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• To compare two people, two places, two events or two things, when there is no difference.

Brian is 24 years old. Andrew is 24 years old.

Comparative of equality: Brian is as old as Andrew.

• To compare two people, two places, two events or two things, when there is some difference.

Brian is handsome, but Andrew is more.

Comparative of inequality: Brian is not as handsome as Andrew.


• To compare the difference between two people, things or events.

Long Adjectives: Use MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN

Brian Andrew

Comparative of Superiority: Andrew is more handsome than Brian.

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Short Adjectives: ADJECTIVE + ER + THAN

Brian is 1,75m. Andrew is 1,80m.

Comparative of Superiority: Brian is shorter than Andrew.

Andrew is taller than Brian.


General Rule: Add “ER”.

Eg: cold – colder nice – nicer old – older young – younger

Adjectives that end in “Y” preceded by a consonant: Drop off “Y” and add “IER”.

Eg: happy – happier dirty – dirtier heavy – heavier easy - easier

Adjectives that end in “C-V-C” and the stress is on the CVC sound.
Repeat the last letter and add “ER”.

Eg: thin – thinner than hot – hotter than big – bigger than fat – fatter than
Irregular comparatives:

good – better than bad – worse than far – further than


Brian is 1,75m. Andrew is 1,80m.

Comparative of Inferiority: Brian is less tall than Andrew.

Andrew is less short than Brian.

- 02-
1) Complete the sentences using comparatives correctly.

Part A

a) Maria is _____________________________ Joana. (short)

b) Maria is not as ____________________________ as Joana. (short)

c) Maria is as __________________________ as Joana. (short)

d) Maria is less ___________________________ Joana. (short)

e) Carlos is _____________________________ Lucas. (intelligent)

f) Carlos is not as ___________________________ as Lucas. (intelligent)

g) Carlos is as _______________________________ as Lucas. (intelligent)

h) Carlos is less ______________________________ than Lucas. (intelligent)

i) This year winter is _____________________________ last year. (cold)

j) This year winter is not as __________________________ as last year. (cold)

k) This year winter is as _______________________________ as last year. (cold)

l) This year winter is less _______________________________ last year. (cold)

Part B

a) Richard is _____________________________ Mario. (rich)

b) Cindy is not as _________________________ as Livia. (poor)

c) Raul is as _____________________________ as Joe. (good)

d) Jude is _______________________________ Rebeca. (good)

e) Rebeca is _____________________________ Jude. (bad)

f) My car is ______________________________ yours. (economic)

g) This year summer is _______________________ last year. (hot)

h) Marcela is _________________________ Clara. (thin)

i) Olivia is as ________________________ as Monica. (thin)

j) Laura is less ________________________ Julia. (fat)

k) Luisa is ___________________________ Anna. (beautiful)

l) Your house is not as __________________________ as mine. (small)

m) His house is _______________________________ hers. (big)

- 03-
We use superlative to compare more than two people, two places, two things or two events.

Long Adjectves


Luna is the most beautiful girl in this school.

Jake is the most intelligent boy in this classroom.

Short Adjectives


Albert is the tallest student in this group.

Jane is the richest person in this neighborhood.


General Rule: Add “EST”.

Eg: cold – the coldest nice – the nicest old – the oldest young – the youngest
Adjectives that end in “Y” preceded by a consonant: Drop off “Y” and add “IEST”.

Eg: happy – the happiest dirty – the dirtiest heavy – the heaviest easy – the easiest
Adjectives that end in “C-V-C” and the stress is on the CVC sound.
Repeat the last letter and add “EST”.

Eg: thin – the thinnest hot – the hottest big – the biggest fat – the fattest
Irregular comparatives:

good – the best bad – the worst far – the furthest


1) Complete the sentences using the superlative correctly.

a) Richard is _____________________________ I know. (happy)

b) Cindy is _______________________________ girl here. (nice)

c) Raul is ________________________________ engineer at this company. (good)

d) Rebeca is _____________________________ painter I know. (bad)

e) My car is ______________________________ in this parking lot. (economic)

f) This house is ___________________________ in this street. (big)

g) She is ________________________________ woman in this family. (old)

- 04-
1) Complete the sentences using comparatives correctly.

a) Marcela is as_________________________ as Clara. (tall)

b) Olivia is ____________________________ Monica. (fat)

c) Laura is not as ________________________ as Julia. (smart)

d) Erick is ___________________________ Jonas. (handsome)

e) Your school is less __________________________ mine. (big)

f) This city is _______________________________ that. (good)

g) This company is ___________________________ that. (bad)

2) Complete the sentences using the superlative correctly.

a) Richard is _____________________________ I know. (short)

b) Cindy is _______________________________ girl here. (ugly)

c) My car is ________________________________ in this street. (bad)

d) Rebeca is _____________________________ doctor in this hospital. (good)

e) My house is ______________________________ in this neighborhood. (expensive)

3) Story

My friends

My name is Anna Julia. I don`t have much money, but I have a lot of friends. I`m a busy
woman, I have a lot of work to do, so I have little time to spend on my friends, but I enjoy every
minute we are together. A few friends call me just Anna. Their names are Victoria, Clara, Jason,
Brian, Carlos and Milena. Victoria is richer than me. In fact, she is the richest of the group. But I`m
not her friend because of her money. She isn`t snobbish. She is nice and friendly to everyone. She is
older than Clara, but Clara is taller than her. Jason is more handsome than Brian, but Brian is more
intelligent than Jason. Carlos is the strongest and Milena is the funniest. All of them have good and
bad points. But I don`t care about their bad points. I love them the way they are. How about you?
Do you have many friends?

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4) Story Questions

a) What`s her name? _______________________________________________________________

b) Does she have much money? ______________________________________________________

c) Does she have many friends? ______________________________________________________

d) What kind of woman is she? ______________________________________________________

e) Does she have much work to do? ___________________________________________________

f) How much time does she have to spend on her friends? _________________________________

g) Who call her just Anna? __________________________________________________________

h) What are their names? ___________________________________________________________

i) Who is the richest of the group? ____________________________________________________

j) Is she snobbish? ________________________________________________________________

k) What`s she like? ________________________________________________________________

l) Is she younger than Clara? _______________________________________________________

m) Is Clara taller than her? _________________________________________________________

n) Who is more handsome? Jason or Brian? ____________________________________________

o) Who is more intelligent? Jason or Brian? ____________________________________________

p) What about Carlos? _____________________________________________________________

q) What about Milena? _____________________________________________________________

r) Do they have only good points? ____________________________________________________

s) Does Anna care about their bad points? ______________________________________________

t) Why not? ______________________________________________________________________

u) How about you? Do you have many friends? _________________________________________

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