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By Nobboc - Art: Li-An

Requirement: Minimum DEX 9

Prime Requisite: DEX and CON
Hit dice: 1d6
Maximum level: 6
Armour: No
Weapons: Any appropriate to size
Languages : Alignement language,
Hamstlinguo, Common, Gnomish,

and the secret and rudimentary
language of small burrowing rodents like
logs, apodemus, shrews or mole rats.

These small (3-ft tall) humanoids are Defensive Bonus

fairly robust, with small legs and arms, Due to their small size, Hamsteros
anda pudgy figure due to their thick, gain a +2 bonus to Armour Class when
puffy fur. attacked by large opponents (greater
Hamsteros are often mistaken for than human sized).
extremely shy, but most of them are
merely restrained and modest. They Climbing Sheer Surfaces
make loyal companionsto those who Hamsteros are generally barefoot.
treat them with respect. Their small clawed feet make them
amazing climbers. Their base chance of
Prime requistes: A Hamstero with at climbing is 70% + the Hamstero’s level.
least 13 in one prime requisite gains a
5% bonus to experience. If both DEX Cheeks of Holding
and CON are 16 or higher, the Hamste- • A Hamstero can use their cheeks as a
ro gets a +10% bonus. storing space. They can hold one small
object per level (the referee is the final
Combat authority as to what counts as a small
Hamsteros are unable to wear any object).
armour over their thick fur. They have a • Moreover, the Hamstero can look for
natural AC of 6 [13]. other items in their cheeks. Once per
Hamsteros train with all sorts of day and per level, any small mundane
weapons. They cannot use longbows or item can be found with a 3-in-6 chance.
two-handed swords.
An unarmed Hamstero can bite with Silly Shrieking
razor-like incisors for 1d4 When a Hamstero is surprised, they
damage. can’t help but briefly cry out in fear. All
opponents with less than 4 HD must
save vs Paralysis or be dazed for one
round. The Hamstero’s allies are gene- Pulkypuk, 3rd level Hamstero
By Benjamin Baugh - Art: Evlyn M

Requirement: -

Prime Requisite: CHA
Hamstero Level Progression Hit dice: d4
Maximum level: 10
Level XP HD THACO D W P B S Climbing

Armour: special
1 0 1d6 19 [0] 16 9 10 13 12 94 Weapons: special
2 1,500 2d6 19 [0] 14 9 10 13 12 95 Languages : Alignment language,
3 3,000 3d6 19 [0] 12 9 10 13 12 96 Common, Goblin.
4 6,000 4d6 17 [+2] 10 7 8 10 10 97
5 12,000 5d6 17 [+2] 8 7 8 10 10 98 This class is a more generic version Special abilities:
6 25,000 6d6 17 [+2] 6 7 8 10 10 99 of the Goblin Enchantress, found on • A Swarm Lord surrounds herself with
Evlyn’s Chaudron Chromatique blog*. a mob of eager and utterly loyal vermin
Fast Hibernation - or indeed, any kind of small creature,
rally used to this embarrassing beha- A Swarm Lord is a person who has such as birds, insects, snakes, rats,
viour and can act normally (unless they Every full day of uninterrupted rest in a learned the trick of summoning and spiders, and similar. Some Swarm Lords
were surprised too). safe and comfortable area, Hamsteros controlling some small creature, nearly summon a mixed mass of tiny nasties,
heal 1d6 hit points instead of 1d3. If the harmless individually, but powerful in while others control a specific type.
Constant Activity hibernation is interrupted, the hamste- mass. The Swarm Lord forsakes martial Regardless, the abilities of the swarm
Hamsteros have a hard time staying ro must save vs Wands or lose 1d6 hp and magical training, instead dedicating are the same.
still and focused. They tend to want themselves to mastering the ways of The strength of this swarm is repre-
to hop about, run on all fours, turn an After reaching 6th Level their small subjects, of perfecting their sented by a swarm die (dS). This die be-
empty barrel into an improvised wheel, rule over their vermin kingdom. These
A Hamstero can build gins at d6, and improves as the Swarm
etc. The referee should feel free to princesses in rags, these gutter queens,
an underground stronghold that Lord levels, and the swarms she is able
apply penalties to reaction rolls, ability they may appear harmless, and indeed,
attracts friendly humanoid rodents to summon grow in size and power. At
checks, and the like when this constant most are.
from far and wide. They will serve the first level, only a single command may
activity may prove problematic. But it is not the Swarm Lord you should
Hamstero be given to a swarm, but a Swarm Lord
and ensure the security of the burrow. fear, but the swarm. can issue more complex orders as she
Underground Orientation
In exchange for this service, the gains levels of experience.
Being natural burrowers, Hamstero Restrictions
Hamstero must tirelessly tell their epic Sometimes, a swarm will be reduced
adventurers always know the direction
adventures, train the most valiant of his Swarm Lords use four-sided dice (d4) in strength. If used for a dangerous
they are facing when underground retainers, and encourage them to seek to determine their hit points. They may or risky action – as noted below –
their own fame on the roads. wear leather and chain armor, but if so and if the swarm die rolls a 1, then it
armored, can not use some of their spe- is reduced in size one step. So a d6
cial abilities (see below). They may not becomes a d4, and a d4 becomes a d2.
use shields. They may use any type of There is always some vermin about, so
one-handed weapon, but if armed, may it can never be reduced below a single
not use some of their special abilities point. The Swarm Lord can rebuild their
(see below). Further, because of their swarm by taking an exploration turn
special relationship with swarming (10 minutes) to summon more vermin
vermin, they may never have normal to rule, using her sirenlike influence.
retainers or followers, though they can The swarm die is then increased by
take on giant intelligent versions of one step, up to the maximum her level
their swarm creatures as retainers. allows.


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