Issue 162 - October 2022

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OCTOBER 2022 – ISSUE 162





Available in Russia, Spain, India, Australia, Greece, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, Italy, the U.S. & throughout the United Kingdom Published
Issue 162

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ISSUE 162 October 2022

Dear all,

was looking at some of the technology pursuit of profit. Where is the much talked-
that was reputedly obtained from back- about ‘free energy’? Where are the huge leaps
engineered alien technology obtained in technology? Apparently the ET’s have
from crashed alien spacecraft, and also at free energy and they told us how to produce
what was said to have been offered to us in it, but this has been blocked repeatedly by
exchange for certain items the aliens wanted. the global interests of all the petrochemical at
This included experiments on both animals giants.
and, human beings, which would have been
a real deal-with-the-devil. What I found was Even the ‘free energy’ would not really be free,
not exactly encouraging. Simply because the because it would still have to be produced
usual suspects of fiber-optics, micro-chips, and metered and sent out to our homes and
lasers etc. etc, just don’t cut it, because all of factories and that would come at a cost MAPIT
these technologies were being experimented and the profits would almost certainly flow
with during WWII, especially by the Nazi’s. back into the coffers of the aforementioned
petrochemical giants. Why? because once Brian Allan
I suspect that the reason the allegedly back- these companies have extracted the last of
engineered alien technology got the credit the fossil fuel, they can ‘discover’ free energy
was simply because the freedom-loving, and produce that instead, then make money
democratic USA could hardly admit that from it and the vicious circle continues. DESIGN
they were using (and profiting from) Nazi- S4 Digital Press
developed technology; that just would not Then there are the wars…where are the
do. We won’t even consider the disgraceful wonder weapons that employ undreamed SPANISH EDITOR CONTACT:
and cynical deals of immunity offered to of technologies, as an example even the Dario Fernandez
known Nazis scientists (like Werner von most modern fighter aircraft still seem to dario.alberto.fernandez
Braun) through Operation Paperclip that is for use fundamentally the same tried and tested
another editorial. Anyway, let’s look at some technology to stay aloft, where is the anti-
of the claims, but first, let me make it 100% gravity? Or can we simply not replicate the
clear that I am convinced that we have been, technology…yet? So there you have it, a taster
and still are visited by beings that are not of that might produce some original thinking
this planet. I know this because I have seen and comments. If you have any, please feel
at least one of them, but once again that is free to contact me at the magazine.
This whole thing supposedly kicked off in Brian Allan 17, Redburn Road, Baguley,
Wythenshawe, Manchester,
1947 and if it did what do we have to show UK Editor M23 1AH, United Kingdom.
for it? We still fight one another over fast-
diminishing resources; we always seem to be
The PM Team
in a state of war of one kind or another and Editors & Distributors Sotiris at
we continually destroy the environment in STRANGEFILES.ME, Danial Verdon
at UREI, Randy at Atlantis Rising
Magazine, Dario Fernandez at MDA
/ My Astronaut Gods. Rockstand
Distributor - India: Lavinia Pallotta,
Distributor - Italy: Tim at UFOTV,
CONTRIBUTORS Distributor - Russia: Vision Ovni
Hugh Cochrane, Marion Stirling, Milton Grover, Paul SInclair, Joe Stewart, Argentina. Head Office Distribution
Paul Dale Roberts, Dick Scwartzberg, Dr Rob Gandy, Mike Oram Steve Mera & Brian Allan; Reporter
Jackie Heighway; Columnist Paul
Dale Roberts; Columnist Joe
Due to MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not be accepted. All submitted articles to Phenomena
Magazine must be ‘Original Work’. MAPIT are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not Special thanks to Don Gilchrist for
belong to the individuals submitting them. MAPIT do everything in their power to credit individuals work and images. assisting with news items.
If you are aware of any material featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us
as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only articles wrote by MAPIT investigators and group logos found
throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors alone and
do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine.

2 Issue 162


PARANORMAL......................................... 6
Magazine regular, Milton Grover, casts

an eye on the apparently undeniable
connections between particle physics and
the paranormal.


ENCOUNTERS........................................ 12
Six of the most chilling ghost encounters on
UK roads, hand-picked by Dr. Rob Gandy, an
expert in tales of the supernatural.

PAUL DALE ROBERTS.............16

The Haunted Diary

THE DOMINO EFFECT............18

New contributor Paul Sinclair shares a
few of the anomalies and strange events
associated with East Yorkshire, a piece of
the UK that seems to have more than its fair
share of them. Could this be a ‘window area’?

TIME AND SPACE.............................. 22
Many people will have heard the term ‘portal’
used in reference to a ‘time slip’ and the
names of Charlotte Moberly and Eleanor

22 34
Jourdain who apparently experienced one
in Versailles during the year 1901. Here
contributor Dick Schwartzberg shows other
examples of the curious phenomenon.


FROM AMERICA...............................26
The Dark Man of Ohio Prologue

THE OLMEC..............................................30
New contributor Marion Stirling asks
searching questions about one of the most
enigmatic races ever to walk this planet, the

12 Olmec. Who were they and what became of


ANCIENT ROCKS.............................34
Hugh Cochrane takes a look at the legends
concerning the ability of our ancestors to
move enormous rocks, both carved and
otherwise, and other remarkable properties
associated with them.

issue 162

4 issue 162

issue 162

The Physics of the

Magazine regular, Milton Grover, casts an eye on the apparently
undeniable connections between particle physics and the paranormal.

e should be very careful with the paranormal, including kinesis
about defining what is or the movement of objects, and also
and is not valid regarding acoustic peculiarities that seem to
physics or technology as defy all logic.
it applies to the paranormal. The idea
of applying, or attempting to apply, For example, if an object spontaneously
technology to anything paranormal is moves, apparently of its own volition,
not new and has emerged in various then it has obeyed physical laws of
forms and places. For example, in 1982 cause and effect and performed an
the concept emerged as ‘The Church action. In other words something
of Spiritual Technology’, although physical occurred irrespective of
in all fairness one could not define the mechanism behind it, however,
their interpretation of technology as although there had to be a cause we
anything remotely scientific. In this do not know what brought it about,
instance it is one of several groups why should this be? As we have
closely tied to the cult of Scientology seen in another chapter, there is one
and the stated aim of this particular area where, much to the chagrin of
group is to act as a repository for the scientists, the two seem to coincide,
thoughts and ideology of the late Ron i.e. the normal and the paranormal,
Hubbard, who invented the whole idea and that is in the enigmatic twin (or
of Scientology many years previously double) silt experiment, which is
in 1954. It is also enjoys the same tax currently inexplicable in rational terms.
free status as Scientology. Physicists know what happens, but
not why.
However, the technologies they
espouse are methods of controlling As we have seen, this can become
the mind, and extracting sums of horrendously complicated and starts
money for doing so, rather than to involve theoretical considerations
exploring the possibility of parallels such as ‘probability waves’ and the
between our physics and technology very nature of perception and realty.
and what might be available in the This is an example of what is termed
hidden realms that exist alongside ‘The Observer Effect’ in action, where
ours. It is a genuinely odd comparison, the very act of observation collapses
trying to equate science and physics a probability into another function.
with paranormal phenomena which, It appears then that if this is correct,
by its very name, exists alongside and at the quantum level the very act
should not be connected to anything of placing a device to observe an
normal or mundane: it is in fact the experiment, whether it is switched
very antithesis of science. However, on or not, affects the outcome of the
there appears to be a connection with experiment. The observer affect is
a range of phenomena associated thought to influence the outcome

6 issue 162

issue 162

of any experiment at the quantum

level, because the views of any one
of the team who are conducting the
experiments, irrespective of what
they involve, can have a measurable
influence the outcome.


Does this mean that the phenomenon
is internally generated and the photons
are ‘aware’ in any sense of the word and
if not, does it mean that the change is
created by externally influences, but
irrespective one must ask why, why do
they change state? Why should it matter
to particles if they are being watched?
The entire process is one of the most
fundamental and frustrating puzzles
of quantum physics and despite
the frustrated wails of physicists, it
shows no sign of being resolved any
time soon. It might not be too far off
the mark to think of what is occurring
here as a possible explanation of how
‘magic’ works, because based on that
paradigm it should be possible to
literally will something to happen.

In fact the notorious Victorian mage manifestation of how the mind affects have to involve chemicals of any kind,
Aleister Crowley put it like this: “Magick the body. This normally occurs when a prayer is an example of where it also
is The Science and Art of causing person believes they have been given appears to work. The prayer aspect
Change to occur in conformity with something beneficial to them and is interesting, because placebo is fine
Will”, he went on to elaborate: “It is their body reacts accordingly when in when the person knows they are being
theoretically possible to cause in any fact they have been given something prayed for, but what if they improve
object any change of which that object harmless, but medically useless. The not knowing they were are prayers (or
is capable by nature”. At the time he other odd effects associated with pagan rituals and incantations, the
said it this was of course dismissed placebo are that placebos produce the have the same effect) being said for
as sheer nonsense, and to a large same responses as those of legitimate them?
extent still is, but this was at the medicines. In the case of pain, if the
This appears to involve something

Bizarre and unlikely effects

quite different and external, unless
of course it is an entirely unexpected
example of the observer effect causing

of the twin slit experiment and

a change to occur. This is of course
sheer speculation, but nonetheless it
can and does happen and there is no

their implications also appears ready explanation for it…other than it

must be a miracle. There is little doubt
that some alleged miracles attributed

to affect poltergeist phenomena. to the intercession of God, Jesus, the

Virgin Mary or various saints, while
I suppose that divine intervention
very beginning of the series of earth- pain being experienced is severe, than cannot be ruled out, were more likely
shattering discoveries being made into the alleviation produced by the placebo to have occurred as a result of the
the nature of the particles that bind is likewise greater. manipulation of reality by acts of will,
reality together. Is it this elusive force and presumably the more people
that causes the twin slit experiment This also occurs in cases involving focusing their intent the better the
to operate and might this also be an placebo where people are not actually outcome.
explanation for how the ‘placebo effect’ sick: e.g. stimulants, tranquilisers
works as well? and even alcohol placebo produce The bizarre and unlikely effects of
the desired effects in healthy people. the twin slit experiment and their
Science knows that placebo, This is thought to occur because the implications also appears to affect
which has been described as self- brain is tricked into produced specific poltergeist phenomena, because
fulfilling prophecy, is a reality, this is chemicals that produce the required when this occurs a whole range of
indisputable and at its core placebo is a effects, and of course this does not events take place, including sounds

8 issue 162

and the spontaneous movement of tapped into by various people and and unfortunately science continually
objects. First let’s look at the moment used to manipulate what is around sneers at such ideas when there
of objects: the objects either never (or them. Perhaps this is when something is considerably more proof of their
extremely rarely) move when they are occurs apparently as an ‘an act of will’. validity than there is for some aspects
being observed; but only when no-one However, the truth is that physicists of particle physics.
is looking. They are either seen whilst in do not have a clue and prefer to ignore
motion or falling to rest, but not actually any possible answers outside their As far as the examples of EVP
leaving their point of origin. The other own rigid discipline, because to do so recorded by Don at various venues
fascinating aspect of this is when the they have to abandon the paradigm are concerned, some samples were
object is seen in flight it immediately of materialist reductionism that lies at given to Barry Fitzgerald, who is an
drops to the floor. It’s the same (or a the core of their science. internationally known paranormal
remarkably similar) phenomenon that researcher from Ireland, and his
occurs in the twin slit experiment; the If we can understand the one then the response was almost one of disbelief
question in both cases is why? other starts to make sense, and if the and he went as far as to ask where they
same set of rules apply it makes our came from. He added that, although
Another possible explanation for place in the cosmos a little easier to he had obtained many examples of
this anomalous movement is the understand. What we currently regard EVP over the years, what was coming
application of yet another unknown as ‘paranormal’ encompasses (along from Don did not fit the characteristics
factor called ‘Chi’ energy. Also referred with the attributes already mentioned) of anything he had heard before. He
to as ‘Odic Force’, ‘Prana’ and ‘Kundalini’, such concepts as precognition, evaluated and analysed the recordings
there are other names as well, but they telepathy, out-of-body experience and using specialised equipment and
all refer to the same thing which is a its close cousin near-death experience concluded that the frequencies of the
fundamental form of universal energy and mush else. Vitally, all of these voices were above 255Hz. In other
that, if the circumstances are suitable conditions are currently unexplainable words, although they sounded like
either by accident or design, can be using current scientific methodology human voice responses, they did not
behave like them once subjected to

The truth is that physicists

analysis of the frequencies. This does
not of course explain what they are or
how they get there, but it is a start

do not have a clue and prefer Video clips of the movement of the
dowsing rods at Tutbury Castle (an

to ignore any possible answers example of kinesis or movement)

were sent to Professor Victor Fefelov,
a psychologist and paranormal

outside their own discipline. researcher at the University of

Tomsk (Tomsk State University).

issue 162

this investigation came when a video

camera spontaneously moved through
180 degrees in one of the bedrooms; it
was found pointing at a wall although
it had been originally positioned facing
into the room. There was so sign of
movement or blurring on the recorded
images, so this movement must have
occurred within 12 milliseconds, which
is the camera shutter response time.

This implies that either the movement

was literally instantaneous, and
occurred in the incredibly short space
of time that the shutter was closed,
or, the camera had been instantly
dismantled to every single component
then immediately reassembled facing
The professor is one of Russia’s poltergeist raps and bangs, although the other way. If that is the case, then
leading researchers in this field and considerably louder. either way it clearly indicates levels
in his opinion what was displayed of technology to which we have no
was a prime example of focussed Another example of this was access…yet. This is where, once
kinetic energy and as far as he could experienced during the investigation again, technology and magic seem to
ascertain, there was absolutely no at a poltergeist case when those interface, as the late Arthur C Clarke
sign of cheating or manipulation of present heard a loud thud overhead once said: ‘Any sufficiently advanced
any kind. It is unfortunate that all the and when they went investigate they technology is indistinguishable from
support for the aims of the Phenomena found that a picture had fallen off the magic’ and he was absolutely correct.
Project appears to be coming from wall onto the floor. What made this so
outside the UK, because all of the peculiar was the volume of the sound APPORTS
parapsychologists here appear to be in produced, which was measured on a There is another, absolutely
denial and refuse to get involve despite recording at 69db. When they tried to fundamental aspect to the movement
being asked to do so. reproduce this by deliberately allowing phenomenon and it relates to what are
the picture to fall to the floor, the sound called ‘apports’, or small objects that
PARANORMAL ACOUSTICS produced measured 37 db; there was occasionally spontaneously appear in
As we saw a little earlier, the acoustics no obvious reason for the anomalous séance rooms. These can be articles
associated with a range of paranormal difference in volume. It is almost as if known only to the sitters, or objects like
phenomena do not seem to sit the phenomena was being produced or small pebbles etc, although flowers are
comfortably with what one would manufactured ‘somewhere else’ then also reported to have manifested. The
expect. For example, the spectrum transported here and manifested. This one thing that is common to them all is
range of voices recorded using EVP, may imply that whatever caused the that when touched they feel warm; this
although they sound normal to the ear, object to fall wanted it to be heard, so is not really surprising either, because
when analysed are found to be above it deliberately amplified the sound, or to arrive in the séance room they would
the normal range of the spoken voice. that they actually created or duplicated have to travel through walls and floors.
Another is the strange characteristics the sound of the fall as closely as they
of the knocking sounds that are could, but failed to adequately factor in For this to happen they would first have
frequently heard. These do not follow the physics of the fall and how much to be dismantled right down to the
the usual short, sharp sound of a noise it would produce in a normal most fundamental particles, moved
knock; instead these have a distinctly situation. While none of the can be through other solid objects and then
odd ‘hollow’ quality to them. The best guaranteed, it would fit the parameters reassembled. By our understanding
way to describe this is to listen to the that we have at present. of physics this presumably would
unique sound made by an MRI scanner produce friction and therefore heat,
in operation, because this is very like PARANORMAL KINETICS hence the warmth felt which touching
the kind of sound associated with Another real oddity associated with these objects. There is also another
possibility here, in that the objects are

The spectrum range of

not actually moved from one place to
another while in our reality. According
to some physical mediums, objects

voices recorded using EVP are

like these are somehow ‘seen’ then
‘carbon copied’ in the version of reality
inhabited by these entities, sorry, but

found to be above the normal there is no other way to put this, then
moved into ours. This process may
also generate heat, but once again this

range of the spoken voice. is not a given by any means, because

we have no idea how this occurs. n

10 issue 162

issue 162

dead end
the top six road-related
ghost encounters
Six of the most chilling ghost encounters on UK roads, hand-picked
by Dr. Rob Gandy, an expert in tales of the supernatural.

r Rob Gandy is a Visiting - one of the UK’s largest independent local newspapers or on relevant news
Professor at the Liverpool specialists for car and van leasing media websites. He also gives talks on
Business School at Liverpool – and reveal some of the most tales of the supernatural across the
John Moores University, compelling cases he’s ever come UK for charity.
as well as a former NHS manager. across. From phantom hitchhikers
But away from his university to the terrifying spectre of a 12ft-tall You can hear him speak on the subject
commitments, Dr Gandy has spent monk, these road-dwelling entities are, of the supernatural at the Weird
years documenting eye-witness like potholes, arguably best avoided by Weekend North, an event described
accounts of high strangeness on motorists. as a ‘must for anyone interested
Britain’s highways and byways. in Ghosts, Fortean, Fairies, UFO’s,
Dr Gandy adds: “Whether you, or I, Folklore, Cryptozoology and other
Dr Gandy, a prolific writer for the personally believe in the existence of fascinating stuff’. Weird Weekend
magazine Fortean Times, has decided ghosts is almost irrelevant with these North is an annual event.
to team-up with Select Car Leasing** cases - what’s truly compelling is that
the eyewitnesses are adamant about A recent survey found that many Brits
what they experienced. “What’s also had endured their own road-based
powerful is that many of the tales told hauntings - with roughly one-in-seven
here involve multiple witnesses, which respondents answering ‘Yes’ to the
adds more credence to the accounts. question, ‘Do you believe you have
“The following six encounters cover a seen a ghost while driving?’ Graham
broad spectrum of spooky goings-on Conway, Managing Director at Select
from across England, all told in good Car Leasing, says: “Running out of
faith by startled witnesses.” fuel, or having a dead battery in an
electric car, is scary enough, but these
Dr. Gandy often collects his tales accounts are sure to signpost the
after posting requests for accounts in route to a nightmare.”

12 issue 162

The girl then began to float

along the pavement, staying in
front of the car and keeping
pace with it!
Woodbury Common in Devon on the
B3180 towards Ottery St Mary. As
they approached a pub on their left,
the Halfway Inn, they watched in
horror as a man stepped into the road,
right into the path of their car which
was travelling at around 25mph.

Dr Gandy told The Ghost Club’s

Journal: “He was clear in the
headlights and both Tom and Peter
could see that he was wearing a black
top hat and black frock coat, and he
was carrying a Gladstone bag. The
man turned his head to look straight
at them, although his normal-looking
face seemed blank and unaware
of the presence of the car. Tom
slammed on the brakes, but there
was too much momentum and
the car simply went through the
man! Both Tom and Peter were
convinced that they had killed
someone and got out of the car as
soon as it came to a halt. Tom burst
THE GIRL IN THE NIGHTDRESS into tears; he was that shocked.
Spectral children are a staple of Tentatively they looked behind the
Hollywood horror movies. And this car, and then under the car, using
encounter from 2016 is every bit as torches – but there was nothing to be
chilling as anything you might see on the found. A week later Peter decided to
silver screen. As Dr Gandy puts it, ‘This pay a visit to the Halfway Inn to talk
one goes all the way up to an eleven on float along the pavement, staying in to the landlord about the episode;
the spooky scale!’The shocking event front of the car and keeping pace with his friend Tom point blank refused to
was seen by a family - dad ‘Martin’, it, even though they were travelling at go with him! The landlord confirmed
mum ‘Amy’ and 13-year-old daughter 30 mph! What was really weird was that several other people had had
‘Caroline’ - as they drove along the that her movement seemed to be a similar experiences over the years.
A15 heading south from Lincoln one series of short instantaneous ‘jumps’! He believed that what had been seen
bright, sunny Sunday morning. All of Martin, Amy and Caroline never took was the ghost of a doctor who had
a sudden, the eyewitnesses spotted their eyes off the girl for the whole attended a birth at the inn, and upon
a young girl - between six and eight of the time, but she then suddenly leaving had stepped out into the road
years old - looking ‘thin’ and forlorn and vanished into thin air.” only to be run over and killed by a
with nothing but a nightdress on at the horse and carriage.”
side of the road. THE MAN WITH THE GLADSTONE
Dr Gandy describes what happened Some accidents are unavoidable HITCHHIKER (MERSEYSIDE)
next, saying: “What shocked all - particularly when you’re trying to Dr Gandy has investigated countless
three of them was that they could dodge a ghost that’s been ‘run over’ tales of so-called ‘phantom
clearly see through the little girl – numerous times by startled motorists! hitchhikers’ - spooks seemingly hell-
she was transparent! To add to their One night in 1989, two friends - ‘Tom’ bent on thumbing a ride. But less than
astonishment, the girl then began to and ‘Peter’ - were driving north across a handful involve talking phantom

Erich Karnberger/istockphoto issue 162

‘strange’ and ‘unsolved’, he describes

how a family of startled eyewitnesses
claim to have seen Concorde flying
alongside them, just 10-15ft off the
ground, and having seemingly taken-
hitchhikers, and this is one of the most driver’s window and saw that there off from a random farmer’s field!
frightening, ‘where the eyewitness was nobody there. He stepped out of The sighting came in late August
genuinely thought they were talking to the car for a couple of seconds and still 1975, while driving on the A442 near
a real person’. The event took place in could not see anybody. It took about Bridgnorth, Shropshire.
1983 when a 27 year old - known as ‘Mr 20 seconds for Mr M to realise that the
M’ - was driving along the windswept man had completely disappeared, and Dr Gandy says: “The aircraft
Coastal Road between Ainsdale and that there was no sign of any girlfriend. disappeared from view behind
Southport, Merseyside. Mr M spotted The road at that point was edged with hedges and trees as the eyewitnesses
a hitchhiker standing on the side of the high sand hills and there was quite continued up the road, and was then
road, and offered to give the gentleman simply nowhere the man could have nowhere to be seen.” There were no
a lift. gone.” nearby air shows, and no airstrips in
the vicinity capable of accommodating
Dr Gandy explains: “The man was THE PHANTOM CONCORDE ON Concorde.
wearing a parka-type coat and was THE A442 (SHROPSHIRE)
soaking wet, and wasn’t carrying any Not all ghosts come in human form, Graham Conway ponders:” Perhaps it
bags. He had stubble on his face and some take the shape of iconic feats was a bizarre early premonition of the
dark eyes, and Mr M guessed that of engineering - in this case, the tragic Air France Flight 4590 Concorde
he was in his mid-30s. Although his supersonic plane Concorde, that flew crash in Paris, July 2000, that killed
behaviour was normal and calm, he commercially between 1976 and 109 people on board and four on the
had a troubled expression, which Mr M 2003.In a case Dr Gandy says is both ground…?”
put down to him being out in such bad

The aircraft disappeared

weather. He was quietly spoken, with a
local Southport accent, and asked if he
could bring his girlfriend with him into
the car, to which Mr M agreed.

Staying on the passenger side of the

from view behind hedges
car, the man then stepped to its rear
without making a sound, although the and trees as the eyewitnesses
continued up the road.
heavy rain was making a lot of noise.
Mr M then realised that the man was
nowhere to be seen; he opened the

14 issue 162

** Phenomena Magazine wishes

to emphasise that Dr Gandy is
raising money for the Huntington’s
THE SCOTTER ROAD SPECTRE He stopped and looked but found that Disease Association, to which
(HUMBERSIDE) there was nothing there; which really Select Car Leasing will also
When it comes to terrifying phantoms, shook him up.” make a donation. For fundraising
there’s surely nothing as unsettling enquiries or to make a donation,
as seeing a 12ft tall monk marauding THE RUSKINGTON HORROR email:
down the road on a wet, stormy night. (LINCOLNSHIRE)  
But that’s precisely what happened to This bizarre case was uncovered The Huntington’s Disease
20-year-old ‘Katie’ back in 1999 when in 1998 when the witness, Kevin Association receives £1 for every
she was living at home in Scunthorpe, Whelan, called-in to ITV’s This Morning ‘like’/pumpkin for everyone who
Lincs. Katie and her mum were looking programme to speak about his hair- likes the article, up to a maximum
out of an upstairs window when their raising encounter. It left such an of £200.
eyes were drawn to a strange figure indelible mark on then-host Richard
ambling down nearby Scotter Road. Madeley that he has described it as the To ‘post your pumpkin’ click the
‘best ghost story of my entire career’. image below.
He says: “Together they watched what
looked like a monk coming from their As Kevin remembers it, he was driving
right. The hood was stood up to a on the A15 from Lincoln to Sleaford at
point, which was surprising given the around 60mph. As he approached the
heavy rain, but they couldn’t see his turn-off on his left for Ruskington, he
face because of the angle. However, spotted something ‘floating’ in front of
what really flummoxed Katie and him and assumed it was a large white
her mum was the fact that the monk bin-bag. But as Dr. Gandy reveals:
appeared to be 12 to 15 feet tall!” Katie“However, when he got to where it was,
tried to dismiss the encounter as an all of a sudden a face appeared around
‘idiot in a weird fancy dress’ but mum the car’s front pillar on the top-right of
Catherine watched in terror as the the windscreen, with the left hand up!
figure completely disappeared. It was Greek-looking, with dark hair
and an olivey-green skin. It had a pitted
Dr Gandy adds: “Neither Katie nor face and Kevin could see its teeth.”
Catherine have broadcast their
experience to others, but over the After around 40-50 seconds the
years they have overheard people ‘Horror’ eventually ‘faded into obscurity
with related stories. One involved a down the side of the car.’ Dr Gandy
worker driving on the same stretch adds: “His wife later confirmed that he
of road and seeing a monk in the was panicking and crying when he told
road. He slammed on his brakes and her about what had happened. She
thought that he had run over the figure. had never seen him so distraught.” n

issue 162

with Paul Dale Roberts

The Haunted Diary

ori Gaines from Akron, Ohio On one occasion, the table on which and in a safe place, the haunting
says that she went to an estate the diary had been placed started would stop and the spirit of the lady
sale in her neighborhood and shaking. Lori thought there was an would go into the light. When people
purchased this old diary that earthquake. She asked me if I thought write in a diary, they are sharing their
was written by the woman of the her home was haunted. My answer... life story and it’s the essence of their
house who was now deceased. Lori most definitely! Lori asked if being immortality. This is what the California
liked the way the diary looked. The in possession of the diary could be State Library - California Section says
cover had flowers on it, it looked old the cause, and my answer was... on their website:
and the cursive writing was quite absolutely! What is happening is that
unique. Lori bought it for $20.00, she the deceased lady who wrote the diary ‘Are you looking for books on California
felt the diary sitting on her coffee cherished it, because it reflected her history? We can help! In addition to our
table would be a good conversation life and her claim to immortality was manuscripts, ephemera, periodicals,
piece. She read part of it and the daily through the diary. This spirit was not at photos and other resources, we have
writings were definitely not a thriller. rest and was very concerned about the over 80,000 California history-related
There were diary entries that told of welfare of her diary. She did not want books, making our collection one of
when the owner was walking her dog, it destroyed or ruined and she would the largest of its kind in the world. In
or when she went to the grocery store continue to haunt the house her diary our stacks, we have early cookbooks,
and what she purchased there, it was was in, until it was in a safe place. The diaries, county histories, and much
all quite mundane. The diary was a spirit would not enter the light while more. To fully explore our books,
nice conversation piece, but not a sit- the diary sat on Lori’s coffee table. please consult the library catalog or
down thriller. After she purchased it, contact us.’
Lori started noticing a shadow moving I told Lori to immediately contact the
about her house. Kitchen cabinet Ohio State Library and tell them that What is interesting about this case is
doors were being opened, footsteps you would send them the diary for that the story is similar to something
were heard in the hallway and knocks their safe keeping. Once the that happened in Nebraska.
were heard on the walls. diary was out of Lori’s hands During the 1980s, a woman
went into an antique store
and purchased a grandfather
clock. When she placed it in her
home things started happening,
doors slammed, something big
seemed to be walking across the
roof and when she went outside,
there was nothing to be seen.
Invisible physical assaults were
happening. When the woman
took the grandfather clock
back to the antique store, the
haunting stopped. I often hear
that inanimate objects may be
haunted and with the case of the

grandfather clock, that seemed

to be the case. Lori is going to
donate the diary to the Ohio State
Library and she will be in touch
with me and let me know if the
haunting stops. I’ll keep you all
informed. n

16 issue 162



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issue 162

New contributor Paul Sinclair shares a few of
the anomalies and strange events associated with East
Yorkshire, a piece of the UK that seems to have more than
its fair share of them. Could this be a ‘window area’?

he East Yorkshire coast Miss Nellie Vickers who also lived in On the night of Sunday November 22nd
line seems to have more Speke. Thomas and Nellie decided to go for
than its fair of unexplained an evening walk along the Bridlington
phenomena. Phenomena that They were staying at Thomas’s Promenade. “The Promenade is a
range from UFOs, Cryptids alien big cousin’s house on Victoria Road place I know very well; it is literally 200
cats and people who vanish without Bridlington, Lieutenant commander yards from where I am sitting as I write
trace. My research has revealed that W.B. Clementson. Thomas had come about this case.”
in many instances one strange event to say at his cousins to recover from
is usually followed by more in close a bout of influenza; it is also important It was a very cold dark night with a little
succession. And all of them within to note that he was known to be low-lying fog and the taste of winter in
a few miles of each other. At this suffering from depression and rarely the air. However, Thomas was dressed
present time, we may understand the went out unaccompanied. A point that in suitable clothing for the occasion.
true mechanics of what is happening, appears to have been missed by some He wore a dark blue suit and a heavy
but we do know that some locations researchers who have spoken about grey overcoat, a cloth cap and black
hold the keys to better understanding. the case. leather lace up shoes.
The account you are about to read is
just one of many that highlight the
domino effect.

1925 was a year that saw three
tragedy’s strike the small seaside town
of Bridlington on the East Yorkshire
coast and all of them within days of
each other. Freak weather, a vanishing
man, men lost at sea. And a man who
was lost in a snow storm. All plunged
the town into an atmosphere of
sadness and mystery. It began during
November of that year when a 40-year-
old man from the town of Speke in
Liverpool, a Mr. Thomas Henry Bennet
came to stay in Bridlington for two
weeks with his friend and companion

18 issue 162

As they walked along the seafront thorough search of the shore line was later he was on the beach looking for
everything seemed normal, until Nellie also made. They were also hampered Thomas. After searching the shore
suggested that they should think about by a heavy fog that had descended line for 200 yards in both directions
making their way back to his cousin’s making it difficult to see any distance he found nothing, the only evidence he
house. At that point they had walked a with their lamps. found was a set of footprints leading
considerable distance. Her reasoning to the sea in a line from where Thomas
was that she thought Thomas had After hours of searching, and no sign went over the clifftop.
walked far enough in his current state of Thomas, the search was called
of health. off. Early the next morning fishermen The last person to see Thomas was
from Bridlington set to sea in their Earnest Nixon, Thomas was running
From the information I have gathered cobles [small fishing boats] to comb in the direction of the sea. For me the
in the Bridlington archive I believe they Bridlington Bay but they found nothing. mystery is how Thomas managed to
had reached the end of the promenade However, his cousin, Lieutenant vanish in the time it took Earnest to
and were just about to walk onto the Commander W.B. Clementson felt get onto the beach. Police and a small
footpath that runs along the clifftops sure that Thomas had become lost group of locals searched between
at Sewerby. It would make perfect and confused and would eventually be Sewerby and Danes Dyke but no trace
sense that Nellie decided to turn back found. was ever found of Thomas Bennet.
at that point as it marks the end of one
journey and the beginning of another. The authorities though were fairly LESS THAN THREE DAYS LATER
“I tested the route that they had taken certain that Thomas had entered Amazingly tragedy was to strike two
from his cousin’s address, and it took the sea. This was because Nellies more times within a few miles of where
me thirty five minutes walking at a calls for him to stop running had Thomas vanished. Because in the
steady pace to reach the corner of caught the attention of Earnest Nixon early hours of November the 25th nine
Limekiln lane.” of Flamborough road. At the time more lives were lost in the same Bay
Earnest was on his allotment close to where Thomas was last seen running
However when they reached that point the seafront on Limekiln Lane corner. towards the sea. The first of those was
and she suggested that they should Upon hearing her distressed calls the disappearances of a fishing boat
walk back Thomas refused and was Earnest ran to see what was wrong. and its nine-man crew that sank when
determined to continue. Then much That was when he saw the dark outline a violent storm suddenly hit Bridlington
to Nellies surprise Thomas suddenly of a man go over the edge of the cliffs Bay. The boat was a steam-powered
pulled away from her and began in the direction of the sea. drifter called the Research, and it was
running. Her cries for him to stop fell on just off Flamboroughs South Landing
deaf ears as she watched him run into The cliffs in that location are just when the freak storm hit. My research
the night in the direction of Sewerby shallow Earth dunes that run down to reveals that freak weather and strange
Cliffs and the sea. This was totally the beach on a gentle slope so there events seem to go hand in hand, a
unexpected because he rarely went is no danger of falling to your death. domino effect that appears to be more
anywhere alone, so what prompted Upon seeing the man go over the than just a normal tragedy. However,
him to run? clifftop Earnest followed and moments it is not until cross-referencing many

The mystery is how Thomas

After calling and searching the
surrounding area she raised the alarm
and soon after a small search party

Bennet managed to vanish in

headed by Superintendent Robinson
and a Sargent Hudson was assembled.
The search party combed the clifftops
between Limekiln Lane and Danes
Dyke but found no trace of Thomas. It
was almost high tide but the sea rarely
the time it took Earnest Nixon
touched the foot of the cliffs between
Sewerby and Danes Dyke, so a to get onto the beach.
issue 162

seemingly unrelated events that a Knaggs vanished from a Cobble (small I have similar reports of the domino
pattern emerges. fishing boat) called the Fidelity. The effect within the affected area, such as
four-man crew had also got caught up four men totally unconnected to each
South Landing can be easily seen in a second freak storm and by 10pm other vanishing without trace from the
from the clifftop path at Sewerby from they were in the eye of an angry North clifftops over a period of thirty-eight
where Thomas vanished. It was also Sea; with rain snow and ice turning the days. Another case involving a thirty-
said to be the most violent storm to sea into a raging fury. five year old man out walking with his
hit the coast in over 20 years. I think mother and two friends, who suddenly
researchers can look at that from two They were though slowly making their ran towards the fence at Bempton’s
different angles. Does the freak storm way towards the safety of dry land. 300 ft cliffs in a state of terror. He
mark the emergence of unexplained William Knaggs who was part of the began to climb the fence but was
phenomena? Or was the freak storm four-man crew said that conditions pulled back to safety and taken out
the reason why the boat was lost? suddenly changed when they were hit of the area. Speaking afterwards he
Tragic coincidence by a violent snowstorm, adding that it described hearing strange sounds and
was impossible to see anything except voices, adding that all he wanted to do
I research unexplained phenomena a thick wall of white. When the snow was run. Exactly what this signifies is
and know the true reality of what we are finally eased there was no sign of Tom unclear, but it just might be that this
dealing with. Perhaps it was a mixture Bennet. William said that they turned area serves as an interface with ‘the
of natural and unnatural phenomena the boat around and attempted to other side’ and those who are sensitive
merging to create these mysteries. It search for their crew mate, but Tom enough can contact (or be contacted
seems certain that the Research hit had vanished. by) whatever lies there. n
the bottom of “Smethwick Sands in

Does the freak storm mark

Bridlington Bay and was swamped by
the sea and sank with the loss of all
nine crew. Eight of the men were from

the emergence of unexplained

Filey, five belonging to one family.

Smithwick Sands is a large expanse of

shallow water just east of Bridlington
that it is well known for its dangerous phenomena? Or was it the
reason why the boat was lost?
sailing conditions. Incredibly on the
same day that the Research was lost
a Bridlington fisherman called Tom

20 issue 162

issue 162

Through Time
& Space

Many people will have heard the term ‘portal’ used in reference to a
‘time slip’ and the names of Charlotte Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain
who apparently experienced one in Versailles during the year 1901.
Here contributor Dick Schwartzberg shows other examples of
the curious phenomenon.

Now you see me, now you don’t!” Moscow elementary schoolteacher – playing on his eyes, the school teacher
– said any good magician who Vladimir Ritzsik – glanced up at the cautiously approached the design
knows just how to make you burning orb of mid-day sun and walked etched on the ground in front of him.
believe he’s disappeared. As scary to his camper, reaching for a pair of The pulsating it gave off grew even
as it may seem, some disappearances dark sunglasses which he left on the louder, and at that point, the closer he
– voluntary and involuntary – aren’t seat. It was then he noticed something came to the strangely-traced pattern,
illusions. Many people, throughout strange. On the ground, approximately the more he thought he heard the
history, have spontaneously vanished ten yards from where he stood, the sound of roaring crowds of people.
off the face of the Earth. This brings sun’s rays traced two faint vertical
us to a phenomenon that is constantly lines, as though side by side, running Ritzsik went on to explain, ‘’I moved
challenging scientific scrutiny – time parallel and approximately twelve back, out of the triangle, and the noise
portals. Psychic researchers, burrowing feet apart at its base, the tops joined suddenly stopped. I looked around,
headlong into the enigma, have come together much like the top of a triangle. but all was quiet. Then I moved in
up with what they now believe to be closer, and the sounds came again,
solid evidence of twelve such natural Ritzsik would comment later that the growing louder with each approaching
time tunnels, existing on the earth space between the lines, or pillars, at its step I took.’’ At that point, Ritzsik
‘s surface – in Norway, Panama, the farthest-spaced base point, reflected a even thought he heard the staccato
United States, Egypt, Spain, France, weird, almost double image, as though of gunfire, automobile engines and
North Africa, Italy, Russia, Ireland, the ground, grass and shrubbery the whinnies of horses, their hooves
Israel, and the Hawaiian Islands. These beneath it blended together. But the clomping against cobblestones – all
windows have manifested themselves ground surrounding the reflection had emanating from within that confined
on rural country farms, on city streets, been quite normal. He said, “It seemed space. Finally, curiosity getting the
and along country lanes. Many are as though the pillars being traced on better of him, so Ritzsik moved full
also located on the high seas. the ground resembled a doorway of into the center of the strange triangle
sorts, or a window through which a being traced by the sun’s rays. It was
In the summer of 1962, by the canals man could easily fit’’. Fascinated by then, he reported to the Soviet Psychic
of the Soviet Psychic Society, a the clever trick nature seemed to be Society, that he was no longer in

22 issue 162

the campground but instead, found

himself on a paved city street full of

Ritzsik reported, ‘’I know it sounds

as if I had one vodka too many, but
the street where I was standing was
in Petrograd, my country’s capital,
renamed St. Petersburg in 1914. The
crowds that gathered were striking
workers and they were seizing the
capital in bloody street fighting, a coup,
unsuccessfully being put down by
police on horseback. People were going
crazy. Somehow, I was projected back
in time -it was 1917, and I was in fact,
caught up in the Russian Revolution.’’
Ritzsik described how Czarist Russia,
reeling under the blows of a terrible
worldwide war, near famine, popular
discontent, palace intrigue, and a
shattered economy, collapsed. He
said he witnessed food riots and mass Wyoming in the Bighorn Mountains as uniformed mounted National Park
army desertions, stood toe to toe with and flows northward to enter into Police. But they arrived only moments
the crowds as they shouted outside Southern Montana. after Miller himself bounded after
the palace grounds for the ousting of his son, within the triangular shaped
Czar Nicholas and Czarina Alexandra. It was approximately three minutes pyramid, emitted by the sun’s rays. In
before noon when the family decided exactly 16 minutes, Miller and his son
He further said that a short, stocky, to explore the vast Bighorn Mountain re-emerged – expressions of terror
bald man stood on a podium near the range. Breathing the clean and fresh and shock evident on both their faces.
Imperial Palace, preaching revolution mountain air, the elder Miller and his They were shaking. The story Miller told
and the overthrow of the Czarist youngest son, Steve Jr., climbed a defies the imagination and staggers
government Ritzsik described the small hill to explore even further the the senses. Both of Miller’s hands, as
speaker as having small oriental eyes, vast horizon which had been – 103 well as his clothing, had been covered
a high forehead, and a red beard. The years before – a bloody battlefield. with blood.
man he saw was Nikolai Lenin, leader Mrs. Miller and their two other children
of the Russian Revolution. He suddenly tagged along not far behind. Suddenly, A frightened Miller told authorities later,
began fearing for his own life – for the Steven Jr. bounded playfully from his “The air was a dull gray, and smoke
mounted police began moving into father’s side and ran ahead, shouting color, probably due to the thousands
the throng using clubs and guns to that the ground was moving. Miller of shots that must have been fired”.
break up the melee. Suddenly finding noticed it too, and before he was able At first, I thought the whole thing was
a hole in the crowd, he stepped back to stop his son, the boy ran into the very funny, feeling my son, and myself,
several paces, and no sooner, found centre of two sun-traced pillars on the were seeing something on a giant
himself back at his original campsite. flat, grassy ground. movie screen, coupled with a bit of
Approximately two hours had elapsed, trick photography. We even started to
and the bizarre triangle was already In less than five seconds, right before laugh; and then I looked behind me,
beginning to vanish as the late the horrified eyes of Miller and his expecting to see my wife and the rest
afternoon sun rose higher in the sky. family, the boy vanished – as though of our family huddled together, taking
physically disintegrating into the in the same spectacle…
Just about three years after Vladimir environment, within the strange
Ritzsik’s strange encounter on the tracing of sunlight on the ground. Mrs. “That’s when I suddenly became
Karelian Isthmus of Soviet Russia, Miller’s frantic screams brought other frightened. Behind me was nothing
another weird happening of the same tourists running to the spot, as well but wide open plain and clear sky for
nature was about to take place in

Right before the horrified

Southern Montana at the site of the
General George Armstrong Custer
Monument. The area marks the

eyes of Miller and his family,

historically famous battle of the Little
Bighorn which was fought on June 25,
1876. On the afternoon of October 14,
1964, Steven R. Miller a biologist of
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, his wife Della,
and their three children, ages 14, 16,
the boy vanished - as though
and 18, had been visiting the 765-acre
Monument, which rises in Northern physcially disintegrating.
issue 162

as far as the eye could see. The area

my son and I found ourselves in was
nothing like the park we had been in
just moments before…“I called my
wife by name, and our children. We
both did, but there was no answer. No
sound at all in fact, only our echoes
piercing the mountains. The stench of
death and decay was everywhere. It
was real, believe me. It was so bad that
my son vomited on the ground. Those
dead bodies – all young men – on the
ground around us were no props. They
were very real.”

Miller told officials how he and his son

had fallen over the bodies trying to get
out of the area, and how after taking
a few steps backward, they had been
caught in a ·”whirlwind” and propelled
back into the park. Their clothing and break. He vanished as he stepped off 1871, that the fire ravaged through
the blood stains on their hands were the curb, ‘’in a triangular pattern traced the city. Research bore him out.
sent to the Blood Analysis Division by the sun ‘s rays on the sidewalk.’’ He On that day, ashes fell from the
of the FBI in Helena, Montana. Here disappeared – as though off the face darkening sky, when from out of the
was the verdict – the blood was real. of the earth – for a day-and-a-half. On southwest, there came the dreadful
Human blood, and not their own. The the night of May 15, he wandered into roar of a forest fire, along with intense
experiences of both Vladimir Ritzsik his home in Peshtigo. His clothes were heat with gale force winds. When
and the Miller family, as well as the charred, and he was suffering from 1st it was over, three days later, 1,500
sworn testimony of police and civilian and 2nd degree burns on his chest, lives in Peshtigo and neighbouring
witnesses – who had seen father and legs and upper portion of his left arm, communities were lost, along with
son enter and exit from the strange which later had to be amputated at the four million acres of forest and prairie.
light on the ground – would lend a great elbow. Peshtigo was completely destroyed.
deal of credence to the assumption
that such time tunnels are not the He told his wife, “I found myself in the But what is perhaps the most popular,
results of a fiction-writer’s overworked midst of a great file”. He described highly documented account of all
imagination. the incidents in minute detail, telling concerns is the adventures of Charlotte
how he stepped off the curb and Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain (above),
On the morning of May 14, 1969, John suddenly roaring flames reached two principals of an Oxford college.
Casper, a Wisconsin businessman, out, destroying everything in its path. While vacationing in Versailles during
walked out of his office for a coffee He said it was on Sunday, October 8, the mid-summer of 1901, the two

24 issue 162

ladies walked through a weird, sun- seen – the bridge, the ravine, the wood, Although no map exists, which shows
drenched pattern in the gardens near and kiosk – did not exist. Where they a kiosk in the Petit Trianon, a document
the Petit Trianon, where it was said had seen a young woman sketching in dated 1776 was unearthed, which
Marie Antoinette used to sit and paint an area – framed by a small garden – refers to a ‘circular pavilion’. According
for hours on end. there was now a large bush and some to the document, the circular pavilion
gravel. was later demolished, exactly where
On August 10, after walking through the ladies had reported seeing one.
such a pattern traced by the afternoon Researching this experience, they What’s more, foundation of a cottage
sun, they found themselves at the end concluded that they had indeed visited has been found where Miss Jourdain
of a lane surrounded by farm buildings. the past, and the young woman in the said she saw such a building.
They wrote later, “We asked directions garden was Marie Antoinette, who,
of two men in green livery wearing according to historic research, spent Many who had walked through the
three-cornered hats.”Since they had much time painting in Versailles. The royal gardens mentioned two men,
seen a wheelbarrow and spades on the two women were so overcome by their who were gardeners. From the
grounds nearby, they took the men for experience that they published a book description of their clothing – green
gardeners. The two women were told detailing it. The title of the book was livery and three-cornered hats – they
to go straight ahead, and when they ‘An Adventure’. have been identified as the royal
did, they encountered a small wood, gardeners, Claude Richard, and his
where there was a circular kiosk. It It was almost forgotten, until 1928, son, Antoine They wore green livery
looked like a small bandstand. when two other Englishwomen – a in the gardens, until 1774. Their
schoolmistress and her former pupil, portraits were sketched by Marie
The women crossed a rustic bridge walked through the same garden Antoinette, and their names – beneath
over a tiny ravine, with a thread-like and told of witnessing the same the paintings – depict them as royal
waterfall, and found their way into a phenomena. Similar accounts were gardeners. Many psychic researchers
garden, overlooking a country house. revealed after a walk in the Trianon who are investigating this enigma,
Suddenly, they discovered themselves gardens. From 1937, right through to are convinced that our planet holds
back in the twentieth century. 1955, reliable citizens spoke of walking many secrets which are constantly
Subsequent visits to the area, where through the gardens, viewing people being probed. Indeed, these invisible
their experience had begun, convinced in archaic dress, and seeing a figure windows, through which individuals
them that the Petit Trianon must be drawing in a sketchbook. A figure that have taken a journey to the past, is
haunted, for the buildings they had resembled Marie Antoinette. only one of them. n

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Editor: Simon Best

issue 162

The Ohio
Dark Man Prologue
ast issue we heard about Joe five cemeteries outside the town of A priest attempts to bless the house
and Durinda’s encounter with Athens. Connecting them by drawing but stops. He tells the family they need
the Dark Man of Ohio, here we a line to each cemetery formed a an exorcism. The priest then abandons
discover the events that led up pentagram overlaying the city. Using a the family and does not answer their
to those events. map of Athens, I joined the cemeteries, phone calls for help. The Dark Man
and indeed they did form a pentagram. gains strength and manipulates
The icy grip of terror took hold of I found that I could also make other matter. The situation has become
Amy. Standing tall on the other side non-pentagram forms by connecting considerably more dangerous for the
of the room was a black shadow of a the cemeteries. According to Amy, the family.
man. It stood there with glaring, red, town’s claim to fame was the sheer
glowing eyes and wearing a black number of hauntings. At night in their new surroundings, they
fedora hat. A chilly, phantom breeze heard talking, but in an unrecognizable
blew through the enclosed room and Their first house rental lasted eight language. They also occasionally
moved the figure’s long dark coat, months before they fled in terror. smelled the decaying odor of the
adding to the already high level of Amy’s family has their first encounter dead. Searching the house, they found
terror. Its evil wafted throughout the with the “Dark Man” and its minions nothing to account for the foul odor.
room, leaving Amy with a sick feeling in that house. They left everything
in the pit of her stomach. She felt that behind in their urgent departure. The
it wanted her soul. During our phone family found another place to rent—it
interview and between her sobs, she followed them. Once more, they left
cried out that it was evil incarnate, in haste to their third and final rental
and it was not alone! house. Their funds were low, and this
time they had to stay; but like before - it
It began when Amy’s family home followed them.
burned to the ground. They moved
into a rental house in Athens, Multiple ghost investigations end with
Ohio, which later I found was full the swift departure of the invading
of paranormal activity. There are entity. It goes something like this:

Three out of the five people

©Paul Campbell/

in the household saw the Dark

Man with it’s glowing, red
eyes and black hat.
26 issue 162

Recently, I was told the Dark

Man had walked into their gun
safe, removed a pistol, passing it
through a solid steel door.
The Dark Man caused anger and

feelings of dread and doom. Three out
of five people in the household saw the
Dark Man with its glowing, red eyes
and black hat. Things went missing;
sometimes they would reappear in
the oddest places. Some objects were
removed from drawers and a locked
gun-safe. He created a lot of animosity
between Amy and her husband, Mike.
The Dark Man whispered in Mike’s ear
that his wife was cheating on him and solid steel door. Amy was the only one Amy. We found the missing gun
he needed to leave her. Then it would with the combination to the safe and was mysteriously back in the safe.
tell him, ‘Why bother, kill yourself’. witnessed the Dark Man removing the We already knew the names and
handgun. The safe is five feet in height. number of the demons, until two
One morning, Amy’s husband sat at When the entity entered the safe, he more names come to Durinda while
his desk when a handwritten note could be seen from mid-chest up to we checked into the hotel. I added
appeared in midair. It floated to the his fedora hat. The pistol was not in this information to my list of demons
surface of the desk. It said to leave the safe or anywhere else in the house. for binding.
his wife and it was in handwriting that It concerned me that if he could handle
no one recognized. The demons were a handgun, it inferred he could pull the Amy’s bedroom has a lot of active
isolating Mike from his family, which trigger, and they loaded their guns electronic equipment. From a
is a standard demon tactic. Their before putting them in the safe. security system to a Ham radio; a
three dogs were in a constant state hobby of Mike. I usually get an EMF
of anxiety as these entities messed The team consisted of Durinda and I, reading of .2 - 1.0 milligauss (mG)
around. The dogs were always staring plus our new demon-hunter apprentice, in an average home away from
into space as if they were watching Nick Maxwell. We arrived on Saturday appliances. This house displays
something moving about the room. as the night enveloped the house. 1.4 mG throughout. The strongest
The house projected an intimidating sense of the demonic activity is in
Amy told me that her mother was living presence, making us hesitant to cross Amy’s and Mike’s bedroom and the
with them. Among other medications, the threshold. The heavy atmosphere adjacent living room area.
her mother’s blood-thinner went was overwhelming and unforgiving.
missing. She also had two sons in My eye caught the gun-safe in a little While I’m unpacking the GoPro
their twenties living with her. Due to alcove. I saw what looked like two camera, I looked up to see Durinda
his psychic abilities, one of the sons red eyes floating in space - staring. I standing in front of the bedroom
became a target for the Dark Man. brought Durinda’s attention to it, but it door. She was focusing on her
was already gone. dowsing rods that were spinning
Recently I was told that the Dark Man wildly. She started to say something
had walked into their gun safe and We settled in the house’s living-room when I saw her feet lift up off the
removed a pistol, passing it through a doing a quick interview with our client, floor…

Issue 162


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28 issue 162

issue 162


New contributor Marion Stirling asks searching questions about
one of the most enigmatic races ever to walk this planet, the Olmec.
Who were they and what became of them? Find out here.

ime’s a funny thing. It seems as the source of Mesoamerican There are now twelve known
to have a sense of humour. It civilization. colossal heads. Of these, on National
has a habit of making ancient Geographic Society Smithsonian
civilizations completely vanish In Mexico, famous anthropologist Institution expeditions, eight were
without a trace. And makes society Alfonso Caso was the first to use the discovered in La Venta and San
question the existence and reality of term, “mother culture”. At the La Venta Lorenzo. The heads, carved from
these civilizations. However, some of Congress in 1942, another believer basalt, never had bodies. Marion
them have recently been re-emerging. in the antiquity of the Olmec was the believed that they represent portraits
Today, we are going to explore one of Mexican artist, Miguel Covarrubias of leaders. Others suggest that they
these ancient societies – the Olmec – who based his conclusion largely on represent gods or decapitated ball
and discover who they were. Marion detailed studies of art styles. Now, game heroes, since they wear a sort of
Stirling had heard of the Maya, the thanks to an intensive excavation helmet.
Toltec, and the Aztecs. But never the by Robert Heizer and Philip Drucker,
Olmec. all doubts as to the antiquity of the The art style is called “Baby Face “ and
Olmec have been removed. The Olmec is sometimes described as Negroid.
Since Marion and her husband started civilization developed in the tropical Another ethnic type is shown on the
working in Olmec sites, in eastern jungles of the southern Gulf Coast stone monuments, pottery and jade
Mexico in 1939, she had been asked of Mexico and flourished from the figurines. Other stone monuments,
this question innumerable times. thirteenth to the last century B.C. The many larger than the colossal heads,
When Marion answered that she estimated population was around were altars and stelae elaborately
thought the Olmec is another culture three hundred and fifty thousand in an carved and decorated. It’s not known
of Mesoamerica. Why? Because – area of seven thousand square miles. what the Olmec called themselves
she argued – they had a calendar Did the civilization rise in response to or where they came from. The name
and writing, military, political and the challenge of the jungle? Olmec means “the rubber people” –
religious organization, and to have literally “people from the land where
achieved what they did, they must Alfonso Caso gives many reasons for rubber is produced”.
have had accomplished artists, believing that the Olmec had a true
engineers and scientists. She claimed empire. To most people, the Olmec are Scientific work has been carried on
that their ‘empire’ spread to Guerrero best known for their remarkable stone at La Venta in Tabasco and at Tres
and the Pacific on the West, and sculpture with the colossal stone Zapotes San Lorenzo and Laguna
perhaps through to Costa Rica on the heads ranging in size from five feet to de Los Cerros in Veracruz [VERR-a-
southeast from where they influenced ten feet. Some of the giant heads from cruise ceremonial centre, built on an
later civilizations. Until recently, this San Lorenzo have toured the United island away from where people lived.
was an unpopular theory among States and visited such European The Olmec believed in doing things
most archaeologists – especially cities as Rome, Moscow, and Paris. the hard way. During an excavation,
those working on the Maya. The Pictures of them have appeared in three large, mosaic jaguar masks were
Maya – because of their spectacular many magazines advertising travel to found, deeply buried under original
achievements – were long regarded Mexico. pavements. Almost immediately after

30 issue 162

issue 162

installation, these pavements and transported by means of rafts along wearing a hematite mirror on the
masks were intentionally covered with the navigable rivers – including five breast. Also aesthetically striking are
a series of brilliantly coloured clays. thousand tons of green, serpentine – the figurines carved of translucent
Tombs with rich offerings of jade were from Niltepic, 350 miles away. And, blue jade.
constructed to contain the remains the nearest basalt from which the
of important individuals. The Olmec huge stone monuments were carved At La Venta, beads and ornaments
seemed to make a point of having is fifty miles away. Transporting such of transparent green jade were found
no two tombs alike. Amongst them, burdens was a formidable task. of Imperial quality, as beautiful as
was a most unusual tomb with basalt emerald. Blue jade was used during
columns containing the bones of two Such a frenzy of work indicates a Olmec times but does not appear
infants, and a treasure trove of jade highly developed social organization during the later periods. Costa Rica is
offerings buried in cinnabar. – an elite who ordered, and a working the only other area in the New World
class who obeyed. Also, it implies where blue jade is found in abundance
A sandstone sarcophagus, in the form efficient agricultural practices, and some jade carvings found in Costa
of a stylised jaguar, also contained jade supplying an abundance of food. The Rica show Olmec traits. Since many
offerings and was considered unique diet was probably similar to that of the of the Costa Rican jades are made
in Mexico – until the sarcophagus in region today – corn, beans and squash from reworked “Celts”, it’s speculated
the Palenque tomb was found. In a raised with slash-and-burn technique, that the Olmec traded as far south as
slab-lined stone coffin, jade ornaments supplemented by fish and wild game. Costa Rica for the raw material, made
were arranged as if placed on a burial. Rainfall was heavy and many rivers “Celts”, and traded them back for more
Still another rich tomb was covered by cut through the land. There was raw material. Some of the group of
eleven basalt columns laid horizontally never a shortage of water. Caso aptly sixteen miniature human figures, from
above. Among the treasures deposited calls the region, “the Mesopotamia La Venta, may have been heirloom
in the tombs were objects of jade, quartz of Mesoamerica In addition to their pieces when the offering was made.
crystal, amethyst, turquoise, obsidian, ability to carve gigantic monuments, Many of the figurines had old breaks
ilmenite, magnetite, amber and pyrites. the Olmec were undoubtedly the when deposited.
Human figures represented on large greatest craftsmen in the New World
stone monuments are usually males, when working with jade. They did not In the 782-piece jade cache at Cerro
wearing enormous headdresses, bead have gold or other metals. Jade was de las Mesa there were several
necklaces and ornaments. their most precious substance. Their heirloom pieces, some of which had
high esteem for jade persisted through been reworked. Many had been traded
Tons of red, yellow, white and purple three thousand years. from distant places. One in blue jade
clay were transported to La Venta for is definitely related to the art style
the construction of the ceremonial The Spanish Conquistador, Hernan known as the “Beak Bird” in Costa
court, where caches of jade and Cortes – known as the Conqueror Rica. The Olmec must have been
serpentine figurines and “celts” were of the Aztecs – was informed by indefatigable jade prospectors. The
buried as offerings. There are no Montezuma the Aztec ruler, that one wide range of jade objects indicates
volcanic rocks or clay on the sandy jade bead was worth a load of gold. that they came from many sources. In
island of La Venta. The vast quantity Many of the Olmec jade carvings are view of this it is remarkable that today,
of stone of which the structures and real masterpieces. One much-admired only one certain source is known in
monuments are made was probably piece is a seated figure from La Venta Mesoamerica– that near Manzanales
Guatemala. Even more remarkable
than the carving of jade without metal
tools is the polishing of concave
magnifying mirrors from iron ores.
Both lapidarists and scientists marvel
at the perfection of the reflecting
surfaces of the magnetite and ilmenite
mirrors, which are ground as if to
optical specifications. Examination
by microscope shows no trace of
abrasives. Some stone figures show
them being worn as chest pendants.

We know the Olmec had knowledge

of astronomy, as their site of La
Venta is laid out in a north-south line.
More evidence of their knowledge of
astronomy, as well as writing to keep
records, was shown by the discovery
of Stela C in 1939, at Tres Zapotes A
“stela” is an erected stone or wooden
slab. Remarkably, an inscribed date
was noticed, partly buried, at the
bottom of the stela. Unfortunately,

32 issue 162

Guatemala. Proof that it was a basic

because it was slightly damaged, culture is the survival of many Olmec
researchers couldn’t decide whether it traits and traditions among the many
said, 32 B.C. or 291 B.C. Radiocarbon cultures that succeeded them. At the
dating has not cleared this up. One end of the Olmec era, near the First
puzzle is that there’s a glyph with a bar Century B.C., the valley of Mexico was
and dot reading “6”. It’s possible that marginal and backward.
it may refer to Cycle 6 of the ancient
calendar – the sixth sun when UFOs 300 years later, the great civilization
appeared in the skies over Mexico in of Teotihuacan emerged, inheriting
the 1990’s. many Olmec traits but creating
others based on a different ancient
Olmec pottery in the key sites is not landscaping techniques. In Guatemala
of good quality and was infrequently and Honduras, the Classic Maya
used in ceremonial offerings. The poor developed their impressive civilization
quality of the pottery may be due to the – improving on the writing, calendar
moist tropical soil, which also destroyed probably derived from the cleft in the and mathematical systems of the
skeletal material and wooden objects. jaguar skull. In related cultures, the Olmec, and building enormous
Highland sites, such as Tlatilco and jaguar, or were-jaguar [we’re-jaguar], ceremonial centres with pyramids
Las Bocas were important colonies becomes the rain god. The theme of of stone and elaborate carvings. We
of the Olmec – and are noted for a human head in an eagle or a jaguar do know the Olmec had a bona fide
exceptionally fine pottery. Fine paste mouth was continued to Aztec times. civilization. They had imagination and
white, brown, red, and black vessels The Olmec did not build roads. They energy and delighted in the unusual
are beautifully formed, polished, followed rivers and trails along natural and the difficult. The vitality and
and decorated. They made musical routes and mountain passes. Sites ingenuity of their art style has never
instruments whistles, ocarinas, and showing Olmec influences are found been surpassed.
the like. Figurines realistically portray in widely scattered localities, along
animals and birds, jaguars, deer, such routes. However, we don’t know what became
tapirs, monkeys, opossums, iguanas, of them after 200 B.C. Further
armadillos, and wild turkey. The only known examples of Olmec archaeological work should eventually
painting are found in the caves give us the answers to these important
The jaguar was their most important of Juxtlahuaca and Oxtotitlan in questions. It’s fair to say that the
deity. In fact, so important that features Guerrero– not far from a possible Olmec civilization were artists and
of the jaguar are frequently super- trade route. Olmec civilization did not craftsfolk, especially as they only used
imposed on human representations. blossom without stimulation from natural minerals. But also, they were
Many times, a jaguar mouth is shown, other contemporaneous cultures, great leaders in the way they formed
and the cleft head – an ornament such as those in the Valley of Oaxaca their empire. But what do you think:
typical of Olmec sculpture – is Chiapas and the Pacific slopes of who do you think the Olmec were? n

issue 162

Hugh Cochrane takes a look at the legends concerning the ability
of our ancestors to move enormous rocks, both carved and otherwise,
and other remarkable properties associated with them.

34 issue 162

any centuries ago in
ancient Greece, rocks were
believed to be living things
possessed of sensibilities,
and the power to be moved by the
human mind! But how factual is this
claim? The book ‘Chaldean Magic’
states that the priests of Babylon
possessed the power to raise huge
stone blocks into the air and make
them float. These stone blocks were
so huge that not even an army of a
thousand men could move them. Yet
they moved when commanded by
priests! Arab writers tell us that the
ancient Egyptians possessed similar
powers, and these were used in the
construction of the Great Pyramid.
Priests of the temple struck each huge
block of stone with a strange rod which
gave off a ringing sound that caused
the block to rise into the air.

After moving a considerable distance,

the block settled to the ground where
it was struck by the rod again. By this
procedure huge blocks were moved to
the site and set into position until the
structure was completed. The feats around his neck. It was said that this gems gave the owner the power to
in these ancient writings must be stone was capable of answering know the answers to all questions.
classified as strange. Nowhere in our questions in a high pitched, whistle From the foregoing it would seem
present laws of physics do we have - like voice. Other Christians wrote that the ancients knew far more
room for such events, and any scientist about these Speaking Stones, and about gems, minerals and rocks than
attempting to suggest otherwise would claimed that they answered questions is known today. It would also seem
soon find their academic reputation in a small, clear voice – whereas Viking that they somehow established an
attacked. Even so, ancient writings writings tell of a magic gem they called understanding of the powers inherent
remain unchanged and the people a “Sunstone.” When held to the sky on in matter that has long since been lost.
who wrote them were as intellectually the cloudiest days the stone would
capable as our scientists are today. change color when it was pointed at Even with the few examples mentioned,
The only thing changing is the the sun. there is still no explanation of how
documented list of these astounding the ancient priests discovered this
feats performed by the ancients. That Above all were the philosopher’s strange power and put it to use. The
list is longer than ever, and its length is stones. In ancient times they were sole exception is the Viking ‘Sunstone’
increasing rapidly. thought to be capable of bringing the which science had already disregarded
wearer good health and, so, became as “Folk science.” Proof that such a
New discoveries in cultures around the most prized of gems. stone did exist came to light when
the world bring us lots of information. a Danish schoolboy demonstrated
Among this is the mention of strange Finally, there was the vw, the gems this sun-finding phenomenon for his
powers beyond the understanding of mentioned in the Bible. These two teacher.
our best scientists and academics. stones, linked by a gold chain,
Buddhist writings tell of magic gems were hidden in a secret pocket of a The stone was water sapphire,
which when placed in the mouth can breastplate worn by the first high Cordierite and when held to the sky on
cause a man to become weightless priest of the Israelites, Aaron. These a cloudy day the stone is moved and
and rise into the air. A Greek writer

Writings state that ‘stones

described a trip he took to a Syrian
temple where he was shown a statue
with a shining jewel in its forehead. He

are living things possessed of

claimed that the jewel lit up the whole
temple during the night.

Sanskrit records tell of luminous

gems so bright that they were used to
illuminate vast underground palaces.
sensibilities…to be commanded
Eusebius an early Christian historian
carried a mysterious stone on a chain by sounds or the mind of man.
issue 162

tilted until its crystal axis is 90 degrees However, a clue pointing to a possible colours. They determined the polarity
to a line between the viewer. The sun solution lies in the ancient writings or magnets and crystals by observing
will change its color from light yellow themselves. The writings state that the movement of energy in and around
to light blue. The fact remains that “stones are living things possessed them or sense heat from opposing poles!
although much has been discovered of sensibilities and a power to be In 1910, Radiologist, James W.
about the properties of matter, nothing commanded by sounds or the mind Kilner, published the results of his
has been done to uncover the strange of man.” Such power in stones, investigations into the ‘human aura’.
powers put to use. Instead, we are left minerals, or crystals should bear some Kilner believed the ability to see auras
to wonder whether the mysterious relationship to already known forces was due to an extended range of vision
force was in the gem or stone, or such as gravity, electrical or magnetic – like clairaudience is an extension of
whether it was a power possessed by forces since it would seem that it is the hearing sense. Like others, Kilner
the user! these forces which were being altered believed that the rods and cones
or triggered by the ancient use of making up the retina of the human eye
thought or sound. were capable of a much wider range of
response. Normally these and cones
For centuries psychics have claimed only accept, and process information
that all matter possesses powers and related to light and colour in the visible
energies beyond the understanding of portion of the frequency spectrum.
man. These energies do not conform to
the physical forces defined by present Their limits fall short of the infra-red
day science, nor do they seem to have and the ultra-violet regions. For the
the drawbacks of known physical most part, low infra-red information is
forces. An example of this is gravity monitored by the senses of touch and
which operates in only one direction. smell. We are only visually aware of
Another would be magnetism, which events in this spectrum when the event
is fixed and seemingly unmoving produces a secondary effect intruding
unless disturbed, while electrical into the normal portion of the range.
forces diminish with use and must be This occurs when heat waves cause a
constantly added to. distortion in steady light rays to bring
about the appearance of mirages.
Many years ago, scientist Baron Karl
von Reichenbach (left) examined Kilner’s approach to making the
numerous sensitives who could force field visible to non-psychically
see the human aura with its various gifted people followed an additional

36 issue 162

approach. He devised screens that

induced a secondary effect in the eyes
of the viewer and cause a temporary
extension of the visual range allowing
them to see the human aura. He these
screens acted to train the observer’s
eyes until they were able to visually
detect the aura without using screens.

Throughout experiments covering

many years, certain facts kept
repeating. Among them was that most
objects contained poles or a central
axis. If it was a north pole or north
axis, then its field had a bluish colour
that sensitives detected as being cool
with energy flowing outward. This was
seen emerging from the left palms of Urim and Thummim
humans while the South Pole or south
axis had a reddish field which was
detected as being warm with lines of rate of vibration. Thus, some of these same power can be used to do more
energy flowing inward. fields are responsible for the very core than build gigantic monuments of
of matter itself, while others are a stone, or to release illuminating energy
This same reddish, warm field seems product of combined fields. from gems. It is quite likely that this is
to flow into the right change as energy the same power healers use to bring
passed through the object, suggesting Each field generates and draws energy harmony and healing to the human
an increase in the frequency of the in energy from some universal source. body, the same power which many
flowing energy. This would cause the It is a source so infinite that it can psychic surgeons trigger to cause
emerging lines of energy to dart out of cause an entire solar system to blast lance-like energies to be emitted from
the object’s North Pole or axis, while its way into oblivion. It’s been known their fingertips. Is there any danger to
around the South Pole or axis, the for centuries that people could dowse this power? The real danger is misuse.
energy seemed to be moving more the earth for water and minerals. By With this ability, it becomes simple to
slowly as it was drawn back in. Are some unexplainable means they had douse the minds of humans to learn
these the energy fields which ancient the ability to probe the untouched their darkest secrets or to cause them
Greeks learned to control, and which surface of the earth and define the ill health. Mind power is the ultimate
present day psychics draw on to location of water or bodies. In recent Pandora’s box. Once opened, no power
perform astounding feats? years this has been used to locate on earth will ever close it again.
artifacts of ancient cultures, or the
The answers to these questions are location of murder victims. It seems that mind power is the final
not easy to come by. We need to know destiny of the human race. It is the
more about how energy and matter Experiments carried out at the goal we have unconsciously sought
relate to each other. Most important is Stanford Research Institute show since believing in conveying the idea of
the need for advanced instrumentation that individuals can mentally travel god-like powers. As we plunge towards
to improve the measurement and to the most distant parts of the world our destiny at an accelerating pace,
plotting of these fields and their and bring back accurate information we must accept that we have reached
energies. The picture emerging from about global events. These same our childhood’s end. There will be no
all of this shows matter as something experiments show that people can place left to hide - not even in death!
entirely different. It indicates that the look into the future and accurately According to ancient teachings we
earth and all things in it, as well as predict later events – and that they only have to hold a belief firmly and
the universe beyond, are composed of can do it with astounding ease! to visualize it as if it were already an
energy fields which number in millions We wonder what power the ancients accomplished fact.
if not billions. Each field contributes a used to perform their astounding
portion of its energy and its individual feats, but it should be obvious that this It appears that it was this “as if” principle
which fixed the mental energies. Thus

Mind power is the ultimate

fixed, the energy became a core bound
which material matter attracted and
caused to take shape, and what the

Pandora’s box. Once opened,

individual manifested became true.
Considering the powers that we are
dealing with, it would not be unusual

no power on earth will ever to expect the coming age to be the

‘great age’ spoken of by ancient
seers. Without doubt, all our futures

close it again. will depend on what we desire for

ourselves and others. n

Issue 162

Helpful Research Information: October Celestial Events (Info Courtesy of Sea Sky)
November 4, 5 Earth›s dark shadow, or umbra. During this Tempel-Tuttle, which was discovered in
Taurids Meteor Shower type of eclipse, the Moon will gradually 1865. The shower runs annually from
The Taurids is a long-running minor get darker and then take on a rusty November 6-30. It peaks this year on
meteor shower producing only about 5-10 or blood red color. The eclipse will be the night of the 17th and morning of the
meteors per hour. It is unusual in that it visible throughout eastern Russia, Japan, 18th. The second quarter moon will block
consists of two separate streams. The Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and parts of many of the fainter meteors this year.
first is produced by dust grains left behind western and central North America. (NASA But the Leonids can be unpredictable so
by Asteroid 2004 TG10. The second Map and Eclipse Information) there is still potential for a good show.
stream is produced by debris left behind Best viewing will be from a dark location
by Comet 2P Encke. The shower runs November 9 after midnight. Meteors will radiate from
annually from September 7 to December Uranus at Opposition the constellation Leo, but can appear
10. It peaks this year on the the night The blue-green planet will be at its closest anywhere in the sky.
of November 4. This year the nearly full approach to Earth and its face will be fully
moon will block out all but the brightest illuminated by the Sun. It will be brighter November 23
meteors. But if you are patient, you may than any other time of the year and will be New Moon
still be able to catch a few good ones. Best visible all night long. This is the best time The Moon will located on the same side
viewing will be just after midnight from to view Uranus. Due to its distance, it will of the Earth as the Sun and will not be
a dark location far away from city lights. only appear as a tiny blue-green dot in all visible in the night sky. This phase occurs
Meteors will radiate from the constellation but the most powerful telescopes. at 22:58 UTC. This is
Taurus, but can appear anywhere in the the best time of the
sky. November 17, 18 month to observe
Leonids Meteor Shower faint objects
November 8 The Leonids is an average shower, such as
Full Moon producing an average of up to 15 meteors galaxies and
The Moon will be located on the opposite per hour at its peak. This shower is unique star clusters
side of the Earth as the Sun and its face in that it has a cyclonic peak about every because
will be will be fully illuminated. This phase 33 years where hundreds of meteors there is no
occurs at 11:03 UTC. This full moon was per hour can be seen. That last of these moonlight to interfere.
known by early Native American tribes as occurred in 2001. The Leonids is produced
the Beaver Moon because this was the by dust grains left behind by comet
time of year to set the beaver traps before

the swamps and rivers froze. It has also
been known as the Frosty Moon and the
Dark Moon.

November 8
Total Lunar Eclipse
A total lunar eclipse occurs when the
Moon passes completely through the


38 issue 162

issue 162


Magnum P.I. Mr Bean’s The Equalizer (15)

(Season 1) (15) Holiday (15) FABULOUS FILMS
MAIN CAST: Queen Latifa, Tory Kittles,
MAIN CAST: Jay Hernandez, Perdita MAIN CAST: Rowan Atkinson, Emma de Lapira
Weeks, Zachary Knighton, Stephen Hill, Caunes, Max Baldry, Willem Dafoe DIRECTOR: Various
Tim Kang DIRECTOR: Steve Bendelack AVAILABLE: £29.99
DIRECTOR:Various AVAILABLE: £14.99 (BluRay)
AVAILABLE: £24.99 (DVD) Anyone who remembers the original
This 100% typical Mr. Bean (thankfully ‘Equalizer’ which ran in the late 1980’s
For all those who remember this show it was the last of the Bean films) with and starred Edward Woodward, will recall
in the 1980’s with Tom Selleck striding all the bumbling and mistakes and that it was well-worth watching and ran
around wearing aviator shades and everything that goes with it. The plot, for four seasons. It was remade as two
driving a fast car, this is an updated such as it is, mainly serves for Bean to stand-alone films in 2014 and 2018,
version with a new cast. In this version make an entire cock-up of everything both starring Denzel Washington, and
Jay Hernandez plays Thomas Magnum, he touches. But basically Mr. Bean wins again they were both well-worth a watch.
a decorated former US navy SEAL, a holiday trip to Cannes, plus a video Basically this is yet another update of the
who returns from Afghanistan and camera and €200 in a raffle. Upon concept, which concerns an apparently
repurposes his skills to become a private arriving there, he promptly causes chaos average individual who functions as
investigator. He lives in a luxury guest when he is mistaken for a kidnapper and a female vigilante and just might be
cottage on a private estate where, then an award-winning film maker when ex-special forces (or something along
ostensibly, he provides the security to he happens to travel with a Russian those lines), but whatever, the character
make a living between his private-eye film maker and an aspiring actress. is more than capable of taking care of
jobs. Other than that, the show is an As anyone familiar with the Mr. Bean themselves…and any bad guys who get
action-packed series of adventures back-story will realise, the plot of just an in the way. In this incarnation it is Queen
featuring Magnum taking on assorted excuse for our eponymous hero to get Latifa who plays the enigmatic character.
baddies and rescuing pretty girls, and into trouble and cause havoc wherever To all intents and purposes she appears
that’s just about it. Yes it’s enjoyable he goes. It you like Mr. Bean then this to be a normal single mother, but she
and Magnum plays the loveable and is for you, but it should suit just about also evens the odds and brings justice
charming rogue and the locations are anyone who does not expect too much on behalf of those who can’t do it for
spectacular, but more importantly, and likes a laugh. themselves…and she doesn’t mess
it’s guaranteed to please anyone who around either. This is edge-of-the-seat,
watched and enjoyed the original show. full-on action all the way, there is a
season two with seasons three and four
already commissioned.

Phenomena Magazine regularly receive DVDs from producers and distributors and we provide a review of the movie /
documentary by promoting and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your DVD reviewed and
advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your DVD direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

40 issue 162

Issue 162



There can be little doubt that between the 1880’s
The author of Dynamic Interactive Astrology Level and the 1930’s, mediumship and other paranormal
One, The Planets in Signs and Houses, seems to take topics really did take off, so-much-so that the subject
the view that the buyer already knows a bit about attracted the attention of various open-minded
the subject, because it uses a comprehensive and scientists. This flew in the face of the skeptics and
sophisticated set of keywords and subsequent key debunkers who seemed to say that, ‘it cannot be true
phrases created by the user, that apparently provide therefore it is not true’, which is a paradigm that still
immediate access to the meanings in one’s birth chart exists to this day…but even that is slowly changing. The
of the Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects. These author, Alan Gauld, who has also co-authored a book on
are all at the very core of astrology, but the newbie poltergeists, is a British parapsychologist, psychologist
might find it hard to grasp, at least at first. Specific and writer best known for his research on the history
questions are addressed to the key phrases that the of hypnotism, all of which makes him well-qualified to
reader/seeker has created to initiate a process of write on this subject and also express his opinions. As
dynamic interaction and are based on the idea that well as discussing most of the famous mediums of the
the reader/seeker already has the answers to these era (and their frequently astonishing achievements),
questions inside them. This idea is akin to the basic he also demonstrates how mediumship served as a
psychotherapeutic premise that the practitioner never focal point for many outstanding scientific minds in
tells their client what they are like or what to do, but Europe and the USA, who probed the phenomenon
asks questions that elicit the client’s innate self- of mental mediumship with a rigour and enthusiasm
awareness. This is known as ‘clean’ psychology as it not encountered on such a scale before or since. He
avoids the practitioner’s own personal agenda getting also offers important insights into aspects of the early
in the way. Having utilized these two methods, the days of mediumship research that over the years have
user can then apply them, hopefully safely, to other largely vanished, but all show that there is a genuine,
individuals and their birth charts. The book is at least undeniable phenomenon at work here. The book is
well-written and informative and may even convince the also easy and entertaining to read, which is important
dubious that astrology is much more accurate than the in works like this which can rapidly become little more
syndicated columns in newspapers. that a collection of boring data and little more. This is a
welcome addition to the existing canon of work about
an endlessly fascinating subject, highly recommended.

Author: Lyn Birbeck Authors: Alan Gauld

Publisher: John Hunt Publishing Price: £14.99 / $22.95 Publisher: White Crow Publishing Price: £15.99
ISBN: 978-1-80341-016-6 ISBN: 978-1-78677-185-8

42 Issue 162

Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors and we provide a review of the material by promoting
and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised, simply contact
Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.


First of all, The Seed Sistas are Fiona Heckels and Oh wow, is this ever one for the real fans of Ufology,
Kazz Goodweather, both of whom are herbalists, because the book is jam-packed with accounts straight
eco-activists and plant folklorists and what they have from the files of just about every Ufologist you can
done here is create a work that gives step-by-step think of. They are all here; Philip Mantle, Don Schmitt,
instructions on creating several potions that are both Paul Ascough, Robbie Graham, Phillip and Ronald
psychoactive and also medicinal. The book, which Kinsella, Tony Topping, Mark Olly, Brian Allan, Dr. Bruce
could also be described as a grimoire, contains many Macabee Malcolm Robinson, Mary Rodwell, Steve
warnings about taking care when gathering and Mera, Peter Robbins and on and on and on. There is
preparing the many herbs (Henbane, Belladonna and a brief ‘heads up’ about the contributor and this is
Datura are but three of them), because they can be quickly followed by their favorite UFO encounter and
toxic and an overdose could kill you. Helpfully, the all of them have been personally investigated by the
book also tells the reader the most likely locations writer. You will have already heard of a few, because
to find the plants, just be careful when you are doing most of the favorites are here, but there are loads that
this. It also makes it clear that what they describe in are brand new, well they were new to me and I thought
the book is not a substitute for conventional medical I had heard of most, if not all of them. The book has a
treatment. There are three parts; the first is ‘The Path global reach, because many of the accounts come from
of Poisons’, the second is, ‘Connecting to the Witching various countries, one is even from Japan. There is one
Herbs’ and the third, and for obvious reasons perhaps lengthy case entitled ‘Northern Close Encounters’ that
the most interesting, is, ‘The Flying Ointment’, how to was of particular interest, as is Robbie Graham’s ‘The
prepare it and how to use it. Some of the instructions UFO I Never Saw’. It’s really not fair to select just a few
seem a bit odd, because it recommends that in order of the cases, because they all have their attractions
to ‘potentiate’ the herbs, the user should pick them at and are equally enjoyable. Buy a copy, settle down and
certain planetary and lunar phases and also sing and enjoy. Highly recommended.
chant spells to the herbs as they are being prepared.
In fact the book tends to spend a fair bit of time going
into the spiritual side of the process, which adds to the
complexity of it all. The book is a fascinating insight
into the various techniques used in folk medicine and
how a wide variety of plants and herbs are involved.

Author: The Seed Sistas Author: Jason Gleaves

Publisher: Watkins Publishing Price: £18.99 / $24.95 Publisher: Flying Disk Press Price: £15.00
ISBN: 978-1-78678-714-9 ISBN: 979-8-40437-497-1

issue 162

44 issue 162

issue 162

BOOK OF SECRETS Aliens, ghosts and anceint mysteries

by Brian Allan

Book of Secrets
is published by
Flying Disk Press
and is out now!

n Book of Secrets; Aliens, Ghosts and Ancient Mysteries, long-time researcher, author
and Phenomena Magazine editor Brian Allan, presents a series of accounts that
reveal many truths that have been deliberately kept hidden from the public. These
include everything from The Hollow Earth and Antigravity, to Time Travel, the existence
of aliens amongst us, real Stargates and what is really hidden in the Vatican’s Secret
Archives: all this and much, much more besides is revealed.

46 Issue 162




© Lockheed Martin/NASA

N asa will attempt to break the sound

barrier for the first time without
making a loud sonic boom, the US
California. “What we’re doing now is the
culmination of so much of their work.”
The sonic boom has stifled the
neighbourhoods aimed at surveying how
people react to the quieter sonic “thump”
that it produces.
space agency has announced. development of supersonic travel, with The results will then be shared with
Seventy-five years after the first the US and other countries banning it over regulators, who Nasa hopes will consider
ever supersonic flight, Nasa’s Quesst land due to the disturbance the sound lifting the ban on supersonic flight
mission aims to eliminate the thunder made on the ground. overland.
crack sound made when passing the Central to Nasa’s plan to dampen the “We’ve kind of been stuck with our
speed of sound, with the hope that the sonic boom is the X-59 aircraft, which is airliners at about Mach 0.8 for the past
achievement will usher in “a new era” of currently being developed by Lockheed almost 50 years, so being able to get there
high-speed commercial air travel. Martin as part of the Low Boom Flight – wherever there is – much faster is still
“That first supersonic flight was Demonstrator project. In order to lower the kind of an unfulfilled dream,” said Peter
such a tremendous achievement, and intensity of the sonic boom, aeronautic Coen, Nasa’s mission integration manager
now you look at ahow far we’ve come engineers have manipulated the shape of for Quesst.
since then,” said Catherine Bahm, the airplane to soften the noise. “With the X-59 flying on the Quesst
an aeronautical engineer at Nasa’s The first flights of the craft are set mission, I think we’re ready to break the
Armstrong Flight Research Center in to take place in 2023, with flights over sound barrier once again.”

Issue 162



S cientists have discovered weird

ripples and unexplained structures
at the boundary between our solar
system and the vast expanse of
interstellar space beyond it, reports a
new study.
The results show that the border of
the heliosphere, a protective bubble
created by the Sun that envelops the
solar system, shifts in ways that “are
intriguing and potentially controversial,”
according to the study.
The heliosphere extends some 11
billion miles out into space, more
than twice as far as Pluto’s orbit, and

is sculpted by a stream of charged
particles emitted by the Sun, called the
solar wind. The edge of this structure
is marked by a region, called the
heliopause, where the solar wind gives brightening of energetic neutral atom actually is, this probably shouldn’t have
way to the forces of the interstellar (ENA) emissions in IBEX data coming been too surprising—but it sure was
medium. NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2 from a small part of the sky, centered interesting to see it.”
probes, which were launched in 1977, about 20 degrees below the ’nose’ of the According to Zirnstein, the mechanisms
both crossed this boundary over the heliosphere,” said Zirnstein in an email that are producing some of these
past decade, making them the first “This brightening first showed up at the intriguing observations are unknown.
human-made objects to venture into highest ENA energies we could observe.” “There seems to be a missing driving
interstellar space. “Then over time, the emission area force for this asymmetry that is connected
The Voyagers continue to send grew larger and larger across the sky, to the solar wind and its interaction with
dispatches from beyond the and started to appear at lower ENA the interstellar medium,” he noted. “Other
heliosphere, but they can only report on energies,” he continued. “We knew this star systems with astrospheres may
the conditions at their specific locations. had to be in response to a big change in be similar in their asymmetry, but it all
Scientists have learned to map some of solar wind pressure, which is a key factor depends on the properties of the star itself
the broader contours of the heliopause in determining ENA emissions from the and the interstellar medium around it.”
by looking for emissions made by edges of the heliosphere. The fact that In addition to spotting these distortions
energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), which the initial spot of brightening was not at the gates to interstellar space, the team
are created by the interactions between centered on the ’nose,’ and expanded was able to reconstruct the “substantial
the solar and the interstellar winds, but asymmetrically across the sky, motivated differences in the heliosphere boundaries’’
much of this transitional domain is still studies of this behavior to learn why.” in recent years, according to the study.
shrouded in mystery. As the researchers examined the This particular finding sheds new light
Now, scientists led by Eric Zirnstein, IBEX observations, they realized that the on the journey of the Voyagers through
a research scholar in space physics surface of the heliosphere is distorted the heliospheric termination shock (HTS),
at Princeton University, have identified by huge ripples that appear at an which is the point where the solar wind
curious new details about this zone unexpectedly oblique (or slanted) angle. begins to slow, and subsequently through
that were illuminated by a months- These spatial variations within these the heliopause..
long spike in the dynamic pressure of structures can reach ten astronomical “The Voyager spacecraft provide the
the solar wind that occurred in 2014. units (AU), where one AU is the distance only direct, in situ measurement of the
A NASA satellite called the Interstellar between Earth and the Sun. locations of these boundaries. But only
Boundary Explorer (IBEX) captured a “We were quite surprised about how at one point in space and time,” Zirnstein
dramatic brightening of ENAs in the oblique the surfaces are, where the closest said. “So comparing our results, which
aftermath of this pressure front, which points are tilted ~30 degrees below the were observed at a different time in
revealed the motions of the heliopause nose, in contrast to most known models the solar cycle than when Voyager 1
and “significant asymmetries” in the of the heliosphere,” Zirnstein said. “The or 2 crossed the boundaries, made it
structure of the heliosphere that ripple structures were surprising as well, complicated. The locations of the HTS
conflict with models, according to a because after doing our best to account surface compared well with Voyager 1 and
study published on Monday in Nature for potential uncertainties in the analysis, 2, but what was most surprising was the
Astronomy, hence the potential for we found these ripples to be statistically [heliopause] surface.”
controversy. significant. But in hindsight, when we
“In early 2017, we noticed a consider how dynamic the solar wind To read the full article click here.

48 Issue 162



A s physicists endeavor to build bigger

and better quantum computers, a
powerful one may have already been
lurking inside our heads all along.
In a new study published this month in
the Journal of Physics Communications,
a team of scientists from Trinity College
Dublin suggest that our brains could
actually be using quantum computation.
If confirmed — something that will
require extensive investigation — the

finding could help explain why, in
certain respects, our brains still outdo
Their conclusion relies on the idea of
quantum entanglement, a phenomenon
describing particles changing each other’s
quantum state, even when they are
separated by a large distance.
“We adapted an idea, developed for
experiments to prove the existence of MRI imaging to detect if any of the proton Kerskens concluded. “As a result, we can
quantum gravity, whereby you take known spins were quantum entangled. deduce that those brain functions must be
quantum systems, which interact with an Curiously, the scientists ended up quantum.”
unknown system,” said Christian Kerskens, detecting a specific kind of electrical It’s an intriguing suggestion, but there’s
study co-author and lead physicist at the brain signal known as heartbeat evoked a lot more that needs to be proven. For
Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, potentials, which they say is normally not one, the study rides on relatively recent
in a statement. detectable with MRIs. proposals in the field of quantum gravity.
“If the known systems entangle, then What allowed them to detect those And, as the scientists in the study admit,
the unknown must be a quantum system, potentials, the scientists suggest, is their efforts were largely undertaken
too,” he explained. “It circumvents the quantum entanglement in proton spins in through the perspective of quantum
difficulties to find measuring devices for the brain. physics.
something we know nothing about.” “If entanglement is the only possible In short, to prove their theory, it’d require
In the case of this experiment, the explanation here then that would mean a substantial multidisciplinary effort,
proton spins of the water in our brains that brain processes must have interacted especially considering the complexity of
served as the “known system.” Kerskens with the nuclear spins, mediating the the human brain — but it’s a tantalizing
and his team then used a special form of entanglement between the nuclear spins,” possibility, nonetheless.

Issue 162


T he human species’ inescapable

goal to spread over the cosmos is
to travel faster than the speed of light.
When compared to the vastness of
the universe, light moves incredibly
slowly: a ship moving at the speed of
light would take more than four years
to reach the nearest stars, and 25,000
years to reach the nearest galaxy, Canis
Major Dwarf.
Civilizations without the
technological capability to travel
through space by enclosing their ship
in electromagnetic fields are unable to
reach the solar system.
Valery Uvarov, Director of the
International Information Center for

E gyptian archaeologists working on

a groundwater reduction project
at the Kom Ombo Temple in Aswan
Now, archaeologists near Aswan made
another stunning discovery by finding
another Sphinx statue.
Ufological Research, discussed this
with FAN in an interview.
Valery Uvarov highlighted how, in
have discovered a sandstone sphinx, Mostafa Waziri, general secretary of the his opinion, mental brothers traverse
according to the Egyptian Ministry of Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, through space faster than we do.
Antiquities on Sunday. explained that the piece probably dates “Those civilizations who have
The discovery comes as a surprise as from the Ptolemaic dynasty, as the Sphinx perfected flying on a certain form of
in the last few months, archaeologists statue was found on the southeast side of ship, which we see in the sky and have
working in Egypt have uncovered the the temple, in the same place where two named UFOs to this point,” he added,
remains of two Sphinx statues. sandstone reliefs of King Ptolemy V were “employ a massive electromagnetic
Earlier this year, Archaeology World discovered two months ago. field to navigate in space.”
wrote about how construction workers The Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled over Egypt “With its help, a path is made across
working near the Luxor Temple Complex for 275 years, from 305 to 30 BC, and they gaps, and a’step’ is taken, yet they do
stumbled across the remains of a buried were the last dynasty of ancient Egypt. not even proceed.”
Sphinx statue. The Kom Ombo temple complex was “In our solar system, civilizations that
Initial reports by the Egyptian Ministry constructed during the Ptolemaic Dynasty. lack such technology and travel linearly
of Antiquity suggested that the Sphinx Ptolemy V was the fifth ruler of the from point A to point B cannot exist,”
uncovered at Luxor is similar in design Ptolemaic dynasty from 204 to 181 BC. the study concluded.
to the Great Sphinx of Giza: It has the He inherited the throne at the age of five, “No other propulsion technique
body of a lion and the head of a human. and under a series of regents, the kingdom known to man has the ability to push a
The most famous Sphinx in Egypt was paralyzed. It is noteworthy to mention starship farther and faster into space
is without a doubt the massive statue that the famous Rosetta Stone (see issue than electromagnetic propulsion.”
located on the Giza plateau. 160) was produced during his reign as an
The Great Sphinx of Giza is adult.
considered an ancient marvel not only The sculpture, discovered at the Kom
because of its size and confusing design Ombo Temple in Aswan bears hieroglyphic
but because of the countless mysteries and demotic inscriptions and has already
that surround this ancient structure. been transported to the National Museum
Together with the three pyramids, of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, where it
the Great Sphinx found on the plateau will be carefully studied and restored by
of Giza – about 500 km from the the archaeological mission to obtain more
place where the new statue was information about its origin.
found – is one of the most emblematic After restoration, the newly-found
monuments of Egypt. Sphinx will be exhibited to the public.

50 Issue 162



A whole skull of an old human

progenitor was discovered in 2005 at
the archaeological site of Dmanisi, a tiny
town in southern Georgia, Europe. The
skull belonged to a 1.85 million-year-old
extinct hominid!
The archaeological specimen, known
as Skull 5 or D4500, is completely whole
and has a long face, huge teeth, and a
small braincase. It was one of five ancient
hominin skulls discovered in Dmanisi,
forcing experts to reconsider the early
human evolution scenario.
“The result provides the first evidence
that early Homo consisted of adult people
with small brains but body mass, stature,
and limb proportions exceeding the lower
range limit of modern variation,” the
researchers write.
Dmanisi is a hamlet and archaeological
site in Georgia’s Kvemo Kartli region, about
93 kilometers southwest of the country’s
capital, Tbilisi, in the Mashavera river
valley. The 1.8 million-year-old hominid 0.8 million years ago), only migrating Though the majority of scientists believe
site was discovered. out during a phase known as Out of the Skull 5 is a regular form of Homo
Many unique species in the genus Africa I. As a result, Africa received a erectus, the human predecessors who
Homo were thought to be a single disproportionate amount of archaeological lived in Africa during the same period.
lineage when a succession of skulls with attention. Others claim it to be Australopithecus
diverse physical features were unearthed However, the Dmanisi archeological sediba, which lived 1.9 million years ago in
at Dmanisi in the early 2010s. Skull 5, site is the earliest hominin site outside of what is now South Africa and is thought to
also known as “D4500,” is the fifth skull Africa, and artifact research revealed that be the ancestor of the genus Homo, which
unearthed in Dmanisi. certain hominins, primarily Homo erectus includes contemporary humans.
Until the 1980s, scientists considered georgicus, departed Africa as early as 1.85 Many scientists have offered numerous
that hominins were confined to Africa for million years ago. The five skulls are all new possibilities, but we are still deprived
the entire Early Pleistocene (until around about the same age. of the genuine face of our history.



A man who believes he came face-to-

face with an extraterrestrial being
as a child has spent years investigating
Forest, in Surrey.
Ben had been on his way back from a
camping trip as a Cub Scout at Snowball
to keep a low profile.
Ben told The Mirror: “The wooded area
wasn’t that dense so I got a good look at
‘otherworldly’ phenomena. Plantation, near York, when the minibus this thing. It might have only been a few
Ben Walgate was just seven or eight had stopped off to allow everyone to seconds, but we made eye contact, it had
years old when he had the unusual stretch their legs. black eyes.
encounter in a woodland and it would It was broad daylight and very hot. “This thing was out of the ordinary, it
eventually lead him to set up YouTube He ventured up a small embankment looked at me I looked at this thing.
channel 401 Files. which brought him into a wooded area and “ It was definitely not of this Earth.
The 35-year-old, from Malton, North saw a derelict outbuilding in a clearing. It was such a weird vibe. Its head in
Yorkshire, now visits various hotspots for But suddenly, around 25 metres to his proportion to its body was tiny.
alleged UFO and alien sightings across left, Ben said he saw a spindly “green “It’s not like the stereotypical alien with
the UK, and reports back to his more than creature” with a tiny head, standing on the grey skin and the big black eyes. This
11.4k subscribers. two feet and well over six feet tall with thing was more lizard. I’m not saying it
Such locations include the North York oversized limbs. had scales, it wasn’t snake-like.
Moors, Flamborough Head and Bempton He described it as walking with a “stoop”
Cliffs in East Yorkshire, and Reminishin as if struggling to stand or clumsily trying Click here for the full article


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