Apostles - Linga - Vincent Angelo - Activity3 Politics PDF

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President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Romualdez Marcos Jr.

Malacañang Palace
San Miguel, Manila 1005

March 07, 2023

Dear Mr. President:

In light of the numerous issues our nation is currently facing, I am writing to you today
as a concerned citizen to convey my opinions and concerns regarding the structure of our
political structure and government. I believe that there are some issues that affect many
people nowadays such as corruption, ongoing pandemic, and economic challenges. As we
face these numerous crises, I consider it vital to talk about how our political system and
government are structured. In this letter, I want to express my opinions and worries about
the state of our political condition as well as some suggestions for how we may cooperate
to address these issues and build a better future for our nation.

First and foremost, I perceive that our current political system has to be re-evaluated
and reformed. The current system has been plagued by corruption, inefficiency, and lack
of accountability, which has tremendously harmed our country's progress and
development. It's time to examine our democratic system's flaws and build a more
efficient and responsible government.

I encourage the government to prioritize giving the needs of the people in light of the
present issues we face, such as the ongoing pandemic and economic challenges. The
government should make sure that sufficient funds are set aside to solve these problems
and that every attempt is made to lessen their negative effects on the population. The
government must make sure that funds are allocated properly while tackling the
challenges. This implies that funds must be allocated to providing food, shelter, and other
essential services to those who need them most.
Furthermore, I believe it's essential for the government to interact with the public in a
clear and effective manner. The people have the rights to know how the government is
handling these problems and what steps are being done to ensure their wellbeing.

In conclusion, as a concerned citizen, I urge the government and political leaders to

take action in re-evaluating and reforming our political system to ensure accountability,
efficiency, and transparency. It's crucial to prioritize the needs of the people, especially
during these difficult times, and distribute funds appropriately to solve ongoing problems.
Moreover, I encourage the government to engage with the public clearly and effectively
to ensure that the public is informed of government actions and progress. I trust that you,
as the President of the Philippines, will consider my suggestions and take decisive actions
to build a better future for our nation. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Vincent Angelo M. Linga

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