Chapter 1 - 3º Ano

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 Phrasal Verbs

 Comparative of Adjectives

 Superlative

 Metaphor and Irony

 ENEM Questions
Phrasal Verbs
• A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with
both an adverb and a preposition.

• A phrasal verb has a meaning which is different from the original verb. That's what makes them
fun, but confusing. You may need to try to guess the meaning from the context, or, failing that, look
it up in a dictionary.

• The adverb or preposition that follows the verb are sometimes called a particle. The particle
changes the meaning of the phrasal verb in idiomatic ways.

Idiomatic Usage
It is the figurative or idiomatic application in everyday speech which makes phrasal verbs so

"I hope you will get over your operation quickly."

The literal meaning of “to get over”, in the sense of “to climb over something to get to the other
side”, is not relevant here. Here "get over" means "recover from" or "feel better".

Some phrasal verbs

Bring up – to look after a child until he or she becomes an adult.
Call on – visit somebody
Call off – cancel
Cheer up – encouragement, to try to make someone happier.
Come up with – suggest, propose
Fall apart – separate
Fill in – complete
Find out – discover
Get away – to escape.
Get along with - to have a friendly relationship with someone.
Give up – desist, quit
Hang out - To spend time with someone, casually.

Look after – take care of

Look for – search

Look up - to try to find a particular piece of information by looking in a book or on a list, or

by using a computer

Look up for – improve, get better

Look somebody up - to go and see someone who you know when you`re visiting the place where
they live

Put up with – tolerate

Show up – appear
Throw away – a thing intended to be discarded after being used once or a few times.
Try on – experiment, prove, taste


1) Complete using suitable phrasal verbs.

a) We need to _____________________ people who are different from us.

b) I promise to ________ you __________ when I go to Paris.

c) My friends and I used to ______________________ in the park after school.

d) You need to ______________________ these old things you don`t use anymore.

e) I hope to _______________________ Miguel well.

f) Can I borrow your dictionary to ________________ a word I don`t know the meaning?

g) I can`t __________________ what they are planning for weekend.

h) You need to ____________________ a new job. I can`t pay the bills alone.

i) Marina didn`t ___________________ to class today.

j) It`s really difficult, but I`m not going to ___________________.

k) Who are going to ___________________ the baby when you go back to work?

l) To receive the magazine you need to ________________ this form.

m) I intend to ___________________ my grandmother this Sunday.

n) __________________ the dress before you buy it.

o) I`m studying hard to _______________________ my English before my trip to London.

p) They`re surprised I`m ______________________ my mother-in-law.

q) _______________. Life is wonderful.

r) I don`t believe Julia and David will _____________________ again.

s) The dog will __________________ if you forget to close the gate.

t) He had to _____________________ his trip because of the stormy weather.

u) What can you _____________________ to improve our work?

• To compare two people, two places, two events or two things, when there is no difference.

Brian is 24 years old. Andrew is 24 years old.

Comparative of equality: Brian is as old as Andrew.

• To compare two people, two places, two events or two things, when there is some difference.

Brian is handsome, but Andrew is more.

Comparative of enequality: Brian is not as handsome as Andrew.



• To compare the difference between two people, things or events.

Long Adjectives: Use MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN

Brian Andrew

Comparative of Superiority: Andrew is more handsome than Brian.

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Short Adjectives: ADJECTIVE + ER + THAN

Brian is 1,75m. Andrew is 1,80m.

Comparative of Superiority: Brian is shorter than Andrew.

Andrew is taller than Brian.


General Rule: Add “ER”.

Eg: cold – colder nice – nicer old – older young – younger

Adjectives that end in “Y” preceded by a consonant: Drop off “Y” and add “IER”.

Eg: happy – happier dirty – dirtier heavy – heavier easy - easier

Adjectives that end in “C-V-C” and the stress is on the CVC sound.
Repeat the last letter and add “ER”.

Eg: thin – thinner hot – hotter big – bigger fat – fatter

Irregular comparatives:

good – better bad – worse far – further (farther)


Brian is 1,75m. Andrew is 1,80m.

Comparative of Inferiority: Brian is less tall than Andrew.

Andrew is less short than Brian.

1) Complete the sentences using comparatives correctly.

Part A

a) Maria is _____________________________ Joana. (short)

b) Maria is not as ____________________________ as Joana. (short)

c) Maria is as __________________________ as Joana. (short)

d) Maria is less ___________________________ Joana. (short)

e) Carlos is _____________________________ Lucas. (intelligent)

f) Carlos is not as ___________________________ as Lucas. (intelligent)

g) Carlos is as _______________________________ as Lucas. (intelligent)

h) Carlos is less ______________________________ Lucas. (intelligent)

i) This year winter is _____________________________ last year. (cold)

j) This year winter is not as __________________________ as last year. (cold)

k) This year winter is as _______________________________ as last year. (cold)

l) This year winter is less _______________________________ last year. (cold)

Part B

a) Richard is _____________________________ Mario. (rich)

b) Cindy is not as _________________________ as Livia. (poor)

c) Raul is as _____________________________ as Joe. (good)

d) Jude is _______________________________ Rebeca. (good)

e) Rebeca is _____________________________ Jude. (bad)

f) My car is ______________________________ yours. (economic)

g) This year summer is _______________________ last year. (hot)

h) Marcela is _________________________ Clara. (thin)

i) Olivia is as ________________________ as Monica. (thin)

j) Laura is less ________________________ Julia. (fat)

k) Luisa is ___________________________ Anna. (beautiful)

l) Your house is not as __________________________ as mine. (small)

m) His house is _______________________________ hers. (big)

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2) Follow the example:

Luna – smart – Pedro. – Luna is smarter than Pedro.

a) Robert – poor – Lara. ____________________________________________________________

b) The red car – cheap – the blue car. __________________________________________________

c) Carla – young – Paula. ___________________________________________________________

d) This dress – long – that. __________________________________________________________

e) Joseph – old – Daniel. ___________________________________________________________

This bowl – large – that other. – This bowl is larger than that other.

a) Joana – nice – Larissa. ___________________________________________________________

b) This water – pure – that. __________________________________________________________

Today – hot – yesterday. – Today is hotter than yesterday.

a) Lara – sad – Alice. ______________________________________________________________

b) Bia – thin – Anne. ______________________________________________________________

c) The pig – fat – the dog. ___________________________________________________________

d) My cellphone – big – yours. _______________________________________________________

Maria – funny – Dora. – Maria is funnier than Dora.

a) Lucas – shy – Miguel. ___________________________________________________________

b) Gloria – happy – Tina. ___________________________________________________________

c) Sarah – pretty – Aline. ___________________________________________________________

d) This blouse – ugly – that. _________________________________________________________

e) Addition – easy – division. ________________________________________________________

f) This dish – dirty – that. ___________________________________________________________

This film – interesting – that. – This film is more interesting than that.

a) Barbara – famous – Luana. ________________________________________________________

b) This bag – beautiful – that. ________________________________________________________

c) This project – economic – that other. ________________________________________________

d) Luan – handsome – Breno. ________________________________________________________

e) This game – expensive – that. _____________________________________________________

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We use superlative to compare more than two people, two places, two things or two events.

Long Adjectves


Luna is the most beautiful girl in this school.

Jake is the most intelligent boy in this classroom.

Short Adjectives


Albert is the tallest student in this group.

Jane is the richest person in this neighborhood.


General Rule: Add “EST”.

Eg: cold – the coldest nice – the nicest old – the oldest young – the youngest
Adjectives that end in “Y” preceded by a consonant: Drop off “Y” and add “IEST”.

Eg: happy – the happiest dirty – the dirtiest heavy – the heaviest easy – the easiest
Adjectives that end in “C-V-C” and the stress is on the CVC sound.
Repeat the last letter and add “EST”.

Eg: thin – the thinnest hot – the hottest big – the biggest fat – the fattest
Irregular comparatives:

good – the best bad – the worst far – the furthest (the farthest)

1) Complete the sentences using the superlative correctly.

a) Richard is _____________________________ I know. (happy)

b) Cindy is _______________________________ girl here. (nice)

c) Raul is ________________________________ engineer at this company. (good)

d) Rebeca is _____________________________ painter I know. (bad)

e) My car is ______________________________ in this parking lot. (economic)

f) This house is ___________________________ in this street. (big)

g) She is ________________________________ woman in this family. (old)

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1) Complete the sentences using comparatives correctly.

a) Marcela is as_________________________ as Clara. (tall)

b) Olivia is ____________________________ Monica. (fat)

c) Laura is not as ________________________ as Julia. (smart)

d) Erick is ___________________________ Jonas. (handsome)

e) Your school is less __________________________ mine. (big)

f) This city is _______________________________ that. (good)

g) This company is ___________________________ that. (bad)

2) Complete the sentences using the superlative correctly.

a) Richard is _____________________________ I know. (short)

b) Cindy is _______________________________ girl here. (ugly)

c) My car is ________________________________ in this street. (bad)

d) Rebeca is _____________________________ doctor in this hospital. (good)

e) My house is ______________________________ in this neighborhood. (expensive)

3) Story

My friends

My name is Anna Julia. I don`t have much money, but I have a lot of friends. I`m a busy
woman, I have a lot of work to do, so I have little time to spend on my friends, but I enjoy every
minute we are together. A few friends call me just Anna. Their names are Victoria, Clara, Jason,
Brian, Carlos and Milena. Victoria is richer than me. In fact, she is the richest of the group. But I`m
not her friend because of her money. She isn`t snobbish. She is nice and friendly to everyone. She is
older than Clara, but Clara is taller than her. Jason is more handsome than Brian, but Brian is more
intelligent than Jason. Carlos is the strongest and Milena is the funniest. All of them have good and
bad points. But I don`t care about their bad points. I love them the way they are. How about you?
Do you have many friends?

4) Story Questions

a) What`s her name? _______________________________________________________________

b) Does she have much money? ______________________________________________________

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c) Does she have many friends? ______________________________________________________

d) What kind of woman is she? ______________________________________________________

e) Does she have much work to do? ___________________________________________________

f) How much time does she have to spend on her friends? _________________________________

g) Who call her just Anna? __________________________________________________________

h) What are their names? ___________________________________________________________

i) Who is the richest of the group? ____________________________________________________

j) Is she snobbish? ________________________________________________________________

k) What`s she like? ________________________________________________________________

l) Is she younger than Clara? _______________________________________________________

m) Is Clara taller than her? _________________________________________________________

n) Who is more handsome? Jason or Brian? ____________________________________________

o) Who is more intelligent? Jason or Brian? ____________________________________________

p) What about Carlos? _____________________________________________________________

q) What about Milena? _____________________________________________________________

r) Do they have only good points? ____________________________________________________

s) Does Anna care about their bad points? ______________________________________________

t) Why not? ______________________________________________________________________

u) How about you? Do you have many friends? _________________________________________

5) Text.


Doctors recently tested two groups of teenagers. Group A started college at 8 a.m. and
Group B started 30 minutes later. The doctor`s conclusions were:

Group A: They got worse exam results, they thought school was more boring and they were

Group B: They were happier than the other group, they got better results and they were healthier.

So 30 minutes more in bed makes better students.

6) Find the comparative form of these adjectives in the text.

Good - ___________________ Bad - _____________________

Happy - ___________________ Boring - ___________________

Unhealthy - __________________
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7) Foi provado pela pesquisa que:

a) Meia hora a mais ou a menos de sono não faz diferença para o rendimento escolar dos alunos.
b) Meia hora a mais de sono piora o rendimento escolar dos alunos.
c) Meia hora a menos de sono melhora o rendimento escolar dos alunos.
d) Meia hora a mais de sono melhora o rendimento escolar dos alunos.
e) A pesquisa feita não foi sobre o rendimento escolar dos alunos.
8) Read the notes of the short film “Second Wind” and answer the questions.

• Production Country – Russia.

• Completion Date - June 2012.
• Running Time - 6 min 24s.
• Film Type - Sci-fi, environmental, poetic, action.


Every day he must make a new flower from a tin and plant it into the dry ground. This is the point
of his existence, as there is nothing else left in the world but metallic rustle of the apocalypse

Film notes

Second Wind is a short film that attempts to solve a difficult problem - to show the tragic destiny of
the planet in small form. Maybe this is why the film has no words in it, but only the main
character’s cry of despair. This person is forced to live in the vacuum of the dead nature, but, like a
reckless poet, he reads his naive poem every day to the dry wind and flowers made of cans. There
are neither words nor rhymes in this poem – there is only wind, the second wind.

8.1 – Mark True ( T ) or F (false ). Correct the false statements.

( ) Second Wind is a Russian film __________________________________________________

( ) It is a long film. It has 6 min and 24 s. ____________________________________________

( ) This film is considered fiction because it shows the tragic destiny of the planet.


( ) The main character of the film is a poet. ___________________________________________

( ) The film has no dialogues. ______________________________________________________

8.2 – O personagem principal do filme mostra-se solitário. Que frase em inglês representa este fato?

( ) Second Wind is a short film that attempts to solve a difficult problem - to show the tragic
destiny of the planet in small form.

( ) Every day he must make a new flower from a tin and plant it into the dry ground. This is the
point of his existence, as there is nothing else left in the world but…

( ) Maybe this is why the film has no words in it, but only the main character’s cry of despair.

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8.3 – No contexto do filme, a expressão “dry ground” transmite a imagem de;

( ) um planeta destruído cujo solo é árido e seco como no deserto.

( ) a terra que estava na lata em que o personagem plantou uma flor.
( ) a terra seca do jardim do personagem do filme.

8.4 – Ao produzir o curta-metragem, autor teve como objetivo;

( ) mostrar o desespero de um poeta que plantava flores num planeta destruído.

( ) transmitir a mensagem que devemos preservar o nosso planeta.
( ) dizer que textos de filmes mudos não precisam de rimas.


Para tornar mais expressivas as mensagens transmitidas nos textos de curta- metragens, os
autores deste tipo de gênero podem utilizam-se de figuras de linguagens que, em inglês, chamamos
de "figures of speech”.
Ironia e metáfora são, entre outras, figuras de linguagem. O autor usa de ironia quando quer
dar ao texto um efeito crítico ou humorístico.

Ex.: O ministro foi sutil como uma jamanta.

Metáfora é quando o autor utiliza uma palavra ou uma expressão em lugar de outra sem que
haja uma relação real entre estes termos.

Ex.: A Amazônia é o pulmão do mundo.

Na descrição do curta-metragem da aula 1 “Second Wind”, o autor do texto utilizou-se de

um destes recursos para realçar seu texto.

Na frase, “…as there is nothing else left in the world but the metallic rustle of the apocalypse
flowers”, o autor usou a metáfora “the apocalypse flowers” como forma de mostrar o cenário de
destruição do planeta.

1) Write “M” for metaphor or “I” for irony according to the meaning of each sentence.

a) He has a heart of gold. ( )

b) Your love is an ocean. ( )
c) The police station was robbed. ( )
d) The noise is music to my ears. ( )
e) Most tobacco company executives don’t smoke. ( )
f) The dictionary entry for “short” is really long. ( )

2) Find the correct complement for each ironical statement.

“You are ugly” - drowning - dignity is not one of them - divorce -

died next day – died of thirsty - is a vegetarian - isn’t white.

a) The White House ______________________________________________

b) Marriage is the leading cause of ___________________________________

c) The owner of the butcher shop _____________________________________

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d) The water vendor _______________________________________________

e) One of the identical twins says to the other ____________________________

f) A ninety-eight year old man who won the lottery ________________________________

g) I saw a fish _____________________________________________

h) Many things can be preserved in alcohol but ______________________________________

Questões de ENEM:

Fonte: google images – acesso em 20/06/2021

Questão 1, (H5). A charge tem características de promover uma reflexão sobre um recorte social,
quase sempre usando ironia. A ironia expressa nessa imagem

A) revela uma preocupação dos jovens hoje em dia com a saúde.

B) mostra o quanto as pessoas estão enganadas quando pensam em se exercitar.
C) critica as pessoas que frequentam a academia, mas não estão preocupadas com o exercício.
D) reflete a geração saúde e de suplementos, que não se preocupam com o exercício, e sim, fazer
E) expõe um fato muito comum nas academias, as pessoas que vão se exercitar e esquecem suas
toalhas e álcool gel.
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do

Letra: Adore You

Artista: Harry Styles
Composição: Harry Styles / Tyler Johnson / Amy Allen / Kid Harpoon

Questão 2 (H7, H8). O fenômeno jovem inglês Harry Styles faz sucesso no mundo com sua música
extrovertida e sexy. Na letra de Adore you podemos perceber

A) um eu lírico perplexo.
B) um eu lírico apaixonado.
C) um eu lírico distante da amada.
D) um eu lírico narcisista e prepotente.
E) um eu lírico maluco e inconsequente.
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Fonte: Google Images – acessado em 20/06/2021
Questão 3 (H7).Garfield está sempre preguiçoso e procurando por uma lasanha, seu dono, já não
espera muita coisa do gato mais popular do planeta. Garfield reflete sobe o futuro de uma maneira

A) simples.
B) corajosa
C) entediante
D) desafiadora.
E) despreocupada.

Questão 4 - (H5) O pensamento da mulher está cheio de dúvidas em relação a sua graduação, essas
dúvidas são mais fortes em:

A) que faculdade.
B) que mês e dia do ano.
C) como, quando e por que
D) que possibilidades e incerteza
E) como a ansiedade dela estará.
Questão 5 – (H5) One of the things that made an incredible impression on me in the film was
Frida’s comfort in and celebration of her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into conventional
ideas or images about womanhood or what makes someone or something beautiful. Instead, she
fully inhabited her own unique gifts, not particularly caring what other people thought. She was
magnetic and beautiful in her own right. She painted for years, not to be a commercial success or to
be discovered, but to express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and culture. She absolutely and
resolutely was who she was. The trueness of her own unique vision and her ability to stand firmly in
her own truth was what made her successful in the end. (HUTZLER, L.)
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a pintora

A) ter uma aparência exótica.

B) vender bem a sua imagem.
C) ter grande poder de sedução.
D) assumir sua beleza singular.
E) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
Review 2
1) Text:

The Football Game

Yesterday my brother and I went to see a football game. We watched our two favourite
teams, the Eagles and the Hawks. It was the second week of the season and the day was colder than
the week before. We arrived at the stadium at 11:30 am, which is earlier than usual. We were
excited because I love the Hawks and he loves the Eagles.

The seats were good, but I wanted seats closer to the field. However, we sat and enjoyed the
game. Well, we enjoyed it until we started arguing. My brother and I both think our team is better
than the other team. He always says to me that the Eagles are faster, stronger, and smarter than the
Hawks. I never agree. On this day, he was wrong. The Hawks played better than the Eagles. They
looked stronger than the Eagles. They won by 15 scores.

2) Text Comprehension:

a) What did you and you brother do yesterday? ________________________________________

b) What did you watch? ____________________________________________________________

c) What was the day like? ___________________________________________________________

d) What did you want? _____________________________________________________________

e) What does your brother always say to you? ___________________________________________


f) On this day, he was wrong. Why? __________________________________________________

g) How did they look? _____________________________________________________________

3) Complete the sentences using comparatives correctly.

a) Smokers have probably _________________ health _________ other people. (bad)

b) Fruit is ____________________________ chocolate. (health)

c) I love English! It`s __________________________ Chinese. (easy)

d) Chinese is ___________________________ English. (difficult)

e) Carlos is as _____________________________ as Lucas. (intelligent)

f) Maria is less _______________________ Clara. (rich)

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4) Write in English:

a) Eu sou a mais alta em minha família. ________________________________________________

b) Você é o mais velho nesta sala de aula. ______________________________________________

c) Bianca é a mais rica nesta cidade. __________________________________________________

d) Hoje é o dia mais quente deste ano. _________________________________________________

e) Duda é a mais magra nesta festa. ___________________________________________________

f) Lorena é a mais fabulosa aqui. _____________________________________________________

g) Este assunto é o mais interessante. __________________________________________________

5) Write I for Irony and M for metaphor.

a) She is a pure crystal. ( )

b) He is as light as an elephant. ( )

c) You are an angel. ( )

d) They talk so loud I can't even hear. ( )

e) Her eyes were diamonds. ( )

f) She is a shining star. ( )

g) He is so intelligent that failed the test. ( )

6) Complete the sentences using suitable Prasal Verbs.

a) Who is going to _______________ this baby?

b) You will be successful if you don't _______________ on this project.

c) I need to ______________ the meeting because I`m sick.

d) It´s really sad when two lovers __________________.

e) I can`t ______________________ this pain.

f) Don`t _____________________ prejudiced speeches.

g) Can you _______________________ anything to improve this work?

h) I want to _____________________ his secrets.

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Review 3
1) Write "M" for Metaphor or "T" for Irony according to the meaning of the sentences:

a) The wind ia a blanket of ice. ( )

b) You are the sunshine of my life. ( )
c) A vehide was parked right in front of the non-parking sign. ( )
d) Kisses are roses in the spring. ( )
e) His friend's hand was as soft as a rock. ( )
f) Her voice is music to his ears. ( )
g) Their new boss was as civilized as a shark. ( )

2) Complete using suitable phrasal verbs.

a) Things aren`t easy, but don`t __________________.

b) Do you have any idea to ______________________?

c) We don`t have to ________________________ when people offend us.

d) I was sick. So, I had to _____________________ the class.

e) Women! We have to ____________________ each other.

f) ___________ me _____________ when you come to Volta Redonda.

g) He was a violent man. So I decided to ________________. I`m a happy single woman now.

h) ______________ this soup. It`s delicious!

i) It`s broken. Please _________________.

j) I want to ______________________ who you really are.

3) Number.

(1) call on ( ) to look after a child until he or she becomes an adult.

(2) get along with ( ) visit somebody

(3) show up ( ) to try to make someone happier.

(4) look up ( ) complete

(5) bring up ( ) to have a friendly relationship with someone.

(6) look up for ( ) appear

(7) hang out ( ) to try to find a particular piece of information

(8) fill in ( ) improve

(9) cheer up ( ) To spend time with someone, casually.

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4) Complete the sentences using comparatives correctly.

a) He is ____________________ I am. (young)

b) Mr. Smith is much _____________________ I expected. (old)

c) Chicago is ___________________ Paris. (big)

d) This book is ________________________ the last one we used. (good)

e) The weather this winter is ______________________ the weather last winter. (bad)

f) Your schoolbag is _____________________ than mine. (heavy)

g) This metal is ____________________________ gold. (valuable)

h) Jane is _____________________________ her sister. (attractive)

i) The weather today is ______________________ yesterday. (warm)

j) Brian is __________________________ his brother. (clever)

5) Complete the sentences using the superlatives correctly.

a) Grace is _____________________ girl in our class. (old)

b) The Popular Voice is _______________________ newsspaper in the town. (important)

c) George is _________________________ student in the class. (bad)

d) Which is ________________ route from Miami to New York? (good)

e) David is ______________________ boy that I know. (ambitious)

f) She wore _____________________ dress. (pretty)

g) January is ___________________ month of the year in Brasil. (hot)

h) The story which you told was _____________________ of all. (funny)

i) Mt. Everest is ___________________ mountain in the world. (high)

j) This chair is _____________________ chair in the whole house. (comfortable)

k) The Pacific is ______________________ ocean in the world. (large)

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