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3- Early childhood (1-6 yr.)

This period extends from the time children attain upright locomotion until they enter school and is

characterized by intense activity and discovery . It is a time of physical and personality development . Motor

development advances steadily, acquire language and wider social relationships, learn role standards, gain self-

control and develop increasing awareness.

Early childhood can be subdivided into (a) toddler (1-3yr) and (b) preschool (3-6 yr.)

4- Middle childhood (6-12 yr.)

Also known as “ school age” . The child is directed away from the family into the wider world of peer

relationship . There is steady advancement in physical, mental and social development with emphasis on gaining

skill competencies . This period is critical in the development of self-concept . Social cooperation and early moral

development take place during the period.

5- Later childhood (12-19 yr.)

Also known as adolescence. This is a tumultuous transitional period marked with rapid change that begins

at the onset of puberty and extends to the point of high school graduation . There is redefining of the self-concept

.Biologic as well as personality maturation in this period is accompanied by physical and emotional turmoil. In the

late adolescent period, the child begins to internalize all previously learned values . He or she begins to focus on

an individual rather than a group identity.



Child in the legal sense means a person under 16 years of chronological age .Myanmar government
formed the National Committee on the Child chaired by the Minister for social Welfare, Relief and
Resettlement. The committee has the following duties and powers.

(1) Protecting and safeguarding the rights of the child.

(2)Giving guidance as may be necessary so that Governments and organizations may implement effective
measure in matters of the rights of the child.

(3) Laying down and carrying out programmes preventing occurance of juvenile crimes

(4) Carrying out duties and functions as assigned by the Government.

The expenditure of the committee shall be born out of the budget of the Social Welfare Department.


One hundred years ago young children worked long hours under difficult conditions so that they earn
their own living. / Nobody thought that was wrong at the time . But opinion changed and on the 16 th of
September in the year 1924, the assembly of the Language of Nations adopted the Geneva Declaration of the
Rights of the child. But world war broke out in 1939 and the issue went into seclusion. Again in 1946 , it was
recommended that Geneva declaration be revived. Only in 1948 did the United Nations General Assembly
approve the adoption of a universal Declaration of Human Rights . In 1950, the social commission of the
economic and social council of the UN drew op a preliminary draft of a new declaration of children’s rights . On
November 20, 1950 , the General Assembly (78 countries attending ) unanimously adopted the Declaration of the
Rights of the child.


Children have the right: (1) to be from discrimination.

(2) to develop physically and mentally in freedom and with dignity.

(3) to have a name and nationality.

(4) to have adequate nutrition, housing, recreation and medical services.

(5) to receive special treatment if handicapped.

(6) to receive love ,understanding and material security.

(7) to receive an education and develop his or her ability .

(8) to be the first to receive protection in case of disaster.

(9) to be protected from neglect, cruelity and exploitation.

(10) to be brought up in a spirit of friendship among people.

2- Race and nationality

Race or nationality may affect a child’s height and weight.

3- Intelligence level
More intelligent children do not physically grow faster than others but they tend to advance faster in skills .
Actually, a child of high intelligence often fall behind physically because he spends his time with books and mental
games rather than with physical games.

4- Health

A child who is chronically ill may not grow or develop as well as the healthy child.

(B)Environmental influences

1- Nutrition

A child’s nutrition during his growing years has a large influence on his health and stature. Lack of protein in
mother’s diet during pregnancy may affect the child’s growth and intelligence. Lack of essential nutrients in the
child’s diet will lead to inadequate physical growth.

2- Socioeconomic level

Health care as well as good nutrition both cost money. Poor family may not afford adequate health
supervision or good nutrition.

3- Mother child relationship

Loss of maternal love can interfere with the child’s desire to eat and his desire to improve and advance. Loved
children thrive better than those who are not . The quality of this love has strong influence on the child’s ultimate

4- Ordinal position in the family

The position of a child in the family will has some bearing on his growth and development . An only child or
the eldest child in a family generally excels in language development. First born child may achieve in learning skills,
late-born children may achieve in areas of observation.

The first month of life is critical since the individual has to make major adjustments to extrauterine existence.
The mother’s psychological adjustment also p
UNIT11 5

A. NEW BORN (Birth To 1 Month)

Growth and development

Newborn period is defined as the time from birth through the first 28 days of life. Nursing intervention
during this period (1) should meet the newborn’s physiological and psychological needs(2) should aim toward keeping
the newborn safe from environmental harm(such as chilling infection).


Average birth weight is 2.5Kg (5 1/2 pound ),Birth weigh below 2.5 Kg is termed a low birth weight infant
and is regarded as a high – risk priority . Birth weight exceeding 10 ponds is unusual and in most of the cases mothers
are found to gave diabetes melliltus.


The average birth length is 50 cm(20 inches), Normal lowest limit is 46cm (18inches); below this, the child is
considered to be preterm. Babies as great as 23 inches gave been required.

Head Circumference

In a mature newborn, normal head circumference is 34 to 35 cm ( 13 .5 to 14.0 inches ). A mature newborn

with head circumference below 33cm or grater than 37cm should be carefully investigated for neurological damage
they , be perfectly normal.

Chest Circumference

It is usually 2cm (75 to 1 inches ) less than head circumference 32 to 33.


Body Temperature

The body temperature of a newborn is about 37.2c (99f).


At birth , it averages 120 to 160 bests per minute .


Newborn respiratory rate –as high as 80/min.

Blood Pressure

Approximately 80/40mmhg.

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