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Name: Phạm Hà Kiều Oanh

Class: D21NNAN10



1.1 Background (150 words): A short introduction of Faculty and School/University

Thu Dau Mot University is a public school established in June 2009 in Binh Duong
province. The forerunner of the school is Binh Duong Pedagogical College. The campus
is 6.74 hectares wide and includes nearly 19,000 staff, teachers, and students. A
university currently has seven multidisciplinary faculties, five institutes, 14 functional
departments, 11 centers in many fields. Since its founding, the school has achieved many
outstanding achievements with the philosophy of "Aspiration - Responsibility -
Creativity". Regarding the faculty of foreign language, the training content includes 120
credits within four years divided into two phases. Phase one is the first two years,
students learn the general knowledge and basic knowledge of the English language that
helps students develop political thought, critical-creative thinking, etc. And the second
phase is the last two years, students study specific knowledge, have career internships,
and make reports graduate providing in-depth English language knowledge help them be
able to adapt to a dynamic and challenging working environment.

1.2 The importance of English in modern life (120 words): Students’ writing

English has gained wide prominence sử dụng rộng rãi over the years because of
its importance in modern life. First, you will get many high-paying job opportunities
in many fields, especially in an international environment. In addition, English is a
global common language, so we have access to many sources of information,
knowledge, and culture. From there, our thinking and vision will be deeper and more
civilized. Not only that, but English also plays the role of connecting and creating
relationships through communication. For example, we can use English as a common
language to communicate with people who come from different countries. In
conclusion, English nowadays plays a vital role and become a common language in
various cultures.


2.1 History of English (200 words): Based on Textbook

The English language has changed and evolved over time so it has a long history.
First, English is origin from a West Germanic language that is a member of the Frisian
family. After 400 DC, England came under the control of German invaders. They
brought the Anglo-Frisian dialect to mainly Celtic-populated Britain. And the invaders
formed Old English by spoken dialects. In 1066, the Norman conquest initiated major
changes to the English language. From there, the Anglo-Norman rule lasted for 300
years, and during this time it featured a combination of French vocabulary and syntax.
In the late thirteenth century, English was restored as the official language of all of the
classes and of the courts. Since then, English continued to develop in both its written
and spoken varieties in its modern form.

2.2 Academic Programs (150 words): Write a summary of the whole Program

Chương trình đào tạo kéo dài 4 năm gồm 120 tín chỉ chia làm hai giai
đoạn. Giai đoạn 1 là hai năm đầu học sinh sẽ học kiến thức giáo dục phổ thông
và kiến thức cơ sở ngành. Ở giai đoạn này, người học sẽ nghiên cứu các kiến
thức nền tảng của giáo dục đại học và các kiến thức khoa học xã hội cần thiết.

Giai đoạn thứ hai, sinh viên bắt đầu tìm hiểu kiến thức chuyên ngành, đi
thực tập và làm báo cáo tốt nghiệp. Đến giai đoạn này, người học có tư duy đổi
mới, có đủ năng lực và trình độ chuyên môn, nghiệp vụ đáp ứng nhu cầu xã hội.
Ngoài ra, sinh viên còn được trang bị các kỹ năng mềm giúp hoàn thiện bản
thân. Sau khi tốt nghiệp, sinh viên sẽ được cấp bằng cử nhân tiếng Anh với
nhiều cơ hội việc làm trong môi trường quốc tế.

2.3 Teaching and learning activities (120 words): How lecturers teach, How students
learn at university

Unlike high school, the university is more about the guidance of lecturers and
students are mainly self-study. When going to class, the lecturer will ask questions or
bring up the problems for students to work in groups or make presentations. And each
student can give their own opinion to lecturers. The teacher is a guide so that students
can self-study in the right direction. As for students, they don't just sit and listen to
teachers and take notes passively like in high school. When going to university,
students will learn actively that they will be given presentations and teamwork to
collect your knowledge. Besides, students also study soft skills and work experience.
In general, lecturers and students have a close relationship because lecturers can learn
a lot from their students and the opposite.

2.4 Job opportunities (100 words): Where and Which fields students can work after
graduation 

The English language major is a potential major for the domestic and foreign labor
market so there are many job opportunities after graduation. First, students can teach at
schools and foreign language centers. Second, students can work at agencies and units
that use English with job positions such as guides (hướng dẫn viên) , consultants,
translators (phiên dịch) , interpreters,... Third, with the advantage of English, students can
practice more professional skills suitable to work in ASEAN countries and other
countries. And final, students can participate in Master and Doctoral training programs to
research. In conclusion, after graduation, you can work in different fields but you must
have the necessary skills and abilities to meet the needs of society.
2.5 Prospective goals (80 words): Students write 3 their own goals to pursue when taking
the program 

When taking the program, I have many goals but I pursue three important ones.
The first goal is to master the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The second goal, I will become an interpreter. This job requires not only language
skills but also many other necessary skills. The third goal, I can travel abroad and
expand relationships with foreign friends. It helps me to improve myself and have new
ideas and thoughts. In conclusion, the English language helps us integrate
internationally, but we have to study efforts and practice to achieve the above goals.


3.1 Description of the four skills-Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing (150): Based on

kỹ năng tiếp thu và sản xuất

. Kỹ năng đầu tiên trong bốn kỹ năng ngôn ngữ là nghe, là sự kết hợp của việc
xác định âm thanh của lời nói và xử lý chúng thành từ và câu. Kỹ năng lắng nghe cần
sự tập trung và chú ý hơn để hiểu những gì mọi người đang nói. Thứ hai, nói về bản
chất là tạo ra âm thanh bởi nhiều bộ phận trên cơ thể chúng ta để chúng ta có thể
truyền đạt thông tin hoặc bày tỏ suy nghĩ và cảm xúc. Kỹ năng thứ ba trong số bốn kỹ
năng này là đọc, là quá trình thu nhận thông tin bằng cách nhìn vào một loạt các ký
hiệu được viết và truyền tải nó. Kỹ năng này không phải là tùy chọn nhưng nó là nền
tảng để cải thiện một kỹ năng khác. Nó giúp bạn làm quen với ngôn ngữ bằng cách lặp
lại. Cuối cùng, viết là việc sử dụng các ký hiệu để tạo thành từ và câu để truyền đạt
thông điệp của bạn một cách rõ ràng và dễ dàng. Nó đòi hỏi một lượng từ vựng và
kiến thức về ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu.

3.2 Own experiences in learning these skills (120 words): Students’ writing

For each language skill, I have my own experiences to improve and develop
them. First is the listening skill, I practice listening on the Internet such as watching
movies, listening to podcasts …Second is about speaking, I usually speak about
everything that happened surrounding me. Besides, I also record my voice to improve
the intonation and many different mistakes. The third is for reading, I spend two hours
a day reading books. I find myself suitable books about many fields. And final is the
writing, I practice writing every day by writing a diary at the end of the day. For
writing in the class, I use the grammar check app to support me. In conclusion, I try to
create an English environment to become familiar with this language.


(150-200 words)

During the course, I have plans to improve my English language skills. The first
objective, I will improve my general knowledge of the English language. To improve, I
have to follow the lectures and do more exercises. The second objective, I have to
improve my English communication skills. I watch many conversations on Youtube and
then imitate them. Besides, I also practice speaking English with my friends or teachers.
For the third objective, I started searching and reading English books to boost my
vocabulary and improve my writing skills. I spend two hours a day reading and
maintaining it to become a good habit in study and life. And the final objective is
improve my time management skills. Before going to bed, I create my timetable for the
next day so that I can control and get things done. To achieve these plans, I must strictly
follow the schedules, be flexible, and adapt to changes. In short, having a clear plan and
study efforts will help us succeed in learning English.


Through the essay, we have overviewed the history of English, its importance, and
job opportunities. Not only that, we have more information about Thu Dau Mot
University and the faculty of language. English is one of the common languages in the
world and plays a vital role in many fields. So we have to learn to be able to benefit

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