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Copyright Material IEEE
Paper No. PCIC-98-28

A. Wayne Ashley
Life Member, IEEE
Ashley Consulting Co.
PO Box 5488
Katy, TX 77491

ABSTRACT: There are many occasions when an engineer required for more sophisticated analysis.
may have an opportunity to provide a valuable service by
quickly estimating: A) Voltage drop(s) associated with adding It is assumed that the reader is familiar with basic
a load on a system, or 6)Short circuit amperes available at a calculating tools such as the Per Unit method and/or the
system location. This does not necessarily call for precision Mva method of analyzing power quantities. (There are
values such as obtained by a full-fledged study, but may be several good references for either method, if further
the first step in quantifying a problem which can result in a research on the subject IS desired.) [2],[31,[4]It is, however,
detailed study requirement. The Author offers some quick not necessary to use either method in great detail in order to
and simple short cuts for such calculations, using a minimum employ the short-cuts described. Both methods will be
of data and a hand held computing device. Several examples useful in some examples.
are included for Radial Systems, and some guidance offered PLEASE NOTE: For the sake of simplicity, all conductor
on more complex power systems. calculations will be based on copper characteristics. Short
circuit and voltage drop estimates are with the assumption
I. INTRODUCTION that a "snap shot" of the circuit is taken, with source
voltages and equipment behavior frozen in time
(consistent), without considering that all parameters are
The scope of this paper includes illustrations of various constantly moving up and down and all around in real life!!
simplified techniques useful for arriving at estimated
voltage drops and short circuits in various types of Another purpose in writing the paper, is to hopefully
INDUSTRIAL power systems. (Most significant industrial increase the readers' enjoyment of working with actual
loads are usually motors, while commercial systems [I] numbers instead of relying totally on computer outputs!!
usually consist of a higher percentage of lighting loads and Maybe it is even possible,to have some fun with numbers
may not be estimated by the same method.) These and amaze some of your'peers in the process!! The hope is
techniques are intended to be useful to: to make the paper more readable and enjoyable as a
Define easily obtainable and useful mathematical somewhat different approach to estimating. Working with
ratios, numbers is easier, also, when you don't have to carry out to
Simplify circuits to show essential elements useful in 6 decimal places!! With a little practice with some of these
quickly estimating values, techniques, you won't have to carry that laptop ALL the
Provide guidance to readers for intelligent use of time!!--but don't leave home without your calculator!!
Help define problem areas to assess the need of more II. PREPARING TO DO THE ESTIMATE
detailed studies of the systems.
Consider why the estimate is a good idea--what purpose will
The author has had success with the results of the methods be served by the estimate??
described to develop such "on the spot" estimates as
voltage drops due to starting motors, giving insight into the Predicting the effect of adding load (steady state
magnitude of potential short circuits, and establishing rough voltage drop or transformer KVA needs)?
operating parameters through use of assumed values. Establishing what voltage drop may occur-and where,
NOTE: IT IS NOT INTENDED THAT THE METHODS due to a motor starting?
Assessing short circuit current magnitude possibilities?
COMPLETE STUDY. Making appropriate assumptions can
give initial estimates quickly, a n d with r e a s o n a b l e insight Assisting in system understanding for planning needs?
into a power system configuration, can result in very useful Help in specifying equipment? (Front End Loading?)
information about the factors mentioned. Riqorous data Defining the need for a system studylcomputer model?
gathering and considerably more involved calculations are

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it can be established that meaningful answers to any or all the transformer primary. Error of perhaps 1% voltage drop
six questions will require similar information about the can be neglected for the estimated result.][2],[3]
power system. The information required will include details
of the power source (or Utility), data on the transformer(s) 4.0 If the transformer is close coupled to the secondary
involved, load information (on existing as well as expected bus, neglect the secondary impedance 24 (Bus or cable).
load additions) , installation details, motor application data,
and possibly size and approximate length of feeder cables 5.0 If the New Load feeder cable is say 100 feet long or
or buswork. If there is a co-gen or in-plant generation, less, neglect impedance 25. For a long feeder, assume
system data must represent that as well. design criteria of 1% to 3% voltage drop in the cable. [5]

- New
Utility -- Primary Txfmr Sec0ndary Feeder Load
z1 22 23 24 25 Z6
Substation Bus Existing Load - V Feeder Bus
(Constant Kva)

A one line diaqram is essential, to be able to get an (Note: neglecting 25 will result in conservative (high)
overview of the system elements involved with the questions estimated short circuit current at the motor terminals. A
to be answered. It can be a simple sketch to show the closer estimate can be obtained by dividing assumed feeder
important connections between equipment and how the voltage drop by motor rated amps, and using that value for
power source(s) fit in. In some cases--sometimes often, it 25.) [6],[7] Also, see Example #2, Appendix A.
may be necessary to make “educated” assumptions for data
not readily available. Examples will illustrate this point. 6.0 If there is no existing load, delete 27. If there is existing
load, estimate constant Kva (use IHp=lKva) as a simple
111. ESTIMATES FOR A SIMPLE RADIAL SYSTEM approach, neglecting any connecting cable impedance.

A typical set of power system components is block 7.0 New load, Z6 (or an existing load to be evaluated for
diagrammed in Fig 1. Putting these in perspective begins effect) , must be known or estimated (1Hp=l Kva).
our approach to simplifying the calculations. Regardless of
the math to be performed, a brief analysis is helpful. Therefore, with these assumptions, the system now may be
said to consist of only four elements to be considered: the
A.: Suqqested “Rules of Thumb” for estimating impedance utility (or power source), the transformer, the existing load,
for a Simple Radial System : and the new load to be added. If the existing load is very
1.0 Utility short circuit impedance Zl(or Mva) can usually small or not present, there are only three elements to
be obtained from the commercial representative If not, an consider. [ Fig. 21 This allows our estimates to be calculated
estimate must be made based on local criteria or from in- by using Kva or Mva ratios, without necessity of complicated
plant sources. Don’t forget the service voltage description. or detailed per unit mathematics. The results of these
estimates are intended to be helpful to the engineer in
2.0 If the utility and primary service are close- say within 50 keeping the calculations simple and straight forward.
feet or so-- to the transformer, neglect 22 ( primary bus and (CAUTION: An estimate such as this is not considered
switching equipment impedance). criteria for making major financial decisions!! The results are
useful for “ball-parking” and should help point out the need
3.0 If the Utility short circuit (Mvasc) is 25 or more times the for more careful study, or perhaps help evaluate an existing
transformer Mvasc rating, an infinite bus can be assumed at condition.) See Exarnples #I thru #4 in Appendix A and B.

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B Calculations for the Simple Radial System, per the The ratio of total load Kva to Txfmr Kva per the method in
assumptions in part Ill A [Fig 2) par. 3 a) will show the comparison. Similarly, adjust motor
total short circuit contribution to include 4 x new motor
1 0 Determine Utility short circuit Kva (Kvasc) as given or amps. (NOTE: These estimated values are 3 0 Symmetrical,
calculated from Z1 data If this Kva 2 25 x Tx Kvasc, neglect without applying X/R factors. WR ratios and multipliers for
Z1 and assume infinite bus at the transformer primary Error such are not within the scope of this paper.)
z 1 0 - [(I
x25) - (1 + 25)] z 4%, if no primary bus drop
5.0 Estimating motor terminal voltage on starting is part of
the necessary information for adding a new motor load to the
system. The existing load is a factor, since it is considered

UtilityKva fixed Kva adding to the starting Kva of the new unit.
Nameplate locked rotor current, for starting under rated
voltage, is not always available data, so it is often estimated
as 6 x approximate rated(p.u.) amps for induction motors.
z1 Starting current is highly inductive and very low power factor.
Therefore, it produces a relatively high voltage drop across
the transformer--directly proportional to the transformer
impedance.[6] Assuming a 3% drop in feeder cable at
normal load, a 600% locked rotor current would produce 18%
drop in the feeder. That reduces motor terminal volts, which
reduces locked rotor amps-and so on! Therefor using 5 x
1p.u. instead of 6 is a closer estimate, assuming we do not
have higher than normal voltage in the system. [I21
On starting, our “consolidated system” overall voltage drop
from utility to motor can now be estimated at:
{(Motor Start Kva + Exist‘g Kva) + Txfmr Kva Base} x {%&}
+ ( feeder cable drop of about 15%) 2 %V.D. to motor. [7]
FOR SIMPLE RADIAL SYSTEM If this calculation results in an estimated voltage of about

I 80% of nameplate at the motor terminals, a detailed analysis
of the system is advisable. It will likely be necessary to
consider all the actual data instead of the assumptions
made. (Best idea: model it with a good software program,
2.0 Estimate the existing load, presumed to be primarily so several combinations and iterations of data can be seen!)
motor load (27),converted to 1Kva per Hp. If it is less than
10% of the transformer Kva base rating, neglect existing
load. If the load value is not obvious, check the one line
diagram and/or confer with operations to obtain estimated
Kva. This should be the maximum expected load to be Source Utility Mva = Base Mva t P.U.Z1
operating at the same time the new load will be starting up z1
and operating. Assume a power factor for the load at 80%
unless actual data is available. New motor start PF E 15-20%
3.0 a) The existing steady state voltage drop at the low
voltage transformer terminals can be approximated as:
Transformer Mva = Txfmr Mva i Txfmr Z p.u.
% V.D. E [{Load Kva i Txfmr Base Kva} x Txfmr %Z p.u.1
The actual voltage output will depend on the setting of the
LV Main Mva = (Kvline)2+ ohms
transformer tap changer, and the nameplate tap data.
(Note: For more information on applying tap settings, see the
References. Our estimate assumes standard voltages.) [6]
3.0 b) Short circuit current at the transformer secondary,
Existing / z5
with the infinite bus assumed is:
Isc = {I rated i Z3p.u.) in 3 - 0 Symmetrical amps
(For solidly grounded neutral, losc = Isc by assumption.)
I I ..i Mva = (Kvline)‘+ R

Add motor contribution, assuming induction motors, at

4 x existing motor amps. (Assumed Xd”” at 0.17 and a 1.5
multiplier, equivalent t o 0.25 P.U. reactance, 3 0 Symm.) [7]
Mva = HP i 0.25
I NewLoad Z6
Mva = HP + 0.2


4.0 To estimate the impact of adding new load Kva, add it
to existing Kva and predict new steady-state voltage drop.

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6 0 If the Utility impedance is a factor (Mvasc-Utiltiy) is less If we want to convert to the Simple Radial System equivalent,
than 25 x (Mvasc-Txfmr) , or if the feeders are long or have in order to add a load, one short cut is to lump the other
significant impedance, we then have 4 or 6 elements to branch loads as a single constant Kva existing load That in
consider instead of 3 This complicates our estimates parallel with the new load on the branch to be modified,
somewhat, but with a little extra help from the Mva method, converts our diagram to the Simple version1 So, calculations
and a little more data, we can still do the job without a lot of can then follow the same pattern as we just went through
extra effort [4] We need the Utility short circuit Mva, and if With all loads fed from the main transformer upstream, we
the primary service has length, we must assume some can predict the total system impact on the main service The
impedance for that, (perhaps 1 0% voltage drop at most difficult part of this approach is getting the load data on
transformer rated amps, as a reasonable estimate) the several branches involved Even in this case, though, it
is possible to arrive at reasonable assumptions for
On the motor end, if we know the motor amps and that the transformer loading with a visit to the site Refer to Example
feeder cable is long, even if we do not know the cable size, No 3, Appendix A
we can estimate perhaps 3% drop at motor full load
amps [8] Make a little sketch and tabulate this data, such 2.0 The Marn-Tie-Main System (also called the Secondary
as in the sketch for Fig 3 W e can then go to our little Selective System), usually consists of two separate sources
pocket-size book of tables and do some more number feeding a switchgear line-up, with two incoming transformers,
crunching [9] See Example #2, Appendix A, for this case, two secondary main breakers, and a tie breaker between
using the Mva method Note all the elements in the them, either normally closed or normally open, as in Fig. 5.
diagram must be converted to Mva equivalents, so keep a In this case, with a normally open tie, each incoming service
good calculator handy right there in your notebook11 (If can be a Simple Radial type regardless of whether the two
more detail is really needed, knowing the cable length and service transformers are fed from the same source or not.
size, and the locked rotor Kva code of the motor will help!) Using the methods already described, each incoming service
[91,1101 and its associated bus feeders can be analyzed as a "stand
alone" system.
AND OTHER SYSTEMS If, however, the tie breaker is closed, the two systems now
must be combined in parallel for analysis of either V.D. or
There are many other combinations of power equipment Short Circuit. Here again, our old friend the "Mva Method" is
systems, much more complex than the Simple Radial handy and simple to use. (See Example #4, Appendix B.)
System Names include the Expanded Radial System, Although somewhat more data is required than with the
Double-ended (as in Main-Tie Main), Secondary Selective, Simple Radial System, the analysis is quite straight forward
Loop and Ring-bus, and others (111 W e cannot hope to by using combining techniques to form an equivalent simple
discuss all those in this short paper HOWEVER, the building radial system. It is also possible that one of the incoming
block of most systems is the Radial System The larger sources is a generator, which of course makes combining the
systems can be analyzed (for estimating purposes) much the two a more complex problem. (The incorporation of Co-Gen
same way as the Simple Radial System--by prudent use of units is an element of more complex systems. These are not
estimates and combining of system loads into blocks such as addressed in this paper, due to the many variations in
the "Existing Load' used in our first section operating characteristics and applications. It is possible,
however, to use the combining techniques described herein
1 0 An Expanded Radial System configuration usually to simplify the various generator distribution systems.)
consists of a single main source that is supplying several
feeds off a common bus, with a single main breaker in line
The separate feeders may have individual large loads, or
may be sub-feeds to other transformers Fig 4 Incoming Mains

Incoming Main & Txfmr

I n
New Load
(Can be another
Simple Radial System
(Lump existing to convert
to Simple Radial System) A Feeders B Feeders
. .-.

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3.0 Loop Svstems and Rina Buses are more and more often In Example #4, Appendix 8, part of the data has computer
seen in the industrial complex. Most of the circuits that tie software results as a comparison check on our rough
into these more involved and intricate services, can still be estimates. Results, only, are shown in order to conserve
analyzed by the “Simple Radial tricks” described. paper!!
HOWEVER, getting deeply into these systems requires much
more detailed and comprehensive analysis than we have Vi. REFERENCES
access to with the techniques described in this paper.
Therefore these diagrams are not included in the examples. 1.0 IEEE Std. 241-1990, Gray Book, “Commercial Building
Power Systems” , Chapter 2.
For more information on these circuits and systems, there
are a number of excellent sources, several of which are 2.0 Industrial Power Systems Handbook, 1955 Ed., Donald
included in the References listed at the end of this paper. Beeman; McGraw-Hill Books, Chapter 4.

4.0 Generation sources in many parts of the country or the 3.0 IEEE Std. 141-1993, Red Book, ”Electric Power
world at large, may be “stand alone” system suppliers, and Distribution for Industrial Plants”, Chapter 2 and 3.
may be the prime consideration in predicting voltage or short
circuit current behavior. In general, data can be obtained on 4.0 ABC’s of Short Circuit Analysis-Revisited, Programmable
machine characteristics from the supplier or from a user Hand-Held Calculator Solutions; PClC #PCI-82-1, by
manual-even on some units that are relatively old. We can Moon Yuen, Weston Fenner, Dennis Dias.(call ASK -IEEE)
make some assumptions about characteristics of impedance
(Xd”, Xd’, Xd) based on average data from various 5.0 IEEE Std. 141-1993, Red Book, ibid: Ch. 3, pg 98-101 8,
manufacturers. (121, (131, (141 However, the variables Table 3.12
relating to stability, excitation iystems, transient response or
mechanical drive factors do not lend themselves well to our 6.0 Industrial Power Systems Handbook, ibid.’ Fig. 4.29-30.
“short cuts”. As with co-gen units, this subject is considered
outside the scope of this paper. 7.0 IEEE Std. 141-1993, ibid: Ch. 4A, Table T4A-1

V. CONCLUSIONS 8.0 NFPA 70, National Electric Code, 1996 Ed., Article 215-2

It is true that many of the cases mentioned can be calculated 9.0 NFPA 70, ibid: Chapter 9, Table 9
(no, make that “estimated”!), with a little imagination and
sometimes not a lot of information It is also true that, 10.0 NFPA 70, ibid: Article 430, Table 430-7b
depending on the assumptions, there can be a fairly wide
variation in the end results. Therefore, as in many areas of 11.0 IEEE Std. 141-1993, ibid: Chapter 2, Part 2.4.2
our engineering decision processes, there is no substitute for
good data, or at least a credible result from data at hand!! 12.0 Industrial Power Systems Handbook, ibid: Ch 4, 253-255
If the project involves a high capital outlay, the estimating
process may assist in some pre-design planning, but the 13.0 IEEE Std. 141-1993, ibid: Chapter 3, Part 3.11.6
computer model of the system and more rigorous attention to
necessary technical details cannot be overlooked if results 14.0 Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book
are to be optimized. 1952 Edition, Westinghouse Electric Corp. (Source-??)

Another benefit of a good estimating technique, is the ability

to spot check the computer output!! Sometimes, though the
computers run the numbers correctly, maybe the input to the
computer has a misplaced decimal point or some such, and VI1 APPENDIX-EXAMPLES FOLLOWiNG
the output may therefore be unreal! It is advisable to have
some idea of what the numbers should be, to be a bit more
A . Example #I: Simple Radial System, 3-Element
confident in the data output. Example #2: Simple Radial System, 5-Element
Example #3: Expanded Radial System
This paper attempts to help the engineerheader to more fully
appreciate the meaning of numbers, and to encourage the B. Example #4: Main-Tie-Main System, with software
use of fundamental mathematics in power analysis, as well results and comparison tables.
as the high powered elements of the digital computer!! The
same philosophy applies here as in answer to the New York
question; “ How do I get to Carnegie Hall”. The answer is:
“Practice, Practice, Practice”.

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Example #4 will provide software analysis for comparison of
results on a more complex system.
Examole 1.O SimDle Radial Svstem. %Elements
12,470Y17200 3-PH 4W
12.47KvI480Yl277, 3 0 , lOOOKva Txfmr T1, 5.5%2, I
Source Isc = 20,000 amp, close connected primary and
Mvasc = 432
secondary to T I . N e w transformer, install 250 hp, 46Ov.
induction motor, F I A = 300. LRA = 1800, 0.17 impedance,
underground PVC conduit, I O O f t w/ 3 single conductor
#5OOMCM cables. Estimate voltage drop to motor on .......... ............
starting and Isc, 3 0 sym amps interrupting at 480 volt bus. j Primary Bus i 0.1 ohms
1.ICalculations by estimate, per 3-dement diaclram. Ficl.1:
i HVFeeder ; Example#2

a) Utility Mvasc = 12.47 x 43 x 20000 + IO00 = 432 Mva I2 , 4 7 0 1 4 a o ~ i m

Neglect Utility impedance, since 432 Mva z 25(TI)Mvasc 5.5 % Z (Mvasc = 18.2)
thus consider T I has infinite bus on Primary utility.

b) T I Isc = [(IO00 + (480 x 43)] t 0.055 = 21,870 amp.

Add motor contribution of 4 x 300 =- amD
Total, 3 0 sym =

c) Voltage drop to motor, neglect cable impedance since the

length of run = 100 R,

V,D, = (MI Start Mva -+ T I Mva) x T I @U%

V.D. =((5 x 250) + 1000] x 5.5 % = 1.25 x 5.5% = 6.9% ...............

Motor terminal volts = 480 (1 .O - 0.069) = 447v at start.

1.2 Recalculate same problem using Mva Method 141

& #2
W M P L E S #I
a) Utility Mva = 432 (from 1. I )

b) T-I Mva = 1000 + (0.055 x IOOO) = 18.2 Mva

c) Equation = (Mva # I x Mva #2) + (Mva # I + M v a #2) Examde ##2,same as Examele #1, with addition of
Wmarv Bus and Feeder Cable Imwdance
Mva resolved to 480 v. Bus = (432 x 18.2) + (432 + 18.2)
Equals: 17.5 equivalent Mva at 480 bus (TI sec.) 2.1 Calculate by MVA method

d) Motor Mva = 0.25 + 0.17 = 1.47 a) Pri. amps,Tl base rating =IO00 + ./3(12.47) = Ip = 46.3 a

e) Isc at 480 volt bus = Equiv. Mva + (Kv x 143) b) Zp = 0.1 ohms; Mva Pri.Bus = (KvL-L)~i Zp ohms =
Isc = (17.5 + 1.47) (1000) t 0.831 = 22.830 amp (12.47)’t 0.1 = 1550
3 0 Symmetrical, motor contribution included. c) Equiv. Mva to Tlpri = (432 x 1550) + (432 + 1550) =
9 Voltaae Drop to the motor: Tls== (338 x 18.2) i(338+18.2) = 17.2
M1Mvasc (motor) t V l Mvasc + M I Mvasc) =
1.47 t ( 17.5 + 1.47) = 0.067 or 6.7% d) Mva M 1 feed: (0.831)2 + (0.0043)= 161 (NEC Ch 9,T-9)
NOTE: Answers to 1.Iand 1.2 agree very closely, but note e) Equiv. MI& Cable = (1.47 x 161) + (1.47 + 161) = 1.46
how much easier to do 1.I!! Mva
1.3 Using engineering software requires the assignment of
both resistance and reactance (WR) to impedance values.
9 Isc at LV bus = (17.2 + 1.46) (1OOO) + 0.831 = 22.467 amD
The calculations above consider ohms as total impedance,
g) V.D. at motor: Eq. Mva = (17.2 x 161) i178.2 = 15.5
and the X/R ratio is not taken into account.
1.4 6 -+ (15.5 + I.46)= 0.086= 8.6% on startino.

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EXAMPLE #3: ExtMnded Radial Svstem

13.8KvY18Kv Utilitv Service

1.O Estimate MVA values from 13.8Kv to 416Ov Bus
(Refer to Example 1.O, part 1.2) Utility = 358 Mvasc SWCe Isc = 15OOO amp
Brkr. Mvasc = 358
a) Pri Fdr, assume 0.1 ohms, Mva = 1904 [9]
b) T1 = 5/0.06 = 83 Mva
c) Estimate equiv. Mva from Utility, Pri. Fdr. 81T1
I ' Primary Fdr #250MCM, 1-C/0 wish
UGC, PVC 700ft 209amp
Utility w/ Pri. Fdr. = 301 to T I primary
T I primary with T I Txfmr = 65 Mva to 416Ov Bus Main Txfmr TI, 5 Mva
d) Estimate motorlcable Mva
M I V.D. by Table 3-12 [5] = 9 . 7 ~ .L-L = 5.6 L-N 6 . 0 % 2 ONFA
Zc = 5.61145 = 0.039 n[9], (Kv)' + Zc = 443 Mva 65 Mvasc
Mva M1 = 5. Eauiv. = 4.94 to 4160v. bus Sec.Main Brkr.
M2 drop, by Table = 18.5 L-L, = 10.7 L-N
Zc = 10.7 I 7 5 = 0.14 R, (Kv)~+ ZC = 124 416Ov Swqr Bus 1200 am^
Mva M2 = 2.5. Eauiv. = 2.45 to 4160v. bus
e) Estimate Mva from "Other Loads"
Assume 0.25 Xd', Mva = 4 x 1.2 = 4.8
NOTE: No motor contribution u m a r d thru T2 from
the 480 volt motors was considered.
r) Mvasc to 4160 bus. 3 0 svm. = 65 + 12.19 = 77.19
300 ft #1/0 2 . 4 5 t 6 2;!b 49-$
Other Loads
1200hp Total

Isc = (77.19 x 1000) I(4.16 x 43) = 10.721 amDs T2 Svcs Txfmr

1.5 Mva OA 5.5%2
2.0 Estimate Isc at T2 480 volt Bus 4160148OYl277
1 rated, 4160v = 208 amp for 1500 Kva, but must
be sized for 125% (260amp), W O per NEC 310-77.
From Table 3-12, [5]and NEC [9}, the cable
has less than 0.5 Mva impact on limiting Isc to T2.

a) :.
Assume Mvasc to T2 = 65 4000v75a .I 480v MCC Bus 2000 amp

Mvasc, T2 = 1.5/0.055 = 27.3 0.2 Xd"
Equiv. to 480v. Bus = 65 x 27.31 92.3 = 19.2 Mvasc 1.o House
b) M3 Mva = 0.251(0.17 x 1.5) = 1.0 Svcs
M4 = M3= 1.0 5WP
House = 0.5 10.25 = 2.0 Misc.

c) Total, 48Ov Bus = 19.2 + 4.0 = 23.2 Mvasc

Isc = 23,200 I(0.48 x 43) = 27.91 8 a m p 3 0 Svm
lOOft #350MCM

- Ltg

3.0 Estimate Voltage Drops on Motor starting:

a) 4160 volt motors: bv Mva Method
1000 hp = 5 M v d (65 + 5) = 5/70 = 0.071, or 7.1%
46Ov 3Wa
0.17 Xd" fi 20Oft #500MCM
500 hp = 2.5 MvaI(65 + 2.5) = 2.5/67.5 = 3.7% W
Same as M3
Bv "rule of thumb" : [(5 x 1000) I50001 x 6.0 =-
or, with Other Loads on @ 2700hp total V.D. EXPANDED RADIAL SYSTEM
could be [(5 + 2.7)/5.01x 6.0 = 9 .2% FOR W M P L E S #3 & #4

b) 48Ov motors: by Mva Method: FIG. A-2

250 hP = 1.O Mval(19.2 + 1) = 0.0495 5%
All others runnina. Start 250 hD:
[ (1.0 + 0.25 + 0.1 + 0.5)./20.2] = 9%
NOTE : This system example is to demonstrate the means by
which the Simple Radial methods can be utilized on a larger
By rule of thumb: (1.25/1.5) x 5.5 =4.6% system. We combined the Utility, primary and transformer T I
or, with all others runnina. start 250 hD: to give us the equivalent of a simple system. The 480 volt
[(1.25 +0.85)/1 S] x 5.5 =- system had the 4160 volt service, but was analyzed as a
"stand alone" radial system. The next example will use this
Note the discrwancies. deDendina on the assumptions!! same scheme, and combine a second one with a tie breaker,
for a Main-Tie Main system, with computer runs for support.

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TIATxPri 113.8Kv 1 15073 I NA I 12594 /Computer run with lower Primary cable Zc.
4160BusA 14.16Kv 1 11052 1 11136 I 10736 /Note hiaher current at Utilitv bus!! Motors??
I 1 1
at M I A m t r
480v Bus A
lat M3A mtr
14.16 Kv
27918 1 t-
26718 \Software has cable drop included.

ITable 8-3 Short Circuit Currents, 4160v Bus Tie Closed NOTE; For Mva calculations, the system was
Location N. Volts Software ROT Mva analyzed by consolidating Mva's to Simple Radial
IOOOhp IOOOhp 1000hp System by method used in Example #3, Pg A2.
Utility 13.8 Kv 15900 15000 15000 ROT used combining of the impedance method
TIA Tx Pri 13.8 Kv 15070 NA NA and Mva and neglecting certain cable drops (Zc).
4160 Bus A 4.16Kv 19083 19190 18674 The computer software consistently applied
at M I A mtr 4.16Kv 16683 18500 18000 higher values of impedance than was estimated.
~ Bus
~ A 480v
~ _ 30741
_ _32162 _ 32030
_ Cable _ & B neglected
Zc to T2A
_ _ for ROT & Mva
at M3A mtr 480v 22545 30960 30830 " " " M3Anwlected " "

TIBTxPri 113.8Kv 1 15070 1

4160 Bus B 14.16Kv I 19083 1 19190 1 18674 1
at M I B mtr 14.16Kv 1 16683 I 18500 I 18000 I
480v Bus B 1480~ 1 30741 1 32162 1 32030 1 See notes for A Bus.
at M3B mtr 1480~ 1 22545
Incoming Utility
I 30960 1 30830 1 r
--358Mva I - -

General Observation: The Rule Of Thumb (ROT) and Mva
methods were fairlv consistant with the results obtained
1904Mva IPri. A & 8 11904Mva I by software, except for cable impedance, and appear to be
, I on the conservative side. HOWEVER: The ROT and Mva
83Mva TI A & B 83Mva values are much more difficult to apply when X/R ratios and
Tie Closed resistance influence are considered, than the software which
can easily accommodate all those factors. Further, the only
short circuit calculations shown are for 3rd cycle, 3-phase
134.6 Mva = 18,694 ampa4160 bus. symmetrical amperes--without DC or asymmetry effects.
Consolidated Mva Diagram

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL). Downloaded on June 25,2021 at 01:06:42 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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