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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 52:595–610 (2012)

Copyright C Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1040-8398 / 1549-7852 online
DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2010.503685

Factors Affecting Quality and Safety

of Fresh-Cut Produce


M. L. AMODIO,5 and G. SPANO6
Food Science Research Centre, Department of Life Sciences, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Department of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Bari, “Aldo Moro”, Piazza Giulio Cesare, Bari
Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos, Athens, Greece
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
PRIME, University of Foggia, via Napoli, Foggia, Italy
DiSA, University of Foggia, via Napoli, Foggia, Italy

The quality of fresh-cut fruit and vegetable products includes a combination of attributes, such as appearance, texture, and
flavor, as well as nutritional and safety aspects that determine their value to the consumer. Nutritionally, fruit and vegetables
represent a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, and fresh-cut produce satisfies consumer demand for freshly
prepared, convenient, healthy food. However, fresh-cut produce deteriorates faster than corresponding intact produce, as a
result of damage caused by minimal processing, which accelerates many physiological changes that lead to a reduction in
produce quality and shelf-life. The symptoms of produce deterioration include discoloration, increased oxidative browning
at cut surfaces, flaccidity as a result of loss of water, and decreased nutritional value. Damaged plant tissues also represent
a better substrate for growth of microorganisms, including spoilage microorganisms and foodborne pathogens. The risk of
pathogen contamination and growth is one of the main safety concerns associated with fresh-cut produce, as highlighted
by the increasing number of produce-linked foodborne outbreaks in recent years. The pathogens of major concern in fresh-
cut produce are Listeria monocytogenes, pathogenic Escherichia coli mainly O157:H7, and Salmonella spp. This article
describes the quality of fresh-cut produce, factors affecting quality, and various techniques for evaluating quality. In addition,
the microbiological safety of fresh-cut produce and factors affecting pathogen survival and growth on fresh-cut produce are
discussed in detail.

Keywords Ready to eat, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, stress, food quality

INTRODUCTION tissues (Brecht, 1995), expose cytoplasm, and provide a poten-

tially richer source of nutrients for microorganisms than intact
The worldwide fresh-cut produce industry has grown rapidly produce (Brackett, 1994; Barry-Ryan et al., 2000). These factors
in recent years to a multi-billion dollar sector, largely driven combined with high Aw and either close to neutral (vegetables)
by increasing consumer demand for healthy, freshly prepared, or low acidic (many fruits) tissue pH, and facilitate rapid micro-
convenient fruits and vegetables. Ohlsson (2002) suggested that bial growth (Beuchat, 1996; Parish et al., 2003). A number of
minimal processing techniques have emerged to replace tradi- important human pathogens can contaminate fresh-cut produce
tional harsher methods of food preservation as they retain nu- and there has been an increase in the number of produce-linked
tritional and sensory quality better. Fresh-cut produce may con- foodborne outbreaks in recent years, including the spinach-
sist of peeled, sliced, shredded, trimmed, and/or washed fruits associated Esherichia coli O157:H7 outbreak in 2006, which
or vegetables. These products are usually sealed within semi- resulted in 205 illnesses and 3 deaths (FDA, 2007). Produce con-
permeable packages and stored at refrigeration temperatures. tamination can occur during agricultural production (via animals
The unit operations employed during processing (i.e., peeling, or insects, soil, water, dirty equipment, and human handling),
slicing, shredding) cause the destruction of surface cells, stress harvesting, processing (cutting, shredding, washing, contami-
nated work surfaces/equipment, hygiene practices of workers),
Address correspondence to G. Spano, DiSA, University of Foggia, via packaging (contaminated packaging materials/equipment), and
Napoli 25, 71100, Foggia, Italy. E-mail: transportation and distribution. In addition to microbial hazards,


other aspects related to the safety of fresh-cut produce include Suslow, 2002). Consumers expect fresh-cut products to main-
the potential presence of external chemical contaminants, natu- tain firm and crunchy texture (Fillion and Kilcast, 2002), and
rally occurring toxic compounds, and foreign bodies. very often soft or flaccid produce is revealed by the appear-
This review will discuss the sensory quality of fresh-cut pro- ance. Softening of fruit tissues is one of the most important fac-
duce, factors affecting quality and methods used to evaluate tors limiting shelf-life (Agar et al., 1999; Karakurt and Huber,
quality. In addition, the microbiological safety of fresh-cut pro- 2003), and firmness losses in fruits are primarily caused by enzy-
duce and factors affecting pathogen survival and growth will be matic degradation of pectins catalyzed by pectin methylesterase
reviewed in detail. Moreover, current and emerging molecular (PME) and polygalacturonase (PG) (Karakurt and Huber, 2003).
technologies for the detection of common bacterial foodborne In vegetable tissues, ageing processes and senescence, water
pathogens will be discussed. losses, and wounding effects, are the main causes of texture
changes. In products such as spinach, wilting can be one of the
major causes of deterioration in visual appearance and texture
(Piagentini et al., 2002), while in the case of fresh-cut asparagus,
QUALITY OF FRESH-CUT PRODUCE celery, and carrot, shelf-life may be limited by lignification of
vascular tissues (Everson et al., 1992; Barry-Ryan and O’Beirne,
The quality of fresh-cut produce is related to several at- 1998a; Viňa and Chaves, 2006).
tributes, including appearance, texture, flavor, and nutritional Texture evaluation is not always easily assessed. In several
and safety aspects. studies, the crispness of fresh-cut lettuce was quantified as the
Appearance is the main factor affecting consumer choice in maximum load required to break the sample using a Kramer cell
the first phase of purchase (Lund and Snowdon, 2000). However, (Han et al., 2004; Baur et al., 2005; Martı́n-Diana et al., 2006).
consumer satisfaction in terms of other organoleptic characteris- Firmness of fruit or vegetable pieces can be measured using
tics (e.g., aroma, taste, and texture) strongly affects subsequent a penetrometer with probes of different diameters (according
purchases. Fresh-cut pieces should appear freshly cut, with a to dimension), that penetrate tissues a given distance (Gorny
bright color surface, and be free of defects and decay. Appear- et al., 2002; Lana et al., 2005; Rico et al., 2007). Amodio et al.
ance characteristics can be subjectively or objectively measured, (2006) measured the firmness for pumpkin, zucchini, celery,
using the human eye or specific instruments, respectively. In the carrot, “Borlotti” beans, and peas with an Instron Universal
case of visual evaluation, color charts or guides may be used as Testing machine. Quantification of lignin content or the activity
references for evaluation; however, results may be affected by of enzymes involved in its biosynthesis (An et al., 2007), pheny-
human error and evaluation conditions (e.g., type of lighting). lalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), peroxidise, and isoperoxidases,
Many authors use subjective rating scales to evaluate general (Zhang et al., 2001) may be correlated with the textural changes
appearance of fresh-cut produce such as peaches and nectarines of vascular tissues. Furthermore, PME or PG activities may
(Gorny et al., 1999; Aguayo et al., 2006; Amodio and Colelli, be correlated with flesh-tissue firmness of carambola (Teixeira
2008), vegetable mix (Amodio et al., 2006), and mint leaves et al., 2007) or with lettuce crispness (Rico et al., 2007).
(Kenigsbuch et al., 2007). Kader and Cantwell (2004) used rat- The perception of basic tastes (salty, sweet, sour, and bitter),
ing scales and color charts for the evaluation of the appearance mouthfeel sensation, and aroma contribute to flavor definition
of both whole and fresh-cut produce. (Meilgaard et al., 1991). Sweetness is one of the most impor-
Produce color may also be measured instrumentally, on the tant components of fruit and vegetable flavor, and its perception
basis of light reflected off or transmitted through the commodity. is modified by sourness or acid levels and aroma compounds
The CIE L∗ a∗ b∗ color scale is the most frequently used scale for (Baldwin, 2004). Aroma compounds contribute to flavor either
color references, based on L∗ , a∗ , and b∗ parameters and their directly, or by retronasal stimulation in the nose during chewing.
derivative measurements (hue and chroma). Usually, an increase Fruit aroma is characterized by a high content of volatile oils
in L∗ value is correlated with the development of whiteness in and aliphatic esters, which have a higher threshold of perception,
samples, and a decrease in this parameter indicates browning compared to volatiles responsible for vegetable aroma, which
development (Rico et al., 2007). Colorimetric or spectrophoto- are mainly nitrogen and sulphur compounds. The complexity of
metric measures of sample homogenates may also be used (Viňa human perception of flavor and interactions between many com-
and Chaves, 2006). Finally, analytical determinations of enzyme pounds makes it difficult to quantify flavor using instrumental
activity may be used to describe browning development, as it analysis, and to relate measurement of individual components to
has been shown that phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) ac- human acceptance (O’Mahony, 1995). Generally, total soluble
tivity, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of phenol compounds, solid content and titratable acidity are used to describe flavor
was related to browning of fresh-cut lettuce (Saltveit, 1997). of fruits and vegetables (Artés et al., 1999; Rinaldi et al., 2004)
Similarly, activity of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was related to and as indicators of maturity stage (Crisosto et al., 2007). Sugar
browning of phenol compounds in many fruit and vegetables and organic acid composition (Marsh et al., 2004; Amodio et al.,
(Martinez and Whitaker, 1995; Amiot et al., 1997). 2007), and volatile compound identification and quantification
Texture is very tightly linked to tissue deterioration and can be (Burdon et al., 2005; Saftner et al., 2007) are more time consum-
used as an index of freshness and quality decline (Cantwell and ing evaluations. In addition, other parameters may be estimated

including the pungency of onion (Allium cepa L.) measured reduced ascorbic acid and soluble phenolic compounds (Reyes
with enzymatic determination of pyruvic acid (Hamilton et al., et al., 2007).
1996), and bitterness in chicory was related to sesquiterpene Among all the factors to be considered when addressing
lactones concentration (Peters and van Amerongen, 1998). safety issues for fresh-cut produce, the potential for pathogen
Generally, flavors in fresh-cut produce decline more rapidly contamination and foodborne outbreaks is the one receiving
than does appearance, as processes such as cutting and shred- most attention. The psychrotrophic pathogen Listeria monocyto-
ding cause mixing of enzymes and substrates, contributing to genes and the mesophilic pathogens Salmonella and Escherichia
flavor deterioration due to volatile losses and synthesis of stress coli O157:H7 are among the most important pathogens involved
related off-flavor volatiles (Hodges and Toivonen, 2007). Low in human illness associated with consumption of produce (FDA,
oxygen conditions, that may be generated using modified at- 2008; Sivapalasingam, 2004; Sagoo et al., 2003; Rangel et al.,
mosphere packaging, may lead to accumulation of off-flavor 2005). Indeed, outbreaks of salmonellosis and listeriosis due
compounds such as ethanol and acetaldehyde (Burdon et al., to consumption of vegetables have been reported (Nguyen and
2006). The maturity stage of fruits used for fresh-cut process- Carlin, 1994), while enterohaemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7 and
ing has a strong impact on fresh-cut product quality and flavor. Salmonella made major news headlines in the United States in
The fresh-cut industry often prefers to process firmer and less 2006 and 2007 due to outbreaks associated with the consumption
mature fruit to improve shelf-life duration; however, riper fruit of pre-prepared leafy green salad vegetables and other produce
have higher organoleptic quality as reported for peach and nec- (Anon. 2006).
tarine slices (Gorny et al., 1999). Similarly, mature cantaloupe In addition to microbial risk, other aspects related to the
fruit contained greater quantities of flavor-related compounds safety of fresh-cut produce include the potential presence
(Beaulieu, 2006). of external chemical contaminants, naturally occurring toxic
Flavor quality attributes may be assessed by taste panels us- compounds, and foreign bodies. Chemical contaminants from
ing the traditional 9-point hedonic scale, or a simple 3-point external origin may include residues of pesticides and other
scale, including the descriptive terms excellent, acceptable, and pre-harvest and/or postharvest chemical application. In addi-
unacceptable (Artés et al., 1999; Allende et al., 2007), or us- tion, degradation of sanitizing agents (i.e., chlorine) may lead
ing structured (Saftner et al., 2005) or unstructured line scales to the accumulation of chlorinated trihalomethanes, haloacetic
(O’Mahony, 1995). acids, and chloramines (Wei et al., 1999). Natural toxic com-
Fresh-cut products satisfy the consumer demand for easy- pounds may include quercitin (Dunnick and Halley, 1992) and
to-use, convenient, healthy food. Fruit and vegetables represent alkaloids, such as alpha-chaconine and alpha-solanin in potatoes
a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. More- (Friedman et al., 1992), and psoralen in celery (Aharoni et al.,
over, they are rich in constituents known as phytochemicals or 1996). Finally, the potential presence of foreign bodies is a very
phytonutrients (e.g., carotenoids and phenols) that have been important issue in the fresh-cut produce industry (Edwards and
shown to have a positive effect on human health (Block et al., Stringer, 2007). Among foreign bodies, insects are one of the
1992; Cox et al., 1996; Craig and Beck, 1999). However, pro- most important issues, especially for fresh salads; they are gen-
cess wounding induces a number of physiological disorders erally represented by field pests, although storage pests might
which may accelerate nutrient losses and these losses need to infest the harvested or fully manufactured product during stor-
be minimized (Soliva-Fortuny and Martı́n-Belloso, 2003). Af- age. Other foreign bodies include glass, plastic, and bodies of
ter cutting, antioxidants were more susceptible to degradation animal origin, wood, and other contaminants from processing
as they were exposed to oxygen or light. Vitamin C losses in plants and/or operators (Edwards and Stringer, 2007).
fresh-cut products, after 6 days of storage at 5◦ C, ranged from
5% in mango to 25% in cantaloupe pieces, compared to whole
fruits, while light promoted vitamin C degradation in kiwi-fruit FACTORS AFFECTING QUALITY AND PATHOGEN
slices (Gil et al., 2006). Oxidation of vitamins also occurred SURVIVAL AND GROWTH
on exposure to acidic pH and sanitization treatments (Wright
and Kader, 1997). Post-cutting interaction of product substrates The quality of fresh-cut produce and pathogen survival and
with enzymes, such as ascorbate oxidase, polyphenol oxidase, growth on fresh-cut produce is influenced by a number of
and peroxidase, may enhance degradation of phytonutrients. In interdependent factors including product type, minimal pro-
addition, browning due to oxidation of phenols may reduce nu- cessing operations (e.g., slicing, washing, antimicrobial, and
trient content. anti-browning treatments), packaging, and storage temperature
By contrast, an increase in nutritional value of wounded tis- conditions.
sues, as a result of induced synthesis of phenolic compounds,
has been reported for cut lettuce, celery, carrot, parsnips, and
sweetpotato, while in the same study a decrease of phenols was Product Type
observed in cut zucchini, radish, potato, and red cabbage. Other
factors affecting the amount and profile of wound-induced sol- Each product type has a unique combination of compositional
uble phenolics, other than type of tissue, were initial levels of and physical characteristics and will have specific growing,

harvesting and processing practices, and storage conditions. Dif- and molds. In addition, oils of oregano, thyme, and clove were
ferent cultivars vary in several attributes including size, color, very effective against E. coli (Hammer et al., 1999; Smith-
flavor, texture, nutritive value, pest resistance, processing suit- Palmer et al., 1998).
ability, eating quality, and yield. The cultivar selected for fresh- Fresh-cut produce harbor large populations of microorgan-
cut processing has a very critical effect on product shelf-life isms including Pseudomonas, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), and
and overall quality. Susceptibility to browning may also widely Enterobacteriaceae (Francis et al., 1999). The background mi-
differ from one cultivar to another. Differences in browning po- croflora provide indicators of temperature abuse largely by caus-
tential may be related to differences in phenol content and in ing detectable spoilage, and levels can vary significantly for each
the rate of enzymatic activities of PPO (Martinez and Whitaker, product type and during storage. Various researchers have re-
1995; Amiot et al., 1997), PAL (Saltveit, 1997), and phenol ported antagonism by the native microflora of vegetables against
peroxidase (POD) (Degl’Innocenti et al., 2005), and to differ- L. monocytogenes, S. typhimurium and E. coli O157:H7 (Fran-
ences in the content of antioxidant compounds (i.e., ascorbic cis and O’Beirne, 1996; Francis and Carlin et al., 1996; Francis
acid) which prevent oxidation of phenol compounds (Cocci et al., 1998; Duffy et al., 1999; Liao and Cooke, 2001). A mixed
et al., 2006; Degl’Innocenti et al., 2007). Variety selection may bacterial population isolated from endive or lettuce reduced Lis-
also affect the nutritional value of fresh-cut produce, and plant teria growth in vegetable media (Carlin et al., 1996; Francis and
breeders have been successful in selecting carrot and tomato O’Beirne, 1998a; 1998b), and P. fluorescens and P. viridiflava
cultivars with higher carotenoid and vitamin A contents, and inhibited growth of L. monocytogenes on potato slices (Liao
sweet corn cultivars that maintain their sweetness for longer and Sapers, 1999). Enterobacter isolates significantly reduced
after harvest. Furthermore, there are cantaloupe cultivars which the L. monocytogenes growth during storage on a model lettuce
have higher sugar content than others, and pineapple cultivars medium; however, the inhibitory activities of Enterobacter spp.
with higher contents of ascorbic acid, carotenoids, and sugars decreased as the concentration of CO2 increased (Francis and
(Kader, 2004). O’Beirne, 1998a). The native microflora of cantaloupe melon,
In addition to the effects of product type on quality and especially the yeast and mold populations, might have out-
composition, pathogen survival and growth also varies signifi- competed L. monocytogenes for colonizable space and available
cantly with the type of product (Austin et al., 1998; Carlin and nutrients, thus resulting in the decline of populations of L. mono-
Nguyen, 1994). Dry coleslaw mix was largely unsuitable for L. cytogenes (Ukuku and Fett, 2002). In addition, strains of LAB
monocytogenes and E. coli O157:H7 growth while significant inhibited A. hydrophila, L. monocytogenes, and S. typhimurium
growth of the pathogens occurred on shredded lettuce (Francis on vegetable salads (Vescovo et al., 1996). Salmonellae grew
and O’Beirne, 2001a; 2001b). Product factors that may affect better on vegetables when co-cultured with Erwinia carotovora
pathogen survival and/or growth include: pH, presence of nat- or P. viridiflava, two major causes of bacterial soft-rot (Wells
ural antimicrobials and/or competitive spoilage microflora, and and Butterfield, 1997). The importance of the natural microflora
respiration rate/packaging interactions. in controlling populations of pathogens, either by direct compe-
Product pH strongly influences the survival and growth of tition or through the production of antimicrobials, may provide
pathogens. Most vegetables have a pH of ≥5.0, and conse- biocontrol approaches for controlling pathogen contamination,
quently support the growth of most foodborne bacteria. Many survival, and growth on fresh-cut produce.
fruits have acidic pH; however, a number of soft fruits/melons
have pH values ≥5.0 and will support growth of many pathogens
(Beuchat, 1996; Escartin et al., 1989; Nguyen and Carlin, 1994). Processing Operations
L. monocytogenes survived and grew on apple slices, cantaloupe
melon (Conway et al., 2000; Ukuku and Fett, 2002), and toma- The unit operations employed during processing of mini-
toes (Beuchat and Brackett, 1991). Acid tolerance is common in mally processed produce (i.e., peeling, slicing, shredding) cause
E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella serotypes and these organisms the destruction of surface cells, stress tissues (Brecht, 1995),
can survive/grow in more acidic produce (Dingman, 2000; Liao and in the case of fruits, remove natural barriers such as
and Sapers, 2000; Ukuku and Sapers, 2001). cuticles and skins, which make tissues more susceptible to water
Some fruit and vegetable tissues have naturally occurring loss and decay (Altekruse et al., 1997; Agar et al., 1999).
antimicrobials that provide varying levels of protection against As a consequence of damage caused by processing, there is
pathogens (Sofos et al., 1998). The inhibitory effects of raw an increase in respiration rate and ethylene production which
carrots and carrot juice on the growth of L. monocytogenes were may accelerate deterioration of non-climateric tissues and pro-
reported (Beuchat et al., 1994; Beuchat and Brackett, 1990b; mote ripening in climacteric fruits (Saltveit, 1997; Saltveit et al.,
Nguyen and Carlin, 1994; Jacxsens et al., 1999). Natural com- 2005). Phenols may also increase as a consequence of wound-
pounds from edible plants, such as oilseeds, herbs, and spices, ing due to the activation of PAL enzyme (Saltveit, 1997).
may have potential as alternative or complementary antimicro- In addition, membrane lipid degradation may cause loss of
bial agents for fresh-cut produce (Burt, 2004). Nychas (1995) lipid components and of cell compartmentalization; this may
reported antimicrobial activity from oregano, thyme, sage, rose- cause enzymes and substrates to interact resulting in detrimen-
mary, clove, coriander, garlic, and onions against both bacteria tal effects on final quality (Marangoni et al., 1996). Browning

discoloration due to the interaction of phenols with PPO en- sphere of 2–4% O2 and 5-10% CO2 , can extend the shelf-life of
zyme, and chlorophyll degradation in green tissues are some fresh-cut kiwi-fruits from 9 to 12 days (Agar et al., 1999).
examples of these interactions (Martinez and Whitaker, 1995; The use of edible coatings to improve the quality of fresh-cut
Heaton and Marangoni, 1996). Lipoxygenase activity may pro- produce and to minimize changes due to processing is another
mote synthesis of desirable or undesirable aroma volatiles important alternative strategy. Edible coatings provide a par-
(Myung et al., 2006). The extent of wounding is affected by the tial barrier to gas exchange (including water vapor), and help to
number of cuts and the severity of the cutting treatments or the maintain or improve color, texture, mechanical integrity, volatile
sharpness of cutting blades. Portela and Cantwell (2001) showed flavors, and to reduce microbial growth (Baldwin et al., 1995).
that melon pieces cut with a blunt blade exhibited increased The choice of coating used on fresh-cut products is very crit-
ethanol concentrations, off-odors, and electrolyte leakage com- ical due to the hydrophilic nature of cut surfaces where some
pared to pieces processed with a sharp blade. Similarly, the use coatings may not adhere. In addition, some coatings may not
of sharp cutting blades reduced the wound response, lignin accu- resist water vapor pressure (Baldwin et al., 1995). Lipids confer
mulation, white blush, softening, and microbial growth in fresh- important water barrier characteristics but may give a gummy
cut carrots (Bolin and Huxsoll, 1991; Barry-Ryan and O’Beirne, mouthfeel to the product, while hydrophilic polymers have less
1998). Generally, normally metabolic activity increases with the barrier properties, especially with high RH values (Baldwin
number of cuts, as shown for whole, half, sliced potato and et al., 1996). In addition, antioxidants, fungicides, and preserva-
potato sticks, and for shredded and sliced radicchio (Saavedra tives may be added to the emulsion mix (Baldwin et al., 1995;
del Aguila et al., 2006). Pranoto et al., 2005) to increase the coating performance, while
There are numerous preservation strategies that can be ap- adding minerals or vitamins may enhance the nutritional value
plied to maintain fresh-cut produce quality, focusing on reduc- of fresh-cut products (Dong et al., 2000; Han et al., 2004).
ing browning (Garcia and Barret, 2002), and tissue softening Moreover, cutting/slicing processes release nutrients and
after cutting (Gorny et al., 2002). Methods to control enzymatic possibly antimicrobial substances from plant cells, which will in
browning of tissues include lowering or increasing the temper- turn affect the behavior of pathogens (Barry-Ryan and O’Beirne,
ature, modifying the atmosphere, the use of enzyme inhibitors, 1998; Brackett, 1994). In general, pathogens grow slowly on un-
or the removal/substitution of substrates (Garcia and Barret, injured surfaces of fresh intact produce; however, bruising, cut-
2002). Several types of chemicals are used to control brown- ting, or slicing facilitates microbial contamination and growth
ing; some act directly as inhibitors of oxidative enzymes, such (Seo and Frank, 1999; Han et al., 2000; 2001; Takeuchi et al.,
as chelating agents, while others act by rendering the medium 2000). Starting at harvest, bruising and cutting should be min-
inadequate for the development of the browning reaction, such imized prior to processing (Liao and Cooke, 2001). Peeling,
as acidulants. Other chemicals such as reducing and complex- slicing, and shredding, should be carried out with equipment
ing agents react with the products of the PPO reaction before designed to cause the minimum of tissue disruption, as severe
these products form dark pigments (Garcia and Barret, 2002). processing facilitates more effective penetration and subsequent
Ascorbic acid, the most widely used antioxidant compound, is growth of pathogens (Gleeson and O’Beirne, 2005). Shredding
a reducing substance that reduces colorless intermediate prod- and slicing processes are important sources of contamination of
ucts, such as o-quinones to o-diphenols and also acts as a weak fresh-cut produce. Pathogens can become attached to process-
acidulant. Cisteyne behaves similary to ascorbic acid (Gunes ing equipment (e.g., slicers, shredders) and once attached are
and Lee, 1997). Other substances which inhibit oxidation in- very difficult to remove by chemical sanitizers (Bremer et al.,
clude 4-hexylresorcinol, sodium chloride, and calcium com- 2001; Nguyen and Carlin, 1994). Indeed, L. monocytogenes
pounds (Drake and Spayd, 1983). Mixtures of anti-oxidants has been recovered from the environment of processing op-
have been investigated on several products; Gorny et al. (2002) erations used to prepare fresh-cut vegetables (Zhang and Far-
observed a significant increase in shelf-life of “Bartlett” pear ber, 1996), highlighting the importance of strict hygiene during
slices after post-cutting immersion in a solution of 2% ascorbate, processing. GMPs should include effective work surface and
1% calcium lactate, and 0.5% cisteyne at pH 7. Soliva-Fortuny machine sanitizing to eliminate the risk of pathogen contami-
et al. (2002) reported a consistent browning reduction in apple nation from the processing environment or from machines used
cubes after 3 month of storage, when treated with 1% ascorbic in processing (Nguyen and Carlin, 1994; Zhang and Farber,
acid and 0.5% calcium chloride and stored in opportune gas 1996).
atmospheres. Washing in water removes soil and other debris, some of
Dips with calcium compounds have been used as a firming the surface microflora, and cell contents and nutrients released
treatment for several fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, such as zuc- during slicing that help support the growth of microorganisms.
chini slices (Izumi and Watada, 1995), shredded carrots, apples, However, while washing in tap water removed bacteria from
sliced pears, and strawberries. The role of Ca2+ on firmness exposed surfaces, substantial numbers remained in hollows
has been attributed to the stabilization of membrane systems at the junction of epidermal cells and in folds in the epider-
and formation of Ca-pectates, which increase the rigidity of the mis (Beuchat, 1992; Brackett, 1987; Izumi, 1999; Nguyen and
middle lamella and cell wall. Dipping in 1% calcium chloride Carlin, 1994). In addition, due to the re-use of wash water in in-
or 2% calcium lactate, in combination with a controlled atmo- dustry, washing may result in cross-contamination of products

rather than decontamination (Beuchat, 1996; Brackett, 1992; nik et al., 1996). Therefore, temperature management (i.e.,
Beuchat and Ryu, 1997). ≤4◦ C) after reduction of microbial populations is crucial for
A variety of antimicrobial wash solutions have been used to safety.
reduce populations of microorganisms on fresh produce. The Viruses and protozoan cysts on fruits and vegetables gener-
effectiveness of washing/antimicrobial dipping depends on a ally exhibit higher resistance to disinfectants than do bacteria
number of factors including: (1) type of treatment, (2) type, or fungi (Beuchat, 1998). Feline caliciviruses were very resis-
numbers, physiological growth phase, and stress resistance of tant to commercial disinfectants; however, peroxyacetic acid
the target microorganism(s), (3) product type, (4) antimicrobial and H2 O2 were effective at decontaminating strawberries and
concentration, (5) pH of the solution, (6) contact time, (7) tem- lettuce when used at four-fold higher concentrations than those
perature of washing water, and (8) general sanitation of plant recommended by the manufacturers (Gulati et al., 2001). Treat-
and equipment (Best et al., 1990). ment of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts with 1-ppm ozone for
Chlorine is the most frequently used disinfectant for fresh 5 minutes resulted in <1 log10 inactivation (Korich et al., 1990).
fruits and vegetables; added to water as a solid, liquid, or gas Due to the ineffectiveness of chlorine in removing pathogens
(Beuchat and Ryu, 1997). Generally, no more than 2-log10 re- from produce and the increasing concern over the production
ductions of bacteria on produce after chlorine treatment have of chlorinated organic compounds and their impact on human
been reported (Beuchat, 1999). The maximum log10 reductions and environmental safety, a variety of other disinfectants, in-
of L. monocytogenes, after treatment with chlorine (200-ppm), cluding acidic electrolyzed water (Park et al., 2001), peroxy-
were 1.7 for lettuce and 1.2 for cabbage (Zhang and Farber, acetic acid (Park and Beuchat, 1999), chlorine dioxide (Zhang
1996). Dipping coleslaw and lettuce in a chlorine solution (100- and Farber, 1996), hydrogen peroxide (Sapers and Simmons,
ppm) reduced initial L. innocua and E. coli populations, but 1998), and trisodium phosphate (Zhang and Farber, 1996) have
resulted in enhanced survival during extended storage at 8◦ C been evaluated. However, none of the disinfectant treatments
(Francis and O’Beirne, 2002). Chlorine (100- to 200-ppm) was are likely to ensure elimination of all pathogens, and behavior
only marginally effective at reducing E. coli levels on lettuce of surviving pathogens during subsequent storage remains un-
tissue surfaces (Beuchat, 1999), and broccoli florets (Behrsing predictable (Behrsing et al., 2000; Beuchat and Ryu, 1997; Park
et al., 2000), while Salmonella populations on alfalfa sprouts and Beuchat, 1999; Zhang and Farber, 1996).
were reduced by about 2 log10 CFU/g after treatment with 500- Current interest in alternatives to chlorine dipping is likely
ppm chlorine (Beuchat and Ryu, 1997). to result in novel, more natural antimicrobial treatments, and
Chlorine, used at concentrations currently permitted by the the application of additional interventions beyond the washing
industry to wash fresh produce, cannot be relied upon to elim- step. Natural antimicrobials, including those from edible plants
inate pathogens. The ineffectiveness of chlorine treatment may such as oilseeds, herbs, spices, fruit, and vegetables, have been
be due to a number of factors. For instance, the efficacy of studied for their potential as possible replacements for chem-
disinfection treatments also depends on the nature of bacterial ical additives because of their safety for human consumption
attachment (Han et al., 2000; 2000; Liao and Cooke, 2001), and wide acceptance from consumers (Skandamis and Nychas,
and microbial cells that become internalized or embedded in 2001). Phenolic compounds present in plant essential oils (EOs)
crevices, creases, or injured tissues may be inaccessible to dis- have been shown to possess antimicrobial activity and some are
infection treatments (Koseki et al., 2001; Seo and Frank, 1999). classified as generally recognized as safe (GRAS); they may be
Biofilms occur naturally on field crops and bacterial cells within useful to prevent post-harvest growth of spoilage and pathogenic
biofilms were shown to be more resistant to removal by wash- bacteria (Singh et al., 2002). The susceptibility of bacteria to the
ing and inactivation by sanitizers and disinfectants (Jones and antimicrobial effect of EOs appears to increase with a decrease
Heaton, 2006). It is important to sanitize injured surfaces be- in the pH of the product, storage temperature, and the amount
fore cutting as once cut or injured surfaces are contaminated by of oxygen within the package (Burt, 2004). Other natural an-
pathogens, it is very difficult to remove attached microorgan- timicrobial steps may be introduced, including inoculation of
isms. produce with organisms inhibitory to one or more pathogens
Another concern regarding the use of antimicrobial dips (Vescovo et al., 1996).
is that pathogens may not be fully eliminated by commer- Application of physical treatments, including mild heat, may
cial treatments, while at the same time natural competitive or- improve the overall effectiveness of the washing step. Novel de-
ganisms may be removed. L. monocytogenes inoculated onto contamination techniques, including UV, pulsed electric fields,
disinfected (10% hydrogen peroxide) endive leaves grew bet- microwave, high intensity pulsed light, and thermal destruction
ter than on water-rinsed produce (Carlin et al., 1996), and using condensing steam, warrant further investigation (James,
dipping lettuce in a chlorine (100-ppm) solution followed by 2007). Ionizing radiation may also be used either alone or in
storage at 8◦ C, significantly enhanced Listeria growth com- combination with other treatments. Doses in the range of <1
pared with undipped samples (Francis and O’Beirne, 1997). to 3 kGy have been shown to reduce or eliminate populations
Disinfection before contamination with the pathogen occurs of pathogens and post-harvest spoilage organisms on produce
which may increase growth of the pathogen because pop- (Farkas, 1997) and salmonellae were not recovered from alfalfa
ulations of competing microflora have been removed (Ben- sprouts irradiated with 0.5 kGy (Rajkowski and Thayer, 2000).

However, despite the efficiency, the safety and suitability to in combination with 10–20 kPa CO2 for reducing its respi-
products with surface contamination, the use of irradiation will ration. The use of argon as a major component in MAP has
depend on its acceptance by consumers. been reported to reduce microbial growth and improve product
quality retention (Day, 1996: 1998). Replacing nitrogen in air
with helium or argon, enhances gas diffusion and reduces the
Packaging concentration gradient of O2 between the inside and outside
of a commodity, and should allow the storage of commodi-
Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) uses low oxygen and ties at lower O2 concentrations than they would tolerate in N2
enriched CO2 levels to preserve quality of fresh-cut produce. atmospheres. Continuous nitrous oxide (N2 O) gas treatment in-
The beneficial effects of MAP include a reduction in respira- hibited ripening and delayed color changes in pre-climateric
tion rate, ethylene production, enzymatic reactions, and of some fruits of tomatoes and avocados and inhibited ethylene action
physiological disorders, thereby enhancing product quality and and synthesis in higher plants (Leshem and Wills, 1998). In
shelf-life (Ahvenainen, 1996; Solomos, 1997). MAP aims to addition, argon and nitrous oxide are known to improve san-
create an ideal gas composition within the packaging, which itization by making micro-organisms more sensitive to other
can be generated directly by the commodity within the packag- anti-microbial agents (Qadir and Hashinaga, 2001). More re-
ing or actively, by flushing a gas mixture through the packaging search on this topic and on the application of novel gas atmo-
before sealing. Once the package is closed, the gas composition spheres for fresh-cut produce is needed; some authors found that
will inevitably change due to produce respiration and gas perme- non-conventional atmospheres of argon, nitrous oxide, with a
ability properties of the packaging film (Sivertsvik et al., 2002). low percentage of CO2 and O2 maintained quality of minimally
Appropriate gas compositions for each product type should be processed apples for 12 days, in terms of PPO inhibition and
used, since tolerance to low oxygen and high CO2 levels vary lowered metabolic activities (Rocculi et al., 2004). By con-
depending on the product. Outside of these limits, anaerobic trast, Jamie and Saltvait (2002) did not find any improvement
respiration with the production of undesirable metabolites and in produce quality due to the replacement of N2 with helium or
other physiological disorders may occur (Soliva-Fortuny et al., argon.
2002; Solomos, 1997). A gas atmosphere with 0.5% O2 and In addition to the effects of MAP on produce quality,
10% CO2 reduced respiration rate and ethylene production, de- MAP may also influence the survival and growth of pathogens
cay, and weight loss in carrot slices, shreds, and sticks and dis- (O’Beirne and Francis, 2003). Of particular concern with re-
coloration on shreds (Izumi et al., 1996). An atmosphere with frigerated MAP produce is the growth of psychrotrophic, fac-
3% O2 and 10% CO2 increased the overall quality of fresh-cut ultative anaerobic, and microaerophilic microorganisms, which
“Iceberg” lettuce (Lopéz-Gálvez et al., 1996b), while 1–3.8% can tolerate refrigeration temperatures and low O2 atmospheres
O2 and 3-6% CO2 preserved the quality of fresh-cut “Savoy” let- (Bennik et al., 1995), and a number of studies have indicated
tuce for 10 days (Kim et al., 2004). Amodio et al. (2006) found that MAP may select for such pathogens (Beuchat and Brackett,
that an atmosphere of 3% O2 and 20% CO2 was beneficial for a 1990a; Brackett, 1994; Hintlian and Hotchkiss, 1986; Kallender
retaining quality of a vegetable mix of thirteen species includ- et al., 1991). Numerous researchers have shown that survival and
ing re-hydrated peas and beans, and for controlling yellowing growth of L. monocytogenes on produce is not reduced or af-
of fresh-cut spinach, parsley, and beet. Carbon dioxide-enriched fected by MAP (Amanatidou et al., 1999; Berrang et al., 1989b;
atmospheres (15%) significantly delayed decay occurrence and Beuchat and Brackett, 1990a; 1991; Jacxsens et al., 1999). How-
reduced color changes and the development of off-odors in ever, in other work, nitrogen flushing combined with storage at
“Honeydew” melon pieces, while flushing packages with 4% 8◦ C enhanced the growth of L. monocytogenes on shredded let-
O2 and 10% CO2 maintained the quality of fresh-cut “Can- tuce (Francis and O’Beirne, 1997) and chicory salads. Carlin
taloupe” melon better than passive modified atmospheres (Bai et al. (1996) examined the survival of L. monocytogenes on
et al., 2001). chicory leaves stored at 10◦ C in air, or under 10%, 30%, or 50%
In addition to the use of traditional atmospheres, Day (1996) CO2 , with 10% O2 and found that L. monocytogenes grew better
discussed the rationale behind and potential applications for as the concentration of CO2 increased.
novel gas mixtures (i.e., high oxygen, argon, and nitrous oxide) Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 can grow under MAP con-
for modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) of fresh prepared ditions; however, there is insufficient information available on
produce. High O2 levels were effective at inhibiting enzymatic whether gas atmospheres inhibit or enhance their growth. CO2
discoloration, preventing anaerobic fermentation reactions, and had little or no inhibitory effect on growth of E. coli O157:H7 on
influencing aerobic and anaerobic microbial growth. High O2 shredded lettuce stored at 13 or 22◦ C, and growth potential was
atmospheres improved sensory shelf-life of raspberries and increased in an atmosphere of O2 /CO2 /N2 : 5/30/65, compared
strawberries, by inhibiting the development of molds and by with growth in air (Diaz and Hotchkiss, 1996). MAP did not
maintaining fresher sensory properties, as long as atmospheric influence the survival rate of hepatitis A virus on lettuce stored
conditions did not induce fermentation (Van der Steen et al., at 4◦ C, but an improvement in virus survival was observed on
2002). Escalona et al. (2006) recommended the use of 80 kPa lettuce stored under high CO2 levels (70% CO2 /30% N2 ) at
O2 in MAP of fresh-cut Butter lettuce to avoid fermentation, room temperature (Bidawid et al., 2001).

The effects of novel gas atmospheres including the use of Bacterial Cross Protection
high O2 levels (i.e., >70% O2 ) and noble gases (Day, 1996)
on pathogen growth have also been examined. In an agar-based Stress can be defined as a change in the genome, the pro-
study to investigate the effects of high O2 (90%) and moder- teome, or the environment, producing a decrease in the growth
ate CO2 (10–20%) concentrations on foodborne pathogens at or survival rate. Stress responses are of particular importance
8◦ C, Amanatidou et al. (1999) noted inhibitory action against to microorganisms, because their habitats are subjected to con-
L. monocytogenes, S. typhimurium, S. enteritidis, and E. coli. tinual changes (such as temperature, osmotic pressure, and sub-
Studies to determine the effects of gas atmospheres on protozoan strate availability). Stressors or stress factors may be of chemi-
parasites are limited. Therefore, more research to determine the cal, physical, or biological nature. Although some stresses (e.g.,
survival of these as well as other pathogens on MAP produce is high/low temperature, high/low pH value) are induced by en-
warranted. vironmental or processing conditions, natural stresses such as
acidity and, sometimes, starvation are generated by cell growth
Storage Temperatures itself. In addition, many bacteria form reactive oxygen species
(ROSs) that may cause oxidation of macromolecules, protein
Maintaining low temperature during transport and storage of denaturing, and induce breaks in nucleic acid chains.
fresh-cut product is a very critical aspect of produce quality due During production of fresh-cut produce, cumulative mild pro-
to the impact of low temperature on metabolic reactions. Tem- cessing steps are employed, to control microbiological growth.
perature strongly affects respiration rate, permeability of gases Pathogens on plant surfaces are already stressed and stress may
through packaging films and therefore, changes in atmospheres be increased during the multiple mild processing steps, poten-
within the EMA-packages (Exama et al., 1993; Hertog et al., tially leading to very hardy bacteria geared towards enhanced
1998; Jacxsens et al., 2000). Enzymatic browning and shrivel- survival (Jones and Heaton, 2006). Cross-protection can occur
ling, being the most limiting of sensory disorders in fresh-cut because the overlapping stress responses enable bacteria ex-
produce, are also inhibited by low storage temperature (Garcia- posed to one stress to become resistant to another stress. A
Gimeno et al., 1998). number of stresses have been shown to induce cross protection,
Moreover, storage temperature is one of the most impor- including heat, cold, acid, and osmotic stress. Among other fac-
tant of factors affecting survival and growth of pathogens on tors, adaptation to heat stress appears to provide bacterial cells
fresh-cut produce. Storage of produce at adequate refrigera- with more pronounced cross protection against several other
tion temperatures will limit pathogen growth to those that are stresses. Heat adaptation of Salmonella was reported to pro-
psychrotrophic, for example, L. monocytogenes. While psy- vide protection against subsequent heat treatments and low pH
chrotrophic organisms, such as L. monocytogenes, are capable conditions (Foster, 1995). Similarly, S. typhimurium showed in-
of growth at low temperatures, reducing the storage temperature creased resistance to heat and salt following adaptation to acidic
(≤4◦ C) will significantly reduce the rate of growth (Beuchat and conditions (Leyer and Johnson, 1993). Acid adapted L. mono-
Brackett, 1990a; Carlin et al., 1995). L. monocytogenes popu- cytogenes, Salmonella, and E. coli O157:H7 survived signifi-
lations remained constant or decreased on packaged vegetables cantly better in acidic foods such as fruit juices, when compared
stored at 4◦ C, while at 8◦ C the growth of L. monocytogenes was to non-adapted cells (Gahan et al., 1996). Acid adaptation en-
supported on all vegetables, with the exception of coleslaw mix hanced survival of L. monocytogenes during storage in packages
(Francis and O’Beirne, 2001a). of vegetables which had relatively high in-pack CO2 levels (25-
Mesophilic pathogens, such as Salmonella and E. coli 30% in MAP coleslaw and bean sprouts) (Francis and O’Beirne,
O157:H7, are unable to grow where temperature control is 2001b).
adequate (i.e., ≤4◦ C). However, if temperature abuse occurs, Understanding how pathogens sense and respond to mild
they may then grow. Survival of Salmonella in produce stored stresses are essential in order to design safe and effective min-
for extended periods in chilled conditions may be of concern; imal processing regimes. The ability of pathogens to survive
Salmonella survived on a range of vegetables for more than stress requires specific, co-ordinated responses, which induce
28 days at 2–4◦ C (ICMSF, 1996). E. coli O157:H7 popula- resistance to the stressful conditions. The molecular mecha-
tions survived on produce stored at 4◦ C and proliferated rapidly nisms involved are complex and there are a number of genes
when stored at 15◦ C (Richert et al., 2000). Reducing the stor- involved in bacterial stress response (Abee and Wouters, 1999;
age temperature from 8 to 4◦ C significantly reduced growth of Rowbury, 2002). For instance, the ability of L. monocytogenes
E. coli O157:H7 on MAP vegetables; however, viable popula- and several Gram-positive bacteria (such as B. subtilis and
tions remained at the end of the storage period at 4◦ C (Francis S. aureus) to resist many adverse environmental conditions has
and O’Beirne, 2001a). Ensuring that temperatures are kept at been attributed in part to activation of the alternative sigma fac-
or below 4◦ C throughout the cold-chain is essential for micro- tor σ B, encoded by the sigB gene (Giotis et al., 2008). More
bial safety and requires considerable attention to detail. Time- than 150 general stress proteins/genes belong to the σ B regulon,
temperature indicators embedded in the packaging may have a which is believed to provide cells with non-specific, multiple,
significant role in ensuring that safe storage temperatures are and preventive stress resistance. Survival under stress involves
used. adaptive responses mediated by a set of conserved proteins

(usualy called heat-shock proteins), that are upregulated upon the bacterial pathogen of interest. Even within a given bacterial
exposure to heat shock, low pH, oxidative agents, toxic chemical genus, there are unique sequences specific to each species and
compounds, starvation, and in general, any situation in which these can be exploited to determine the presence of those bacte-
bacterial growth is arrested indicating a protective role in the rial species in a sample. DNA is a very stable molecule, which
general stress response. For example, expression of approxi- makes it particularly suitable as a molecular target for NAD
mately half the acid shock proteins induced following exposure assays as it can be isolated relatively simply from a variety of
to acidic conditions were also stimulated by subjecting cells to complex biological samples (Beneduce et al., 2007; 2007). Most
a heat shock treatment (Foster, 1995). of the gene-probe systems focus on detection of specific DNA
Apart from the enhanced survival in foods and increased re- or rRNA sequences and utilize PCR or Reverse transcription-
sistance to subsequent food processing treatments, adapted or PCR (RT-PCR) for signal amplification. Although it has been
hardened pathogens may also have enhanced virulence (Abee suggested that the detection of only viable cells via their ribo-
and Wouters, 1999; Archer, 1996; Gahan and Hill, 1999). Stress somal RNA (rRNA) (Sheridan et al., 1998), neither DNA nor
response and cross-protection must be considered when cur- rRNA are appropriate indicators of viability (Uyttendaele et al.,
rent processing technologies are being modified or when new 1997). In contrast to DNA and rRNA, mRNA molecules are
preservation technologies are being developed for fresh-cut pro- degraded rapidly in living bacterial cells. Most mRNA species
duce. These responses are particularly significant in minimal have a half-life of only a few minutes, because of their rapid
processing technologies used in preparation of fresh-cut pro- degradation by enzymes (RNase), which are very stable even in
duce, where the imposition of one sub-lethal stress may lead harsh environments. Thus, specific mRNA sequences represent
to the induction of multiple stress responses that may reduce an excellent target for the detection of viable pathogens (Glynn,
the efficacy of subsequent treatments (Hill et al., 1995). More 2008).
research on how to use cumulative sub-lethal hurdles and prac- Several PCR-based methods have been developed for the de-
tical interventions safely without inducing stress response is tection of Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., and L. mono-
needed. cytogenes in foods (Lübeck et al., 2003; Malorny et al., 2004;
D’Agostino et al., 2004; Naravaneni and Jamil, 2005). More-
over, commercially available conventional NAD assays include
the BAX R
(DuPont Qualicon, DE, USA) and Dr FoodTM. (Dr
kits are avail-
able for the identification of Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Lis-
PCR – Based Technologies for Foodborne Pathogen teria, L. monocytogenes, C. jejuni, C. coli, S. aureus, and En-
Detection terobacter sakazakii. BAX R
tests involve culture-based enrich-
ment of the food sample, cell lysis to release the DNA, followed
Detection and identification of a microbial species in a com- by PCR amplification with gel-based detection of the PCR prod-
plex sample like clinical, environmental, and food matrices, is ucts. In addition, Pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) has
conventionally based upon isolation of the microrganism in pure been reported to be a useful molecular tools in order to trace
culture and examination of its morphological and physiological food borne pathogens or to subtyping pathogenic strains (Fran-
properties. By this approach, microbiologists have been able to cis and O’Bernie, 2006).
identify, characterize, type, and quantify a wide range of micro- RT-PCR has been used to measure mRNA for confirming
bial species. Notwithstanding the remarkable advancement in an organism’s viability. However, despite potential advantages,
microbial diagnostics, particularly for pathogenic bacteria, the RT-PCR is difficult to exploit, because of the complexity of the
limits of conventional culture-dependent and phenotypic char- method to measure low levels of intact mRNA from a few vi-
acterization are nowadays considered a severe constraint for able cells and small numbers of DNA molecules can produce
precise, fast, and reliable diagnostics. The ability of many bac- false positive signals. Nucleic acid sequence-based amplifica-
teria to develop a viable but non-culturable state, the significant tion (NASBA) can be used to achieve mRNA-based technology
shift in some biochemical properties of microrganisms when as an alternative method. NASBA has several advantages over
exposed to environmental stresses and the high virulence of RT-PCR. It exclusively amplifies RNA rapidly and isothermally
some pathogenic bacteria (often below the sensitivity threshold and DNA cannot be used as template in NASBA (Simpkins et al.,
of conventional culture methods) are just some examples of the 2000; Baeumner et al., 2001; Cook 2003; Rodriguez-Lazaro
limitations of traditional microbial techniques. Moreover, con- et al., 2004). Recently, the development of quantitative real-
ventional methods to detect foodborne pathogens are usually time PCR (qPCR and qRT-PCR) technology has enhanced the
labor intensive, expensive, and may take up to several days in sensitivity and specificity of PCR-based assays in the detection
order to predict or identify bacterial pathogens. Considering the of pathogenic microrganisms in food and the environment,
limited shelf life of produce, rapid and accurate methods for allowing quantitative analysis and avoiding the use of time-
pathogen detection are required. consuming electrophoresis (Fukushima et al., 2003; Malorny
The basis of any Nucleic Acid Diagnostic (NAD) assay is et al., 2004; Spano et al., 2005; Mercanoglu and Griffiths, 2005;
detection of a specific nucleic acid target sequence, unique to Beneduce et al., 2007).


DNA microarray techniques have been rapidly developed The recent rapid growth in the volume of produce consump-
for gene expression analysis. DNA microarrays consist of large tion and in the globalization of sourcing can be expected to con-
numbers of probes (either oligonucleotides or cDNAs) immo- tinue. Future research may be oriented to increase organoleptic
bilized on a solid surface such as specially treated glass. The quality and nutritional value of fresh-cut produce. To enhance
first practical demonstrations of microarrays were treated glass the nutritional and organoleptic quality of fresh-cut produce
slides with probes deposited in spots onto the surface. Hy- more attention should be directed towards obtaining raw mate-
bridizations are performed by application of labelled nucleic rials with superior quality in terms of flavor, firmness, and nutri-
acid target in a liquid state to the microarray surface. Follow- tional value. As for processing, research is needed on the effects
ing appropriate hybridization and washing steps, target nucleic of abiotic stress applications, such as UV and gamma radia-
acid bound to probes on the array surface are visualized us- tions, heat treatments, and alternative atmospheres on enhanc-
ing a microarray scanner. Some progress has been made with ing organoleptic and nutritional quality of fresh-cut products.
the identification of foodborne pathogens from genomic DNA Both producers and consumers will benefit from the availability
using microarrays under laboratory conditions (Borucki et al., of alternative nondestructive techniques for the prediction of
2005; Ahn and Walt, 2005). Microarrays have been used for organoleptic and nutritional attributes.
the molecular identification of E. coli O157:H7 (Wu et al., Several critical gaps in knowledge on the microbiological
2003) and Campylobacter spp. (Volokhov et al., 2003) fol- safety of fresh-cut produce are identified, notably uncertainty
lowing PCR amplification of target genes. Direct detection of about the location of contaminating cells on or in plant tis-
bacterial RNA using oligonucleotide microarrays has been sues and the influence of environmental stresses on growth and
demonstrated (Small et al., 2001; Anthony et al., 2005). A infectivity (Delaquis et al., 2007). Stress response and cross-
microarray-based assay incorporating signal amplification and protection must be considered when current food processing
suspension microarray technologies has been reported for the technologies are being modified or new control measures de-
identification and subtyping of L. monocytogenes from genomic veloped. These responses are particularly significant in minimal
DNA (Borucki et al., 2005). Microbead type arrays have been processing technology where the imposition of one sub-lethal
developed for identification of Salmonella spp. targeting the stress may lead to the induction of multiple stress responses that
invA2 and spvB genes (Ahn and Walt, 2005). A multiplex PCR may reduce the efficacy of subsequent treatments (Hill et al.,
for E. coli O157:H7 (eaeA, hlyA, stx1, and stx2) and Salmonella 1995). More research on how to use cumulative sub-lethal hur-
(invA) combined with a suspension microarray detection sys- dles and practical interventions safely without inducing stress
tem had a similar sensitivity for each species (Straub et al., response is needed. Furthermore, research on the mechanisms
2005). of resistance of pathogens to multiple stresses is required. Other
research trends driven by the needs of this sector include greater
understanding of pertinent and emerging pathogens, particu-
Biosensors larly E. coli O157:H7, viruses, and protozoan parasites; greater
understanding of processes of produce contamination gener-
A recent frontier in pathogen detection is represented by ally, and of how to prevent them; application of alternative
biosensors. Nucleic acid based sensors, play an increasingly im- approaches to assuring the safety of produce and the devel-
portant role in the detection of pathogenic organisms in health opment of more effective decontamination technologies; and
care, environment monitoring, and food safety (Ivnitski et al., enhanced foodborne disease surveillance and epidemiological
2000; Moldenhauer, 2008). Diagnostic biosensors are a group of systems and techniques (Todd et al., 2007). Recent outbreaks
devices and technologies that use a biologically derived material have highlighted the need for better traceability and an early
immobilized on a detection platform to measure the presence warning system in the produce industry. These technologies can
of one or more analyte (Mascini et al., 2005). For applications help establish the history of food items, sources of contami-
in food microbiological analysis, an ideal biosensor would be nation, and links between geographically isolated outbreaks of
a self-contained, automated system capable of pathogen detec- food poisoning with a common source.
tion directly from a food matrix without pre-enrichment and The development of molecular tools for microbial diag-
also capable of differentiating live from dead cells (Ivnitski nosis of pathogenic bacteria has dramatically improved both
et al., 2000). To date, biosensor technologies developed for the diagnostic efficiency and knowledge about spread of virulent
specific detection of pathogenic bacteria in food samples have microrganisms in the environment, routes of transmission,
included metabolism-based, antibody-based, and DNA-based etc. The main advantage of microbial identification by genetic
systems. The current generation of optical biosensors use sur- markers is the relative stability of the genotype rather than the
face plasmon resonance (SPR) to monitor biomolecular inter- phenotype. Nucleic acids and proteins can act as a “fingerprint”
actions on a surface in real time (Rand et al., 2002) and targets of a microbial species, allowing more precise identification as
have also included whole-cell detection of L. monocytogenes well as traceability. Although the cost of molecular diagnosis is
(Leonard et al., 2004). still too high to be supported by small and medium companies

involved in the fresh-cut produce market, surveillance and Amodio, M. L., Rinaldi, R., and Coltelli, G. (2006). Influence of atmosphere
investigation of fresh produce may be easily performed by composition on quality attributes of ready-to- cook fresh-cut vegetable soup.
Acta Hort. 712: 677–684.
National or Regional “check points” (e.g., universities) in order
Amodio, M.L., and Colelli, G. (2008), Effect of thermal treatment and dipping
to improve the safety of produce on the national and/or interna- on quality and shelf-life of fresh-cut peaches. Advances in Horticultural
tional market. Foodborne prevention can be built into industry Science 1: 21–26.
practices by identifying where in the chain contamination can An, J., Zhang, M., and Lu, Q. (2007). Changes in some quality indexes in fresh-
occur or be eliminated. A combined working strategy, essen- cut green asparagus pretreated with aqueous ozone and subsequent modified
atmosphere packaging. J. Food Eng. 78: 340–344.
tially based on a scientific analysis of risk in the supply chain
Anon. (2006). Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
is the adoption of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Anthony, R. M., Schuitema, A. R.J., Oskam, L., and Klatser, P. R. (2005). Direct
(HACCP) and a close collaboration with both the food industry detection of Staphylococcus aureus mRNA using a flow-through microarray.
and the farms and/or the farmers involved in fresh cut production J. Microbiol. Meth. 60: 47–54.
is crucial to further ensure food safety for consumers. Archer, D. L. (1996). Preservation microbiology and safety: Evidence that stress
enhances virulence and triggers adaptive mutations. Trends Food Sci. Technol.
7: 91–95.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Artés, F., Conesa, M. A., Hernández, S., and Gil, M. I. (1999). Keeping quality
of fresh-cut tomato. Postharv. Biol. Technol. 17: 153–162.
Austin, J. W., Dodds, K. L., Blanchfield, B., and Farber, J. M. (1998). Growth and
This work was partially funded by MIUR in the frame- toxin production by Clostridium botulinum on inoculated fresh-cut packaged
work of—Progetti di Ricerca industriale/PON R&C 2007–2013, vegetables. J. Food Prot. 61: 324–328.
PRODOTTI ORTOFRUTTICOLI AD ALTO CONTENUTO Baeumner, A.J., Humiston, M.C., Montagna, R.A., and Durst, R.A. (2001).
IN SERVIZIO: TECNOLOGIE PER LA QUALITÀ E NUOVI Detection of viable oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum following nucleic
acid sequence based amplification. Anal. Chem. 73: 1176–1180.
Bai, J. H., Saftner, R. A., Watada, A. E., and Lee, Y. S. (2001). Modified
atmosphere maintains quality of fresh-cut cantaloupes (Cucumis melo L.). J.
Food Sci. 8: 1207–1211.
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