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Lema Ramírez

Shifting realities, also known as “shifting,” was a concept I came across about a year
ago. I heard some people talking about it at school, and as someone who loves
theories related to the multiverse and reality, I couldn’t help but want to know more
about it. As I looked for information about it I realized that even though the concept
has been around for a while, information on this subject isn’t that easy to find, and
often people, particularly on TikTok, have misinformation about it. After attempting
to shift, some people reported that it was like lucid dreaming or that it could not be
possible, others talked about scripts and safewords, and others talked about
methods and told stories about their experiences.

But then, what’s shifting?

To put it simply, shifting refers to transferring your awareness, your consciousness, to

an alternate reality. Cool, right? But, how can that be possible? How does it work?
For starters, let us talk about the multiverse theory about how our universe may not
be the only one, but rather part of a network of universes coexisting near each

The multiverse theory has different takes, some involving the Big Bang Theory and
others not. What we are focusing on is the theory that bases the idea of parallel
universes on quantum mechanics, the mathematical description of subatomic
particles. In quantum mechanics, multiple states of existence for tiny particles are all
possible at the same time — a "wave function" encapsulates all of those possibilities.
However, when we actually look, we only ever observe one of the possibilities.
According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics as described
by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, we observe an outcome when the
wave function "collapses" into a single reality. (V. Stein , D. Dobrijevic, 2021)

The many-world theory suggests that whenever one outcome is observed there is
another world in which another quantum outcome becomes reality. If we explain
this through the reality shifting theory then we could say that every time we make a
decision, whether it be big or small, you shift realities. Following the many-world
theory, then every time you make a decision there is another parallel universe where
you are taking a different course of action. Now, you’ve probably heard of people
shifting to fictional worlds, which is why many doubt this is real but, as the butterfly
effect suggests, one small change on initial conditions can cause
massive differences later on, so since all fictional worlds are alternate universes
where certain conditions are met for them to happen then, following the multi-world
and shifting realities theories, and taking in count the butterfly effect, this is all

Now that we have all that down, let’s explain how shifting actually works, and how
you can do it.

While shifting doesn’t really need anything other than enough concentration to
transfer your awareness from this reality into another. Certain activities and methods
can help you shift. You can meditate, make a script describing the reality you want
to shift to, and use methods to help you concentrate further and be able to shift,
and more.

Reaching the void state can be really helpful in order to shift. When you are in the
void state you reach a deep meditative state in which you “are pure
consciousness”, your mind is awake and your body is asleep, in that state you allow
thoughts to pass through your mind without judging them. To be able to reach the
void state, you should take slow breaths and focus on the sound of your breathing,
counting slowly to one hundred can also be helpful. You will know you are in the
void state when you feel symptoms such as tingling toes and fingers, numbness,
feeling like you are floating, or like you're flying. I personally have only been able to
reach this state two times, and it was a very surreal experience. It felt as if I existed
but at the same time not, everything was calm and time felt frozen, as if I were only
my consciousness floating in the middle of nowhere.

There are many other methods people have made in order to help them and others
shift, so it’s all about trying them and seeing which one is best for you. And in case
you still haven't managed to shift, you shouldnt be discouraged. Taking breaks from
shifting attempts is advisable since the amount of concentration this requires can
often be draining.

One last thing I’d like to point out is that when you shift, yourself from this reality just
keeps living life and doing the stuff you normally would, no one would even notice
your awareness is currently in another reality because even if that’s the case, the
you from this reality is still you!

This subject has so many things to it, and not having much time to speak about it
makes it hard to cover everything, but hopefully if you are interested in shifting after
hearing about it, you’ll do some more research on this. Have fun shifting, and be
safe everyone!!


Dobrijevic, D., & Stein, V. (2021, 3 noviembre). Do parallel universes exist? We

might live in a multiverse. Space.Com.

Kabnurkar, R. (s. f.). Void State. WINGSPAN.

Wikipedia contributors. (2022, 21 abril). Butterfly effect. Wikipedia.

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