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S.Y. 2022-2023

A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School Department

St. Joseph Kalinangan Integrated School Inc.

Sulucan, Angat, Bulacan.

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in Practical Research II

for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand


Mark Justine E. Cruz

Briana Sophia P. De Guzman

Reinier Francis L. Flores

Jeanne Abegail M. Grupo

Reeve Karl C. Gulapa

December 2022



This chapter presented the problem and its background, the statement of the

problem, the hypothesis of the study, the conceptual framework, the significance of the

study, and the scope and delimitation of the study.

The Problem and its Background

Nowadays, technologies or gadgets are necessary in everyone’s life. These pasts

few years of Covid-19 pandemic, it has become normal for people to carry and use their

phones wherever they go. With the use of technology, and it seems like everything can be

done quickly and easily. How does our usage of gadgets affect us positively? Children’s

cognitive and emotional development can be significantly damaged by gadget addiction.

More screen time means less social interaction. Students are lacking concentration and

the increase of distractions can be caused by gadget addiction. Also, Students are more

likely to develop depression when they’re gadget addicts.

Furthermore, vision-related health hazards are among the largest ones associated

with excessive use of smart devices. Loud music played through earbuds has a negative

impact on hearing ability. Lack of sleep, and increased weight on the spine due to higher

head tilt, is required just to be able to view the screen, are two impacts of excessive use of

gadgets on physical health. There is a situation wherein the researchers can tell that

gadget addiction in Senior High School Students in St. Joseph Kalinangan Integrated

School Inc. S.Y 2022-2023, is one of the main reasons why their academic performance

is low. Even though the majority of the students are performing well, there are still some

students who do not because they are much more focused about the time that they will be

using their gadget instead of listening to their teachers. This study is aiming to show the

students how technology might impact them, particularly their health. Reminders and

information about the proper usage and exposure to gadgets to avoid addiction will be

provided throughout this study.

Statement of the Problem

The Researchers intended to find out the effects of electronic gadgets to the

academic performances of the Senior High School Students in St. Joseph Kalinangan

Integrated School, in the Municipality of Angat.

1. How frequently did the students uses their gadgets?

2. What is the average grade of the students in their 1st Quarter for the S.Y of 2022-2023?

2.1. Average grade of Gadget Addict Students.

2.2. Average grade of Not Gadget Addict Students.

3. Is there a significant difference between the average grade of Gadget Addict and Not

Gadget Addict Students?

Hypothesis of the Problem

Gadget Addiction has an Impact in the academic performances of the Senior High

School Students in St. Joseph Kalinangan Integrated School Inc. (M1 < M2)

Conceptual Framework

The researchers used the input-process-output (IPO) paradigm, an analysis of

performance and processing systems that assumes raw materials are transformed by

internal systems process to generate results.


1. Find out how 1. Separate the 1. Determine the

long the students students who are significant
uses their gadgets addicted in using difference between
gadgets and those the average grade
who are not. of gadget addict
students and not
2. Find out the gadget addict
average grade of students
gadget addict students
and those who are

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

The figure on the top shows the process on how the researchers will address the

research questions provided in this research. Input: Find out how long the students uses

their gadgets. Process: Separate the students who are addicted in using gadgets and those

who are not, and find out the average grade of gadget addict students and those who are

not. Output: determine the significant difference between the average grade of gadget

addict students and not gadget addict students.

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is to determine the effects of gadgets to the Senior

High school Students in St. Joseph Kalinangan Integrated School Inc S.Y 2022-2023.

The researchers also aim to determine how gadgets affects the students' academic

performance. In addition, that the purpose of this research is to show the students how

their gadgets can affect them, especially their health. Our study will provide facts and

reminders about the proper usage of gadgets.

Students. This study will be useful reference to the students, they will be aware of the

negative impacts of electronics on their health and students are able to use the

Information obtained from our study to help them avoid overusing their gadgets.

Educational Institutions. The results of this study will aid educational institution since

it will make them aware of students' unhealthy behavior when it comes to using their

devices, which may assist them discover ways or alternatives to avoid allowing students

to misuse their gadgets.

Faculty and Staff. This study will help the faculty and staff since they will be able to

understand the impacts of gadgets on their students, which will help them identify the

reasons for their poor performance in class. They can also assist the students by providing

guidance on how to avoid excessive use of technology.

Other Schools and Communities. They will be aware that excessive use of technology

has a range of harmful consequences on everyone, including stress, addiction, emotional

issues such as depression, as well as cognitive and moral development abnormalities.

Future Researchers. The future researchers working on a relevant or comparable issues

to our research would benefit from our study. They will be also free to utilize the findings

of our study as a reference point and foundation for their own academic papers.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is created for the Senior High School Students of St. Joseph

Kalinangan Integrated School Inc. In the Municipality of Angat, Bulacan, whom are all

enrolled in the S.Y 2022-2023. The motivation of this study is to compare the academic

performance of the students who know their technological limitations and to those who

uses technology excessively.

The goal of this research study is to determine which of two activities do students

prioritize studying or using their cellphones. The respondents’ responses will be

considered as their awareness on the effectiveness of the uses of technology on their

study habits and its impact to their academic performance.



This chapter present the review related literature of the study: Gadget Addict vs.

Not Gadget Addict and The Significant Difference Between Senior High School Average

Grade in First Quarter.

Gadget Addict vs. Not Gadget Addict

Students now a days spends 16 hours per day on average using a gadget stated by

Elhai et al. (2017), This indicates that Students are dependent on their devices. Therefore,

moderate use of gadgets has the potential to cause issue with social interaction, academic

poor performance, and mental health. Mobile phone dependency is a type of an emerging

public health concern, because it has the negative consequence on the younger generation

such as Students. Dilip & Javalkar (2018).

The COVID-19 pandemic caused significant changes in our way of life. This time

of a pandemic has an equal influence on students. They prefer a disciplined lifestyle more

specifically, one that is routine-oriented: wake up, get ready for school, eat breakfast, run

to school service, play with friends, finished homework, eat dinner, and sleep. Almost all

students followed this pattern in some way. They all awoke one day to find themselves in

a middle of a pandemic. Schools are closed. What can be used to replace this way of life?

Gadgets: "The superfast world of virtual reality". Brightminds (2021).

The urge to use a device compulsively is a common symptom of gadget addiction.

This interferes with the person's capacity to have a regular life. Mat Sharif & Omar

2013The increased use of social communication apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and

WeChat, socialmedia apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, as well as online

games, has led to a serious rise in the number of current cases of gadget addiction among

users, and it is predicted that these cases will continue to rise in the future. Teong & Ang

(2016): Ching et al., 2015: Al-Barashdi et al.,2015).Samjhana Gautam (2019) also said

that the negative consequences of Students becoming addicted to technology/gadgets may

be leading to an unhealthy lifestyle. Too much time spent in front of the screen may

result in poor posture or body fat. Adolescents who are addicted to an gadgets/video

games may forget to drink water, eat their meals on time and spend more time with their

Family. Many children and Students around the globe, suffers from, back pain, neck pain,

hand pain, headaches, eyes problem, and an increased risks of macular degeneration, that

which can lead to blindness are all leading causes of gadget addiction Krishna Chapagain


The Significant Difference Between Senior High School Average Grade in First


Approximately 47% of Parents believe their Child is addicted to gadget, 52% of

teens surveyed spend more time on their smartphones than they do on with their friends

Brightminds (2021). It is crucial for Senior high school Students specially to have a good

card grade and Academic performance as a measure of school success can be traced all

the way back to the Victorian era (Bell, 2013).

Academic performances have been since used to schools and, more importantly,

to determine career paths. The 'good schools' are those that can groom students well

enough to meet the set of standards. This is measured by students' academic

performances both at school and at home. The importance of students' high performance

has piqued the interest of the public, policymakers, educators, students, educational,

administrators, etc... Using gadgets are also a beneficial, but excessive usage or time

spent on gadget reduce learning ability and other outdoor activities. It forces you to-do

forego other learning opportunities and makes you feel as if you have no time for

anything else, which is extremely has a big Impact to your academic performance. It will

make it difficult for the student to complete their work. It disrupts their study time Kala

Rai (2019).

Students who spend more time on gadgets is found to be losing touch with other

real social relationships. They may interact with online friends more than offline friends.

They are apprehensive about interacting with others face to face. It makes it difficult for

students to face the public. and socialization is significant in the field of student because

they go to school and interact not only with their classmates, but also with their teachers,

and having poor socializations can affect your level of knowledge or understanding, that

will have an impact to the students' academic performance.goldenpeak (2019)

It is impossible to overstate the value of technology in education. In fact, the introduction

of computers into the classroom has made it simpler for both professors to convey knowledge and

students to learn it. Technology has improved teaching and learning, making it more entertaining.

However, it's crucial to understand that presenting multimedia technology improperly can have

unfavorable effects.



This chapter presents the study methods and techniques, including the research

design, population and sample of the study, sampling design, research instruments, data

gathering procedure, ethical considerations, and the data analysis.

Research Design

The Researchers’ used design is Quantitative Research Design. It is known as the

Process for gathering and interpreting numerical data quantitative research. It can be used

to identify patterns and averages, formulate hypotheses, examine causal relationships and

extrapolate findings to larger populations. This chapter can be used to gather in-depth

insights into a problem or generate new ideas for researchers, from Survey to


The researchers selected Quantitative Research because the goal of quantitative

research is to learn more about comprehending social world. To examine such situation

or events that have an impact on people, researchers utilize quantitative methodologies.

This research design generates unbiased data that can be explained in detail using statistic

and figures.

Population and Sample of the Study

The respondents of our study will be the selected Senior High School Students

(N=88) from St. Joseph Kalinangan Integrated School Inc. in the Municipality of Angat

Bulacan, school year of 2022-2023.

The researchers chose the Senior High School Students of St. Joseph Kalinangan

Integrated School Inc. as the population of our study because almost or all the Senior

High School Students uses cellphones even inside the school wherein, they are supposed

to be studying. By that, researchers can tell that majority of the are using them too much

to the point that they are getting addicted. We are aiming to know how Senior High

School Students’ academic performance is bound to be affected by gadget addiction. In

addition to that, we also would like to raise awareness among the students and enlighten

them about the hazard that they may get into, the potential consequences, and the harmful

effects of gadget addiction.

Sampling Design

In choosing this study's method, we, the researchers chose the purposive sampling

design, Researchers will be using surveys to accumulate data on the actions,

requirements, and opinions of people. The researchers determined the population of their

study (N=88), and used the sample size formula with a 0.05 margin of error, the obtained

size of the sample of the researchers is 72. In order to select participants, the researchers

used the fishbowl sampling technique, where names of respondents are written on a piece

of paper and put on a bowl, and picked until the desired number of respondents is


Research Instruments

Research instrument employed in this study are Quantitative Questionnaires or

Surveys. The purpose of the question is to elicit perspectives, experiences, narratives, or

stories. It is frequently used as prelude to interviews or focus group since it helps the

identification of initial themes or topics that can be explored further in the research. An

interview is a dialogue in which information is gathered. The Researchers’ quantitative

questionnaires are made up of 5 questions that respondents can answer freely, allowing

them to clarify their response based on their personal experience or thoughts about the


Data Gathering Procedure

The survey questionnaires will be conducted after the completion of making the

questions that is containing the approval of the researchers Administrators. The

researchers asked the permission of Mrs. Crispina S. Zafra, School Directress of SJKIS to

administer a Survey Questionnaires to all the Senior High School students at St. Joseph

Kalinangan Integrated School. The researchers confirmed that the articles utilized for

data collection corresponded to the required standards and quality in order to create non-

biased results. And to gather datas, the researchers will hand out some questions by

providing research survey questionnaires. The findings would serve as the basis for this


Ethical Considerations

The Researchers, will undoubtedly discuss and explain our study to our

respondents, as well as clarify it. To gain deeper understanding of our study, respondents

must identify what they know about the critical content and recognize how their

understanding has evolved in relation to our study. Researchers will observe each

participant. When it comes to observation, we will also respect the decision and privacy

hat our respondents have.

Data Analysis

The survey's initial goal is to be conducted so that the researchers may assess their

level of knowledge and awareness of how broad their understanding about the effect of

excessive use is. The score that they will receive for responding to the survey will be

included in a report that demonstrates their comprehension of how gadget addiction

affects their academic performance. The numbers on the scale are going to be expressed

like this: Did Not Meet Expectation-1, Fairly-2, Satisfactory-3, Very Satisfactory-4, and

Outstanding-5. The measurement that researchers serve as a guide is the scale below:


4.21 – 5.00 5 Outstanding

3.41 – 4.20 4 Very Satisfactory

2.61 – 3.40 3 Satisfactory

1.81 – 2.60 2 Fairly

1.00 – 1.80 1 Did Not Meet Expectation



This chapter presented the results and discussions of this study from the data

gathered and review of related literature.

The researchers identified and classified who are the gadget addicts and not

through the data gathered from the respondents. According to Karpinski et al. (2013)

using gadgets for more than 6 hours per day is considered to be an addiction also,

Aljomaa et al. (2016) had justified addiction if people use their gadgets for more than 8

hours per day. The following table shows the grade of gadget addicted students and not

gadget addicted students:

Table 1. The Average Grade of Gadget Addicted Students

5 4 3 2 1

STEM 5 6 1 3 0 2.88 Satisfactory

ABM 0 0 0 4 2 2.94 Satisfactory

GAS 9 0 3 4 0 2.47 Fairly

HUMSS 4 0 1 0 0 2.67 Satisfactory

TOTAL 2.74 Satisfactory

Table 1. The Average Grade of Gadget Addicted Students

The above table shows the frequency distribution and weighted mean of the

average grade of gadget addicted students. The SHS students gained 2.74 (80-84) which

means that the students who are gadget addicts are satisfied to the learnings they gained.

Studies have shown that students cognitive and emotional development can be

adversely impacted by internet/gadget addiction. More screen time means lack of focus

and students with this issue are most likely to develop a poor grade. Thatte, R. (October


Table 2. The Average Grade of Not Gadget Addicted Students

5 4 3 2 1

STEM 0 4 2 0 0 3.61 Very Satisfactory

ABM 4 2 1 0 1 3.72 Very Satisfactory

GAS 3 4 2 1 1 3.19 Satisfactory

HUMSS 2 2 1 0 0 3.39 Satisfactory

TOTAL 3.48 Very Satisfactory

Table 2. The Average Grade of Not Gadget Addicted Students

The above table shows the frequency distribution and weighted mean of the

average grade of not gadget addicted students. The SHS students gained 3.48 (85-89)

which means that the students who are not gadget addicts are very satisfied to the

learnings they gained.

Henrich (2014) found that gadget addiction can negatively influence academic

performance as students' attention in class is disrupted because of the gadget use, and

such disruption affects their studies. Excessive mobile phone use has been associated

with distraction in the classroom These studies reveal that in too much facing of gadget

has a significant negative effect on students’ academic performance.

Table 3. The Significant Difference of Average Grade of Not and Gadget Addicted

Students Interpretation Hypothesis Decision

Gadget Addict 2.74 Fairly M1<M
2 Accepted
Not Gadget Addict 3.48 Satisfactory

Table 3. The Significant Difference of Average Grade of Gadget Addicted

and Not Gadget Addicted Students

This table shows the significant difference of average grade of gadget addicted

students (M=2.74), and not gadget addict students (M=3.84). The hypothesis that the

weighted means presented in this table are equal, and the findings is M1<M2. Therefore,

the decision of the researchers is accepted the hypothesis.

There should not any hindrances for a student to access higher quality of learning

in order to have higher education, one must formulate improvements using the best ways

of learning and strategies Zafirakoou (2018).

 This chapter presented the conclusions from the findings of this study and
the recommendations of the researchers. 

The following are the conclusions of the researchers based on the findings from the

data gathered. 


1. The SHS students who are Not Gadget Addict presented Satisfactory (3.48)

which means that their academic performance is not affected by gadget addiction. And

Gadget Addicts shown Fairly (2.74) which means that gadgets have impact to their

grades. We concluded that the Senior High School department are much more

concentrated in using their gadgets than being focused on school.

2. The Senior High School Students who are gadget addicts failed the survey with the

weighted mean of 2.74, it is less than the passing grade of 85-89. The Senior High

School Students have lack of information about being not gadget addict. 

3. The use of gadgets has a moderately positive impact in learning because of its

features that extend the ability of the students to do more things, but it also has a slightly

negative impact because students are most likely to be distracted by it. 


In the light of the Results and Conclusions of this research, the following

recommendations were drawn: 

1.The Researchers recommends that the Students and Teachers can and should use this

analysis to educate themselves on the benefits and disadvantages of overusing the

electronic gadget so that they can use technology effectively. The Researchers’ findings

may assist Educators and Teachers in clarifying the proper use of technology. 

2. The researchers recommend to limit the use of gadgets and maintaining a suitable

screen time plan. While screen time can be useful, too much use can lead to behavioral

problems such as, poor academic performance, and health problems like bad vision. It is

advised to play board games, spend more time with friends and family, and engage in

outdoor activities to help reduce excessive gadget use.

3.Future researchers are also encouraged to study what is gadget addict vs not gadget

addict, not only to the significant difference between Senior High School average grade

but to also observe and help the community, about how they balance the usage of

technologies without exceeding or exaggerating its usage.


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