now displayed in the British Museum. the desert sand for most of its life.
bank of the Nile River. Later Egyptian The extensions at the side of the There have been various attempts

30 issue 143

The mystery of the

Sphinx’s origin and
purpose has often
given rise to mystical
was built by Tuthmosis IV after his Despite many Egyptologists claims
dream to protect the Sphinx from the to the contrary no-one knows for
desert winds. sure when the Sphinx was built or by
After the clearing ordered by
Tuthmosis IV, and despite the wall, In 1996, a New York detective and
the colossal sculpture once again expert in identification concluded that
found itself beneath the sand. When the visage of the Great sphinx did
Napoleon arrived in Egypt in 1798, he not match known representations of
found the Sphinx without its nose. Chephren’s face. He maintained that
18th century drawings reveal that there was a greater resemblance to
the nose was missing long before Chephren’s elder brother Djedefre. The
Napoleon’s arrival; one story goes that debate is still continuing. The mystery
it was the victim of target practice of the Sphinx’s origin and purpose
in the Turkish period. Another and has often given rise to mystical
perhaps the most likely explanation, interpretations, such as those of
is that it was pried off by chisels in English occultist Paul Brunton and,
the 8th century AD, by a Sufi who in the 1940’s, controversial American
considered the Sphinx a sacrilegious psychic and prophet Edgar Cayce.
idol. In 1858, some of the sand around The Great Sphinx was excavated from
the sculpture was cleared by Auguste a relatively soft, natural limestone,
Mariette, the founder of the Egyptian left over in the quarry used to build
to restore the Great Sphinx over the Antiquities Service, and between the Pyramids; the forepaws being
millennia, beginning in c1400 BC with 1925 and 1936, French engineer separately made from blocks of
the pharaoh Tuthmosis IV. After falling Emile Baraize excavated the Sphinx limestone.
asleep in the shade of the Sphinx on behalf of the Antiquities Service.
when out hunting, the pharaoh dreamt Possibly for the first time since One of the main oddities about the
that the great beast was choking antiquity, the Great Sphinx was once sculpture is that the head is out of
from the sand engulfing it, and that again exposed to the elements. proportion to its body. It could be
it told him if he cleared the sand he that the head was re-carved several
would obtain the crown of Upper and WHO DOES THE GREAT times by subsequent pharaohs
Lower Egypt. In between the front SPHINX DEPICT? since the first visage was created,
paws of the Sphinx is a granite stelae, The explanation for the enigmatic though on stylistic grounds this is
now called the “Dream Stelae”, which sculpture favoured by most unlikely to have been done after
is inscribed with the story of the Egyptologists is that Chephren, a the Old Kingdom period in Egypt
pharaoh’s dream. Fourth Dynasty pharaoh, had the (ending around 2181 BC). Perhaps
stone shaped into a lion with his the original head was that of a ram
Towards the end of 2010, during own face at the same time as the or hawk and was recut into a human
routine excavation work in the construction of the nearby Pyramid shape later. Various repairs to the
area of the monument, Egyptian of Chephren, around 2540 BC. damaged head over thousands of
archaeologists discovered large However, there are no inscriptions years might have reduced or altered
sections of mud-brick walls which anywhere that identify Chephren with the facial proportions. Any of these
were part of a larger wall which the Sphinx, neither is there mention explanations could account for the
stretched for 132 meters (433 anywhere of its construction, which is small size of the head in relation to the
feet) around the Great Sphinx. The somewhat puzzling when considering body, particularly if the Great Sphinx is
archaeologists believe that the wall the grandness of the monument. older than traditionally believed.

issue 143

There has been lively debate in

recent years over the dating of the
monument. Author John Anthony
West first noticed weathering patterns
on the Sphinx that were consistent
with water erosion rather than wind
and sand erosion. These patterns
seemed peculiar to the Sphinx and
were not found on other structures on
the plateau. West called in Geologist
and Boston University professor
Robert Schoch, who, after examining
the new findings, agreed that there
was evidence for water erosion.

Although Egypt is arid today, around

10,000 years ago the land was wet
and rainy. Consequently West and developed an elaborate theory that of anomalies in the form of hollow,
Schoch concluded that in order to the Sphinx, its neighbouring pyramids regularly shaped spaces or chambers,
have the effects of water erosion they and various ancient writings, a few metres below the ground,
found, the Sphinx would have to be constitute some sort of astronomical between the paws and at either side
between 7,000 and 10,000 years old. map connected with the constellation of the Sphinx. No further examination
Egyptologist’s dismissed Schoch’s Orion. Their conclusion is that the has been allowed.
theory as highly flawed; pointing out best fit for this hypothetical map is
that the once prevalent great rain the position of the stars in 10,500 Today, the great statue is crumbling
storms over Egypt had stopped long BC, so pushing the origin of the because of wind, humidity and the
before the Sphinx was built. More Sphinx even further back in time. smog from Cairo. A huge and costly
seriously, why were there no other This date is understandably disputed restoration and preservation project
signs of water erosion found on the by Egyptologists, as not a single has been underway since 1950,
Giza plateau to validate West and archaeological artefact dated to that but in the early days of this project
Schoch’s theory? The rain could not period has ever been discovered in the cement was used for repairs which
have been restricted to this single area. was incompatible with the limestone,
monument. West and Schoch have and so caused additional damage
also been criticised for ignoring There are various legends of secret to the structure. Over a period of 6
the high level of local atmospheric passages associated with the Great years over 2,000 limestone blocks
industrial pollution over the last Sphinx. Investigations by Florida were added to the structure and
century, which have severely damaged State University, Waseda University chemicals were injected into it, but
the Giza monuments. in Japan, and Boston University, have the treatment failed. By 1988 the
located various anomalies in the area sphinx’s left shoulder was in such a
Someone else with his own theory around the monument, although these state of deterioration that blocks were
behind the Sphinx’s date is author could be natural features. In 1995, falling off. At present the restoration
Robert Bauval. Bauval published a workers renovating a nearby parking is still an ongoing project under the
paper in 1989 showing that the three lot uncovered a series of tunnels and control of the Supreme Council of
Great Pyramids at Giza, and their pathways, two of which plunge further Antiquities, who are making repairs to
relative position to the Nile, formed a underground close to the Sphinx. the damaged shoulder and attempting
kind of 3-D ‘hologram’ on the ground, Robert Bauval believes these are to drain away some of the subsoil.
of the three stars of Orion’s belt and contemporaneous with the Sphinx Consequently, today the focus is
their relative position to the Milky Way. itself. Between 1991 and 1993, while on preservation rather than further
examining evidence for erosion at explorations or excavations, so we will
Along with Fingerprints of the Gods the monument using a seismograph, have to wait a long time yet before the
author Graham Hancock, Bauval Anthony West’s team found evidence Great Sphinx gives up her secrets. n

32 issue 143

by Tracie Austin
I Survived Beyond and Back takes you on a
journey of firsthand Near-Death experiences, as
reported by those who experience cede them.
Time and time again, people have asked these
questions with curiosity - What really happens
when we die? What lies on the other side? Is
death the end?

Journey with us as we discover Glimpses of the

Afterlife; The Science of Dying; NDEs vs. OBEs;
The Physician Who Tried to Weigh the Soul, and
my radio interview with Dr. Laurin Bellg, M.D., who
talks about her role as a board-certified critical
care physician and ICU director for two busy
intensive care units who patients confided with
her about their personal near-death experiences
while inn the ICU. Read about Near-Death
experiences of Hollywood Celebrities!

“At that moment, Tommy remembered thinking to

himself, Wow. I just died.”

“As Amy floated upwards, it became clear to her

that she was now entering some dark tunnel and
noticed a brilliant bright white light at the end of it.
The intensity of the light cast beams on each side
of the tunnel and estimated the length of it to be
approximately a quarter of a mile long.”

“Miguel’s attention was suddenly drawn upwards

to where he could see the presence of an angel
hovering above with its wings outstretched and in
full flight!”

Issue 143



This work from SelfMadeHero, which astonishingly was This is a truly remarkable book, written by the man
first published in 1895, features the always excellent who was at the centre of the notorious poltergeist
artwork of I.N.J. Culbard and obviously influenced a attack in a modern and otherwise normal house in the
similarly themed Japanese film, ‘The Ring’, concerning Seattle suburb of Bothell. The title just about says it
a cursed video tape that ensured all who watched it all, because this is the very darkest example of ‘The
died seven days later. In this adaptation, ‘The King Night Side of Physics’ and the author, who has already
in Yellow’, which is one of a series of short tales, is a written two successful books about the same eerie
play that causes madness in all who read it and the and frequently terrifying event, attempts to explain the
book carries resonances with a variety of writers in poltergeist phenomenon in terms of science. He has
this genre, everyone from H.P. Lovecraft (who greatly obviously gone down the same road that this reviewer
admired the subtle terror of the original) to Steven King has trodden, and a whole range of scientific disciplines
and beyond. Some of the images are truly imaginative are brought to bear on the phenomenon, starting with
and really bring the book to life and it’s a pity that only infrasound and continuing though quantum physics
the first few stories are depicted here. Never mind and ending up in the logical end result of multiple
though, for this is a must-read for all who are interested dimensions. The research and evidence presented is
in the graphic horror genre. almost overwhelming in its sheer volume and scope,
and poltergeist infestations from around the world,
dating from the earliest times right up to the present,
are also discussed, but the real puzzle is why do they
do it? Because the phenomena that occur seem to
be both random and often malicious, there seems to
be no point in these occurrences, other than for the
gratification of the polt, or simply to annoy and or terrify
the people who experience them. Does the author draw
any conclusions? Well, of course he does and he also
reveals the remarkable point of origin from where he
believes these malignant entities originate, but you
will have to read the book to find out where this is.

Author: Robert W Chambers Authors: Keith Linder

Publisher: Self Made Hero Price: £9.99 / $13.99 Publisher: Self Published via Amazon Price: £14.04
ISBN: 978-1-91059-394-3 ISBN: 979-8-58355-806-3

34 Issue 143

Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors and we provide a review of the material by promoting
and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised, simply contact
Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.


This is one of the last books written by the inimitable
H.P. Lovecraft and its eldritch wonders have been In this splendid retelling of the Lovecraft classic we find
beautifully illustrated in a commendably understated the protagonist Randolph Carter (a recurring character
fashion by I.N.J. Culbard. Culbard seems to have a in the strange universe created by Lovecraft) seeking
natural talent for interpreting Lovecraft’s works and the mysterious home of the Gods (or at least the gods
it really does show. The plot involves Prof. Nathaniel of Lovecraft’s eerie and unsettling universe) via the
Peaslee from the Miskatonic University (another medium of dreams. It is here that the illustrator I.N.J.
Lovecraftian theme) who collapses in front of his class Culbard really excels as he recreates these images
and regains consciousness some five years later. He on the page, for they range from the beautiful to the
finds that he has not been lying still during this time terrifying. However, as Carter carries out his quest
and sets out to discover what occurred. This leads there is another, much darker force also watching and
him to discover that his body was taken over by a race this one has its own malign agenda. In fact this kind of
of time and space travellers called The Yith. They do logic-free subject really allowed the author to express
this using a ‘body swap’ with hosts from the intended his ideas in a mix of fantasy and reality that frequently
temporal destination. The illustrations paint an eerie really is the very stuff of dreams, where anything
picture of what this process and the destinations are is possible. For anyone who is a fan of Lovecraft,
like. As befits anything from Lovecraft, the reader is especially in this graphic format, they could do much
mesmerised as the story develops in the voids between worse than this. Highly recommended.
the spatial dimensions of the universe the recesses of
the human mind: great stuff.

Author: H.P. Lovecraft Author: H.P. Lovecraft

Publisher: Self Made Hero Price: £9.99 / $13.99 Publisher: Self Made Hero Price: £9.99 / $13.99
ISBN: 978-1-910593-96-7 ISBN: 978-1-910593-96-7

issue 143

Land Of The Dead (18)
Oh boy! At last one of the main influences guarded walled city that keeps the zombies
on the Zombie genre lands on DVD and not out. The elite are doing ok, but everyone
a moment too soon. This series of Romero else has to do the best they can in the mean
directed films were around many years streets of the compound. However the dead
before the runaway success of The Walking are starting to evolve and progress from
Dead and its clones were even thought of. In being shambling, brain eating hulks and
fact Romero was asked to get involved with are becoming organised, they even have
the uber-successful TV series, but rejected leader of sorts. In the city those in charge
the offer on the grounds that it was, quote, are becoming complacent and anarchy
MAIN CAST: Dennis Hopper, ‘A soap opera with zombies’. As to the plot, has started rule the streets, and a group of
Asia Argento, Simon Baker, well, zombies have taken over the world and scavengers decide to even things out and
Robert Joy, those left alive live, including a fortunate the outcome is a delight for lovers of blood-
DIRECTOR: George A Romero elite who live in a tower of steel and glass spattered zombie-themed action. Well worth
PRICE: £19.99 (Blu-Ray) called Fiddlers Green, live in a heavily a watch.

The Buddy Holly Story (PG)


Talk about a film that helped define an era? the racists, redneck vibe of 1950’s America,
This is one of that genre, and it depicts the where Holly and his band were castigated
life and times of one of the most influential by the church for playing this ‘jungle devils
rockers of all time. The titular Buddy Holly, music’ and none-to-subtle record producers
who tragically died aged only 22 in a plane who did not like the fact that Holly’s music
crash in 1959 along with two others rockers, sounded too ‘black’ for their liking. However
what a real shame, because we will never the fans thought differently and star was
know what other gems might have emerged. born. In fact Holly and the Crickets (his
All the classic Buddy Holly tunes are here, band) were the first all white group to play
MAIN CAST: Gary Busey, Don Peggy Sue, That’ll Be The Day, Rave On, the legendary Apollo Theatre in New York
Stroud, Charles Martin Smith, Maybe Baby and loads more. Best of all and against all expectations proved a great
Conrad James Gary Busey as Holly (he was quite rightly success there. So if you want to enjoy some
DIRECTOR: Steve Rash nominated for an Oscar for the part) is an real, raw, truly great Rock ’n’ Roll, see a
PRICE: £14.99 (Blu-Ray) absolute knockout. He did his own singing portrayal of one of the all-time giants with a
£9.99 (DVD) but did not play the guitar, although it looks bit of social commentary on the side, then
like he did. The film also accurately portrays look no further, this film has it all.

36 issue 143

8 Mile (15)
This film, which is set in 1995 Detroit, (yes, avoid the trap of being formulaic through
where the reality TV series Hardcore Pawn rap competitions between Jimmy ‘B-Rabbit’
is also located), is about a white rapper Smith (played by Eminem) and those
played by Eminem and his attempt to launch who challenge him and all set in a grim,
a career in hip hop, which at the time was very much on its uppers, wintry Detroit.
dominated by African-Americans especially Thoroughly watchable even if you don’t like
in the USA. It is very gritty and all too real rap music and Eminem is a real talent.
and it found a ready market and proved to
be a surprise hit when it was first released
in the cinema. Actually the film is really
enjoyable and successfully manages to

MAIN CAST: Eminem,

Mekhi Phifer, Brittany Murphy
DIRECTOR: Curtis Hanson
PRICE: £14.99 (Blu-Ray)
£9.99 (DVD)

Van Helsing (12)


This is one amazing mash-up that includes off your brain and enjoy the ride. It’s a real
the monster-slayer-for-hire van Helsing CGI packed, adrenaline filled thrill ride. For
(played by Hugh Jackman) who is sent some reason it was panned by the critics
to Transylvania by the Vatican to destroy and I have no idea why, maybe they just did
Count Dracula assisted by a Gypsy not ‘get it’, but I did, so if you are a fan of
Princess (played by Kate Beckinsale) who blood-soaked, non-stop fantasy fiction go
is determined to lift the curse on her family on, buy it and just enjoy.
by killing the evil count. The result, which is
reminiscent of The League of Extraordinary
MAIN CAST: Hugh Jackman, Gentlemen (in a good way), is a glorious,
Kate Beckinsale, Richard action-packed romp where you just switch
Roxburgh, David Wenham
PRICE: £14.99 (Blu_Ray)

Phenomena Magazine regularly receive DVDs from producers and distributors and we provide a review of the movie /
documentary by promoting and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your DVD reviewed and
advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your DVD direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

issue 143


38 Issue 143

MARCH 2021



T he U.S. Army wants to develop

a new laser weapon that is more
powerful than existing weapons by
nearly three orders of magnitude, but
lasts just a fraction as long.
The service posted a notice for
the prospective new weapon at the
Pentagon’s Small Business Investment
Research website, calling the weapon
the Tactical Ultrashort Pulsed Laser for
Army Platforms. The Army believes it
can merely aim the laser at a drone to
both damage it and fry its electronic
Most military lasers are continuous
wave lasers, or those that blast a target
with a continuous beam of energy.
Continuous wave lasers need that
blast because they effectively work like
blowtorches, heating the surface of a
target—say, a flying drone—until a part
melts off, inducing aerodynamic failure
and a crash, or the fuel or explosive
payload explodes.

The problem? Sometimes continuous

wave lasers, often in the kilowatt
class, need to focus on a single point
on a target for a few seconds to work
properly. Unlike continuous wave lasers, which the generation of a localized electronic
Ultrashort Pulse Lasers, however, simply burn, the Army says USPL systems interference used to overload a threat’s
would trade duration for power, firing a can neutralize threats with three distinct internal electronics.
1-terawatt, 200-femtosecond-long burst mechanisms:
of laser energy. For context, 1 terawatt The last method of threat neutralization
is 1 trillion watts, while 1 femtosecond [A]blation of material from the target, the is particularly interesting. Electromagnetic
is the equivalent of 1 quadrillionth of a blinding of sensors through broadband pulse (EMP) is typically considered a side
second. supercontinuum generation in the air, and effect of a nuclear detonation, a process
by which an exploding nuclear bomb
releases electromagnetic energy. The
An electromagnetic pulse is typically energy builds up in electronic devices
near an explosion, shorting them out and

considered a side effect of a nuclear rendering them inoperable. But natural

events can cause EMPs, too: The 1859

detonation, a process by which the Carrington Event, for example, saw an

unusually large coronal mass ejection

explosion releases electromagnetic energy. from the sun release electromagnetic

energy that fried telegraph wires globally.

Issue 143



I n the basement of a University of

Pennsylvania engineering building,
Mohsen Azadi and his labmates
each as wide as a pencil’s diameter,
hovered thanks to nothing but the energy
from the light below, according to a paper
“Sometimes it’s called ignorosphere, in
joke,” says Igor Bargatin, a mechanical
engineering professor at Penn and Azadi’s
huddled around a set of blinding published today in Science Advances. adviser, who led the study. “We just don’t
LEDs set beneath an acrylic vacuum Energy from the LEDs heats up the Mylar’s have access to it. You can send a rocket
chamber. They stared at the lights, specially-coated underbelly, energizing air for a few minutes at a time, but that’s very
their cameras, and what they hoped particles under the plastic and propelling different from doing measurements using
would soon be some action from the the plates away with a tiny, but mighty, airplanes or balloons.”
two tiny plastic plates sitting inside the gust. We haven’t ignored the mesosphere
enclosure. “We didn’t know what we This engineered structure is the first because it’s uninteresting; we’ve ignored
were expecting to see,” says Azadi, a instance of stable photophoretic flight, it because it’s out of reach. The denser air
mechanical engineering PhD candidate. and Azadi’s accompanying theoretical below it affords enough lift to planes and
“But we hoped to see something.” model can simulate how different flying balloons. And the thermosphere above
Let’s put it this way: They wanted to plates would behave in the atmosphere. is thin enough that air drag doesn’t burn
see if those plates would levitate, lofted In particular, the model indicates that orbiting satellites. The mesosphere gets
solely by the power of light. Light- a levitating plate could mosey 50 miles the worst of both worlds—it’s too thin for
induced flow, or photophoresis, isn’t a overhead while carrying sensor-sized lift but thick enough to burn an orbiter.
breakthrough on its own. Researchers cargo. It’s an idea the lab members have That’s a drag for scientists, because
have used this physical phenomenon floated as a way to study weather and the mesosphere is loaded with interesting
to float invisible aerosols and sort climate—although atmospheric scientists phenomena, like weird blue and red
particles in microfluidic devices. But say the idea is still preliminary and will lightning and the microscopic shrapnel
they have never before moved an object face some daunting meteorological of millions of meteors—shooting stars—
big enough to grasp—much less lifted challenges. scorching through it every day. The
anything that can carry objects itself. There’s a reason why scientists would chemistry in that layer is also valuable
And it worked. “When the two samples want to get a tiny sensor into the under- for scientists interested in tracking ozone
lifted,” Azadi says, “there was this gasp explored mesosphere, which lies between damage, according to Daniel Marsh, an
between all four of us.” The Mylar plates, 31 and 53 miles above your head. atmospheric scientist at the National
Center for Atmospheric Research. “Solar

Researchers have used this physcial

storms cause energetic particles to enter
the mesosphere, creating nitric oxide,”
Marsh wrote in an email to WIRED.
phenomenon to float invisible aerosols, That nitric oxide seeps lower into the
atmosphere and eats away at Earth’s
but have never before moved an object big protective stratospheric ozone.
Sending scientific feelers directly

enough to grasp. into this zone requires engineering

a whole new way of flying, Bargatin
says. And using light makes sense
because of its intrinsic energy. Scientists
have tested the idea of catching light
particles’ momentum in solar sails to
travel into deep space at 10 percent of
lightspeed, but that idea collapses in
the mesosphere’s gravity. Over the last
century, physicists have gotten more
comfortable using light to move matter
in other ways. Lasers can nudge proteins
and beads, sort cells, and pluck molecules
like tweezers, for instance. “Pretty much
all the research that has been done so
far focused on microscopic particles,”
says Bargatin. His lab published a paper
in Advanced Materials last year reporting
a hollow aluminum-based sheet that
could hover over an air cushion. But this
new study comes with higher hopes—
©Mohsen Azadi

designing a flight system so stable that

researchers could simply let these devices
loose in the mesosphere.
For the full story click here.

40 Issue 143



W hile most people – believers and

sceptics alike – almost certainly
imagine space travel and aliens when
they hear the term UFO, there are many
other theories on offer. Might these
strange sightings be of time-travellers for
example instead of aliens? Might they be
nothing more than “phantom” sightings
– some type of “rip” in space time that
allows us to peek into the future or the
distant past?
One particularly interesting alternative
theory is that what we are actually
witnessing are visitations from another
dimension, as opposed to from another
There have been many declassified FBI
documents relating to UFO activity, and at
least one refers to “beings” from another
dimension to ours.
What is interesting about the document
is that it is dated 8th July 1947 – the
same date as the Roswell UFO incident. matters will understand these terms. vibrational energy to open a portal to
The document writer acknowledges that They probably can not be reached by another place.
the claims made within it are likely to be radio, but probably can be by radar, if a There are several accounts of
ignored, but the fact that they are put in signal system can be devised for that “doorways” or “portals” to other worlds
front of the FBI in order to investigate is (apparatus). and dimensions that date back to ancient
intriguing enough. times. Most speak of “visitors” entering
Perhaps one of the key parts of the The idea that these UFOs are not into or leaving our planet through these
declassified paper is the nine bullet points travelling through space to get here, but doorways.
that highlight key information regarding simply materializing in to our plain of Abu Ghurab in Egypt for example is
“a very serious situation that may develop perception upon hitting the “vibratory rate” known as the “Place of the Gods” where a
at any time with regard to the “flying is one that has been theorised before this platform made from alabaster vibrates in
saucers”. These can be found on page 22 document was made public. tune with the Earth and allows a person to
of the declassified file in question. In full The Interdimensional Hypothesis is one “be one” with higher energies. The “Gate
these bullet points read: that suggests UFO and alien sightings of the Sun” at Tiahuanco in Bolivia is also
are actually visits from beings from said to be a portal to the land of the gods.
Part of their disks carry crews, others different dimensions or realities. These Perhaps one of the most famous of
are under remote control realities exist alongside the one which these ancient sites though, is the “Gate
Their mission is peaceful. The visitors we reside, and far from being a modern of the Gods” at Hayu Marca in Peru. In
contemplate settling on this planet. phenomenon, they go back to the very solid rock there are carved two doorways
These visitors are human-like but much beginning of not only our planet, but the in a “T” shape. Measuring seven meters
larger in size. universe. high and seven meters across, inside this
They are NOT excarnate earth people, There have been several modern gigantic “T” shaped doorway is carved
but come from their own world. incidents that indeed appear to suggest another door – this one much smaller at
They do NOT come from any “planet” the opening of some kind of inter- two meters high. According to legend, the
as we use the word, but from an etheric dimensional doorway or portal however. large doorway is for the gods, while the
planet which interpenetrates with our Native Americans speak of such smaller one is for humans (or mortals)
own and is not perceptible to us. legends, and state that even today these who have performed heroic or noble
The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, doorways exist. One place in particular actions.
automatically materialize on entering is said to be in Sedona, in the Arizona A further legend states of the doorway
the vibratory rate of our dense matter. Mountains. Known as the “Doorway to the last being opened in the sixteenth century
The disks possess a type of radiant Gods” an arch carved out of the stone is amid the arrival of Spanish explorers to
energy or ray, which will easily claimed to transport anyone who walks the land of the Inca. As the Spanish looted
disintergrate any attacking ship. They through it to another place in the universe. anything of value they found – including
re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply Others have theorised that Stonehenge, gold and valuables – an Inca priest, Amaru
disappear from our vision without trace. like other ancient sites, was built Maru, escaped the pillaging, taking with
The region from which they come is not intentionally on ley lines. When these ley him an ancient golden disk.
the “astral plane”, but corresponds to lines are tapped into, at least according
the Lokas or Talas. Students of osoteric to the theory, they can produce enough For the full story click here.

Issue 143



O ne of the biggest questions

regarding the U.S. Navy’s recent
disclosures regarding strange
sovereignty mission. Fighter aircraft sit
on alert across the United States ready
to scramble within a matter of minutes
one that must be specifically trained for,
with unique protocols and infrastructure
requirements. It is resource-intensive
encounters with supposedly to intercept and investigate any unknown and not cheap to execute, either. In
unidentified flying craft is why are craft flying in or near the nation’s airspace. other words, it is not something just any
we only hearing about this highly This includes what some may traditionally fighter squadron, especially a Navy one
concerning phenomenon from just one call UFOs. The War Zone has incredibly that has a very different mission focus,
service? A fact that isn’t commonly in-depth evidence of how such an action can just execute on the fly under normal
understood is that it is not the Navy’s is taken with regards to the presence of circumstances.
job to maintain sovereignty over transient unidentified flying objects, let As such, his questions attempted to
America’s airspace, it is the U.S. Air alone ones that are persistently operating fill in a missing part of the Navy’s recent
Force’s. If strange and unidentified in restricted airspace, as was supposedly UFO-related accounts. If these flying
craft are being detected or seen, the the case off the east coast of the United craft were indeed being detected, how
Air Force has the mission to respond States in 2014 and 2015. is it possible that the Air Force didn’t
and investigate, not the Navy, and it Air Force units that fulfill the homeland scramble to investigate them, and do so
can do so at a moment’s notice. So far, air defense mission are spread across multiple times over the course of these
the Air Force has been totally mum on the country, but those equipped with the events? If incursions over installations
this issue, which is extremely bizarre highest level of fighter aircraft capability are ongoing, regardless of if they are
considering the Navy’s own messaging are scattered around the continental drones or something far more fantastical,
surrounding it. United States’ maritime perimeter and are how isn’t the Air Force directly involved
With this in mind, last September, also based in Alaska and Hawaii. F-15C/Ds with investigating and mitigating these
Tyler Rogoway reached out to the Air equipped with the most powerful fighter- potential threats inside the airspace they
Force with a series of very pointed optimized active electronically scanned are responsible for defending?
questions regarding what seems like a array (AESA) radars in the world and This is not just a UFO issue, it comes
massive discrepancy in regards to the carrying Sniper targeting pods for long- down to America’s ability, or willingness,
military branch’s ability to execute its range visual target identification primarily to defend its airspace from non-traditional
homeland air defense mission. What fulfill the maritime border defense role in threats. The threat to the homeland posed
seemed like a good start to finding the lower 48 states, with F-22s in Hawaii by cruise missiles is already palpable, but
answers to these key questions quickly and Alaska doing the same. we are now in an era where lower-end and
turned into something of a nightmare F-16C/Ds, which are also now equipped swarming drone warfare is becoming one
that has made me lose all confidence with AESA radars, based at Andrews Air of the most preeminent security issues
in the Defense Department’s ability Force Base just outside of Washington of our time and the questions are just as
to address a subject, which they D.C., keep watch over the Capital Region. relevant to national security as they are
themselves have actively helped elevate Other F-16s from a handful of Air Force to simply finding out new details about
within the public’s consciousness, in any units that patrol the central U.S. can also mysterious flying objects.
meaningful manner. help augment the country’s perimeter
The Air Force has the homeland air aerial security, but the alert mission is Click here for the full story.

42 Issue 143


I ndependent writer & reporter Anthony

Bragalia caught people’s attention
with his February blog post. While it
certainly is interesting it looks as if
information has been sensationalized
by outlets and even Bragalia himself.
Bragalia submitted a FOIA (Freedom
of Information Act) request three years
ago and finally received 145 pages of
information from the Department of
Defense. His request was “concerning
Requesting all information on test
results from the UAP material from
Bigelow Aerospace”, according to the
FOIA response’s cover letter. (And yes,
the Defense Intelligence Agency did
randomly capitalize “requesting”.)

R esearchers at the University of Notre

Dame have observed for the first time
a chiral water superstructure templated
conditions (room temperature and 100
mM NaCl solution). The research team
found that DNA imprints its chirality
So, let’s talk about exactly what
the 145-page document is about,
why people are excited, and why the
around a biomolecule. Although many (think left-handed versus right-handed excitement should perhaps be pointed
studies have demonstrated the direct orientations) on the surrounding water in a slightly different direction –
interaction of water with highly important molecules, causing the formation of a although perhaps not abated.
macromolecules like DNA, the latest study macroscopic super-structure of water Anthony Bragalia requested UFO
is a final confirmation that water forms template along the DNA double helix. information – specifically he requested
a unique and enduring super-structure While it is known that the specific information about any test Bigelow
around the DNA double helix -- stabilizing template patterning of water molecules Aerospace may have conducted as part
the molecular conformation, mediating along the DNA molecule is important for of their government contract – tests
its functionality and interaction with recognition of gene promoter sequences which were believed to be related to
important information intermediaries like by interacting proteins (see for example UFO technology.
RNA polymerase. the study ‘interfacial water as a hydration Now, the phrase UFO has come to
Taken in consideration with other recent fingerprint’), the complete biological be synonymous with extraterrestrial
reports, such as the direct mapping of relevance of a chiral spine of hydration spaceships – that certainly does not
molecular couplings and energy exchange is unknown. Although, it does lend seem to be what the FOIA request
between DNA backbone vibrations support for controversial findings like returned, despite some enthusiastic
and water with femtosecond infrared that of Luc Montagnier -- in which the claims from Braglia that other outlets
spectroscopy, it is becoming increasingly Nobel laureate and his research team, have repeated.
difficult to ignore the central role of including the theoretical physicist Emilio Bragalia received five different
water in some of the most important Del Giudice who pioneered work on the documents in his FOIA return, which
of biological functions. Water forms quantum field theory of condensed soft included information about metallic
hydration patterns around biomolecules matter, especially water -- performed a glasses, biomaterials, materials
via hydrogen bond interactions -- and is so series of experiments that suggests DNA for advanced aerospace platforms,
crucial in organizing and orchestrating the sequences can be reconstituted from metallic spintronics, and metamaterials
cellular environment that researchers like water memory. The study is detailed in the for aerospace.
Gerald Pollack have even highlighted its report “transduction of DNA information Bragalia mentions the use of a metal
importance as the possible progenitor to through water and electromagnetic with memory called nitinol and likens it
the cellular membrane -- giving birth to the waves”. to reports of the famous Roswell UFO.
first cells of life. The ability to directly detect water’s However, while not widely known nitinol
The latest study used coherent interaction and pivotal role in biomolecular is not some big secret. It’s a metal alloy
nonlinear vibrational microscopy for functions is an exciting development of composed of 45% titanium and 55%
unprecedented vibrational imaging speeds advanced spectroscopic technologies nickel. When heated nitinol can return
and molecular spatial resolution, allowing and molecular biology and will provide back to its original shape, hence the
DNA molecules and the associated revelatory insights into the biophysics reference to memory metal. It’s very
hydration patterns of water to be observed and physico-chemical properties at the cool.
in high detail at near-physiological molecular level of life. Click here for the full story.


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